THE PLACE TO BUY. % \VING to re ucst from a large number of citi- g; zenaof Millorook tongnin enter in the Butch- % or business. We have purchased the busmess of the ohl \(;[)|(l and “'I' are now in a boiler DQsition thnu e\' -r to ~u~tain our old reputation. Give us a call and lx-l-onvint'erl that. wccun supply You “'1â€: {In' |'llhl"?\l (‘llls ll) be Imd in [0'3"- LAN CASHIRE SCOTT ‘ a .\\\\\\\\\ " It $1.00 PER ANN UM IN ADVANCE. lAXXVï¬t V0 Always on Hand AND READY TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS. SOCIETIES. inter)" . 1" .' 1‘“ ‘1 M No. 6‘ (k CA‘. AD.~\\ HOML ClRLLE Meets the second Honda" in every month in 11mm! Circle Rooms. Wood Kclls block, :113 o clock sharp. R. McM \HUN. Leader. J. R. Y( it. E. NI‘AN'D )N, Secretary. )lTN'G, Fing'iec. #L at,†\ Order your COAL now. while it is cheap. as prices may My Goal is Strictly First (119,53 FRESH MINEO OLEAN OOAL tdvauco any time CHL'RT IVANHUE, .\' 2:7. l. o. F. Meets t' in! Monday If? each mon‘lt in til-‘lr rooms over Leach's drug SI'JI'E, Stra nzers v. or come. ' ‘ ‘ Delivery prompt and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. A word with I" F ILL!“ CR "V “7 (â€I‘I‘OTT' 1““ you about Lumber. i have given the prices in most grades a tumble “C; downwards. .§, Q - LUV-u. cavax‘ Illilitlluâ€"CANADI‘AN (lt- DER Ur‘ U.-lil"l-Zl.l.UA 5. meet' the third l‘uesday owning (‘I t'nl'h mouth in the Home Circle r--oms Kim,- 5!. Millin-oukâ€"honr of meeting. ao‘clolk. 'l‘ e beneï¬ts of this Sici- ety are worthy the C'lIlS'iIt‘YIIIlUII of every per- son. Information furnished on applit‘stiun. JOS. Tht‘RNIBYI-I, N.G. (l. DUNCAN. - OO DOWN IN PRIOE Seem“, Also. I have just unlondtd twelve gar loads of stock lumber and one car . .A_.-- ..... xx ..-m- eac of lo 0' 00 F0 Mlllbrook Lodge No. 808. IN DEPENDENT ORDER 0? ODDFELLOWS . R ESTS EVERY TUESDAY EVENING. i.’ I their ball over the "CV: Post .iflice. V tstt- , lng Brethren welcome. ' W. D. LEACH. I) HAMPTON, x G Secretary. I m I DIARRIAGE LICENSES. ; Aucnteatp wool). :ssusn or MAR-I RIlGE LlCEN‘SES. Millhr«ok.0nt. . FRESH GREY LIME And one car load of t‘hoicc XX Shingles. Inspection Invited. Dimension Stuff Cut out to Order ON SHORT NOTICE. Yours respectfully, ‘ . . T: I ofï¬ce and Yard at Railway Station. I PROF â€531%; ; Miilbrook, July 30. no.3. W. THEXTON. l ROBERT BUDDY, : MILLBBOOK. - - - ONT 1 - A B lic. Etc. Money to Loan. Ofllces over new Post once Assets Over $14,000,000. N. C. McKinnon,M.D.,C.M. In. CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE co. MILLBROOK. 051‘. I I RR’STER. SiiiblCITOR. NOI‘ ARY PUB- EAUGHI IN THE All Clevcr Capture of a Would-Be Incendiary at Hamilton. AN AWFUL FALL AT WINNIPEG. Working the Temperance Racket at Strut- fordâ€"Christian Endeavonrors Must Pay a Lodging House Billâ€"A Chlnaman Wants His Daughter to Wed an American- Hamilton. ,Sept. 23.-(Specia.l.)-â€"The County Counoi is now disposed to en- ter into neg ~ations for a. settlement of its dispute with the city. It has appointed Mr. John Dickenson to act as arbitrator to settle the proportion of court-house, registry emce, and ad- ml‘i'ilstration of Justice expenses to be paid by the two municipalities. There is a prospect that there will be another mayoralty -andidate in the ï¬eld before long. Aid. Reid said to~ day that if Mr. George E. Tuckett re- mains in the ï¬eld he will certainly be a candidate. He would like to see a. straight fight between Aldermen Col- quhoun and Brown. At a meeting of the local Royal Tem- plars of Temperance yesterday refer- ence was made to the newspaper conu- troversy between Mr. David Mills and the Rev. Dr. Mackay. It was held by the speakers that Mr. Mills' letters in- dicated that the Liberal party was un- willing to make prohibition an issue in its platform, and that its members are not disposed to force prohibition on the country. Robert Lester, an alleged incendiary. was this evening arrested by the local detectives. On September 5th Lester registered at the St. Nicholas hotel, and represented that he was an agent selling a. publication called Home and Abroad. Two days later he hired a room at 351-2 King William street from Mr. George B. Smyth, and sent there a parcel of magazines, which came by express. It is alleged that Le-sttr told a confident that he in- tcrded to insure the books and set fire to them and the building. The po- lice were notiï¬ed, and decided to place the man under surveillance. This af- tt-rnoon Detective Doyle and Constable Bicakley secreted themselves in a room ESTABLISHED 1547. LEADS ALL Canadian Companies: runaw‘ \VHY IT LEADS Ll- , TORON {O and Victoria Universities. _ centiate it.) al Cunt-4e Surgeons, Edln~ burgh. Memter Cozlcge Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario. Office at A. ..each’s drug store. Residence Annie Street. , L. LAPP, B.A., M.D., C.M. ! t I r I - I I I I (SUCCESSW "U â€KIWI-“Psi- 1. Because i: i: the r-l-i-rt, largest, most popular and economical and. PONTYPOOL. - - ONTARXO- gives the Exist resu'ts for the hast money. 