Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 29 Aug 1895, p. 2

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‘fiacts Y I began» mom's‘garsapamn n has in- creased to 163. I think Hood's Sarawaflna Is a. :mnpnom modicum and am very much pleased m: 1:.” J. Aunt-s Cnm‘ssz; A Marvelous Medicine ' The following letter is horn Mr. J. Mela. Max-chime: and surveyor, No. 153 Shaw Street. Ionucal. Canada: (5;. I. Hood 5: (30.. Lowell, M351: “ Géntlemen: â€"1 have been taking Hood's W for about six months and am glad to say that It has done me a great deal of good. Last Kay my weight was 152 pounds, but since Whenever Given a Fair Trial r Hood’s Proves Its Merit. “Ed's Fills we’llver ills. «insulation. bmcusncss. We. sick Who, Macsuun. HGOD massriex. 3311?, Feed. Breakfast \Ceraais. i‘eacksry, 613W C931 2333. Cattle .. \ ~~ ,/)E"‘\.1’\[1‘[J I . K\‘ - -. msu“.u pm Hr. J. Abide 01‘3qu Hons-ca] P Q- Bur Prizes infill Lines the Button]. 91: R Sarsaparillq Ci} RES: UL'K LEADERS ARE : 1' Own Biend " of Black I33 at. ; Our Own Importation of Iapan 5c. and Our Own Blend of .303”) 0‘3 R 1.13158 ARE M. Allen, tilâ€"I! , Ladiea’ Doublei.â€"Miss nrton and Miss \Vood defeated Mrs. ‘W. C. Allen and Miss Btu Needlet, 6â€"4, 6â€"4. cuss " 3.” Gentleman‘s Singlesâ€"W H Collins de- feated L F Clnrry 7â€"5, 6â€"4, Gentleman's Doublesâ€"L F and E S (Slurry defeated W H Collins and Ali Needlcr, 6â€"0. 6â€"3. ' ‘fLadies’ Singlesâ€"Miss Annie Wood de- feated Miss Rgssell {5â€"3, 6â€"1. Mixed VDoxtblwâ€"A Wood defeated W. M A. B. Lefroy d: C. Allen, 6â€"3, 4â€"6. 6â€"3. Ladies’ Singlwâ€"Aliss Burton defeated Miss Etta Needle: 3â€"6. 6_â€"4. 6â€"3. _ ‘wfiaig’kfiééfiéâ€"Misfi Annie and Ger- trude‘ Wood defeated Misses Russell and NIL-Carmel; 6:1, 6-_-â€"l- “ r" , 1 ‘12- “Hind fiohhlééâ€"L F Clarry and Miss ngh ”defying-ed l“. S Clnrry and Miss Ida m1, amt, 7â€"9. noun-cal Star. ‘ On account. of misrepresentations the Canadian Order of Oddfellows was said some time ago to he cut off from connectiun with the Manchester Unilfl'. The Grand Lodge otficers of the Canadian ()nler wrote to the A. M. C. and Board of Directors, and tr» day Mr. H. Davis, secretary 'uf Metropolitan Lodge of the Canadian Order of Uddfellows, rccen‘ed the reply that the Cunmlian Urdw still enjoys the same full privileges with that an ~ient. and extensive society, the Man- chester Unity, as it always heretofore ¢-.\- ‘ perienccd. All “It Farturlvs Soldâ€"Tho Price “'a» 1 7-30. Only ’l‘wu I‘m-lurk» Going l-‘ur Lawâ€"3.7}! Boxes Boardcd.. '1‘ he factories sold readily at. the m:. cling of the Cheese Board 1‘ umda; afternoon. All the factories except. two sold for ; 1c. All the factories except. twa sold tor me. The buyers present, were Messrs. Jones. Fitzgerald. Hodgscn. M mlden, Smncc. Cook and \Vrighton. V'i‘rlie minute; of the last, meeting were read and approved. COMMITTEE REPORT. Mr. Drummond road the following to porpâ€" .v ,,A:-.,..‘ ,..‘-:._o.m‘ r... .. . IJESTLEMRx,-â€"Yuur committee appointed to investigate the charge against certain factories for selling off the Board beg cleave to report. that the factories so selling are liable to expulsion, but, as there had been two markets and no sale with very hot weather and the salesmen stating that their factories were filled, therefore under the eflrcme circumstances we would recommend that the motler be dropped; Aug. 12m, 1395. Missing Link. . . . Norwood ....... Pine Grove ........ Peterhorough ..... Otonabce Union. . . . i‘hNepor: was adopted. ma cums: summer». The f‘fllowiug factories were boar (k G.- Maltese Abbey. . . . Lnkefield ........ Fras'ervillc. . ‘ North Dummer Bobcaygeonn Lakeview ...... Treewern . . . ... 31%; ............ yy-rtle: . Young’s Point. 1'} B01 RI) I'ETIE NAURU ('H l‘.‘ .INAIH . l .V DD!) ("B L I. 0 "'S‘ Lake J. 'M. DRUMMMD, Dr. B. Left-0y and Miss Allen and Mrs W. Needle: and “T ‘hairmm 1:th'er .xsn .Hn 155 .165 21X) 100 100 ‘1)0 143 ,135 d! 200 60 195 H3 l 30 100 l 40 100 50 10‘ l SS 90 50 A MONTREALER BBLATES HIS WON- DBRPU L EXPERIENCE. llo [Ind Tried l-‘nrcixn and local. Phynlclann and Was Operated Upon Wlthmn Suc- cessâ€"Dr. Wllllums' Pink Plus cured When an other Hulk-Ines l-‘ancd. From the Montreal Herald. ' Imulnces of marvellous cures by the use of Dr. Willinms’ Pink Pills tor Pale People are numerous, but the one related below is of special in- terest, owing t6 the peculiarity of the illness, and also to the fact that in the present instances the gentleman is well known in Montreal. Mr.| Charles Frank, inspector of the mechanical depurtment of the Bell Telephone Co., at 371 Aqueduct street, and who resides at 54 Argyle Axonuo, in an interview with n. Herald reporter, related the follow- ing wonderful cure by the use of link Pills. Mr. Frank, who is 25 years of age, is a. Russian by birth- cxceedingly intelligent, speaks several l1111gr1111gus fluently, and is no“ appar- ' ently in good health. “My illness 10.111111 about in :1 peculiar way,”s:1id ‘ Mr.l“1'u.nk. “Up to three years ago I- 1141-. in thv host 0 “health. About, that time while in Glasgow, Scotland, where I was mnployeé as 11 clmk in 11. hut-9L and while scullingon the 015119, :1. sun-.11 1.11119 up, and I had 1‘. pretty 1‘ougl1time0fit far 11 while. I cvih denlly must have injured myself in- tcruall'y’, although I felu not-hing wrung an the, time. On my way home, lmwm’r‘r, l fell helpless on the street, and him] 111 he conveyed home in a. cab, as my lugs were utterly unable to hold 111911;). I was confined to bed for save-1:1! days in the same helplesS condition, when I rallied. but; found that my urine was of‘a strange reddish Caught in a Storm on. the Clyde. hue. 1 called in a. physician, who persexibed, but. did me no good. I1 then called on Sir George McLeod, M. D., who also perscribed and ad»‘ vised me to go to the hospital. I \VZlS‘ {worse to doing this, and V he advised me then to try a change of clinmw, tellingr mo that- my hlnrldor was affected. I noted on his suggestion as to change and came to Montreal. I did not do anything for about a yenr, as I wished to gel: cured. All this time {my urinp‘sis tainted with blood, although I was suffering no pain, but this abnormal condition was a source of cominual angx'icty. l linnlly wont; to the {wanernl Hospital, whom tho physician in churgv mlviscd me to stay, which I did. Aim remaining (how r fiV: wwks with no benufit, a con. . Z . . . £91011 or plxysiuuns was held and gallon .mggwlml, to which I ime agreed. After the o'twrntion “dorms-0L L_“‘:a§‘_’,‘.0 heft-9r, my n r-zmnining absolutely nu» I}! DEEP DESPAIR. trv‘u :nmmmg absolutely uu» rum this cum I was con- ic; medicines and phy- derived no benefit from anyone. I \‘as in des- L0 physicians who had :10 could not decide as to 1 visiteg} the hospital MA ".mhL-h' av would wilfingly given $200 or 3300 1:9 have [won guaranteed a. cure by anyone." “ I am willing,” said Mr. Frank, in conclusion, “00 see anyone who wishes to verify this interview, as ' I consider it. my duty to my fellow xnenand'a HIS new and valuable medicine for all female complaints is only making remarkable cut-ca o! ensue m winch all other remedies lmd failed. This treatment has beenJu constant use by an experxonced physician for nmuy years with the greatest success. It is perfect as a. cure fox falling of tho womb. loucorrhmn or whims. pmufpl. suppressor}, profuw or irreg- ular munst-runuou. congestwn and inunmmnr Lion of the womb. and other uterine troubles. which givo rise to norvous diseases, headache. constipation, backache. depression, tired fool- mg, etc.. which so nmuy woman sull'or from. Particulars qml lufommtaou (we on applicumon to tho amprxcmrs. '1‘. Mummm 00.. Toronto. Ont. he rpmody can be procured from the local agent. Price 31.9.5 for one men! 'n trout- mmnt. and can h u.“ by mail on r coipt. of price. For nulub g mm Specaé sale“ is over. It has been the greatest success we ever had. WHY ? Because we did Exactly as we Advertised. And gave genfiine Bargains, And our Customers Appreciated Them. For the balance of The seoson we will Sell all Summer Goods at Greatly lReduced Prices. Kelis, MADAMEN E. Fowler, _"_LL ., ll Use LARDINE MACHINE OIL, Champion Gold Medal Oil of the Domin ion. Their Cylinder Oil will wear twice as long as any other make. FOR SALE“ BY WHENIN:::: :zzzPETERBORO DROP IN AND SEE OUR BABY UARRIAGES. See our Prices and we will open your eyes in Bar- gains in Trunks, Valises, Summer Rugs, Dog ~ Carts, Riding Saddles, Foot Balls, Wagons, Harness, Lacrosse Sticks Dog Collars. All other Goods in our line we keep in stock and Will sell you on the smallest margin of profit. B‘ SHORTLY, OurBooks are Manufactured specially by the Ex- amner Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- stora. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Bmcing is guaranteed to last with ordinary care - until the book is used. Blank Books; I If y<u want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES B9OKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest}. A. H. STRATTON 8‘ CO- NOW F613 Work° 1h ‘ ., mm mm! my new Can‘x‘i'lgc Sim » I :un now pro wed to receive. union for all claws - Tu mv‘lixw. 1 rmn-sunf the 'l‘llOJSANl) ISLAN ' s CARRIAU E (50.. Urnunoquc. 013‘. .v onk u i. "medium to comment. 1}.»