Miss Davidson. of Pctcrboro, Is a guest of Miss Millie: Eakms. Must: I} Fair and S Russell at- tended the Torey and Alexander meet- ings in Toronto last week. Ms. S D Ross is waiting friends at Madoc, her former home. 130., recently altcadcd the Annml Dinner of The Engineer’s Club of To- room, of which be Is an old mcmbrr. and took a prominent part in the pro- ? dings. 01c: eighty members {rum diï¬'aent pans of Canada attended â€" run â€up: Guidr. Mr. R. Ruddy, Barnster, was m' The funeral on Tuesday from Eh“ Peterboro on Tuesday. family resxdcnce to the Presbyterian . , Cemetery was very largely attended, M“ Walter Co_lhns. 0f the 335‘“ 0f the Rev. Wm. Johnston conducting Commerce, Colhngwood, “'35 “5an the Sen-mes at the house and grave. f?" parents, M" â€d Mrs. 1‘ ' B- (301' Among the floral ofl'enngs wasa wreath "M- ‘h'3 week. ‘ - from the Pxespyterian Sunday School. Mr. '1. A enzyme", of port Hope. 'A basket of flowers from Mlss McIvor Managing Director of the Central On- | Pcterboro. Shower Boquct from Dr. zario Pater ($0., of Peterboro, and of Needler, Toronto, and Cut Camations Jae Nonhumbcrlanddhrham Pourcr from Mr. Alf Needler. V 0 b0- o. mises. Lot 22,‘ C33. 3, 'Manvcrs, his valuable farm stack, Implements, household furniture. c. Miss Heme Hewitt, of Sterling, :5 a , «at of Miss Ross. CREDIT SALEuâ€"J. H Gardiner, Auctioneer, has received Instructions "mm Mr. Thomas Howden, to sell by sublic auction. and without reserve. .1.) Wednesday SEXY. jan. 3st, 1906, .1! ONE o’clock {nigh sharp, On his ~The many friends of Mr. Charles )rcltsev will be pleased to learn that he and his estxmable fannly are com- Tr-rtably settled at Hespeler, and are doing well. They are greatly missed 3‘. Millbl'oou, where they had made many warm friends. For sale by J. ADAMS, MILLBROOK, L J. MULLIGAN, OMEMEE. -30X.~\LL MATT HIE, LINDSAY $3M. MADILL PE‘I‘ERBORO. ‘f H BEA'I'TY, EI.IZ.\BE’1‘HVI LE . C. SULLIVAN, ASHBURNHAM Z‘HOS. HILL, PONTYPOOL '.. R. BURNS, JANETVIILE. The undersigned wishes to inform nose Intending to have auction sales . m he Will be pleased to have a call om them. Terms reasonable. I. E. NEEDHAM, ’~'ï¬cc and Store, Millbrook, Ont. Ting SL. op. Dom. Hotel. P. S.â€"Pcrsons having small lots of mock, chattels. 6m, to sell I will be 01¢an to put them up at auction any <nturday. I. E. N. recessary They were assisted on 13,23 occasion by Miss Helen Collins -..u~.l Miss Mildred Allen of Millbroolt, - :2.) tool: their parts most SUCCCSSfuIly. The sleighing was the best of the .--~.son, and friends from Millhrook. Ev. rytown, Manvers. Ida. and the ad- .ent Country availed themselves of "tr Opportunity 0! the double enjoy- : --~t, n delightful musical entertain- :zt within doors. and the merry ï¬nding 0! the sleigh bells, as they mute and went over the smooth roads, «moat a pitch hole to mar their {t was indispensable to success that . . ::h link in the chain. even the tiniest child. should do its part well, and so :..: was this result attained that it would ::c invidinus to particularizc. The i-i-zilieboro Soloist: and Dramatic 5.:netcurs are now so well known and glgircciated that a special mention is ‘NURSE BROS.’ LIVERYâ€" ï¬fe will be pleased to have a call :: rim you when vou need a ï¬rst- - 18$ livery outï¬t. 'lerms right. 3 )n 't forget the place, Union St., Illbrook. \V. '1. McBride 5 old .-.;and. We will use you right. The Entertainment given last week ' '. z'ie basement of Christ church Bail- ."L-IO in connection with the Anni- .- : any, was as usual most successful, , :. -:her Viewed from a ï¬nancial stand- "r. it or that 0: the programme pre- -:.:ed. The Basement was ï¬lled to ' wï¬owmg on Wednesday evening .