Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Messenger (1874), 30 Aug 1876, p. 3

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apnea: tow Tmhburn, 'thé V younger, ALFRED RYLEY, - ~ Tamhip Clerk- m the expiration ‘of one month, from the date hereof, the Miméipal Council of the Township a! Maven, at them then ‘next meeting, intend to pass a. Bylaw to close up and 0°3er so muck} of €529. original _ alloysnée’ and conv so much or me angina! allowance for Roadiietween Lot: 1503. 10 and 11, inthe cm; Mr. Eppe has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage whichmay save us many heavy doctors bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitutionmy be gradually built up until WW enough tomsist every tendency to dime. of subtle maladies are to d’nease. Jinndreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever thereisawmk, Womay mpemanya fa- tal shaft py keeping oursejves w_ell fgrtified packeis labelled “James Epps Street, and 170P1cca- â€"(‘i5a? Service Carat-e. - _ Sick! 9911b: pgckefi labelled “June‘s. eoping ourselves well fortified with 'pnrebixu! andgproperly nonrishodframez’ A..." OurIele-ess' gestim and nutrifion, and by 5. careful appli- cation 9{ th_e_ fine_pmperti§ 9f wefl-selgcfeq Errs’s Cocoa.â€"Gmr'mvm. AND Comm- mG.â€"‘By a thorough knowledge of the na- tural laws _whi¢_:h_ govern t‘h_e opemfiqn§ of di- A Henithy man, may eat almost any kind of food, in moderation, bu: an invalid must live prudeinlymr suffer {mm Dyspe in, with its long train of evils. Wisenz’s hsrmu TA- xuns. are pnreiy restorative in character, and are a precious boon to the Dyspeczic' At Millth on the 27th August, the wife of Mr. Thomas McClean, of a. son, still born. At Millbmok, on the 28th August, the wife of Mr. David Chambers of adaughtcr. AtMiIlhmdk, on the 3lst August the wife of Mr. Alfred Leach, Chemist and Duggist, of At Millbrook, on the 26.11 August, the wife oer. T. S. Marshal], ofason. At the mdence of the bride’ s father, VH1]- bmok. on Wednwday, Am'ust30, by the Rev. Rural Dean Allen, Mr. John Read, Merchant, t_n Max-«mt Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. -_-.--.A The Servians have been driven out of Gurgusovatz; Han‘atuv itch has fallen hack onAlexinatz; Sm enyearsovitch has deflated Crackyexjawig»tz, and Pulldown- yerthovitch has inflicted a. cmshin" Iglow on Wipofyerchinoskiâ€"Prom’dem-e Mr. Huge] is also arranging for a cheap Excursion to Sturgeon Point, on the same flay, to accommodate those who cannot go to the Fails. ‘ Return ticket, from Mfllbrook, about 65 cents. Mi- Hindman' I Barney, who was to have given his L'ectme on “ The Fight with King Alcohol,” desires us to 'state that it was not. his fault that he was not on hand in time to keep his appointment, on Saturday evenMIast. The Midland train, from the North was detained over three hows, by the fire raging beyond Lindsay. The rails had become so heat- ed in one place, that; they doubled up, in front of the wheels of the locomotive. The train did not reach Millbrook till after "iizil’ o'clock. Mr. Barney intends [fining this section again sometime in twin, from t th_ree ho‘ms, almon'eph front ofthe The train di (3" CIVIC Humanâ€"By advertise- ment. it will be observed that the arrange- ments have been made for the trip to ‘Nlagaxa. Fare, about $2.50 fmm Mill~ Manners, Angmt 26, 1876. N35 @0111}? $1325 pays for this paper, from the present time to the lst J armory 1878. Send along another 810,009. We