Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Dec 1893, p. 4

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Cards, Perfumes, Ladies Companions, Etc, Eton, Etc. Before another issue of THE REPOR”- ER is run off", the highest privilege of a citizen 11 ill name ueén placed Ioef01e you. We have endeavoured in mak- ing such remarks as seemed to us per- tinent to the good government of 0111 village to approach matters in an un- biased disposition, with the object of improvement in our public afi’airs, in the exercise of’not only the right- but the duty of a public journal. You may not have agreed with all we have said, or someone unmindful of the office and object of a newspaper may ha1e thought a personal attack was being made when only public doings were under criticism. Far be it from THE REPORTER to make remarks dis- paragingly of any citizen, but if 1n ad- hearing to one just purpose,“ to hew to the?) line, ” the chips mav have fal- len across the toes of individuals it is only a reminder that a safer path should be chosen. A number of good men are in the field from whom a selection can be made entirely compeâ€" tent to gi1e us wise and economic ad- ministration. Let e1er1' elector, male or female, make such a choice when thev go to mark t 1eir ballot as§their own brains and obser1ations have led them to believe 11i 1 give the village the best attention, men 111111 11 ill be impeivious XV. S. GIVEN to all wire-pulling or self-agrand izement and we have no misgivings as to the future of Millbrmk. GO TO 1111. H. A. TUBNER’S AND SEE‘KTHE â€"-Eng lish Spavin Liniment lemoves a} hard, soft or canon- ed Lu mps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin Curhs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweenev,Sp1‘a.i-s Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 850 by the use of one b01119. erantefl. by A LBACH. 11-1 (the flNIlbroOh “(eporten THURSDAY. DECEMBER '28. 1893. ‘ T]! E LAST WORDS. GODS. We invite special inspection of our Fur Department. We are proud to Exhibit our Stock. pPOllI sortment, proud of our 10w prices, and proud of the reputation we have earned and the values we in this department. a , _.______â€"uâ€"â€"..â€"â€"____.___""" .â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"1â€"m’i2\a Thisdepartment is replete with everything in its line and an in- spection of the stock will satisfy you that this is the place to b We awry the largest and st selected stock in the distri We shove forward spot cash and get the benefit of all the bar. gains the markets offer. These benefits we give to our custom- ers by selling at the lowest pos- sible margin above cost. OUR Mom’ro :-â€"-Low prices and quick sales. BUBTS SHOES. EDITOR five are aware of the cry, that in- dividual liberty is being interfered with, that vested rights are being iolestecl, yea and scriptu ‘al teachings are being disregarded. It is not neces- sary for us to combat these positions, which might easily be done, and has been time and again, and for the pur’ pose of settling the question of how to vote, even admit these objections and we are unable to see how they can count for much in the balances that we are compelled to weigh this serious matter in. Admit if you chose that the loss to our resources will be hard to make up and that the shoe of need will pinch even tighter on some when the tax collector calls around, grant that a majority have no fight to say even to a very small minority, “ Thou shalt not have thy beer or wine as a beverage,” acknowledge that the wine made by our Lord at Caua of Galilee was fermented or that Timothy needed a little fOr his stomach, does that give Tom Jones or Peter Smith the right (yes even backed with the seal of our laws) to hold out the bait of glittering poison to my son or vour brother or father or husband and entice him to forget himself and his familv and b‘ing ruin and shame upon the whole househeld and weak brains to the ofiiees of the state. But you may say, none are forced to drink who don’t want to, which