Jock l'o‘nx‘c Man. and or build his N the on! sag. only one lion guar- . ‘m‘: By including 1:}! m yup: 30:9 ers (‘obonrg. â€cu-won. lands and M. arrive Montreal ne ports. ing west. ml ES“. Ivillc l’.() IN‘ ES? n“ leaves 'oromo 6 \RRB 1 Ofï¬ce, â€anon urouglu, k in Hap. 'Ol’ Blï¬ LiNE ill A fl brough ‘IT 0 for â€"â€"Dr. T. H. Brereten of Bethany, was also one of the succewful competi tors at the Industrial at Toronto, with his three year old colt. â€"â€"Mrs. Leonard Henkle and daugh- ter, Elsie of Rochester, who have been visiting her brother, Alex Moï¬'at reâ€" turned home by North King Monday. Mrs. Alex. Moï¬'at and her two children, Gladys and George have been visiting friends in Peterboro’ and Springvillc. 'va .3); “(454‘ Mr: \ . . --Im Nattrass 1:: 30mg about nurs- ing a. sore hand these days, but as long as the other is not in a sling he can manage todrive a horse. \Ve hope to see him recovered soon. â€"The Rev. Dr. Smith of Port Hope, is expected to preach in the Presbyter- ian church here on the ï¬rst Sunday in October, “chxldren’s day,†when he will also address the Sunday S;hool. â€"Mr. H. R. Armstrong returned on Monday night from a. three week’s visit, to Buffalo and Niagara Fall. â€"-Some great bargains in village properties call and see list of same G30. 8001'!!sz 44 â€"Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bidgood and two children of Springville, visited their cousim, Mr. Alex. Mofl'at and Mrs. chkle on Sunday. â€"-To hand this weekâ€"one l£11m load of No. I pressed hay, and o , car of soft. coal for use in open gratds. W. THEXTON. â€"Recve Ferguson was in Cobourg on Tuesday on business in connection with the Counties’ council. â€"Upward of 100 cnoxce farms from 50 acres up to 300 acres, for sale at. prices and upon terms to suinge times. Gm. Soo'mmms. Millbrook. 44 â€"Mr. John Russell of Cave-n, gmxched in the Baptiw. church, Co bourg, rm, S'nmlray evening last. â€"Only 25c. for the REPORTER until January next. If you are not already a subacriber drop up and give us your name at once and stop spung‘rg on Ofï¬ce and Yards at the Station. â€"â€")Ir. and Mrs. Lefroy of Port‘ Hope. who have, during the summer months, been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. \Vood, feturn to ti‘-“Air Port "0 0 his weekw’l’g‘ ‘ the buckw -_._ ï¬elds night’s frost slap-jacks but. then â€"A smart boy want-3‘; to learn the printing business at. the REPORTER Otï¬ce. â€"Han'y Kendall does all kinds of watch repairs. Ask/“ms: who have tried him. â€"Mr. S. W. Clarke left on Tuesday morning for Cobourg, where he is on the jury at. the assizes. â€"Hear the Rev. “’11). Patterson of Toronto, â€"In the Presbyterian church on Monday evening next. â€"“ Ireland and the Irish †is the subject of the lecture and it. is sure to be entertaining. PETERBORO’ BUSINESS ‘\ A _ COLLEGE SCRIBBLING BOOKS in great variety and Cheaper than Ever. Call and Examine. the millbrook Reporter. NICE NEW STOCK. Readers, Histories, Grammers,Geogra- phies, Arithmetics, Etc, Etc. Everything Requir- ror the School rade in Stock. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1895. School For further particulars call on or add ress PRINGLE 6: MCCREA. Business College. Perm-borough. Ont. TOWN TALK BUSINESS COURSE, 3,21,: 2;: experience recommend. In Pctcrboro’. but “AGE-BE have been engaged for y-‘eV era] years in the w. ork. , posits the Post 314133 0 cc. to be occu- pxcd utter Sept. 15:. â€"AT THEâ€"- Books. K‘Qém -â€"\\'e have much pioasure in ofl'er- ing our congratulations as \\ oil as that of the community to Dr. Hassnrd upon his success with “T3 ronc’ at the Toronto Exhibition, taking ï¬rst. prize and sweepstakes in the thoroughbred stallion class. Again we say well done D03. «Beautiful weather fur fall fairs. Are you getting exhibits ready for Millbrook on the third and fourth Of October, and Bethany the two (law previous. Now look abouL you arid see if you cannot show something tn help make these shows a success “and you will he the gainer as well. _‘\'0 were shown on Sauirduy last a. strawberry piled from the garden of Mr. Henry Atkins. 