Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 1 Mar 1906, p. 2

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a] equipmeflt better than many “.1ch 0r lnoft‘sslnns I” Inc“ CV e131“ Eng power. Students admincd a! any new, Circuhrs frcc. WU] E' LL! L“)! ',l" Princiual. E gar yang; and ;:\1t minder Ste. {Fenders will be received up to goth March fur the buxkimg of a ‘4‘ n the Ontario Bank, Millbmck. further particulars'appiy tn ‘ MARRIED At St.‘Andrc-w’s Manse, Pcterboro, on \Vedm‘sday, Fri). 215i, by Rev. 1. '6. Potter, -;\Ir. jamcs Harold Fry to Miss Edith Pue, both of South Mona- ghan. Congiazulazxcwxzs. Y-m cuuldu’t be otherwise with such adlauessmg nm'ady. Well, for one :4]. I." spent an " ‘nmnl ozone” _\ou gnu be Nmtonghlv cnrpd. foolish to _deIV, b muse asthma atendilv grows up .ne Ge: ( amrrhnzone tu-da) and «car. yonrwotf; It’s pleasant to use.veu‘ 'ytunple. and guaranteed Presculbed by thousands ofductora and med Ly {he paupié 0! nine miliqu-I'ermhxly‘ L5 “"1108 rue must be good; it hasn'; {.1300 yet. no matter hm? chronic the brmmifir and artifitic gwlxrétiits. He di‘éd figmem‘he: 29. 10382. .‘Rlvar. Princo Rupert was born in 1619, the rson of Freilenck V.. Elvetnr-pnlalina =81“ w by Prince Rupert. " \\ hat, had “to duelilng 30min cavalry, leader of .he cavalloro nearly 'three hundred your: ego to do with Canada? Prince Rupert was really the first British (Knoll-.1; business magnate. He was a promoter of the Hudson’s Bay Comâ€" pany, and its first Guvernor, In 1670. "In that your Charles H granted it charter to the Prince and seventeen other nobleman and gentlemen, incar- ‘ :pontlnu them as “The Gnvernnr and iCumpuny of Adventurers ol England, 'Cruline into Hudson’s Bay.” and secnr~ In: to them " the soletrade and com- men-e. of all those seas and straits, bays. ri’mrsllakes, Creeks and sounds .In whatever latitude they shall be, that 'lie .Wnllill the entrance of the Straits command)" called lines-{it’s Straits, to‘ "gather with 3.1 the lands and territor‘ '1" upon the countries, coasts and con- » fine; ofthe ueas. bays, em. aforesaid, but were not already actually possesg- ol by or granted to any of on: sub- ,‘jeeu. or possersed by the snbjecm of any other ('nrlatian Prince or State ”The first settlements of the country ‘tlun granted, w hich was to be known =a0 Rupert’s Land were made on James . 81': and at Churchill and Hoyle’s the con. total. A name has i-een ch sen In»: Insignificant of (‘uL min u- <1 mm "as! its prominent in the early his. 3 1' 01‘ the country. when nearly the entire area of Rritinh North America in known as Prim-e Rnpvrt’ 5 Land. T-tder the tetms of the competition t at the nauieelmnhi contain tint mom 'ttmn three 33- Iinhlns, not mt re than ten luv-29w, “-6 name \\ im'h v-utipi'eti with "t ,9 conditions and mc nt nearlv resmn~ Meet that seiertevi u as Pan-t Rnport this hung being suggested by Mrs John 'Uxum, at Bunnecheru, Untarin. and by Mr. R. Kirkn’lmd, of t‘opperciifl', On tario. The judges. how ever, decided ’2 but ' Prince Rupert.” was a more pieua' i in: name and more appropriate, and i guarded the two hundred and fiil'ty‘ do)!" prize to Miss Eleanor A. Mac- 'donahi, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, who tn the only one who submitted this nuns. The Grand Trunk Pacific. how. mar, recognizing the Spirit of the Con- ‘tut awarded the same amount to each “’6! the two contestants Vi ho submitted ‘ahe name Port Rupert. Dead Sick of Asthma? 