Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 18 Jan 1906, p. 2

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m . _ ' , ’ ' ‘ 7 V 7} .Alexunder Revxval meetmgsun rl own- I to last week. The prgan recital m the Presbyterian (Church-on Sunday evening last was pleasing to the very large congregation. Um appropriate -sermon was preached iby the pastor, Rev. Wm. Johnston, which was listened to with rapt atten- tion. Mr. C. V. Pym, under whose .direction the recital was gin-n, render- ed s:veral Selections on the organ, and fins great musical ability was agaxn ‘noticeable. The beautlftzl selection "by the male quartctte. MeSsrs H W Johnston, R] Doak, Eroll Hansmnn and C V Pym “as really a mat. Net manx (bars in small towns have four} such excellent male voiCes. The Ser- vices throughout were hearty, and Sev- : a! hate said they Were even better than on former occasions of a similar nature. I. E. NEEDHAM, Office and Store, Millbrook, Ont. King St., op. Dom. Hotel. P. S.â€"Pcrsons having small lots of stock, chattels, c., to Sell, I will bc pleased to put them up at auction any Saturday. I. E. N. T he undersxgncd wishes to inform those Intending to have auczion sales that he will be pleased to have a call from them. Terms reasonable. 1. E. NEEDHAM, A UC'I‘IONEER Mr. Martyn Pcthicx has been ap- poimcd Prcsidcn'; and Mr. Sanficld Staples secretary of the Cavan and South Monaghan S. S. Associatxon for zhc, cnsumg year. Mr and Mrs Harry Sandy of Man- Vctgi Station were'gucsts at the home: of Mr. and Mrs. james Porter last week NURSE BROS.’ LIVERYâ€" “It: will be pleased to have a call lrom you when you need a first- class livery outfit. Terms nght. Don’t forget the place, Union St., lelbrook, \V. T. McBride’s old stand. We will use you right. . Rev. (pk Cl-atcfittcndcd tlheh'rorry- Mrs. W. H. Russdl is visiting in Toronto this week Mr. I. '1'. Clarke, of Cobourg. was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer over Sunday. \ Dr. F. J. Snclgrove, I’hysxcxan and Surgeon, wxshes to xnform the residents of Millbroox and vicimty that he is permanently located in the residence 'on King St. lately occupied by Dr. ;Klnnon. next door East to Dr. Deyell, .V.S., and that he is open to calls at 5home both day and night. Calls to 'the country both day and night care- fully attended to. ’Phone 20. Mr. Geo. Luxon who was a candi- date for the Council in the last Muni- cipal c0ntex't and came wtthin two votes of the successful candidate, Mr. David Bell, has demanded a recount of the_votes cast, and has made the neCessary depoCit to cover cmts. Hts Honor Judge Benson, bc fore whom the recount Will be made, has not as‘ yet fixed the dal:-.-Orono News Mr. and Mrs. j. Bateson and 5! n, of Havclock, returned home on Monday after a pleasant visit with fn‘ends here. The subscription rCCeipts of the 1"me Herald and Weekly Star of nontreal uuring DeCember were thous ands of dollars over all prexious rec ‘mds. In fact, the rush of subscrip- ilons was so great as to cripple for a 'Iitne the lar'est stuff of clerks they Zen-r emplowd. lhe lovely picture “Queen Alexandria, Her Grandchil- 'dien and Dogs, ” .. O’ixen as a premium, and the big l3.11m: of the Family Her- ald itself are TCS')OI]Slblc for the large :increase, and it 15 said their turmers’ ‘book. “The Fnrmers’ Manual and Veterinary Guide,” has also “on them fover tWenty thousand new subscribers. The)‘ are printing another edition of =the boomand farmers “ho have not ’Secured a copy should do so at once :35 it IS of immense value to them Samples 0t book and picture can be ’Seen at this office. No such value has 'ever been ofl'ered at this office. Mr. John Bullxcd IS here from Man- noba. His many friends are pleased to see him again. He isaguest at the Queens. 