Readers, Histories, Grammers,Geogra- phles, Arithmetics, Etc, Etc. SCRIBBLING BOOKS in great variety and jéflheaper than Ever. 3%; Call and Examine. And Schooi of Shorthand, 3h â€"â€".\:me great bargains m \‘mags proper'ies call and see list uf same 6 u Soorumux. 44 m n a; to :uri â€"Mrs J. R. Young is spending a few days with friends In Cm an, in the aei ghbor hood (f Mount Pleasant. -Mis Daisy Buchanan, who has been visitin" relatives here for the a“: few weeks, returned home on ' â€"-)1r. W. S. Pickup pulled up stakes at. his camp ground and returned home on Tuesday 0f lustlweck. Wake-r Rim-twain. ‘anzm iur a few luvs on his way from Stoney Lakct' .‘vlomlay_ â€"L' of 100 cuoice farms from 50 acres up to 300 acres, for sale at. price-s and upon terms to suit. the times. Um. Soownzmx. Millbroole. 44 â€"â€"Messrs. \V. D. Leach zu'd Walter Collins, who have been camping at.‘ Boyce‘s Landing for the past few weeks, have pulled stakes this week. --Ha.rry Dunsford has been on the sick list for the past week, but is now 0mining strength, and we hope to see him in his place of business before â€"«Messrs. W. u. wacu mu Collins, who have been can Boyce s Landing for the p weeks, have pulled stakes this an. ‘ "- - . as â€"....r and Mrs. Samuel Hunter, .- Toronto, Harry Hunter and sts Emma Hunter have returned home site: six weeks camping at; btoney â€"-.uxa. n. W, -, v Kells, Fowler :1: Co. millinery depart- mma, returned home or; Saturday last, after a couple of weeks vacation in Coiborne. .. ~$100,000.00 of private funds to m at 5 per cena. Geo. Socmmmx, 31““an- 44 mam nauc co. «A. lady, whose object. in visiting MiIlbrook was to attend the wedding of a young lady friend in town, must, we understand. rem m home sa'dly dis- ..ppo'mtedl / . ‘n ,1). ’ â€"Dr. 224 0151-4 on the shelf through dines: for a. £9 days last week; but. his genial counzenunce, we are pleased to state, has been noticed on our streets this week. SKI LOH’S CURE is sold on a gamma. It. cures Incipient» Consumption. beat. Cough Cure. Only one cent a. dose ; 25 Kilt. 50 out. and $00 per bottle. *lldil H â€"-â€"“'. Thexton intends keeping prew- . bay for 5320 this season. First. car arrive about August- 12th. ’ronto. 11m fo‘ Edie-18 School Igade m Stock. NICE NEW STOCK. gm, p035“ than 6 with a. piano .0" organ; ’etepbom' @ugirpeéé @ollege )n Tb? \V. J. Gardiner camping parts: .heir ï¬eld of recreation un Thurs. xlrg. ‘rrcd Duncan spent a few with friends in Garden Hm this MTV Mrs. Whytel manager of the ,,,,, 3--.... Fred Clan-y, student at law rufessional ï¬sh to Bet}. am: on Martin, son of is staying with a few days. W . - paredtotake E. Needhamggpreul End; at, ’r. Martin, Mr. John 3'11 kinds gm round pill on 5‘ ‘ ing per51J1151~St(3}Vui't Dean, John' Armstrong, William Stewart, Henry w Atkins. Thus. \Villigmson. Charles H; Hard, Noble Lang, J. A. Elliou, “'m. iGilmour. W. C. Leith, Thos. Brown, ‘W. E. Johnston. J. Bradley, W" A. 3'0 C-‘rï¬uup, Robot-L McKinley and Robt. t" 'Bmwn. Mr. Gardiner, C. P. R. tick- et, agent, aléï¬Ã©Ã©rfl'iiékéa to “1'. Sim, n, J. Vanmtu, Robb. Byers an'd OTHER;â€" m On the former date (Aug. 13th) \Ir. Leach sold Mom-u tickets to men whose nmues we have not received. â€"I ham just. received one car load of Pressed Hay. Fresh Portland Cement. also in shock â€"0wing to circumstances over which I have no control, I have been unable to see many of my old cus- tomers personally, who may want coal, but I beg to say that I am still pre- pared to supply your w; , and from my long experience/iii, handling coal, I can please'j‘ou this season better than ever before. I invite inspection of my stock and guarantee satisfaction. (Mice aiid Yards at the Station. â€"â€"The ninth annual convention of the agents of the C. P. R. will take place to the city of Quebec on the 9th of October. We are informed by the representative here, Mr. \V. J. Gardiner, that a general meet of all railway oilicials will be a