We ï¬eel that. we would beireaders who are interested in far amiss if we should fail t1. attractive surrounding-s. This count the Canadian Tire Cor- firm handles everything in poration Associate Store under Evergreens, Shade Trees, Flow- the personal direction of Mr. ering Shrubs and features a \Vaxddell as a distinct credit to most‘ complete landscaping ser- the great City‘of Peterboriugh vice. We suggest that you call and district. With the great on them as you Will be more multitude of satisfied ouster than: pleased with the satisfac- mers we Wish in this review to tory results in dealing with highly recommend this firm. 1 them. 7 ~ , tires, tubes, power tools, auto accessories, electrical appliance, sporting goods and many other kinds and types of small items necessary and handy around your auto or home. - Fair prices 'for the many hundreds of pieces of gOod quality merchandise such ‘as Few if any business firms hane attained the prominence that is awarded the modern Canadian Trre Corporation As; sociate Store in: Peterborong'h,’ 230 George St. N. ., phone RI 2-4288. They have built their busi-; ness and increased their num- ber of friends and customers, through their policy .01“ goat}, service, courteous attention an , satisfaction: above all to all .* {AGE TWO. .“ CANADIAN TIRE CORPORA- TION ASSOCIATION STORE 230 George N. , Phone RI 2-4288 make you another one of their Host of satisï¬ed customers. We recommend their service to our readers Without hesita- tion, and we feel a visit to Lillian’ s Beauty Salon will Restam‘ant in Peterorongh In this review We feel that a. good place to dine While visit- ing Peterorough needs menâ€" timing. To this end we haveI no hesitaney in recommendmg' the Churchill Restaurant for the excellence in dining pleas- They are’ specialists in the Harper method, and you are assured of every moderm in- novation on your visit ‘to this highly specialized shop. In recommending this place 10 eat, we can assure you that you will get tasty light lunches and the best of dinners cooked by capable and efficient chefs, who have had years of experi- ence in cooking and preparing They make a specialty of every field of beauty culture, using the Harper Method and by making your appoinment with Lillians Beautv Salon you; will find your name added to a long list of completely satisfied patrons. The high state of efficiency on the part of the operators are able to bring out those important qulJ- ities of youth, dignity and good grooming, which are so import; ant and so necessary for the women 0 today to attain.. Thev are specialists in the Taking precaution by the highest use of cleanliness and. sanitary methods the manage- ment of this popular restaurant weds to be congratulated for their success towads this goal. Using only the best of 111- grediénrts in preparing the meals, we are sure yém will be more than pleaSed and will fol- low the crowd in patronizing the Chm'chill Restaurant any- a Hunter Street West ~ Phebe 312-183 ' The name of mum’s Beauty Salon, under the capable direc- tion of Miss Lillian: Weiss, “has. long been known as one of Pelterborough’s most outstand- ing Beauty Salons. Miss Weiss has just returned from a five week tour of flamous salons in Paris and Switzerland to see the latest creations in hair styling and methods. ._. A W’s BEAUTY SAID! 1951‘ REVIEW or PETERBORO’SOUTSFANDING BUSINESSES PROFESSIONS 1951 RE you may be in Peterbzor- RESTAURANT It is with pleasure that we Ereoommezmé the skilled serv- ices of Meyer’s Gamdem: Centre Landscaping to our many readers who are interested in attractive surrounding-s. This firm handles everything in Evergreens, Shade Trees, Flow- ering Shrubs and features a‘ most' complete landscaping ser-j {friendly owner, will suggest mind hem you plan lawn, shrub- f‘bery, gardens, flowerbeds and tree placements. He will see to it that you have proper soil and healthy annex-v stock for best results. This film are experts in dis- bincfive landmaping de'signec' especially for youn- home or other buildings. Their design of attraeï¬ve and well planned grounds will certainly add beauty. If you are as eamer to eon-eat ydur outside