- they arc~knnwn fau‘ami near as lhu greatest, Cur- limurfi n. (mwm. CHM" nulmxgnlwl and agyhxh work is the foundation of their suc‘écas. “1.1594; thosu rcqmrmg anything 11) this lmc Lo yivc me a call before purchasing. MIC MADE WORK [um prepared. lnhgild anyt. ing from u thcltmrx‘uw to 0. Ken- uut thu workmanshw :uui nmLcrml wxll be such that it will be safe to give u written i .0 c “rewiring lin_o ynu' (':\‘n' “33 :our‘work done more promptly and better work WALSH 8: CLARKE Pntqc Catalogue Full and Winter 1895-6, 100 pages 2.? cents. :Mnndaml " Delineator, monLth, 112 pages, 4 colored platen, $1.00 per year. btnnnlurd Magazine, monthly, 80 pages, 50 cents per year. Peterboro Bookstore u u 20 (A u 15 M It 15 H (K I” 5 (heatly Reduced. u .. ,0 u “ Mmthly Fashion Sheet, 8 pages, distributed gratis to our customers. MCCOL’S OILS V" , ui in" line your um. cut. your work done more promptly and better work 31:10}:{fl-uf-‘iousxyx-ccgvmm Mlllbfioflk. . _ a“ the cunwnicm'” 9m ”mt-(alarm (aarrisgo yhun. pun prepared to do n-pmpnmg in :8 “n.1,. ‘I‘hin' ‘3ng mung-hum appartmcnt m which lhm'o hadularge cxpenuncmso ' - unmanned u!“ muuuod QEVO mo 3 MIL “‘I-1r‘oxd¢rs_§grm‘v mucky to do the work I wish to return '56 W h of Patterns m fuvivrcd xm- \\ u.“ . k for u conunnuncv of mu” 417 mid 419 George Street, Pctcrborough. w. s. PICKUP, Prices E 5 TI-Jlf 15 T. AGENTS FOR STANDARD PATTERNS. Who‘lcszfle and Retail Agent for Millbrook‘ ARE THE BEST. --AT THEâ€"- UlVOXn. Iffice Supplies 35 cents Patterns that were 40 “ MlLL/JROOA’. H0! FDR HIDE LAKE. The Peterboémgh Navigation Com pany’s Large New I’nlatinl Side-Wheel Excursion Sbchmq; ' LYING on the watcrk bctwccn I‘clcrbgn‘gt P ongh mu; .1 blloe Point. and ldyh Wild Summer ltcsortu " Harwoodw libpbic a: “'1‘ ‘ in?" Lings. is open for_ chum: .4 -xfaxtmngqmenm mu 'n. AF ulna. .v. w.“ '1‘ ecom mny Ha; coniplctcd' with the .rand Trunk gpd C1] “ CITY OF PETEBBDBUUGH ” 373 GEORGE STREET, Sign of the Horse at the Door arrangements bad inn Pacific chd Ifife' P.0 ind My"): may need a Bible Or a Prayer 390’” It win pay you: to Buy now, I. As the Discount will be at Least Twenty-five per cent. TREW’S CABLE FENCE WIRE FOR SALE BY no sending away of Cutter Bar, all {itting done at this shop. Call and eiamine. A large stock always on n. 569“!) l‘égfi‘lOI SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. GEORGE STREET. - PETERBORDUGH. % and % the Value Knocked Ofl‘. H. LeBRUNfiECo. Boys and Children’s Clothing. French Cambric Shits Collars, Cuffs and Ties. LIGHT WEIGHT SUMMER CLOTHING. Fine Cotton Under-Wear. Negligee Shirts. White Coats. Balbriggan Underwear Unlined Suits, Lightâ€"weight Suits of every description. Light Merino Underwear. Unlined Coats and Vests. Coloured Coats, Light-weight Trousers Unlined Coats and Pants Unlined Coats. Blazers, Duck Pants, with inde- structible crease. JOHNSTON FAIR, Church’s Potato Bug Finish, THECOOKS BEST F RlEND DUNN’S BAKENG POWDER See Our Window SAILSBURY’S FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. LARGEST SALE "I CANADA. inly Pea Harvester than gu'cs per. feat; satisfaction. :ge-stq NO DELAX' Hardware Merchants. best. your short Pea crop, :11 Pea Harvester Pure Paris Green, AT I WANT BOOKSTORE You can’t save money Easier. TheBlbleshave the new helps forfl'each ers, and the Discount i3;Worti-a savéng'. Grass Scythes. llay Rakes, Hay Forks. mstrong. Pefcrboro 12th of July In Millbrook ! If you want a nobby ,yet of Harness to show off that hand- some drivermof yours when visiting lVllllDrow