Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Messenger (1874), 30 Aug 1876, p. 2

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hi we befiewfiiéimtfo; “he“ Pleasé’ excuse Slight. imperfecs _ _ On Ffiflay eveging Est, save 3 it out to: ties lefl; Miflbxook ' brick; Excurs fivâ€" _ rwrvd. W T .I .. Ofi'tothe Centenmw -_._ r51 par- ’i -to. join the Masonic Chzirge‘Nog I, Fafsefiqql: " «I: . .7 « Respgctipg'thq first‘c «339, we finamf Applications were 1 trustees fifthe ‘folloviii fan levxug mammoth; bod whoa} rates for the current catâ€"~N ’7; 8; 10;“II,~13;P 47315 I9 and 20 Commqnicationsffduf éoutmnmo a copy of resolutio'n‘ ‘pas‘sed 'by' ' from council of Cartwright, ,fcwi‘ffl item ythe ng“"§c'11601 Sectlons, -wzmgg "coifp'cn dream, wow-cl: m . , mm are ‘ ‘ Mn. .wx-Mcm _ - 33$? “Megthgnppenpfirtof-hisbl theblock‘ mimvmd“ “I" ' 1‘ the 0%”):me Thou-Hath on Fan- 81 mass unfilhennewhouse me dwe] ls my “cat - .u . r .. _ to‘each-oflue'r,~ woulclfoompose a good-su- ed Village: W. Hi'sbmm Eéq.,- Is rushing up his mammoth block, at th’é corner, on the side of the Station: This will be a hofl'er, Banger, of Port Hapéalso has. What is known ' Office . has ut 1 Ins law on the same flat. perty, P m. _ when The‘Molsons-v Ban]: hm" them” came here, fitted up?“ great expense the M1156 South part of his mdenceâ€"in which he has built a. ‘1‘“ Inn-I “-4-“! -7 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ , .c- .. «n.5, mm. mus pre- wuwma mm brick. We ire informed vent further damage by floods. We trust . . . ' ' . - - a * our esteemed friend, the owner of ofthe bnill' is white bricks, and it that she purposes havmo another on . ' d _. . .0, .L scqlgltil ference; Rev. J tunes of Peterborough Dist; the Fish of Peterborowvh . - . ’ ’ Arms Hotel ro 'arty will do the ’ - ‘ ; a. . . . . bnflt, alongsule, to let. 9:311 3. 9 pg \ ‘ _ Dowell,at Oakwood ,1 has agran“ appeal-gee. ’32:? the): . MRS.- Tues. HETHERINGTON nbht thing, and thus secme the thanks ofit belongs to of the community: As far as we have been ‘able to learn the names of the Contractdrs, they are as follows: * age, of Omemee; Rev. Lakefield 'and Ravi; Bobcaygeon. The {xiv was appointed Secretar flashed a good-sized dwelling house built, onthesiteoftheonetha " the general conflagmtion. st.-- DR. Humans My charges prefhrr/rfi , . Richard Clarke were ‘ son. Mr Robert Deyell we understand large new brick residence is nearly ready BATESON W‘mA-R'“Wfl9°x Broth- 1~st Falsehood '01-lyh floccupyone of these Stores for occupation. She purchased is lot jers, (masons).~.l[essenger 011108, 00111113 ’ MR. A. Luca, from Mr. Thomas Hutchinson. Stores (finishing) Wood 'Kells, Daw~ sons, Gardiners, Molson’s Banl :, Elliott’s, Guy’s, Mrs. Hetheringtons, Sowden’s. MR. B. T. Gmsnonn.â€"Might’s, Post ° Office, Post’s, Mrs. .Burton, (Waghorn, mason), Glassford’s, Foster’s. W. Ransomâ€"Leads NEIL {Ivonneâ€"Balls. . 2nd Slander. , V 1st I charge that at t: Millbrook Circuit. held Church on Sziturday‘thg in his plate he did in su I stood charged with th tery 5 and to that day I it“. ' “n. . ' -- - MR. J OHN Monuow, of the Millbrook Tannery, having both t _-L r L ‘ ”I _ V, J “NV Am‘ .emzmmo mmm irho owns the corner on whiéh Mr. Ro- house and removedlto . hen-t Deyell had his Grocery, removed ’ . MRS WM B that ' a little Watt and liave er~ . '. ° ‘ acted a splendid manly brick buildâ€" dwel’me'a’ “3159‘s “W 303 mgwntumng three stone. The fmnt veneered thh MCI“ ‘ affine building is white bricks, and it ““3“ She Pmes hm has {grand Wee. White