1' 222. 2st Imus been the new elec‘ric light that caused it to bud forth, thin! {22): the sp2i22g sun had again appeared. _..Messrs. Eakim and R' uhnrdson hme a. contract for suppbingr m0 thousand yearling and hm V'ml oIrl cattle for the \orth“ est to he placed on the great Allen ranch. L: ‘st Satur» day about, one hundred passed through here fox shipment :Lt Czwnn station. The lnrjgk being paid are suit: to be very good. â€"“ Our Grandmothers " drank good ted. years ago, why should we not use the best " The Mamwuteo is the ï¬nest Ceylon Tea. rrmwn, beautiful ll:L\“ul\lS in packages at 400, 50c , and (304-. per lb. Aux. EL mow, sole agent, 55:} George-96., Peter-bore. â€"Mr. W. A. Buchammn, city r0- porter of the Petcrborough [swimr was in town on Saturday spvmliug the (lay with his grandmother, Mrs. Pen drie and made the REPORTER a. call. “7. A. is one of the hustling young men of Peterboro’ in his lino, and we are :1]- WM’S pleased to see him. â€"Don’t forrret- the iectmc in the Presbyterian church on Mondav ev en- in" next. by the Rex. \Vm. Patterson of DCooke’s church, Toronto, on “Ireâ€" land and the Irish.†This will certain- ly be a. treat not. often provided f0r our people, as the Rev. gentleman has a wide reputation as a ï¬rst-class pint form entertainer. Admission 20 cents, children 10 cents, in connection with the Ladies Aid of the church. â€"Dr. Hmcard, having met. wim such success at Toronto “ith Tuuno intends looking for “other ï¬elds 1. conquer and “ill "0 east this tima to the. Central at Uttawa. which npens toâ€"morrow. “'e hope he'll be .n it this time also. â€"â€"-.All the ofï¬cers and active mem- bers of the Lacrosse Team are request- ed to turn out in uniform and moor in front 0f the town 113.†at 1.30 p_)n_‘ on Saturday npxt when they will In: pho- tographed. â€"â€"-VVe offer our congratulmions to Mr. ‘v. \V. Green of the Millbrmk pump works, he having taken ï¬rst paize at Toronto for a. new pump move- mem of his own invention. â€"Mr. A. A. Smith “out to “ hixhy on Satmday and mmained them ox or Sunda} returning on Mnndm with Mrs. Smi h and child “11“ haw boon visiting there for some time. â€"Mr. T. G. K0115 and Miss Anna Kells left last Week for the Northwest. where Mr. K9118 will look :Lftvr the business interests of the ï¬rm and Miss Kells regale herself on the beauties of a. \Vestcrn autumn. â€"Mr James Douglass of Czwanvillt‘. represents Court Ivanlmo‘ I. U. R, at the High Court in London, taking the place of Mr. 1). Hampton, “'11†was elected but could not attend. â€"â€"Sunday the 29th of Sept. will ho flower Sunday in tho Methodist. church when the pastor, the Rev. Mr. lelps will give an address to tlw clnltlrm. â€"Posttnaster Vance has v. corn stalk on exhibition mensurinn' ok-ven feet nine imhes and .vvighing nom-Iv the pounds. \Vho can beat it. ‘ â€"â€"\\'e are sorry to hear that Mr. Samuel Eakim has had a. most serious turn in 1113 illness, but hope to hmr of his improvement again. â€"~-Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Clarke are away on a. visit to Port; Perry and other points in that vicinxty, driving from here on Mondav last. â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. H. Mason and son Allen, of Elmvnln, whu have been visit inn her sister, Mrs. S. Batoson, return< 0d home last week. â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bighnv and child of Marquette. Mich, made a fly ing visiL at“L. S. Clarry’s, Mrs. ligo low‘s bl‘ntllf‘r. Mr. and Mrs. Calm-run and two daughter of \Ieufurd, are visiting' theircousin, Mrs. S Butosonnmiutlm friends In to“ n. â€"--0urthnnks are due to Mrs. Jns. Thorndyke for a basket of toothsome apples for the use of the stuff. Thoy'ro -â€";\liss \lnmie Collins ,wlmlms been holidayinv for some weeks in ()mnwo- ville and Tor-(mu), returned home on Mondav. â€"â€"The Kingston election has been