nmierstam! that somesneak-thieves got hovering around the premises of Mr. Henry Atkins, Lively Stable Keeper, Miilbrook, and only left him one duck, but of a. flock oftwenty-three. Mr. Atkins presents his compliments to the gentle‘ men who honored his premises, by their sublimepresence, on that evening, and regretsthat they too timid to arouse him from his shunbers, as it would have af- forded him the most exquisite pleasure to have got out his very best Rig, and driven his young friends to their rendez- type, we hope the igfimaating public 'viil drop in and ask us to draw up a goodly number of receipts for $1.25. W list, and, in mder to encour- ngethaavhodonattake aux-papers to dram Onée, we Wfl] send either the Mammal-Standard frOm the lst of September to the end of 187' 4 for the small sun of $1 25, in advance; This, timely is cheap enough. We Commence with an extradition of 100 cnpies, and, ur long as they last, hack numbers, con- t:dnixng the new awry, from its com- mencement, Win be furnished to all new @119ch As it is our intention to devote the proceeds arising from New: Sum tau-mm. for our new“ \ NOTICE. No Lectureâ€"Apology. Who Stole the Ducks ? Send Along. T0 SEETHIS World’s Wonder; A. RARE CHANCE Nlagam cent, containing over 2, 000 double column Suar- to pages, and over 300 superb full page engravl ings. The work is published in Parts, on 3. Ian which insures its welcome to every Eng- ‘sh reading family. To energetic young men or ladies, who are willing to work, We will guarantee a. permanent position for two years, and Good Pay l Don‘t fail to write for onrpri- vate m.mple pages, etc; This is-a grand opportunity for school teachers to make ' more than double their salaries without interfering with their professional duties. The work is be- ing manufactm'ml at a cost of over $20,000 for the literary, artistic and mechanical work of producing the lates, by the old Well-known, reliable Lovell ‘nting and Publishing 00., of Montreal. All letters from agents must be ad- dressed to the Publishers general agents as f01~ lows :â€"- , i . ‘ HAZEN B. BIGNEY 8: CO;, ‘ “ ’ 28 and 30 St. chis Xavier Slre'et, Noxmmn, QUE. GRAND E WANT reliable, energetie cz‘mvassing agents in every town in the Dominion for the new ‘ ‘ Illustrated History of theDomin- ion of Canayle." This work is‘ ‘tmly'magnifi- ”EXCURSION ! None but first-classworkmen employed. and the best of man terml used. Buildings put up in an incredible shont tlme, when requlred. Matérial furnished; or not, to suit customers Millbrook, Aligust, 1876 " -- 20 Are prepared to take contracts for the exlection of Brick or Stone Stores, DWclling Houses, Churches, or any other Masonry" Full particulars in next issue of Messenger. . Call and examine the Goods for yoursel'ves; All kinds of Farmer’s Produce token in Exchange for Goods, as Cash. He would call the attention of the Public. particularly to his \Vines and Bmdies, which can- not be surpassed for medicinal purposes. Clry his Ten Year Old Brandyâ€"a speciality "" “â€"u'â€" â€"â€"'1 - ---, \V'hich he is prep-med to eel] at the very lowest po'ssgigle Elias”. Having had several years’ eX- perience in the business, and being in a position to buy on first-class terms, he feels confident that he can s'ell as low as any respectable trader in the Dominion. Wines, Liquqrs, 1919.5 and Porters, Belfast Ginger Ale; em, having leased thefihop next to the Dominion Hotel, he respectfufly announces t0 the Inhab- itants of Millbrwk, and