IS to wry 25c 15c Mr. Bryeon end Mr. Wright, Songâ€"A (‘euipbeiL Addressâ€"Mr Dillon. Instrumental Mr.Thornten. Addreuâ€" M r. Somerville, long-wt Campbell. Addreeeâ€"Mr Philip. Recltetionâ€" Earnest McCullough. God Sure the King. Mr Hervey ekoke on the Importance of Irvin: 3n honeet cheese maker. He haul had eight years experience as plume!) of a cheese factory and knew that" a cheese maker was competent end honest he could make the patrons m we money than was realized by the IVOI'IIKO patron. In Mr. Weir they had theee qualities and It should be their elm to have their factory hold this re- putstion if they had to pay more for ranking The email extra. cost was by for exceeded by the returns. Mr. Cunuron. Instructor for the LGduy uctlonmnve a short address on Choose making. 3nd Mr. Somerville In I tomow In: lengthy addrest gave a. number 0‘ Itaxisnncs showing the need of inhuman: and careful methods on the ham. - -. n! ,u:_ -i..- .....n Manon and Mr. Phxiip also gave lhon mldrmes, after which the meet- ing cloud by singing "God Save the Km; " The Oyster supper and entertainment held in the Omemeer Uheese Factory on 1.3m“ night, 12th inst, was agrand success, Mr. Weir, the proprietor of the factory. hue reeeon to feel proud of the tntereet taken In this meeting There us in attendance about one hundred end titty. Ali having heard of the urge convention in Peterboro. they turned out, hoping to hear some of the vslnsbie information that was given from the platform at those meetings. In thle thev were not disappointed, as Mr b‘omerviiie had attended the meet- |ngs end could give {nil informalion on the meet important points In deirying. T-he ioilowmg programme was ren- Fér Twenty Days Only Mammoth Clearing Sale I have secured the services of a First-class Sales Manager to assist me in remarking and arranging the Stock and to conduct the Sale, therefore you can rely on this being a BONA FIDE SA LE. and that I will carry out all I say reg-.rding the GREAT BARGAINS I will offer {or 20 days. My Stock is fully assorted and in good condition and “ill place it all on Sale. Every Department is full of Bargains. Must sell at least $5000.00 worth during this Sale. - AA . __ ‘ Let Nothing Keep You Away. Will Save You from 20 to 50 per cent. on Every Dollar’s Worth of' Goods You Purchase Durmg this N GREAT MAMMOTH SALEW Stock Must Be Reduced Regardless of Proï¬t. Enarles 1W8 $2Ufl0flll} 831ml Stank Entnnnainnnnt nf Unnennnn Cheese Fannnnn Patnnnn. Churman 'a addressâ€"Mr. Harvey. Quarwuenn rs. Bry son. Miss Parsons, Dress Trimmings, Linings Dress Goodsâ€"25c quality quality 24c, 45c quality 36 !} yd width Suitings â€"5o< 59C: I~25 < wed :-- 20 Last smsou‘s at 50 per cent. off. $5.00 Jackets 3.5.50, $6.50 for $3, $10 for $5. In Misses’ Childrcn’s Coats, this season’s, 30 to 40 pa‘r cent off. r â€"â€"- 40 Ladies' Dress Skirfsâ€"a‘uzjo quality for 1.50, 3 50 quality for 2.25 ; $5 quality for 310 3.50. 25 Ladies' fancy leCk underskirts at 30 per cent off. 20 Ladies’ Silk Waists, in blk, white and col’d 30 off I 50 Ladies' Lustre, Cashmere and Flannel \Vaists in blk and colors, $I.25 quality 75c ; 2.50 quality 1.75. to Spccnal Lot of Ladies Waists at 50c., regular $1 to 2 50. Stock MUST now on < Charles Ivory, Omemee. $2,000 $10,000 Worth of Dry Goods, Regardless of Cost. Opens in blaék and colored, all reduce dxcs' Mantles, all this season's, at 30 to 40 per cent. off. “ A v I, .4- $500 Worth of Silks 25 Ladies‘ DATE of this Great $al§,-Commencing Worth of Dress Goods, 8 o’clock a. m. IST BE REDUCED ,TO MAKE ROOM for on order, and make other changes for th at clearmg prices. Linings, c., all the very latest. quality 150, 30c quality 20c, 35c mhty 36:, 55 and 60c quality .Hc. gs â€"5oc quality 3qc, 75c quality , 1.23 quility 890. ,’ \Vrappers at Cost or and Family Herald and Weekly’Star ’66 january lst,‘190'7, fbr $1.60, Premiu d Fancy Millinery, and to-Wcar Goods. 