Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 26 Oct 1893, p. 8

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mOIOmm flmOZ ._.Im wcw< 25:... >20 ._.Im EOmeIOv. News and Happenings of Special Inter- est. in the Various l-‘ieids Where the Mechanic and Artisan Hold Sway Night Used accordingazék.t directions, it does away vith all the oldâ€"ftpbioned drudgery of wash any. Try it; yoniwon'tbe disappointed. menu: 5801:? has been in use ' " Windsor Castle 5for the past 3 years, its muhcturers h‘ave been specially ap mted This world-rmoned Sup stands as the lead of all Laundry and Household Soap, both for quality and extgt of sales. Aluminium horseshoes give satisfac- :ion.’ There is a submarine rocket torpedo. Si term xepmts exhaustless petroleum. Dislri ct 50.10015 employ 37 0, 000 tench- Michigan yields half our oil of pepper- mint. Emperor Viiiliam paid $125,000 for a toy fort. The Great Mogul diamond weighed 798 carats. Herring fishing employs 160,033 Scotch- men. Vanderbiits own 50,000 acres in North Carolina. Artificial ivory is made from condensed skxm mnk. and Day. Edisofi claims that women make bet- ter electrlcmns than men. A Natchez shoemaker advertises tosell shoes at 50 cents a foot. Every gem known to Jewelers has been found In the United States. Berlin firemen have to form in line and salute thezr captam before runmng to a fire. It costs Uncle Sam $750 a shot to test cannon plate and gun ‘. Nearly an the oultry, mutton and beef consumed in lorida. comes from the North. Women are longer-lived than men. Insurance tables are now bemg based on this fact. Paris has an insurance company that refuses to Insure the life of any one w_ho uses hair dye. Southern’Pacific locomotives will soon use for fuel bricks made of coal dust and asphaltum. Bohemia has nearly 140 000 separate manufactures. more than there are in my other province in Austria. ' 'i‘he Nav-y Department buys annually about 125,000 pounds of pure natural leaf tobacco for Jack Tar. A hive of 5000 bees should produce 50 pounds of honey every year and multio ply ten-{0151 in five years. ,, Paper is made of iron. London uses 10,000 cubs. A Wmmu is run by benzine. 5.: Italy yields the finest coral. . . .. '. f‘ .«. A pony Cz'a‘ls Nu»: m xxx-gen. 'Twelve fears ago one sailor in every 106 who went out to sea, lost his life. Now only one in 256 is lost. The sdmdaad on Company will reap the benefit of the high tariff which keeps Russian oil out of Germany. Mr. W. G. Todd has given $3,000 a. year to the Boston public library to be expended in newspapers for the free reading-room. The mayor of ‘Shepherdtowp, W. Va., recently fined himself for lettmg his cow run at large, a. violation of the town's ordinance; 13210223 22- M. mauv of sawiuat. here is an a‘mminiu: 21 lamp. A puesengm car C(3Stx $2"UO France 122.5 fen ale boot'u‘zafi. 3. Arkansas re; arts smokmess coal. Iceland has an eider duck farm. Guy (2e Maupasszmt w as a Cl wk. Germans axe Colonizing in Texas. Pom} di (stigmat ed canned ‘ oo- is. Ame“ an 13 lemon lead the \\ urld. Mruszw‘: m. setts has Chi: :eae farmers. A Tax was family owns 5500, 000 acres. Lace employs 12,000 girls 121 he! and. Turkey raises the most; canary seed. Georgia’s melon crop is worth $250,~ A western geologist says that Kansas can raise wheat for another 1,000 years before exhausting the necessary proper-' ties of the soil. A shingle was removed last October from the roof of the Congregational Church, at Farmington Conn., where it had been since 1771. AM“ 11 Gold Medals .8 TO ‘5 BROOKLYN, Oct.‘ 20.â€"-Sheritf Courtney and Mayor Boddy held a. conference vester- day afternoon on the adv15ebility of fiermit- ting Corbet and Mitchell to fight next De- cember at the Coney Island {\thletic Club, where they had signed articles to fight for a purse of $40,000. After the conference was over it was announced that the sherifl' would not permit the fight to take place. When a doctor considers it necessary to prescribe sa-rsaparilla, he simply orders a. bottle of Ayer’s, knowing full well that he will obtain thereby a surer and purer pre- paraeion than any other which the drug- store can furnish. Ayer’s Saraparilla is the superior medicine. NEW YORK, Oct. '2 .â€"Da'.i€i Lyons, Jas. Hayes and George Began, Central. Park pqliC‘emeu, while on duty early tlns morning, ’7 A I _ . . , , ____-°, Went into a. cottage near the croquet grounds to sleep. They were accompanied by Thos. Furey, ablacksmith. They were all over- comcby gas, which it is suppose escaped from a. broken gas service pipe. The condi- tion of the men was discovered by another policeman. Two of them Were dead and a. third died soon afterwards. The fourth, Began, is struggling with death at the Pres- byterian hospital. -Rebe'cca \Vilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says : “ I had been in a distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone, bought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy. I con- sider it the grandest medicine in the world.’ A trial bottle will convince you. Warranz ed by A. men 11-13t. MARSHALLâ€"In South Monag han On Friday Oct 20th, 1893, M abcl Inez daughter of Geo. E, and Hapnah Marshall. aged EW 0 years and THOMAS GILLOTT! Gabinefmaker“ â€"â€" We 31 e 110111101 to clothefbe Yeoman of the Goun- try it we have to (1013 for almost nothing. 01111 Winter afta-ck on hard timesâ€"$40, OOO Worth of 9111831: Bonanza taxithafifg‘figfws 4 / .. - . -. k. '~),,%.‘; 8}?“ ‘5) a i 0‘. ()ver 2,DOO Men’s Yuuth’s and b0."h ()\.e:cn::§sl. , ‘L‘.:L‘”:,;t9'0” 1‘15"? 1:151 £3115, going: for $9 Ask to see our m 6313);). .5, i (,11 a but, I". .. . 602111 ape " K 9-) $3nnd 5.3.50, worth double. Over $10,000 u d, ' Ova-coats for Bo rs . ) (-4 BOYS and Chlldrcn’s Boots: and Shoes. - ,, , pairs Men’s, Lndi chgs on hfixd a large stock of COFFINS, CA KEYS and all kinds of Undertakcrs’ Goods achdroom, Parlor and all other kinds of I" niture. hand-made, at lowest prices. fail to call and see him, 1-13’. We fauna a manufactm er in 3.3 hole, we dana'led before his eyes the bait of cash. Ho z’ioi't, and we seem ed the finest and best bargain lot of goods ever got hold of. Hats Caps, Drawers Shirts3 Bficfis 8: Shaw? nine months. McGDLL’S MAGS-“NE GIL. vuuul McGOLL BIOS co, Toronto. F1116 CLOTHING, The Wonderfui Cheap Men, \Vhen you come to Peta-1M0 1’0 The Champion (wffiedul ()il which cannot be [T's CYLIN’ER OIL 'Nor at Conengjgnd. .--_._ . THRESHERS ! For Sale by an the Ask your dealer Three Bead. The Tomb. HANUF ACT URED BY V ' ,, “ Lardme USE :0 sure you visit Llndsay and Peterborough S. P. SMITH, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. He writes: “ For eight years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and indiges- tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowelsmnd kidneys are in perfect con- dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, my weightwas only 129 pounds; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health. If you could see me be- fore and after using, you would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Satsaparilla to be the best in the market today.” Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Cures others,wi!l cure you Prepared by Dr. J. L‘. Ayer 8:00., Lowell, Mass. and beware of imitations. mv\w SARSAPARI LLA iERS Excelled. HAS NO 8 N6 VES LONG LIFE EQUAL 0)) Every Thursday Friday Market Days. Fowl of all kinds bought and the higt est 2511 prma J /\ paid. We have justfliecéived a large and varied stock or Boots/andfihoes of everywdescription. Ladies Boots fligm 600.5330 83. “a walk Boots from 750. to $1. TO EXCHANGEâ€"A good new lumber? wagon made by Mr. H. Larmer.â€"â€"For a hervy young horse. REPAIRING A;§'p£c|ALTv. !LARGE STOCK 0F SPECTACLES OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. ' At the EMUEBURD MARKET The bé/st medium prided harnesé offered in this district. I BuyaSet of Single Harness till you have M.» M seen our Our own manufacture throughout. Bound to u \s :yAxn A FINE LINE 01- Iest Make 6f Watches m Gold And Silver Watches and jeweilery. "Went: wastingin children. Al- . mpg as palatable as milk. Get only ’3‘ genuine. Prepared by Scott a: o. Belleville. Sold by all Ill-assists, ‘0 “at: and 31.00. â€"_ ""â€" "" "' "' Va"! 3131“, Consumption, Smfnla and mfnaemic angl Wastipg Diseases. we v (4’? ‘I - 1/474. 2/////: m7 A 1/7 5». 2w . t-‘a '7’ ' v/" V “U “-W“‘i~' ~~ about .th curative effects of Scoit’s E7;zz::’52'zz of P ure. N rwegian Cod Liver Oil. and I‘Iypophcsphitcs 0f Llfn and Soda. itl/tbe/firsf'é'figé‘é‘ off-consumption. Many remefiies‘fié’still on trial, but Scott’s 51/32415sz has l)een tried so effectually and so freQuentiy as to be past; experiment. W A Fine gifie OfFiEttedwape at Lowest Prices. THE BEST MAKES/IN THE MARKET. §°ott:s Emulsiqn ogre: Coughs, JOHN SIEELE T. B. JENKINSG I ‘ ing Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, . ancy China, Silverware, and other lines of goodsâ€"for cashâ€"2O to 30 per cent. cheaper b an any one else in town. Reason whyâ€"reiring from business as advertised. Don’t you forget it. Give us a call and ~lee for yourself. Eggs and good butter taken in exchange for goods. in Elegant Besig‘hé.’ EYELL M. PARKER. R. DEVELL. satisfy.

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