surrounding country, that he has opened up a. large and well-assorted Stock of a FAMILY GROCERIES, Grocer and Liquor Dealer. All kinds of Double and S' e Camagcs 311? l Bu" 88,141 d anc Phaetpns,e wkept on hand or made to order. one but best oE llama-fl}? l f 135% y “meg: by- ed. Orders by Ina} will receive prompt, magnum MIDLAND RAEWAY. Millbrook, August, 1876. Bricklayers Contractors; MILLBROOK, ONT., Millbrook, August, 1876. Hongtlre lme of tile Ieasml the $1101) Ifxttg the Doqixxiop‘fiogcl,‘ he respeéfiully ginnounogls tog'xe ‘Inhgb: ';"L_u J. A- 1 7.. "‘ P. - J. AYRES, ‘thc strongest and best: machines ever made. They haw- '4 Wheé15,with tires 6 inches wide; hacks made of two inqh atlunre iron' and three‘ quarter chain f6: hqoks. Price, $180, Cash; $190, at flnee and six months time. " _ -' _ _ ‘ . .7 â€""'â€" . 7 AS FOR SALE, TBREE OF‘ HIS PA- TENT Sawing Machines, v-jaiéfrég:fisijz)x:gbe Middle‘L-ine of may, by one-01"them. Others. gm m use, further EMPLUYME~NT.â€"+.i'§%’2geifiii"£2 have just What you.nee<L our 93:“ Monar- ed Chrorms outsell anything in the market. Mr. Persons writes: “ [’strI-ck 'o‘ut yester- day, and by working easy four hours, clegr- ed :57.” A lady hasjufi reported her pro- n“. .or the forenuon as $5 ; yesterday up to 5’. o’clock she cleared $7.50. We can prove beyond question that one agent ordered 5,- 600 of these chromos in eieVen working days. We have the largest and fines! as- sortment in the United States; hundreds of choice subjects from which to select. We will send you an assorted 100 of the best selling on receipt of $6.00. Send in 3‘01 r Elder 0r give us arcall.‘ Sample» by mail 250., or 12 t'orlsl. ., . ' -' ' J. LATHAM 8:. 80., ' 419 Washing". l 51;, Boston, Mass. West. Lindsay, August 23, 18h. ion. Send stamp to GILMORE ' 00;, Washing- ton, D) (2., to. full instructiony. All Federal Officers. Soldiers, and Sailm-s, wou:ded, ruptured, or injured in the line of duty in the late \m', and disabled thereby, can ob- tain a pension: ' Widows, and minog- children of’Oflicers; Sol- diers, and Sailors, wno have died since disohnrgc of disease contracted, or wounds and injuries received in the service and in lme of duty, can prqcur‘e pengions, by gddrggsing GILMon‘u (500‘. L Increz‘xsed rates. for Pensioners obtained. Bounty Land Warrants prompted for service in wars prior '0 Harchfl, 1855. There are no warrants granted for sch-{ice inthe late rebell- \- P “ Box 2154. PENSIONS! PENSIONS !! SAMUEL C. VANCE. A, (N [H.658 monspermume SQMPWPHE) til-fit”! may snt when, EH6“ whgw you Ne‘fs‘fh‘: ‘- who (gait-amt“ ‘fiossihdlyT’éndu're the- fatigue withopt‘lgne. ‘jVeigh' only 0 ounces. Price $2. The onlynrfiole in the maket. Before going to the Exhibition secute one of these indispensubie cgmpaDQI-s» that you -l‘._t_?.‘., that Js'just what yo]; w'ant. Passengers can select the cheap!“ and most direct mules to Philadelphia and re turn, or'tickets will be supplied givingfihen. the opti‘on’l of going to Philadelplua vxa N York or Vice 'vérsa, or both going and re- tummg viz New ' York, and a Variety at other pop-111a}~ routes to Philadelphia and re- turn can be selected from. Cheap eieursinn tickets to New York only and return always, on sale by Mr. C. P. Fishei‘, and at all the above slations. OF CAN ADA have arranged via wllle first-class and commodious STEAMER “ NORSEMAN ” Commanded by Capt. me-foxd; With the New York Central and a,‘Nor- them Central Ranwa s.