THE'PLACE To BUY. 8325.3... ...... . u... at cm- or busin rook to again enlcl‘ in the Butch~ 088. We have purchased lb,“ busmoss 0f the Old stand _ , 1 'LL ‘1‘ ‘ ‘ and we or - no“ in u lt‘ c "'10" "m" 9"" to sustain out} old rcpulazion. in us a call and you with the choices beeonviuCed Lhat wccan supply tcuts [o be had in town. LANCASHIRE SCOTT V ~N_ $1.00’PER ‘5‘ f7 - JQXXVIII. $OOIETIES. NNUM IN ADVANCE. I The ' fil lineof'gw .. Tamer Dmgcois \ g. of Post ofï¬ce. new, » 1L- _ The Week’s Commercial 8 i r . r 1 v ' sw‘fl’ll’“ and “mm" - l ‘2‘} 1 _ NADle HOME ClRt‘m “mm-y. Glhl‘ Eli/AL 1N it“, S NOTES. maillls. the deal involves property to the Tin and sheet iron workers dealing in ) «\ I. There is a ood deal of wheat oil'erin . c . v no 0 8250 000' and contemp ates an n- stoves usually make their own stove-p P08. Fr'sfwmzb- giggly?“ lg iii-ilrybimiimii' at ()"lm‘i<)JK§nts at 70 cents It avers. 9% * ._-_ vestment capital stock to the amount while the bulk of the product of stovepipe o'clock s . - ' s 00 'a about 0'.) pounds to the bushel. 3 THE WEEK’S HAPPENINGS' “00‘000‘ manufacturers is sold it) dealers in “88' "Jim." i KHz-nanny. R. I'LSI‘ANTUN, .. It is reported that atasession of the hardware, and bong,»{urnlsh1ng goods . Leader. J. R. YOUS'G, Fin-“ice. Sccrcury. AND READY TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS. The‘stocksof. wheat at Port Arthur and tort \\llllam are 209.037 bushels as compared with 1,070,400 bushels a. Interesting Items and Incident-rim- portant and Instructive. Gathered Belleville City Council, when that body was deliberating in committee of the Most stovepipc is made by hand. There are various patents relating to the manner of ' rAsmouABLE'TAlLon ‘ , _ , _ hole the other evenin one of the alder- . . i 1 es are made that u.- . - c AL row. w 1 . . . .. . . . W 8r olnlngthe scum M" W on“ â€â€˜0“ O l ' Myhbgaltiiq $112311), 1:335:13; may advance any “mo ye“ "30' From All Parts or the World. men t°°k 000831011 ‘0 “0811 the may†Joan be shipped 305““ the “cams t° 1†' x . . J; . The pnucipts of n“, stock at Toronto CANADIAN downwind this is the language he used in joined at the point or destination, thereby I. no“. “WM" the COURT IVANHOE. No. 327. I. 0. F. Meets If ird Monday in each month in their Strangers wcl rooms over Leach's drug store. come. D. F ALLTS CR. or W. “C GlLI.UT’I‘. its. OYtL CAVAN LODGE-CANADIAN 0R- DER .OF OUDFELUN S. mm: third l‘uesduy evening of each month ill the Home Circle rooms. King-SL. Millll.ook_- hour of meeting. it o’clm k. The beneï¬ts of this accl- the FRESH MINED CLEAN CCAl Doliwry prompt and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. A word with you about Lumber. l have given the prices in most grades a tumble downwards. ‘ SiliNCLES AND LAlH - - yards. on Tuesday were lar‘g'. aggrvgat- ing on mr loads. There Were 2.3M) lllcml oi siloip and lambs and 700 bogs. .. .lllc lu‘ttcr market; at Toronto and Montrval is firmer, owing to limited rc- cclpts. Twenty-ï¬ve failures are reported for 2L“ weekâ€"same week last year forty- ve. Tho Manitoba. Government’s oilicial crop bullotln was issu. d last week. The Buckingham needs a roller mill. Acton is 'uguin agitating electric light. Ottawa is organizing n. Cheese Board. Christian Island is covered with camp- crs. A ï¬ne lligh school will be built at Ben- frew. St. Thomas female bicyclists bloomers. A ï¬ne new hotel has been opened at Col- W68! ety are worthy the consideration of cvrry per Information furnished on application. 