Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 11 Jan 1906, p. 3

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‘. Coombe’g 'ook. It. of Fe xerboro, was :Rusxfl our Sunday. L of Famwmtb. is a {of Mr and Mrs] I) iaased t h 9 id business Elorses, regular ost md will do Lhing work side of the on the East ban ever. prices. ge is most solicited. 11. xsed to have I its former rd as many as possible. ERBORO gan, LLBROOK, up in stock a fectionery. the plan, East opposite the: r 1:, ' y style, try 'Socks. @660 Cents Each. E YOU CA LL zchased the rra ngemcnts to reet his WORKS ,1] Hours. make them eeks JEWELRY, estamant ‘STERS Pastry. 00K. to ordcn. .Fresh Christmas Fruigs. such as Raisins, Currants, Peels Spices. Oranges. Lemons, Confectionery, c. We Solicit a continuance 01 y o u r esteemed patronage for the year 1906. Who runs the: young man, who had such a long, late walk to Omemec Xmas. night. The Match making society ’is again in full swmg. Last Friday the presi- dent gave a splendid ‘At Home.’ All the bachclors, young and old, were particularly invited to attend. Full paruculars as to result in next Issue. Mr. and Mrs Robert E Henderson, of Oxbow, Sask, arc Visiting their many friends in this Vicinity. Rev. E Roland spent Chnstmas at the: home of Mr. R Foam. Muss Harmony Balfour, of Toronto, and Came, of Lindsay, spent Xmas. wuh their mother. On Sunday last these young ladies gave a duet in the Lebanon Church, which was we]! rendered Miss Ican Poast is spending the holiday timr. under the parental roaf. We Wish Miss Boast succcss in her new school near Lindsay. Quite a number from here attended the Xmas Concat held in the Brad- bum 11.x“, and had an enjoyable Org-mug. Miss Lottie Poast spent the past few weds visiung friends at Hartley. r. (I McQuadc assisted by Mr. I'd Rolland occupied the pulpxt hen: tummy. hum another comsspondcnt. a school m the county of Grey; she will no doubt be grcatly missed in the neighborhood and camcs with her the bun-i wishqs of her many friends. Mlx's M Brown of Pcterboro is s;)'-ndixlg hcr vacation at the home of 11-: 2mm Mr. Ioseph Brown. M r. and Mrs. Wm Moore are Visiting hisuds around Fcnclon Falls thus tuck. Muss Ida Copeland, teacher here, left Saturday morning for her home In St Man-’5. We learn she has sccurcd Miss Harmony Balfour IS a guest at the home: of her mother Mrs. D Bal- four, Sunset H111. We are glad to report that Mr. W H “'indnm who has been confined to the house for a tcw days Is able to be around again. Mrs} Jones and Master Cecil are vxsizing fm-uds in Ayr. sts Carri: Balfour has returned home from attending Moch School in Lindsav. sts Addxc Poast, teacher, of Hart~ Icy. xs spending her Christmas holidays with her parents. What's the matter with Lebanon, it’s all right. In our Grocery Dept. we have a larger stock than ever‘ u R 1 \Vcir ................ jLWI “ 'l' C Ivory .............. Chap W Bro. Dr, C 5 Cameron ...... Sec. “ 'I' A McPherson ..... . . .Trcas. Bro. Dr. Thompson ............ S.D “ 'l‘ H McQuadc ............ ].I) W Bro. A Laidlcy .............. S.S “ G H English .............. IS “ Chas Cornell .......... 1) of C Bro. Hugh Murray ............ Org. " W} Lamb .............. Tyler ($.R,C. On Dcc. 27th the following officers were installed for the ensuing ycar by W Bro. Dr. G 3 Cameron : W Bro. R 1 Patterson ........ W. M, u w J Thom ............ 1.9M: Bro. 1):. I P Keith ........... s.w. On the eve of that departure a a pleasant evening was spent at the home of Ins mother. Mrs. James Hen- derson, Pine Grove 'l‘hc 0m:mee Cheese Factory will give an oyster supper in the Factory building on Friday, Jan. 12, 1906 There will be addresses bv G Publow, Chief Dairy Instructor, and other gen- llcmcn well posted in dairy matters, distinguisned amateurs will give Instru- mental and vocal selections. Mr. W B Harvey has consented to act as chairman. Supper at 6 p.m., sharp“ Program at 7 30. Tickets 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. R E Henderson, ac companied by Miss Minnie McBean, who have been Visiting friends in 0m- mee and Cavan left on Tuesday morn- ing for their home in Oxbow. i MISS Maud Graham of Mull, Ont., Spcnt a few days last Week visiting ()mcmec and Emily fnends. Lorne Lodge No. 375, A.F. 8: A.M ALLS Haerenewefi Darhnn .