voided, Mr. Harty admitting bribery and paymg all costs. â€"â€" Mr. Henry Elliott, of Hope was in town on Tuesday in connection with Division Court otï¬ce matters. -â€"Mm. Given, six. of Drumbn, 0x ford 00., is visiting the editor. â€"â€"Gm. Burnhmn wvnt- up to Toron tn yesterday. China Hall NFW‘ I)L\'\E R. SE I'S, TEA SETS, TOILET Sl' 'ITS AND FANCY GOODS. CROOKS, CREAM CROOKS, BUTTER CROOKS, â€"\'OU WILL FIND-â€" -â€"AT THEâ€" Damivl Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hmnhcrg. Ont.., Independent says: “ I was snffcring from Dyspepsia. and Liver 'l'rmblc, I wok a. few battles of Shiloh‘s Vitalizcraml it cured me. I can heartily rocmnmnnd in †sum bv A. Lmnu. her of applications are already in and that. nnmy more» will follnw goes with- out saying. 'l‘lm ullice has been worth S] H} in the past, but it will likely be put clown to the. hundred or lower. The council had a high license for cir- ctstw} that, was prohibitory. The only cli'cet. Was to incohvenience the public by making a‘hem walk to the outskirt; 0f the town The council then abol- lSllCd the high llCr use, and “'hen Sens Circus came the agcm sunk: the ten-n clerk a number of tickets for the coun- cillors. Some of the \vothy council- lors did not get a ticket. and kicked up a grew. ‘ hullahziloo. They want a com- mission In enquire into “Who got the â€iri‘in tickets 2" “Mr. hristopher Twamley, who has been collector of taxes in Cavan for the past eleven years‘, handed in his resignation to the council on Mon (lay last. The cause of resignation is failing health and we are sure the council will very reluctantly part with so cllicient and careful an oilicei. The council will sit again on Thursday, Sept, filth Lo receive applications for a new collector. We understand anum- Hmmlsonmdy Round in Blue and Gold. Illus- lmlml. INSTRUCTIONS how to reproduce all Spiritualisxic. Hypnotic. Mcsmeric 6: Mind Reading («.514 p(‘l'f0l‘llll‘(l by. Seymour. Bishop, Brown. Johnstonc. The Baldwins. Herman and of her». low to drive blindfolded and ï¬nd m‘tic cs. 1le 5(‘l’l‘é‘l llmug‘lus, splrihmlislic writings and answers glvun, etc. 'l'rculiu nu dreams. for mcmnrizing pnrpoms. forw‘u .\ ‘3: palmistry. hair, Lon. com-c grnumls, 4-,. :- .:. Also full ex- planation of the Scymum' Buried Alive Test. You can duplicate the nlm'c work for parlor :.nm.-'<‘nu-n|. The only book ch 1' published in- <lrucllng the above lxirldm. forces \‘oluxnc su-tprc aid many address in the world on receipt 0 privv. $2 00. Address. ARTHUR E. 5% HOUR. Publisher. Lock Box 2, Utica. N Y. ‘ â€"~Lindsay is having quite a little mnusemem over the town council hett (electric light plant of any town of its sizv in the Dominion. The light furnished is pure, suft, white and stand} About ’00 lights are already installed, z..n'l plenty more will follow. lhe (‘H‘CElOH (If the street; lights \\ ill be connnonccd abpnce.â€" Wait-14 man. â€"â€"-Mr. James Smith, of 15 Kent street. paid a. visit to Millln'ook last week He reports that the Messrs. Paxkiu mo movting with great sucuess 1110‘ in Lheh vilmts to install an 0100 Mic plant]. \thn completed Ihe citi- A0115 0f \Iiilin-ook can congratulate themeohcs nu liming: the latest and mews \}'.\.\"l:ED. clusxve rights given. The Brantford Windmill is now Galvanized. The above our represents the best Wind- mill in the market. If ycn want to see one at work call on John FalFs, Richard Fania, George Campbell. Hrmmn Bros., 13 Con., Caï¬'an, Alex Humor. James L. Fair, Center- vn e. â€"â€"\\'e have been publishing accounts of big weeds, corn stalks, etc., and this week Mr. G. F. Elliott comes forward with a. big sun-flower with seventy- seven heads, which is certainly a. clinker, but, for the next few weeks we are open to receive smnples of the biggest, pumpkins, sxquashes, cablmges, in short anything in the vegetable or fruit. line, when after measuring, weigh in; and sampling we will award the cake to the rightful victor with a. half enhmm elogium. Wu hog to extend our sympathy t’ 31:. ll. MchLnoy and Messrs. (10- .. and \\'. 