19‘. J HOLLADA‘Y. . Manager. In an n! naming the « ity, which some 0;, vii! became: one office greatest ”up. n» on the W eaten: cons! oFAmPr Iva; uhd Izveo difierent mums were ‘huhmuwd b) those who took part in â€"-‘ mil'gfietapuun in the unphnnhmn ind fipinpriul‘e name u- hich “W Grand Kiwi P.‘cific have 8dnp!ml for Hip?! iomlniiil on the Pacxfic Hunt. The Mb oH‘lna 'a “ en) given an oppc-r TENDEP S. impart. tn the a Vault . I‘or ci: Dr Hamilton’s Pills keep thousands 1)! people healthy. Won’t yon use them also? Sold merywlwre in 250. boxes: or five lnxes {or $1, by mall {mm N. C- Pvlson 5-. Ca , Kingslun, Out.” 33):) Hark ford, Conn , U S A; Read the evidence publ'slxed bere’ It tellsjust 'how Dr. Hamilton’s ‘l’iila cure the sickand help the weakf Vital Energy Increased. " I always felt ‘drugur' and tired “When I arnse In tho murniug th llmhs nclxed and I felt dull, "ldtd ’l. enjoy my meals and couldn’t lgest pn-pefly. " Dr llmmnou’s I’ll] strengthened my stomach, purified my blond, ‘ made n.e feel like new. No better medicine exists {Al ra,)‘L BI, Mormxu, Sidney, CB. By relying on Dr, Hamilton’s Pills yuu are sure of strong vitality, nourish- ing blnod. (night, cheery smriu, 'l'lle marvel ol this mediclne is that”; keeps you wellwprevents and wards ofi‘sick- nabs aim-cry kind. Lack of appe‘l‘e vs changed intn keen zest fnr food. Digeslton and assimila- tion are made perfect. Thus. all you eat is turned intonourtshment, und building: material By purifxing um] nourishing the blond Dr Hamilton’ 3 Pills quickIy im- part new vigor to all weak organs The kidneya 3nd Sher are stimulated disease breeding poisons are carried 06‘. the entire body is reneaed and restored. Tfiue Strength Vi gor and Buoyant H ealth Quickly Follow ed the Use of Dr. HAMILTON' S PILLS. Got New Vigaiity- . Incraased'Appetiae I’oxt Hope defeated \Voods’oék in {he junior O. ILA. final, at Toronto, last night, by a score of 71:0 1. Naif time 44. Miillu'ook extends congratuiations to Pelt Ho;:e110ckeyis’ts, a'nd ofcourse l’eICrborp and Lindsay will join in extending hearty congrats. A guarantee MU: awry package Price SI .'(‘() at. any drnggisl’ s, m- the Wilson-hie 9-3., Limited, Siagara Falls. Out - ~ * . " J! is :1 pennanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money back :f it dues. Piles are caused by enngestinn m- stagnatmn of binmi in the: lower bowel, and it takes an Internal remedy to'rev move the cause. - Dr. Lennhardt’s Hem Roid is a bum»: taken mternaHy. The‘ names of Intexnal, External» Bleed'nc, Blind, Itching. Snppurating, etc , are simply names ofune different stages throng}: “Inch every case'will pass if it. (‘omimws long enungh. f Piles are caused by enngestinn or N0 distinction is made as to Hm kind of Filoâ€"s that Dr, Leonhardl's Hem- Roid cure: The c0w advertised for sale in our columns last week has been sold. “'6: have had dozws of applica- tions for her. This shows that it pays to use the MIRROR when )ou have anything to sell. Mr, 1’0“ 61! will verify every Word 0! these bmtements. 503 Dr. Leonhardt’s Ami-Pi!) is far sa?e by al.’ Drnggists or by We Wilson-Fyle Cu . Limited, Niagum Falls Out. Many \x‘hn are low suffering from this complaint «in be glad tolenrn from Mr. Powell's story that-there is hnpe for the must. stubborn case, “a Continues: "I was induced to try Anti PM! by naming; the testimony 0; some one who hnd been cured of con- stipation by it. I had snfferm! f r sigh‘Pen w “rs and had taken turns 02 Stuff n-mnnmended as cures but \\ Inch made n.e wmse rather than hctter- 1) (1an tom me there was no cure 'f0r me.” Chas H. Poweil. Kingeton Man tells how he Sufferâ€" ed and How he was Released. " I Lure a terribte toothache and want something to cure it. ” " \<.w_\ van don’t. Iwen an: mediniue. I hadq a m )Lhnche msterdav and “nut home and un loving “ife kissvd me and an consMe'! n. e that. the pain 30m: passm! a“ ny. \\ In don’t. 30:] do the same?” ‘ no“ ’3” Tlu- ghny gm! satisfaczinu of bpauti- ful n'ummxhnnd run be know u only tn those- possessing the untimized advan- 1 tags-s of health. Sn wank Woman can ho lvappv nr enjoy half the pleasures nf m». Palm! cheeks, sunken eyes, ex. hauated nerve-s, a)! mu of a terrilfle struggle to keep up. What the weak woman needs is I’Prrnzuue: it ré'ng resumes and ntuhzos inshmlyâ€"il’s n " Woman’s remedy,"- Um 's \\ hy, . 1"erruzmze makes won-an .aeroug. plump and healthful hwuuse H con. tains lots of uutrimeut. the kind thm forms muscle, sinew, lmne and nervn' Virulizing Mum} courses. through the body, making delightful (:ulur, hnppv spirits, true womanly slnugth. Fifty cents buys a bux of Ferrozune in any drug store " Ind-'9'! And I nnpplvsfa she ran gt“ n‘d-wk nmw that thev are married?" "0h,nn. she ian‘t szttisfieri with a' 104;, nuw; she takes 1’. by Hm haml- (n! " Do "an romomlve- Ivmv Rene "wed "'9 P061? She used to cave a lock of his hair ” ZAETYIA BEA'I EJCRIB RADIAN'i WOMANHOOD Illlizlk I will 'NO DXFFERENCE. . Is your “file at home "For years-s mur- h'r,” is how (‘has H mellnf105Rnglzm H ext, Kingmm), Im- glns his story. "A martyr to chronic constipation, h n I now [am five from H. and “I! through the use «1' Fr me- hurdt's Anll~PIll " I ow suffering from man for their pastor The music on Sunday CVcning was' excellent, the quar-tuttc Suk‘cfion rut-mg beautifully rendtrcd by Mr. and Mrs. H. W john stun, Miss Eva Hunsmzm and Mr. Pym. Fireman’s meeting next Tues day awning. All mcmbers are ‘requéstml to be on hand at 7.50 daimtk sh.” p, Election of officups guy] SHINE-1’ impurlfdnl busxucms. 'l Mraml Mrs'l‘hos McIvor, on the cm: of their departure from Ops, wcrc presented With an add‘rcss and a hand- some pérlur bllltc. They have: mm‘cd. to b‘nmli'l‘ownship. Mr. Mclyor la‘ a Mother of our ChIL‘CmCJ tmvnsman, Mr. Wm. McIror, and has prm'cn him- sclf .1 good farmer and harm-mm, hav- ing capturcd many fir): prizes at Peter- born, Lindsay, Millbmok and ozhcr big hits. He has bred anJ dcvclupcd some of Lhc‘highcst Class and highest priccd driving horses that have been i shipped from Ops. Only a year ago he sold a fine Kcsmck mare: for dircct shipment to Scmlaml, “h an: she and , her buggy and harnesé sold for $1000. $0115 'l‘uwnship cannot afford to lose 1 such n'i'cn. Simih 'l‘ownship will heartily wclcome him and his ustimablc family as citizens. The sen-Ices in the Presbyterian Chufch last Sunday cvuning Were, as usual, Vcry interestmg and instructive: Rev. Mr J-oimstnn’s discourse was an cloqucnt one and was listened to with close altcntion by the large number pI‘CSCnt. Mr. johnstnn is certainly an able and impressive spcalu-r, and his churches llcrc and at Garden Hlll are to 50 congratulatcd'un having such a «la for the past fifty years. Try a 250. bottle of Non‘lline. If your child comes iii from play roughingortslmwing evidence at Grippp Sore Throat, or sickness of any kliid.. get mn‘yonr lwou'e of Nerviline. Rub the chest and neck with Nervilnm. and give internal «l‘oses often drops of Ner. viline in sweetened water every two hours. This “ill prevent any