is only half true. Just watch ‘an experienced hotel man 110w blandly and innocently he invites a group of young men to have something to drink, how one good turn deserves another, and how soon they drop in and buy one for themselves. Our opinion is that our province would be Upon this great question now agitat- ing .the country the REPORTER has taken no active part pro or con up to the present and as the expression of opinion asked for by the government would be more satisfactory were it given spontaneously, without the aid on the one hand, or the determent on the other of the lodge, pulpit or press lash, we have not considered it our duty to devote much space to the plebiscite question. So important and far reach- ing are the consequences however, so fraught with issues that makes for the weal or woe of our sons and neighbors, so poetentous are the influences of the traffic in strong drink upon the progress of our young province, we cannot be altogether silent while the opp01 tumty 1s gix en to pionounce upon the con- tinuance of the manufactuic, importa- tion and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. ~\Vhile it may be true that the majority of voters have either read, heard or seen sufficient to arrive at a conclusion as to how they shall vote upon this question, there may be some whose only medium of information is the REPORTER and who would 'be in; clined to vote may or not at all, think- ing the matter of small moment or it would ha 'e been placed before our readers as worthy of son. 10 thought from us and action from them. In arriving at the conclusion that it is advisable to vote YES, on Monday next, THE PLEBISCITE. EVGI‘Y-Line of Goods in our Store is Marked Down to 5““ the Boys Overcoats, Men’s Overcoats, Shirts and Drawers gin Iaékets - â€" - - - - from $1 up. 1 en n’s bHome made Socks and Mitts - - - - - 25c. per pair. Fine Line of Double Blankets . - - - - $3.50 per pair. Ladies Vests â€" - â€" from 25c. to $1, extra value. Ladies Black Feather Boas, - - - - - - - $2.00, Indies Storm Collars 1n all the difi‘e1ent Furs. Ladies Mufi‘s 111 black and 01 9) Lamb, Beav er, Nutrie and Hair f1 om $2 to $10. Ladies Capes in Sable, W 001- seal and Hair. Ladies \Iantles, balance of stock at Cleming Prices. Boys and Girls Toques and Wool Mitts. - Gents Wombat, 00011 and Astx 103.11 Coats We give you a good \Vombat Coat for $17 SPECIAL VALUE for balance of DECEMBER. benefitted by your voting YES, and although you may be told that the law won’t be kept and while we shall loose the revenue, drunkness will ' not de- crease, go out on Monday next and by your vote say you are willing to give it a trial, and whether public opinion is advanced sufficient to uphold pro- hibition or not, take the stamp of law from its protection and sale and put it in its place (if it has a. place) amongst the (l: unfrist wares with the red labelo of poison upon it. flow to get a “Sunlight " Picture. Send '25 “ Sunlight ” Soap wrappers (wrap. pers bearing the words “ Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a. Man ”) to Lever Bros, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post an pretty picture, free from advertising, and well woth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it? will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the col open. Write your address carefully. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts, gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, ‘ Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem efi‘ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bene cial in its eii‘m‘ts. pre ared only from the most healthy anu ugreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the :gost popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rooure it promptly for any one w 0 Wishes T“ ""‘y it. Manufactured only by the JV VJ. BAHFERE‘QEA Fifi SYRUP 00., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL ‘3 “T‘YQVI‘T-IJE- ‘EY. NEW Y0}. if.“ ‘“‘ .‘3’, MEN’S‘égi‘sgam @333 ENEOYS 911me mm m TO THE FRON-l“ With Seasonable Ba $2. 