Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 19 Sep 1895, p. 2

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., 7 7' A‘ (J Q . :1 C/ J > ._ Hood’ssafifiimflures no grip in the \\ mm it what 1 nwvu ‘smiflaclury, am! 1 r: 311 who are :zmxcml Hood's Sarsapariua Gave Perfect Heait‘n. Sarsavflri “33’ Ne Strength, No Ambition “C. l. H :ammions caused always keep "M 1m! use it wht‘n Hood' 4 Pills on h J. W. Dvnmx w no! purse, paid "I Groceries, ‘ fimals. The Inllmvin: terchant tailor Hood's Pius Aftw the Grip We Lead. We Never Follow. mu M r 0U I! LINES ARE Flam? 23¢ Breakfast Bracken, Massware, H Food I St. ( - pm: 1;" ‘ mt‘mblc. and do _)c.5ui~1b)' .Jl drums“. '011,Mass.: mm: to say-that Hood's s l’ilh have done me a 12:: a. severe attack of ad after getting over the 9 yman v Brunswick in .m a well-known or strength, and had pan-ma proved to be n-sulm were very ‘nal this medicine to lunxmatism or other ‘1 Regular Jim-flu: of the flu-ou- Bum-Gu- lAIrzl- Board and Small Pricesâ€"Few 'l‘rnnnartlons. At the meeting; or the I‘cterboro' Cheese Board, Tummy, the fuliowin ' buyers were present zâ€"Mcssrs. Uiuxmn, \\ righten,Coox, Hudgson, Fitzgerald and Jones. ,,I:_n .Ll ,_sA__¢:“ -t ‘1... ll'lugauu, l ALObvt.â€"-‘- w-uv- u vâ€"‘w' Mr. Cook called the attention of the Board to the fact um many of the makers neglected to send scale boards with their cheese 10 the warehouses. This neglect did much towards facilitating the entry of skip- v-crs into the cheese, and hereafter be pro- posed to charge the factories with the scale Luards, which he had to place in the boxes. w. U..- vâ€"v, Mr. Drummond cautfnnml the mnkcré against becoming slovcnly and neclccbful in this part iculnr.‘ a-” . . .. 1 . AI There were 4,619 boxes boarded by the following factories: â€" The bidding was opened by M r. Cluxton, who ofi‘ered 7c. for selections. Mr. Jones resc to 7 1-16, Mr. Cook to 7,, Mr. Wrighton to 7 3-16, Mr. Hodgson to 71, Mr. Jones to 7 7-16, Mr. Cook to 75 and Mr. Jones to 7 9-16. There being no higher offers Mr. Jones named Frazer-ville, Peterborough, tobcaygeon, Bensforb and Pine Grove, whzch refused. Central Smith, TrewernJakefield Sorth Smith, Lnkeview, Keene. and Cherry (Iroye accepted, Good ones are wanted. Those 11 on them and hem four to eight. ‘ld sells well enough bu; lllrv rounh s are not wanted at all. P 1-1 : rule ' to 36 per head mostly, 11. fem ibuicc firm mane. 7 cows and spdngersâ€"Nm mam 1 and the market continues: r11 ‘13 :ly at from 8‘20 to $35 per head.l.4.1.i gers are \v.ante(l lousâ€"Olferings were no: so heavy 111 this cto- (1:13, but a’still the tone of trade is .eak. Good bacon hogs weighing from 160 201) lbs sold for Hope 1' 1b, fed and water- ed, or 40 per lb weighed off the cars. \Ir. Harris {mid $1. 60 per cw: for some of the best hogs. Fat thick hogs fetch He per lb. 01113 good hogs are wanted at, the plices Mr. Hodéson rc-opened bidding at 73c for further selections. Mr. Cook raised to 7?; and named Norwood. \Vesbwood, Melrose Abbey, Ormone, Warsaw, Warminster, Shearer, Peterboro', Maple Leaf, Lang. wisy 1). Bensfort, Fleetwood and Perry- ‘ 11 of whxch refused, ‘ offers being made the board ad- wo wecbs, to meet at 11 o’clock en the last half of Aug- bulf of September make J. B. Thomson, BS ., of the firm of'Thom- son 15:03., Builders, Bolyat. Sm, Toronto, Ont., writes: “ I have had Dyspepsia for If: yours. very bad at times; have tried a number of doctors and patient medicines, but could