3 and biblc class of 1h: school. Iarkc’s apprcciatinu of the pres- shuwn by the fact that he has -d it almost daily in his 5. S work ‘c (cosh-mg It. This is another light token of the esteem in wlnch llr. Clark: as held, and of his faithful uniCcs It, the scluml. Claikc, Supdint;:ndcnt odml. Sunday School. “as ucxcntcd with a haudmnc .scful Secretary by the emu-rs, 3:1 Enormous Record. fillis was in Lianay LSleSS. These men an- pmctical fax mars and are pxcpaxcd lo discu'mlhc subjects from that stand point. Local men lune been invited to address 5mm.- of thcsv meetings. lng for’Mllk. Evening Subjectâ€" Farming as an Occupation. Mr. Fester, Subjectsâ€"400p Rotzmon. [he Bacon Hog. The Dairy Cow. Our Fodder Crops. Evening Sub. jectâ€"l he Land we Live In. At the Canton meeting Mr. Bcckctt drops out and Mr. DUNCAN ANDERSON of Kugby,mk:~shis place. and will speak on Soil Culti- vatiun. Beef Cattle, pure lncd, grades and fat. Horses, Draft Agricullnzal and General i’nx‘pOsc. will address the meetings at Man- vers Station, Bethany, Cavanville and Garden Hill on any of the following subjects . Mr. Beckett, Subjectsâ€"l‘hrm Yard Manure,its management and application. Im- proving our Dairy llcids. I’eed- pm. in S. E. Hall. At the after- noon mectinus in Garden ”in and Canton, live stock wili be‘ own 41: in and xllustraicd talks given by the delegates. H. L. BECKETT Cavamla, In em charm], Jan. 23rd, at SEVEN p m. GARDEN HILL, in Orange Hall,.Jan. 24, 7 an and 7 {1.12. CANTON, Jan. 25, at 2 7 Bellaazr Tam Hall, Jan. 22, 1905, at SEVEN p.m. lllllll‘eez Tm Hall Jan. 23, MANVERS STATION, Jan.22nd. will be held at the foilowing plattes SUPPLE EEENTARY FIEETINGS The Vet! Odht Epwmth Lcayuc mistingH r 13- t Manda) niy‘it “as icd by \Iim Ha: m: C uurtncy in quite :1 pints ing and achptablc nmnncr, an I the topic was :11in tukm by Miss l’c-ari Bumlmm. Miss Maud Nugcnt and Miss Stella Hcthcrington rcad some short and pomtcd picces bearingr on the 'lnpit, “ \\ hat ( imst taught ;ibout money and Its uses. ” . G. FOSTER, Myrtle. Miss 12:!ch Payne and Miss Lillie Pcndry are guests at the home: of Mrs. T. Mclndoo. Falrmount. Mr. Tim. Skitch, of Hallie-bow, Mr. Albert Skitch of 'l‘rcnton. and Mr. Clccn St. Louis, of Anhwrp, N. Y, have been visxting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Skitch. Major C. H. Winslow. the efficicnt and obhging Secretary of thc inst Durham and Cavan Agricultural Sucic- tics has been quite successful in con- ducting the largc amount of work do- volving upon him in connection with his ofiicc, and h:- is to be congratulat- ed. The Major i.» paintstakxng and can be rclicd upon to fill any pusizion of trust. His report of the Socicties for the 1)‘ st year IS mo~zt satisfi'cmry and shows them to b: in u flourishing con- dixion. The services m the Methodist church here on Sunday evening \Vcrc intelcst mgand instrm'tivc. 'l he pastor, Rcv. G R Clare, delivucd a sermon whxch was full of'powcr and nloqucnc . He rcfcrred to the grcat revival meetings being held in Toronto by Dr Torrey and Mr Alexander, their mcthods of preachmg the L105pcl,nnd the bcnutlful soul-inspiring h) mus and sacred songs sung by thcm. T. A. KELLY, Pres. A. J. FALLIS, Sec, at 'i‘Vv’O pm. in Orange Hall ~â€". OFâ€" East Durham: POSTPONED.~On account of the storm on 'I‘ucsduy last, Mr. II. A. Fulfis’ Big Sale ofvaiuablc Farm Stock, IH’xplClncllls, c., has been postponcd until 'I'ucsday next, Ian 23rd, 1906. Sal: at 12.35 sharp on lot? 7, Can. 6, (l’nlhs me), Cavan MISS Rose Sutton ("if Ida, Cavan Township, is a guest at the Methodist Parsonage.