m tendered Rev W] jollifl'c, B. , retiring Chmruun and President his intcndcu removal 1:) jun: . Pctcrboro to Clinton. Ontano. 'olhfl'c made a tancr and felici- reply. simxlar resolutnon, most suitably :d, was preScntcd to the Biggie; ‘ removal of Revs N D Drew and Ltggott. These two stundmg vozc ; each a very feeling reply. in“: annual District mectmg acted to he held in Mark strut 1b, PCICTbOl'O ,‘omnnttcc was appointed to ar- for a Sabbath School (Tuna... hoe depaxtment and N‘DH‘IS. and whether bet-s, harness, c , 1 in the: boot and slee rum: age solictcd. s of .‘a'r. \Vm. Str in. . to date: style, havmg rnakcr, who will altcnd 8H prices. “e haw a u†stock of trunks. "rants for...... 25¢ :sins {or ......... 25c p for ............25c It g-rup for ...... 25c bulk per 1b.... 3c t it repaired :sh.\% nether opportunity . Do not wait-a -r canned goods, eIse is Included. .3 gomg at cost Collins ha 12): Salt: 1 attended to . Steele’s Late. ’rrsidcnt m junc Omano. d felici- Staple Department--all new Goods. I Table ï¬nens 25¢, reg 30, 35c., reg 45c. Oxford“ sheetings 10c, reg I2§c. Towcling at 4 to 8c.â€"speciul,\ Sugars and Teas a Specialty. Crockery Deptâ€"King Edward 97 pc. Dinner Setts in Sago or l’cacock Blue, $10.50, reg. $12.50. White and gold 97 pc. Dinner ScttS $7.50, reg. $9 00. a: g _, ; CHARLES IVORY Men's Walkmg Boots 99c., reg. $r.25. Men's Dongola Boots 1.3g. reg. 1.75. Ladies’ Fine Button and . Lace 95c., reg. I 50 and 2 00. Large consngnment new Spring Hard Soft Hats and Caps including the popular “King Hat" worn by all. Carpets, I ‘yard wide, good patterns, at 35c. reg. 45c. Floar oilcloths, all widths, at 22c. square yd Floor linoliennes all Widths at 42 ï¬e. square yd. Lace curtains at 50C, 756, 356. $1 'upwzuds Chenile curtams at 2.50, regular $3.50, and upwards. Roller wmdow blinds, all col’s, 25c,~ reg 35c. up “'6: have opened up this week all our new Shirts and Collars direct from the celebrated Manufacturers Willxam Green Rome. Also all our new tics, braces, socks, underwear, gloves, c. Popular Store for Stylish Millinery, Fashionable Dress Making and the latest in Dress Trimmings. Our Millinery Openings last week‘were a grand success â€"â€"conducted by Miss Eakens. Millinery Rooms crow-Jed every day and sold more Hats than any previous season. Large consignment of New Millinery direct from New York this week including the very latest shapes. Large :liSplay of Ladies’ New Sailors and Ready~to-wcar Hats. Children’s Millincry a specialty. Our High Classed Trimmed Hats Will be exclusive in style. For this sale we will adhere as much as possible if requested. Ladies’ Tailoring and Dress Making.r Department. Miss Hill in Charge, making up beautxful Costumes and Dressesâ€"camper than you can buy readymede goods. Ladies’ Dresses made to order from our 50c. Dress Goods at $7.50 to $8.50, reg. $10 and $12 anywhere. Ladies†Costumes made upfrom 75ers and $1.00 goods at $ro to $12, reg. $12.50 and $15 anywhere. “U â€NU†mu. Ll uu1. : Ertea Bargains in [my Departtmen IVORY Omemee Teacher of Sight Singing Yeice Culture ‘ SATURDAY and MONDAY or each week is LIXDSAY. Studio connected with I). Vogue’s Dental Ofï¬ce. ~ M. T. Butcher Son, dcalcrs in furniture. Sim-cs, and Household (iuuds. â€scond hand goods bought .and sold. Hons-vs and lots for sale. Agents for nursery sleek. Corner of Simmc :mJ Watcr 51%., opp. Ontano Bank, Pctcrboro.â€"Box 599.