- also withthe Erie and Lehigh Va y mlwava, to Issue Th: ough Return Excur- sion Tickets at Greatly ' Red-iced Rates ‘ * ‘ From the following points. _V.iz ' Millbrook. Bethany Ome- Inee. Lindsay. Wodvflleb Beaverton, Orillia.» Waba- shene Peterborouc 0‘.h and Lakefield. A. WHITE.‘ CANE cum 00243le THE MIDLAND RAILWAY CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION I AT PHILADELPHIA. Done as usual. Machinery. in this Depart menl, very mach impmVed, so that partiea can relyon getting benel Work than here- hfore. - ' year. Parties living near Millorouk, can leave their Woul,lha.21bey wish manulaclured, t Hopc'iu’ s Cardiug Ml“, Miilbrook. I have just at in as good 11 Cardin" Ma- chine as can e found m the marker and will do as good work as a_'.n), and on short- 95' possible now. e. P mies coming in 1he foreuoou can always haw Rolls home wi'h them the same : '33. Carding Wool, per lb. . ». .5 Cents. Greasing' Wool, per lb. . .- “Cents. I will have‘a Sloclt 0t Goods, ou hand, of our own make. at all times, to sell or exchange. CARDiNG, FULLINGa and 1' find warp ...... . ‘28 Chechen cotton warp; and I - find warp .............. 32 Bed Blankets, no seam; . . . 3 00 per pair Home BIankets, no seam. . z .2 50 White or Grey Stocking Yam, dnuble and twist. . . . . 20 per lb. White'or Grey Stocking an, single ............ 15 h Colgred or G-reyStockinr Yam ‘ duuble and twist ....... 25 Grey Full Cloth. . . . . . . . .30 Black or Brown Cloth . . . . . ; , Check or Strap, . . . . a ........ Salineus . . . . s .. . .» .......... AH- Wool women 5 Check wear All- wool White or Grey. White or grey, on cmton warp, LINDSAY . WOOLLEN MILLS. r ‘HE Subscriber, having leased the aboVe Mill. for the term Bf Seven years, with the privilege of purchasing, has added more machinery, and would respectfully solicit a call from al: in want of Woollen Goods, as I determiner 0 do work‘mrthy your patronage. g . , ~' Done in all. its branches, (nuke the price list); [take your Wool. 1n the fleece. and charge the following- prices for manufacturing, : The: Port Hope Watchmhkéi, JOHN wTWALLACE. ‘ Lindsay, April, 1876. 6m17 ulo C .ASH for WOOL, at all seasons of the Especiaflirâ€"‘V'a'lvfigfié”forfLaéiQS, " MA NUF‘ACTURI‘NG, Walton Street. Port Hope. Cake-baskets. Rings, ‘ i Ear-flags. Gen. Pass. A gt. Just what you want. 1 C D RICHARDSON SECO. No. 807 Mal-kg; 5g. :Ihiladelpl: Custom carding. Spoons, C: nets, Chains Forks, CENTENNIAL; 'rrey Stockina‘ Yarn, and twist. . . . . 20‘ rey Stocking an), ........... L - . . . . l5 ire-y Stockinr Yam _ and thst. . ..... 25 1E and CLQyJ-DRESSING, â€"â€"...-_ Sleevé-bqttons‘; ‘ A. HUQEL, anctacles, Electra-plate: Fancy-goods, Loclagts:r Clocks, VPr'eslid'eut, ax't-sgtxds1 35 a yard 40 40 35 11a. and save one third tF/w 56;“ :of is much handsonw“, ma. ‘-' ‘ aint. Is prepared ready. for Are" YOu. Going to Paint! "hll . " LESS VARIETY At the Messenger’ Book Store, Millbrook. ed. Isqn. magi-thousand oi the finest buildifig bf the country. thing: of which have been paint- 9:! six yo». 51.30“} look as well as when' fimtfi‘ainted. This CHEMICAL PAINT ha tail en Hrstmnfih aft "tit enty of the State Fairs of the Union. Sampw card of colors swfrce. Address, MILLER BROS. 109 Wateu' Sn, Cleveland Oi} or N” , All-EL? .. .1030hambersSt" N. 4?