seriou' trouble Nu liuimenl or pain reliever equals l’olsdn’e Neryilme, \\ hiclx has been the great family remedy in Calm. phrasant evening at the: home of Mrs jas Portvr, on 'I'lmrsday of lzist week. There was in] cxcciicnt program of games-mu] music, after which dainty- rcfrcshments were served. Messrs Stanlcy Carvcth, Wm Lung, and Mr and Mrs '1‘ J‘Lang spent a '1 he Micsc-s Mmme and Kath la n Coilins entextamed a nnmLel oftn'ends at their beautiful home Tuasday evemna. Mr. R. J Dank, J l’., was in Port Hope, -l"rid;1y, on business, and attun- dud the hmkcy maid) that waning. M15 Ins 114111 and Mzs 31111110311, of Ops, 551cm :1 m ck at the home-.- of their 51511.1, \115 L11 (,Jiiistic. Camn, and also \isitul :11 the home of M15' unit's" l’oitu 4111 Line. The many fricnds of Mr. Charles (izmlincr will be pleased to learn he is ‘ pmg dining fiu'urubh' after his recent (ma-ration fur appcnflicuis, and he hopsstovsoon rcmrn from I‘ctcrboro McsSy-s W. Duinncny, R. Cochrane, Ucu. Ragnar, Fred and Harvey MC Malian, \‘s‘cs Mchuffcy, II. Framccy and ). Sntlwm :eltcnch the hockey match at Port Hopu on Friday hat. The game was ln-twucn lelsay and I’m-t How, thc Mtcr ciub wmning by a scorc of :5 o. Rev. (1 R. (3km; preached cloqnvnt Scrmrms m hrgc and apprc tintivc cmr grrgmiuns in 1hr. Mclhodist Church Inst Szmdav. In the awning the Chmr rgmlcxrcd two beautiful anthcms. Mr.n nd Mrs \\ ‘11th BIOCK and Miss Muncn of Zion Line, \urc guests at the bum;- 0! Mr and Mrs Imucs Porter Ins! .\\'('L‘k. YALUABLE ADVICE T0 MOTHERS. \Vc will br‘ pknsed 10 have :1 call from you whvn you need a first- rinss Emery outfit. Term: fight. Don’t furth the place, Union St, Mdfbrouk. \V. T. MCB’ridc’s 0M stand. We win 1156. you right. Rev. Dr. Hannah, 01' Chntham, was a guest at l‘nc home of 111:; sister, Mrs. Rubt. Smith, last “'Ct'k. \{iss Annie Graham, of Lindsm, and Mrs H. \ Cush,ot Bohm gctm, \wrc gut-SIS at lhc hunk: u! l\t:\. and .Mrs. Clare twcr Sundav. Misx' Eva Hansman, of Port Hopra was a gilt"! m the. home nf Mr and MW. H. W. jolmston over Sunday. \Icssrs (L-‘\1:tc.'1cliand I I 1.111” 5pm t S.1:11l.1\u:1t l3 1:: home of Mr Jas. Putter. ‘ The Misses H Courtney and L Pe»? sznszn duet at the Liangne urn-ling Monday evening in exch lent voice. (Iavan ("vuncil nlrets on “'cdncsdfly, March 14th, at 19.33 am. “Sirviill' hasten regevéz'y'_l$§Iâ€"?5l: ing one of Aycr's Pnls at bedtime. NURSE HROS.‘ LIVERYâ€" Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleuâ€" risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. ADocior’s Medium? .wn' "r > «a; And at the hour. day and plar-es xhcrein Iixrd for taking the voles Ofthe clccmrs thc pulls will be hc-ld. J. ‘L PORTER. L. S. , . Tuwmhq) Clerk 'l‘ak'c noticc that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-iaw which has been taken Into consideration by the Mummpal Council of the 'l‘ownship of South Monaghan, and Which “'13! b( hnally passed by the: said Council In the event of the assent of the elector being obtained thcrrm. after one month {mm the publirat‘on thereof m the‘ Millbrcok Mirror. thcdate ofwhuch publimuml was 'l‘hursdny, the first day of March, 1906. x: 42:- .‘ ‘t. .5‘15'13' v v. 11115 uyâ€"Law slmll come mto nperauon,‘and be of‘ fuli force and effect, on and after the first day of May mxt, nftcr the final passing theyeof. Cmmcxl (.‘humbcr, (,‘cutrcvillr, Feb. 26, [906. ‘ . ._. * "J â€"'"‘" 1V. That the (.31.ch of the said Municipal Council Of the 'l‘ownship of South Monaghan shall attend at hxs office: at the hour of Six o'clock m 1hr.