00, $3. 00 and $4. 00. - 3.,00 5.00upt010.00 - - flom 250. up. - - from $1 up. - - - 250. per pair. .- - $3.50 per pair. from 25c. to $1, extra. value. - - - $2.00. 391 (-ieorge Street, PETERBOROUG-H, - F. s. SCHNEIDER, Watchmaker and Jeweller will rcccéve money boo} cription: Cut 1'35 weight 4; 02.; A: Lever Movemex We have at last: demonstrated that a good watch can be made for a very low price. In .7 lots 0! 10,00 ,1 we make t ,' tmgam wot q‘n 3F. » Kg}; 3: n 8121 g y g , cheap, find ' ESCI can sellitfor ;; and $1.75. E-ry gl tor; part ism. ~ to. can and put to. gather in our New England (actory. a n d u.‘ x\>. every watch is \~ Pl jimed and gum. ‘ e11 nnteed by us. I fix The publishers of ‘ 30 this paper will teil you that our guor. " amee is good. It is just as shown in cut and dcscription.and anv- One not pgrfcctlx satisfied . Mepthn thzs paper, and we W111 prepay p1 or shlppmg charges to any partpf Canada. watch wfll not vary a. mumte m 30 days. sent C.0.D.. but all warranted as above. Gibson,“ Yeoman, Deceased, OTICE is hereby given‘pursuaut to the‘ nowsions of R. S. 0.1887. Chap. 110, and amen in acts. that all creditors and Others havin c aims against the estate of W‘ ‘ Gibson, of the Towpship of (la van, in the County of gaftdeceised. V110 died on or about the 27t 1 ay 0 June, 1393.9“ Cavan aforesaid. are requested to deliver on or before the 13th day of January, 1894: t Robert Ruddy of the Village of Millbrook, i0 the said County of Durham, Solicitor for thn Administratrix of the Estate of said deceased? full particulars of their claims, together With their Christian z1nd. Surnames and the nature of their security (ifi51n3')‘hcl(l by them. For! best value in. ADHINISTRATREX’S I Notice 10 Greditors ll, PeterbcE'o,’ : Ontario. WHOLESALE and RETAIL N. B.â€"â€"Thc highest price paid for butter and In Eye Matgg‘r of thenEstate _of wm, Go to And Teas, f,‘ Geffees, Spic Wifeizfi/W Liquors, Tobaccog, Provisuons And tame notice that; the said Administramx will. on and aftc r the szud 13th day of Janna-y 1894, proceed to distribute the {\ssets of thé said estate among the parth optltled thereto having regard only to the chums of those of which she shall then have had nouce. m. 5.. may 00., Dated at, Millbrook. this 11th day of Deccm ber,1893. R. RU DDY, GENUINE . AMERIBAN LEVER“ I I Solicitor for Zillah Gibson, Administrat . the Estate. 4 x41 mot CITY BARBERSHOP. T. H. BRYANS ' -. Tons rial Artist. PARLonâ€"Kingâ€"s , Millbxook I{«fl1'5bank./m Shaving. Hair-cutting, Shampooing and every thing else in the tonsonal hue carefuny amid ed to. ‘ Genera! Groceries, 5n;- I I re at last: will rcccixje money back. I)!- ‘trated criptzon: Cut is 233;”: good wcizht 4; 02.; Amman can be Lever Moxjemem, Ln. 1' a very , ; 7 ternP:x_110n,240bean ice. In x to mmuteu’m 10,00 ’ ~ w_1nding nudist. :e ff. amazimugth: L B n no 18 Y ’ key' Plant will Es ' c itior at? . ‘~- um; 11:. ‘ - W ttO. me 0}! n our 1 . lgland Gold or Nickel match is \ gated 1 gum. \ by us. 11m >hshers of ROW.“- nttzx' will teil “930156- | our gunr. ' 00“!!ng good. _It is a!” ”hour shown 121 cu: time m :nption.and xmv- .. A a swarm“ perfectly satisfied ' tion this paper. and we will prepay postage pping charges to any part of Canada. This will not; vary a minute in 30 days. None ‘A h 1x11+ n11 way-unutAJ -9. nk-“A [DP-’1 Wm ’44 ,In H. L! I": .121 George Street, ONTARIO In rosite “cod proud of our. as- L as we have glven 43%;. ‘ ~ Bailieboro. On Saturday morning about :2 o’ckck the cry of fire aroused the villagers, and ringing ofthe church bell brought 111 unite anumberfromadistance 10 find I1'c. slip's hotel 111 flames. 'lhe fire had made so teadway when discovered that it was' :11 once seen that the Luilding was dame-l. It appears that John Heaslip, 51131111” 1121- proprictdr, anda. young nan namel Mn;- ilroy occupied :1 Led room wear the 1111-. retired to bed about nine on Fridav 11:- the bar room being closed 21110: : ten (1'- by Mr. Heaslip, .1110 1: mo oclock your; Heaslip and Macilrov we: e 1w. akened .1'1' .. e smell of fire and 1:1 hing 1101: «tans fo: 11.1 the bar room in flames, the: wise: an 211912111 .