1 I ' (~",,, : .1 -_ .__. , RIXITY L'X VERslTY. MEMBER oF‘ 2. B-cause in 18.).5 it tor-ased .ts assets by 81,230,513 3. sum exclcl , the inert-lute or any other two Canadian Coupanits. and. the College of Physicians and surgeons. . ing 0mmâ€- m.-re than dou‘clo of any one company. . I 3. Because it has a. larger surplus, all liabilities, than all theI , , WA RID other Canadian Companies together. . . _ PORT nog- A - _ ONTARIO. 4. Bacause thy nr-t Proï¬ts paid on its Life policies during the last QOI years are not H; mil (1 by any other Cimpany in America. R. d. DOAK, J. I_. IRWIN, Agent, MILLBROOK. PORT HOPE GEO. A- 8: E. W. COX, MANAGERS EASTERN ONTARIO, TORONTO. BARRISTER, Att'rrney at Law. Solicitor. etc. Money to lend on the security of real estate. Town and Farm Property for sale; Oflces in Ontario Block, Walton street. I will A. smut; mLBROOK. ON 'I'ARIO. ARRISTER, Silicitor. Notary Public. etc Private and (‘Jmpanv Funds_to loan at ‘ the lowest rates Ufllc- in “'md 8: hells‘ block. ‘ At Bethany on 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month. I “m‘~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~~~~ A Aâ€"â€"- .â€"_. .-__._..._... -m- _, . I . . misfit“? Liz-3...; “ Standard ’ L1 1" e ,fl‘ssurance (30. EN i‘lSI‘. Special attention givcn to the I preservation of tLe nzltttiral Teeth . Kit: Established 1825. . ‘sz'rthe RA‘CSSQXII'RCHOIIOl .. . .. -.. 333:. U‘désfmmwi} gualglnieed. Will be at w At the 69th Annual General Meeting of THE s1 AhDARD Lin. AbbLllAh(I:. Bethmy the 2...: and "11 Mundaw of each l‘thxsi‘. held at Edinburgh. on Tllcstlity the 5th Mai-on. lS95.the following agng?‘eagï¬:l§:fï¬ 13: M nday and 3rd “ cdnes- results for the year cmlcd 15th November. 1894. was reported :â€" JAS. SEAGER, M.D ,C.M. EN I‘BILVILLi-H ONTARIO. L'niversty, Kingston. Member of the College of l'nyslcitns and Surgeons. JAS. D. DIEYALL, V.s. ’- HILLBBOOK. 0N TARIO. LL DOMESTIC \TED ANIM .LS TRE \T- e.i according to latest scientific methods Particular attention g'ven to Equine Dentistry. Charges deerlIIB Residence and miice lung IL. Opposite old Western Kink. DR. H. C. LESLIE, A 4029 Policies of Life Assurance wcrc issucd, nssuring- $8,723,831: , ‘ Tltc Tobi Existing Assurances in force at 15th Novem- hr will amounting to $Ilvl The Claims by Death or Matured Endowments which arose during the Year amounted, including Bonus Additions. to he Annual Revenue amounted at 15th November. 18m, to The Accumulated Funds at same date amounted to - ,27 . - - - - - L360 - . . . - - - $2,917,073 I $5,138,101 - $39,353,822 Doing an increase during the Year of $812,047,, investments in Canada : Veterinary Surgeon Government and Municipal Bonds. - 83%.:20900 \‘y _ OV'I‘ABIO Mortgage. ovor Ilcztl Estate, Ist lll‘ll - .i.o(_)(_).0i)0 BETBA‘ ' - . . llcztl Estate. - - - - - - 300,900 Ll. DOMESTIC vrizl) AKIMALSTREAT- swam, _ _ - - _ - _ 45.05,“, ed according to latest scientiï¬c nit-thou : Particular attention given to Equine Dentistry. I Charges moderate. Calls by telegraph prompt- ; l1 attended to. T. H. HASSARD, V.S., MILLBROOK. ONTARIO. $11,105,500 IV. M. RAMSEY, Manager. J. J. HANRATTY. District Inspector, PETERBORO. ,’ IV. S. GIVEN, .igcnt, MILLBROOK. VRADL'A'l‘l-I 03' THE ItNTAltlH \‘l'I'l‘l-JR‘ inary College. Dlrt‘fnt's (l‘ Dulncsttcutcd. Animals treated on Scientific principles El uinc Dentistry a specialty. Rekzstcred in act-or: alive . with the Vetrrinary Act. Officeâ€"opposite , Dominion liotvl. Residenci- King St. W. J. GitEEN, PE I‘ERBOROUGU. REMOVE 1v on Eo$t Office Building CHISHOLM CHISHOLM.‘ Barristers. , TO ERCU \.