1L McCartney of Bethany, wlum- mnlhm' pzlï¬m‘d over to the great majority on Monday last. The de- cmwd was smonly eight years of age and had lung been a. resident of the (-omty. The funeral tool: place to the Front church yestm-duy. To the aged partner. who Immins tc tred the re- maimlm of the journey alone we also com 0y our doopvst condolence. Cum m“ Tn.\.\'I\'s.~â€"R. E. Stanton wislu-s to thank the pcoplo of Millbrook :md sm-x-numling country for their kind no.“ anti liln ml p: Ltrun: Lge durin" the past six y: 11‘s, amIJ/nï¬iing for a W' n mm of the .‘mm' in ew store, Husr mun EAST or THE ms’r OFFICE. wlwrr- will he kopton hand the choicest (hw-u I‘it‘s Flour and Food that can be Imus: It in tho nmrket. at light prices. Xv“ stow upon on Friday. ~â€"~.-\notlier bible competition is being advertisc‘d in some of the papers,_prom ising \‘nlunlllo gifts to the ï¬rst or middle m- inst. Correct answers to cer- tain hilili- questinns. “'9 hope our rmulx-ra‘ will not he tukmi in by this \v‘mnnuc fnko. lt is throwing away munuv fur 11w paper "iven to their (lulu-s 15 um liloss, so our advice is, Llnni amount-13'1- am such frauds, but suwailio for 1110 REPORTER â€"Tho excursion steamer “Colum binn." owned by Dr. McCamus of Bob. caygoun “as burned on Sunday morn iugzu her «look in the above town- She was a. good Loan as many of our [)(‘uple whu have taken trips on her know. and wv :m- surly that Mr. Mc- Camus is. M such :1 lust. She cost $13,000 and was insured for $9,000. â€"-Tlu- Christian Endeavor of the MethmlisL church will lnold~n‘“Hurvest Hume †social in the church on Friday evenihg, 27th. Refreshments and a good program will be provided. Ad; misgion 15c, children 10c. See hund- bills. BURIED ALIVE EXPOSED. L1H BRANTFDBD l'MY NEW [ND LIFT ‘S in Fall Wheat red or white. . . .3 Spring Wheat .............. Barley ................. .. 0M3 ...... Buckwheat Rye . ..... Potatoes. . ‘ Butter. . . . Eggs ...... \Vnol ..... VaughanviJu ghiéhjlerstaics that an essential to unity was the admission of the supremacy of the Pope. A11 hope of church unity between the Catholics and Episcopalians in England is (15%)th by a. .rgcgut Aspeech of Cardiqal The patient turned up his eyes, and re- marked with a. hollow voice 2â€"“ I mn feeling rather worse, thank you, doctor,†and the doctor was not just sure where the thanks were intended to come in. “ How are you feeling 1‘" asked the physi- ciau. Oa tain Sweedv U. S. An Sim Dies? - w :. . CnL gm “Shim“ Cmrthemedy is Has on hand fox tlu. 1 all and the ï¬rst medicine I have ever found that ,f' ,1 .,. , ‘ . ' “oulddo me any good.†Price 50 can“ \\ mter tradc a ï¬lal-CLISS 11m: Sold bv A. LEACH. Among the mticles which Nasrulla Khan is taking home with him to Afghanistan are nlevcu hicw-‘M. " Punch and Judy show, and A number of nursmg anti.“ ~- THE OCTOBER. SI‘MIIER OF THE DELINEATOR IN UA'JJ'J') TUE AUTUMN NUMRER. It contains a choice and varied selection of ti nely articles. It gives an authoritative expos’tion of autumn Styles, illustrating a variety of novel, armistic and beautiful ar- men is. Especia'ly complete and valuab e is its discussion of Mourning. Mrs. Roger A. Prior s paper on Etiqutte of Grief’s outward showing, being supplemented by an instruc- tive article giving patterns and designs for monrnirg attire. ï¬Every mother with the responsibilities of a household should study what is said about Fitting Out a Family, the season‘s costume needs of herself and her little ones being fully treated. The progress of Co-eoucation in Great Britain is further explained by Amy Rayson. Bookbinding as an occupation for women is entertainingly described by Evelyn Hunter N ordofl‘. Lucia. M. Robins describes a new and amusing form of entertainment. The re-opening of the schools is remembered in an account of thirga suitable for the children’s lnnrheou basket, while A. B. Longstreet contributes a practical exposition of Aow to Carve. The return of cooler weather makes timely tue admirably illustsated article on Draper- ies. The papers on the Kinderï¬arten by Sara Miller Kirbv, on Floral work for Oc- tober by A. M. buart and the Designs for Burnt Work by Harriet Keith Fobes fully sustain Ethe interest felt in these topics Around the Tea Table has its usual admir- able variety, and the Newest Books are sym- pathetically rcviewed. Further contribu- tions are given in kniLting, Netting and Tattiug. .