get no permanent. relief. I pur. a package of K. I). C., and before I had finished i_t. the symptorpg wore 9:11 gone, om} finished it. the sym toms were all gone, and I now enjoy better ealth than I have had for years. I can recommend it. to any one.” A new use for flypaper was discovered by the Cottage Grove avenue police recently, when they arrested John Berger at St. J ames’ Catholic church. ’or some time Father McGuire has notic- hat the poor boxes placed at the church were not yielding as much money as erly. On one occasion one of the boxes broken and the contents taken, but the net of the later robberies was not dis~ red until the day of the arrest. John . n and John Kennedy constituted them- lves n. committ:e to ferret out the culprit. y kept strict watch and when they saw er lingering suspiciously near one of they notified the police station, and were sent to the church. The front entrances were guarded, and an est Boner. The .luoiod‘ boom: ............ \\’urminister ...... Shearer ........... \‘cntral Smith ..... North Smith. . . . . (‘hcrry Grove. . \\':v.rsaw. . ........ Westwood ........ Oukllulc .......... Missing Link ..... Nor“ 00d ......... )Iclrose Abbey. . . . Lnkerield. . . . . . . . Pine Grove ....... l‘eterhorouglx . . . . ()tonulwe Union. . . Maple Leaf ....... Myrtle ........... Ormmxde ......... Young‘s Point . . . . Lang ............. Fmserville. . . . . . . North Dummer. . . Bubcaygeon ...... lakcview ........ 'l'recwcrn ........ Bensfott ........ Cedar-dale. .. r . . . Stony Lake ...... Ida. .......... . . . . Millorook ....... Mount Pleasant. . Perrytown ....... Blackstock ...... Daisy 1) ......... Fleetwood.~. . . . . . Darlington Union Geneva...... Crown ........ . .. ROBBED .1 CHURCH WITH FLI- PAPER. PETE" 1:01") CHEESE BOARD. f ten head, averaging 0 Mr. Dunn for $2.70 so kind :ch wanted. rude was «1mm, today, and wcthers sold for r lb. and bucks 3c per 1b. we sheep sold for $3.90 per cph Lunness has bought a 1011 he will ship out no J. Sun- .9 for London. lehs wvrc , selling at, on an average, 3c to One bunch sold for $22.60 per , lbs 11W an‘oad of cattle, 1.260 lbs Fer lb; one curload mule, ch e;rlb one car-load o rage, 4;" e per lbs, less cuthle,l ,‘290 lbs in craze, , ,1 were dull a13c to 35¢ {03?}; lec-lcx uying for the outside Elf/and generally the market 't for anything but really )nly about a. couple of car- )lontreal. Some of the ld for flu per 1b, the ruling on to medium cattle run- up to Life per l‘). Good per lb and choice for 33: ling was Weak. Most of done in small 101.51 at so (1 enough of them could mvthe true state of the ve quotations are right. dsâ€"Outsidc of a few light re being picked up by and Hnnnisett for Dr. hwest much there is prac- ing (mm: in that line. the. \‘lClnlLy of 21.6 per Thompson and Halli- xying feedch for the dis- had only a light run to- g from» $2.7m) to $2.75 :TOCK JIARKETS‘ whter to-day, only 40 car- cling of trade was not -e receipts included 656 lambs and about ‘26 in moderate attend- buying very freely. I, weak. was quiet. There Buying was slow. y from $3.60 to .. really choice. , in the region of attic not going als:â€"0ne car- W'te, $3.60 per 'l’uxox'ro, Sept. 1311.. BOXES .140 .133 4,619 112 ")0 70 100 112 100 .150 125 115 1‘25 100 2310 l 60 l 53 70 105 130 51 91 108 HOW IT OURBD MRS. SOMERVILLB 0F BRANTPORD ller Case [lad nailed Ten Years or Troul] menu-The Trouble Brought an Ivy an attack of Typhoid Feverâ€"5‘!