\"I‘ I‘AILl tit list {ER UF MAR- riaire th'viiscs. ii u ing removed to the above comtnodious stand ard put in a fresh stock I {1.111 now better preparz‘li than. nor to acccn‘iodatc my ‘old customers, nrnd all PORT HOPE. os'rARlo sum. 0- es. who will favor mo ““3th call. Spsfial Elaine in Stem-Wind Vi atchcs OXEY ,0 pm, M 5 W, mm 0,, gm edge E from s2 99 up. CJmplew line of onvarware a. bar time prices. 1‘ ‘ security and at :7, and 5; per cent. onI lcsser security. Ternlslosnit borrow t-rs. .' Great Redllction in B. Laurance Spectacles. Best Quality. RANNEY INNES, j I PE'I‘ERBORO' - - ONTARIO. . . . . REPAIRING PRO KP'I‘I.Y OLD POST OFFICE ' IVIL ENGINEERS,HNT.\RIO LA.\DSL R- l . V B $035. 4'.) om AT l‘EN "80 TO I STAIN D. J. H. GARDINER, PEBBYTOW N. ONTARIO . - 1895 FALL AN 0 \VINTER 1895 ADAM HALL OOAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES . . [‘LSO O I COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES BELOW ARE SOME OI" HIS LEADERS . - . 2 ook “The Dixon Steel Cook,†(the best, 01:1 the mark. t, every stove gnarl: £23030ch perfect bak r). “ The Souvcnir Cook ’" “ The St. James Cock," ' 30k,†“The Mapls C tk,†" - ' ‘ ' ck.†In Coal Ranges " "“1 ‘ ‘ ' “The Stewart Coal “ The Stewart Art eaters and perfect . Granite Ware. n or Btu-rel. ORO’ CCI‘IONEER FUR THE COUNTY 01“ Durham Sales 0: all kinds promptly at- HA8 NOW ON HAND HIS FALL tend (i. Date and terms arranged at the AND WINTER STOCK 0F . RIPUR '1' ER omen- KS. N 8500. h . Chlnaman in this valley. and his fortune the public interest had to be and he passed a sentence 0 years in the ‘ which Faneuil Hall is known. where they could watch and ascertain what happened in Lester's room. The prisoner saturated the magazines and the cor with coal oil and whiskey, and after arranging the books in a. circle placed a candle in the centre, and covâ€" ered the whole with a large sheet of browu paper. He not tire to the candle. put on his plug hat. lit a. cigar, and went away. The detectives, after his departure. snuffed out the candle and followed the man. They arrested him at the Stuart street station just as he was about to take a. train for Toronto. DIANITOBA M ATTERS. Winnipeg, Sept. 23.â€"-(Special.)â€"Nor- man Chittick. of W'alkerton, Ont.. aged 23. fell 80 feet from an elevator this mcrnlng, and was instantly killed. He and Fred. Armstrong were working to- gether when the accident happened. Both were standing on a scaffold at the time. The scaffold gave way, and both fell. Armstrong grabbed on to the ledge eight feet below. while Chlttick fell to the ground. where his brains were dashed out. Murray Laidlaw, of Midland, Ont. ' who was hurt in the recent powder explosion here. died at the General hos- pital yesterday. A remarkable coin- cidence is noticeable in the fact that Laidlaw and Chittick came here to- gether from Ontario. It is reported at Edmonton tha‘ a. lo-ycar-old girl has been kidnapped at Fcrt Saskatchewan. CRYSLER'S FARM. Cornwall, Sept. 23.â€"(Speoial.)â€"A great deal of interest is being evinced throughout the united counties in the unveiling of the monument erected on the battleï¬eld of Crysler's farm to , commemorate the brilliant victory won at that point on Nov. 11. 1813, by a small British and Canadian force un- der Col. Morrison over three times their number of Americans. The monument. which is a. handsome and substantial structure, will be unveiled on “'ednesday next. Sept. 25. by Mr. John Haggart, Minister of Railways and Canals. Working the Temperance Dodge. Stratford, Ont. Sept. 28.â€"0n Satur- day a woman. who gave her name as Miss Anna C. German. president of the Dominion Y. W. C. A.. Toronto, visited a number of citizens soliciting subscriptions on behalf of the associa- tion. Her list purported to be headed by W. J. Ferguson, who is well known, and on the strength of his name others were induced to subscribe. It after- wards transpired that Mr. Ferguson‘s name had been forged, and suspicion was aroused. The fact of having ordered a bottle of whiskey sent to her room at the Windsor hotel, where she was registered under the name of E. “1 Graham. Toronto. furnished an additional cause for suspicion. The police were notiï¬ed. and she was ar- rested on the eve of leaving for Lon- don. for which place she had pur- chased a ticket. On being taken to DOlice headquarters she acknowledged her misconduct. and was remanded to gaol pending a formal hearing. The prisoner volunteered information as to having similarly worked other towns, and her intention of doing London. She is about 25 years of age. rather road looking. and very lady~like. To- day she was reported as too ill to be arraigned. \. A Bride and a Fortune. San Jose. Cal. Sept. 23.