Acts 2:38 “Repent, and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of. sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you, and your children†was the text, chosen by Rev“ The first chapter of St.’ )lark’ s Gosp'el, with his ac- (ount of the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan, was the, Scripture lesson. [ Sunday morning at St. An- drew's United Church was Baptismal Sunday, with two babies being presented by their parents for the Sacrament of Baptism: with a good congrega- tion of interested friends in attendance. E’AGE FOUR Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s WEVROET @58 “Big Wheel†in trucks with A.“ TINNEY sou, (avan, Pnone 201.23 Malariaâ€"k Latest editions of the Oï¬ering high-capacity pickups and panels: sure-footed 4-Wheel Drive models and, Chevrolet’s latest . . . a “Step-Van" Forward Control model With 3', 10' and 12' body lengths! Famous fuel-saving 6'sbwith increased Chevrolet’s Task-Force ’58 rolls in with new hustle, new muscle, new style in all three weight-class series . . . with more sure ways to stay and save on any kind of schedule. You'll ï¬nd new Step-Van Forward Control delivery models complete with Step-Van bodies. A wider choice of medium-duty haulers. New cab conveniences in all models. Higher efï¬ci- ency horsepower right up the line, including a radical new V8 develop- ment for Task-Force heavyweights. It’s the biggest, brawniest Chevrolet fleet ever assembled â€" at your Chevrolet dealer’s right now awaiting your inspection! New Light-Duly Apaches* Here with new broad-shouldered styling. a revolutionary new V8 engine. great new models! Here to speed schedules. Whittle down operating costs! Here to handle the toughest hauling labs with new fast-working efï¬ciency! NZ? e g/ The two babies presented for this Sacrament of Baptism were Stephen William Ashton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ash- ,ton (nee Pauline Kennedy); IHeather Arnatta E13011, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eleon. After the morning service, Nancy Irene Challice ,d .ughter Baptism is more than justEChallice. giving the baby a name. The, At Cavan United Churchâ€"- name is already entered at the IBarry Ronald White, son of registry office. It is arecogni-=Mr. and Mrs. Ronald White, ticn of the fact that the childIIda, (nee Barbara Kennedy) is not just our own, it belongs Millbrook; Stephen William to Christ and His church. The Gummer, son of Mr. and Mrs. element used 15 w,ater symbolic ' Crummer (Gavan Store). of spiritual cleansing for the‘ E. L.H. adult, and of the entering into: ___.__.__ the blessing of the new coven-; . . ant for t-Dhe child, with the con-I WIth Brownles gregation taking responsibility ‘ for its share in the nurture and The Brownies met in the development of the child in Parish Hall on Wednesday Christian truth, and character. gNnvpmhpr 14111 9+. 4 15 “+0.: Francis P. Chisholm. . See them at your dealer’s now! TEE MIRROR-REPORTER, [{onh 31L and Mrs. Glendon ; a me. The Brownies met in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, November 14th at 4.15. After the opening exercise, inspection. There Were 23 Brownies «pre-J sent. Those working on their Golden Bar did notes, sewing on bottons and darning, and Brownies working on theirl Golden Hand did their sema-v phore. Two games were plenfed| and meeting closed with taps. ' 1 l Nine new models have been added, all featuring a new cab-to-rear axle dimension for better load distribution in specialized uses. Short-stroke V8’s are standard in all middle-weight Low Cab Forward models. Conâ€" ventional models are powered by the latest versions'of Chevrolet’s most famous 6’s. Heavy-duty options increase GVW ratings up to 21,000 lbs.! *4000 through 6000 Jeri“. horsepower are standard in the Apache Series. A more powerful Trade- master V8, with 160-h.p., is optioml at extra cost in conventional light~duty models. #3100 throng}: 3800 min. New Medium-Duty Vikings" New 'NATIONAL Y. P. ’3 WE «NOVEMBER 1724,1957 The theme for Young People ’3. Week is “Freely ye have re- ceived, freely give.