feature of the convention this year, so that a. high time may be expected. The dxï¬'erent navigation companies have placed their lines at the disposal of the delegates for the occasion. â€"-The Cricketers played the return match with Lindsay on Tuesday, the 20th inst, .in the latter town. The Millhmol; players won on the ï¬rst innings: by 2). score of 43 to 32. In the second innings the visitors made 63 and got four of their opponents out. for 6 runs. when min put an end to the game. The best scores for Mill- bmuk were made by H. Neetller 13, Stacker 234, Vance 11. In bowling 'Wwd got 7 wickets for 24, arid Left-0y 0'» for i i For Lindsn. . Sisson with T wen {up scorer. In bowling, Gour- wally had 10 wickets for 43, which mu by far the best howling for the home players. Oflice and Yaxzan'tbe Station. -â€"-It will be noticed in our death an nouncements in this issue that Miss Sharpe of Gavan has passed away. The flmeral took place yesterday and was largely amended. Further cuminent Will be made next week. â€"Col. Mchn was in town last \wck making important appointments in L-onncction with the Durham Field Battery, which enters camp at Port anv on Tuesday next. ‘Ve under- stand Dr. H. A. Tumor has been upyaintcd surgeun of the Battery. SergL-Mujm‘ McMahon is busy with the work and will enjoy, with the other ofï¬cers the delicacies skimmed through the usual pot of skilly. gzzlicry, but, we understand, wasiovélu come by the speedy application of a. box of matches and the adVice of a. grocer on the corner. â€"Tuesday last, August 20th, was the second date of the cheap excursions advr-rtised by the C. P. R to the North \Vest, when a large number took ad vantage of the cheap rates, some to work in the harvest ï¬eld and others to seegthe cuuutry. Mr. Leach, G. T. R. ticket agnnt. 301d tickets to the follow â€"Did you see that owl? The genial proprietor of the Dominion hotel, has, for the 115: week had on exhibition a. white owl, which a. num- ber of our citizens have taken quite an interest in. The beautiful bird was canvassed, we understand, for his pat;- ronage for the post ofï¬ce, also by a professional man who wanted to know if his teeth were bad. The new elec- tric light scheme was presented to him Lln. llollv HVlhvmv ...... I" v--.---- .. -â€"-but he would not biteâ€"rates were not. low enough, in accordance with the bargains others had receired. A couple of photographers called upon him in order to get. necessary views for the beneï¬t. of ouLSIders. The feed- ing industry was represented by one of our dealers, who wished to know if the owl coul ’ predict what the ruling price of wheat would be this fall. A repre-‘ sentative of the north side bank made a. personal call as well as a hardware clerk. The owl being the centre of attraction for a. few days the represen- ‘ tat-ives~of the municipalities commenc- ed dropping in to see if there was any poll tax to collect. Gavan received the bootllc. Any person requiring further [informatian can recci:e same by apply. ing to Mr. Char-Hes Purvis, Mm, can also tell you something about ï¬xing up 3our leaky roof. Eggs sud. butter Men in exchgn‘gg Repairs for Peter Hamllton Machinery and all kinds of Plow Points. C, K D 0 is aï¬e h rod ./ should use it. s p ncer thin people China Hall . MCCARTNEY R. DEYEI L’S OLD STAND. â€"\'0U WILL FINDâ€"- NEW: puns-1:33 sms, whim SETS m) FANCX.’ GOODS: CROOKS, CREAM CROOKS, BUTTER CROOKS: GROCERIES. SMOKED MEATS, \EW CHEESE, AT THEâ€" \V. THEXTON v. THEXTON The department. of Agriculture has sent. out, the following circular calling the atten- tion of the ofï¬cers and directors of Agncul- Lural societies to the following changes in the Agricultural and Arts Act :â€" 1. All new societies. district. township and horticultural, must. hereafter be organ- ized in the same way, with the approval of the Department, and only in the month of January (see section 7). -. All societies previously organized :u-e now budics corporate. lelnc May Matcher“. And s Yul-s and 2| Days. Who Dlod January the 21m. gm LITTLE ROSIE. side by side we watched together, Side by ï¬ldo we went away. Slde by nude we thought together On that. cold and stormy day; As they laid our little Roaie In the earth nowake no more. «Sid» by side we felt a longing t we nuvcr know before. Side by aldocur hem-ts were wildly Banting. but ’szxs not whlx joy, As we sadly mourned farewell To our lit Lle angel girl. All of leusuro. all of comfort. All of opo and all of choor. Seemed to \‘lu'l'uu and forever “'th the laugh of baby dear. 3. Heretofore the directors made by-laws, etc. ; heron...“ the makï¬xg of by-luws and regulations is in the hands of the members (section 13) 4. All township and horticultural societies must send their repmts directly to the De- partment (section 1‘2), and application for 'muts must be made no the department be- ore September lst (section 19), 5. The division of grants will be made hereafter by the Department, and cheques will be forwarded directly trom Toronto. 6. Attention is directed to the following : SEC. ESLâ€"(1) The ofï¬cers of any such as- socizition or souiety may by their rules and regulations prohibit and prevent all kinds of theatrical or circus or acrobatic pcrform~ :anes, exhibit-ions or shOWs, and also regu- late or prevent the huckstering or trailick- ing in fruits, goods, wares or merchandise on the exhibition grounds, or within 300 yards thereof , and any person who, after due notice of such rules and re yulzttions, violates the same shall beliable to remov- ed by the ofï¬cers, policemen or constables of said association or moiety, and be subject to the penalty prescribed by the next preceding section. R.S.0.‘, 1887, c. 39, s. 8-}. 2. The ofï¬cers of any such association or society shall prevent all kinds of gambling and all games of chance at the place of bold- ing the exhibition or fair, or within 300 yards thereof, and any association or society permitting the same shall forfeit. all claim to any legislative grant during the your next ensuing. In order to participate in the legislative grant the regulaions of the Act must be carefully observed. SEC. L’9.â€"(l) It shall not be lawful to carry on any horse-racing other than trials of speed under the control and regulation of the utiicers oi the society during the dye: appointed for holding any exhibition by any :listrict or township society. pt the place of holding the exhibition or within ï¬ve miles thereof. REV. H. BURGESS, River Philip, N. S. Allow me to thank you for the K. D. (‘ sent. me some time ago. You will be glad to know that in every case where it _has been used it hm proven beneï¬cial. Hnndmmcl)‘ Bmmd in Blue and Gold. Illus- trated. INSTRUCTIONS how to reproduce all Spiritualistic. Hypnotic. Mesmerlc 6: Mind Reading tosls performcd by. Seymour. Bishop. Brown. Johnston. The Baldwins. Herman and others. flow In turn: blindfoldud and ï¬nd urtic Res. ten secret thoughts. 5 irilualistic writings and. answeri given. etc. venues on dremns. fur memorizing purposes. forcusts by palmismy. hair. Len. cotl‘ce grounds. curds. Also full ex- plgpution of â€FF Scyx‘noux: Buried Alive Tu‘.‘ IIRI'IH; IST. 'i’biéih Kubrifczflhé'flrié Rbévé Qi'drk (gripnrlor amusement. The only book ever pubhshed in- stmqting the above h_xgldon forces; _ Volume sent. prepaid to any address in the world on receipt ox‘ price. $2.00. iddrcss,.~\x1ixu;n ES :YMOUR. Publisher. ’ Lock Bo. mtiwwfx. ' . "a...“ u- . \"l-uv‘ U. S. A. DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! .mnsz WANTED. ‘ Exclusive nghts gn‘on‘ Pontypool. August 17th. 1895. Donjt to ct me if you roqum‘ a. nice muse on .my 151ml, 1 ave them cheaper Hum any“ hex-c else m town. I can prove to you that, 1 mn doing better work and at. prices 35 per cum. below any other shop in xhcdismct. 16" I will not In: undersold in any branch of the busmess and my workmanslup is gunmnn- teed Givu me a call W. STRAIN, NE II LA â€â€™8 (-0} FIENING EXHIBI- TIONS. K. D. O. Pills the laxative for children. 