â€"Hip Sing Lee, a wealthy Chinese merchant. of this city. offers a half interest in his extensive merchandise business and $5,000 in cash to any reputable young American who will marry his daughter, Moi Lee. Hip Sing Lee is the wealthiest is estimated at from $50,000 to $100,- 000. He conducts a general merchan- dise store with a lottery game on the side in this city. and has branch stores in V‘Vatsonville, Santa Cruz. and Saline. An Old Man Convicted of Arson. Owen Sound. Sept. 23.â€"(Special.)â€"At the County Judge‘s Criminal Court this morning Leslie Dixon, of Leith, aged 74, was brought up for trial, charged with the burning of a house occupied by Mrs. Gilchrist. The evidence show- ed the old man to be of a. decidedly religious turn, except when, as he oc- casionally did, he took liquor. He grew despcndent over the failure of his wife to accompany him to Owen Sound to live, and on the 7th inst. set his stable on ï¬re, and Mrs. Gilchrist‘s house. some thirty feet away, caught there- from. and was destroyed. Mr. H. G. Tucker. for the prisoner, made a strong plea for his client on the ground of his age and his previous good record, but Judge Creasor said that, as the offence was of a serious nature. uarded, seven Kingston penitentiary. Kossuth’l Keen Vision. Louis Kossuth did not like the name by Said he: ‘ do not like the idea that you call this “The cradle of Liberty,’ for cradle if mortality and liberty in humor- Suzï¬sb Ana DOINGS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, Sept. 23.â€"(Special.)â€"In the Court of Queen’s Bench this morn- ing Mr. J. L. Archambault, Q.C., Crown prosecutor. applied to Judge Wurtee that he order the detention of Miss Rose Alma Sauve. in connection with the Dcmers murder trial. The Judge ordered that Miss Sauve be de- tained as a. witness, and she be placed in a. separate room and not allowed to confer with other witnesses. Miss Sauve was at once taken to the High Constable's ofï¬ce in charge of an of- ï¬cer and at noon a. lunch was taken to her there. The interest in the case is increasing, as shown by the num- bers who sought admission to the court-room this morning. This was the thirteenth day of the trial. and the number of women in attendance was as large as ever. The circulation of certain rumours on Saturday and yes- terday served to increase the inter- est. It had been stated that a confes- sion had been made. There has been no confession as far as the Crown counsel are aware. and consequently there has been no arrest. and the au- thorities say none is at presentmon- wmplatc-d. These rumours originat- ed in connection with the evidence concerning the blue dress which the deceased is said to have worn on the day of her death. and which Wm: found in the bedroom. None of the witnesses examined so far have been able to identify the dress. In fact, 11.0 majority of them swear positively tl: it the dress produced in court is not thzt ot‘ the deceased. This naturally \v scum-what puzzling to the authorities. It was all the more so as it was Claim- cd that Mrs. Domcrs was a stout wu- lnun. and the waist of this dress would nnlv ï¬t a little woman. strange coincidence the size or waist and dimensions of this are chtctly those of the young wu- mun referred to. This gave rise it rumours of the arrest. It has sinsn Saturday. however. been ascertainul boyohd doubt that the dress produced did belong to Mrs. Demers. Miss Demon‘s. sister of, the prisoner, stains that she made this dress herself. and liigil Constable Bissonnette this mom- it): found some cuttings of the same material as this dress among scraps :lrmmli the house. The Court of Appeal rendered Jildg- mcnt this morning in the interestincv case of Lighthall and Pearson. This will he remembered as an action which Chas. \V. Pearson claimed from Mr. Geo. R. Lighthall personally tho till‘fcl‘v‘ulce bcthen the amount actual- ly reccived and the amount guaranteed by a contract for accommodation to ll i'(':.:: be provided for visitors to the Chris- - tinn Endeavour Convention of 1893. The contract was made in the name of the Montreal Christian Endeavour l’nion, and Pearson ï¬rst took out his: action against that body. found out. however, Havinz that there was no such incorporated body, but that? Mr. Lightlmll