â€" Perhaps you like 7 0:1: '37â€" then rcmemberâ€" an's air my hair. Stags falling hair, LEBANON. yoMEnngQ . McCafl‘rey, H‘I‘OI' The above 'upper was held on the 29th of Feb. 1889, and we rcptoducr: above report by request. J. A. ever called them the clevxl't dozen, he said they were nearly as brave as the r3 apprentice boys who closed the gates of Derry. A row:- ‘would you have made 14 If you had been there to represent South Victoria Another voice. you bet. 1 I) 'l‘horn- ton proposed the health of the agricul tural interests coupling the names of Messrs. William Adatm, C Cornell, A Faulkner and James johnston. they did the subject jushc: and each man was roundly applauded. The company was drsmi<scd by all singing ‘God Save the Queen," and three cheers for Mr. ‘ Clarke. C Laidley. hnth gentlemen responded nobly. Song, Mr. Parsons, “Mont-y ‘ Plenty.” The health of Mr. S Lamb, the crowd sang ‘for he‘s a jnlly good fellow.’ Mr. George Edward propos ed the health 0f the ladies CultpliJg names of Mr. J l) Thornton and Jos. T Batty. when both gentlemen gal- latly responded. A McQum‘le propos- ed the health of the noble x3 memb-~rs in the House of Commons who sup ported Colt O’Bnen’s motion on the jesuite bill, he smd he did not thmk and Famiiy Herald and Weekly Star to January 131: On Tuesday evening a complimen- tary supper was tendered to Mr. Wm. Clarke by the citizens of Omemee and I_ Emily, at the Bradburn House, on his departure tor Carberry, Man. About 1- 50 sat down to do justice to the inner f man, and after the delicacies of the 5 season Were stowed away, the usual, toasts were proposed and drunk. Mr. Thomas Stephenson ably filled the Chair and Mr. William Adams the Vice-Chair. ‘The Queen’ was the first , toast proposed and was responded to . by the company singing “God Save the Queen.” The Army and Navy was next and was responded to by] l) Thornton, rst Lieut. and lohn Morri- son, 2nd Lleut , of 45th Batt. “ Our Guest," the company singing ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow’; the chairman in proposing this toast to a pleasing and appropriate manner said he knew Mr. Clarke when he was not as high as the table he sat at, and always had found him a good neighbor. Song by Mr. Parson: “Out Late Last Night.” Mr. Clarke in rising to his feet. thanked all present for the hearty way in which they received him tonight, he said it was impossible for him to make a speech, under the circumstances he 3 could not find words to express his feelings, and asked the aSSemUed audience to excuse him. The health “A McQuade. Esq.. ex M P, was proposed, the company singing, "for he's a jolly good fellow,” The health I d4 of Dr. Cochrane was then [)TOi)()St'd. C; the Dr. responded in a most pleasing} ,0 manner. Mr. Wm. Adams then pro 1), posed the merchavtzle interests coup c; ling the names of Mr I McNe« ly and ,, hair; then keep it. - Er'haiae tin-3 Renewer alwgyg restores color to One Brooch of com- pelling beauty consists of a. large Amethyst sur- rounded with 30 Whole Pearlsâ€"the price being $32, postpaid. The Amethyst has been referred to as the “ Mat- mnly jewel "â€"and the epithet is undoubtedly npt. â€"â€"umnevâ€"-â€"â€" [34-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO - ON T. QYQlE BROS. The new Diamond Hall has an unusually extend- ed mhge of Amethyst Brooches, Pendants, Rings, Necklets, etc. Matronly Jewels FAREWELL SUPPE (Publish :d by .rcquest.) W7m‘gnna?‘ and It's quite common with people whose digestion is your. Immediate relief foiiowe the use oi Nervlime. Stomach is strengthened. digestion is made per- fect, lasting cure results in every case. Use Poleon's Nerviline once and you'll never be without it because every type of stomach disorder is conquered by a iow doses. One 25c. bottle of Nerviiine always convinces. Sold even-where for the past fifty gears. BOYS ()R GIRLS or attractive young ladies wantedâ€"If you have only a few spare hours, you can employ them profitably and earn money for Xmas ; if you want to give your emu-e time to the work you can earn a mce Iiying. The best of It is, you dont need any money to start. Acomplele outfit free. PO. Drawer No. 999, Buffalo, Is one of the meanest things in the world. To prevent, billousnesn use Dr Hamilton‘s Pills which keep the sys- tem clean and pure,‘ regulate the bowels, give tone to kidneys and “war. You’ll never have a headache,you’ll never have a sour stomach, but you will have vigorous bracing beam: by uklng Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Your druggisl sells Dr. Hamilton’s PINS. 35¢. per box or five boxes for one dollar. J H. Gardiner,auctioneer, has received instructions from Mr. Henry A. Fallis, to ofl'er for sale by public auction, on his premises Lot 7, Con. 6, Cavan, (Fallis