Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 27 Nov 1958, p. 4

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PAGE Statistics To Date Bowling League _ Ladies high‘ single- Marion Guthrie . . . . Ladies High Tripleâ€" Eileen Powell ..... HIGH SCORES LAST WEEK I Men’s High Single Reggie Sl‘oan .......... Men’s High Triple Marry Williams ....... High Scores to date Ladies’ High Single Mar}: Armstrong ...... Rink-E-Dinks . . ..... . \Vcswt Enders ...... . . ("hulters . . . . . . . . . . . . Crew Cuts . . . . ...... Ram Lambs . . . . . . . . Tonters . . . . . . , ...... Ladies’ High Triple Marg Armstrong ........ 684 Ladies High Averageâ€"a? Max-g Armstrong ........ 187 Men's High Singleâ€" Jfoe Medd .............. 311 Men‘s High Tripleâ€" ,.. Alan \Vright ............ 738 Men’s High Averageâ€" I\'cn Blair ............. 206 Hillbillies . . . . . :oat Builders. . l-t-ee Aze ... . . .. Downtowners . Rm-ke‘ c-ers . . . . WWWVWWWWWWWWWHWWW; Vote and Elect on Monday, December 1st, 1958 FIRE-PROTECTIVE SAVE on Councillor Manvers Townshlp! TEAM STANDINGS Attwooll S: Sheppard DAVE on Wallboard for Walis and Ceilings. See your local Lumber or Building Suppiy Dealer. Odd lots of discontinued items and seconds. Quantity of Glassware. 11 Years of Municipal Experience Millbrook Industries CLEARANCE SALE R. JOHN PAYNE All greatly reduced for Quick Sale! Millbrook Phone 6-w ....... 6'20 ..... 269 WALLBOARD . 276 lESS THAN 2'4 21 Dumbclls ..... {Hi Fi’s ...... . 662i1m¢ky Sevens Lone Rangers FOR 35 _ 35 35' BAKING SALE 34: -â€"-and Country Store. Saturday, 34 December 13th at 2.30 p.m. Wing Dings ........... . Bankers .............. [Vanguards . . . . ....... l Bailiebvro ............. [ Zion Liners ........... {Substitutes ........... . gMurphies ............. i Industrials ........... i Kay-Dee-M ’s .......... I Plans for a bake sale were 3made, to he held in IOOF Hall on January 17th. I Two ladies were present lBetty Kent and Mrs. Kinman fin Iegard to forming Brownies iand Guides in Cavan. Llon lnners ............. 0’1 "v"~y-- -., ----~~ x . -| ‘ 29 Herbert Patton seconded by.a half-hour series designed to Substitutes ........... . . . . _ . . . ‘ Murphies --------------- 25 . Clifford Falhs. Qwalifled. lintroduce talented newcomers; Industrials ............. 23' .JOSPPh Thorn prOPOSEd bygto Canadian listeners. It can! Kay-Dee-M’s ............. 20 Didi HBtUhISO“ seconded by] be heard weekly on the Trans-, Dumbells ............... ‘30 9701‘“ kins-man Qualified. !Canada network ofi CBC radio». I Hi Fi’s .................. 20' Hubert Lowes, proposed bs'l i L‘ueky Sevens . ,,,,,,,,,, 17 Steve Wilmn seconded by Wal- ' " "" _‘â€"“" ii Lone Rangers ......... 14; t9? VVindrem. I The ”dip-5‘ enjoyed 3 3010 by; m 1 Russell Kennedy propo'sed Mrs. L. W inslow accompanied'l Iby Eric Fallis seconded by by Mrs. Spieer. ‘ gggWNIEENAND GUIDES EClarenee Ball. Qualified. [ Lionette President Rene Me! CAV ‘- Ray S‘ewart proposed by git thanked the Club for the: The local association met at Hubert L'owes and seconded byievening and the meeting ad-‘ the home of Mrs. Art Trick'Ro'bert Armstrong. Qualifiedfjou‘rned. . Tuesday evening, Nov. 25th,5 For North Gavan School Areal A special vote 0:".- thanks is with ten members present. [ti ‘ extended to all who helped was voted to (rive $10 ()0 to the' 39"?“ Armstrong proposed, make the evenio' a success D " ' »l.v Harold Bradburn seconded ‘ ‘ ° ' Treasurer for pettv cash Mrs . . . . The executive convened the " ' " Fr H . uahf‘i . l . . ’ n mmL _M AM“; in “4, by ed ooton Q (id- dinner. the decorating com- D. Clarke was elected to at, fend the Guide meetings with a View of how to be a Guider. X A discussion was held ml; the float fior the coming Santal Parade. ! There was 6 cents a mile al- lowed Guider or anyone in the. l.~.A. for transportation to Port Hope for meetings. the I.0.(‘).F. Hall. 11: no.0...uo-oo-u- not. ..nooo-Ioo tttooocoooouto coon-nonnoooo ounces-.001... allot-.00.... S OOOIo-OOOIOOI .ooo .n..o...- ans. ..... ..... Lorne Farrow proposed by John Kinsman seconded by "I." [Dick Hutchison. Mr. Farrow ,,,,, 32 qualified. 1 ..... 82 George Howden proposed by 32 D. Nill seconded by Harry 31 Jamieson. Qualified. 