“Take up the cross,†He says. There can he no middle ground . l‘rei-isimr speaks of separation; (mnnnitInEHt of giving the self (H'PI' T0 anorher‘s keeping. ‘We become pledged to a line of notion. Commitment is both 2:11 net and a life-long attitude. .\":~m~s<ary in' daily life, de- risions are even more news-saw in religion. No one drifts into Christianity. There is no Sin-Er thin}.r as being a Christian by proxy. People cannot get the gift of Salvation by taking a («nurse in religion or by good works. Decisions force peOple to fare up to the fact of who the god of their lives is. Many Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2-4330. Barrett Fur Farm Dm-ision and Commitment vas- the sermon Subject at niwht “Choosu mu this dav .\ 1mm w will serv ' Joshua. 2+ :1». Decisions must be made. ’11: trade, marriage, religion and morals we tend to avoid erixiuns, and fail to see abso- lmvs. The New and the Old "'x-s amt-ms make' stern de- mands and set forth The novel Hf Ql‘f’i‘iSiUllS.. The demands ofi J z-t- us are uncompromising. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and cows. Top price for old horses. At night Mr. McMillan told how he had visited the United Church Mi<sion in Trinidad, “apt-iv Missionaries in Bolivia. 11116 I111» Canadian Presbvterian \‘iissilm in British Guiana. 'Tun often they feel forgotâ€" 1:.'v11 he said. ‘ ‘W 9 must sup- port them with our prayers an 1' «1111-gift< and bv on ouraging â€111111 111 “hat thev axe doinag. †At the morning service his text was, “Behold, I make all things new,†Revelation 21:5. This is a proclamation of faith and a declaration of hope. In “ork, marriage and in the ( hristian Church it is only byj believing in Jesus Christ and bv taking (70d with us that all: things become new in our daily lixes. God means as to have the blessings of new thinvs \\ e must not be satisfied w1th what we have had’ 1n the past or \\ 1th the present but yield our- selves to Him. He Will reveal His will and way, and He will bring forth wonderful new things as we obey. Evening Service 1:. Marcus Bicch Master Hypnotist Presidmt Eastern 805306! 9‘? annotism BOMBAY, INDIA The Moderator brought greet- ings to the congregation from the Synod, also from many Christians in other lands. Since his appointment as General Secretary last fall he has visit: e-d seventeen countries. ‘ Many people came to wor- ship at the anniversary services in Grace Presbyterian Church, Millbrook, last Sunday. Rev. Kenneth G. McMillan, B.A., B.D., of Toronto, General Secretary of the British and Foreign Bilbe Society in Cana- da, and Moderator of the Synod of Toronto and Kingston was the guest preacher. Rev. Wal- ter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus, assisted in the ser- vices which were conducted by the Minister, Rev. W. H. Hens. tin, B.A. Dead Stock! Grace Church Anniversary PAGE POUR. An auction sale of good Shorthorn Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Tractor, Grain: and Household Furniture, the property of the estate of the late Harry V. Arm-strong. will be held at hot 12, Con. 13, Manvers, just. East Of 35 Highway and 8 miles South of Lindsay, Ontario, on Thursday. October 17th, 1957, at 1 p.m. sh’arp. Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneen ' The presence and messages :5 the General Secyetary have made this a historic and long to be remembered day for Grace congregation, Millbrook and the local Bible Society' 8.1)., showed a film, ()ur Bible â€"â€"H()W It Came to 1'5. In the afternoon the annual Illeeting of the Millbrook Bible Society was held in (lrave Church. The General Secretary spoke, and the District Secre- tary, Rev. Colin Rudd, B‘.A., ‘ Mr. Sam Castle of Peter- bm'ough was guest solui-it af 'nnth svrvim‘s. Hits solos brought messages in song that waran the hearts of those who heard him. In the morning he sang, “Lord, let me live to-day’ , and “How Great Thou Artâ€. In the evening. “My Cathedral" and “God Hath Not Promised". Miss Patricia Peéble's was at the organ. Bible Society Meeting ‘ Jud does not demand that we be perfect. He takes us just I; ‘\\" 21111.