look around, h. See last fur big bar- :5. Remember f all goods need. in price (Won-o took advantage of seVeral Mill'brook errors in the first tyo innings to lead 6 to 0 at the end of the second, Mill- brook picked up two runs in the third with Dorothy Hutch- inson hitting, her sixth home run of the year, and singles by Elaine Bain, Mary McDowell and Norma Earl. Millbrook was held sooreless in the fourth and fifth innings While Orono picked up flour rims to lead 10 to 2 after 5 inningS. Mill‘ Orono girls defeated Mill- brook-11 tio 6 last Wednesday night ' at. Oron-o in the first game of their best. three out five final series. EDDIE RUNS BY HUTCHIN-SON, MCDOWELL FAIL TO STEM TIDE 98th. Year. No. 34. Carrots 11-»: «new: ‘MNSDM‘HIO bunch.» Take your Victory Bonds to the nearest Toronto- Do'mz'nion Branch Y our ONE STOP centre for exchanging your VICTORY BONDS The valuable rights offered to holders of Victory Bonds expire on September 15. To be certain-of obtaining all the beneï¬ts of the Conversion we strongly recommend that you convert your Victory Bonds to Canada Conversion Bonds. The advan- tages of the right to convert will be lost after Sep~ tember 15. Act now. Bring your Victory Bonds to any branch of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. TH‘ IANK THA?.LO°KO QHIAD We will. 0 Pay you an immediate cash adjustment. 0 Carry out the exchange without delay. 0 Deliver your new bonds directly to you or hold them for you in safekeeping as you wish. Engagmem . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hub- beard wish to arm-ounce the iengagement of their daughter Wilma to Ambrey Smith son (of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, lBath-urst, N.B. The wedding to Rake place on Saturday, September 20th, 1958, in the jPenteo’ostal Church, Peterbor- iough, at 2.00 o’clock. I This was a well earned vie. Itory for the 0mm, girls, as: ithey played. very good ball jfhpoug’hout the game. Oron-o ‘had 3 errors and lost no time in taking advanaage of Mill- brook's 9 errors. The second game of thi: series will be at. the local Fair Gdouznds tomorrow 11 i g h t (Friday, Aug. 22) at 7 p.m. Let’s all turn out and cheer our girls to victory. Millbn‘ook played without their star third baseman Mair-g Armstrong, who was away on vacation. Marg’s absemce left quite. a hole in tt’he Millbrook lineup, oF-pecital'ly her batting. Marg has hit six home runs and seven triples ti) date, in- cluding three home runs and a triple in the last three. games". brook scored 3 runs in the sixth while Omno pie-kd up One. A home run in the seven- th by Mary McDowell, her eighth 1of the season, with no one on base, ended the scoring for lVIilIbrook. ELBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 191958 In Grades 11 and 12 because; of alteration in some («ourses inJ Millbrook, we must take these two grades together. Here,I fiVe «out of tweutyasix were not ; promoted. That is 81% were; .promoted. This will compare: lvery favourably with any} 1 1 lstehotol. In Grade 13 our De-i ipartmental results were 75%! g’ successful. .‘ l Milflsbr-bvok ' firemen were ca] 1- ed 'th Bailieboro on Tuesday (line to a field being on fire. A bus will leave the Mil-l- b'rook \Vajting Room at 8.30 A.M. on Thuvsday, August??? ï¬or Toronto Exhibition. Any person wishing to go, please noï¬fy Miss Mina GibSOH at earliest conveniehce. Return fare $2.65. In View of these ï¬gures, we feel satisfied thaf Millbrook High School is giving satis- factory service. Anyone who doesn‘t think so; should get the corresponding figures from gather principals and be con- Vinced. CHARTERED BUS FOR TORONTO EXHIBITION In Grade 9 Ionly two out of the twenty who finished the ‘year were not promoted. In other Worlds 90% of the class} were pnomoted. Some princi-J pals say they promote only; ‘about 60%. In Grade 10, two! out of the fifteen 'Were n‘otl' promoted. That is, 86% were: promoted. Many school-s pro- mote less than 70%. J Voice 9f Millbrook in our high school, I wish to publish a few facts .tp show that the results in our school are better than average. Because there are some: re- ports being circulated in Mill- brook of poor Work being done Dear Edition m ERROR-REPORTER Authorized as ï¬nd class mail Yours truly, R. W. Goheen. I“! 00. i I wish to thank Dr. M. E. Hobbs, Sisters of St. Joseph’s QHaspital, Mm Lav. M. Fallis, The Ladies" Auxiliary to the Oanadian Region, and «to others who sent cards and letters when~ I was (gonfined to hos-1 } pital. Lloyd Peel. ‘ 1 1 How the fire started is not known but. it sure cleaned up. The ‘Iocal brigade Was called out, but there w‘asdn'Oth- ing they could do as there was no water of any account around that was .atwairlable. However due to dryness they prevented the fire from spreading through the grass and reaching a swamp back of the property, had the fire got. in there it would have caused much trouble. A large crowd gathered to View the spectacle. Mmelf, in a looking glaSs â€â€œ11 at the same falr Sno'opin,’ around a groecry storeI ‘ ' "' ' and looking over the “baI1:dâ€I MY WHIPPED CREAM boxes of breakfaSt fIOOdS I; 4 I ’ ‘ ' 11011111211111 Wh 11 ‘had be1:1;)m19 an “Form. " “Sunny Jim†“ Toy Gusto " “Vim †“Valta -1\Iitaâ€, I 11.11. that used to 011111111 aI prominent place 011 Iflhe shelf And «if anv giocery 9110110. Ma1beI Mr. Walter Coombe Could tell I’ll put it on my jelly t00, us he probably sold plenty ofI And smear it Ion my bread it in his day. IWhich I have had to eat witliout - IB efore I went, to bed. JIMMIE WIDDIS’ FARM I I 'l'll put it here I ll put'it thére, EMPTY BUILDINGS ON I I II put it everywhere JIMMIE WDDIS’~ FARM ' IAnd eat myseif to death bo- IIf Ma1 goes first and I remain, 'IIo tread life’ S path alone; [’11 have Whipped cream on apple sauce ‘ 0n mv loneiv pie. .