Begum ‘ . . g 335 a >Z<n=200- FWDmâ€"F >mm0 DZ< <_mO.â€".0_> Millbrook Branch No. 402 Canadian Legion, BESL eXtend to you an Invitation to Attend our Annual Armistice Day Dinner, to be held in Legion Hall on Friday evening, November 9th, at 7.30 p.m. Admission $1.125 Tickets may be purchased from George 11- Howden, Weldon Coulter, D. R. Fowler, James Nelson. . Our Annual Armistice Day Church Parade will be held on Sunday morning. November 11th, to St. Andrew’s United Church. Fall Inâ€"Legion Hall 10.45 a.m. Dress Berets and Medals. 3 Don’t forget to support our Poppy Day Campaign on Satur5 day, November 10th.. Let’s make these THREE EVENTS the BIGGEST YET! The annual 500 Bushel Pota- to. Club Banquet will be held this year on Friday, November 2nd, catered to by the North and South Groups of St. An- drew’s W.A. Tickets are now on sale. BANQUET NOVEMBER 2nd. Don’t forget Brownie Cookie Day November 3rd. Plans are being made for the Brownies to be in the parade November 11th. Games were played, and we closed in the usual way. I . III-II Instead of a regular meeting on October 3131: there was a hallowe’err party. The Tweenjes are now ready for enrollment which will take place on November 7th. Par‘ ents are invited. On Wednesday October 24th, we had our regular meeting with 21 present. Five more Brownies received their service star for one year’s regular at- tendance. The first-class Brownies were shown the use of a compass and semaphore. 96th. Year. No. 42. J. H. Ban-inger, Publiï¬ner. WITH THE BROWNIES Guest Speaker Mr. Jas. Wherry Get your tickets from Delbert Olan, Melville or Allan Wood. GOOD PROGRAMME EVERYONE WELCOME YOU ARE INVITED TO THE DURHAM 500 BUSHEL POTATO CLUB FOWI. SUPPER We Pay" 1 UN TEN-YEAR 4 4 0 TIME DEPDS'TS 0N FIVE-YEAR ‘ 4 0 TIME DEPOSITS St. Andrew’s United Church, Millbrook Friday, Nov. 2, 1956 Last date to obtain tickets is November 6th. PRESIDENT QUAKER OAT COMPANY, PETERBOROUGH Th Millbr00k Reporteg: Notice To All Veterans at 6:30 p.m. in the Basement of 0N . I Wish to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. M. E. Hobbs, Miss Robins, Rex" Mr. Chisholm, the \V.A. and W.I. of Gavan United Church, all relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness, flowers. fruit and cards, and anyone Who helped in any way during my recent illness. 1 On Monday of this week a lPolio Clinic was held in Both- any for children of that dis- .trict, at which time 158 pre- ‘school children. were vaccinat- 'ed aginst Polio. Dr. Marion Henderson acting for Dr. 0. Homer the Medical Health Of- ficer for Durham County, took charge with tWo health nurses Miss Robins and Miss \Villiams assisting her in the work. Four volunteers from Bethany and district helped in the clinic,? two in the morning and two in the afternoon. They were: Mrs. Smelt, Mrs. \Vood, Mrs. Rayson and Mrs. DeGeer. 158 FEE-SCHOOL CHILDREN VACCINATED AT BETHANY CARD 0F THANKS PETERBOROUGE Wm . Davidson, Ca van . MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Presentation of 25 year. 50 year and 60 year veteran jewels in Millbrook Lodge No. 308 I.0.0.F., on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, at. 8.00 p.m. Bro. New- ton A. Foster P.G.M. of Kingston will address the Lodge on this occasion. . Haw.â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haw, nee Lena-Marie Lowery, Millbrook, announce the birth of their son, John William, on Monday, October 22nd, 1956, at Peterbovough Civic Hospital. The Blin‘eo Mission sponsored by ’ the Peterborough Presby- tery of the United Church of Canada commences this Sun- day, November 4th, at 3 p.111. in the Brock Street. Arena, Pe- t-erborough. Those desiring to attend should meet at the waiting Room. Millbrook, at 2 p.m. The- Rev. Joseph Blinco of the Methodist Church of Great Britain is the Missioner. Attend the Mission to the Nation. “'CA-LLIN G CANADA TO CHRIST†FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good “Insâ€"Nov. 8111-1 7th incl. Return-Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 18th. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler who was ‘hit. by a car two weeks ago is still confined to hospital, but is slowly improving. We are pleased to note, that Mr. Wm. Davidson. who suf- fered a Heart attack: some time ago has recovered well enough to resume his duties as mail carrier. Friends of Mr. Louis H. Winslow will be glad to know that he is progressing favour- ably after his recent illness. fSOClAL - PERSONAL [ Miss Ann Stimson impending lthe week with Mr and Mvs_. | Harold Trick. Last Saturday a telegram Was sent to Miss Alice Turner at Victoria, B.C.,. which read as follows: “Warmest. Christian Greetings on your 100th birth- day, from the Parish of Cavan and especially your many friends from St. Thomas“ Church. "’ SPECIAL '0 LOW BAIL TAKES ROYAL AGBIOIIlTIIRAl WINTER FAIR (Mr. and) Mrs. George} .C. Elstorth attended the funeral of the late George W. Stenton. in Peterborough on Tuesday. ' Returning home Mr. Ellsworthl aeceived the sad news that hisi sister Mrs. Frank Colborne, had passed away in Lindsay. TORONTO, NOV. 9 ~17 TEE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class TO THE NOTICE A dressed pork shoulder sup- per will be held at St. John’s Parish Hall, Ida, on Wednes- day,“ November 7th. Supper commencing at 5 p.111. The admission will be only $1.00 for adults and 500 for school children under 12 years. Dr. Tom Belch will be guest speaker at Trinity Church, The Marsh, on Sunday, Novem- ber 11th at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Everyone is wel- to attend this service. DR. TOM BELGH T0 SPEAK AT THE MARSH CHURCH The electric, frying pan given by Coulter Bros. Ltd. in con- nection with their fall sale, Was drawn for Saturday evening, October 27,, Mr.. T. W; Belch making the draw. The fine prize was won by Mr. Reg-p Gibbs of Mil‘lbrook. ELECTRIC FRYING PAN WON BY REG. GIBBS Such a reminder is necessary for at least two reasons, both of which are divorced from tlm prime aspect of paying tribute to the dead. Today, under the spectre of the H-bomb. it reminds us that the price of another war would be terrifyingly greater. Each year the Poppy Cam- paig 11., and the subsequent “eaxing of the pOIDDV at thous- ands of cenotaphs, says, in effect: “This is the mice a nation .pays for war†The Legion’s national .poppy campaign is a debt to the dead and a duty to the living. In perpetuating the memory of the war dead, it focuses atten- tion on the awful consequences of war. It tries to give mean- ing" to the sacrifice made by some. 100,000 Canadians who died in war. POPPY CAMPAIGN IS DEBT TO DEAD, DUTY TO LIVING Either absent minded or missed the boat, 2 blackbirds (not of the starling variety) were noticed strutting about Tuesday morning with all the vim of early summer This Species of bird generaiiy leave for the sunny south long before this, and lookout they don’t yet wish they had Spread their wings and took to the airways South. A few weeks ago the Auto Daredevils put on an e‘xhibié tion at the Port Hope Fair, Iafter which they departed for Iparts unknown, but on Friday night Deredevil drivers made their appearanee on King St.. and from some of the antics about which we heard they made the professionals look like pikers. 0 well, we guess it‘s the same old story “a pro- lphet is without honour in his ,own' countryâ€. i i l A pa1tridge sauntering across the road just over Allen’ s hill with all the confidence of a barnyard hem. It fact it did not fly into a tree until nearly 11111 over by a car. We won- dered if this bird was looking for some of the Millbrook hun- ters to give them a free shot. Wonder where Henry Gray was. 1 Support the Poppy Day sale. Seen on King Street During The Week SUPPER AT IDA. The ladies of the Guild were all in favour of having their December meeting in the form of a Christmas party. The party will be held at the home of Mrs. Larmer. The meeting (closed with prayer. Mrs. Hutchinson and Miss Anna Fair were supper hostesses for the social hour which followed. WWWW gAUGTIOnE SALE 111g. , The new executive will be installed at the December meet- The. Treasurer gave a report on the s-ueess of the annual bazaar. which showed a most gratifying result. the meeting u 1th pra) er. The minutes of the last meeting we_re riad and approved. The Women’s Guild of St. T'homas’ Anglican Church. met at the home of Mrs. P. E. Hamilton on Wednesday even- ing October 24th. In the ab- sence of the President Mrs. Brackenridge, Mrs. Lowery occupied the chair and opened ST. THOMAS’ GUILD TO HOLD QHRISTMAS PARTY Renew your subscription. "Star Of India" With Cornel Wilde and Jean Wallace “NORTHWEST PASSAGE†With Spencer Tracy and Ruth Husseyy TONIGHT (THURSDAY) THIS FRI. AND SAT. All-Technicolor Show $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont NOTICE .Effective November lst, 192 'the price of milk will be i {creased 1c. per quart. Tickets are new on sale for the Turkey Banquet and pro- gramme to receive the Grand Master of Ontario, I.0.0.F., Bro. Wm. 0. Jeffrey, to be held in Grace Presbfterian Church Hall, November 22nd, at 7.00 p.m. Tickets $1.75 each by advance sale only, from members of Millbrook Lodge No. 308. 'Away All Boats'. NEXT MON. TO WED. ;; In VistaVision 1: From the Great Navy Story, Starring Shady Nook Dairy Clifford Larmer. NOTICE