â€"Orono News. Mr. and Mrs. J C Kells Were visxtors to Toronto this week. Mr R W Clarke was :1 visitor to To ronto on 'I'hursday. (Sax-an Council proceedings next ‘flge. ,, EGZSé’ fiéfi ( 1.00 3 botdo. 19211335“. ‘ = flair Vigor the dandrufi', saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opponunit'r. Improve it. "I have med A er's mun-Y1 or far over“ years. I am now 9 years own) have alluvy arm-rm of rich brown hair. due. I think. On- tirely to Lier'a Hair Vigor.” .4”. M. A. Hum, Bellevflio, m. figer’k Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it’s probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured of Hamiiton, and m '11" v a O 9.111. W' avg-aw “we for J. c. AYER (10., 4'10} L~ his“. 5'”cm mmwrarm- WWWMf‘V “WWM Wm The wxdow and an adopted son have ths heartfelt sympathy of a large cxrclc of fncnds In their sad bereave ment. The funeral was held under the aus- pxccs of the abow Sometics of which hc “as a member, and a lartfe number ofthc Brcthlcn from each Lodge at- tended. Dem-ased was a beloved member of Court Plimrose, N0. 350, (I. U. I"., Mt. Pleasant, and also of Lodge Cov- entry, No 161, S. O. E, Bailicboro Mr. l’cthick was always of a cheerful disposxllon, and will be greatly missed by all 1115 atquaintanccs. 1-1:: was al ways ready to help a neighbor or any one in need. He was wadcly known and had many warm (fiends. In re- ligion he was a Mctlxodxst and m poli- tics a Reformer. ‘ Mr. l’cthicK Iivud some time in l’ctcrboro, and from than: he moved to Hope luxuhhip, aftemards cmning to the [mm “here he: died. He “as injured on the 91!) of October LISL Starting out in lift: for himself at the early age: of seven years, Without thr: guiding hand of parents, his lot was not easy, but his after success was all the more creditable, and shows what pluck and hard work will do lor a steady young man, and Mr ll’ctlnck’s life under such advarxc cinumstanccs must newsmnlv be a b-nclil to those “110 lurt knew him. ' The late Robert Pcthick, who died on the 25th of Nov. last, at his home on Lot 5, Con. 10, Cavan, was a man who “as most highly respected, and had by hard work and perseverance purchasc-d the farm on whxch he and his wife resided. Mrs. Oswny Carver, of Pctcrboro, and Mrs. Munns, of St. Thomas, arc guests at 111: home of Mr. and Mrs. Rubi. Hutchinson, Cavan. \\01dsfai1 to express the appre- cia: ion 0111 cinzcns and particu- larly the P1eabyter1an congreg :1- 11011 21111 pus'or feel towards St. [’11 11] s C hoir and its Splendii leader .ur sm: h a dehghtful even- ing, and we hope they wfll fax or 1.15 wzth another vis1t at no great distant dalenvhen they would be greeted by a‘111uch larger bu! not :1 more appreciative aud1cnce than was presmt on Tuesday evening. “God Save the King.” The solos taken by Messrs. Mc- Ilroy and Dawson and the Misses Davies and Moore were certainly wry creditable. Especially did Miss Davics' rich and clear voice appeal to the audience in her brilliant rendering of her beautiful selection. 'I'm a Pilgrim,‘ and in the solo part in the famous ‘Glory Song.’ Miss Moo e’s delightful voice was perhaps heard to best advantage in her clever rendition of the solo part in that inspiring number, "l‘he Birthday ofa Kiug.’ J. “T. FiSher. MILLBROOK, Trisngion and Sanctus (eight part chorus) Choir. Solo, “The Christmas Song,” Mr. James Dawson. Solo and Chorus, “The Birthday of :1 King,” Miss Moore and the Choir. Solo, “ I’m a Pilgrim,” Miss Helen Davies. “Glory Song,” Mlss Davies 8; Choir. Anthem, “ 5mg 0 Heavené." Choir. Dug-flit, " every eye,” Moore. )Iotlctt (6 pmts) “ 0 Day of I’eni ch. cc. (hoir Anthem, (unaccompanied) “ Yea ! 