6. lll'NL‘AN. eon. JOS. THI‘RXDY E, 23.6. Seen tary I. 0. o. F. CC DOWN IN PRICE I have just unloaded twelve car loads of stock lumber and one car each of A 150. estuuatcd average yicld pcracre of wheat for the province will- be placed at 25.?) bushels, or a total estimated yield of 29,- 139,815 bushels. In oats the estimated avorugc yield per acre is 45.3 bushels ; total estimated yield ‘Jl ,8‘i7,-i lti bushel» Barley, wtimatcd average per acre $5.8 buslicls ; total cst-inulac-d yicld for tho provincc 5,5 H.310. l'lax, estimated total lingwood. Ridgotown has ï¬fty male and several fe- male riders. Urillia will furnish its new ball at a cost of $5,000, Mount Forest citizens want a system of water-works Mr. AJG. H. Creswicke is the new U.S. doing it: “Sit down, sir; you are not ï¬t to hold the position you occupy. and you could not get it again if you come to live a thousand years. Thank God they broke the mold when they made you." On Wednesday afternoon a sad fatality took place in Harwich township. Mr. J tunes Liddy was hauling home a load of tile, and his three sons, aged 8, 10, and 12 years, met him, and climbed on the load. The waggon took a lurch to one side, throwing off the load and those riding on it. The three boys were thrown under the load, the youngest being killed, and the others seriously injured. Mr. ledy escap- ed injury. UNITED STATES. James Whitcomb Riley is going to write a novel depicting hoosicr life. According to Marie Tempest, the ï¬nest in frei ht charges. Stovepipe is sold :‘ioigts, tgvo foot in length, and in vari- ous diameters. In anthracite regions the pipe averages ï¬ve or six inches in diamet- er, but in soft coal regions it is mostly seven or eight inches in diamcter. Stove- pipe is much cheaper than it used to be. Such pipe as formerly sold at retail at twenty-ï¬ve cents a joint, can now be bought at ï¬fteen cents or loss. There are in the United States 40,000 dealers of one kind and another, who sell stoves, and the an- nual consumption of stow-pipe ln'this country amounts to millions of Joints. Stovepipe manufacturers begin making p pe for the winter trade about the middle of summer, and jobbcrs begin placing their orders about the same time. The distribu- tion to dealers is active through Auguot and September, and it continues until the end of winter. While many stove dealers NEWEST SPRING PATTERNS AND CLOTHS FOR SCITINGS AND TROUSEBINGS AND WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE A CALL FROM YOU. ‘ Full lines or GENT’S FURNISHINGS 389 George Street. PETERBOBO. __.___._-â€"â€"~ “-17. :5,;W " ’44 'o- "" smears , , . . . , , house in the world is at Duluth. havin . tinsiniths' plants make their own Millbrook LodXBNO- JON. 'ch l for the )I‘(Vll ‘. l l:_’7l.().lU. l: . . Lonsul at Barrie. opera 1‘ . . ' l IVDEPE‘DENT FR ES H G R EY Ll M E istlinulcil total .lyivllï¬u “,2 8 0 buslldlt" ()f m ! m l . t i th 8' i ‘ ll 14 It has been practically decided that pipe, very few mifnufacture elbOWs. “hflch 1 “ ‘ , r . Pr . ,. - , . ,- , ‘ , ‘ f . ' ‘ ‘ “'" "m“ â€s n e d" o 33‘ ' Holmes will be tried for themurdcr of the they can buy cheaper from the manu ac- ORDBB 03‘ 01ҠLLLO“ S P‘LV :{tllm‘tlvd Italt‘“ 31â€,“ “’1 “'0 l"." 