â€"2m Inm thc prcm s:s of Henry Magec, a mics southmst of Omcmce, on 15! Con. of Em 13’, 3 Shz-cp. Owner can luv-c samz: by prm'mg p 'opcrly and paying [or this adv. .vzxder McMastcx Universxty ()uartette Messrs R 7H Williamson, George and Charles Spmcc spent the 24th at 31le :bwc-k. The many friends of Mr. Georgc Carey will be pleased to Icarn of his promotion to Captain of the Salvation Army Corps at Uxbridgc. Mr. and st. H. 15. Cmncron, of 130;: l‘ope and Mr. and Mrs. ]. MA. Murrow, uf'loronto, were the guests of Mr. J. 1. Lamb last chk Our Town Councxl, under the super- .vision of Street Commissioner Carey. is-dearing the :tnets of chds, 8m, .and our picturesque litzic town is look ing even cleancr than ever this spring. Conn. Carey is Ccrtainiy the right man in the: right plum, and Omemce is bound to pregrcss under his watchful :~)e,aitd with such Lconomical Ideas as Ccu mllm (.‘zmy possesses, the iown will add g~e fly to its bsauty with but very huh: expense. .3. WILLIAMSON, Tenor, Toronto, Subscribe for Mirror. . ’ . wmuu. u All In gum; In new UHUH'IO Mr. Gordon W right, who has been ; on a survey this summer. studying muszc In Toronto, is homc' ‘for a couple of \vecks. \Ir. Wright has 1 Our Village had a "Win 0" Snmlay c0: â€3th to sing a solo in the I’Ics- .-‘ last from ï¬ve of Lindsay (,‘hmmncn. . ‘ , ’ I [nu-nan (,hurch next Sunday. :’ Messrs. Wm. Adams, John Bennett Our Town Councxl, under the Supcr. § and T. C. Stephenson have commencâ€" vision of Street Commissioner Carey. ." Cd excavating for â€â€œ3 foundations 0f 15-dearing the An ets of WCCdS. Sun; I the" new resxdcnces. Sec Mr. Sam Enslxsh’s adv. in this deUC. Mr. Daniel Hagarty, who spent the ! past two years in Montreal, has gone 2' to Peterboro to reside. We wish him ' 'a ï¬easant sojourn m our little sister' City. ARTHUR GRAHAM - Fleeiweed 'nxe 6:3! cost may be mot Suppose one fence eosm 34 Suppose the same length c High Carbon Steel Wire and I of on'y $2 a year. Isn't the Funk the chenpe HENRY MAGEE Specials for This We STRAYED The Mirror Lyer's ills ger’s Pigs ~2§§o2§§§Boot and Shoe Departmentg'sggg-égg READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Men’s new Spring Suits at $6. and 7.30. reg 7 50 and 8.50. Boy’s new Spring Suns at 2.09. 3.00. 4.00. and upwards. be more-but the ï¬rst cost i costs 34°, and lasts, say, for 1 length of Frost Fence costs re and Metal with the F‘ Gents’ Furnishings Department. ‘~! you can f and Family Herald and Weekly Stéf 130 J aï¬ï¬â€™ary lst, 1-907; rbr $1.35 \H panics a}. p: 41m" are required to mice nnticc and gown: themselves 1c- cordingly. 'I'L'FSDH' \I \Y 29:11. 1906, for the purpose of hearing appeals made urtinx‘l the Assessmcnt Roll of x906. buy? Frost Fences are for sale For the “lime of Omcmee wiH be held In the Bradlmrn Hull, Omcmce, at to olock m the @enoon of I Mr. I. j. Lamb lS kept. busy turning ; out his Celebrated harness leamer. Mr. i l‘amb is ins a ling a new 60 hone :power engine in his plant; his enter- prise Seems to never reach a limit ; he has added new wings seveial times to his large main huildingxo cope With his :t:adily increasing )u.~incss. Mr Lamb employs a large numb-gr of men nzos’ of whom have lamiliee, and help greatly In building up ()memec The town would be a great loser indeed if their ï¬ne tannery should stop wmk, therefore the town has a r'ght to give all [)OSslblC enm uragement to this enterprise. We congratulate Mr. anh and his extellent staff upon building‘ up a tuning business second to none in the Province and perhaps the world. COURT OF REVISION (IuH'at Lauder Andrews, Lindsay. makers of Tents, Awnings, Flags. Sails, Covers and Curtains. Rigging and Splxcing 1n Wire and Hump Rope, and ..11 work 1:) Rope and Canvas, done to order. Farmer's Hay Fork Ropes GEO. :\' BALFUUR, Clerk of the Village of Omemee. Omcmee, May 15th, 1906. <phccd or rcpaircd as (mod as new. Salimaz tion gummntecd. Ofï¬ce In the: Shier lilutk, l.ind.