was the agent of llluI Exocutivc Committee of the Montreal Christian Endeavour Union. duly in- corporated. the plaintiff took out his action against Mr. Lighthall personal- ly. and obtained Judgment against hint for $388. Tho Court of Appeal confirmed that judgment. holding that the claim was a bond-tide one. and n1- " though. it was a hardship for of his principals was properly given when drafting the contract. Mr. D. McNicoll. general passenger agent of the Canadian Paciï¬c railway. who has just returned from a trip toi the Paciï¬c coast. in an interview to-1 day expressed the opinion that the splendid crops would have a good ef- fect upon immigration. Already en- quiries have been made about the country, he said. and the et‘fccts can only be decidedly beneï¬cial. ‘ I am." he said. “dealing more with the pas- sel.;:;r than the freight end of the question, but. of course. I was inter- ested in the extent and quality of the crop. In one instance where a. man wheat averaged ili‘ty bushels to the acre. This. of course, was exceptional, still. even at the present price of wheat. the yield has been so phenomenal that the farmers will be paid.†Mr. McNicoll added :â€"“ We sent up about ï¬ve ousand people to the North-West during the past two months for the purpose of gathering in the harvest. Those. it is to be re- membered, were chiefly farmers' sons... who either went up to see the coun- try for themselves or to help relatives out with their crop. the lightness of the crop in Ontario enabling many to get away for this purpose. Now. I ï¬nd that :1 good many of these peeple are not coming back at all. but in- tend to take up land and stay there. while those who are returning have nothing but good words for the coun- try. This must have a good effect." Mr. and Mrs. Shortis had an inter- view with their son at the Montreal gaol this morning. The scene between the parents and the Valleyfleld mur- derer was very painful. chaplain of the St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary. dropped dead to-day. H.M.S. Canada left port this mom- ing for Quebec. 5“ ST. THOMAS TIDINGS. St. Thomas, Ont., Sept. 23.â€"(Special.) Mr. Shadrach Billings had his left hand caught in a shaper at Garrow's pinning mill this morning. and four of the ï¬ngers had to be amputated. Patrick Delina Fitzpatrick. known as â€Pat. tho diver." who gained 7...- torlety through the unsuccessful at- tempts of the murderers Welter and llendcrsliott to place an insurance on his life, is dead. aged 35, from con- sumption. brought on by dissipation ‘ and exposure. ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"__.._. A Senior Seized. Victoria. B.C.. Sept. 23.â€"The sealer E. B. Marvin arrived yesterday morn- int,r under seizure. with orders from H.M.S. Pheasant to report to the naval and Customs authorities. She was sciz‘ cd by the US. S, Rush on September 2. one hundred miles west of St. Paul's island. The crew of the Rush examin- cd her catch. 1,300 skins, and found one skin with a hole resembling a bullet hole. That was taken as a. pretext to assume that she had been using, ï¬re- nrms. and Capt. Hooper seized her. sent her to Unalaska in charge of a prize ‘ crew. and there turned her over to the Pheasant. She reports the seizure the American schooner Louise Olsen. on the some (late. by the same vessel. The Olsen was caught inside the 60- milc zone. -â€"__â€"â€".“_ Accident. to it. “'hiskey Train. Pom-la. lll., Sept. 23.-â€"-'l‘he Big Four whiskey train to the cast met with a scrlous accident when near Leroy. A car of spirits coupled behind thn ca-I IliIFSC‘ was discovered to be on fire, and a. fast run was made to the next water . tank. where Conductor Joe Murphy: and Brakcsman John Muldoon mado an Pffl rt to extinguish the flames. Sud. ‘ llvl’ly there was a terrific eXDlOSInn_ and the car was blown to atoms. it‘ bring impossible afterwards to find a click of timber six inches long. Tho‘ men were hurled some distance from the wreck. both being trrribly burned, ' and there is small hope of their re- Covery. The Morn Claim Settled. I ' Washington, Sept. 16,â€"Senor do , Lome. the Spanish Minister. at no'm , yesterday delivered to Mr. Adee. aci- ; ing Secretary of State. a draft for the}; equivalent of 81,449,000. drawn on the’ ncial agent in London, ink by , Mr. I Lighthail to sustain the loss, still he1 should have seen that the description' had