4"“ “11’5â€""5- Williams girhj in Chicago turer There are numerous patents on el- ‘ . - ' " ' .\’ ‘N St; :.\' And one «‘er load if Ch ito XX Shin 1.3. I : n, ‘ ' . . Vlllm‘ ‘â€" ,*..o\) lu<10 4. ' ‘ lo total "‘l‘dlll .. ._ . , ~ . ' I ‘ ' . . . - ll 533;: Edna‘s-Er 512 2:3 l’istF ï¬lial \‘is‘t ‘ . U k S U llrilutlun anltul o Mualuma has twme as many tourists Fully 2,500,000 aligators have been klll- boas. There are. elliows that are made a , yield for ISM) in Manitoba “ill lm piuux‘d , -_ , , this vear as lust. - a - in one piece and others are made in sec- ing Brethren welcome. , . . at 31.30! .021 bushels. Tho woln-ral re- , , ' . . . . Cd in blorldfl. during the last twelve ' ' - achino work in the i ARE THE . - . W. D. LEACH. D HAMl'l‘oN. .\‘ a; It DllnenSlOll Stllff Cl“: Ollt to Order 1Ҡ,5 [mm “one{Winona “5â€,†tln- 6,)“ [ho Jim-1m Philharmonic hociety num- years. tions. l‘here is more In Secretary. MARRIAGE LICENSESL“ RCHIRALD \vooo, lssl'sl: or nu.- RIAGE LICENSES. Mum. ulelll PROFESSIONAL. ROBERT BUDDY, A HILLBROOK . - ' lic. Etc. new Post Ufllce N. C. McKinnon,DI.D.,C.1I. (SCCCESSOR To DR. Slimline}. MILLBBOOK. - - 031‘. Money to Loan. Assets Over $ 1 4,000,000. . l osrl---.-__. 0N SHORT NOTICE. ,i Yours respectfully, W'°;;‘.‘:.:;::l:‘t.:‘::'233‘ iii-i?“ W. THEXTON. l 3TH CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CCï¬ â€˜ ESTABLISHED 15-17. l citi n of crops are in lit-oping with the favorabln advices, which haw boon uivcn for the past two months blii‘ullgll‘ the press. Making allowanco for all, draw backs. the consuluus of opinion is that the whvat crop Manitoba lor Ibo year, as 1,.) quality. and quantity, will surpass any prcvmus season in the country‘s history. Rup rts agree that a large number of - laborol's will be rcquir.-d for harvesting. (,‘onlpuli‘rl from the returns, nearly 54.1)†extra bands will be want d if tile crop is handled in time to escape frost. Here and There. The last love is always the host. In the gillllt' of lilo the poorest hand .~‘ often takes the most tricks. l-crs HS ulclubcrs. Wyoming and Alvlnston business men compete at baseball. 'l‘hcyarc doing fall plowing in some parts of the country. Bruntl‘ord will have a 20-mile bicycle raco on Labor Day. At Mouford the other day a. good horse . was sold for 7.5 cents. The fare on Bollovillo's new electric rall~ way is three cents. The Gait and Fusion electric railway now extends to Preston. Windsor is agitating the formation of an al lib-tic association. Windsor and Cbathaln are entirely free from contagious dlsvascs. Elgin county jail inmates are fed at a In some old buildings at Jay Bridge. Me., were found $2,500 in Government bonds. George Grould, it is said in New York, has been blackballed recently by the Paris Polo Club. Simon French. of Somerville, Me, 87 years old,has worked out his highway tax this year. It is said that Lake Erie produces more fish to the square mile than any other body , of water. The gifts and bequests to United States public institutions for the ï¬rst ï¬ve months of 1895 amount to $10, «134,150. Mrs. Russell Sagewife of the Wall street millionaire, is an earnest advocate of the 4 highest education for women. Gnrcia,tho Mexican, who was hanged at manufacture of elbows than in the manu- ; facture of pipe. The old-fashioned right- i angled elbow of two pieces is still made by hand, but its sale is limited; and most 61- : bows are of the modern kind, with three, i four, or five sectiom. There are adjust- f able elbows, made with a. moveable joint, 3 which can be adjusted to any angle or to two angles. 