†Young people will take part in the Service of Worship on Sunday morning at St. Andrew’s. We take this opportunity of presentng the work and mean- ing of CYUC to church members and to others in this community, CYUC stands for Canadian Youth Under Christ and is the Inter-denominational y o u t h group which meets weekly in- St. Andrew’s United Church, Millbrook) At 8.30 p.91. on Sunday evening, there is an “open door†for all young peo- ple of High School age and over. The, programme includes guest speakers, discussions, films, recreation and worship. On Sunday evening, a joint ONTARIO Spartans" - ml. kuLLDu vu. uLLu at 0 19.111 lp', EThe Guest Speaker will be Mr )les George E. \eals, Shop Directâ€" re 8[or of Petelborough Collegiate mug and Vocational School. His the’.‘subj ect will be “Vocational Lday Educationâ€. All mung people lthinking of their life \xork are omt imited to attend. o . KN meetlng of Mlllbrook CYUCI WANTED and Cavan YPU will be held in: â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€" ~â€" - â€"â€":~__. Cavan United Church at 8 pm, ; \Vantedâ€" work cuttmg wood .. CT-ISSB FOr Rentâ€"A two bedroom mod- ern apartment. Oil furnace“ Appl}; Reg. Fallis, phone 207-1214 Millbrook. 5t For Rentâ€"Farm house, reason- able ren-t for good tenn‘ant: 3 miles west of Gavan on 7A Highway. Electricity, Hen House. Garage, and Garden. Phone Merv. Smith 214-r-22 Millbrook, or write R.R. 1, Gavan. . 11 For Rentâ€"Three roomed cabii trailer. Phone 129-W Hill- brook, 2t For Rentâ€"Three room and bath heated apartment; also heavy duty wiring Phone 37 or 79 M illbrook . 2t For Routâ€"Small house For Rentâ€"2 Bedroom Apart: For Saleâ€"HOLISe Trailer, sacri- ficed price $300.00;; insulated, bunk beds, built-in cup- boards and sink, 2 Wheel, 15 by 7 feet. Phone IOO-j J. C. Ingram, Millbrook, Ont. Attention Farmers â€" Potato Bags for sale, 50 1b paper bags. bundle of 150 bags $18. Bundle of 100 bags $12.50. Small quantities 13;- each. Crowlc) ’5 Rod and \Yhite, phone"_21\1illhrook. 2t For Saleâ€"Kitchen Stove, coal or wood, with hot water front; Kitchen Sink and sup- ports; Electric Stove; Queen Heater for wood; Gasoline Pump. Phone IOO-j Mill- brook. 1t Limited QuaInkyâ€"Permanent. Type Anti Freeze, will not rust. will not boil away, $2.75 gallon; .74c quart. At Trick’s B-A Service Station. For Saleâ€"1 T011 Stake Fargo Truck: also Vaccinated Hols- tein COW. just frcshened. Apply Ray Brown, phone, Millbrook 2OT-r-13. 1t Christmas able at Station . Fï¬edzer'ick Avenue. Phone, 18 Millbrook. 2t ment on ground level. Phone 106-W-12, Millbrook. 1t Thursday, November 21, 1957 or Saleâ€"Buugalow with 2 bedrooms. Kitchen, large lounge. 3 pine bath hot and cold w,ater full basement oil heater heax y duty wiring. Apply T. Skipp, Millbrook, phone 27-1-4“. 2t Start a year-round businesS! You can earn money first day. Sil‘it tlv vour own bOSS. Sell dai 1v necessities in: Boxwgville, Hampton. Mill‘ Lrook, Newcastle, Port Hope and surroundings. All fami- lies are users of our many pr-oduetS. Write to Dept. JSâ€"Familex 1600 Delori- mier, Station C, Montreal, Que. 4t MAN \VANTEDâ€"Are you dis- satisfied with your work? Would you like a business of your own? If so, write Raw. leigh’s Dept. K-283-GG, 4(505 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. Wantedâ€"To buy, a D011 Car- riage, large size. Phone Mill- brook 223-r-21 4 1t Phone 2451' Miubrook. SALESMEN WANTED FOR SALE Trees will be avail- Tru L s Bâ€"A SerVic-e 111 It 97th. Year. No. 47. Admission ’ Gummer 5 FREE delive: Smoked Bacon 49c lb. Sausag‘ ORDER YOUI ladies’ (oats Children’s (0; ist. Bl THE GERTR FRIDAY, MARKED MILLBRO LOCATION: Rural in' or. Orilli In The WEE 4:15 p