this is- 'bnflt, alongmde; 6° let. called the ‘_‘ Dawson Block,” yeta. portion. MRS; T305» HETI ofxt belongs to fiasbada good-sized awe; Mg Jim 8mm. on the Site of the one th U â€"_-.. '"V ‘0' omwion. ‘Not long afier, ' :12. Time. B. COLLINS, we thmhcame next, byfinishing his _ Other yaus, ihthe' ear-1y pin-é of. the ~ season, we hafe' ‘afiv’aj's receded theiim- wvewfiaavifism incur Village ; am; from time t6 time, we have jmtr ofl‘ mak- ing,” M natigeof she'firork of E‘sfigfigflvefl fiefléenn‘ . the present” umber ofo’iu- pnperfile properone to 1 ,:he ham-ed with 8 Mord of Millbrbok’s . W”: bung thfirstissue print: edfmmuur new type} and, is giving 'that record; my; though having no Reairetoblowour ownmlmpet, yetwe snob‘ to and close‘withafew- mam Tbbeginthen, it fell to the In of ,,___a, -v n 4v, uwu swrys high, Wkly in the rear of the old Printing Office, in which the Printing business is now carried om Anew front was put in the old office, and gent im- ptof‘heinentéon the inside, which so alter- t even yet, many peoplegreat a loss to how Where they! MICGEORGEELLIOW has built a. dWelling House“, or Opposite the School House: It two-thirds finished. .. v , "‘v' 37' Whereas, there was V‘ a. particle of evidence adduced at the); eating,.or at ‘ any other time, to Warnz.11t the utterance ' 'of such damaging statg‘henm; Hence,‘ that in publicly makisgg the aforesaid statements, that he‘ did 1%:tu slander-my W’ H: SBWDEN" ESQ”. Owihg to'the inking apparatus not be rushing up his mammoth block, at we ‘ :13; to 1 order, our paper {snot en- ner, on the side of the Station: mg - P pe -' - » - ‘ -= - s will be a grand addition to the West tn‘aly 598,15?“ Wffmmns‘ Thlsmn i. It is over 300' feet long, and 70 be avmde'd", my future. ~ lepth, to be three stories h'gh._ ‘The character.- Whmm Ema} Springvflle, July 9th;1874s . . The reportf at this trial, r Was as fol; ~ e, the" committee called to .investi‘ j gate the aforesaidehargas, Prefemdr by! : Mr. W m; Evreg 9mm» :4... Dn-A 1" ' - Altogether‘likely there; may also be‘ veral typographical errOrs, ‘as we have . . ° (1 ' toreada‘Sinfde line of reare‘tmbe thiee'lmgestoreg-and notha tlme ° other apartment will be‘part of the proof, fromone end ofthf Paper {0. the 81’ to WHO}! We LARAâ€"“1.1.- L . . AIL ._ “1 . .- â€".-auu1u5/ I , V \ . MR. J OSEPH RICHARDSON, ' 31118§G§33u1§8£€ has also purchased a lot alongside oers. y ‘ ’ ' e e Hllher’s, and put up a. similar dwellino , MB- B. 95" GRASS house to hem. To be ready for use in: ”Office, P93? S: Mm JOHN Onyx-nag uuusen, m ms old age. It Will be real}; for occupation in th_e early fall. ' MR. FRANK Pos'r. Mn. JOHN BALL, ' in the garden in from of his present re- sidence. Wisely, he intends to en' 4'.“â€" - -â€" himself, in .his pldpge. It will be readv Jo "Wm v1 1:. more pubnc nature ' . made! ‘ New Bridgeghafe be . JOHN 00mm“, by the Council, and now, we a m? Gavan, has bqught two Acres from ' Thorn to do the saine to séc: ' Mas. WM, BURTON’S passage room for all the water 31);?!» Lnfian:a nAâ€" -. -3 L r ‘ places { ; _ ‘ Mn. J OHN Don. has put up a new blacksmith’s shop, amt; is pegging away in it, from morn till eve. He is also putting up aneat dwelling house, in rear of the old btiilding. When finished, the old one will be taken away. We believe we have noticed an Hm ‘ 3, and removed to town. ' Mas. WM. BURToN’s 511311011668 now going an, if. {a 43...