0 j Frosting “'indows in Summer. Do what you will, there will always be ‘ some fly marks on store windows and on 1 the p ones in the doors during the sum- 3 mer. 1 To destroy the dirty impression this i creates on customers, some houses have; been frosting the glass with a preparation l of beer and Epsom salts. A solution of a dessert spoonful of salts , in half a glass of beer applied with a soft I BEST. TRUEST. AND . . . MOST ARTISTIC. His ulzrgcd i’t.ill‘..lts :1. Oil or V‘Vater Colors, India ILk. >epia or Cray ans, 1: ve no superior ox. this Continent ‘ - l, ‘ a work imperis 3'01" A ., .. .. .-. ,, . . , . .. . PEI‘EBBORU 030 3!.“ and Victoria Universities. Ll- ‘ H .. . a, .._ ' cost oi inc u nts lldll). San Quinton, Cab. for murder, left a com} rag (“(1‘in over the surface of the 313684170 LHABLO . .. 1; c mime Royal ( allege surgams. l~1dlu- ‘ ~lhc “01mm “llo l'cturns a kiss for a At. Slim-bot Lake the other day a 17- produces an effect Slillllal‘ to that made by ‘; III’KAL .‘Iemler College Physicians and Sur- hs, ()nmrlu. Oflicc at A. beach a drug store. uldence Annie Street. L. LAPP, B.A., M.D.. Cull. Si‘t‘Cl-ISSHR T0 DR. I‘iilLlJl‘S'. VLEADS ALL Canadian Companies, WHY IT LEADS - - - I ‘ l_v finds her allliction more than she can blow makes a bid for another blow. A constant dropping will wear au’uv the percentage of thi- bost ba'l team. The Woman with bony shoulders usual- pound salmon was caught. A Sutton girl in bloomers rode into Bill’l‘ll‘ I‘occllily on her bicycle. A l‘t't't'llt hailstorm at Barrio broke 200 paum of glass in a greenhouse. Tlll‘ North Bruce Exhibition will be fession that he has slain eleven men. At Jacksonville, Fla, Theodore Star- buck, aged 20, has developed hydrophobic from a cat bite inflicted two months ago. ‘ A jury in Parry (Ola) found the pro-é siding judge guilty of drunkenness, instead of me (it-fondant, and assessed costs on the l l frost in winter. It does not look unlike galvanized sheet iron. ,l It should not be too thickly distributed, for the liquid will run and spoil the ap- ; pearance. i - In some stores in Montreal, where it has 1 mails to climb, GEound s6 BAN KERS, M i llbrook, Transact a general Banking lus’mess, in eluding collecting and discounting Far- mer’s Notts for any time dursng twelve months. Ontario. all! received and interest alloa ed :21 highest current rates. ed and collectivns made :t on most favorable terms. Hours from 9 am. to4 p.m. S Ma .63? \r 2'" ~ 7. f jig-jig. an A ALF. chsc‘u - - - MANUFA AWNINGS, TEN CAMPING; ' \ WATERPROOF HOPâ€: AND WAGGON COVERS, 7344 WATES STREET, PETERB posirpoor. - - ONTARIO. l. Bacause it is the oldest. invest, must popular and ccol‘omical and , ba,.._ , , 7 ‘ . been very carefullydone, it createsswin- Q . > ‘ . ' ‘ .. . ' \ Wil'i‘h‘ “F , gives the best results for the 1- ast more)“. <, i fl _ i hold at Port hlgln October 10 and 11- COUI‘Y- ' : try impressmn. l Taiicti“un.ii dihif'\zi‘yisli3iiins ‘iilllll >)ix}3...r.;m, ‘ 9-- B:cause in 1895 it incr.;a.sed its assets of $1.236,513â€"a sum_exceed- . (lscar \Vildc must have picked quite a All rural schools Will open on the 10th Jospeh Fossatl and his wife, who was al -~ | Ontario. ‘ * i1 3 the increase of any L tin r tau Canadian Corr panics, and 1 little pile of oakuin by this time. and Normal schools 0†Ill†30th â€01"".'e(1 woman. “'er tarred and feathered l THE PAIN LEFT QUICKLY- l VDL‘RTAKERS _.