-\<ld}ess communications to the Delinentor Publishing Co. of Toronto, Ltd., 33 Rich- mond-sf. West, Toronto, Ont. Subscription mice to the Delineator $1.00 per year, or 150 per single copy. SHI LOH’S CURE is sold on a. guarantee. It cures Incipient. Consumption. It is the best. Cough Cure. Only one cent, a dose ; 25 cts., 50 cta. and $100 per bottle. Sold by A LEACH Hood's Pins cure liver ills, constipation, hiliousncss, jaundice, sick headache, indiges- tion. You've No Idea How nicely Hood’s Sarsnparillu hits the needs of the people who feel all tired out or run down from any cause. It seems to oil up the whole mechanism of the body so that all :xzoves smoothly and work becomes a. delight. If you are weak, tired and nervous, Hood’s Sarsapaï¬lla is just what you need. Try it. ' AVAILVMJ, NJ.~-r v- ._ -Die Its excellence is due to its presenting \l the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneï¬cial properties of a perfect lux- ativo ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds. headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- . n-_-1- _.26Lnnk wank. â€"â€"\Ve hare received a copy of the Daily Ventureun, California, of Sept. 5th date. giving an account of the mar: riage of the Rev. \V. Ur. Mills to Miss Bel‘a. Collins of that place. Before he put on the “cloth †and when he was simply \V. G. Mills, school master and disciplinarinn, away back in the sevcn~ ties, he was wont to wield the birch in the old M illbrook school, and it is said by those who attended in that. early day, he was equal to Goldsmith’s “ schoolmaster†in many respects. \Ve are sure, however, the best wishes for a long, happy and useful life will be extended to the Rev. gentleman and his bride by his old friends and ac- quaintances here. Pl'uhcwulu, uvvl-uuv -v V.-V~ ncys, Liver and Bowcls without weak- ening them and it is perfectly fro. from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drngy gist: in 75c. bottles, but it is mum. factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will no! mept any substitute if ofl'erod. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly ‘flapting the World’s best products to 216 needs of physical being, will attest :he value to health of the pure liquid ï¬xative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Fiigs. 0- ______ a-.. â€"A woman took a; basket of eggs to the city for sale. Upon being asked how many she had. she replied: “ If I take the eggs out of the basket two at a time I have one egg left. It I take them out three at a time I have one egg left. If I take them out four at a time I have one eggleft. If I take them out ï¬ve at a. time I have one egg left. If I take them out six at a. time I have one egg left, but if I take them out seven at a. time I have none left in the basket." How many eggs had $110 in the basket? mmâ€, mm» ~ . ml reqnili :ur :ncdic inc. vam {a n I: fly b... ,1, KNOWLEDGE lllllprook Market» LITEILâ€"l It Y N0 TESA UK (“.8 “It“: - worms of all A.- {man hildn u ol 3‘ use Du $3311 * GERNAN 'ï¬h t. OZb-VLEs. "’ 60 to 60 to 40 to "2 to 30 to 40 to 40 to 14 to 9 to 17 to \mlRunning Again ! 