“... _ - -.uuw;‘, N has also spent a. large amount in renovat- ing his farm residence, as well as on and about his oWn residence tial bri< ingfitfing ' agatefial to put up aCa'rriage Show Roo , m a. porthn of the Hmperby on which he Eva, next .to Mfrs. 7L. Gott’s Frurt and Fancy Store. . with white briefliviz? Cabinet Ware-rooms. order] Vjv»wvav u‘vucy, In un_ V _â€"â€" u; 11V" ‘mvultg e. 7 WV“ "the Got a he bow 1; an J. very large twostoxy brick res' P ”’b . W l 0 O 1- Gillott and remo his In: South of“ b3 the. r g ““51”“ intown, Him SAC“: 13..-; W a a D‘A‘c .AJ JOSEPH FERGUSON, going up, it is frame cOllie down in they we are infnmnd Vent further (19mm Fnzclz: the Static}: to the West ”13, and 70 high The ’Pepared for ‘ necemnm ”V-.. -w § two shops,“‘?0r Mm THOMAS Wficox, has added mother building to th in the Shape 01's. large barn. ,__ --__uu, Mason’ 8 assistant, bavino' D1,)urchased a lot from Mr. Thomas Wilcox, has bmlt him- self a very nice residence thereon. Sprfiffyle, Au gggg’dzco» 9;"th Mill!» ,' a ‘ ,. , , f4 . Kyour paper of th “-187 ‘* 155$)?" ‘ugra. h h ‘ 7‘ g Iggy.“- 00?;me Pagers: ips a ‘ 3. @1623”: *~q ‘ ‘ ’ :Z‘Kt £139 file time that the ---m V. Mn. PETER M ormm, J 3., for the accommodation of the Wést End folks, has built a butcher’s stall, wherein he dispenses fresh meats, to the hungq. MR. GEORGE FOSTER, LAA, 9 has also put up a large-sized frame dwe11~ ing house, on the corner, near Crouter’s store ' ‘ MR. ALEX Sco'r'r, labourer, having'got tired of paying rent has bought a 10 t and put up neat cottage. ; Mn. PETER M or‘mm, J 3., for the accommodation of the “fest End folks, has built a butcher’s stall, wherein he dispenses fresh meats, to the hungry. MR. GEORGE Fosmn. 'O-AMH MR. 1335 bitilt for. dwelling, ROBERT J OHNSTOM, km W“ mutate mane ‘ w Luv “\7 “HS purchased, Six houses; 6E one street; is” pretty good for one year. MR. GEORGE FAIR, also of the Manufactm'ing Company; has erected, a. neat boarded house immediate- _ly West of the Foundry. ‘ g orthe George Fair Manufacturing Com- pany, has built a. good-sized brick dvrell~ ingâ€"house; and , ' MR. B. T. Gmssrbnn, : Cmixenter and Contractor, having décid- ed to take up his reside-1103' amongst us, is building a residence,. on a. lot he has nu....‘L A ~ .. .‘l (V v. «w szwuu, and oth'erwis; préfignng 0'to put a. frame dvv‘eIL : aw mmmmrwm the Painter, has put very .neat brick re-' sidence. W. man» may W W“ at‘ the George Fair Manufacturing Com~ WY, has built a. goodesized b1 1chWell~ ing-;house and ~ “av-run ing‘ memamndum, is being hum up, 'very‘ fast, andwm beone ofth streets :11 the place. mm: . ‘ Spfingviflé, July 9th,;1874; . mg :1:er there; may also be‘. ‘ Th? r 8P0?“ “’3 this t’ial’ Was as £91; it??? aphical errOrs,‘as we have W 1‘ . - " ‘ ' ” ‘- ./ ' “. 0 read a.‘ single line of e, be commltfiee called to .Lm estl- aFOPY 0‘ . ‘ gate the aforesaidcliargfis, preferxedr by? by the C end of the paper to the' Mr. Wm. Eyres, against 'thc Rem Rich- in the 'm excuse slight. imperfeca 31rd Clam}:e,'h8v1:ng careful +’Lw â€"-L~ i ‘ 1y examined- ”betweeh‘ Mm W‘n. mnmrn, nmaeu the Store up for Mr. who carries on the Dry Goods r business. This block givfis ’1 n, a. more business-like an- . _~_-.‘ 4. vL‘ :the bed of the creek, rty, 'no less than fifteen remains for Squire same to secure ample L11 the water that may sprinO. and thus pre- ’. MITCHELL, ,wtellx; half of his briCk We are ISIeased Mr. Alex Fer- g to the Village put in .marke. , w . H On motion, it was resolved 1 Firstâ€".WQI “4.2.; 'w _ . .. dwelling . _ Clarkq 13:1 sion 0: Quid jqct w : duced He flu _ the na‘ 1mg as you them 1 proper ,..-,J, .Wâ€" m a. v. . 