planning as you pmbab'kyare for a pleas- ing interior, we suggest that M 0611 than ï¬rm fdr a free This well known firm in P3:- terborough, offers a most com- plete nursery and landscaping service which is a distict ad- vantage to home-0mm. LANDSCAPING Port Hope Highway RI 2-5086 Res. 738 George N. RI 2-1586 S. S. Kresge Co. Limited, believe in the community it serves. The staff! of salespeople are recruited from the territory it serves. We recommend this store to you as worthy of your oomidertion. They are happy to serve you. MEYER ’8 GARDEN CENTRE Phone RI 5-4944 A notable example of' sub- stantial growth and steady pro- gres made possible bv selling quality merchandise at sensible prices is Selkixk’ 3 Men’ 8 Shop This popular Men’s Wear Stone bu dlways met with great approval by our male population rm the county. They mrry only ï¬nest lines. of mer- chandim in men’s iolothing. Hoberda‘dhem and furnishing in NW BRANDS tht could only repenent the quality that this firm; In associated their Astheold saying goes, ‘ ‘THE (110m MAKE THE MAN.’ ’ We know that the well dreSSed men. in the county have found mopping- at this modem store a plume. Moughmt the week you will find'mny people from this area. sump-ping at the popular S. S. Kresge Co. Limited, store at 359 George Street N . ‘ Thrifty women how that they offer brgains which cannot be sur- passed! elsewhere. Their buy- ers tour the country that folks may receive the wanted things â€"arnti,cles essential to good 11v- img at prices and qu...1°‘1ty that equal any other merchantile enterprise. For those desiring real values we recommend rthis store with- out hesitation and we urge our readers to visit this store. Their slogan is “The Friendly Storeâ€. Out-of-town shoppers are ex- tended 'a cordial invitation to avail themselves a- visit to this store. are carriedâ€"here, which assures our people of real value fer their purchasing dollars. Thelr slogan is “Where Clothes Are Renamed; ‘F.0r Their Fitâ€. mmxgrmmsm Hr. “Myâ€. Meyer, the mm was snap woman BAKERIES mi). 341 George Street N. l‘ The success 033.3, business col- lege isof a threefold nature First, it is essential that the school maintain such‘ a stanâ€" dard that it entices young {people to pursue their courses. Second, it requires that they maintain a well train-ed faculty that can impart first class in- formation to students. Third, it must maintain an efficient1 empIOyment department as the School depends upon the. plac-l ing of its graduates. This school has always had a record in this regard. \Ve suggest you enroll now and prepare yourself for a good position and future security. ,_ _ 1: .' . 3 They offer complete cdurses in Executive, Secretarial ahd Business Administration. ' The people of Peterborough have reason to be proud of this business school located in Pe- yerborough. It is one of their leading institutions and is known all over this region as a school of high standing, under the personal direction of Miss Margaret Battersby who is pre- sident of the Business Educa- tion Association of Canada. PETERBOROUG‘E BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED 358 George N., Phone RI 5-4861 We suggest you try this up- to-date onganization for your plumbing and heating prob- lems as many others haVe been pleased with. the very flavour- able jobs they have done in this district. 225 Stewart St. , RI 5-9164 To anyone who has had or now owns property, the realiza- tion of the importance of Plumbing and heating fixtures or equipment is quickly reco: gnized. It is true that it takes good dependable products such as Pease Furnaces to have the finest heating system, but it is also important to have it prOp-ï¬ erly installed by a firm such as3 Goodfellow Doh'errty, who have been identified with the trade for many years. ' Good Mead-is eSQenrtial to ‘ each and every one. of us. To- day the responsibility of mak-‘ ing good Bread has been! plaéed upon the baker. ' Recognizing this responsibiii- ty, Wonder Bakeries Ltd., Petenborough, backed by its long and comimied experience at baking an ever improved bread; now: are providing a most palatable and distinctive loafâ€"a bread to please the