__._._ . lat-re than double of any one Company. , ift‘ '1 ll 'lt . 1 T9... .‘unadiau 'l‘cmpcranco League will 3" ““11“ “allu, “ash. by ï¬fty mask 5 l ' and 3. Because it has a. larger s;rplus, ab. ve all liabilities, than all the ‘ "l1 3Ҡ(’11 "UMUIUCS to mom . i spend 54:; (mo thi~~ Vi"ll‘ in its work men. I ' l '. WAR . . ...-. ,.., ,,, , “ ‘~‘ ‘ ' .Rhn i ' " . ~ ‘ .' ,, H: :1. DLVT \RIO , other Cynadian (30le8.11). S migrmber, . ‘ . slit. “ill suolrbe “ell tllJll‘all to lead bur Mrs, liuptistc Mziri‘lluml died recently lit An Old Orchard, Me", nun] who ran 8; e mazrgfegfiEegegeaeg:.y.bmnd‘n‘ E PRACTVAL ILHBALMEKB i P031 HOP!“ ' ' ‘ ' '1 4. B cause the m-t Proï¬ts paid LII lt'i Lli‘ poucles during the last 20 , 0““ Oblmmlles~ 'l‘ilbury C-ontcr. “god 101 years. needle into his foot,e.\;tracted the same byl I h H, 1 ,. . l B at of Tuiinltttlalr “.1. be given. ARRISTEK. Attorney :1! Law. wlicimrï¬ years are not equallui by any other C .mpany in America. 5 \ \l' _, â€"â€". _, k" , , _ .. ,,, .1 F l- . , 1 placing his foot ncar a dynamoin the local‘ an icon "“mtlm 0f rheumatism for, a. ._ , etc Money to lend m, the Scculiiy ,,,| lb .- . 1:, â€cad,“ mall1 \\ it) isifd a wolulll; 1 .4) \stlfl‘s are]; l :lllll 1(1) fig-anti in (0 (1 electric light plant. l seven years, being confined to bed for; “'F [‘j‘Fy} p land a large real estatv. Town and Farm i'rurcrzy f-rr Suri' ’ us go o spent ~l.\l_\' ays in jal SFUY‘IIRO. mm ill‘ "WU l. .‘.. - , , 1 months at a. time unable to turn mvgeif E ‘ ‘9 2 . .. Rim». 0an ~,. . .-. -. R . ' ' .. - ‘ ... .. ‘ ’ -‘ '; ti'lc-rllllll“ ’- U_mrelm ‘ mum 51â€"0}: in,“ H Slldrtt- R_ d_ DOA K, ‘J_ L_ I WI N, {tglr‘litlllg of It. But then. he “as a mln- A rum-lit mcctlug ol the )lcaford Coun- willillo‘zdudloriltxï¬qdiiiiidyainLliJiggyfgiigliv I have been treated by many physicians : Soil.- is Well)“ " ‘ â€sitiï¬ffi. if: ‘ I , ser. ~'l ': ‘ ' ' .- n'H _ 3“." ‘. " ‘ .' inns ’ tlw'lzl'xvs“ '."’.. A. A. SMITH, , Agent, M I L LB ROO K- PORT HOPE 1 LI In u'l) broke up in t ll“ “#1†His lmcn was immaculate, and he paid beriodttpdm Of thic‘EDtry' none of whom I sliiv‘w studs. A. .31" ,‘W‘ ““f’†_ _ ,_ . 'l'ho kin" of Spain 1,,“ the muesli-s Midland “'1“ have a new fin-hull and a particularattention to his collars l _ '0 me. , “‘1 no “nth in rheu- of â€it l-Iic-‘léiu‘ “ ““i“ â€m†IV“ mLLBROOh. . . 0) I AILO. 1. , PBl'h'II)‘ tinder m ‘ circumstances I“: number M. new private 1‘05““an Th .11 f Mr M l B. at d , matic cures advertised, but my wife in- ‘ in lllc .‘llll‘ki-i. . . . . 5 ' . .3 , . , ,1. . .. . . e\\'l o s. aryaine m or a‘ -. . ,. ._ ARII‘sl‘Eli,1s)lzcx:er. Ellery! Pulls-1.11“;-t ; G E O. A. 8‘ E. W- COX, Will not blame Cuba for also breaking â€1 â€1“ 79 “ "“15â€" Pm’h‘" “Chm" pupils S‘ontb Boston l'ldverVldes' 't 84 600 trdst ' TiliiiiiliiiitidoCEBrilTridentiflgfgf iiitlldrAgzn ‘ i’riv;t an Comranv ums :o ; l , ' .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' .. .. ‘ . _ . _ _ .. â€a. -~-. . , . . _ . . . , , , , ’ . _ thelowesz‘r-izcs“ mile. in w... a .5; hells muck. . MnthRe LAbTLRS 0S lARlO. IORO)‘ m. out. “ho wrote 101 tln (Illl-llllt, l: 1mm d. for ,1“. am. and maintenance of a parrot ; gist, Owen Sound. At the time YI wgs ' :gnltsgauaty on 2nd and 4th .