1% CHARLES L. MCQUADE, FLOWS 8; AH. KINDS PLOW POINTS. ONT RIO W139 MILLS AND 217323, GASOLIZXE ENGINES. WAGONS, MJnurc Spreaders. and all kinds of Farm Implements. The afternoon was pretty full. First the mistakes, difï¬culties and encour- agements oi the work were considered. 'i‘hen followed the work of the tour de- partments . “ Christian Endeavor," taken by Rev: B F. Dixon, â€Literary." taken by Miss \‘eiiie Graham \\ hocer. tainly gave an excellent paper; ‘Social ’ by Visa Ida Switzer. of Bethel. it one tell: by all that a league that weak! do as this pa; er suggested would not be without members. The “ Missionarv' was taken by Miss Johnston. oi Ome- There was no key struck that served to stir the young people more than work of missions. The Lindsey District Epworth Lea- gue met In Convention at Cameron on Tuesday, the 16th, at 10 o'clock em. The forenoon was largely spent in con- sidering the work done in the various scoleties. It was found that the young people are endeavoring to assist in the support of the Rev. Robert Emerton, B.A.. whom the General Board sent out at the request of this and the l’eterboro Districts The adiress given by Key. H. B Kenny on " Work among the juniors" brought torth a lively d18- cussion. When it was summed up one could see that all were agreed that much more should be done for those who are expected to become members of the organization. It is hoped that more junior societies in]! be the result. The nominations resulted in the fol- lowing ofï¬cers being elected; Preslden‘ Mr. William Walton. Fenelon Falls; lit vlve, Miss Cora Rogers, Mlnden: 2nd vice, Mrs. Webster. Lindsay ; 3rd vice. Miss Ida Nugent. Omemee; 4th yice. Mr. Melville MeConuel, Bethe! ; sec-tress, Mr. Albert Robson, Fenelon Falls. Mr. Walton,aftera few word.» of an apprectalive nature for the honor conferred on him, called on the ï¬rst speaker of the evening, ReV. J. Chap- man, to deliver an address on "Organ- xzed Efl'urt." ’1 he address showed cure- ful preparation, and emphasized the importance of being energized by the Huly Ghost. mat present. machinery may be worked more effectively. " In. emntes and Summer Schools†were handled ins satisfactory way by the Conference E. L.Sec.. the Rev. 8. F Epworth League Convention. in price. DEALER Ill ...... OF......... Tuesda.y,Jan.30th, at 8 o’clock a..m., $500 Worth of Furs. 20 Ladies’ Stole Collars and Caperinesâ€"$7 quality 4 75, $10 quality for 7 50, 12.50 qualny 8.50, 15.00 quality I2.00, 25.00 quahty 20.00, 30.00 quahty 24.00. Ladies’ and Gentiemen’s Fur Coats, Caps and Gauntlets at Cost. 200 pairs Ladies’ Corsets, 100 pairs Ladies’ Kid Gloves. 200 parts Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Cashmere and Ringwood Gloves, Ladies’ Fancy Collars and Belts, Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Wool and Cotton Underwear, all at reduced pnces. $1000.00 Worth of Men's, Youths' and Boys’ Clothingâ€"200 pairs Men's and Boy’s Pants. 25 Men's and Boy’s Overcoats all at and below cost. $3000 W0rth 0f Boots and Shoesâ€"Stock is all well assorted in Men's, Boys', Youth’s, Women’s, Misses’ and Children's. all at and below cost. $500 Worth of Rubbers, all at reduced prices. $500 Worth of Carpets, Linolienes and Floor 011 Cloths, Chenille Curtains and Table Covers, Lace Curtains and Curtain Materials by the yard, all at Slaughter Prices. 