“- l~z Mal“! Enjoying Good Ilonllh. From the Brnntfonl Nationalist. That ‘Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are a favorite medicine in Brantford and vi- cinity will be readily borne out by the local druggists, and that much sufl'er- mg has been aleviated by the use of this wonderful healer, is amply shown by the number of strong statement:- in favor of Pink Pills from this section. PAnd yet the number of cases published is small in comparison with the total number that have found benefit from the use of this great blood builder and nerve restorer. It is true that Pink Pills are» us-d in many ca-;es to tone up the system, enrich the blood and stim~ ulate the nerves where no serious ill ness exists: but it is equally true that in many cases in which they have been lused, other medicines have failed, and the result achiex ed by Pink Pills may very truly be characterized as marvel- lous. The editor of the Canadian Na- tionalist came across just such a case recently. It is that of Mrs.'S. Somerâ€" ville, a wellâ€"known and highly respect- ed resident of this city. Mrs. Somer- ville does not seek notoriety, but is willing that a statement of what Pink Pills have done for her shall be made public in the hope that some other suf‘ ferer may be benefitted thereby. “My illness at first," said Mrs. Somerville, “ was a serious attack of typhoid fever Although I recovered from the fever it left its effects that have caused me many years of misery. The doctor said that my blood had become impregnat ed with poison and that it would take a long time to eradicate it. The trouble seemed to have its chief seat in my limbs, which caused me a great deal of pain. For about ten years I continued doctoring, not continually, but at times. and I tried many reme- dies without permanent results. This went on until the end of ’93, when I became so much crippled up that l dis- pared of getting relief. I had read much of the remarkable cures through the use of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills and became interested in them. One day Iasdcd my physician if I might try them. He gave his permission and I began using them. By the time the third box was finished I found myself \ery much improvedâ€"in fact the pains had entirely left me and I was grow- ing healthier and more fleshy. I con- tinued using the pills until I had tak- en six boxes more, when I felt that I was entirely cured, and was enjoying better health than I had done for years, I am satisfied that to Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills ' " "W T, have implicit confidence in their cura- tive power, and shall continue to re commend them to other sufferers. . nd s ectiox . Elc :Lors are called upon to examine t c said list. and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein. to mko immediate nancccdings to have the said errors corrected according tn law. i Dated at Bzxilieboro this 5th day of Sept., 1895. VOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- ; mitted or deiivered to the persons men- tioned in sections 3mm! 6 of the Voters‘ Lists Act. 18 . the copies reqiured by mid sectiot :1 to be so transmitted or delivered 01‘ the said list, made gumuant to said act, of all persons appearing: y the hmt revised Asses<ment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the mid municipality at elections for mom- bersof the 1 .islative Assembly and at. Muni- cipal Elections. and that said "st was first post ed up at my office at. Bailieboro on the firm day of Septemhep, 1895, and {eniains there for ‘in- Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are not a patent medicine, but are a. long-tried prescription acting up- on the blood and nerves. They are of great value as a. tonic during recovery from acute diseases, such as fevers, etc., building up the blood and system, preventing the often disastrous after effects of such troubles. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 50 cents: a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addrcw ing the Dr. V ’illiams’ Mcdicinc Co , Brockvillo, Ont. Refuse all imitations and substimiee. MUNICIPALITY OF TH E TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH MONAGIIAN, COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLANI), ONE 01“ THE UNITED COUNTIES OF NOR- THUMBERLAND AND DURHAM. MUNICIPALITY" OF THE TOWNSHIP 0FCAVAN,COUNTYOFDURHAM, ONE OF THE UL'I'I El) COUNTIES OF NORTHUMBERLAXD A ND DURHAM. TOTICE is hereby given that I have. trans- m_1tted 0; delivered to the persons men- tipned m sccnonszi an 6 or the Onmrio Voters’ Luis Act. 1889. the covies required by said sec- tiqns to be so tmnsxnitted or delivered 01' the 5m“ 11%. mngde pursuant to said act» of all per- sonsa pearln. by the last revised Assessment Rollo the smumnnieiqalipy to beentitlcd to -.-A.. 1.. .LA .. __, ,- .7“ V” . ---------- yuul. nu uu uuuuuu l/U vote in the sand municipality at elections for members of the ‘chislatlive Assembly and at Mvmeipal Elections. and that said list, was first. I )Stcd up at my; Office at Millbrook on the 10th out otSept., 1890, and remains there for mspec- 1’on. _Electors_arc called upon to examine the said lxst. and. If any omissions or any other errors are found then-elm to take immediate pmcccfiings to have sand errors corrected ac- cordin to law. _ Dam; at Millbrook Lhm 10th day of Sept. 1895. GEO. SOOTHERAN, Clerk of the said Municipnlity. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ‘nANVERs, COUNTY OF DUR- HAM, ONE OF TH E UNITED COUN- TIESOF NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM. N011”: la hereby given that I have trans- t‘ atrimmed or delivered to the persons mcn- 13181;; )1 3 ‘tionss and 6 of the Ontario Voters' ti ‘ -9 . 19, the copies required by said sec- °%o be s Lmnsmxtted or delivered of the hat. made ursunnt to said act, of all per- 8 aflpcm‘m y the last Revised Assessment 9 the a“ d municipality to be entiLlcd to n the said municipality at elections for not the Legislative Assembly and at lEloctions. and that said list was first atm office at Bethany on the mth “ er. 18:15.and__re_muins the for VOTERS' L181‘. 1 895 VOTERS' L IST. 1 805 A FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION. YOFERS' LIS'l‘, 1 895. A. MAYCOCK. Clerk of the said MlIMcilmlity 1.5293. 00rr>mm. . mr>zxm4m. At Lowest. Pricos Ciflhu)‘. .‘\“ war]: shop keeps an up to date stock, in fact. {here is nothing new in Jewellery that we do not try to get as soon as its out. Ghe- me a. ,,,,-n 1:, ,u A You want to know where to got a suitable bride’s present, Wedding Ring. etc. A: 1). 