\lolld;l)sof cvcl’y i « D. L. )Ioodv _â€"is 1â€â€œka an effort to 'l‘lloi-Q \vol‘o ~llli|ppll01itltllls to teach the â€"-a bird she had owned for twonty years. sufl’cring agonizing pain, but inside of ‘ _ . , we. , , , . . m7 7 Dlilt‘l‘ a bible {1’1 the llitlltlSTIl‘ cal‘b ('1,- the Bradford M‘ d“! M‘llUUl, one tcrlll,for $1M" Electric roads and bicycles are playing ““201“: hours after I 190k the limb dose tho S, “'. CWK, L.D.S. ‘ ,, o 75.0,I‘Oiorinlinals in the country. Mr. A girl lï¬ycars old last week hauled hlll) Willi hOI‘Sl'S in the Western States. , pain 1““ "l"- lcontinuod until I $00k; MILLBBOOK - - ON'i‘ARlO.i “ Standard Ire ssuran e o Moody is enorgptip, 311.1 11(- generally out a :llIc-pound maskinonge at Brock. Horses which sold for $50apiece a few three 'bOt‘llt‘rl and consuder I am com- ‘. ‘ ' succeeds in what he undertakes. villc. years ago are now being sold fcgrmimi $3 i‘plt‘tcl) villi-ed. ‘ ENl'IST. WNW illlt‘llllU“ ““0“ “7‘ â€l“ The Fee“ lt‘usiliols‘ nfll-crs Wini. each. and oven at that absurd ï¬gure the 0:18†l , _..._ ~ .l'l‘-t' .\'i7 . \ _ , ... . ~ . . L .. . (sol‘. .V' 1 . . J, . . , trons ‘33:? lighted" Iii}: liltiï¬lgsls vx‘il’ntl'll'm "1 ‘ Esmbhflled 132'" Take Notice. want to organize the corps as a City bat- supply 1“ greater than the demand. 0' M(Lcod, Lelth P‘ 0., ' ; ;:?.\\"llll‘:t .‘ , ' ' u", v, '. a _. . iffiginyl iii: :‘il‘iirkmiii‘iixiil Nl‘iiiaknslvf Sari) .\t the con. Annual General )loetingor 1‘ch STANDARD LIFE AssrRAM'i. The cxtcnswn of our own personality â€If?" . . , ' F â€NEEâ€. “"5““ .gh.1, 3; fan K by ~ . .. month. ‘V’mtmt‘t' JSl Monday 4““ 3:“ “cm-"t“ COMPANY. held at Edinburgh. on 'l‘ucslluy tlu- 5th March. 1895. the following by sympathy is just another word for “‘“w "re more islands â€1 thfl’st" Law- r““‘,]?(()'fl:lili: 11);):i51‘lhxc “m ; 1.6 ent ] ‘ 1“ IROU ' day or earn month. results for the year ended 15th November. 189-1. was rt'itortcd :7 Progl‘css, such as is ios‘s‘iblc to us in this â€"1"" "â€w â€m" cvcr bcforc, owmg t0 the â€um “I o. ‘10 ‘ d.~\d.l(m 1.11.1} l; If Fu- â€"' fl ,, ‘ world such "N we hope for in another low \vatcr. morcd that be “ill soon be sent to Llnna l The Bane of JAS° SEAGER’ )I'D 9 C'DI' “ 40"9 Policies of Life Assurance were issued. assllrillx" $8,723,930 and brighter Spht‘re- MN- Bulmn-l’flrry SUllrul‘dit‘tl 0f srli'l $Q;§:;“,’,§’o‘f{‘ï¬,i‘$§‘,§",‘,,°,‘,‘foff,‘,‘:,‘,i° move' . ’ , j ' K . " > liocmlsc of her wayward boy sum to the ~ ‘ ' 02" TREVILLF" ' 03"!"0' The Total Existing Assurances in force at 15th Novem- .. M . rcformntorv. FORFIGV i T new Tutors-h- mnum .\l~-tx_ber. her [sol mailman-v to 7 - 7 7 - - $112i,271,2it;0 lbs great qua-“MO“ 3‘11â€?" 3' “my ' 1-. '. 1.. 1 \" . . (' - ' ~ A A . ‘co ..'l' 7.. mild».trays-1...; :Ilvi Surgeons. :1 ‘1 t (l I" l t h. } should be short or long is bolng dismiss- .( ‘f"“‘:,‘“‘,". 3'" i ‘ “"Lm t aunt} tâ€! “t" Fours are entertained that ex-Queen f n _, , , ,, ,A- , . . .-,. . 7. 7. The Claims by Dent or . ll “1'0 .11! "WNW“ 3‘ ‘V “‘1 ed proand con. As a. matter of fact, â€mm": W "i: “‘8 "‘"r'szi‘ ‘0 on â€mm Marie of Hanover.tlic mother of the Duke “ ~_- .! 