taste of the discriminating, and a bread to feed the hungryâ€" Wonder Breaif. ‘ 'I'n' ev'ery‘ loaf is the best flour, milk, sugar, ’salt, " shdrtening and ï¬ne" other essential 'in‘gnedi- énté, T'hése. ‘are acéurately and s'cienfcfica‘lly baked by means of the most "modern equipment, under approved- sanita’ry condi- tions, by skilfu‘l bakers. Goodie-ll-ow Doherty, one of the finest plumbing and heating contractors in this reg- ion, feature some of the better known lines such as Pease Fur- naces, which are well known for their dependability, plumb- ing and heating fixtures and a. number of other items that bear the. name of quality and service ability. we suggest you try the pro- duct of the Wonder Bakeries Ltd. Call this breed company and have their salesman call on We suggest you avail your- sélf of the fime products of Wonder Bakeries Ltd., which haw met with great favour by; the larger Canadian population ‘ In this review we compliment the management of this firm for their foxvesight and ingenuity. GOODFELLOW 85 DOHERTYl 188 Hunter W, Phone RI 5- 5263 TIE WOLREPORTEB, HILLBROOK, ONTARIO These many advantages cer- tainly merit your inspection, '50 why not step in and see for your'éclf Why McCannon Elec- tric is applianvce héa‘d‘quarters in Peferrb‘orough. We are pleased to recommend this fine firm to YOU. “‘Ted'†Vandenbosch’ is that you buy this. Quality Merchan- dise at prices that will certainly please you. One of the many advantages of shOpping at MeCannon Elec- t-rivc which is now own-ed and operated by two féormer em- ployees “Dave†Walker and “‘Ted'†Vandenbosch‘ is that In the service department at this store you will find only factory trained technicians to give you the type of service that you wvill appreciate. Their friendly experienced salesmen. will be' glad to demonstrate their merchandise for you or call on' the telephone, you will find that they can, assist you with your problems in the eleca tric appliance field. If you are interested in a toaster, iron, vacuum cleaner, Wash-er or dryer or any other item that will alleviate the work around the house, you will find this store your shopp- ing mecca. You Will like their fine display arrangements as well as the courteous service accordd each customer. McGANNON ELECTRIC 274 George N. RI 5-5363 This i‘ine business features everything- to make home-mag- i.n_:g really pleasant. We sug- gest that you visit their store in PeterbOrough and see for yourself, the many labour sav- ing devices that are available for the busy housewife and mothel. This store is now showing the newest fashion in fur coats, jackets, etc. So take advant- age of present low prices and make your selection now. Or should you desire you may choose your style ~and fur and this dependable firm. will make up your coat or jacket to your indivilual requirements. } A purchase made at Vern Reynolds assures you of satis- facti'on and in this business re- view we are pleased .to recom- mend them to our readers. PETERBOROUGH MONUMENTAL WORKS 894 Monaghan Rd. 8. RI 2-2715 In addition Vert Reynolds is prepared to clean, remodel or repair your fur garments . Their SItOrage facilities are the very best. We suggest you take advantage of the excellent service. VERT REYNOLDS CUSTOM FURRIER £58 George 8., .‘ Phone RI 5-77.86 In selecting a family memor- ial this firm can- show you me- morials built on a bases of qual- ity and durability They excel in all branches of memorial work and adhere strictly to the MEMORIAL IDEAL which is A monument built of enduring granite er marble, symbolic in design and reverent in gurposei peace "and beauty, a tribute of respect and honour to the dead, a cans‘ant some of inspiration to the living. .‘~ The proprietors of this firm, Dave Miller and Chas. Dunford are well -knomm to many of our readers. They have very latest and most modern" appliance-s, enabling them to produce the finest grade of work. They can meet all requirements from the headstone to the most elaborate memorial; Their aim is to satisfy and they will figure with you or help you select something that meets your desired needs. ' To persons who really know fur-s, the word suggest ‘the name Vert Reynolds. This firm has built. up a wide clientele based on confidence and trust. ‘ The St Mary River dam, now lund-er construction in Alberta, is the biggest earth filled dan _iu the WOrld. 