“! et this anniu s-ary be a time when you make a complete commitment (:f yourself to J esus Christâ€. mne‘mded the preacher. Toynbee the historian has written, “0111- times to-day call for extraordinary faith. The challenge of to-day is for Christian people to bring a livâ€" ing faith to a dying eiviliza- titan". To luring a living faith to the Church, to the home and the communiry we need to make deeisions. “'3 need ‘ a mmplee culmnitment of Our self to God in Jesus Christ. W'e can begin by offering minselves.‘ Renew Your Subscription. fail to face up to the realities NEW MEMBERS JOIN . of life, arid seek to avoid (lod. FRASERVILLE W,A. People fail to make the decis-l ion to accept Jesus Christ as; The VV.A. of Fraservillt « VI " _ I I , ‘ A - l v _ t â€â€01â€" and to commit them Inited Church met at the home , selves to Him, because they 0f Mrs. B. Roode on Wednes- want to control themselves. :dav of last week. Three new \ 9t the tallure to make a dems‘ members jointed the Aesocia- ion .means that a Pm"? finally tion, namelv: Mrs. B. Roode. .decides against and-rejects the Mrs G Dawson and Mrs E1 ‘- . n c . , . o LOI'O). Young people, making . . . ,Moore. 9 a dec1s10n for 911““, know: An invitation to attend the what they are domg, Whatso‘.Thankoffering service at even others do, and even though they may be called bigOted, old- ' “ as “Tepufl. fashioned ,Or Queer. The im‘; The church will be flanked portant thing 15 not where you‘b‘. d' , ‘ evergreens. arrangements are but the 1rection you areghaving been made to this end. .facing. Is it toward the dark" Mrs. D. Moffat, leader of 5 . . _ ' ‘ “â€55 or the Pg“? 15 It up "che South Group drew atten- down? If taclng down, 3’0“} ion to the chicken supper to be need converswn, or to be turn-l, held to-morroxv, October 11th, ed around. If you know y on] and requested the North Group ' , v I . . - should be com erted then youlm give assrstance With same. can be. “0‘1 will give “’1“ Mrs Roode was named to 52Ҡto "Wk" 'the decision. act on the Christian education 'lhe results W111 be legion. “M-†m._ “v . - . Centreville last night, Oct 9 "3 Tugboat Annie Brennan, play- be see ed by Minerva Urecal, winds the 0 up for a swing at Captain‘a com Horatio Bullwinkle, played by" about Walter Sande. These fun-kentu: loving friendly opponents can THE POT CALLS THE KETT LE BLACK AUCTION SALE >, played by; about the sea, called “The Ad- These fun- ventures of Tugbvoat Annieâ€. Adcidents don’t just happen. They are causedâ€"Drive Safely. Officiating at the meeting: were president Mrs. K. Larmer; Mrs. Orville Mon»crief‘, scrip- ture: and Mrs. Ernest Moore, explanation; Mrs. Eric Clarke, leading' in‘ prayer. Fifteen members attended. 4 Mrs. Roode was named to act on the Christian education group. The W.A. agreed to buy '['n.itad Church calendars and also copies of “The I7ppm‘ Room" to be plaeed in the Church . Mrs. D. Moffat, leader of the South Group drew atten- ion to the chicken supper to b0 hold to- -morr0\\, October 11th, and quuested the North Group to «rim assistance with same. An invitation to attend the Thankoffering service at Centreville last night, Oct 9 “as eccepted. 3 be seen every Monday night on 'the CBC television network in ‘a comedy- adventure is e r i e s The “’.A. of Fraserville United Church met at. the home 0f Mrs. B. Roode on Wednes- day of last week. Three new members jointed the ASsocia- tion, namely: Mrs. B. Rood3, Mrs. G. Dawson, and Mrs. E. Moore. BOâ€) have a bank accounf- and a purpose for saving MIRROR-REPORTER, MIL At the outbreak of the First, \Vorld War he enlisted in the 2nd Canadian Pioneers, later ’ltran'sferring to the Tunnelers 'under British command, in .which he won his commission. He was wounded and held for 2 vears in a German prisoner of war camp, where he was given specal duties In the ad'ministral tion of the Church under the. senior chaplain. Upon return-I fing to Canada he spent two“ ,vears as a patient in the Mili- ltary Hospital. Kingston. v Pallbearers werp: R. W. F. James of Toronto, H. C. W. The funeral was held on Fri- day, October 4th, from St. Thomas’ Anglican Church at 2 p.1n. Officiating were the Rev. H. C. Quinn, rector of Sthhoma's’ and Canon S. Shepherd of Pickering and the, Rev. \V. H. Hen-still, Grace Presly’rerian Church. Inter- ment was in: St. John’s Ceme- tery, Ida. He is ~urx wed by his wife, (the form r Rosa Helen Balson James; two daughters, Mrs. William Hunt (Barbara) B. C. and Miss Betty Massev- Cooke: Peterborough; a sister, Mrs James Andrews (Marion), of Chenes, France. l He was a member of St. ‘Thomas’ Anglican Church, the Canadian Legion and an associ- ate member of the Confrater- nity of the Blessed Sacrament. For 30 years he was on Call as a lay reader serving in Peter- borough and surrounding (115-; tricta For this work it was his invariable practice to de- cline remuneration or to include it in his offerings to the church} .