3:“ , i}, 01312-1111,, VV.S. arose during the Year amounted. including Bonus .. _ _‘ 5mm. stories should bo long and others t‘XfllnlllutlflllS. of Cambridge will shortly become total] ‘ iILI BROOK _ _ 0‘ I‘AAKIO Additions. to - - - -_ - - ' ‘ ‘]..3 should be short. The man “'11†can tell A bed of lino watt-r has been found near blind. 4 n ‘ .1 - . 7 v z r -) - I t ' ' '< " " " ' . ' ' V w ' ' ' m .. ~ 13? \'I\l ls TRF r3 The Annual Revenue amounted at lath i\o\'elllbcl‘. 18M. “hm 1i: in“ â€Mil†Ph.†hm†‘5 the iim’h‘l’ mm A flow or mmmrm per 'h" Rev-Dr“11““‘3‘1D‘539- ‘nmngmm A Lie? iguana: to lilicslt.flt'li‘l lid-.lm-tlio‘ds . to - ‘ - - - r ' - - - - 35.138.1“1 ma}: “ 0 15 mo“ 3110;955:111 35 a story lollr. ‘ ‘ - ed “Sun, first Baptist lilisslon‘ziift‘u S .‘. . Patti-cum “mum“ {weigh} mum ill“ ‘i‘ZL‘ry‘ l The \ccumulnted Funds at "line dam unwanted to - - S'w "Hi 9"" ‘ w“ er. *' A in}: lwmghmg .m intmmlsyoiiml owlir and Siam, Where he laboured {my year' Charges moderate Res rllcv: and H cc 10K 1 .- - « N ‘ ‘ ' ' t' ' ' " "‘ 7 .our cc . nilg,\\'n5 caugi noar awa t 0 died Tuesday at San Diego Califonia. it" onnoane ulu Western Bxuk- ; - v 7 . ., . .- ., the Year f 31.) 03,-, Severe col-is are easily cured bv the other (lav. ’ , A“ i Boing, an manna). during, 7 0 3. ‘U‘ i . use “r Bicklc’s Antl‘(‘mm‘lmpmf‘ SETUP, Mr. H. Coombs,Goorflctowndms been ob- Baron Bernhard Tauciinitz, 0f Leipsic DR. H. C. LESLIE, i Investments in (“mum : a nl‘i'hmi‘ne of extrmlnrdixiary pil-‘nctrating pointed limitilullstor of the Richmond Hill 213,0,i:(Efjléfï¬gdflggï¬f‘fhggdog.rgill‘fegi,a ' g , . , - .. ‘7.) ~ am we. In!r properties. t lsac 'nowlo lrr- ‘ , “‘ . ‘ , , ‘ 5 '5’ chrhmfl' Surgeon (mvcrnulcnt and Mllnlfllhll 3“}1‘1’, SN???) ‘ ed 1“. thusfwm, In“... use it as beinw tlfo High if him . . H and Continental editions of British auth- BETHANY. ‘ - ONTAR") i )li’ll‘tgztgo, (NOI‘ lit'iil l‘.St{‘. l-‘t: 11911 ‘ 'ly'ligi. .01,†‘ bail; medicine ‘01,! for ‘Ollt'l Q f1, A milking inuchuw, nullung ton COWS 01.5, is dead. __ . l Real Estate _ - _ - - â€" 2inu.000 . . ' L t' l“ “"3' atonoc, isbcing put up at the Guolph , . . , LL Doilijsrlv i'riLD AleALs TREAT l . ‘ _. , _ _ _ < _ 100 500 lIlflflmmathl 0f tlu' lungs, and all allec- A ,.,,.,,,,,,,..,1 0,11,“. 1 rmce hm H0 Iuk,t-he refugee Col-en ed “coming {.7, Meg, sgie,,t-,m.h,,,,.t,,o‘s l sundries - - ' mom of the throat and chest. Its agrcc- l ‘ [Th] 11 t‘l} 1' " ' l ,1 l‘ Minister of the Interior, who fled from Particular attention slwn to l‘lulm' t‘llllwl’m .- abloness to thc t1<tc link it 1‘ - ‘ ' ‘-‘ 1“†“1' 1“ “""mm “'1" We" a 7’1' Seoul u. month er t ' ‘d' w t t . I - ,,,: , L,, “11.0,“, ~-7_ -~ . - es 0. avourite J. _ ‘ _. ' . _ , ‘ .go 0 mm .lrrcsta - iyuaiitlignfldgdoijcfnm t .1“! by Itltkl’lph prumb i .. , v , » With 1,,de and children. i is“ if; â€illlOOlllil‘h vull get .i Berlin paper instance 0, the Queen,urrived yesterdu ' . , No or lloycul‘. Victoria B W’ 1N1. RADISEY, Manager. It Stand [In '1 ’ ll ~| I in ()"llll'l bov who opened a switch on ’ T. H. HASSARD, V.S., ; - , , . . , . ., .. ,2 _ ‘ The Toronto industrial F .11.}. . the Midland “as mm to t- ... xILLBRooK . - on IAIUO. _ , . . ~ A I ut-lon. . . W ‘ S GIVEN, J. J- B A \RnfTY- which begins on the 2nd of Hcptemiku. ‘ lor‘siun “mars. VRADCATE or run HNTARIH \‘ETER- ' ‘ ° " , District Inspector, next. Will be thl- greatest fair ever hold , J inary L'JHCRC. Dist-uses «f Domestwatcd A59" 9 ETE B in Canada. The number of entries of Animals treated OnSt'u'nlilicprinciples Eiulllt‘ _ P R 0R0 ‘lee Mock and Manufactures. an ‘ - .. . d in Dentist}? aspeleéltY- Rililswreg‘flgccgr ’33,“: ‘fact in all the leading departments, is Dignity): Hï¬iglrmiigldem-é King 5:. m , 7 ,7. W , , , W, . 