00h QUALITY. (‘arefulness and Right l’nccsnre our Mottoes. 3S9 (iconic-Ht. 3 BURIED ALIVE EXPOSED. The Bran! is no‘ V » .mve mill in the mark at work call on 3m George Campbell, I Cuvzm. Alex Hume: I ALSO HA'st-‘om STOCK 0F :1 4, For the ml] of “papa“ sweet. And imagination brings us Sounds 99min of baby's .‘cet: on we see her form before us. And her eyes with sunshine bean. And we lugs nor lips‘ot cherry An.» ‘ OfLLV'uui‘. {Iii-3'15 on; dreamy}.- ‘zu'oweii to thy music wattle. Melody low. sweet. and soft: Good-bye. little my 0' madness. ’l‘hm. our lives made dear so oft; Though we miss thee, wdly miss. thee As the flowers miss the sun. All with us is for tho botwr: Christ has said. “thy will be done." $‘xde by 51113 w_e oZton listen Gas Pipe and stock. . Call on, or V] a. NUGENT, IN MEMORY 01R. IN REPAIRING In!!! BRANTFOBD (7 V6 l'y This islhc season {Kr Dusters. and I lmre them in abundance in the laIl-cSt- fashion and the iccst goods that can c procured. 1 have also a nice <Lock _of Rubber Rue all aflwhich are gufnL: fast at my greatly :cduccd prices. Don'L forum. that although leather has gone away up in price tha' I cgm sLlll urnish you thh har- ness of any kmd at. my usually low prices, PETEIXIEOR‘I The Centreville Merchant, Is now receiving his Spring Stock and his customers will have an opportun- ity of selecting the many articles re quired for spring from a carefully sel- ected and nobby stock of goods. He has, without doubt, the ï¬nest stock over shown in Centrevxlle and as his motto is “Quick Sales, Good Value and Small Profits,†you are sure to re- ceive satisfaction. General Merchant, Items of interest forwarded by TH): REPORT ER'S own Correspondents. Rev. Dr. Hunter, of Toronto. preaches! in the Presbyterian church here (in Sunday, Aug. 18. Our pastor, Iiev. Jas. Cattannch, occupied his own pulpit: last Sunday, after his holidays. Jas.T.0. Lang We regï¬zt to note the illness of Miss Ada Porter, but hope that. she will soon recover. This new and valuable remedy which is fast becoming so popular, does not, purge and gripe like pills, but is powerful to pro- mote a healthy, natural action of the bowels by simply assisting nature to do its own work in the most healthful and beneï¬cial. way. They are sold by all drugqists ab ‘25 cents a box or 5 boxes for a dollar. ' BA ILIEBORO. The Baptist church here has undergone :1 course of impmvmnenb. The old porch in front has been removed and an inside vesti- bule erected. snow And the {Soor liLtlo boys have nowhere to go, Thel} thgy cyrl_t.hemsclves up in the sleigh Thoughts of wintcry evenings, when the boys have nowhere to stand, brings up the following lines :â€" thn the winter comes with its sleet and in bin-e shed, J And wish to Grant. Causer, Jack Porter was Q dead. Rev Geo. ‘H. Lona', Boissgvain, Mam. z.â€" For years I have been a kum of dyspepsm. Became so bad-I was put upon a milk. diat' Have taken four packages K. D. C. and en- joy better health since I began its use than ggr years before. 1 can heartily recommend I‘LEET "'001). The lawn social held here on Aug. 6th, was a decided success. The weather was all that could be desired and before 7 o’clock the grounds were crowded. After tea was served an elegant pro mmmc was given by the young people of t 10 society assisted by some friends from Bethany and Pcterboro’. All went home well pleased. _ The members of the Methodist S. S. of F leetwood intend hold 11. free literary enter- tainment, on Wednesday evpning, Sept. 4th. An interesting programme is being prepmed consisting of readings, recitations and music, vocal and instrumental. Don’ L fail to attend. Mr. W. Flemming. who for the past month has been visiting friends here returned to his home in Peterboro last, week. During hls short stay among us Mr. F lemming won for himself many friends. Miss Jenny Boyd of Mount Pleasant, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Annie (lows, spggt- Suxu_1z\y_wit-l_l_fri§p(_l_s hen}. . .Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey of Grass Hill, spent Sunday here the guests of Mr. Stacey 9mg family. Mr. R. Gardiner and W. J. Stncc' of Mount Pleasant paid our village a. ying visit last week. Mr. O. R. Stacey and W. J. Morrow took in the excursion to Manitoba and intend remaining there until fall. We wish them a pleasant trip. Captain Sweedv U. S. A.. San Dnegg Cul., says: “Shiloh’s Camrrh Remedy IS the ï¬rst, medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.†Price 50 cents. Sold bv A. Line» Mr. James Stubbs, of Pcterboro, gave a. very interesting lecture in the I. U. G. T. Hall on Saturday evening. He was accom- panied by a. load of Unod "l‘cmplars from Peterboru. Thalecturer made an impressive appeal for lecause heW-xmvnnts, and was assisted in u ahnrt. progr'unme by Brother Monroe and the nu“ ed ( hmrs 01 our \1'1'1333. On Sunday two Gospel Clempemnce meetings were held in the Mcllndisb church “e hope thut, the seeds scattered, by. them: workers may be produet'i'x‘v of fruit. . - J rpm . Mr. J. J. Sadler, of Toronto, was in the Village last. week looking after his business. Heis improving his resulonce by the ML dition of u veramlnh. Beautiful Goods FOR SPRING. WMasLer 1’0“}; MéLcun, uf Pemrboro. is home fpr his_ holidays. r‘I On Saturday ni ht the sad news of the drowning of Mr. ‘obert, Thvxton, of Lind- say, reached our village. The boyhood of the deceased was spent, in our village. and his many friends and relatives extend their sympathy to his familyY and olhe!‘ immediate relatives in their lumcumblz: bercaycmept. The \Vupa and \s’ide-MYukes played a game of ball last Thursday, resulting in the defeat of the former by 8 runs. Mr. C. R. Cotfrcnev umpired the game. which was qmte exciting and drew forth a good crowd 03 _§pectutors._ A ,__ J J \\"'e"§£{e}§21 congratulations to our old townsman, Mr. R. J. McLean. of Toronto. who took unto himself a wife last‘yeek. Messrs. W. and B. Stacey, of Fleetwood, were in town last Thursday. Mrs. J ohu Best. and her We sons are call- ing on friends here. 2 'Miss Courtney, of Peter-Mm. is visiting friends in our village. Mrs. Denny has not been very well since the severe shaking-up she received in the runaway. i » | gumgmryvuu. On Sunday afternoon Mr. Smyuel Pea, cock buried his {oungcst daughter. She waging? 31°“? 012 : .._..“ The lithe {laughter regvgarigg nicely: frgn e Beg gs, who 11 ME 5 is a glgittle better. Ming Sowde CORRESPONDENCE. J AS. T. C. LANG, Encljny’u liver Lozenges. Ml) U." T I 'IJ‘.‘ AS :1 NT. CENTRE VILLE. SPRING SPRING Gentrevillé. Barberâ€"Poor Jim has been sent, to a. lunatic asylum. Victim (in chair)â€"‘-Who’s Jim ‘2 Barberâ€"Jim is my twin brother, sir. Had long been broodin’ over the hard times, and I suppose he ï¬nally got. crazy. Victimâ€"Hum ! Not unlikely: ‘ch, he and me worked side by side for years, and we were so alike you couldn’t tell each other sport. We both brooded a. good deal, too. No money in this business now.’ ‘What’s the reason 1" ‘Prices too low. Unless a. customer takes ashampoo or something it. doesn’t. pay to above or hair cut. Poor Jim! I caught, him trying to out a. customer’s throat, bo- cuuse he refused o. shampoo, so I had to have the poor fellow looked 31p. Makes me very melancholy. Sometimes I feel sorry I ditln‘tleb him slash all he wanted to. 1 might have saved his reason. Shampoo, sir To have perfect health .you must have pure blood, and the best, way to have pure blood is to take Hood’s Sursapnrilla. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hambcrg, 0nL., Independent says: “ I was suffering from Dyspepsia. and Liver Trouble, I took n. few bottles of Shiloh’s Vimlizer and is cured me. I can heartily recommend it; †Sold bv A. LEACII. Mrs. John Bean. is away visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mu hollnnd of Haldimuurl. In the Township of Gavan. on Sunday, August 18th. 1895. Mary Elizabeth Killingbcck, WHO 0! Wm. Rupcr. aged 29 years. In Port deé. on Monday August 19m. 1895, Francis Napoleon Clark. aged 44 years. In Cnvnnvllle. on Friday. August 23, 1895. Eliza. Bullon. rellcb or the lute Richard Bullen, aged 76 years. In the Township of Gavan. on Monday, August. 26th. 1895, Edna. M. A Sharpe. eldest daughter of Day-id and lgmmlne Sharpe. aged ‘25 years, 11 Mr. Osborne, who intends pub†flume at his mill this season, we are gtlad to say has re. overed from his recent illness. The doctor mts quite a dash with his new team of blacks iicï¬lihéï¬aiia 4 days. IN THE ESTATE 0? JAMES D. LOW- RY, DECEASED. EXECUTORS’ ' NOTICE t0 UBEDITUBS OTICE is hercb ' given pursuant to Chap- 1 nor 110. R. S. .. 1857. and amending acts. that all Rersons having claims against. lhe l-Is- mie of ames I). Lowry. late of the Village of Millbrook. in the County of Durham. deceased. are hereby required to deliver their claim duly verilled and the nature of the securities (if any) held, to A. A. Smith. Millbrook. Barrister. on or before the 20th day oi Septemher. 1; ' Arecent discovery by an old . physician. Succewully and monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly auto and reliable medicine dis~ covered. Beware of unprinciplod druggiats who otter interior medicines in place or this. Ask tor Cook's Cotton Boot Compound. take mamm- tute. or incloso 81 and 8 cents ln postage in letter and we will send. sealed. by return mail. Full scaled particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only. 8 «amps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor. 0nt.. Canï¬dt Afiur mï¬liiflï¬Ã©â€˜ twill plfocccdâ€"fé Histrihutg thc cstutcof Lhcsmd dcccnscd. having rcguru only to Lhc claims of which we then shall have notice. By A. A. SMIT‘H‘ In tumour ï¬rm»: there must be attached the mwtuul signatures of the full munc. the mu uro of Hm (mvupnrinn and xvlucc 01' raidcnmr of uncll nu-mber m‘ the ~mmc. and further. an no- ccplcd Bunk clv-quc for [he sum 013800 must accomjmn)‘ Hu- tender: Lhis accepted cheque must. L: -m‘~~N|-d over to the Mimnter of Rail- ways and Cmmh- i‘uLWill be forfeited it the party tender-i j: doo‘.xno.~ ï¬rm-ring into nontrzmy for the work an the ram-s am: on the 26mm Muted in the mil-r suhmilmd. Thu Gfl‘fptcd cheque thus sent in will be returned :0 the re- specLive parties whose 'cndcrs are no! ac- ctgftcd. he lnwoeu orun'.‘ tender not noccssnvilv ac: ccptcd. ' n , ‘ Dmvd m. Millln‘nok, this 150: day of August. 1895 " EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- D signed and endorsed “’l‘cndcr [ox-Cribwork nL Montreal.“ will be recciwd at lhis cllicu until noon 0:) Mon’lny. ninnzccnllx (lay of August. 1895. for the construrlion of whouLSUlJ feel in length of cribwork in connection will: tlxppanle eqlamvlquut: â€J. u- LA .“ blluutt ulvuvry‘x Plum and spam m .ions of work can be seen at. the ofï¬ces of the Chief Engineer of Railways and Cancls at Ottawa and of the. Sumerimumlâ€" inv' Engineer of “the lmchiuc Canal. )‘Iomrcul. when- forms of LL-ndm‘ can be obtained on and uftcr 8111 August. DEW». A. H u . 4|. By order. JNU. H. BALI ERRON . Seer Dcpm‘tment, of Rm! .mys andflmmls. Ottmm. 25th J uly. 1895. Nance lo Manurxxomrvrs «f and Dealers In l’orflzmd ('onwm. EALED TE.'DEllL-‘. mhh-uw» M1 to the under- signed and endorsed "’l‘cnuergs for Portland Cement,“ will be received at this oflicc up to noon on Friday. 16th August. 1895, for the supp] ' and delivery of 2.500 barrels. or (my ‘or. Lion nixeycof, ox Por‘upnd Cement». "Taipei-'{dédii‘ohs and Rift]; Bf'iiiï¬der can be ob mined bnhs; ï¬es tendering m the ofï¬ce 0: the Chief Em. eer 19f Railways and Canals. 'Ogmwn.. _ ‘ _ ‘ _ _ In the_cusc,pt; ï¬rms there must. be mun-he the actual sngmturcs of the full name, th ninurc omhc oocupmion. and mam-“o! nesl‘ denca of each member otthq tux-m: r, an accosted bunk chc ue for 5.pcr cent. of um total amount tandem for m‘ust accquamy the tender. ‘This1u:c-.