25 pairs white wool blankets, grey blankets, horse covers, trunks, grips, at prices regardless of proï¬t. Men’s up to date HatsaCaps, Fancy Dress Shirts» Collars, Ties, Socks underwear at bargam prices. $1000 Worth of Fresh Groceries. . All at Sale Prices. $300.00 Worth of Staple and Fancy Crockery. Dinner setts $7 regular $9.00. ' $800.00 Gen‘ts' Furnishings. >M for New Spring Goods for the coming season. A deep gloom has been cast over Omemee and vicinity by the untimely death of Margaret Mabel Rowan. 0"†daughter of Mrs. Isabella Rowan. Miss Rowan was organist ofihe Presbyterian church. Omemee, and a exemplary young woman, highly esteemed by 3†classes. She had not been feeling as well as usual for a few weeks but pre- sided at the organ,musing but one Sabbath up to the Sabbath on which she underwent a serious operation which terminated fatally at5o’clock on Tuesdoy afternoon, 23rd inst All that medical aid, careful nursing, and loving iriends could do, was done to save the useful life, but death had marked her as his own. Dr. Carmich- ael of Peterboro and Dr. Keith of Ome- mee performed the operation, and Dr. Cameron of Omemee administered the anesthetic. The operation was very successful, but the Constitution was not strong enough to withstand the severe shock and she passed peacefully away alittle more than 48 hours aiter the operation. Miss Rowan was a con. sistant member of the Presbyterian: church and an accomplished musician, having studied in l’eterboro and in Toronto under Pref Fisher. Ashort service “ill be held at the home at 2 o’clock and the funeral service in the Presbyterian church at 2.30 on Thurs- day. 25th, conducted by her pastor, Rev J .\l. \Vhiteiaw asalsted by Rev. J H. Teney of the Angilican church. We hope in next issue to give a more com- plete sketch of the late Miss Rowau's life. The Dwelling and premisas on the north Side: of King Street in the Village of Omcmcc. lately occupiqd by M_r.__A. L. Ann-s, Manager of the Bank of To- route. A ï¬rst class dwelling with all necessary outbuildings and up to date accommodations. ()ne acre of land. For particulars apply to R. ]. GRANDY, Omemce- Dixon. The chairman oiihe district. Rev. Robert McCullough, gave the closing address â€Spiritual Poner for Service; how obtained and retained. " After complimentary motions the Con- vention closed. The next convention is to be held at. Fenelou Fails .uGazetie. Tuesday, Jan’y 30th, at ancmec,]anunry 23rd, 1906 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. DEERXNG IS EAL. HARVESTEEs‘ A great favorite with the people. Once used, â€"-a1w ays 'used. TRSY IT. ERIE, POST OFFICE BLOCK. Opp. Com’l House. Having purchased the Stock of the Wm. T. D. Bradburn Estate, is offering it at greatly re- duced prices. Good Raisins, for instance, we offer 5 lbs. for 250. All other goods inOthe said stock equally reduced. At such prices they will not last long. Come with the throng and secure some bargains. we have a very choice line of Crockery, China Ware, Glass Ware, 0. Fancy Bon-Bons, Oranges, Lemons, Candied Peels, Candies, Nuts, c., in fact every- thing to help make a happy new year. Try CLARK, The Tailor, FOR A SUIT OR OVERCOAT. Right Opp. Benson House, HHUZEH’S FER BAREAINS WIN‘Q Genera Dry Goods and C L O T H I N G AWAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. For the past few months I have been searching the best market for choice things in Clothing and Haberdashery and now while my stock is at its best, I ask you to give me the pleasure of showing you the latest things in my store. Come and look and buy at your pleasure. During my business experience last year, I have endeavored to treat every man. woman and child fairly, and I feel conï¬dent that this invitation will be cordially received and accepted by everyone. The freedom of the store is yours. J. HOUZER, WILLIAM STREET. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for ofï¬ce assistants, not only from Peterboro but from other plaCes as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. An; young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competent Stenogmpher and 'l‘ypewriter is certain of a good position. You W!“ make no mistake in getting a VBusiness Education. q Winter Term begins Tuesday, Jan. 2nd 1906. LENDSAY. . PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont. 0111911189. This is especially true when applied to the [9’Write for Our Handsome Circular. Few Doors South of Maundcr’s Hotel. A Pure Anthracite Coal NEW STORE, NEW WORKSHOP, NEW GOODS, NEW IDEAS. LINDSAY. We Solid! continuance y o u r esteefl patronage for year 1906. Wm. Cari OMEM In our Grocery Dept. we have a larger stock than ever. ‘I Fresh Christmas Fruits, such as Raisins, Currants, Peels an Spices. Oranges. Lemons, Confectionery, c. Our stock ‘ daily with the the leading ma] and We will ap] tinued patrona. ' ‘ 100 ACRES Abel-n 1" mile! . - /2 Dld You Know south of the Village of Omemcc. A THAT frame dwelling. frame barn and a {nine ‘ shed on the premises. “"1; SELI. A L1. GRADES OF . For particulars apply to BigDr; FINE FLOUR.Wm. Earl and B. J. Gram: AV 1) l Executors of the Estate of Mixe d Feeds I Margaret A. Nelson. decenchd. D a ir y Butter. 01m. Benson House, Linflxay. HP. 8. â€"â€"I will be glad to see all Hi friends in Omemec, Ops, Emily and _Cavan v; hen they visit Lindgay. Make our store your headquarters when in town. Highest Prices Paid FOR Fm [Zhlistmas Wedding Presents Some beauitiful lines in WATCHES. CLOCKS, jE\V- ELRY, SILVERVVARE. CUT GLASS,CHINA.TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, NOVELTIES, c., c. SPECIAL LOW PRICE B. LAIDLEY, Prosperous Ne W.f.McEABTY’S. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY You can buy Dainty Goods HELLU ! A'l‘ RIGHT PRICES. a: INDSAY, O/OMEMEEQ The Popular Jewelry Store, QAT'Q . McCafl’rey TO RENTâ€"The North Half of Lot number Six, in the Second Com cession of the 'l'ownghip of Emily Dr. F. A. Walters. DENTIST, LINDBA Y. Hem; Grï¬dnste of Toronto Univâ€. 1}: and Roynl College of Donal In. goons. ' All the latest and inmrovod hunch" 5f danhatry successfully parlonnod. Charge: moderate. 0 F F l C 1-: out Gregory’s Drug Store, corn-r Kant 383‘ William streets. Notice to Creditors. Farm to Rent. In the matter of the estate of ROBERT PETHICK. late of the 'l‘ownslnp of Cavan in the County of Durham. Yeoman, deceased- Take notxce that in pursuance of the Statutes in that behalf all persons hav- mg claims agamst the estate of the sand late Robert Pethzck. who died on or about the 29th day of Novembe x905, are reqmred to send particul of their said claxms duly venï¬ed Mrs. Lavina Pethxck, at Ida P. O the said Township of Cavan. l before the 1 2th day of F ehruam 1996. And take notice that the executors may after the said nth day of Febru- ary, 1906, proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, and will not be liable for any claims of which they‘ shall not then have notice. Dated this 1 1th day of January, 1906. LAVINA PETHICK WILLIS CARR A. A. SMITH, Executors’ Solicitor. } Executnn. D. Milligan, - « MILLBROOK. Has purchased the Good-Will and business of Mr. Wllliam Fisher, blacksmith, and will do all blacksmithing work on the West side of the street, while on the East side of the street his b CARï¬IAGE worm" â€" will be carried on 1110?» ' extensively than even, No raise in prices. Your patronage ls molt respectfully solicited. J. STEELE'S,'. FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage â€cm MILLBROOK.