7. .7777 77 7 unprcccdcntod. {llitrt‘smed fill llltlus have h ’ } been piovnied 1n the bui ling-s and . ‘v J GREEN rounds. and the cxlnbits in a illicit,“ to . . , TO , sing considerably larger in volul'np lllan ' , â€"â€" â€" those of any previous year, will be ehoip. 14.5 HUNTER ST. PEI‘ERBOROCGH- 1or and better arranged. The gent-r11] i " " ‘ -â€" ' ' ' i featurcs of tho sh nv need not be recapit- ._~\ J, B "EwV‘HAS'l PAILHR ISSUREROF MAR 01d 0 t Ice â€1 In l minted in detail. ltis sufï¬cient to say \â€" "" - Plakelï¬'f‘ql‘" l. itlfult it prosonts ulcotmplote t‘lllllolflioluf “FL ._-.~_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"77~WA-~W 1 10 mo prmrross am a llalnlncnts o z m l - - ' ~ tand 'l. d ut in a frhh ebol' . ‘- °- ~ ... .. -. - , ‘ ' HI LM ll vnur removed to the above bomuwdlh‘h 5 ‘ l b - - Dominion ln lnrlu>t13.m« cilanlcal inven7 cmbfloml C SHO ’ [ a 'l lme hatter prepared than W9? t0 3000"â€)93‘W "'5' PM ‘ 035l(â€Â§â€™_*1‘9~ “Pd kl ition, art and science. A brilliant pro ‘ BilrriSters’ u ~va ores, who will favor me with a call. Spt‘clfll value in htcm-‘V 111d Watch! -‘ lgmmmo of special attractions has “on PORT HOPE. - - 0‘11“", fro u 82 {xii up. Clmpletc line of Silvixware at hard WHO prices. ,providod, zgpromiuvnt lcatum of p’llieb , O Y 1 ‘ 5 er "em 0" gilt eclxc i is the meat \Vatm' l‘on- and Aquatic Ex- M‘Eï¬mfï¬ 33:1! fill! Eupana 51'1“- u-nt 0!: Great ReductiOn in B. Laurence Spectacles. L hibition to be glvcn every t‘ferm'm and lesser security. Terms tosuit borrowers. B t (l l'ity , evening on a spacious artiï¬cial lake in â€"- r cs . [11 - - I frunt of tho grand stunt , With beautil ‘ RANVEY INNES, tableaux nudagrcat variety of aqi i' ‘ . . .. u. . ~ < . -- '1 ledb voc .. . , a A810. sc mm in Li! I OLD [’05] OFFICE . 1’01l‘7’llnfl'mesi ““9"â€3Ԡ.y PEIEBBOKO - O T . it mull". I . .. S EEL SPAND ‘ instrumental music. at tho highest, lvu. Exomzlzus,oX'rAulo LANRf‘l “' A1 'E~‘"“'†â€â€™ ° ' ‘ in addition to this. tlw il'lendnl ny Vl-zi'oRs. 4 in" dramatic andkpyrotcvlmlt'.illaglean‘, «7 " 7 7 7* ,, ’ " ’ ' ’ ' Relief of |.uc now.†“:11" m In! J H. GARDINER magniï¬cent ï¬rcli'm‘k"ll‘l’lilvail marrow - - °~“'"“"° 1‘95 “L†A†“""m “â€5 33.7.1“? “will"f‘fil(iié'iii-ii-‘éositï¬fi. ‘ ‘ . X S â€Ii“ c ‘ ‘ . . . . . ‘1) '.\'T\' “Fl ‘ , j ' Fair. u a l - '7 w. ‘ 7...- r-r . t v . . " v tend-d. inn?“ and terms ML new “A“ A50 “ “‘1'? STOCK OI" . . (‘oni‘mon Sense HI“ “I P â€WNW“ “ p Much of tile is." ‘ BANKS. WAL AND W I l > \, y r ‘ S BELOW ARE SOME or ms LEADERS . . BAN KER Q in Wood COOK “aha Eiir’n) Shae, . _ - Ontario. uranteed to be per ct a or . Millbrook, ii'l‘he Original 0). k,†2‘ The 1331319 C . ~ sari-IS .r s“ .anir Rance ’ the est co LVARMERSI‘ a\58fl%§£§§d g;)2|?pdinls‘it anhfï¬zvqu‘bc Oxfï¬xd éogl Range. â€" . . L 7 2F 1 ‘ ,, ,ngc;:dl f{he United States 12:23:;1‘r3nr- Sultana.†" The Daft-rd Art C luntes. Vi "éfl'tl'm 'f 53‘0““? 33.2. No commiS- aqpre, and a Fl!“ Line Of Housei'urni ‘; , chad? e â€u {fort Brand. of Amer-lean and Oan‘ orrwï¬r v...“ .1.» or Kin: S*- 407 GEORGE ST' 3! xterenckumadlax flank of Commerce- †J . -- e KELI s - z W 00]) c 4