~.ptcdchequc u us: he I‘ sod qv‘er Lg ‘thg!__1\1ini€t_cur_ 9f _ Veil“. UV“ v-y. .V w. _..._ (Equals. and will ‘06 lfbi'fci‘ihd’n Eendering doclmw entering ir . .ho won: an -' - «to; and Hum cfl‘cr TfHECOOK’S 3:51 l_-'B_|I_E_ND DUNN’S BAKING POWDER LIXCIIINE CANAL. WHY HE TOOK A. SIIAMI’OO. Lisaâ€"6155’s“: IN CANADA. TRENT CANAL. SAM l'EL HUNTER. REID LOW RY. saficitor for Executors‘ T]! l'.‘ TOMB. ook’sCOttonfloot COMPOUND. Executora~ Secretary The Americm}. 4" Hmstimtion, the Ameriâ€" can. Idea, the Amnricmz Spirit. These ï¬rst, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, - - - $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mail - 8 a year The Weekly, - - - - l 0. year THE FIRST OF AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS Is the Greatest Sunday Newspaper in the fworld. Price 50. a. Copy. By Mail $2 a Year. Address ’I‘lll-I SITN, New York. The Roman: wif’lm- l1 flutes. and In opp] clleve It. ATTENTEON I The heart has ahard old time of it within itself does not excite much , ease, but it is very often called upon tddis- play the troublin symptoms of palpita- tion, fluttering, abated breathing, op- ï¬ression, etc... on account of diseased idneys offering increased resistance to the passage of the blood through their defective secretive structures, causing a morbid change in the blood unsuited to nourish the tissues and noxious to them. The minute arteries resist the passage of this foul blood, resulting in the muscular walls of the arteries and the ventricle of the heart becoming partially paral zed, and from this cause results much 0 the so-called heart disease, which is owing to wasting Kidneys not being able to per- form their functions. In order to relieve h‘yart trouble remove the cause in the GABLESS’ Photo Studio, Kidneys with Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. They relieve the blood of poisonous de- osits,lt foes on its way a stream of ealth, re ieving the heart and imparting strength to every tissue of the body. When your heart is in trouble Chase's Pills quickly remove the causing condi- tion, no matter whether it exists on ac- count of disorder of the kidneys, liver, stomach, or of nervous affection. Sold by all dealers. I’rice 25c. Edmanson, Bates Co., Toronto. SARI All rcfzn-nishcd and overhauled â€the $1 Dcrduy hmwv in Unix-1:). (‘mzmy (‘01 lots. Jurynum and mkmwâ€" Vic-i1} : Unhoun. ï¬nd Lhc Balmoml the best hmhc to stop a EX ECUTO RS’ NOTICE t0 UBEDITUBS .l 1887. notice as hereby given to creditors and others having cluim or demands :wuinst. the (estate. of the hue Geo. A. Reynold, late 0 the Township of Mnnvers. in the County of Durham. Blacksmith. who (lit-d on or about tin: 13th May. .\.I').. 189.5. to send hy pus! prepaid and addressed to kit-hard Exam. Yelvermn. or Joe. Brittnu. Port. Perry, vxu-u'm». of the lust will and lL-stmuuntuf the said (ll-(whoa. a slum- munt in writing of the wiriiculurs of their vluims or dmmuds on or before UH- 1:’»th day of Suptmnbcr, .\.l'.. 18:85. And furthurtukc notice that immediately witvrsaid hm. mentionod date the mid execute: phat“ proceed to dihll‘lhuic the twsctï¬ of the ciLfllU amongst the partio- cu- titlcd thereto. halving: rcgurd only to the claims. of which they ~<hnll then have notice. and the executors shall no: thou-utter be liable to any person whose chiinw shall not then have been rcccin-d hy than. " ' CODOURG, And get a dozen of his superb Cabinet ' Photos, which for Finish, Likeness and Durability, cannot. be excelled. We (le- fy competition. Our work is all gnar- zmteed. Satisfaction our highest aim. “'0 make views of Residences, live stock, eta, very reasonable. Cull and inspect, mu- wnrk. No trouble to show our goods. We pay special uLLentiun to the l’hologruphy of babies. Don“ for- get, 1he placeâ€"opposite the Dominion Hotel. Call and see our window when in town. F. J. Garless, PURSFANT ’l‘ 0 SF ,. 