- : there was a large number on the ‘1 .»-.-rsday, the proceeds on the two » .ings amounting to OVer $100. Lite programme was of about two 3.1-": and a'quarter long, and conStst- ;; -ntirely of the comic Operetta of Ba-Ba or the forty thieves, preSent- 'iy forty-ï¬ve performers. Prepara- i-r.:i had been made for weeks before I :1"! and regular practices held. until .. â€'fo the able tuition and training of Spcher and Mrs. Allen a surpris- .. 7. perfection had been attained. ni;:Ch more than delighted the large .: :~..hences assembled on both nights. E. E. NEEDHAM. AUCTIONEER. :11?!“ Church Entertainment. Miss Meta Pickup is a guest at the am of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rose, CLY DESDALE STOCK FOOD neodngluan whose '7†are 00¢ Perfectly focused “€58: distant objects, or y adjuunble for an: work. "“38 the you perfect sight. OI! Sb-Zon Eyeglasses plea: H. A. Turner ' tllbmk Besides his parents, four sisters, Mrs Nelson Domal, of Gorhnm. N.Y..’Mrs C. Amlv, of Pcnnyann. N.Y., and the Misses Etta and Maud at home, and three brothers. Walter at Gainsbom N W. '.,l‘ George at ( obourg, and Freder- ick,1n town, are 'th to mourn his loss. Saturday night a strong gale blew from the south, melting the snow and swelling the creeks and streamletsdnto torrents. Mr. Wm McIvor rising early Sunday morning. accompanied by his son Chares burned down to Needler's Mill (where both were employed), to ï¬nd the water running over the Mill bank about a foot deep andethe ground below the Mill north-to King St. cov- ered with water. 'llhis was about 6 am. Shortly afterwards Mr.Charles Needler arrived and they succeeded by cutting or otherwise in removmg some logs from the waste gate, freeing a mass of water that .rushed down stream a secth mg torrent. .A‘bout 100 feet below the gate the creek .bed risas, from here a reflux current rushed back toward sthe Mill with almost the force of the main stream. Some logs. caught between the matu and reflux current floated, comparatively at rest, and it was in an effort to reach them that the unfortun- ate young man met his death. Accom- panied by his brother Fred, in a canoe they attempted to cross, but were una- ble to control the boat, as soon as the boat entered the Ctnreut it upset, F red being saved with difï¬culty It is said’ that Charles attempted to held unto the boat but was swept ofl' almost in- stantly by the icy waters and carried down stream. the body being recover- ed about an hour afterwards below Collins’ Octogan Mill. Charles was but 15 years of age, ‘a modest, manly young fellow and his untimely death lS universally deplored. Deep sympathy is felt for the family in their lamentable bereavement. Every Dr. in this town did his beetle relieve Mrs. J. Withom of Asthma ; succeeded. "For years. the states, " 1 was adreadful antral-er; nothing gave relief. At times I louml it necessary to have I†the door: and n indowl open to get my breath. When in dlspair I heard of“Cntnrrhonone.†I used it and now am pevtectly cured." Thle prove-i beyond doubt that any case of Asthma in curable with Catarrhozone. No temedy eo pleuant, none so ablolutel y certain to thoroughly cure; try "Cu- tartholone"youraell; It’s guatanteed. The ' crane" l was Informed by mo pnnlel. had been soon " ï¬shln’ up and down creek" all winter. 