‘n C ‘ .‘1 ti and 1! r. ra.2d‘~ ‘ :‘s. Heaslip escaped in =3 "'11.! nig ht clothes. Tne family”; 111w uxum 1 ' ml; 'of bthel case had to be .81 down {In-:02 521 the ,. - winrtoxss,soquick<.;. J: the ‘14-“0 At- tent10u\'w="‘ncz ji'. en to saving: ”M ch- s.;~ ~party near it. A's a strong south avast wind was blowing at the time :he s‘ ore am 1 put Oyd“ 01 c occupyiedb} \Ir. J. I) 111111 1 "y; to bein great danger 111211119 1111- -; had been L101 aim to play 11113112311211 joining hui dings and 111113 1.101“ 11.010 .3 Mr. Heaslipslc-ss “'11! be 1;€21\’:' 113: 11 evervthing was burnt and 2111‘ ‘ insura..ce, the building “:13 ' $10“) 111 'lhe (rare Mutual. Too much praise cannot be RCCNI'dc-l 1‘, Mr. Sam ch'x'iott, (vho has charge of the engine) for the efficient manner in which he has placed the engine, and sum tangible proof of this will no doubt be shortly pre- sented to Mr. Herriott. ' orse Blankets ! largy‘gassurt - mentiu town. Perhaps it is Harness you Do you wam have the best, e have on your mind 1 Well I can fit you out to perfection. With the bes: of stock and good workmanship I can satisfy you as no one else can. Whips, Combs, Brushes and everything with prices to suit- the times. Call and see me before purchasing. BLANKETS ! THOMAS GI LLQTT 1 fabmetqma w Undertaker, years in e swine bx: cbs‘. l wmuu rc~pcu~ fully solici omimmncc oflhc samr ~' ‘ ' ' . Acallisinvite ‘ .. h . re. {cgis- tered pedigrees on nxrpiicmion. The. above boars took first and second places a: Millbrook this year and are no remakes to any other animals here. ‘ ‘I’V!,'4- ‘I -_A ch as on hand CA KEEPS a ulllll uwdu ALVA V. I am also breeder of Brown and White Leg- horns. Some fine young cocxcrls for sale reason able. FRANCIS SMITH. f. Camybcllcroft Ont- Rec 1: on hand a large stock or uur'r'xma. CA KETS and all kinds of [Jude-makers" Goods. Bedroom, Parior and all Other kinds of Furniture. hand-made, at lowest prices. and Clean. â€"Epidermia asfi beautifier e_f the com ylexion has no (Equal. 'l‘xy 1t. At A. 4 AUH’S. ‘_ 16. OAKS FOR SERVICE. Do not fail to call and see him, l-ly. s on hand a large flock of_ QO‘FI-A‘I‘NS‘ gr“ â€"â€" or wrx‘ivo On 101. as usun‘x, $1.1m for ing 3' many cu~imnor< f( » D' Ollge extended :0 me. an e swine busing-2:8. 1 we _ . _ onummnccohhc sax 1s1x_1_v1te ‘ Times. ‘. STRAIN. :p'fiead: At- ng 1119 pro- !1 west wind re (1:11 ‘ ‘rin aruearmtl fin! engme his and ad were saved. '3' as 119::ny ere was no ' ‘ for "-7 “‘c"‘= an o’clo-~k ck yum-g Jed by me its found 1 an alarm in their ppcx‘ par. rough the _-J A- .“Ww’hen a. girl at Ohio, I had a sevc fever. On my recov perfectly bald, and. perfum Mrs. J. H. Hons Ave, Santa Cruz, ~King Gooifel Xmas in town. Began feared I should Friends urged me Vigor, and, on doi: hes? 0d 01's ed .111 3k; .4 : an.d I now have as 1 one could wish for, ever. from blonds t RGGER 8:. GA‘ “ After a fit of si‘ out in ccm‘ofuns. whom .- 05 WHITE LXLAC._ ERABJQPLE. and now my hair and very full and h mended this prepa like good effect.”- 1460 Regina st... Ea Ayer’s “I have used A; several years and G Iactory results. I preparation for th -C. T. Arne/t2, Ma “â€"‘IflTE HELIOT: 'mee "£5... ROSE agfivm. PEAU 0' -:3!’AG.\‘E \VHITE RQSLC; M3318 «ental roof. â€"â€"Dr. Nee-(13$ Xmas with his 1): ..R, Ruddy. ‘ turkey at the hear -The larges am fumes at A. LFA’ ’5 JESKIXS is 111 1 â€"Miss Allen visiting at Mr. .3. 5.- .np. _-¢‘h:‘:V*-‘ - o .696. H. Den; the Normal at 011 _\\'_ G, “'ood :1 Bulk St. Kitts. -â€"Christmas “ Saturday 2:1 â€"Ch X'isVt mas LEACH‘S, M i111 Miss Jennie town, the gueSE vac ‘ don. â€"“". The per cord for orders quicL ”Me. 351‘ spending 1 Dawson fl)“ _Rub‘cer C031 neatly repaired Rubber cement 1‘ .__A happy Kev» ...M r. \V. Tum) â€"-\\'a1tcr (fail-i: mas 121167. 0d 01's 0: anus arm no Miss Mam cv. 1' \ a T0“ SOUR Emoc: < he his par 11E Ci Sew hint “'6 uh LEGO!

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