'l'ho’ I Walk,” Choir. Sulo, “The Bettcr Land," Mr. W. MCI lroy. Anthem, “ The Son of God g0cs forth to War,” Choir. . Thu Sacrcd Concert held undc: the auspiCcS of the Mihbmok Presbyterian: Church on Tuesday evening las‘, was one of lhc most ! delightful events the pcOple of this town and vicinity have had the 5 pic: sure and_pnvilege ofattcndiug Solo, “ The Ninety and Nine,” Miss Helen Da'vics. The program consisted ol'sacred numbers, and Opened by the chou‘ and audience singing the Doxol- ogy. which was followed by prayer by the Pastor, Rev. W. Johnston, and "the Lord's l’rayer’ chanted by the choir, Mr. Pym playing the accompaniment. This part of the program was most beautiful and impressive. , The following numbers were then given in the order named, and each did his and her part perfectly : St. Paul’s Church Choir of l’eterhoio, corisisting of thirty- two magnificent and well trained voic'es. had kindly offered to come and giVe the programme, and not- withstanding the very inclement weather, they did not disappoint thUSe who had come to hear them. The choir With their efficient leader, Mr. lohn Crane, and a number of friends came by specxal train, and their visit to our pretty town will no doubt be long re- meniberml by them. 'l he weather Was anything but favorable, 'yet a large number bxuxed the tcmpcsts, and were well repaid for their special effort to attend. Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's ”[11 1.*_ 8mm Semen a Grand Success Office on King St OBI'I‘UARY. He wipes the tears from Miss Davies and Mlss Ca“:- b} THC phone 43' ., first door West Collins‘ Bank, of Ferrozone or‘lho would be perfectly well. How quickly it strongman:â€" what an appetite it gives â€"whnt a glnw it brings to mild checks! The num- ment contained in Ferrozanc pm; strength into anybody Laughing eyes, may lips, bright quick movements o.“ tell of the vitality Ferroxone produce:- Thonaands of attractive happy women use Ferrozoneâ€"why not you? A box offllty clmcnlalé coated tablets coon fifty cemS nt any drug store. 81min in society, in business, at home everywhere you use her, but always worn and tnllgnod, Sha hasn't heard CARD OF 'I‘Iâ€"IANKS-Mrs. Rob: PcthicK, of Cavan. desires to express through the columns of the Mirror 1an sincere thanks to the mambc: of Court Prunroscr (3.0 E, Mt. I-‘lcusanl, LOU-gr: Coventry, S O. 13., Ballicbom, and to zany others for their many acts of kindncss duling» her husband’s Illness. Mrs. Pcthick advises young men to join the above Societies as they wxll find many warm friends thcrcm. Ah“. Levi Sandyand his cousin Miss Huphum of Mum‘crs Stalin”, were guests at the hoxm of Mrs. 1:15 Porter this week. ~ Mr. Ioscph Cochmnc IS visitm-D r his Port Hope friends this week. promptly attended Mastcx Ixobt Parker, of Sterling is a guest at the home of 1115 grand mother. Mrs. S. I). Ross. Miss Annie Hutchinson, daug‘ Mr. ’l'homzm Hutchinson, is ex as teacher for the Marsh School 1\Ix.and Mrs. Robt. I‘mrsc and {am ily 5;); nt Sunday at the home of Mr and Mm. ] 1‘“, South \Ionaghnn. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Roberts of Cur mel, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1'. Hunter last “‘cck. I WAN'I'ED! One Hundred more} Young Men and Women, who are! ambitious and cntcrprisiwr to qualify in the m i ELLIO'H' ‘ ; /MW fl ‘ TORONTO, ONT. for the many positions open to all those who art: thoroughly prepared to accept them. A 6 month’s course in this college means for a young man of the right kind, an education- 5‘ :1! equipment better than many trades or professions in nioncy cam ing power. Students admitted at any time. Circulars free. Mr. and Mrs. Rubun DCLong haw mnvcd to lhcir new home next to Mr. James l‘ccl’s rcsxdcmc. At a reasonable hour a dainty lunch was served, after which the guests dispersed, all feeling