“ "" WW: Musiii? .329ka 353119.31? Musm Reinembcr this is: a full course commercial school, and connected with forty others located at Montreal and the princi :11 cities of the United Statw. Tex-ms reasonable and lower than most of the other schools In fife Association. ~ . A 1 , Any person 'sendina their name and addrm aqd eqclbsing six Cents in stamps, will regivefiy return mail a. piece a? Ornamental Penmanship. Swellpens bf Bfisines's PenMipg‘ s'mdflhjcq- Jan A Teachers’ Class will be opened during the Hohdays, atvery low rates.’ Address ' __ v, _..._ ivrIté gndugpes are'cafiégtâ€"ént agéguntacntsfindm sought? for'by merchants ind business men, in Want'of hewifnbgl aligatrts ofthe Province» ~There.’aré nomations. Students may enter‘ » at any tin'xe'wlxflx qquaz 3:. VAntage. 13$ All kinds of Mill Machinery made to order. Repairing done at short notice. Ploughs, etc. afi of which will be sold at the ITJWBS’C remuneratifig prices. Groceries, G: “um-‘3“?- . __ ,..___ h.â€"‘-_*' --...._ ‘â€" u..â€" at . The Magyar The G ocelies are 1118 very best, and quite new. My Teas are fresh.'new and swvvl. and cannot be surpassed in quality or for (-henpness. All I ask is a fair final of these Teas, and I-kuow you WI” be pleased with them. 0:? All Goods will be sold at cleae figures, for Cash. COAL OIL {or Sale. Farm Produce, of all kinds, taken in exchange fox Goods, at Cash prices. Any order you may favor me with. will receiva my many best attention. Before mall: ing your purchases, will you kindly faVor me with an inspection of my Sacck. Millbrook, May, 1876. A H, ' [‘21] JOléN READ. My Boots‘and Shoes are well assorted and seleéted: Men’s Slogans, Brogaus, elc., Women’s.‘l\f:sses’ mm Chxklrcn’s Leather, PeLbIe and Pr'iuellas. and all other kiuls, 10 13: man, woman, boy or girl. Gentlemt‘n “ill find mx Stock of Goods lar're ; 1 ham: .1]! 111a latest designs and pat- turns, to select irom; Canadian, Scotch and Euulish Tweeds, Doeskins, Broadclolhs, Silk Mixtures, Fancy Coatings, elc. Speoi Trad‘ Threshing Machines, Sawing _Machines, Your anen'tion isrmvited In my Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Hollands, TOWellings, Russia. and Crash Linem, White Cottons, Grey Coltcns. Sheetings and Denims. Win- dow Hollands, Flannels, Dress Trimmings. Pins. Needles. Spool Thread (Coates Clark) liezuls, Tapes, Lincn Handkerchiefs, liosncry, Glows, Table Covers, elc. ‘ Being an old experienced buyer, I have taken admntage of the depressed state of trade, and bought Goods at rumpus prices, and I ‘purpose to give my customers the benefit. thereof. My assortment ts most complete. thmughout. Respectfully informs the pubLic that he has opened m1; 3n the New Stone lately erected by George Foster, Esq., nea'r the Railway" Slation, Miiihrookrwith a New Stock of Dry Géqu.’ Renf'y-made Clothing, Gent’s Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Groceries. Croakery, gigsqware. Bic. ‘ - ’ ' ' X .\~ -‘ - ‘n -. . . __ A A viz” _Ӣ:M ‘ 7min" 51.1333 ; . ‘ . . j 'I' " J “acme-13354;“ tfié‘Old Stand, a large and Vamed stock of NeW stem at thé Statlon' WINES and LIQUORS, LAll' of'vfixich wfll‘ Eémkl, Chéap for Cash, at prices that will astonieh the publip. -._____oo__.. Country‘produce taken 1n exchange. Bread, Cakes and Confec- tionary, constantly on hand. Millbrook, Aug trust, 1876 A FEE Millbrook, August 30, 1876. Aronow Manufacturing and keep for-sale, a good supp1y of MANUFACTURING 00., M I L L B R 0 0 K, um '\, L;O' ' ‘0; :ritish American Commercial College xheany KILLER BROS " . C. , . EM DHEMIG SAL PAINT ODELL TROUT, Toronto. "Miidihg, and gét :i p'aint that las‘. Gaffer, ,ac long as other use- in white‘ or any "r'd‘esiri Smith’s Green Mountain Be- novator.