31 Joseph Burns proposed by 29 Herbert Patton seconded by 48 (avan Township Nominations L. A. Hooton proposed by J. H. McKnight seconded by Walter Windrem. Elected by ac clama‘fion . For Deputy Reeve Harold Bradburn proposed by Harry Jamieson seconded bp Ronald White. Elected by arclamation. ‘ Edward Turner vaposod by John Coombes seconded by Howard Berry. Qualified: Robert ArmstrOng and Har- old Hooton, present member of the board, will stand again. For South Gavan School Area. }erald Armstrong propose-:1 by Donald Lang seconded by Suttlc Pritchard. Harold Hodton proposed by Morris McGee seconded by Steven Wilson. Qualified. Milion Lacey pmposed John Kinsman seconded Dick Hutohison. Eric Fallis proposed by Mar- shall Fallis and seconded by \V'altor Seward. Connie Robertson proposed bv May Hume secodvd by Ann I’rndeau. Minutes and roll call 'werei load by S'ecr'etmy Mrs H; Lancmashhe and imam 1a1 reporti given by by .T‘reasurer, Mrs. l A. Payne. ' Further plans for the Santa: Paxade w ere discussed and the! commi‘tee chosen for thei Oh‘ristmas project were: M1S;, H. Kerr, Mrs. A. Payne andl Mrs J. Wright. g An amusing kitchen contest} was conducted by Mrs. S. Snel-' grove which was won by Mrs. A l W. Haw. Mrs. A. Spicer was pianist for sing-songs and also render- ed a fine solo, accmnpanied by Mrs. Winslow. A lucky draw for a relish dish‘ was won by Mrs. J. Mc- liaster. Monday evening- the Lady Lions entertained the Lionettes "of Newcastle at a dinner meet- ing in the Waiting Room. B-oughs of cedar and bouquet; of poinscttas centred the ban- quet't tables and were also ar- tanned about the room comple- montiug the coloured lights on! the Christmas tree. i ~.~._.... ~â€" I’reside-nt Jean Winslow welâ€" comed the ladies and asked. Mrs. Liesvmer to start the evening on the jovial. theme which indeed it was. Paper, bags were handed to each Jadyl Luntailxing a hat and through! a course of elimination each selected a chapeau which was warn during the dinner hour. Prizes for the hats, handsome and otherwise, were won by Lionettes Mari-on Knox and Irene Cunningham from New- castle. LADY LIONS ENTERTAIN m mommonm ELI-BROOK, For Gouncil TALENT SCOUT Signed by CBC radio to launch a nation-wide search for talent, Fred Diehl will produce the new Trans-Canada Talent Show, Lionette President Rene Me- git thanked the Club for the evening and the meeting ad- journed. ULLlGLLUc "" A s.pe(ia1 vote 0'2- thanks is __,,_.e_._.-_____ extended to all who helped; LOST make the evenig a success â€" ~â€" - _,___,_____ The executive convened the L05t_A Shell 151‘00011 13110119 dinner, the decorating com-' 97 w Millbrook 1t mittee were MI‘S. H. 1(911' and Lostâ€"Four Hens and 1 Cockre] Mrs. A. Payne? the entertain! Finder please notifv J 1) ment committee were Mrs. E. 4 Grain Tupper Street. 1+ Liesemer and Mrs S Shel-f â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"~_ grove. Musical numbers Mrs. ’LOSt'-1‘ight Coloured 9011““ A. Spicer and Mrs. L. Win-, Dog wit whlte markmgs. slow. Kitchen assistants were? answers to name 0f T'oney ._.- .~ -.._.. Mrs. S. Sloan and Mrs D. Anyone having information, Lunn. Servers were Misses kindly phone 1834.2 M111- Betty R3139? and Bonnie Blen- Lzo-stâ€"Largefifm’an Shepherd coe. Nancy Nattress, Karen Powell, ,I brook 1t l Unn- nn Mondav night has Talk of the Town AT 8.30 O’clock Big SNOWBALL game starts this week. .050 per card. Share the Wealth â€" Special Prizes â€" Free Games RUT‘I‘ER GRANITE CO . Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 l I I Monuments, Markers, Corner ‘ Posts and Inscriptions. 1 ODD FELLOWS BINGO This Sat. Night Admission “$1.15 per person . Roy Willmott, Q.c. James A. Irvine, Durham 500 Bushel Potato Club Banquet ‘ MILLBROOK United Church Hall Thursday, Dec. 4th 6.30 p.m. President, Ontario Junior Farmers’ Association Miss Kathleen Homan Barristers, Solicitors, Nata 'es Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT IRVINE Tickets available frOm WOOD and DELBERT OLAN Guest Speaker TENDERS WANTED 1 Applications for a caretakerI ifor Millbrook and Cavan Me-a imorial Arena will be received lby the undersigned up to and ;including Monday, December l 1, 1958. Enquiries as to duties, Fete, may be had by contacting ‘the undersigned. Please sfate ‘ salary in your tender. ‘ P. E. Hamilton, Secretary, Millbrook, Ont. l MAN WANTEDâ€"To be an 'ef- fiieial representative in this area enrolling memberships in a Farm Service Club. No experience required. Car im- portant. Write giving de- tails and phone number *0 Farm Services Division, Sales Manager. BOX 817, London, Ontario. 