much indebted to Mr. and Mrs Wright for such a pleasant en.crtaimnent. | A most pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. Robert Wright, Campbellcroft, on Friday evening, Jun. 5th, when upwards of eighty youngr ladies and gentle- men were present. Those who desired to, “tripped the light fun- tastic," others took part in games, ‘ while others enjoyed a program of :vocal and instrumental musir. i The comfortable and commodious ‘ home of Mr. Wright was taxed to its utmost. Mr. Chislett of Port Hope, and Mr. Ed. Sutton were the efficient floor managers. whil- ‘ MeSsrs. Leonard \Vright and _] no‘ Gilmore Were the \‘iolinists, and they certainiy did not stint the dancers, and eycn when there were no ‘sets' on the floorâ€"-â€"\vhich was Seldornâ€" they favored the guests with some good selections. Mr. Wright’s nephew, Mr. John Wright, of Winnipeg, Mair, was present, and he enjoyed the dance immensely. He thinks Ontario dances and the young’ ladies herc- are all right. 3 ONTARIO. That Pale, Tired Girl. Mr. Vance is a son of Mr. Robert Vance of Ida, (Cavan), and a nephew of Postmaster Vance, of Millblook. SIDCC the appointment of Mr. Vance 1n July last the attendance has very largely Increased, and the church 15 now in u flourishmg cOndiuon.â€"Ma11 and Empire of Saturday. A reception was tendered last even- ing by the members of the congregation of the Church of the Ascension to the Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Vance, “ho have just returned from their Wedding trip. The schoolroom was crowded to the doors, Mr. M. Currey, the people’s warden, occupied the chair, and ex- tended the congratulatrons of all to the young couple. A choice musical pro- gram was provided by Mrs. Schmidt, Miss Tough, Miss Montgomery, Miss Keefer, Miss Delamere, Miss Corey, and Miss Mills. Little Miss Madelme Currey, on behalf of the ladies of the congregation, presented Mrs.‘Vnnce with a choice spray of Richmond roses, and Mr. '1‘. I). Delamere, K. (3., on behalfof the congregation, presented Mr. Vance With a purse of gold. Corr gratulatory speeches Were also made by the Rev. Mr. Furncomhe and Mr. R. Kincade, the Rector‘s warden. W. J ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander SIS RECEPTION TO THE REV. AND M RS. W. H. VANCE. A DE [.10 HTFU L PARTY -â€"~~ 01-2050 IQ. - mxnfmwmznttrmmrmnm 3A.. daughter of is cpgagcd °9 And take notice that ”:6 cmmturs may after the said Izlh (In) of I'l-bru my, 1905, pr-oucd to distribut c l‘n uswts of the 53141 em tee. and will not he liaM: for any «him; ofuhlch L} .c} aha” not then ham: notice. Dan-d this 1th day ui janunt'y, 1906.- IAVINA I’I«‘.’I‘HICI\'1F__ h ‘ \HIMS (TARR ; “UM“ Take notmc that 111 pm suancc ofthc Statutes 111 that l chalfa '11} pc: sons hm- 111g claims agnmst the estate of the mud late Rohcrt l’cthick, who (lied 0:1 or about the :to‘1day ofmwrn bar 1905, arcrequn‘cd to Send pa-z'tkulun ofthcir said chums duly verified to Mrs. Lavina I‘ctlnck, at Ida P. O. 111 the. smd 'l‘ownshtp (1fCuva11, on m bcfme the 12th day (1chbz'txa1'1', 1906. . In thc mattcr of the estate of ROBERT l’Ii'I‘HICK, late ofthc 'l'ownshxp of Cavan in the County of Durham, Yeoman, (IL-(teased- N otice to Crediéors. After a reception Incl-.1 at [findin- hnrst,the residence oftlxe bride's 11:11 (1' at w'irich here were reprewgw‘ggr’ws present fr ,m l’vlcrlmrn, MLILr ml‘. \lommol, Oztzm'a, S'. (‘uzhariuen and 'l‘orom.