~a)- st. â€"2m The Omemee pupils of Prof. Forsyth of l’cterboro, Will take part in Ins rc cital at Pctcrboro at an early date. Dr. Rogers has added much to the appearance :11d value of l: Splctt) r..sidence b) laying :1 Cmeâ€"1 1 \1.1ll<. Congratulations arc due Mr. W. S. Jardme for having passed his mums. at the School of P1 act1cal Science, Toronto. ll ill 19140111}; to Nu“ 0111:1110 on a surve) this summer. Our Village had a V1111 on Sunday Keep saying it, over and over again. Aycr‘s Pills. Aycr’s Pills. Aycr’s Pills. The best liver pills ever made. They cure constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick-headache. All vege- table, sugar-coated, mildly laxative. We have no secrets! We publlth J. 0.4?" Ca" ts: formula 0! I“ our mdiclnel. Lav-Linn, cost is the 0:11, cost. Wall} WflflflflflflflZHQM 2000011!le r 8 .\ cars. That fenc: costs you $5 a year. is 355. But the Fant Fenceâ€"made of Frost Lock-Jams for 25 yearsâ€"at I cost 1995 To Isa-maï¬a MARK Swamiâ€"Rev. G. C. R. Mc_ Qunde, of Omen (e, n HI tale We ran tur'H appointments tmmnrrnw. Rev Mr Lewis pro-{mines Sunday school An- uiwrsury snrmons at Blackstnck On Sunday â€"Exmmner nl‘ Muv 19th At the residence of the bride’s par- cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Scott, King ‘:., Omcmce. on \lenchay, May 16th, Miss Annie Ida Scott, to the Rev. David Roblin Clare, of Se! \vyn, Ont. Rev. (1. R. Clare, of Mill- brook, asszstcd by RcV. R. McCulluch. of Omcmee, Chairman of the Lindsay District, [rt-Ifmnmd the interesting ccr cmony. In ()mcmee, on Wedncsday the 16th instu the: Rev. j. H. 'I'cm-y ofï¬ciating. Mrs. Jas. Graham, of Omcmce and Mr. joseph Morden of Mt. Pleasant wure unxlcd in Marriage. At the Methodist larsnnmre. Omc mcc, by lxcv: R McCullnch, on \\ ed~ nesdav waning May 16th, Joseph \lbcrt Boyd to \1155 Mar) Angclma joncs, youngcxt daughter of Wm. I. joncs, a“ of the texxnshu) uf ( avan. A! t‘ac \Icthodist I’axsonage, Omc n cc, by [\u. l\. L\IL'( ulloLh, on Mon da) waning, May [11, Jam-cs Crosslcy to Mrs. Sarah NIL'hOHS, both of 1hr City of Pete: borough. The Bishop's adJress wxll long he remembered. No more beau! lul or touching address was ever delivered to a Conï¬rmation Class by the head of any DIOCCSC. The true gundnmre of the Eva-Blessed 'l‘rinity was the subject ul the discourse, and u mistincss came into many eyes as the Venerable Bishop Spol-ze of the enduring faithfulness of God Surely we huVe all reason to thank God for those words of hopeful and lovmg counsel that dropped from th: hps of~ lnm who, hke Peter and john. came to lay hunds upon those who had been huptized that they might receive the Holy Ghost. __ The service in Christ Church was particularly impressiVe and inspiring, and it is not too much to say that, for ‘its size, Christ Church has from the ‘standpoint of its btautiful and dtgm fled schlCc no-equal m the D osese of Toronto. More and more the people are r‘nlizing the glory of their heritage, the impressn'e dignity of their liturgy, and the grandeur of their evangelical dor‘trine more and mcre are they le- gmning to realize their strength and to anticipate the greater things that are yet to come. A littl: more zeal and enlhusinm on the part of some and the Parish of Emily and ()mexnc-e will ‘ stand without a peer among the rural parishes of the Diocese That day We have reason to believe 1; not far distant. In the {(H‘CHOOI) the Bighop visited St. jamcs’ (,‘hube, Emily, for the pur- pos: of cousctmtmg thc Church and also of cunï¬rming the candidates 1m:- sctntcd by thc Rccu-r 'l‘hix'ty-ï¬Vc cun- didatcs m all “"ch prcScntcd, six more than \Vcl‘c conï¬rmed on the last vxsu of his Lordship. d: ors, some having to leave, bemg un- ahlc to secure Seats. 