â€" He was born and educat- ed in England. He lived in Harris 0f AlliStOD, “T. B. WOOd London, England, and Peter- 0f Trenton, Guy R Quarter- borough, Ontario, before mov- Imaine B Ottewell and W' A ing to Millbrook about sixteen Brown 0f Peterborouoh years ago. I- He was the son- of Dr.. and Mrs. AlbertMassey. The fami- ly name was shanged to Massey- Cooke in his childhood. “PROMO.'1‘E]5 To; HIGHER! SERVICE WW1; Ees‘flbomer: Massey Cooke ,’ For Rentâ€"Farm house, reason- able rent for good tennant; 3 miles west of Gavan, on 7A Highway. Electricity, Hén House, Garage, and Garden. Phone Merv. Smith 214-râ€"22 Millbrook, or write R.R. ], Gavan. 1t For Rentâ€"5 Roo‘med Apart- ment; living room, Dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. All new fix- tures, heavy duty wiring. Immediate possession. Apply Peebles’ Hardware, phone 40] Millbrook. 1t For Rentâ€"A two bedroom mod- ern apartment. Oil furnace. Apply Reg. Fallis, phone 207-1214 Millbrook. 5t RAWLE-IVGH BUSINESS N OW OPEN in Durham County. Trade well established. Ex- cellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- ‘ leigh’s Dept. <J-283-189, 4006 Richelieu. Montreal, Que. 1t Bookeeping Serviceâ€"Financial Statementsâ€" Tax Returns, Etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 112-W Millbrook. 3t Renew your subscription. Save at a bdnk â€" millions do! The diï¬â€˜erenc'c between reaching a goal and missing it can be the savings you put by, now, in a bank account. Such savings don't just happen. hey involve some sacriï¬ce, deï¬nite planning. But as your dollars mount up you feel a sense of accomplishment, of getting somewhere, that makes the‘efl‘ort more than worth while. Your bank account provides ready cash that can help take care of any emergency that may arise, or open the way to bargains or other opportunities. Whatever objective you may have in mind, and whatever use your savings may ultimately serve, you’ll always be glad you saved. SALESMEN WANTED Roy Willmott, Q.G. James A. Irvine, MA. FOR RENT NOTICE Barristers, Solicitors, Nata :93 Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT 85 IRVINE ‘ 'My, October 10, For Saleâ€"About. 4,000 ft. of good used fine lumber; Also a quantitv of fenxse rails. Applv to Robt. McInnis, or. phone 182-râ€" â€"n Millbrook. 2t ,_â€"â€" $2.88 Gallon for Permanent. Type Ami-Freeze at Trick’s Bâ€"A Service Station. 4t For Saleâ€"Coal éircjuiator heat- er, walnut finish. Phone 155w Millbrook. 2t MAN \V. Wantedâ€"Boys and Girls, Men and 'Women to come to Zion Pentecostal Sunday School at Millbrook. If you need transportation, call 276 Mill- brook. 2t 30 Calibre Precision Swiss, 1?.- shot lightning fast repeater, detachable magazine, Only $16.50. Avaiable as a De- luxe Sporter, only $22.50. 30â€"06 Winchester or Reming- ton 6-sh0t repeating Sporters only $32.50. Each fully guarantee. Get yours now-â€" while supplv lasts. We ship ï¬n“ " Quebec. IAN WANTEDâ€" Unexpected change causes vacancy in Durham Co. Splendid op portunity for year-round in- come. For details write Rawliigh’s Dept. J-283-901, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, (3.0.1). promptlv. Internal.- tional Firearms Co. Ltd., 1011 Bleury, Montreal, Que FOR SALE SPECIALS HOME AND SCHC Guest speaker at th< and School meeting on 1 October 21st. at 8.15. Mrs. Lloyd Raper, p 97th. Year. No‘. 42. YOUR S 437 GEORGE Fresh Pork Shc Smoked Picnic Sausage O! W Butter 65c lb Gummer’s TUPPER STR St. And 15th Anniv 11.00 a.m.â€"“My 7.309..m.â€"“Good INTEREST IS AMOUNTS OF DEPOSIT . VICTO TRUS "The Ea Lucky Draws, WHEN YOU LOB FRIDAY, l-Year-old Satutda AUC AT 1. Allan