1‘ Remember you have not tried everything until you have tried Chiropractic. Chiropractic may be the answer to your problem. Phone RI 5â€"4751 today for a free consultation or write directly for information regard- ing your particular condition in the interest of your good health. ‘ The office of? Donald G. Me- Nabab, Dr. of Chiropractic is fully equipped to give a com~ ‘plete diagnosis service, includ; lng a thorough physical examin- ation and full x-ray facilities. No stone is leï¬t unturned to get to the bottom of your health problem and to find out whe- ther or not you are an accept- able Chiropractic patient. If you are not, you are referred to the prop-er ,health service. The Chiropractor’s office of today is a wonderfully well- equipped “Health†.c e .n: t r e where approximately 30 million people per year on the North American continent are reclaim- ed from “dis-ease row†and brought to a. peak of health and well-being. Estimates are cheerfully giv- en Without charge or obliga- ’tion. Consult this firm about your plans and they will figure i with you and advise you on thr ibest material for your particu- lar job. Take advantage of :the adVice offered by their lstaff of experts. (ongo Wall iTil-e Asphalt a11d Linoleum Floors and Tile and Linoleum ISinks, Tile Walls and supply clay tile for fireplaces and in- istall vitrolite on; ï¬re places. DONALD G. McNABB Dr; of Chiropractors 2521/2 Charlotte RI 54751 In this special review of the progressive business firms of Peterborough we re glad to recommend this firm to you‘. Visit the show rooms of Strad~ wick Peterboro’ Ltd., or phone RI 2-0441 and one of their re. presentatives will call and ms» cuss yourtflvoor problems with you. - Manufacturers and distribw tors for very popular “Alseo†aluminum windows and doors, also awnings and canopies.‘ They have the most modern all aluminum windows and doors. T h e s e eombination screen and storm sash‘ are econ~ omieal an<l= will save on your fuel bill. In: this 'review of the out- standing firms that give you a valued service to our readers, we wish to compliment Alsco Sales (Peterborough) Ltd., on their fine service and recomâ€" mend their aluminum windows and doors to all our rehders. We know that you will receive «complete satisfaction. ALSGO SALES (PETERBOROUGH) LTD . 18 Hunter W- RI 3-3597 Thein window has been great- ly accepted ' by the, Building trade due to the newer method ‘ofl interchange. They are self storing, secure, rigid,“ airtight. They are enstom built and in- stalled by their experts. We suggest that "you telephone this firm for a' free demonstration at no; obligation to you. 250 .Ghathtte Phone RI 2â€"0441 _â€"â€" w..- yulJJJU When it comes ’60 paints and I has been invited to try a thous- floor coverings you Will makefa‘nd different types, kinds and" no mistake when you consuufflavours of beverages. Out of Stradwick Peterbror-o" . Ltd- this thousand. or more have This very reliable ï¬rm special-1‘ come a few that have met with izes in; all kinds of flooring and 3 your good taste becoming a are only too glad at all times‘household word. ' to give you advice 011301111 Among one of. the most popu- flooring problems. ilar beverages Canada Drv hm STRADWJGX. LETERBORO’ \. Thugfsday, September 5, 1957 So why _ not. go ahead with your plans for remodelling or building and? stop in at this dependable flirm and see how they can assist you in this respect. Firms such as the Muttart Builders Supplies (Peterboro’) Ltd., have not been serving the public without taking an inter- est in their patrons in seeing that they have the best lumber and building materials. This together with good workmanship assures the pub- lic of buildings of permanence and at a cost consistent with the trends of today. Their Slogan “Build Right With Bill Dright†is very apprOpriate. are sure to be able to supply you with Whatever you may require.