'l'hc occasion was the Wait of his Lordship, the Bishop of Toronto, to administer the Apmrolic me of Conï¬rmation, a class having bccn Ion; under preparatiun hy th: Rector, the Kcv. j. H. l‘cncy. On Sunday" evening 13*: Christ Church, Omcmcv, was packed to the chbo CHURCH NOTES. MARRIED The above Stallions have all proved to be excellent Sires, and their progeny are in great demand. Horsemen should see these noted ‘Sires. Take notice to the handsome ROUTE ’ CARDS printed at the MIRROR ofï¬ce. R, H. CASEY has Thoroughbred ShOrt Horn Durham BULL for service, Lot 16, Con.4, Emily Mr. Joseph Bradley has a. Thoro’bred Ayr- shire Bull for service on Lot. 5, Con. 2, Emily. Coach Stallion, the prOperty of 'l‘. H. Hassard, Millbrook. ’ ‘ Terrington BellerOplion" Imp. Hackney Stallion, the property of james McKinnon, Bethany. “ Pentland " Imp. Clydesdale Stallion, the property of R. Winslow, - Lot 6, (Ion. IO, Cavan. “ Maclnnes Jr.†Clydesdale Stallion, the propertv of T McQuade J. 'l‘horne, Omemee. “ King Alfred†and“ Beulah,†Clydesdale Stallions, and “ Muckle Chimes," Blood Stallion, the property ot J. W. Lowes, Bethany. â€Stanley Champion†Clydesdale Stallion, the property of Sam Fee, Lot 12, Con. 5, Emily. “ Sir Gordon,†Imp. Clydesdale Stallion, the- property of Robert Shaw, Victoria House, Millbrook., “ Guy Wilkes,†Trotting Stallion, the property of Andrew Hogg, Lot 6, Con 7, North h’lonaglian. Beatty, Commercial House, Omemeé. “ Tedd) Keswick, †'lrotting "Stallion, the property of H. Gardiner and H. Fallis, lVlillbiook. “Vigorous, " Imp Clydesdale Stallion; “IBorrow Moss " Imported Hackney 'Stallion , and “ Beadlam Prior _II_ " Imp. Cleveland Bay The Following Leading Stallions Dnringa recent thunderstorm that ‘paseed over this section, Mrs. Lonls Staples, who was none in her horne_ and was, it is supposed, passing from the room she was In to the trout door, \\ hen the electric fluid came donn the chimney, shattering it and s'rnck Mrs. Staples and she fell at the door- Her daughter, nine years old, upon re turning from school, found her mother lying on the floor, and ran to tell her father, who was working on the farm, when he arrived he tonnd his mfo dead. Deceased Misabontthirty \ ears of age. Her maiden name was Rebec- cn. Minct en, her home befure her marriage being‘inSterling Sheleaves a husband and one daughter, tor Wizvm \\ ide sympathy ls felt. Frank Rev. J. H. Teney, rector of ('hrist church here, has handed his resigna~ tion to the Bishop of ‘l‘« ronio. and an nonnced to his parish his intention of leaving in the near tuturr. This neus comes as a. most unpleasant surprise to his parishiuners, and it is nnderstoo that an efl'urt is being made to induce him to reconsider his determination to leave Uinemee. As ,wt he has not ‘ stated whether he “Ll consent to do this. Rev. 'i'eney has been Rector of Christ church tor 1ch years, succeeding Rev. E A. Laugfehlt upon the‘luttei’s removal to I’elerhurn. Duringthe tune that Mr. 'l‘eeney has been here tile church has entitinned the pruspe. ity which. Was (tulllllleltct‘d under his pro decessor, and should he at cide toleaie there will be general regret felt. The present salary is $8.30 \\ ith rectory. ‘ it is understood that Mr. 