30 45 lo 18 Aug. ‘29, 1895‘ Anything in the line of Commercial Printing such as -â€"BILL HEADS. â€"NOTE HE ADS, â€"LET’1‘BR HEADS. â€"S'1‘ATBMBN TS â€"NOTES â€"REOEIPTS Reporter 5 9" Ofï¬ce work to-day. Chopping done promptly at Six Cents Per Bag at both Old Cuvzm and Mill- bmok mills. To Farmers and Stock Breeders we wou‘d simply say, that the REPOR- TER OFFICE is the place to geï¬ THE SALE BILLS, y HflRSE ems, CATTLE 0B HOG CARDS, ETD. Having been standing the past month for repairs will rcsumc Old Gavan WE To Churches, Societies and other or- ganizations, who are thinking of enter. tertainments we give special attention. Then we also advertise it in the RE PORTER. Examine these before buying elsewhere. The Hawks Nursery (30., W 1) w 1111 1 WA N TED SALESMEN GOOI‘ MEN in each Counh to take ordr‘ra fm- n Choke line of NURSERY STOCK or SEED POTATO! Stock and Seed gar 1111111 1 d. We can 1:11 6 1 u11$tcady Employment 111111 Good Pay. It 11 ill 0041 1011 not. vim: to 1.;110 't a 11‘1.1 5mm \1 hen writing which you prefer Lo sell. Addrcs‘v representing us can earn $20 per week sail- ing our Hardy Canadian-grown Nur- sery Stock. Pornmnent positinn and sal- aries E':ch‘sivc Lerrilory, Write at once for Wins to 0. B- GRAHAM. Nurseryman. Toronto, Ontario. ' Ii 0 B E ‘\ AND IN THE VILLAGE OF MILLBROOK. A good house and lot]. with stable and yard accommodation and other conveniences. Also two lots adjoining the property. Splendid chance for retiring farmer. i’OsscHsion imme- diately. Apply to .‘...,. The boys returned home from camp on Tuesday as tired as if they were after run~ ning the Dominion election. P0\Vl-:m.â€"In the 'I‘mmship of Mum’ors, on Tuesday, lULh inst†James Rundcl Pow- ers. only son of M r. James Powers, aged two years. McCuvernâ€"Jn the Township of (lawn, on Monday, 16â€: inst., Sarah, beloved wife of George McCartney, sr., aged seventy- eight years. The Rev. .J. G. lf'ullis of Point Edward, spent, 0. part of lust week visitqu’ his brother and would liked to have been able to visit his many friends in Gavan, but his time was limited and had to return on Saturday. ml . Mr John Mch'oric has made a. ï¬ne im- provement on his house having, raised it are story higher with a cottage roof_._ _ "le 'h, 1. ... - Mr. Touchbm‘hqhus again opened the grain market here, and same appears to think the early market will be the best as already a. number of loudï¬vae been on the market. Threshing ist‘hcotidcr of the flay with many and the grain is yielding fmrly well, 02113 more especially: 1 I u I“ Farmers in this part are finishing up the sowing of their full wheat and rye, many have flown from forty to fifty acres of both kinds, the reason of so much sowing is the miss of the seeding last, spring and are going to test the full seeding. Fl‘L.‘U I - J AS. T. C. LANG, General Merchant, - Centreviile. Remember our (jroccriés are always fresh and clmn. Is prepared to show you the ï¬nest stock of FA LL and WINTER GOODS ever intrgoduced in Center- ville. The goods are all of the latest style and pat- tern. Prices ure right and you cannot do better else- where. W. STRAIN, Jas. T. G. Lang FOR YOUR FALL PRINTING CALL AT THE The Centreyille Merchant, THE HARNESSMAKER Geo. Need! er. Rochester, N. Y. FOR SALE. RITC}S TIII'J TOJIIB. :1 NH L] N R. SHA\\'. Millbrook. 1’. 0. 3] CAVANVILLE CARRIAGE WORKS Painting and (Scncral Repairing a Specialty (57' Our PATEN’I‘ STEEL HARROWS have haul a. big run but we have sxill a 11mm bet in stock. Give us a. call. We have in stock and are still manufactur- ing a large number of New Buggies, Wag- gous and Road Carts. We have also in stock a. number of Second-hand Buggies and Democrats. Thatverydesimblc property known as ghe Webster Property. siLuated on the West slde of Main street. a little south of G. 