two hundred and ï¬fty acres his‘ The Rev. Canon Fulton. Protestant' ‘ post-ofï¬ce, 0nt., had both legs cut oil by . a binder, with which his father was cut- . prize was won by A. II. Wilson of Gait. length of time than would otherwise b6 Hm --_., {TOPICS OF A WEEK. â€"_â€"_ The Important Events in a Few Wordl For Busy Readers. \ ("ANA DIAN. Sir John Schultz, it is said, will be ap- pointcd :t m cm her of the Alaska Boundary Commission. It is currently reported that Mr. J ustioo Foul-trier has resigned from the Supreme court Judiciary. The Canadian Electrical Association opens its ï¬fth annual convention in Lon- don on Tuesday. James White, a local train despatcher, is reported to have disappeared, leaving a Wife and two children. A party of Chinese travellers, including some fli’ty women, passed through Toronto from the west Friday. Woodstock, N. B., has reduced the num- ber in its Council from ten to six and abol- ished election by wards. H. A. Smith, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A.,of Picton. N. 8.. has been appointed general secretary at Pl-tm'boro‘. John Morris was bill‘lii'il to death in the destruction by fire of the Robin Hood smokeless powder mill at Winnipeg. Richard White, of tho Gazette, is rapid- ly recovering in Europe, whom he went for his health, and will shortly return. have I y contracts on hand aggregating near- 1.000.000 tons of structural material. I Rochester, N. Y , is considering a pro- 000 Mycrs ballot machines, for use in local elections. instead of 5,000,000 boxes of oranges, WIill'Il is Florida’s usual crop,only 100.000 boxes will be shipped. These will come chiefly from the Manatee region on the Gulf of Mexico. William Ross, while crossing the railway near Atlanta, (£21., at the approach of a train, threw his family out of his rlg into ' a swamp. He then jlnnped,and was struck by the train and killcli. I The Government has been notiï¬edbf the seizure by a United States cutter in Beh- ring Sea of the Canaldan sealing schooner Beatrice. Mr. Henry M. Stanley, the African ex- . plorer, arrived in Moitreal Sunday. He r I I l I I pleasure trip. Curlew, Lane 00., of Quebec, are su- ing the Government. for extras on the con- ; tract. for repairs to the old Dominion steamer Druid. Prof. Saunders, of the experimental , farm,who has returncd from his trip west, says the Manitoba crops are, if anything, under-estimated. ; Mr. Thomas Young, aged 48, was killed I Sunday morning by :1 Grand Trunk train n. short- distance south of the Desjardins 1 canal. near Hamilton. I Ada Ramcy, a rospmtable-looking girl, . twenty-two years of (1,20, whose home is in Welland, Ont., was arrested in Buflalo on I Saturday for shop-lifting. ‘ John Lowe, Deputy Minister of Agri- cltur-, has been superannuated. Land Commissioner H. H. Smith, of Winnipeg. I will succeed to the position. The Quebec Government has taken ac tion to recover from the city of Montreal . the sum of $500,000 received in Recorder’s (Jouti fees since Confederation. Government Analyst Harrison believes Louis V.Ludwig‘s cider contains too much alcohol and the latter will have to answer to a charge of violating the liquor law. Sir Mackenzie Bowel] left Winnipeg on Saturday for the East. He visited St. A ndrew’s rapids on Saturday, and inspect- ed the locality whore improvements are necessary. Mr. Hall Chine, the representative of‘ the British publishers on the copyright question, will sail on Wednesday. Mr. Cains expects a. friendly hearing from the Canadian Government. The weekly crop report issued by the Northern Pacific railway states that threshing is nearly completed. In the Portage Plains district harvesting was re- tarded by heavy rains last week. The Chryslcr farm monument will be unveiled by Mr. Railways and Canals, on September 25th. Dr. Montague, Secretary of State, has also been invited to be present and to speak. While testing the uppcr gates of the new locks of the Sault Ste. Marie canal by flll- ing the pit with water, an upheaval of the masonry of the mitro sill took place, caus- ing damage that will involve much ex- pense and delay. Several Canadian and United States lawyers are expected to attend the seven- teenth convention of the Conference for the Reform and Codification of the Laws of.