'l‘wlcol had observed {roan In open pools a: lively u on on April day. Tho-crane and woodcock are birds tbac usually .wintor from about Virginia. southward. A rod-tall"! hawk was seen by me Dec. 27th at Millbrook: a. robin in Soulh Plrkdalo. almost daily, alnce Dec. 17, to the present Elmo. Editor World: In/auswer to W F.M., I would montlon tt’vo unusual winter residents observed by me on Christmas Day at Millbrook. Out. There was a Great Blue llerou (a“ crane") and a. woodcork. both found about some open spring runs in the vicinity of a large trout stroum. ruumug for the moat part through eedsr swamp or open wood. land near to the vlllags. Judglug from tracks and other endouce. both blrds bad teen than {or many days at least. Some evidence of the extremely mild winter. which Is being experienced lhle year, is furnished by the following letter in the Toronto World. Every- one who known Sam Hnnmr, and his knowledge of the feathered tribe, wlll be prepared to admit lhot he Is an an- thorlty on the subject. He writes as follow-z After the lnstsllatlon an oyster sup- per was served, Bro. J N Hicks being the efï¬cient caterer. There was one lnltitfl'on during the evening. After the excellent supper, short sddressea were delivered by a number ofthe Brethren. There were: few visitors from Lodge Coventry. Bailieboro. Al- together a most enjoyable evening was spent. Play... Bros, H. A. Turner and F. J. Unelgrovo. Sam Huntor's Observatlons 0n Wlnter Birds. w P. P, Bro. W. H. Coombo. W. P. " W. W. lelott. \\'.V P. " G. A. Duncan. W, Chap. " J N. Hicku. W. soc. " R. E Stanton. W. Trans. " ’1'. M. PotMck. WJ Gourd " T G. McCorrey. W. 0 Guam! “ A. W. Brown. W. 13‘ Com. Bro. G. Curvoth: 2nd Bro. A. ang: 3rd Bro.R. H. Hubbard; 4th Rm. '1'. M Brock; llh Bro. W. Tro nomh; 6th Bro. E. Simon. Lou n! poop]. have this wstorv bloodâ€"They eat plenty but don'tdi. gut When digs-non In poor food Isn't ennui-:61! into nourtl’nmontâ€"ln con-equpnce the body rapidly loo-ea urenglh. To positive}, renew atronzth nothing equals k‘erroz‘ne. It excites shun. appe!ito.â€"uukal the stomach digest, {onus m. sustaining blood. Abundant strength in auto to {ollom I! you need mare vitallty extra en- ergy. better nenes, {hon use Fenozono the medical triumph of the age Fifty coma buys a box 0! ï¬fty c ocola.e comet! tablets. The following ofï¬cer. of Lodge St. Ives, No 243. 3.0.8.. B 8,, were install- ed on Monday evening, Jun. l5“), by 1106.8 K, 8:0. George Hancock, of Pofl Hope : Proved in Mount Forest. Springhunt avenue. S 0.1-2. Installation of Ofï¬cers. Sad Drowning Accident. Water in Your Blood. 8. EU NTER A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, 24th Jan'y, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson, of North Monaghan, when their second daughter, Jennie, was united in mar- riage to Mr 'l'hos. Robinson, of Zion Line. Saran. Only the immediate friends of the contracting parties being present. The Ceremony was performed by the Rev Wm. johnston. of Mill- brook, after which a sumptuous wed- ding dejeuner was served. The num erous and costly presents were :IIL’tVl- dence of the esteem in which the happy couple are held by a host of friends. Mr. Robinson arrived in Millbrook on the evening train With his bride. The Mirror joms in best wishes. Rev. ] ll. 'l‘cney, of Omemee, will peach next Sunday at St. john's Church, at 10.30 a.m., Christ Church. Baihchoro. at 3 p.m.. and St. 'l‘homars.‘ Church, Millbrook, at 7 pm. Collcc- tron for Missions in Toronto Diocese. Mr. 'l'cney will also conduct a mission. my meeting at Trinity Church (Marsh) on Monday evening, at 7 o’clock. Mr. Tcnéy is an able: preacher and will no doubt have large congregations at all the services. . Mr. Jns Hunter, ().H.M 8., despite the fact that the road was washed out at Mr. Stanton’s, prething Vehicles from passmg, hr: ‘ got here ’ with the mail sharp on tune last Monday. No road too bad for Jim W zen he has an important duty tu perform. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Medd, of Bran- don, Mam, were: ch315 of his niece, Mrs. R. W. Clarke, last week. On account of the had read: the country penplb couldn’t attend in as large numbers as they would have done otherwise, but a very select audience from the village was In attendance, and spoke in gluwmg terms of the exâ€" ceilenoy of the programme,“ which about thirty-ï¬ve members of the choir took pan. ‘lhe choir was given a very cordial Invitation to again favor Mill- brook w ith another concert at I!) early date The mom' era of the cholt are very gnuelul for their hearty teceptlon and courteous treatment at the hands of the Mlllbruok Presbyter.anl â€"â€"Exumiuer of 18“: inst. Is an Irritable condition of the nerves caused by old. Relief comes quickly from Nerviline, the gran pain reliever of today. “I consider Nervlllne a magical remedy lor neuralgla’†writes Mm El 6. Harris of Baltimore. But I never worry If Nervillne Is in the house, A few applica'lona never yet falled to kill the paln I can also recommend Nervillue for sclï¬'neu, rhoumullam and muscular pains" In use nearly ï¬lly your try Nervlli‘ne yourself. Mr and Mrs H W Johnston sang in duct that beautiful selection, entitled “ Rock of Ages,†in splendid voice at the Presbyterian Church, last Sunday. The choir was most lmspitably re- ceived, and after the concert. was entertained by the ladies oi the church. ".Ihad only to tr'y Dr. Hamilton's Pills to appreciate their mom,†writes Mrs. Annle S. Bryce, of Woodstock. "My system was out of order. My blood Wual: and mm. 1 had a nasty, mnrkv complexion. My skin was hard and dry. The 21m box of Dr. Hamll- ton'a‘Pllls made a complete change. I felt better at once. Healthy color came into my fave. In about. “me weeks I was clued." Dr Hamilton’s PM]. on easy curq. Try these good pllla, 25¢. per box. or the boxes for $1.00. at all dealers. The choir of St. Paul's church went. to Mlllbrook last night and rendered enacted concert In the Preabytoriun Church. On Tuesday evening last the follow. {owing‘oï¬icers were installed by D.D. G.M Bro. Radclifl and asstetante,Bros. A A Stevenson, F Barnett, Charles Britton and others, of Port Hope: J. P. G. Bro. W. S Pickup, N U. " H: G Duneford. v.5. " W. D Leech. Rec-Sec. -' w, :5. Given. Fin-Sec. " W. Strain. Trees. " I) Hampton. Chap. " Rev. W. Johnston. Warden " J, N. chke. (fond. " ’1‘. H. Bradley. 1, Guard. “ J. A. Horner. 0.6087d- " R. Russell. R.S N. G. " J, W. Hamilton. L 8. N. U " Howard Fallie. R II. V G. " 'l‘. Hurkness. L. S. V C. " Stanley Grundy. R. 8. 8. " Arthur Fallls. L 8. S. " S. J Hamilton. After the ofï¬cers were installed, an excellent oyster supper was served by Bro. chke. after which short addresses were delivered by Bros. Dodde. Rev G R Clare. the visitors. and others. Mill- brook Lodge of 1.0.0 F. is in a flourish- lng condition. Usin g e + "Your Haw? 1161’s M y Hair is Extra Long Rec-Sec. Fin-Sec. Twas. Chap. Warden Com]. 1, Guard. 0. Guard. Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The boot kind of n testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty yous." I 0.0.F. Installation of Ofï¬cers. The Root of Neuralglc Headache. St. Paul’s Choir in Mlllbrook. Her Skin Was Yellow. 'ï¬doyfl-Q-vsrï¬m Min-‘3" CHERRY m Watch the Skin M for Bad Blood. :It Comes In the Surface in the ' Form of Pimples, Bails Rashes and Humnrs. And doilxizg n ' tokoep it? gust women 'kothick, eavyhlir' n3 luxuriant hair. Don’t you}. that; use Hall’s Vegetsue Swain Hair Benmr. You save whsthmym have andgctmcrostthemeï¬mo. for a» vlrwmn mud We '0 min BUCKIHGMH‘S DYE. It eo'orl 5 Hal: brown or: an blnr‘c. R. P. “513.19 na‘luhu-l I. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY EASTERN ONTARIO Orders for new connections, change.» of ï¬rm name, changes of street ad- drcw, ur for duplicate entries, ' should bc handed to the local manager a! once. H. A. TURNER, , x AAA 11-.