1595. ,TOTICE is hereby given that nmulimtim 1 will be made to the Surrogate (hurl n; the United Counties of Nor!lmmhnrlmul um! Durham before LhuJurlge in (flmmhw :1! Nu» Courtllmwc. in tha‘ Town 01‘ (‘nlmu :xi'tcr the expiration of lu'cnly days from the lir~1 pnblicut ion hereof on behalf or “some 'l‘hm-n, of the Township of Cavzm. in llw (‘numy v." Durham.ycomon. {or an nrdcr :xppninling 1 lw said George Thorn. guardian of [10.1er Fmivr Thorn. an infant, beneficiary \ ' filo“: ill; will 01' < . Our New Fall Semis are arriving" (fizzi’iy. Mantles = . . Capes . . . Dress Gooiis o . . We are in a heater position than ever to meet the wage: of our customers. W e have ea: 61 no efforts 0 make our: mm inviting 3 In the Surrogate Bauri 0% {he Enitefi Bounties of Narthzzmberiamfi and Durham. THE UNDERSIHNEU IS T‘RF, SUPPLY .\LL KINDS Kelasg WI :73 MILLER, PORT HOPE CUTE Inflammatory Rhmmtn: _ a“!!! by an exam of ur' arm in “.23 blood. Paralydn h nmrly :1 (haul (in 7.1.3.- tiOn produced by impure and i'np m lshcd Hood. So-canod neuralgia, m' ".‘va $hixh is sciatic :‘houmali:m; ncmffljfio rheumatism is herodimry: syph i3 Mic results from Whilis; gout is cauwd by With “VIBE; sluggish circulation uii'ecu the heart. “iuumu m1 cum" RHEUMMISFfi 5% G83}: Vfid't'édnt Millbrook, this 2m. «1n;- RJARR .1131) Thus the whole line of rhcurfiauc (‘xiscazcs owe their being to an affected cix- u‘mtion of impure blood. No person can sufl'cz- a rheumatic pain that has a. free and cqlml circulation of pure blood. and thic :lG- counts for Scott‘s Sarmpnriila curing the supposed incurable msw. : emanate- all rheumatic poiscns and mid: imm the blood and cum" es the -i.c..;ation. SCOTT'S SmN :LCAP levzn‘ro anucv con-Dumas Wesley Armstrong, IF YOU'RE TO BE GEORGE BY R. RUDDY. his -N EV?- mu :1 can comssa, “I" Nut-x m WHIPS and BUGS, ”UN 1) of Aug“ 'I‘HO‘RN. Solicitor. m 23%? Far) Work .3. / K FOR SALE BY WHEN EN : : z: 2:2:PETERBORO A}? AN ANN SE BUB BABY CABRIAGES. 3111:1111 Prices and we Will open your eyes in Barâ€" 1:1.1113 in Trunks, Valises, Summer Rugs, Dog 11mins R“; cling Saddles, Foot Balls, Wagons, Harness, Lacrosse Sticks Dog Collars. All of. her voods 1n our line we keep in stock and 17.7111 sell 17011 on the smallest margm of 'orofit HORN FLY OINT- -â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"~~- MENT. APPLE PAR- Idyl W11 ERS,LANTERNS and SUMMER RESORT all fall requirements Rice Lake» Ontario. RE-OPENE01 A. 1:. SPELLMAY Lcscoc :1)? he iai’lnel’ (Clarydon Hou‘w‘u: if“? t' ' JUNE Ist. I s. '1‘. SPELanfogfixgéfi) 3% SfiQRTLY, tym BOO C ‘iyant BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES {S or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. 5;. H. STRATTON 8: CO. Our Books are Manufactured specially by the EX- amimr Printing Co. Lt’d., for the Peterboro’ Bock- stere. The Paper is exceptionally good and the filming is guaranteed to last with ordinary care until the book is used. n "TOY YOUR iii IIII iIIImigS Mice Supplies Tl/717)/) fialden Anvil 0m Booksmm 101] (”if/ELSE 82 CLARKE LARI )IN I (i reatiy Red uced. Nunthly ‘r‘ag‘hiun Shmet, S pagm, distributed gratis to our cusL-mmrs :g( (‘ ."uulagur: l a]! and \\ inlm 1895 6,1(Mpnges 1.5 cents. M nuhM iklinmtm' munt'hl), 11:2 pxwes, 4 colored plates, $1. 00 per Year 'n.l:u‘..\l:!:_r1/im- nmmlniy, ‘4!) pngos, 50 cents per your. M‘ QQQ‘L’S OILS SIGN OF 7‘le of Patterns FOR SALE. ’z/ /\ 5 7/6/3752 Thflil "W. S. PICKUP, Prices .2 % mg} -119 George Street, I’ctcrborough. I Lama“ fiUfiSFGRD; MACHINE OIL, Champion Gold Medal ”ii of the Dumin (“x Nude-r Nil will wear twice as long as any mhm' make. AGENTS FOR STANDARD PATTERNS. \'\'}mlcmlo and Retail Agent for Mimn'nok wméK )rknmw nutimm 3‘“ ARE THE BEST. Elf uu' (‘urri'mv Shnp I am NC ‘1' w-nt the 'I'IIOL' \NI) 1 wa‘ :0 vmmmml..z Hwy :vr . 