Gilorious Twelfth, order at once with where you are sure of getting the best workmanship, the very best material and prices to suit the hard times. “’6 can fit you out nicely for $10 and if you want something real nobby you can get it by going a. little highu. - The smendid large Steamers "Cwolinm" "Canada." VMQ“ Suguenay." leave qum: Tuesday. “W edncsday. Friday and Saturday and from Jul 15th to Aug. 25th. dailv. (Sun dayscxpcpu. ”$7.30 .1.m.. culling at-Murfl)’ Bay. layer Du Loup. 1'34011530. Ha Ha Bay and connectmg a: Chlemmmx with railway {or Lake St. John. Orchestras on board. For further particulars ask you;- “was; ticket. agent. or nddreau‘ The mafiaificcn: l ,. afl-szc Licr dcamcrs "Menu-ca " and “('23ch." lcuvc Montreal week days at 7 p.m.. ucbep 5 p.m.. Sundays 3 mm. Connect. at. Quebec _th.h Saguenay summ begsgxd Intercom?" Runway. Orcheszmb on a . Everything usually kept in a. first-class harness shop always on hand and at the low- est living prices. ‘3‘ 'Agan for the J. and J. Tumor Tent and Awning firm, I‘cterboro. N6 One Toe. Rich 8? T00 P00? ’l‘hc splendid new ~KCM‘HCT "Hamilzon'ficavcs Hamilton L"- ury Monday 31.- noon. Toronto (5 9.111. Calla ad. kl“ wav ports vm Bay of Quinm, both wayrsodhfaws alcxzxé‘cul 'I'hursdav a: I x:- m. Roda {ates .1' L is «mum-r i1 “ ““ meals and berths bom)w;.;;;., w MONTREAL andâ€"Quepec LINE. T hese me the people we are looking for yesterday, 10-day and tomorrow. Will you be a. money saver .’ If so come and buy 2 1 ~ . . ‘ 'lhcs lunchd Royllelawamem‘S rtan." "Algcrfiun". “ ’nx‘s‘ rt." “Corsimnpahmv Toronto daily (Sun aye: cxmafled) at 2 nan. (‘all m, Bowmunvillc, Port 0 ., Cobourg, Kingston. 1000 Islilndh’. Brockvi It; Prescott, Cornwall. pm“ through Thousand Islands and Rapid: or the St. Lawrence by daylight. arrive at Mouth-u! 6:30 ,mu returning lczwe Montreal 10:1.an also cal mg at Bay of Quinta pom. 110111;, and In 11!. ”landed in fare going west, 3.150 30213 ‘L m bopbcmbcr. known. Askdrugglsttor \Vood’l Filo-phonic: 1! he offers some worthless medicine in place of this. Incloso price in let:e:,a.nd we will send by return mail. Price. one package. 31; :h- :5. One will 'yJoaac, 3L1: will cut!- Pzfi‘pnTu (5 (mm; any amairk ‘ ‘ The “'ood Company, wmdsor. Ont. Canaan. Sohl m Millbrook and everywhere by all druggists. I am agent for the above Pam): Rail Hence for (Tuvgn. North and South Monaghan. and um prv mrcd Vise” rights to farmers. or build fences orthcm upon xm-ir farms. This ii the best fence that, was ever :alcnted. won't mg. won't lean going: down hi 15. Take»: only one pound of wire to the rod. Satisfaction guar- unwed. 'l HOS. HARKNl-ZSS. URVJHYHIQ 9.0 Is selling a} Wartman’s Patent Fence ! MISS MELLVILLE: 424 George-st, - Peterb TORONTO and NONTREAL LQNI: RIUHELIEU UNTABIG WOO D's PHOS PHODIN E- The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to :runuvtly. and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Wculmtss, EWorJSpcrm- arm-rhea, Impotencyand an cfl'cdsof Abuse or We Mental Worry. Waive use of Tobacco, Optumor samu- Before and ‘4ng lants, which soon laid to by firm“ 1,, Insanity. (‘umumzu‘ian and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 85:13:13 in