†Nations, which is tote held in Brussels, commencing O -tobor l. ' The Hamilton Presbytery has refused the request of Rev. ll McKnight to return to tho Presbytery. Ho was formerly pastor of tho Dunnville Prcl‘iytcrinn church, and withdrew two years ago tojoin the Angli- can church. Electricians say the safest place of refuge during athundcrstonn is a trolley car,and that no instance is known of one having been struck by lightning. The wires and ‘ car pole are a for ,bcttor protection than any lightning rod. “ -, x ‘ The two-year-old son of Mr. Martin Nngei, who lives ncar Rainham Centre ting the corn. The child died shortly after- wards from loss of blood. The R. Q. T. bicycle handicap road race on the Kingston mall and Woodbine course Saturday afternoon had 301 entries, 269 starters, and 200 fluishcrs. The first place with 10 i4; minutes time allowance. T. B. The Carnegie Company is reported to I ‘ position to purchase for the sum of 833,- I Through a ‘ Illt‘I intends to proceed to the Pacific coast on a ' Haggart, Minister ofl .‘other indications of general prosp I‘ Lost His Sight I ARR if KENDALL sill iitglusses forany' one Whose sight; is dci't-ctl'vc. He has a. full line of glasses nnti\is to be iouad at, The Turner Drug Co’s Stores, two doors cast of Post ofï¬ce. ‘ THE TURNER p505} go. I $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE Micro ITCH FASHIONABLE TAILOR Is now showing the NEWEST SPRING PATTERNS AND (‘LO'I‘HS FUR SI’ITINGS AND TROL'SIIBINGS ‘ AND WILL BE I’LL‘AbElJ TO HAVE A CALL FROM YOI'. WIN E DRINKERS' MAXIMS. Sayings of Our Elders and a Contribu- tion From Roosevelt. Jocose remarks, friend] toasts and cheery reetings rather t tan profound philosop ical truths are to be Sought usually among those who continuously ï¬nd solace in wine drinking. But there is some literature of wine lle- verbs, so called. in which thcrl- is an admixture of wit and sagacity. ml cellar without wine. a homo “'Itlmlli woman, and a purse without mum; ? are three deadly plagues.†is onc nl‘ :ln- oldest and best known of the “'Illv ,u. u- verbs. “Red wine poisons oysmx.“ i. another. “Wine is a turn-coatulirsl n friend, then an enemy." is a TIlll‘ll. “Burgundy.†it is an old saying. "is the wine of princes. Sillery of nobles. claret of the gentle born. and I'M‘Pl' of the common people.†It seems to be a , fair inference that those who have ‘ gone to the trouble of com ilinginI various works the apothegms poi wine 389 George 5:331:28 OR 0 drinkers have chosen them as a good ' cultivator chooses the best grapes. with , such remarks was not drinking. I "Champs. ’ saying, “is like criticismâ€"nothing . 5 more execrable if had. nothing more‘ .excellentif good.†“Love,†says anâ€"’ ‘ wine cup.†Here is another: "The Pï¬OTOGRAPHS , bottle is of the aristocracy, treated like Wine: it’s_a.s good as your friend’s’ an inhospitab e but not unphilosophic olives and wine tel man is. " , does not ï¬nd a place in the collected ‘ maxims heretofore published, but later commissioner. declared at a dinners. few years ago : “There is not one idea much careâ€"and when the author of ' gne," it is a. wine drinker’s other. “stole its purple light from the I a gentleman.†“Drink your enemy’s ’ is I saying, and. “Remember.’ ct er, “ One recent saying of a wine drinker it may. Theodore Roosevelt. police in a keg of beer." I Full lines of GENT'S FURNISHINGS ARE THE BEST, TRUEST, AND . . . MOST ARTISTIC. His enlarged I’orlruitm‘ in Oil or “'aicr Colors, 11 din Ink. Sclia. or Cray 0119, have no superior oi. this Continent All work imperishable. says an- I what a Things She Didn't Know. “I am going into a stock company, Emily,†Mr. Rising announced with par- donable pride. “Will you like that. John?†Mrs. Ris- ing’s question was given with a tone of surprise. “Well, rather," returned Mr. Rising. “1 shall be an ofï¬cer. †“Oh, John, that’s splendid. Will you wear a uniform?†Mrs. Rising asked with interest. “No, Em’ly. the ofï¬cers don‘t wear uni- forms," replied Mr. Rising. “How did you get to be an ofï¬cer, John?†Mrs. Rising asked a momcnt later. “A majority of the stock elected me," Mr. Rising answered. “Will we have to live in the country. John?" “What put that into your headEm’ly?" “I'd like to in the summonnnd thought it might be better on account of the stock." “That's a curious notion. Em'ly. The stock‘s all right. A No.1 No water in the 170 CHARLOTTE ST†- PE IERBOBO No Stairs to climb Ground floor Studio. UNDERTAKE RS and PRACTICAL EMBALME ii 5 concern. They want me here at head WE KEEP constantly on hand .1 large , Quarters." ’ stock of Furniture 0: all kinds. Hur . '1; stock n4 woll :lssm‘tmt .