“ This firm enjoys an enviable reputation by virtue of their honest business dealings with the public. With their modern and complete supplies of lum- ber, they are equipped to furn- ish‘ anything that is available in even the largest houses and MUTIART BUILDERS SUP- PLIES (PETERBORO’) LTD. Port Hope Highway RI 3â€"3553 The firm has established a dependable service to retailers- throughout a Wide area and you need only stop at your ï¬ovqurite shopping centre to get a bottleor‘ carton of Cana- da Dry, your favourite bever. ! CANADA DRY BOTI‘LING ,09 (PEI'BRBQRQUGH) â€LID I932 Mervm RI 2-2228 In this area Canada Dry Bot- tling Co. (Peterborough) Ltd'. are authorized processors and b-ottlers of the famously known “Canada Dryâ€. It is a most modern and up-to-date plant, with equipment that assures the consumer of a healthful- drink, prepared under a special formula in a. clean, sanitary plant“ Among one of the most popu- lar beverages Canada Dry has gained recognition. and’ is in demand the year round. It has proved to be not just a summer thirst quencher but a. tasty, tangy beverage that every-one from the small child to the elderly enjoy. It is well‘ to have it at home at all times. We take great pleasure in this review in commending this upw‘tofdate and modern store upon their distinctixe styles and the service they render. We suggest you make thls store your style Madman; in Pe~ terborough. 372 George N. This is one of the foremost women’s fashion centres in this pait of tip province. Their style experts are a]- ways alert to every new fashion Unend and in constant touch with the mode of the moment, For your inspection you will find a magnificent display of authoritative fashions ï¬rom the foremost designers. You Will find here dresses, suits, coats, skirts and sweaters for every occasion, also lingerie and hosiery. Their collection excels in variety and distinct- iveness and they are always moderately priced. Co»Ed Shop know the value of ,a satisfied patron and would prefer not to make a sale than not have their customer satis- fied with their purchase. In the _pa§t year the public (Continued on Page 3) GO-ED SHOP Their quality and their are responsible for thei standing they now hold section of Ontario. and pleased to recommend T. Co. Ltd. to all our peol by itself,'and it may I termed the §mpping hem ers for this surroundi‘ Its friendly atm< which predominates at a' has placed this store in This store is highly r. by the peeple of Millbrc district and is very 130; a place where our pe once feel at home while city shoppig. You will be surprised wonderful valués, so su this store. when in Peter} a ,cordial welcome will tended to you Our readers find this the most popular sm Peterborough where 3'} find their quality always than their price. In this review of the firms of Peterborough pleased to recommend I to all the people of this T. EAMGO. L‘ BRANCH STOB 311 George N. a corner Charlotte Few communities the‘ Peterborough can boa DodgeDeSoto Sales ai vice comparable to the: Lillico Motors Ltd. 1‘ sent's one of the most and up-to-date automobi and Service in this 1‘ Ontario, which is the r1 dependable service to I! lie. When in the mrke new car or a better us‘ you will find no bette! to make your selecti< Lillico Motors Ltd. Tin a good selection of guaranteed reconditione cars at sensible prives and honest methods h: the firm which is dire fair and honest b11531 into a leading posit satisfaction is the trad of this firm. 225 Charlotte, comer Aylmer specialist at a modern They are the official in depot for C.N.R. and employees’ watches. We do not hesitate to that you pay Waren's lery Store in Peterbo: visit and avail your-Self of their quality Inert with easy budget term 342 George Street Phone RI 5-5171 This popular J ewelle: has but one idealâ€"TO FAITHFL'LLY. Their tion for integritv assu of complete satisfactio: management invites come in and look ox extra large StOCk. Wa leading makes in ladzi men’s styles are always play, as well as a ple 4 sortment of Bluebir maids" Silverware, Goldenware and ev else that pertains 10 3| and complete stock 01 161'va Particular attention to fine watch renajrin perts will suggest wha‘ done and will do the .‘ Mirror-Repor LILLICO MOTORS