~,1he LL'WL)’ mnrried com Ls left {0? Moutrral, the bride: in: »-Hi: 3 in a an“ I»! green cluth nit]: green vnlnt toque 01111er return thnv will residu at 35 St. Patrick atreet, 'l'ormns'). The marriage of Miss Helen Louisa Beuil, of Lindsay, to Rev, William Hugh Vance, of the Church of iiie Assension, 'i‘uronlo, took place at St Paul’s Church, Limiaay, on WednesJuy afternoon the 3rd inst. Hue Rector, Rev. C 11 Marsh, perrnrming ilie rere- mony, As the bridal procession enter- ed the church, the organist played thengrins Wedding March. The bride was given away bv her father, and wore it ruins of Japzniesp urepn,1vivnim-d with embroidered chifi‘nn, “in: w-ii and carried a rheafof brim-1 rosen' Her attendants. Miss Shiriey livnil and Miss Ethel Neelamis, were attired in accordion pleated, cream Colored mm‘s veiling. with beaver ham, “:9 benqneia being red roses. 'l'lie bridegrnnm was supporied by Mr. Loo' Hashim. or Wyclifio College. 'l‘urmitn, un-i Mr Herbert Baal]. nfOttnua. The ushers were Mr, F Hnimes Huplcinfl, of Us-gmd ”a”, and Mr. George Boullmf Lindsay Each received a cresc-‘nt brvast pm, with ruby setting, {rum tho bride 'l‘im hrideummn’s present tn the bride “as r a beautiful l’euxl ring, and in :l 91 bridesmaids puarl set bur pits, } AS ‘111 .11, 133011110“ .‘nlicilm‘ ’l‘oaperson who can: be cure! o! constipation by Dr. Ilurninoxfl s i ’Hls the a! meromzrd “in be paid No ca- thartic medicine glvcs such lasting satlslucuon or effects such nmryellom curauts Dr. Hamilton’s Pius. Rune! immediately folluws !or headache, bil- icusnesa and stomach disorders; No grlping pains, no burning reheat on 5:. nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the use of Dr. Hamilton’s l’ms -0Ll:ers nut so good. Price 25¢, a box. Tuesday “as the most stormy dav of the senSnn. The \ximl blew harder than it has done since Joe Preston swept the Riding. On Tuesday James Gardiner was to sell farm slot-k c on the l-‘ullis Line. James was on the L'rnund early, but the outlook washlcw and James would not revengnlze it. A happy thoughtstrnck him, he crossed the road and rigged up A FalliS’ aiml- mill to switch the wind, but the inili was blown down. 'l‘lwn James “hum. gered and said, "l‘hls Sale is postponed till next Tuusday when I Will slaugh- ter this man’s goods as hath newr been seen in these pnrts.’ So he hitched up his braces and hearing noj'nglc in his pockets depaled surronlng. lint the: wise farmer said, 'I will line niv pock- ets nith sheckles and return next Tuesday, for Gardiner will do as he with. $1’OGO REWARD ForA Case of Incurable Constipation. The Auctioneer and the Windmm. the of lip: cold and cough. but made mu fuel bx-(tur than I ovvr had lmt‘urc. I will always hn'ie a battle of this medicine in the house.” ‘-. - Theme tiny. sugar-coated arm- “‘ K‘ffis‘i bilious granules rcziul‘uto and \¢\\c‘° invmumle blumach. Ln/Cl' nljul Bowels. Do not. bvgel. the "full habit." but cure constipation. (me or two rush (lay fur a laxative ml rcculutur. llm-e 0? {our fury! 3in caihax‘iic. Unvc tried alu.::.s in' {565. "Farr-Hp in vials; always (rush and xulinble. Mrs, A. T. Jews. of 9:6 Hayesfitrect. San Franci ‘o. Cadn writes: "As a. child I was dullvalc. and great care was takgn of me because some of my relatives ‘nuu' (Had of consumption. ultbouuh my father and mother We‘re Izm-llhy. l u'rcw up nil}: unLv the 02'- dinary dmeuscs u! at)! children. but about two years ago I contracted a :evcrc void. which would not, yield to sm'h humv-lrcat- mun: as n as handy. Doctors wcru tr «1. hut. after three months of this 1111111an I was Only wm'se. Thvn T was advised to try Int. I‘M-Lu”; Golden Medic: {Axum-cry. and am Klad _to guy that lip-ct.) mums not gnly curred now ivun out. fret-1:" to the “orld in his "Gol r-n Medic-J Lin-ovary" which is composvd of Golden Si :2! mot, quon‘a ruoL,Smno root 1': Izzclai‘i crryt;:.rk,l$luud- moi: .ud 3.1:mrir;.ke r002. :1 tion and prove a rc-uunstrm: Live rulim‘ than a. promoter of w 2510. This Mil rive mums a fair shame to p1. t in moth: :1 normal work of ropui ' ".li Li~suc b'uildix: g. From the time of our birth till we lie down for the 13:4: time. The beat dcfmwc 111131 the dangers of dist-use is vigor of bu-Jy and activity 0! Line natural func- 42 A tiuns. v8.52. «no 20 m. mmuz<a L mmz: VANCEâ€"BEAU... g roxm in Nuturé‘s The kind of M‘ sis-lance is import,- ant. It. must not be stimulation fur that gives but tem- porary c-fl'uct. and the reaction is more than depressing. Take 11 LUIU'Uâ€"UHC that will rc-esmlr li'sh nurmal digits- tiuu and :1s.