36. CHAP. 110, }{.S.()‘ 1887 notice i~ hereby given to credixur ‘Vd: ha: A11 ncconnb‘ owing the late ('h‘o. Rcynultrs must, be settled at once or cosh will he added. Richard Evans. Yulvcrton. and Jug. Hrimm. Port Perry. cxucuiors. m1: :mlhorizcd to give.- xcccim L‘l' EYES FRONT, FORWARD, MARCH I TEIE SUN. RICHARD EVAXS. Ych'erlon.) J08. BRITTON. For! l‘cx‘ry. I The Sunday Sun THE BALVORAL HOTEL, PIJOTOGRAPHER (mmmmx THE nomux 1mm CHAS. A. IDANA.â€"EDITOR. MILLBROOK, P. J. LIGHTBURNE. Prnpr mag »T()~~ UNT.'\ RIO Exocmm-s “IBE 300 yards Unbleached Table Linen. worth 35c, reduced to .......... 25c 100 yards Unbleached. Table Linen, worth 45c, reduled to .......... 350 200 yards Unbleached Table Linen, worth 55c. reduced to ......... 40c 150 yards Unbleached Table Linen,‘ 65c. reduced to. .............. ‘50: 100 yards Bleached Table Linen, wm th 600,331e price ............ 40c 150 yards Bleached Table Linen, worth 750, sale price ............ 500 100 yards Bleached 'lable Linen, worth 85c, sale price... .. 65c 150 yards Bleached Table Linen, worth $30,831:: price. .. . 75c 1003 arda bleached 'lablc Linen, worth $1.25, sale â€price .......... $3 ()0 Bauer good: in $1.†4“,, $135, $1 50,11ew designs. 10 bleached Table Cloths slightly dam- aged, worth $2.25, sale price.. . .31 50 10 bleached Table Cloths slightlv dam- aged, woth $2.50. sale price. . . .81 75 15 bleached Table Cloths slightly dum- aged, worth $53.00. sale price... .52 00 10 lulcuche-I Table 010th slightly daun- uged worth $3.50, Pale price. ...S:Z 50 7 bleached Table Clubs slightly dum- ziged, worth $4.00, sale price. . . .33 00 6 bleached Table Cloths slightly dam used, worth $34.50, sale price. . . .33 50 These goods are pure Linen and. beautilul patterns. 20 down large size. slightly sorle-l, worth 552.50.80.10 price ...... ‘ )5 dozen large size. slighï¬y uammnl, worth $1. 00, sale prim: .......... ‘20 dozen lame size. slightly Ihmagecl, wonh $3.00. sale price .......... ‘ 15 dozen large size; perfect g-ymis. ' bought at- special pzicc, Worth (,‘1. 25, sale price.. . . ..1 1.3 dozen large size, Incrfz-ctgo:y<1s, bought at. special prim, uanh $1.5 fl.saleprice. ...... oi «3 «SEE ‘i rifle Hail, Give lCll Men WHERE 5333 YOU GET THAT Linen Tahk Hapkiqs. linen Tabla Cloths. I30, 132 AND 134 SEEEEBE-ST.. PETERBflHï¬UGH. ‘ Linen Tabling. 'NESD‘ "Ia £1 @EEUGUST 3‘8: Better Goods at $1.50. $1.75. 82.00, $2.50, $3.00. $3.50, and $4. OOâ€"everyoze of them Genuine Bargains. ‘25 dozen all Linen Towels, worth 25c pair. £518 price.........' ......... 15c 20 dozen nil Linen Towels, ward: 30c ' pair, sale price ................ 20c 20 dozen all Linen Towels, worth 35c pair, sale price ................ . 25c ‘25 dozen Bath Tuweis. worth 35c put. sale price ....... . .............. 20c 1000 yards heavy Towelliug, Worth 10c. sale price ..................... 70 200 yards heavy Crash Towening, Worth 123%, eaie price ........ . Me 100 yards tine Linen for Drawn pur- poseâ€, only 50. Five o’clock Tea. . Cloths; I Tray ' .élotha, Side}.m_arr£~ Covers, are included in this special oï¬â€˜ering 5 dozen heavy Whhe Quilts, regulv $1.217 goods, sale pziee... ...... $1 00 2 dozen hcm‘y White Quilts, regular $1.50tzoods, sale mice. . ..... 81 25 1; dozen American thie Quilts, well worth $51.75. sale 3;; 3c. . . . ...... SI 35 Better goods at $2. , . .25, $2.50, $3.00 ml $3.50 All special prices for this sale. 100 1,11" hfavv Flanneuv Blankets, re- ,_:__ A- “r. .000 yards rerular' oc Gm} Cotton, sale ...................... 1 lama-lattes at, 5c, SC. 100. worth 8c, .50, {2-2. 100; much heavy Skirting, sold every- v. here as 15c, sale price 7* , 7.- w...- “Van, tw- guiar briceS Q2 00, 9; e price ...... 80c I50 pair hcuu' haunts: tu- Blankets, rcuulat price £1. 25, sale price†â€81 00 Toweis and Toweiié; Goï¬ons and Sheeting. Quiiis and Biankets. Mon. sale ........ ,5c - Cotton. ....... So no, worth ...... . . . 45¢: '9