-- __14 Mr. Colhns, owmg to ill health has been advised to give up the Banking business He has conducted a suc cessful business In Millbrook for thxrty eight years, dunng twenty of which he carried on a large dry goods business, and for the past eighteen years he has been in the Banking business. Mr. Collins has an ofï¬ce upstairs Over the Ontario Bank. Mrs. (Rcv,) Hamflton. nee Miss Jcsdc legar, of Cardstone, Alberta, was a guest. at home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Carvclh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIvor desire to express their heartfelt thanks to the citizens of Millbrook and vicinity for sympathy extended and great kindness to them in their recent terrible afflic- tion. For the ready help and kindly feeling shown by neighbors and friends they are deeply grateful. 'I’HE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, is about to publish a new issue of the OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY {or the district of Miss Hattie Courtney IS visxtihg her parents at ()mcmee. The Ontario Bank has leased the premises occupied and owned by T. B Collins, Esquire, and has opened a Branch here, with Mr. Holladay, from Collingwood, as Manager, and Mr. Haney, from Aurora, as Teller and Accountant. The premises are being remodelled, and Will be ï¬tted up in modern style. You can depend on receiving conrteous attention from its efï¬cient and genial Manager and his capable assistants. When completed the Millbrook Branch of the Ontario Bank Will have as handsome premises as any in the Province. As soon as Mr. Holladay can secure a surtable res idenCe, Mrs. Holladay wrll join him here. We join in welcoming them to this pretty town. Mrs. Herb Shield Miss]. Boyd 8: Mrs Thomas Jamieson attended the Torrey. Alexander meetings") loromo [1115 week. Mr. and Mrs. George McIvor and children, of Cohourg, attended the funeral of th: late Charles McIvor on 'I‘uesday. Reader, does YOUR blood need at- lenllnn 7 It so get Dr. Humilion'u Pills at once; they ï¬lter out I" poisons, eliminate disease making gonna, nom- ish and re-vilalise every drop o! blood in the body. "I found it hard to sleep, and felt worn out 3nd tired Ml Ibo time. Dr. Hamilton's Pills made an inltum change. I grey stronger, my blood was restored, rheumatism vanished. 'l‘o-day I am vigorous, cheery and healthy In every respect. You will never realize what good health moans unlll you feel the quick- enlnz. vitallling effects of Dr. Hamli- ton’s Pills. Every tlred, overstrained, nervous man and woman should use thls grand lonic regularly. Life wlll then be lull ol happiness and hoyanl health. All dealers Bell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 250.. per box, or flyo boxes for SI. By mall if who is forwarded to N 0 Poison 4: Co" Hartford, Comm, L' S A,, and Kingston, Ont. Where the blood In weak and deprav- ed the system lacks staying power and force. Frightful ulcers and unsightly Matches brenk out, the skln becomes yellow and muddy; “10 03'“ lack lustre. No medicine exerts such a marvatous influence {or good as Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they clam the complexion, make it. exquisitely bemnilul; they cure pimples, rashes and skin trouble: 0! every kind. Read the following care- full! : ‘1 l’ N o A PPITITE--BAD Cancun-G xxmux. Dmuu'n'. ~ “‘1 was run down." writes Mr. Allâ€"’31! E_ Dickson, 9f iFailjhaven P U , “ My color was 'dull and unhealthy; appetite was poor, and I constantly sutfered from rheumatism. WANTED! One Hundred more Young Men and Women, who are ambitious and enterprising, to qualify in the for the many positions open to all those who are thoroughly prepared to accept them. A 6 month’s course in this college means for a young man of the right kind, an edumtion- al cquipment better than many trades or professions in money can:- ing power. Students admitted at any time. Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. New Bank In Millbrook, TORONTO. ONT. Town or Millbrook. CARI) OF including the r !a Local Manage.» THANKS. Q’People wixhln 30 miles of Ome- mee can SAVE MONEY by buylnu at IVORY’S BIG 20 day’s SALE. See adv. on Page 3. Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Rev. G. Hamilton, of Cardstone, Alberta, gave an address in the Presbyterian Chuch on Monday afternoon, which was en- joyed by all the ladies present As Mr. Harmlton's work is closely con- nected with the Mompns, Mrs Ham- llton gave a very concxse history of the birth and growth of that Sect. Mrs. (Dr.) Snelgrove’s beautifully rendered solo added to the interest of the meet- After a dainty wedding dcicunc'r was scrwd, and hearty congratulanon-~ were tendered, Mr. and Mrs. Corrin left on the: 6 3o tram. amid showers of conlcm, for their future home in Port Perry. The Mirror joins in hearty good Wishes to flu: happy couple. O<°>oo Emlly and Machrs council procecd~ ings are held ovur [or want of space. After the presentatnon an oyster supper was sewed m the dining room. There was a good program of music and addresses and all present were de- Tx'ghtcd with the hospitality of mine host and hostess. Mrs. John Peace, of Scugog Island was a guest of her sister. Mrs. R. W. Clarke, recently. The many friends of Dr Ilassanl Will be soxry to learn that he is con- ï¬ned to his bed with an attack of ty- phmd feVer. Dr. Snelgrove, the at- tending physicxan, had Dr. Forrest of Port Hope. here last week in consul- tation We understand Dr. Hassard lS getting along as well as can be ex- pvcted. Miss Brown, nurse, had only left the home two weeks from attend- mg Master Jack, when she was called back again to wait on the Doctor. About ï¬fty of the friends of Mr. Ashmore, the genial proprietor of the Bradburn House, Omcmce, met in the parlor of that popular hotel, and the host and hostess being pn-s-cnt the fol- lowmg congratulatory address was read by Mr. Mcher: To Mr. A. J. Ashmore, To Mr. A. J. Ashmore, We, a number of your friends gather here this evening to tender to you our hearty congratulations upon your recent marriage. We all jam in wishing you and your estimable bride many years of paper ity and happiness. Since you have “men charge of the Bradburn House you have always en- deavored to make your guests comfor- table. and you haVe certainly suo ceded. ‘ The present was a handsome bed- room suite. ' We askâ€"you to accept this present as a shght token of our esteem for you and trust thal you will at ccpt it in the same spin! that it is givu). Signed on behalf of your friends, Isaac Richardson, chairman; Bani. Mchely, scc.; W. Duxc. 'l'reas. havc conducted the Bradbum House in a most conmu-ndublc manner, and no doubt you Will continue to hold the conï¬dence and respect of the commun- lty at large. Since you have “men charge of the Bradburn House you have always en- deavored to make your guests comfor- table. and you haw: ccrtmnly suo eudcd. It has been generally Mt that you havc conducted the Bradbum House 'lhc bride {\ho is most highly rc- spectcd was ihe recipient ot mam’ handsome preacnts. The bride was gowned in bisqu: taï¬'c-tta, wnh chimcrcttc and cuffs of lace, and carrivd white carnations and smilax. 