'l‘. R. Sm- Lion. Millhrool One and one half acres of choice land, Brick Dwelling and ï¬rst-class frame stable and outbuildings. A m'upbcr of choice fruit! .scs. Suitable fora rctmng far- mer. Apply to COBOURC , All rofurnishcd and overhauled. The nest 81D('l‘(1.l\ house m Ontario. (‘ounty (‘ouncil lm‘s. Jun men and others \ iï¬il my: Cdboun: \\ ill ï¬nd the Bulmm'ul the best. house to stop at. IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES D. LOW- RY, DECEASED The A nwricau Cmmtitution, theAnun-i- mu, Idea, flu: Amnrium Spirit. These ï¬rst, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, - - - $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mail - 8 a. year The Weekly, - - - - l a, year I' 1887. notice is hereby given to creditors and others hnvin ' claim or demands against the eutntc of the late Geo. A: Reynold. late 0 the Township of Manven‘r m the SWQLYJI. Ilurltnm. Blz€eksmith. who died on or about the 18th May. A.D.. 1895. to send by poet prepaid :I'â€! mummy-d in Hirhnzd Evans. Yeiverton. or .Ios. Britten, Port, Perry. executors of the last will and testamentot‘ the said deceased. a stutc~ ment in writing of the particulars ‘0! their claims or deumnds on or before the 15th day of September. A.D.. 1895. And further take notice that inum-dmtely after said last mentioned date the mid executors shnllproceod to distribute the ussets of the estate amongst the parties on- titled thcreto. having regard only to the claims. of which they shall then have notice. and the executors shall not thereafter be liable to any per~on whose claims shall not. then have been received by them. RICHARD EVANS. Yciverton, < . .105. BRI'I‘TON. Port. Perry. } ""‘°°“t°“ All account: owing the late Geo. Reynolds mus: be settled at once or costs will be added. Richard livnns. \‘elvcrton, and Jos. lh‘itton. Port. Perry, executors. are authorized to give receipts. 2:9 EXECUTORS’ NOTICE t0 UREDITURS All wfurnisln-tl and overhauled. The nos! I lock V 31 1)l'l‘(l!l_\‘llOll.~'L'lll ()ntm‘io. (‘ounty (‘ouncil- 0 101's. .lurynu‘n and others \‘iriling (Johann: will tlml the Bulmm-ul the best house to stop at. . l'. .l. LIHHTBURNH, I’rnprictcr. BE I I O I ‘D Gaze right into YO'UXSI‘S’E ; “i w TI N EY Liunary \\Vin"â€â€œâ€˜ rial SUV ills ‘ E .QOAQ pnnnfoin TOTICE 1s hcrchv given pursuant; to Chap- 1 ter 110. 1:. S. 0.. 1887. and amendin acts. that all persons having claims against t, 0 Es- me or James I L Lowry. 11ch of the Vin of Millbrook. in Lhc (‘oumy 9! Durham. :19 are hereby required to dohvcr thei v "fled and me nature of the securiti . h m, 1.0 A. A. Smith. Miubrook. Ban-is or bcï¬rc the 20m day o_t_‘_ Septemlgcr. 1395, .. .ifm Ja'ï¬ih'iflf «“3“; ill piocce .1 Viéfdvivgfribj the estate of the said degeasod. bm'ang we only to t‘ a claims of which we then shall . notice. \ XECUTORS’ NOTICE t0 GREDITURS Is the Greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. PU RSL‘ANT T0 SEC.36 . CHAP. 110. R.S.O. 1887. notice is hereby giyen tq creditor ATTENTION I UARLESS’ Photo Studio, THE FIRST (IF AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. And get a dozen of his superb Cabinet Photos, which for Finish, Likeness and Durabilityennnot be excelled. We dc- fy competition. Our work is all guar- anteed. Satisfaction our highest aim. \Ye make views of Residences, live stock, etc., very reasonable. Call and inspect our work. No trouble to Show our goods. We pay special attention to the Photography of babies. Don’t for- ï¬at 1he placeâ€"oppm‘ite the Dominfon olel. Call and see our window when in town. F. J. Garless Price 5c- a Copy. By Mail $2 a Year- Addross Till-2 SIN. New York. EYES FRONT, FORWARD, MARCH 2 “ I have suffered for seven or eight years with Itching Piles; the torture and agony I cannot here ï¬nd words to describe. Night after night was kept awake with the painful itching. I tried all the physicians and every known remedy all to no account. not even relief. In talking over my curious trouble with Mr. Chas. Thomson. our well known druggist. he recom~ mended Chase's Ointment. To my wonder and surprise. I got relief from the second applia- tion. I ï¬rmly believe one box sufï¬cient to cure any case of Itching Piles no matter of how long duration. I would not be without it for ten times its cost. In volunteering this testi- mony and my consent for the manufacturers of Chase's Ointment to use it us they wish, it is that like sufl'erers may know they can be cured." Price 60cenbs. sold. by all (lo-axon. Edmun- Ion, Babes 8:. C0,. 'l‘oronlo. ORGANIZATIOUF FARMERS. A FEATURE 0F m DAY. ‘.