'leney has ‘ been offered an increase of $100 a year if he will consent to remain The ï¬nances of the parish are in good con- dition â€"Examiner. Mrs. Lewis Staples of Bethany Killed by Lightening. FOR UP-‘l‘O-I)A'J‘E JEWELRY. Issuer u! Marriage Licenses, MI] LBROOK. To restore sleep you must get more bodily Btrenglh, more nutritious blund' healtlsler nerves. FerroZone Solves the whole problem, makes you aleepsound- ly, glvea endurance. vim. ambition No more morning weakness-Instead the ï¬re of youth will run in your veins, supplying abundance of energy and vigor. \Vitclwry expresses the Instant ‘ eflect of Ferrozone; try it. 1 Rev. J. H. Teney May Leave Christ church. are making the season of 1906 in this district : Sleep not only mate, but builds up the body. (fut down the hours of sleep, and you cut down health in the same proportion, Rebuilding then' ceases, nerves go to smash, you pruw tired. weak and wretched. BROKEN SLEEP-TIRED NEXT MORNING J. STEELE’S, Smithi" Pacing and Tr_ot_tir3g Stalliqn. the property of I have a registered Yorkshire White Boar for Service-on Lot 19, Con. 5, Emily. Terms 75c. at time of service. Yorkshire White Boar for Service 77 Kent-St LINDSAY NOVELTIES, c., c. SPECIALLOW PRICE Some beautiful lines in WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEW- ELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT G LASS, CHINA, TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES. Opposite the Bradburn Opera Home The undersigned mshes m mform the public that he has started a Ten: peram‘c Home in Omcmce, and i.~ prepared to give good accommodation to the travdlmg public at rcasonabh rates. Wedding PrBsents W. f.McEARTY’S. You can buy Dainty Goods Temperance drinks. Cigars, C. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 'I‘HOS. KER R. Omemee Temperance House, Umemee. We examine free and only make modest charges when glasses are required. Sta-Zen mountings help us to give satisfaction. Examination of the eye. in : hobby with us. SAM ENGLISH. The Popular Jewelry Store, . Turner, Millbx‘ook $1.85, Premium Picture inclué‘éa: Winter Term begins Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1906. Last year was our banner ycar, but we are dctcrmincd to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for 015cc assistants, not only from Pctcrboro but from other places as wall. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping 0: IS a competent Stcnographcr and 'l‘ypewritcr is certain of a good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a Nothing Succeeds Like Success. CALL AND TEST US. In our Hardware Stoxe “e requirement. Our Prices will Be Found as Low as Any. is very complete, and the best values possible. ome in and you Will be convinced that this Is the place to buy. Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quality, that's why this store is termed GROCERIES Eur Stock of Dry Geods Groceries 81c. We will furnish you a choice of three different color combina- tions free of charge, if you give us a. photograph, drawing or de- scription of your house, whether you buy paint of us or not. It’s riot the paifxt that costs the least per gallon that il est. It’s the one that covers most surface, wears longs easiest to apply. That paint is ' Whether you are going to apply the paint yourself or are buying it for someone else to apply, you ought to take great care to get full value for your money. Paint Buyers Business Education‘ . McCaffrey’s . PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont. E’Writc for Our Handsomc Circular. Fresh and Good at 'l‘hi; i.» especially true when applied to the 77/5 SHERWlN-WILLM us PHI/T yOMEMEE ==l=lr= BOLD BY have a magniï¬cent stock {or cvcry