â€"â€"_.-.â€" These were all in a dilapidat- ed condition, no one living on the premises for many years, henn- the loss in. this regard was not too heavy. Fire Monday evening about 7.30 broke out at the Jas. Widdi-s’ farm on the Pontypool mad about two miles “Test of Millbrook, and ' destroyed everything in the way of build- ings. The house, barn and Sheds were all consumed. f Nathan Haw and Jack Goul- ter changing the entrance to !'W00ds Resturant The double doors were remloved and a. single 1 put in its place. Nice going Alex! Make it harder for them to get (out once you get ’em in there! The usual number {of} side- walk superintendents keeping an eye Ion the mange-over work at Woods Restaurant. Don’t know What we (“(1 do, withouf these felkows tn get in the road and mavbe Offer 1111-: necessary suggestions besides.| I ‘ 1 x 1 1 \ I Misses Hutchinson, 5Smi1’h and Gib‘bg Wlkiug up the street with a smile on their faces. Who wouldn’t look happj after working in the money all day? It’s great. fun to see it, handle it, and count it, even if it isn’t. yiour own. Theie ladies are employed at The Torontoâ€"Dominion Bank. Mr. Scott and Mr. Kel- le’ot traring the no-‘of of the \Vai‘ting Room. Another goiod sign that Fall is just around the breakfast table as well as the flies. ! Eddie Nattress and John '.Tinney pulling ioff the strong man stunt. .by pushing a, car along to Reid’ 5 Garage. Talk about. a balky horse or stub- born mule, but when, you get a car that won ’t budge you have the above two combined. We, understand after giving it a drink ‘of gasoline it was satis- fied and‘went on its way with no more antics. Seen On King Stre During The Week CARD 01' THANKS «a.» .r v,"â€" .‘hiud her, On the road. I have ï¬g tread! ‘ Also noticed. among the prize ‘xflgl‘m was . Mn: Lean-a rd Mc- Neill, another Gavan farmer, who scored Wins in the hog division of the liveï¬â€™fï¬ck sec- tion at the same fair. ‘ ROBERT ARMSTRONG or GAVAN WINS AGAIN Mr. Robert Armstrong, a former member of the Gavan Council, was again successful at the Peterborough Fair held This min-1h, with his exhibits. Mr. Armstrong won first for best bale {of first-cut hay of this year", and was also first in class for winter wheat. Cron- gra‘tulat-ions ‘ ‘ Bobbie ’ ’ . mm-mmvmwmmvmmw LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WVMHV-‘Jhmmï¬'ï¬â€˜lflm PROBLEMS sâ€"â€"z $â€"â€"â€"â€"!$â€"â€"2 7 If you have steady employment and would like to budget - your 'Pliimbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. "Tarzan’s Fight ‘ For Life" With Gordon Scott 'Gunman’s Walk' "IMITATION GENREAL" Attention Home Builders We now have a plan that shall take care of your Plumbing and Heating- MON . lequire Plumbing, 8 Heating Phone B'ailieboro 30 Phone Millbmok 871‘3 With Van Heflin, Tab Hunter and Kathy Grant THURS. â€"- FRI --'SAT AllLTochmieolor' Show DIAL COLD SPRINGS 37-R-22 HASSON MACHINERY, (OLDSPRINGS . YOUR AGENT FOR Cockshutt â€"- DeLaval -â€" FarmHand â€"- Reliance SERVICE AND SALES Invites you to see our display of Haying equipment; test it, price it, drive it,â€"you’buy it. Great Army Comedy With Glenn Ford, Red Buttons and Taina. Elg $1.50 a TWINES AT SPECIAL PRICES A Baking Sale will be held in the Waiting Room, Mill- brook. on Saturday, August 23, at 3 p.m.. under fhe auspices 01! (make Presbyterian Church Ladioq’ Aid. The Town Group of the Women’ls 'Asflociafltion of St. Andrew’s ['nited Church, will hold a Ecstess Tea in the Church Hall on the afternoon (of August 27th. at 4 p.m. King Street that was given a coat of tar, or yome such' sbstance, and covered with fine stones recently has given rise, to the question, was it worth the money? From the opinion of wome it was not, all it has done. is create a sound-Hoard for more Noise than ever. Cars (noming to .1 stop cause more racket than ever and tire squealing has mot been curtali- ed by the covering. It’s pea- nuts to donuts the stones will have all. disappeared by this time next year, but we’re sure the money it cost will. still be in existance slomewhere, so that's something. WAS IT WASTED MONEY? ’ The Wild North' "SLIM CARTER" 'The3.10to Yuma' ' Stopover TmsDA'Y as FRIDAY ; In Technicolo: s; With- Stewart Granger and Cyd Charisse With Hubert. Wagner ' and Jpan Collins SATURDAY ONLY All-Technicolor Show With Jock Mahoney and Tim Hovey BAKING SALE With Glenn Ford and Van Heflin NOTICE ;to U.S.A., $2.“