'l‘llrir substantial and s1: mix‘ r anything in this I]! {K I ; u prqmrud tnlmild nixâ€"hip and material! will In x; yml_ (-nn. cot. your wnr‘ rcmsn'ml m Mlllln‘onk: ‘ '1'» ul‘ :1, Ii:‘<é-cl:L-'s Um‘rmm :0 Shop I am now pray-11w! l0 rumivn n"dur.< for all ‘l‘HUl'SAXD [MAX )5 CARRIAGEVLL, (:rnmmq II‘ III. :I..~' HII‘_\' :II‘II known I';u‘:II:.". IILIIII‘ :I.~ I'I III Izrv: l" ~I: IIIIizII and sIIIisII \IIII'k Is IIIII I‘IIIIIIII: IIimI m‘ IIIII II‘ hing' III IIII< I‘IIIc Io giIII Inc :I. cm! lu-I‘mI- IIIH‘ IIIMI‘ (Id Inme :IIIthiII: “'01“ :I \\ IIII MI my. to II: III-rial will be such IIIIII iL \IIII be MM 0 giIc :I â€";\~T THEâ€"â€" Patterns that were 40 30 June Rm Rates for f: 20 Beuutfi sale. ‘ Furthc SPELL 'I‘hk brcczb :md bt-au‘xifn! Lluntl Summr-r loser! opcm-d lnrlhc Sc . u n!‘ 1*" 'un Jum 151 under mu“ m: m kcnwm “ox-Kant lznprm - - month have been cth' ('tm‘ ognipnwnl and grounds. Sluc win ‘V‘mur' , dining room and v' H10 comfort, :Im' guests inmyovcr‘ Boats and m the Island she Tennis. and r‘ rccreat ions. . .u-u‘ .qunntb'vu uh a. Na} [UH Ilj..un:. Sunday Schools. Chm-chm, and Soviet i<~< who run-[mac holdinga picnic or cxmn-sinn during the summer, are requested to connmnzimtv will: the com (my. Slmmch Manners. lowly :ccncry. dclig )qul sail, everything: first-claw. Address. R. S. DAVIDSON. Summary. The company mmph‘tol :11 1:111:01 mm s w11h the Grand runk and (" nndiun I‘m-ilk- Ruilways 141111111, o\('ux‘sinn< mau‘ in- 1': Mr 11 km: :11. 1’ cturborou l1,ll.1r\\oml.m' II 1<1111gs. frmn an) poim on 1.10 Midlmd l>i\1.-innof1hc U .1111! ’l‘ 1‘unk lh1i_lwn.y._ at 11.1513 low 1 gm- LYING on the waters between I’oicrhor- ough and Jubilee Point. and My] \\'ild Spmmcr Rworts Hum-00d, Keane and Has- uggs. is open fur: chm-ma H0 ! F03 RIDE LAKE. The Peterborough Navigation Company’s “ CITY 8F PETEBBUHUUGH " 373 GEORGE STREET, Largo New Palm i511 Side-When! Excursion tbctuncx‘ Sign of the Horscnl the Door XII/L L BRO OX. 0 give :1 wrilu-n ‘rho'rb‘ UGHT WEEC’ET SUMVEER CLO??? 5 N6 . 'W'hite C It WEE! pay you to Buy ,now, As the Discount will be at kegst Twenty-five per cent. TRW'S CABLE WW E} ‘0LLI C sf C031»), ‘ 0| 1 f ~ Yo“ may need a Bibie Or a Prayer Book! SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. GEGRGE STREET. - PETERBDROUGH Blazers, Light- -we1 ight Tr rousers Light Merino Underwear Unlined Coa‘rs Duck Light-weig every d Boys and Shildren’s; - flaming. F‘ m SALE 1 French Cambric Shits Unlined Coats and Vests Balbriggan Underwear Fine Cotton Underwear. Negligee Shirts. Collars. C flaws}; F553, THECQOK'S BESTFRIEND 8 hill” 6}! See Our Window Ial‘EOS xiined Coats and Pan . LeBRUN§Co. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. FfiR TWEE‘éTz’fiE YEARS. Ahcr uhorough mspec- htmu. thln mm: '(Jlt makes of Pianos; zmd ()mzms OHC)‘ you the best and at prices which defy competi- tion. Call and act our WC HIT prim and % the Value Knocked Off Hardware flex-chants Pu re Paris Green, Grass Scythes $03.12 D HALI‘IR IN 5m? Hay Forks. Armstrong \l‘H} uffs and Ties. Grgans AND Mata Bua m1 terms ascvimi Rake 1 posmon 10 8'. its of iption. E WERE Finish, ()IIQ'. Removed ! To my new Block on the Corner of King and Tupper Sts. Where I will be pleased to meet all my old Customers and as many new ones as may favor me wig: a call. Ne 01:9 Too Rich UP Toe Poor and buy Thcsc arc the pcuplc we are looking for yesterday, today and to-mormw. Will you he a money saver .’ If so mnzo ‘Nartman’s Patent Fence ! COMPOUND. A recent discovery by mold physician. Succemnym monthly by thousands 1 Ladies. Is the oniy perfectly We and reliable medicine dis- . «1. Beware of unprinciplcd dmggists who 1 1 -rior medicines in place of this. Ask for c on 1 ‘ 0mm Boot Compound. take mantis“- .u.1. (r 1.1'. ~C$1 nude cents in postage in letter :121 ivm \'.111.¢' d. malui by rt‘tummau. Mm cuws '3 fall: envelope, to ladies only. 8 ..,._,s. Addrcs: The Cook Company, Windsor. Or‘ . Cum-An. ll! [CC 424 George-st, TORONTO and NONTREAL LiNE The micrulid Royal Mail Stcmnorx‘ "Spartan." ”Alma-hm," “ ‘usqu-L" ”Cm-shun." lane 'l‘m‘mno daily (Sunday: (‘xcv vtcd! at 2 mn. ('all m lwwmmxvillv. l‘ox‘l I mw. (blxnxrg. Kingston. 1000 lalnudx HmvkviH-x Prescott. ‘nrnwafl. page through Thousand bland»: and {L'Xllid.~ M the St. Lawrenvc by daylight. :u'riu' at Montreal 6:290 l.lll.. returning lvnvc Montreal 103.111.. atso ml in}: at Bay or Quintc ports. 310315 and lxtrthim-Zudud in (are going wcsl. also going cut in September. RECHELIEU BNTABIB Navigation Go. E12251: gi: Sol-HE" , I .uggisia onsgna; antee. 1'0; a. lame Bad: or Chestuse SHILDH'S BELLADON NA PLASTEREIO. A are yum: yawn-LFThis remedyisgmmn; tccd he sure you. Pncawcta. Injector-nee. 13.5 has. - 5:00 a uni}: promptly m where all orE- s 1..i Cau'vhs, Croup. Bozo 71:03:, 1-31: :‘seness, k' sepia Cough and Asthma. T: or Con-sum :2 it as no rival: HUSH-2113', PRINTS, TABLE Ll NEXS DRESS (IUUDS Hutu! ”luck. 1 )ppnsitc Examiner Office, George Street. Peterborough Tnxa ( '21: i . '1‘ s. BATESON, 33m g’sfgémman Miss Rudkins E3183 EELVILLE i in D‘iillbrook and everywhere I y 31! of “in“ ii) the rod Ill To Save a. Dollar. In 1 w. ‘1! “Oct MISS MELLVILLE, For Sale bv A. 1.5.1911. HAMILTON LINE. u vi JS, I‘ARASOLS, uwvns, TOWELLIxus, N113“, SHEETINGS. STRA W HATS. 1 upon xlwir Lam». \ .us (-u‘r pulcnlml ngt‘own hill. ::k 7:09 :21 1313:}; pro_mptly gum oek’sCottonfloot reductions in child ummcr Bonnets 'I‘IIOS. HARKXI per yar 'h 13.108 doulfl RENE!!! Sat Nile: inn Peterborough, Hamilton" 10:: v0 noon. 'l'ommu a Bay of Quimc Thursday ax <1_ 3‘ [camcr includml icsizns m Mon I‘IIH ('m‘anvilli- l'.() Work I! SI Hail l-‘vncc :lghun. and rs. or build This k 1hr won‘t six. N only aim .Seh ' â€"A smart 1K printing busiuos Office. â€"Harry Kem watch repairs. tried him. â€"Hear the 1' Toronto, â€"Mr. H.1’. on Honda} nigh! fish to Buffalo 3 â€"In the P Monday evening â€"â€"-“ Ireland 2 subject of the k be entertaining: â€"M r. S. W. 1 morning for Co? the jury at the z â€".\[r. H. R. â€"$100,000.0# [oanat- 5 per cc: Millbrook‘ â€"Mr. and J and son uf Um ema} hump Sum -â€"Recve Fer: on Tuesday on “ with the Counti â€"Mr. and 1 two childmn ‘ their cousins, 1 Mrs. Henkle or Mrs. Alex. children. Glad} visiting friem Springvillo. pmperties v.1 Gm. Soornm great Cheaper 121 Call and DI‘PMhLd was also one of ‘ mm at the [min his three year 0} -â€"Im Nauru. ing a sore hand as the other is I manage to drive see him recover PETER Readers Gramm phies, I Etc, Et -â€"â€"()n1y 23c J anuar'y nPX!‘ a. sum-m.” a name at nncv m: neifi‘n‘w! visitin â€"I'pw:u~d of 50 acres up to ‘ prices and up m Gm. Smmmm â€"Tbe Rev. 1‘ is expected to p in church hero (k'tober, “club: will also addms: â€"-To band L12 of No. l pmnd soft coal for use Eve â€"\Ir. and 1 Hope- who had months, beent Mrs. A. W Ebc mll THURSDAY, For further pa. PRI NG _-M rs. Leon FIN SCRIB: 011109 and Y Business Co] Elaiv (If H l'r TO W it)!" C lml TBAC] BUS: Ru:

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