-we have the sole control for (1!: Do .minion 0‘ Wot. this It‘d] L'nown kindly, TM 8 L :1 Liver Corrector, and spccxfic tor all nine“; Disonkts, Land derangement: edging from diseases of the Li". 5 unequalled. PRICE, 31.09 m 30".“. ' The above Remedies ate sold I: .n Digests“ 9nd dealers ip Medium ’De- scripuve nyoulars furmshod on mu“- ,tion. and single, package: any. firm on 1-00th of pace. Federa! Oificcrs, Soldiers, and Sailors “up late war, or Ilmr 1am, fine in “1:“:"usésmitled to money from the Government which.“ beau found to be dug since final meat. Writefufi historyof-semce, and state mum: at pay “a houniy weaved. ‘ Cerlifimté of Ad‘utant General U. S, A, showing service and honorable discharge meg-s from, i. place of discharges lost. procmd for :1 sum“ fee. Enclose stamp to quion 8: Co.,a:_d {all n- p 3, with blanks, wil; be sent bee. deorc, Smith @- Cfo, ,Suqcegqors to, (”tip-tn : ‘ Homer amp. _ . «1 {Putcnts mew-nu m Refinish advance. _No charge for services until pane is granted‘ Preliminary examination tree. Ou- ’- valuable pamphlet sent fuse upon read!» of stamp. Addxess. ‘ nit IlAn.‘ n-..‘__ _ A; w. ARREARS 0!:PTAY,BOIINTY, American and Foreign Patents. :‘-. 4» “M â€"An exce‘ficm Remedy foeréQâ€"tild-x-Hm‘; Bronchitis, Asxhna, and a1! irmation of the 11m! and Lungs. Public Speakers and Singcts will find that. very cfi'actual in giving pan-crud deems; to the voice. Pmcg, 25 CENTS rut Box. â€"- usil . Adkins“¢§df£uiii’$§:~7m5£:“_xfié’m'" :3}:ch chi â€"_and wflicumxly laxatzvc .10 remove all whacking secretion, and rcguhtc,thc amen of the Bowel; Pmcu, 25 CENTS Hui Box. Family‘Mcdicine knowxg for internal and ex! 1t cures Cram-{s and Pams in the Stomach, Back. Side, and Limbs. t cures Spddcn Colds. Sore Throat. Bruises, Bums, Rhcuxuauam. Ncunlgia, and all Pains and Aches. . l’mcx, 25 Cums rut Born... "v. u. cnu 5v ur gcsfion, and In; more [Silica-Sic :n'é effective than the ardim' remakes. PRICE. 5° (25sz run Box. , Win 20'; “bl-m Lozenges.â€" A safe, If? at. and efieanatficqfiy for Worms, “.41.. “A...“ - _.4 “Jul __. .-, THE WIHGAIE CHEMICM. CO. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH EDITION Containing a complete list of all the townsx the United States, the Territories and the Do minion of Canada, having a populntion greater than 5,000 aecordinz to the last census togeth- er-with the names of the newspapers havingthe largest local circulation in each of the places named. Also, a catalogue ofnewspapers which are recommended to advertisers as giving great. est value in proportion to prices charged. Also, all newspapers in the United States and Canada printing over 5.0'!0 copies each issue. Also, all the Religious, Agricultural, Scientific and Sle- chnnical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Education- al, Commercial. Insurance. Real E=mte, Law, Sporting, Musical, Fashion. and other special class journals; very complete lists. Togetb'r with u. coxnplvta list of over 300 get-man paper: printed in the United States Also. an essay upon advertising; many tables: oft-ates, show:- Ing the cost of advertising in Various newspapeu and everything which a beginner in advertising would like to know. Addaess GEO. P. ROW ELL, Co , 41 Park Row, New York. l ‘râ€"vâ€"w â€".â€"~-“m â€"-l-or the cure of 9%En, Indigestion, I-‘Luul Irritabililx 0! lb: Stomch,1» of Awake. _and 1):- " I 1-. ‘ r\f _ , _ "-1- ln-iubilil 0! lb: Spunéh, Lo» 0? Appeiiw. and I)? bilily of t Digestive Organ}: A Pousrfql aid to Dr -4-.. __ -_J r, ,,,,.’