- aftérnoon. on the 26th day of March, A”. I906, to sum up the number of votes givw for and against this By-law. ‘7 NH.“ V‘ v prrmmtmg the: passmg of this By an and‘u Hm.- numbcr' (m behalf of the ;.~crsons-imcrcst'cd if. ‘and demons of opposing the passing (31' “HS Dy-Law. l‘r ‘l‘l Pulling subdivismn Number Two, Sunday School Hall, Benst‘nrt, Wilbert 1 Wood, Deputy Returning OffiCcr. III That'on the 24th day of March AJ). 1906, at his office in the Town- .xhipinf South Monaghan at Ll): hour of eight o’clock in the forcnoon the Rch shall appoint m mitmg‘ signed by lunISclf, two persons to attend thc linztl summing up‘of the votcs'lr,‘ ‘thcj Clu‘k, and (ms: perron to attend at each polling plan: on behalf of the persons llllcl’cflctl in - and destrous of promotmg the: pass-mg ol this By IAN Polling’éub-dxvision Number One. COmeil‘Chambcr, antrcville, joscph Lang, Deputy Returning Officer. I\ n- 11. That the voice of the eleczors o! the said 'J‘ownsliip of South Mozmghan will be taken on the Byâ€"Law by the: deputy returning officers hereinafter named, on Monday, the 26th day of March, one thousand nine hundred and six, commencing at nine b’clock in the morning and continuing Vtill‘ fiVc‘ o’clock in the afternoon a! the under” nicnuoned places. ‘ ' I. 'l‘hat the sale by retail of spin:- uous, fermented, or olhcr maimfuctumd liquors is and shall be prohibited in cwry 'l'aVcrn, Inn, or other phcu of puhhc entertainment in the sun] Mun- 1(tipallly,-nmlll1c sale thereof, cxcrpl hy wholesale, Is and shall lb: prolnl)it cd In every shop or place in the said; Municipality other than a house of public cntcrtamment. ship of South Mnnaglmn hérrby enacts as follows : To Prohibit the Sale of Liquor 111 the 'l‘uwnship of South Monaghan. (‘nn have but one cause-«hemmed kidneys uhich must be strengthened before backache canbe cured “by not. use Dr Hamilton’s Pills? They cum the kidneys quick, make them strong and able to filterdiseaseâ€"breed- in: poisons from the blood At once you fuel better, stranger, briglner- Kidney health is unnranteed to every user of Dr. Hamiltoz’xal’illa. Geta250. box {mm your druggxst, and refuse substitutes. LOCAL OPTEON’ ‘ For South Monaghan. Mx and Mrs \\ illiam Axmstron" of I’cmbom, and Mrs Merritt, of Mi!!- bKOUk, “crc guests at the home of 3115 Jam cs Poxtc: last \wck. A good Chcnedu mare colt for S de. Particulars at this office. l w1ll-hnve charge of the boot and shoe department and will as usual pay strivt attention m all trmtnmers, aml \vhrrxhct‘ you want hand mnvlc m' lzlt‘tory boots and shors I can supply you wnl) ll): hast goods at right 1):“:ch We ham: :1 special line of boys’ school slmc‘s, also a full flock of trunk<, valisvs, <(‘lmol bugs, lmmcss supplies, etc. Bring your harness in and get xt rc paired before the spring rush. I lmvc llml m'cr Lxx'cnty years’ expcrlcncc in the boot and shoe rzulc and guarantcc rnzire satisfaction. Your patrmmgu is rcspcullullysollcitcd. '1“ ll LANG Thc Municipal Conncxl ofthc '1‘0wn- A Persistent Back Ache to this drpnrtmcnt of thc business I have purchased the gond will and harness business of Mr. \Vn. Strain. next door East of Mr J. Steclc’s Jew- elry Store, Millbrook. and will continue lhc said business In an up to date styic, having svcurc‘d the services of a first- Lrluss harness-maker in the persnn of Mr. Herbert Lnrmcr, who WI” attend Nothing Like Leather l - “Th: Boys of Bethany” held their second delightful assmnbly of this win- ter in