woumnds o! (335%; 15 the cnly Mum: and Honest Medici»: mm. For 8 Lame Back or Ch 831L036 BELLADONNA FLASH}: Tine yfifiam'rb 1', This remedyie :eodwcurcyom mecca. M For Sale bv A. LEACH. Tma sz'r Coast! Cm promptiy aura where all others Waugh-s. Cmup Sore Throat. Houseman. hoopm Gong}: and Asthma. Fur Censumptgon it no r1 - has curchthomadg. am: wnl em you alien in _t_xmc. gold cy nggtm 2:3 again- Crystal Block. Opposite Examiner Oflice. George Street. Powerborough General 0111025. 228 St. Paul-5t. DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, PRINTS. TABLE LIN JNS, igye youAUaAng-rh 1’ TM; remedy is x._-.. 11‘.“ u_._, Silks for m1 mfsfimman Miss Rudkins MISS MELVILLE [inz all 1hr. latest designs‘i-J lks for 75c per yard, worth S «150 great reductions in child- . BATES’ON, Navigation Go. To Save a Dollar. SAGUENAY LIN E. HAMILTON LINE. ren‘a Summer Bonnets. Millbrook )ODS, I’ARASOLS, GLOVES, TO\\'ELLINGS. NENS, SHEETINGS, STRAW HATS. FREMEDY. Peterhomugh, leave yodr I" xi ‘ And School of Shop: PETERBOROUGH. OSTM COURSES IV BOOK-KEEPIXC hand. Arnhmciic. \Vrilinzr. 5 ting. ' :1 lhruc Human! cour- m-Wmm. crux-1m wriu; TURNER DREW -â€"-Miss O'Brian, of Bufi'alu ing at Mrs. A. Johnston’s -â€"Miss Maxjnrie {Jug}: i visiting friends in Lindsay â€"Mis1 Saab Anders m : (fluids in Mount Pioaxmp â€"J. C;.Lon lilihhiC'l‘. (If 1“ m In town on \Yw-ixznsdax'. SCRIBBLING B( in great variety Cheaper than Ever Call and Examine @e’gepbopo' Buéioez Readers, Histo: Grammers, Geoj phies, Arithme Etc, Etc. 1 â€"-Mr. hon?" paid “ .1: :6 Mn. 11"“. 1‘ â€"-Mr. \Vfidm \\ rum} wzt campers retunm-i Tum 410090-900 ”i loan at 5 iwr guilt. Millbrook. â€"L. Fred Ciarr}; stud made a prnfessi'nn". x‘ix'it 14:1 Monday. -â€"The \V. J. Hurdzw ‘eft their field of rvcr: day last. week Ebe {Dillbrook R ‘firoper: it's C 50, Soon”: Wslwr Ah”. M .k ‘3. ';~--.-'_ dlys on hi< way frum Sum Tomato. Harry Toronto. Allen for ed hag: ‘ m arrim ' â€"Mr. W >1 stakes at his camp home on Tuesda- â€"Mrs. J. R. Young i few days with friend: 1:1 neighbmfiund of Mount I â€"Miss Daisy Buchar been visiting Rum: -~ past. few walks. :x-tuzz. Mondsv. ’0 â€"CP"3!‘d of 100 cavit- 50 lanes up w 300 aka-w. prices and upon torms m s! Gm. Soornzm‘s. Milibm "4.3115. '1; in; 5 we with friend~ Collins who h :w: bu Boy ee's Landing for weeks, have pulled sud: IHURFDAY. AUGUST 2!. sick list fdr the past ww‘n' m §*!‘=né'~_“¥a and NICE NEW STOCK. 4 If.- - “r. and Mrs. Smith Toronto, Harm Hunk Flam Hunter. have r( liter six weeks campm Colborne. . â€"-.‘_1;u§_\' aim“; ‘ R'Imbroh} \\‘:\~ 10 Mi ' Of 3 you _' ‘1}k'\' i1“. :1 ‘ \‘ '7‘ we undvrs‘huzzx. r< wppOlh‘u O â€"â€"Messrs. “' e-DT if“ .C‘X’sffii “ML 111”?» for a “reg, but; his genial ‘ ¢{e pleased to 51am! A1,. ...aal on our streets tins SKILOKS CU It. cures Incipicn‘ w Cough Cure. A Lucas K. D. 0. Fills mm: fiction Wl‘ pmmon ‘5 m a, piano 0!" TO\V1\ \TAL i; his 6136c of bu: Mrs Why!» 111an a, Fowler a: Co min pretamed home oz. 1; r a coupEe 0? W801“ [100%. A. BLANCHARD, about Au '1 few .0?Lii€ :15 {1er St RAY notice SXRV Dunsiord ha auction and A ‘II "174 D. Leach 1mm 4 r. Cons 1T: .11 stakes 1110 11 1m 31

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