~imih-.- if“ Miss 1:. Russell 1c}! (Quay on an Cch‘l‘u'r‘d visit to New 1 ( rk \ Ily. Mr jamca B: H, of I’drrhvm, ~;wx‘-t SHmZH)’ a: the imn'wnf Mrs Smum-l Cam!) in wishing 1er ~tonc many ycars of happincss. The (2111111111111) drmc 'mt (111110011- VCYLd the 11191111 cmmlc 10 1.111: 1311;. (1: The) 11-. It on the 10 30 1111111 fur '11 1110 month’s 112111 111111 1ri1-111's at \ictorm, V9 1'"111ou1c1, \c‘V' \\ cst Minum- and 1111111'1.1:1Ccs, {011111111} by 1111: hearty 1:001} wishes 111211.05: of {1'1 'l1ds .111:1):'1dr’s lruvc'li 11;! 51111 “as 01" Hue 1.11111 cloth 111th 11.1101 1111111111 '10 mmch. {11-1 0111.“ 1ctl1rn. 315.101111 stone 11'1” 1':c11:11'c on and '1f‘1cr .11).“ 1.9. 111:: Mirror _1<.' 115 v1' 1'1!1 [W11 11111111r11u~1 fuendsoftht:17111191111 Miilbrook and 'l‘hc prcscnts 10 {he bride were but}: numcrous and Cortiy, an cvidcm‘v uf the high CHL‘CIH in Much she was add during her bhurt acquaintance in \‘(cll wood Among the prcsvms wcrc a gold clock, a gold tray and u siIu-r Ln pot. The grcmm’s puma-m {o the bride.- was a $100 00 check. After sh:- Ccrvmony was performed and mngratuhtions cxicndud. a sump [no-:5; wedding dvjcuncr was served at the home of .‘~lr. jvxmcs McCullough. The bride hmkcJ charming in her 1):.211K2ful “cdd J mr gtmn 0! while cash mere v. ith xiJk cmhr'oidczsd chimm and pr? 1r] tri n m: ng‘. A hasz some bouuct of 01mm.- hJ «gems, a‘nicd b) the b: i it, also added to the plcasmg cflu l- 'JJm usJ: crs new: AJgSSlS Jxobut Johns: ox. (:umJ N. \‘\ fight. ”1-: Church “as [Med :0 (he ( '< on; v. ixh We” wishch of the huppy crmpic who had come from fzxr and near to whats.» the pleas- ing emu. A very prctty wedding tank plan‘s: on 'l‘uesdny, January 9111, at three o'clock in thc Mcthodist Church at WcHwood, Manitoba. when 011:: of Cax'an’s most estimable yoluw ladics. Miss \da Mm" P111161, duu‘ g1: tcr of \Ir :111df‘i:s.j..s. Porter, of 1111: .1111 Line of Cman, was unimd in the holy bonds 01'11131111110113' to Mr.J:1111cs](1l111sfo11c,a {10111113131111 11111411111115 young 111.111 of \X'cHwood. The interesting Cc 2c 1111 111' 11:15 111:1 formed by 11w 13.151. Mr (11111{s.1.111k.s, pastur (111111: (31111101. As 1116 swwt 511.115 of lIIC \\ udd' my .‘.1'111c1(.11111111f11H\ 1c11dcrcd by M155 Minnie hutchinson) “train-(111‘, 1111- 151011111 cntcmd 1113 Chumh, 11111] took his plate :11 1111: altar The hzidc 1111-11 e-1lcrcd,Iraningon the arm (11' M1‘.jas. McCullough 111111 guvu 111-1 111111}: w] VILI ndu E? EEQQEE Opp. Town Hall, Myer-8’ Spice for Eorses, {Jamie and Poultry, regular 250.131; for 108. 95.3325} Men’s Rubbers and. Heavy Socks. 6-6539 Solid Raw-Hide Whips for 50 Cr; :13 pach. I WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL One Door "West of My. Coombe’ Grocery, Millbrook. See 0121‘” E31413 Ge Eiliafi; E’Eezzt m4 c! N I . «In. '1 fl/Ilu VJ 71L] - 57 mic“: ’ m . I, I; ‘ I * ~. .. 1",: x ~. -am La} Ifiarriefi 111 c “’"5 , .-‘ tax/$55?" 