‘lllll «llsplujuni in ' †Why. John, I didn‘t suppose there was . any stock without. water." “Precious little in those days. but it ranks first-class on the lll.‘il‘k(‘i,.‘lil(l they lot. I me in on the ground floor. liolio! lin-ro's the president now. I'm oil", “ anti Txlr. Rising joined his busincss associate in the , IIllN' lurk-w:- yellow l'uollm. So TrilllIlIt‘ ll! ‘ Show guilds. \\'l' are :lISw lllulllliuc - of ill" iixcclslor \Vnslxmu Muchin-n ' in iilv Market. street. “It beats me," said Mrs. Rising. as she went about her household duties. “I a! -n't I think John‘s mind is ati'ectcd, but it stock can vote, and oiliccrs not WL'ltl' uniforms ‘ I’d like to know what the world's Culllll' : to. I suppose he meant city water \voulll do as well as the country, but mcn :lro crack-braincd on some things. I'm thunk ful I don‘t have to worry about business. It’s all I can do to look after three meals a day." .. MILLBROOK ‘LthJil If Iihl‘ and ' L: Here and There. The habitual kicker should practise on a can of dynamite. God is gloriï¬ed not by our sighs, In::' by our thanksgiving<. Fur .. ,. frllr' ‘ W 111 the woman \\ llIl the red nose stop . squeezing her waist eight inches toy I 1 small ? I Ifthere is a. virt It‘ in the world we should aim at its ('Il' nriulness. The truly good man cultivates til virtue of humanity. to complete his «.0 lection. It may be true that nothing is over lost, but there is a good deal that tar-'t be found. The pursuit of happiness too ( means the pursuit 01 some one ( happiness. V .1 " The mills 0f juSlll‘P not only .9 slowly, but they frequently grind wrong people. v The most difï¬cult thing 1;; keep the heights Which the reached. in All. the "dark horses" We ma an unaccountablo desire t( get I the light of publicity. Local excursionin; in 1‘}. section flourished better thll‘ri it has dur presenhsumh or. It is among th‘ be noted. Take Notice. I, Malcolm McBain, incrchar Queen St. \Vsst, do certify tha ifs ‘ son’s Stomarh Bitters cured i. took. pepsxa. Ibcllcve it to be the, * cine for all Stipmaclvï¬ Atiiii‘fitook Meat Mark Chollyâ€"‘ . \ McCarthy, of Toronto. covered the course in 59 minutes 43 seconds, a record for the course. Oil is no longer to be poured on troublcd water. It is to bo fll'uil like a shell from a gun. As a rave Approaches a shell fired wit-ll oil is to be precipitated in its diroo- tion. The shell will be perforated with small holes, so that the, slowly and continue its work for a greaterit the case. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, the pt-esidentlbrook- of tille Grand Trunk Railway Company, . was given a receallon at Hamilton in the Board of Trade building. The city’s repre- f scntativos asked i'01- a general freight agent to be located in Hamilton. Mr. Joseph Price, vice-president or the company, said that they had arrangml to make Hamilton the headquarters of a western freight divi- . slon, with an agent having headquarters there. Ten thousand people saw the destruc- tion by ï¬re of tho poultry and carriage buildings at; the Wcstcrn Fair grounds, London, Ont, Thursday night. The poul- try building was empty. but the carriage building was stocked with line vehicles, in readiness for the opening of the Exhibition on Monday. They were all removed with- out injury. ‘ ' An electric and cyclone storm ‘ - passed ovor Kingston,()nt., and vic' Thursday, did i‘mn-fnl damage. of the cotton mill in Kingst nlnt-niw 1.. -Anu fl aces-Aw - .1 . t 5m" cil Will run out ms of lber of mg far- lieve a it“ moah th Algv that car the side I HARRY NATTRASS,I PROPRl EI‘OB. Fresh and Salt M cat always on band, also Fresh Fish in season. If you want a choic cat give me a call and I guarantee satisf. . I . tion. Everything Fresh and Clean. 0 oftnmers promptlv delivered to any part of to but hit. By the a... . --<â€"\ ~â€"â€"-. .passon era .' . ‘3 ment. nstead of mantra; “Um-"end \ ' the captain called out to the hold on a minute, and taking a 013 . his pocket, coolly bit the and oï¬an '- it with a piece of the 1) Il‘. Then he descended with 3:233: - .f. and gave the order to shoved could you stop to light a signi- at~ . moment?’ he was wad. g‘kJ one of the passengers. use, swered, 'I saw-that if I d .. not - thingto divert your I ' ly be of lo and .t‘“ . class (