â€"â€"â€" James Roger» Spool“ Ear-neatly. The development of Farmers' Innituws and other menus'of education on successful practi- cal farming has proven beyond :1 doubt that. the present, day farmer requires to be a student of his work. The most successful ones are not. as a. rule, those who do the greetest amount. of manual labor. but they are found ranking ï¬rst as prize-winners on all agricultural products. James Rogers, is resident of Tilsonburg, Oxford (30., 0nt.. for 45 years. has taken numerous ï¬rst prizes during the your. A Huccessful. reliable man, his statement will be of interest to many: ’I‘IiE SUN. 32 i' ’ (mo. soonmmx. Millbrook. The Sunday Sun THE BALMORAL HOTEl, (MHL‘HCRIA’ T1112 HORTON IIOl'Sl'Z) PIJOTOGRAPHER run SALE on T0 am. MILLBROOK, (HAS. A. IDANA.â€"-EDITO]£. SONS, â€"-T0â€" ONTARIO. ‘ Uurvb‘edas anWï¬ffl are ways fresh, up to date and the pr is right Do you want a Violin, Autoharp, Mouth organ or J ewsharp ‘3 Go to YOUNU’S. Good square Lunch at any hour 15c. Healthv. Fresh Confectionary and lruits : rivintr every week. \\ e have In stock] ‘mmn: L8 ("‘3111'“ Lemons, Apples, Dams and Vi Have eynu seen our nice J a Jelly in 7 lb. Pails, very chm-{F- Millhrook Meat Market Don’t stay outside, and have a. drink Cool, Rfireshixlg, Fresh and Salt Meat always on 11: nd, alsr Fresh Fish in season. If you want a choiqc cut give me a. call and I guarantee salisfat) tion. Everything Fresh and Clean. Or- pers promptlv delivered to any part of 1mm Selling Hats aIOn'VSidC of CI and makes pxices less That’s on? ALWAYS GOOD AT (1 Men's Fux'nishers. The \Vom You were never mm If you like L1) be abrcas of our Leaders for 1895, ica. Our Hats are ALL N Qualities are grandily generous cause we have the biggest Hat] price‘ .133 nothing to :10 \\ i111 nrood a. Hat from (HR (;}" a. little peculiar. “5 ‘ any t1adiLi0nu1 notiéfx we buy direct from th\ Dress Goods Department.’ 1,000 yards l’ongce Silk, sold cvcrywlu-su: al.25c., ourprico ..............,‘.‘w- 1,500 yards l’ongee Silk, sold 1- \ t r \ \\ lu- u at 35c., our price ................ :7“: 200 yards Japanese Silk, fur evening dresses, Wol‘Lll 50¢, our price. . , . . 2:7»; 700 yards Dress Goods, in all unlor s woth‘ 25c" our price ......... . , 2:». 1,800 yards Princess Ma) Coating, m u goods, worLl14Uo., our price. . . . . . . .Jnr Our new Pattern Dresses are selling rupxlllv. Jackets and Hillinery. 10 Ladies’ (;01f Capes, worth S'lS. 00 um price ........................ MIN 30 Ladies’ Jackets, worlh $350 um price. ........,,.<:;..'m ‘25 Ladies’ Jackets, wortl: $5.1m, our price.......... \lm Our Jackets and Car ,cs are the latest 5! y!“ New Millincryellam, Hams, 'l'rimminqrz. Our efforts this smtson haw: “Fm-«.7! L best value we have ever shown in «r2, {i4 one invited to call and 3m: goods “Wu-flu} :» ' not. Remember y0u don’L hmw 1': :. .- debts when you deal with us. Give th Notwithstanding lho fact that may bundle! H m: ‘ cheap. stxll the people know we“ [In-.1 u lmusc \\ i' h u \ capaclty is $2,000,(NJO per year, mu! who :ruyx all A: ~: ,. middle proï¬tâ€"i8 il: a position (I) umlvrsvll :LH comm-l HI CASH AND ()NE PRICE coupled with SMALL l'ifl we are gradually increasing our Lnulv. NH III M '~: 1‘; 4 Hall,GilchrE5t 5»; (.30., '. ROBINSON YOUNG HARRY NATTRASS, Opposite John Gillott Son’s Cabinet Warerooms. Millbrook. F' Soda Fountain. The Best WHER :CROWDS 0F EGDNOMIGAL BUYERS m5 Qboï¬irfl «oz Cow QWMD... O>m1n M m 5.03m THIS WEEK’S LIST OF as RCIX'INs 130, 132 AND I: ï¬nk forV ï¬vthmg PROPRIETOB. but, come which is Invim mu ARE ALW'AYS FU‘I'XD AT thoFo-x'g 8.8.13 all impu pimple t pr) 5“?me L' n unu‘ busy. Cotton and Staph. UK!†yam-ll.» Heumw ‘ LI." in stock I“, rented nuw. 'lhcss and M Hosiery. Gloves and l Rpm ml m uns m (iu'y Hanna] ,4, I: BURDO mi 10 Olll‘ ‘3' on Fl; u'i Ulll I 10.9: ll!‘ ndcr“ car â€nods l I In- we MI: uf SPOT “HT! 'liNS "\N “'HLL. 171(51'5 ‘3' Mid 3991 hose buying Y‘}‘ W hvw- l‘" 1" mm! Ml“ our m d UN. 0‘ 1m