_~V' .râ€"â€"vâ€"-' -vâ€"l‘a- Illa!â€" Used with remarkable suoccss in Neuralgia, Epilepsy. Cholera I’amlysix Softening of the Brain, lapse of Mcmmy, Mental Dcmgcmmns, lmpotcmy, and :3 Nervous Aflcmiunb. Pmcz. $x.oo tux Don-us. _.__â€"â€"‘â€" "v - Il-Wo"rof aIl complariaig 701:0}; Sxoqmch, L.\ crand anh. um, yc. certain and speedy in operation; they thoroughly cleanse :hc alimentary Lana}, rcgulme the secretions, and cut short the progress of disease. PRICE. :5 Cam-s m Box. , Wigggatq‘s} Nervo-fl‘gnic Pills.â€" Guard: Gannotbe . Wash», or Local “Lynch“. Ill and of of mud- mg: have Lenczmdfgyfizm Standard English Remedies." a 7 , _._~._â€" ~ â€" -w‘¢l V.- tiveâ€"m: safest and best rcmedy for Children Tecthing, Diarrhea, D scanty, Wind Colic, and all the various Ailments o Infancy. ever produced. I! quicts pain. scozhes the sufi'cring child, and produces refreshing alccp. In use all over Europe [or nearly 5. years. Pmcz, 25 CENTS rm: BOTTLE. Grim Constitutional Cam Remedy. Fox-8th t’yafl drug'ghu. ‘Sud sump 1b:- fl‘mmrflntuth, wim m of cm, mniletj on 4- ligation to TJ. B. name. Bréckville, L By sending 35 cts., with age, heifiht, color at eyes and hair, you will receive by return mil 3 correct photograph of your future husband or wjfe, with name and date of: martingeLAjdm .-“â€"Aâ€" -___ fiBWSPfiPBB most effectual remedy known. for thc cum of Scarab, Erysi jas, Sal: Rheum, Skin Diseases, and at! impun- tics 6min: blood, Chronic Complaints, and Distal“ of thc Liver. A perfcu Renovazor and hm‘gomur o( the system. Put up in large bottles. 0 PRICE. $2.00 ran BOTTLE. WESTERN LANDS $20 made weekiy by men, women, boys and girls sell‘ng our gbods. Catalogue free. EUREKA NOVELTY C0. ‘29 Broadway, New York. W. FL'X P. 0. Box 250. Fulto'nilte. N. Y. These valuable Remedies which have stood the test J trial, are the best that experienoeznd awful resarch cm produc: for the cure u! the various disease; for which they are especSaHy designed. They are W from the receipts of the celebrated Dr. 15613130! Engiand, and none but the purest drugs are anploy in their eom t itiun. They are pure in quality, prompt in action, equal in use, and employed with great suc- cess by the most eminent l’hysxcinnsand Surgeons in Hospital and private pmaicc, in all parts of the world. It yin want rei'mblc intcmintion;where and to get 3 m0 FARM. or mornmnnt fl: to 'get ' a cheap figޤ:..g2r2;:mo:; mead. free. tend your nddmu toS 1.611.310“: Land Commissioner, Lawrence. Kansas, and re~ eeive gratise I. copy d‘ The Kan: Pmfic How- .lgn.’ Co . Portland. Maine. % C) 9" A DAY commwsionmrsac a waek ul- Qt .10 ary and expenses. We ofl'er ‘ it,‘ and m :1! pay it. Apply now. EUREKA Il'F'G 00., Hartford, Conn. . ' Ahgusth, Maine. Win te‘s Pal-{mic Troches >An exec 1cm Remedv for Couchs. Liold Hum...“ ggpgatejg Dyspg-psia Tableii. Sgaytgn’q Pain Relief.‘ Wingaje’slilood Pin-men lia‘ngate’s Infant’s Preserva- "mm the Crowning M clingy” “in-W915 Shamanic Bili8.;;oe 7818 IS 310 RUMWG. -__£,m1 abhmistmmts, WINGATE’S 7. anm CAkm:With your «same hay printed, sent forzfic. “ e have 100 gtfiu. A curs Wanted . 9 samples 3’: for stamp. A. H. FULLER : Cb Wu. um 1\I ONTREAL A DAY :1 home. Agents wanted. Outfit and termsfiu. TRUE 8 d0 , Prwe, Hwy-Five Gena. ' PREPARED ONLY BY GILMORE, SMITH 00s. ‘ W‘lfl'btflufl, D. C‘ . ll 30VEBTISWG per day at home. Sump! worth $1 free. Sussex wyrm 1m:-

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