the: Town Hall on Friday cvcn- ing last. The affair was a brilliant success, about om: hundred couples bring in attendance. Mr A Moore of Pctcrboro was the: efficient floor mana- gtr. and the Wilson Orchestra supplied excellent music for the dancers. About midnight a sumptuous supper was ser vcd, alter which dnncmg was indulgcd in until about two a.m. The floor was in splcndid condiuon, and the “At Home” was in every way a dccitlcd‘ success. l’ctcrhoro, Millln‘ook, 0111:: met and surrounding 'l‘ownships were rept'cscntcd, and everyone present pro- nounced it the bust yet. The Bethany “At Home” Club is certainly to be congratulated. The following gentlc- mcn composed the enterprising com- mittee: Messrs. '1' J Jackson, Wm. l'luunuh. lolm Czurns, and W Byers. Bethaay’s Brilliant “At Home Chenaau Colt For Sale. NOTICE. -LAÂ¥AI 'Emmfim mm Reeve. No raise in prices. Your patronage is most respectfully solicited. D Milligan, MILLBROOK Has purchased t be Good- will and business of Mr. W111 1am Fish-ex, black smith, and Windo all b1 acksmithing work 011 the West S: 0.9 of the street, While on tbeEast sideof the street his CARRIAGE WORKS Wiilbe 112132111151 cn more extensively?“ 1-2111 ever.1 1.15. NEEHHAM, Office and Store, Millln'onk, Om. King SL, op. Dom. Hutu]. P. S.â€"â€"Pcrsons having small km; of stock, chattels, (:., tqsdf, I will be picax‘cd to pm. them npat auction any Saturday. 1. IE. N. 111C undersigned “isms to infm'm those Int; ndmg Io havu auction gal-gs that hc “111 b: plcuscd to haw 1 can from them. lcxms rca sunal 1c. Co. gnu: two .:I1 Ii ;I1‘ {11Ic cuwc:1 115 and should 111m :11111111I1c101 “1111 the I1:1II'5 0111211211} 111 II be t1\11I to its 1111110: :.t \‘.c’ 1111:11-1s12111 1. the) 111“ be bad 4 in _I1111c. \\.11c11 for date. The Millbrdok Public I.ii.z';'1ry have added about $25 to iis [mas- ury as a result of Ihclr (-ntm‘t.‘in~ mcnts last week, and Hus \xiih very lnlLie (film on the part of the Librau'v. Prof. (he-M’s V'nnn'cvi‘ir‘ “.4 . E. NEEDl-IAM, AL‘C'I‘IONEEH M.'S. }(;S. THO. nzh hill“. 15 (l 'V‘ACSt (1‘ E he! son, “1. CH ‘1 fies King u “Discard him '3 Why you goufie I am going to marry him I” “No more will I hear his footsteps on yonder walk just as the clock strikes the h )ur of eight " (:HlClOIIS‘ Jeanne-He! " A m! the old parlor “L‘hl “Ell never burn luw lnr hlm again" " You dont mean it?” "I do. and. furthermore, lns “ill never sit on this sofa three nights :1 week and call me pet names as he has been doing for two wars," " I am ustnnisherl.” “ And lo-night I mu going In ‘uurn all the 013,1 luvs letters in my trunk." " B-bnt you are not going to discard him? J. STEELE’S, FOR UI’-'l‘0-l).~\'.|‘l£ JIi\\']iI.R\ Dr. Fit-mfg: I’nh'nt»: c1!“- nw Hm (~In'rgud system from uncumuhwul impunm's. , , , . .u. _ mu. umu xu: .. _\'(':ll‘s. Writn to Dr E ('0. Jinnah), N. Y., {or advice, given withunb charge. "I am glad 10 ha nhlu 10 1m.12f‘y :15: to the murils u! Ur. )‘i<,'l'l‘t"s F‘zuumo l’z':-~:«-rimion for the. many ills that, \1 uwn sul‘fir with.” writes Miss (Lu-:1 H‘dc I} m‘u-Zl (l’z'vr'I'JK‘llt Young Liti“('.»' Chz'lr. iun mica ‘02‘ Sun-Edy). 4G Unlumbin Sara-<22. XL. I‘M:':).1. B Iwh. "Af‘wr many yl-n 5 «if stuianih-g and mun. I look your mvdit inn, nut in a short, Lime hwran to fuel strunm-r. hm: .‘m1'(' x'usrulur and didn't have lin- bl‘.‘lhh£'i|u‘.\’ll pan» which had lwun my 101 fvz' m 1011:. Shall l't't’lfl‘ Cause to 1m V'.‘1‘}':TY‘£”I_"I:I than it was l-I‘<.1'.:.