3nd, Efaznte and AIR I013” prosperity and l! “U”; No raise in prices. Your patronage is most raspc t 12.11:; solicited. Has purcha sed the Good- -w 211 and business of MP. Vfllliam Fisher, blacksmith,° and will do all blacksmithing work the W'est side of the street, while on theEast Side of the street his CAtnRIAGE WORKS wiil be carried on more extensively than ever. D. Mflhg FOR CP'I‘ODA'FE JEWELRY kammber the pines, East End Restaurant, opposite the Queens Hotel, \‘x’e \ ill also keep in stock a choice' .3116 of confection cm I‘v’Z ILL PP ROOK. “e haxe made 1rmnmxmnts to handie Pli'l E lxliORO Eas’i Em! Restaurant town on Saturday. Bread and Pastry. Issuer of Mr. Albert Pue, of Bunsfun, was m P {E EE‘E EEEIEEE H? vingp' JICIIJ sed the Sc; vcd will be pleased to have :1 ca}! {10m its former patrons and as many new ones as possible. C: TEELE’S. of Marriage Licenses MI] l.l‘l-!(‘(EK. .1 in city style, try the 13. B. 1-1. M ILLBROOK, ....... On Wednesday 01 ms: Mrs. Samud K 1111.11; large and spacious 13-11 51 bcrof friends and 11. -;'1..1::‘.i1: evening’s pleasurc. i consisted o.’ card~ 5:19. . 1 Ben 01.11111 :11 d 5.. ;. t‘lc bmv, Mr. (21‘ 1 _.'.- accomnan'cd 1 ' ' . Hannah P11211131 ;~:. ~1 A .1 to the plcamrc and 1: f present. «1.11111 t sous reps»: mu \1-:\ 1 look their dcp1: t1: iv»: 1 homes. sushi :1 1111 ‘ 1:11 1 3:, happy Now \1 1: 1111.3 11.11;:1 Nd'er aliens his izurse t ~s:;fl He always uses Sunfifzze € not“! for curing sfifi'ness, :‘m': wailing! and strain. Kw" jut as sand inside me ch: cramps, Colic, and Internal gal Woe! marvel. In the {(kkl unb‘u neryilineie always ::s< fluke il makes Mail-er imrs‘ manner «urinary E‘i'is. Tm: nah ban 3 large bone 0‘ .\'c tu- It. Mr. 'I'hon::1< \1, q som: dancr 2H Lfiilb'ook {or a 1:3' undelstand 'l'omu. \‘ Win sun him in" dc bite-nub. («11' C(E day. {stud-2g Ike EpiSCOp I (’lznrchcs fur (ii-c forth b\ then: lu; {or the Visitors. by all is maul: r. Oraugun: n of ti Signed on bah “’e, the Oran District 01 Emiiy. huaih ’ at our first 2:11} I-th,1905. Vote of thank~ Omcnu-ex 1i: i: [in grain. i don: : 1C ZLCCOllzlixdiaiz" of Gamma-nae; ;: STRAYED Into the In John Kerr, East }.: Ln! 2:» non 4, 'l‘ownblfip of 13:)” the momh of junc, 1905. . Owner can haVc sauu: by pm party and paying cxpcnscs. KERR. Omemcc i‘ O. Omemee, No‘. (uh, xqos. Cc! \om' ck thus x:::u.=-I lov 12m '1); 'h ‘:z: ' I ‘ D_\e \No:ks.1’«t;:zi,u:n. Richzlrcis S, .sié ‘ :lnoc k I'}1a1.: store, D. Chm hu '9 old Your 'patxonagu is us; solicited. I am also a; the Petexboro Strain 1,242: Richards. ft 11c annual 1.. Dcsuict Lodge of 3' the Olangc 21:12}. {< flowing \‘L‘crt 13;; :, In! the ensuing _\'g A: Bro. T‘m; NUT. “ \Vm .\ I define to «:xgm-w. and hearty flunk f z‘ lty rolled up [If 21w -' pal clccfion. and I v.3 the asssszanc: of 1121‘ \. to carry 0:: 13:0: \x'url. pality to the chum >.‘ couccmcd. Messrs (;t'.’ :‘_;:: Lang, of Pczcz‘m homcof Mr. 21:; ovcr Sunday. Miss “'mnic lir ;'. nusfmtune to im-ayz on the: iv: a cuugic ( gating bctk‘f. Mr. Wm. McCrc , s McCrea ()lllcntm' .:‘; ; ductor Charlcs‘ .I u‘m} met mth an ach..- which nearly rcsdca injured man is now ;: Inonal Hospitai, suficri lured jaw. N0. 22, :3; ast bound 1min, l..:<i '7 Lindsay Station and s' gaged hem-ecu 2w.» (.2 uncoupled. 'l'lw}:1rrl aaong and ama- 1‘22. ' L.:f" just cnougrh to < 1': and gm: it a v n: / rut-bone. If 11- >11. 2 hard, M r. McCr‘l-fil ': - been janzmtd in IE. 2 {a Mr. Harry Hajvzw again. H: (u: Ex ululc In a lum'm U“ iv A Successful Ear-sc- {in mu m. Hospit.‘l i041 health. Mass Mayr MvCL-ffrcv i Toronto to visit friends for 14511:. Your Obcd T. NEWMAN J. (3.8153173 Mr. J J VOTE OF '13 (‘1 LAMO‘ a\ } Perhaps you like yo then rememberâ€"Hfl my hair. Stopgjaéj District If; 1.1135(33‘ 9‘. .thGL(‘ Card of Thanks 1y rcsuhcd f x is now m 1 Mai, Suffering No. 22. the 6 .rain, had just ion and MCC en 1 in SJVS retur :rakc ht pini-

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