'l‘he bridesmaid wore pale green crepe: de chene, and carried pink carnations. The Wedding march was played by Miss Corrin of Pctcrboro, a sister of the groom. The bride’s going away gown was of mine venctlan cloth with Naten suit. To the household but how about. the mutt er? Has she been _'ujo, A quiet. but pretty home wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon, the 16th mst,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. S. Henderson, King Street, Omemee, when their daughter, Ella Maye, was married to Mr. Nelson 1". Corrin, of Port Perry. Rev. Robert McCullough performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her cousin, Miss Alberta Hamlin, of Mid- land, while the best man was Mr. l’ercy Corin of Port Perry, a cousin of the groom. w.â€".--- Tao many mothers ï¬nd it a. time of fearful anxiety because of the knowled e that they are"not ngoodhealth.†They have allowed weaknesses, pains and drains to accumu- late till the health is completely under- mined and they are “more than discour- aged." and all because they have been mlsa‘dvised by well-meaning friends or maltreated by an inefï¬cient doctor. _ To all such here is the news that there is a remedy that will heal and not hurt. It. was di§covered “mi years ago by Dr. Pierce who searched ’ature‘s Labor- atoryâ€"the earth, for flu; remedialagcntzs ucull â€"ulb a.“ ulr IUI In“. l‘unlu‘nl“. .- v...â€" I D so lhcrnlly provided therein. He took Lady's Slipper root. Black Cohosh root, Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root. Golden Seal root, and by extracting, combining and preserving. without the use of alco- hol. the glyceric extracts of these natural remedies he has given to the world Du. I’macz’s FAVORITE I’nnscmr’mox which has to its credit tho enviable and un aralleled record of more than a. half- mi lion of cures in the last forty years. “Only those who have given Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prnscription a trial can appreciate what a boon it is to sufl’oriu women." writes Miss Vlnnu Senmoro. of _33 .l_m Sta-Toronto. Ont. "For two years I suffered intensely from female weakness until life was a. burden to me. 1 had dlstresslnx. bearing-down pain: so I could scarcely stand up. 113d hot flushes. was wry duspondunt. weak. and ut- terly wretchml. My physician gave me- trout- menu but without success. I tried several runwdles but obtnlned no relief untll I be- am to take Dr. l’len‘u's l-‘M'orlte Prescrip- tion. I humm lmmediAu-ly to Improve. and lu {our mouths‘ time 1 was as well and strong as ever." (‘omtipatinn cured by Doctor Pierce‘; Pleasant. Pellets. Address and Presentation. THE STORK BRINGS JOY CORRINâ€"HENDERSON. '. 3;“ .Q ‘1’: Corn H 00 3 Chicken soup .......... 3 Vegetable soup ........ 3 Blue berries ........... 3 Blue plums ........... 3 Pears ................ 2 Pme apple ............ 2 Catsup, Tiger Brand . . . . 3 Deï¬ance catsup ........ 1 Keystone picklgs ...... 3 Paul omous .......... 2 Horscmddiah ......... 1 Nicholson’s mince meat. .; Davies’ home-made “ 1 Orange marmalade . . . . 3 Mustard sardines ...... 3 Gold Medal salmon . . . . 2 Twenty-ï¬ve cent tea at .......... CANNED GOODS 'l‘omatocs, Anchor Brand 3 tms for Pumpkin “ “ 3 “ l.)case ‘O ‘0 3 Cl W Men’s Rubbers and Heavy Socks. @366 Solid Raw-Hide Whips for 50 Cents Each. I WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL O n (Door West of Mr. Coombe’s Grocery, Millbrook. § THE UNTAHIU BANKE T“. §M1uuBRooKgag ah 666%6666€ A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. .Ynur Patronage is Selinï¬ed, and Every Courtesy Will Be Extendsd. g F. J; Holladay, Jo EU 0 Fisher. V. S" MILLBROOK, : : ONTARIO. At Cost for Next Two Weeks fln Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty’s 14th 1" 3-, C- . Ofï¬ce on King St., ï¬xst door West Collins' Bank. opened in T. J. LANG, in the premises lately occupied by Messrs.T. B. Collihs Co. ’geeeaegwmmm» Wééég'éégg‘égï¬Ã©ggé €15? u M u H ‘l 6‘ 3 3 3 rp .....