‘ht to my n01 iv'u. I ha We no {mum and {1-H much at)" nwsr :rwmrnlzy." uu'uugn lg‘nuflmco 01' 'ul‘t‘lorlsm‘s and detox-mum! to den-Ute his He and (energies to “Mr relief. Having found the mum: of their 311-!- fering. he “or: sought fur the means of rcliqr’. and found in Nururc’x lubumtm‘yâ€" the earth. (-M'tuin mm»; which had I'O‘ mzlrkabln and Vulun ulv me iiciuul virtues fur the cum of tlwsu :Lilnu-nm. L'qiug (:hmnicully prune egl-(srz'no. of proper :ztronjnh instmxd of :Llcnlml. he prepared (-x run-Ls m" them. and the result. was so sutisfnczm-y that the (mmhina- tiou been :10 his "Fa: write l’roscrimi()n." The routs ”Sud urv: Lady‘s Slimu-r mot, Black Culmrdl rout. Unicorn mun. Blue Cohosh root and (.‘uldcu Soul mm. The World knmvs it. as“ I'm. I’imuin‘s Favou- ITE Pnziscnuwum. which has the won- derful and unpumllz-h-d mum-.1 of :1 half- mEHirm of cum-s in Lin: {mm furl): yvzu's. Write to L)!‘ i’ir-rvc. Buffalo. N. Y.. {or ",I .. .42. '-' fl, _._ a . ‘4, “Jun nuuza. Dr. R. V. I’iorcn. forty years, as that women were being mis leruugh ignorance or mn-loxsr doturmhm! to dcx'utv his me and (a t0_L_hu-ir rune-f mun dition. resort to alouhn} ur-rl " invigm‘nms." blue at winch are vow imurmus. 1v , l\_ h ' On a woman's vit:.!it_v to do work for which she' 15 unlittcd. and we wuméur how some of tho \v amen (fit) ‘3, of our 1:: nd mic '~ Lhrm::;h a sin'w: a l ' 15.156513»... ‘Y‘IHSUII of plan-1 m'e “3‘3 orniln :ipnuug. Issuer of Marriage Licenses MILLBROOK. Il' WAS ALL OVER Nb [T D?A\VS HARD 'c m alcuhvVir- scimnla ms ‘ "1S " tlw "th‘1' oiu‘Lts of ix juriuus }‘1‘-r~ form wars ago found nounnm mum-v X"‘,'x.’l}}ul‘ and ‘. bvnr'ith'Clutvn yams which (it rm so luvs. smn t't'vcx‘ 'grrnw'ul that it was 101.1341; 1w. We no puma; and fu-l much v... n h instead of :tlt'nlml. he 1.5m" them, and the result nary that the cmnln‘na- s ” Fa vurito l’rmcrimion.” urn: Lady‘s Slimu-r mot, r'ont.' ‘Unicum mun. Blue ’ 1‘: ham: at of Chat 'zL fur the means of Vurzzrc’x lulwruturyâ€" 2mm which had I'O‘ ole me iiciuul virtues :Lilnu-ms. drn'ggvd out." Man}. in thisrcnn- Tiny/.1111.” say with tears in thvir ryvs. w h u 11 Hwy 13011154111 the sub- 1131-1. 111. ail. "it 1:; a hard pun,” that. with pain. won];- ness. and \vearixwrs filmy am_ "3.1111023 ,3 :‘ Lua. nun lulu! u being; mistreatmd as: to the *~;«-r?mion "1' with.” ' ‘dvnt One Door East, of Mr, J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. YOU CAN SAVE $$$ Men’s Boots fer $1.25 up; Special Line of Boy’s School Shoes, Trunks, Valises, School Bags,c,, also harness supplies. by dealing at this store. AND OUR GOOD-E" ARE ALWAYS FRESH. Ye have a. First-Class Cream Soda Fountain which will be sold at a Bargain. REILLERGQK, : : OEfiTERIO. I’. S.â€" Calls by Telephone pzomptly attendui to. ARTHUR GRAHAM . Fleeiw The heaviest. strongest wires x fence unless the locks are as stroz: like a chain, is only as strong as it h\u ‘ . , 777‘, â€"-â€" â€".~ \vxu-nkfli. ”RUE. The New Frost Lock and Frost \Vcdge Lock :1: unyielding parts of a Frost Fence. I'm-y make fence as strong as the strongest wire. \Ve guarantee to repair~frce of chargeâ€" figg any Frost Fence that goes wrong from anv CT! Veterinary Surgeon to . B.’ MOORE, chosifs of $7 (‘0 and upwards ullou'cd at (:nx'n'n.‘ mtcs. J Every {nautv affozde ti BuSincss. Sale notes cash (/fnce on King St, Opp. Town Hall, - Ran} Farmers’ Rankin g. purchased at this store. '_ xtccizil Sdc Note rorms FREE on If.» :1} 7.... IUD nru .71.. .r \Nh EHElIEfi 1857. \A r: first dcor West Collins' 133717? p211 twice it's Majesty‘s 14211 rung as its weakest spot and F rost \Vedge Lock made can't make mg as the wires. nigh»! EV 1U a strong A fence, “9 L. Anus, Manager of xix 11:22:; 4 me. A first ciass dwfliu; \\ necessary outbmidmgs and up t muniodntim‘s. (MC nut 011 For ‘mcuculars apply In ' R. i. GRANUY. 