Line) on Tuesday, January 16th, 1906, at I230 p,ln., his valuable Farm St0ck, Implements, Machinery, c. This Will be one of the largest and best sales of the season. Nlnety per cent. of the “ lungers" f contract consumption by alloning 5power at resistance to fall so low that a favorable condition tor the developâ€" ment of the buccilli is provided. In a healthy system consumption can't take root. Rut where there is weakness and deb litv. there you find tuberculosis. For developing strength and building up the weakmothing equals Ferroxoue it makes the blood nutritious and the nerves enduring. The way it converts food into nutriment, the appetite it gives is surprising. Just what the man verging on consumption needs,â€" that’s Ferrozone. If tired and weak don’t put off. Fifty cents buys a. box of fifty tabletsâ€"at all dealers. How To Get Consumption. Have You Heartburn. ‘l local treatment, which l8 beat supplied by “Catarrhozone.” No case ofCatarrh can exlat where (’atarrlmzone is used; N. Is a miracle worker, relieves almost Instantly and cures alter other remo- dnes fall. Other treatments can't reach the deceased parts llke (‘atarrhozone because It goes to the source of the trouble along with the air you breathe. (.‘aturrlmzone ls free from cocaine, it leavel no bad after-effects, It ls aunply nature’uown cure Accept no substi- tute for (‘atarrhozone wlnch alone can cure catarrh. Wis coéé‘ia‘ré‘aiiéifléini'fér'fi Branch omcc. 625 F‘ St. Wuhington. D. C. A hnndsomoly illustrated woeklv. Lax-cont clr- culntiuu of any scientific Journal. 'X' erlu1. $3 I y {ggrlnm'nbm $4. Sold by ull_ nowwealera. ” ' ' ‘THAD: MARKS DESIGNS v ’ ‘ COPYRIGHTS «to. Anyone sending a. sketch and deacflguon may qnlckl ascertain our opinion tree w other In Invent an is probably patentnbie. Communica- tions ntrictly confidential. Handbook on Pntem: lent. free. oldest n e v for securing patents. Patents taken t m, ah Mum) Co. receive lpv'it‘d‘ notice. without. charm. In the He says that commonest of all disor- ders. and one from which few escape Caturrh. Sir James firmly believes In Dont care where you live. Big Profits. $100 to $400 pcr month. I show you the road to freedom. Wl‘lle qmck, dont delay. Box 461, Lindsay. Ont. “ A Bilious Headache. Under the \‘ltalizing oflect of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills your system will Boon rally: once more you'll enjoy the blea- Iing of health. Test Dr. Hamllton'o Pills yourself. 25c. per box or five boxes for Sl, ‘ at all dealers or by mall from N C PnlaonCo., Hartford Conn. Us A. ,and Kingston, Ont. Seééééaéfié fiéfiééfigg as. Big Auction Sale. ‘ Dr Hamilton’s Pills accelerate the action oflhe gastric glands and give tone to the digestive organs They etrengllnen the kidneys and liver. cleanse and purify the blood. and thus add general tune to every organ of the body. Flesh and strength are fast reu- tored and the patient can eat and dlgcsl any food he pleases. There is but one national remedy for indigestion and «hat remedv la Dr, Hamilton’s Pills, which are used by thousands with marvellous success: Indigestion Is Responsible For More Sickness In America Than Any Other Disease. Some doctors go so far as to an that ‘lndigestion is the natural disease of America. Repeated attacks inflame the lining of the stomach and causethe Riande to secrete mucus instead of the ‘ jnlceaornatnraldigestion. Coneeqnent- ‘ 1y the blood is poisoned, nerve force is reduced, the vitality of the entire system is neakened. SIR JAE-SEES WATSON’S OPINION. All American Disease Make Money Fast. Winter Term begins Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1906. Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for office assistants, not only from Pctcrboro but from other plaCcs as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competent Stenographcr and Typewriter is certain of a good position. You W1“ make no mistake in getting a WILLIAM ‘ STREET, Nothing Suc‘ceeds Like Success For the past few months I have been searching the best market for choice things in. Clothing and Haberdashery and now while my stock is at its best, I ask you to give me the pleasure of showing you the latest things in my store. Come and look and buy at your pleasure. During my business experience last year, I have endeavored to treat every man. woman and child fairly, and I feel confident that this invitation will be cordially received and accepted by everyone. The freedom of the store is yours. AWAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE General Dry Goods and C L O T H I N G HUUZEH’S FUR BARGAINS Try 0 LA R K, The Tailor, FOR A SUIT OR OVERCOAT. A great favorite with the people. Once used,--a1ways used. TRX” IT. POST OFFICE wage Omemee. Having purchased the Stock of the Wm. T. D. Bradburn Estate, is ofi‘ering it at. greatly re- duced prices. Good Raisins, for Amstance, we offer 5 lbs. for 256. All other goods 1n_the said stock equally reduced. At such prices they will not last long. Come with the throng and secure some bargains. we have a very choice line of Crockery, China 1 Ware, Glass Ware, c. Fancy Bon-Bons, Oranges, Lemons. Candied Peels, Candies, Nuts, c., in fact every- thing to help make a happy new year. I" EQUZER, And Now W Are Ready Hugh Murray, Business Education; LENDSAY. ‘. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterborc, Ont. [3’Write for Our Handsome Circuiar. This is especially true when applied to the Few Doors South of Maundcr's Hotel. i. McQuade, On1emee. WIN A Pure Anthracite Coal NEW STORE, NEW WORKSHOP, NEW GOODS, NEW IDEAS. , 1906, for 350, Premiu LINDSAY. NOVELTIES, c., c. SPECIAL LOW PRICE Some beautiful lines in WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEW- ELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS,CHINA,TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, 7 7 Kent-3t LINDSAY Fm Christmas Wedding Pmsents ..... J ...wuu nu vulbulbc, VP), Emily and Cavan when they visit Lindsay. Make our store your headquarters when in town. QR S.â€"‘I will be glad to set all my friepdf in Omemge, Ops Opp. Benson House, Lindsay. D a ir y Butter. LINDSAY, 9" AT RIGHT PRICES. FIN E FLOUR} Wm. Earl and R. J. Granly. \N 1) : Executors of the Estate of Mixed Feeds : “War" ‘* mm- mm. Did You Know You can buy Dainty Goods W. EMCEARTY’S. We offet a full years subscription to The Millbrook and Omemee Min :1 full year’s subscription to that greatest of all Weeklies, the Family Hen and Weekly Star, of Montreal, including their beautiful picture, “Queen All andra, Her Grundchildun and Dogs," and a copy of ‘ The Farmer’s Man: and Veterinary (lunde.” all for $I.6o. A sample copy of the picture and be can be seen at this office. The most complete Farmers' Handbook and Veterinary Guide «:1: â€"â€"Simple and practical information of the greatest «1er to every farmer. Three hundred and fifty-eight subjects dealt with ; every one of the interest and many of them illustrated. Compiled by the Agricultural Edi‘ Family Herald and Weekly Star 0 at the Request of Hundreds of Rea‘ It Can Be Had F B. LAIDLEY, Highest Prices Paid FOR THAT WE SELL ALI. GRADES OF THE FARMERS'MA and Veterinary Ga ABook That no Farmer Can Afford t6 { Our stock is‘: daily with thi the leading ma; and We will a tinned patrona‘; The hiirror Office, Send All Orders for Above The Popular Jewelry Store, HELLU ! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! WATH OMEME MILLBROOK, ONT Inna barn-fur. on: uni: 250.13ipcs . for 15 909:: 35 and 4°C Pipes fdr :5 150 Pipes fox :0: '-'-- Ioc Pipes fig 5 a. corn cobs - 3 So: 5: “.. Tobaccos aways fresh 3! WM. Co Y l “’5 Trilb} s Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel U p-to-datc Spccml , Vencedora Bankrupt Stock of Pines Fonthill Nurseriis, (0V0? 300 acres) Toronto. Ontario. Stone 83‘ Wellington. Wnte for particulars, and scgdflasn. for our handsome Aluminum. Pocket Microscope, (a little gem) useful ,to ‘ Farmersâ€"in examining Seeds and Grains. Orcharghstsâ€"in examimng Tree: {or Insects, Gardmgrsâ€"in examining Plants for msccts, Teachers and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred different ways. ‘ TO RENTâ€"The North Half 0! Lot number Six, in the Second COI- cession of the Township a ' "wily. roo ACRES. Abou: I}; miloc . south of the Village of Omemcc. A l frame dwelling, frame barn and a franc l shed on the premises. I For particulars apply to i Farm to Rent. START NOW at the best selling season, and handle our NEW SPE~ CIALTIES on Liberal Terms. and surrounding country, which will be reserved for the right man. At once for “Canada’- Nurscries” for the town of Local Agent Wanted All the latest and improved bunch. of dentistry successfully perfomod. Charges moderate. 0 F F I C I 0'” Gregory 5 Drug Store, corner Knit 6‘ William streets. DENTIST, LINDBA Y. 319310} Graduate of Tomato U“ I}: and Keys] Collage of Dang! I» geona. Dr. F. A. Walters MILLBROOK; to 6 for 25 cont: ’7 for 15 " 6 {or 25 " 7 for as ' 7 for :5 ~‘ 3 for to ‘ - sfor :5 “

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