“3 3 3 ..........2 ..........2 Brand....3 up........x bome klgs ......3 ..........2 ut (I ‘6 H bl (t ‘l (I u d u 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25C 250 25c 25c xoc 25c 25c 10c A Branch of this Bank has been Calls 1-3 'lclqlu-ne prompt!)- anmdcd to, . . 3 pks. tins O5 u Town Hall, And other articles mo numcmgs to mention, at equally low rates. I'.\'cry~ thing fresh. 25c 25c 25c MOORE, 25c 25c 25c 20C Sewmg machine oil so a bottle. ‘| Tiger brand salmon . . . . 2 25c Horseshoe brand salmon r “ 15c Kippcrcd herrings. . . . . . r “ roe Currants, fresh ......... 4 “h for 25¢ Raisins, fresh .......... 4 lbs for 25¢ Worcester saute: ........ 3 lmllcs 25c Grape cordial .......... x †IOC Jelly powder .......... 3 pks 2 5c Webbs cocoa .......... 3 tins 250 Baker’s ............... 2 " 250 Seal skm chewing tobacco 2 Nut:5 15C Carma! “ “ 15c N O) Fairplay " I so Tiptop extracts in lemon and rasp- berry flavors 5c, and Other assorted cxlmc‘s at 5c and 7c a boulc. MANAGER . 4 It» for 25C 4 lbs for 25¢ 3 lmtlcs 25c Chutmnn'u addressâ€"Mr. Harvey. Qnsrtotmo-Mra. Br} Bon, Miss Parsox.e, Ilr. Bryson sud M r. Wright. Songâ€"A ('smpben. Addressâ€"Mr Dillon. lulrnmonul Mr.Thorx:ton. Aldrinâ€"Mr. Somerville, gongâ€".5 Campbell. Addressâ€"Mr Pump. Bodutionâ€" Earnest Mc(‘uilough. God Save the King. M: fluvey ekoue on the importance of laying an honest cheese maker. lie had had eight years ex; erience as .dumsn of a cheese {actl-ry and kne“ ‘h.. if I. cheese maker “ as campegeu" and honest he could make the patrons III-we money than was realized by {he .vonge pair-m. In Mr. \Veirthey Lad those qntlities and It should be their aim to have their factory hold this re- puuflou If they had to pay more {or making The small extra. cost was by ‘M exceeded by the returns ‘ number 0’ Izmistécc 5mm; =1: we need of intelligent and cueful methods on the farm. Mr. Dxllon and Mr. Piuiip aim :ave lhon “drones. after which 172.6 meet- ‘ng duped by singing “God Saw. the 51!. Camel'ou. Instruczur fur the Lind-:3 muon,gu\-e a short address on Chm making. and Mr. Sumerviiie (u Ilomouhnt lengthy aJ‘Iress gave Inge convention to l’eterbom, um- tnmod out, hoping to hear some of the 1.1051310 Information that was given {roll the platform anhcee meeting . In this they were not dieapnoxuted, as Mr Somervnle had attended ti e meet. lngl 5nd could gm fullinformalio:. on the moat important points 1:: ddrylng. ‘l‘lu following programme was ren- King " arrangmg t! SA LE. and My Stock i: of Bargains Let Nothing Keep You on Every Dollar’s The Outer lupper and enterfainment hold in the Omomoe Cheese Factory on Fads, night, [2“; Inst , “a.: a grand QM, Mr. Welt, the proprietor of the futon. bu reason to feel prnud o! the mun-t taken In this meeting There was In attendance about. one Lumired and ï¬fty. All having bend of Hm [11122122 22 222%: Consisting of Staple and Piano 1 adics' Remix 40 \X «31' Dress Trimmings, Linings, c., :-;. Dress Goodyâ€"25c qualits 150, 54 quality 24c, 45c qualm' 56;. 53 an I} yd width Suitmgs â€"5oc quality 59C, 1.25 quality hq w 8500 Worth of ‘ Entertainment at 0111312186 Cheese Factnrt Patrcns. 41 Stock MUST BE RED' now on order, am Charles Q'See ()mcmcc xtcms on page 2 82,7000 Worth of Dre $10,000 Worth Stock Regardless of Cost. in Mack and colored. all rem I have secu lg the Stouk and that I w ck is fully 2155 aims. Mus! = $300 Worth of R 25 Ladxes' \Vrapl’ers DATE of this at clearing price Must :ured me :k and to will carry assorted a Sc“ th anc of Dr COdel