0:2' The Dwelling :uui 11k”.i\(\ m Side of K' :1: Sum: :n 2: 2‘ “Omemcc. 1310“ \(kli 2U. 11. ‘1/n Ind plaice: our 222 . earns. 3132211312022 ::;( €51 the: tom: and 3:12;“ 2 what hC could In I'nii‘m‘c 2 File llcrc. Hc mil-Hui '. faponsibllity resting 2222 :2 mid said that 3.1: :2 m E paidm this town in \\.i.;;c\ men in our {adorn-s. .\ an bedom: to brim-121 togethcrina un: ted :fl‘urz :2 town he consiuercda LU .i hchopcd to St: a 511: c -» Tnde m Oshawa hh 22:21. thing we gmat“, 111 \ is v. and the spam: E1 : brought to 0.511 1'.“ 1 1141-11 as was pmpo‘eJ 11' 1'); 1 rio Power (0 1 1111 , . facturing Is um L-111 cans are sl;11-1111;1:1 2. day, and £115 11.111 1:1 we should do 311111121 : '2, m addrmsiré; matting of (h: 3).».2; i ported by this xxx-gin I! region's 2â€"5232} 1.: 2‘ ‘ ficcrs u would 1v.- 2.2211 .who were con-2c: q companiw~ as :2 2 2' Board of Ir uic \ ~better freight rzlic~ 3(2: ~ as. Other “ark .2222” 3 ‘ ofncw Indu~622‘5c‘s. I; : that makes our {\2‘2'”. get outszdcrs to «:22 2: - to grow them 32 2; Whats. Bank President {.2111 E est. manufacturer :3: c Mr \‘V F Cou'an. mi 6‘3 ‘ pal proprietor u! 3-2... Works. and 01 the (A . ~: . (ias Fittings Co. m, 2':an Standard Bank (-1 ( .. .. . President 02: ‘:1- \x {‘15: ' \. tion ctr: Con. 4. Hunk: ::~ v Stanun, on 'H.: 1906, commcnci i; u: a Sale poszmeh \. \: Messrs 5: eph- 601d thcxr’ .mm. 1 :; SIX good hoxses ;_ :{ head Of fiist- C: 24: bills. 1. U GA:- Qlucmcc, Farm Stock 3:: Z the: pzoperty of 3.1-.» sou BIOS. Ozllcnzm. {or sale at max 2.. The Form S'v \: ofthc I’oni: u‘ . 1i (i dOIIari-1F15.w:.i Council LhdnJ-r. :\ Tom 0f LiiLi‘J'Q K' ML) odock p. m . «m x\' ' 8131, 1936. 'I‘m ;‘. Black Cnapzsr of 12 \- mcct at two (id) 1: .’ previous to the G :1 : ;' March zozh. In L§nd~':i\'. a" £3, to Mr. and Inks a son. “I know H. But I «EVEN: you'd object u. nuntw-r (mg finally!" " Youre an “that. Inflr‘. “I want ‘0 at-k f. r tlw daughter in marrlz “ FOR SALE OR 'X‘U KL?” BLOCK OCT for the season: Th.- lgu: s of Managenmm of m.- ” ~ Library imcnd built-,4 :s tainmcnt 0:1 ){mzcr‘ 7-3,:2‘. tutaimn-cn: will Er: «if :1 :1' la, and ciabo my mum future: of the cx‘czmiz ' g Mr Ed MCConm the chst 91 {hr 3;; Hmry Naztzzx» 1'5 Electric“ ms? 3 LII. H. Bratfy. of HOUSC, pun-Emmi :2 from 1 Lindsay ;: n‘l v-xu nu nun .uxu “U" finds 1i: 1'.- dimculu n usual weekly co.. :gnmcm Emily Council mccxing Mr. Isaac Richardson shi.e;n fa huge numbz-r uf 1.4 dun A Omcmcc shippmg phiri. Is so wci! knwwn and popuf; v ‘ r. Keith as a b.“ {ML-r u‘ t,h Umcmce. MCSS'S I “ \\'! mic am} 0‘ Baum” -0 “etc misnor'x :: last week. Mr. haw; Richardmn 5 [xtra large number of v»: Mr. Alex: K< :zh « 1' Album. an u]: 1;.42 or: J dtppmg irum :1 luv; 1 ; n h” mau- l) “'hK" ‘1 1H r: down on It!) 2m}. ‘1‘}. “as fine as in lunv. “’ .‘. "Ontario 1s nu: 13m (2» _\ with a mild chz 131-; :2. 5 say VS alchman. Mr and Mrs Sam of Bensfort. alwm S «he! parcnh, Mr :1' Emils'. CREDIT SALE. Omem~e (found: day evening. The Mirro Bet chn (1 BO RH Keith. (I Me'i )l-J' Eldon boy, 5 I a local paper 4 u‘hzch wok Mar 2nd. The m: junc.” M r. K m. the only Mam hmatc :hés year. In!!! leas 1'! CU LL 12K d M m net: I 116' I)! “it!“ SL1 the

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