2’: Lostâ€"Large German Shepherd Dog on Monday night, has tag of Uxbridge Township. Strayed from the former C. Challic'e farm. If found please phone A. Masters at 183-r-31 Millbrnok. .fi For Rentâ€"5 ROODlCd Self-con- tained Heated Apartment with Bath. Immediate pos- session. Phone 1‘27-w Mill- bvook. 1t f-‘- a For Rentâ€"Modern 2-bedroomi self contained apartment, oilf furnace. Phone :2.0'4'-r-1-§,i Millbmok. 3t F-or Rentâ€"A Small House on Frederick Street. Phone 18 M illbro 0k . 3t . OStâ€"l ioht COloure 00111 " 1311335, In. good COIlul “.011. ‘Dog “git White mgrkingsf Phone ”1135‘ Millbrook.1t answers to name 0f T‘oney For Saleâ€"A quantity of good Anyone having information, used lumber 2x 4 s sheeting kindly phone 183 1‘2 Mlu'l windows and doors, and brook. 1t cement. chimney. Jack Kins- â€"' "’ man. Phone 184-r-21 .Mill- _____.__._â€"- m- ‘..-.L T ..... nnmmt\v\ annnkonrl Finder 1319339 “Otiffi’ J- D- ‘For Saleâ€"One small size' Faw- Craig, Tupper Street. 1+1 ceIt-t- Oil Burner with fan and ._.- ._â€" ...._.. _ ~0. , -,‘ pipes, in good condition. ”St 1‘51“ Cdoured 00“” Phone 113-;1 Millbrook. 1t nnm ‘V'H' ‘I‘rh‘ifn markinofl MALE HELP WANTED FOR RENT Thursday, Number 27, 1958 ‘For Saleâ€"Apples; McIntosh, 4 Spies and SnOws' also Par- : snips and Carrots. Milton l Ohallice phone 89-j Mill- | brook. 3t. For Saleâ€"Hockey S‘h-orts size 36; also shoulder pads for 10 or 12 year old boy. Phone 776-w Millbmok. lt For Saleâ€"1947 Plymouth 4- door car. In good shape. H. M. Trick, phone 68-w Millbro'ok. 2t For Saleâ€"Year Old Leghorn. Hens. Earl Armstrong, phone 181-r-3Millbrook.1t For Saleâ€"Pure Bred Cocked Spaniel Pups ,buff or black seven to chose from. Sold with or Without papers. Wm. Howden, phone 215-r-3 Millbro‘ok . 1t qu Saleâ€"Viking \Vahing Ma- chine, practically new $450. Contact Gord Trick. 2t Under and By Virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, bear- ing date the 25th day of June, 1957, to me directed against the lands and tenements of Leonard Henderson, defendent, at the suit of Ernest C'olwill Braund, plain- tiff, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, inter- est and equity of redemption of the said Leonard Henderson in, to and out of: All and singular that certain par- cel or tract of land» and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Cavan, in the County of Durham, and being composed of: Large United States and Gama. dian Manufacturing Company requires District Manager for Durham county. Exception. ally high earnings. Guaran- te-ed repeat business. Auto- mobile cs‘sential. Agricul- tural background most im- portant. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario. 4t The east half of Lot No. 4 in the 5th Concession of the said Town- ship of Cavan, containing by ad- measuvrement 100 acres more or less, save and except all that por- tion of the east half of Lot 4, Concession 5, in the Township of Cavan, in the County of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, having an area of 3.615 acres, more or less, shown marked red on Plan of Survey P-3056-1. All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said Leonard Hendrson in the said lands and tenements, I she-ll offer for sale by public auc- tion at my office in the Court House in the Town of C-obourg, on Wedmsday, the 17th day of De- cember, 1958, at 2.30 o’clock in the afternoon. Dated at Coboumg, this 26th day of August, 1958 .v FRED C. RICHARDSON, Sheriff, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Sheriff’s Sale of lands brook . MALE HELP WANTED .. 7,, FORMER HILL-BE HAS BAD LUCK Keith Clements am [y who moved fmr Peterborough last su into bad luck. Th1 which they were to on Monday of this damaged to the exth Saturday by fire. sai started around a chi! afier lighting a fire MMMMM‘.‘R‘-PFN 98th. Year. No. Reeve by acclam: and for the confi past Trusting ] another year. ‘ Wishing you‘ and A Hapy and I wish to e: returning me Depw clamation for the To Ca va1 LADIES AND New 20 Ga Wishing yo

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