1 course ofwhichi the following (liscu. ion, in Substance took place, when co sidering the second chm-go. The Presid is said Mr. Clarke, “you be eve this man (my- self) guilty c. ; ' against him 2” “ 0,} lint was diflicult,” answered Mr.01a.rke. The President re- pliec , “ What {meet the difiicultios! why did you not proceed?” ~“ 0, said Mr. arke, I had no evidence”. To this the r. sternly answered, ‘,‘ then why did you not keep your youth shut ‘2” At this ' trial there were pieség‘ut ‘Q- the Rev. Enoch { Wood D. D., Presidentof Toronto 0011- i ference; Rev. James Brock, Chairman ( of Peterborough District; Rev; Charles ' Rev. -Henry Mc- 1...; \J MUD, ing, “ If )ou refuse to comp]: request, I must the; seek i when I c:Ln-â€"a.mon'r 2e mem Quaz'telly Official 1V1 ting. ” pealed to the Rev zVV 00d then President of the Confemr 1.. an wu‘ALJCI‘S, WORKS 01‘ a of Which" Mr. Clarke may have been gufl~ ty ; and that, ifnccessnry, I may admiw ister such gospel repz-oof and admonition > or whatever our Church law requires.” ' On the 91711 J 1113‘, I replied, again pro- senting my phargcs, #3 found below, (11:. ‘ mamliuginvestigatioh. O: thelfithJuly, ‘ Mr. Breck agam writes “ and‘qugvs me to furnish the names and addresses of such as I mgurd as Viritnesxm .Rm -" ations, ifamy, \uv’ NI. U o u. AU N oxirl, ‘as a. rehu‘gxl to the above false verdict, and believing, as I do, that the Conference, in their final verdict, ignored 1~ the~ doctrine of restitution, as taught in ’s the Bible ,' I, therefore, hand to y'ou for publication, true ”copies of the vex-diets rendered in this case, and other informa- 1; tion, which I consider necessary that your readers may widemtaud the nature of the case. A As before stated, this case was com- menced on the 16th June 1874 .1 , when I. l sent mv Chartres ginou‘m‘q. 4.1., 'n v. “a ”mum; stated, Ems Case was com- menced on the 16th June 1874, when I. sent my charges against the Rev. R. Clarke,‘to the Rev. J. Brock, who was then Chairman of’t’h'e District. He re- plied, on the 30th June, saying-u“ I have carefully exammcd the words and nature of your charges and specifications, and I am satisfied I dare not call Mr. Clarke before a committee, for the expres- sion of an hypothefitfal opinion on a. sub- ject which should not have been intro- ‘ ditced intoaQuart 'lv Official Meeting.” He further said, ‘é 'ou will furnish me the names and addresses of such persons as you would regard. as witnesses, from them I may. be able to ascertain what im~ proper tempers, wonle or actions, ifany, l of Which Mr. Clarke nmv 1mm L“ ” to the above, soonpr, had it notflBeen for the fa.ct,‘thut tlie age was still in Church Court ; my c1133 being made on the 16th June 18.7 f - q and the ' last verdict Laura?!“ {Ir-4v. 1 mm A1 n-n .woou 5 Rev. John W. Sav- ae ; Rev.'VVm. L Scott, of Rev.‘ Robt. Godfrey of The I‘ljév. John W. Savage uu‘cu law requires." , ’I replied, again prc~ :, as found below, ( ,1. 2M 0: thelfithJuly, 'ijes “and’qugvs me ep and addresses of Witnesses, Jcc ;” say- to comply with 111V: I ‘seek mfbrmation she membem of 13110 ating.” I then up- 7. “road, who was gvzlference, and on 231876. to the above false 3 _38 I do, that the ’ Phegwhe wordsatshsed 3;: Mr. aph he. d , “ Wes; ing Tel§nal and offenswe to MT. bytes « ' k is a cg? ’ ' a member ofthe QuarterlyO ’ i y of the ar-. ing, afibehwgcont mytd the ins miles 3:; \ .‘ and u§ages of EurSacred Chm O ‘ hat the‘ém’gm 00% and tfiérefore should bemthdrgmofiz J ‘ rt Room 1’“ Hm “A- ___ c :m '1..- n1 Agog-onto goggerppoe,lzmog in sessien in the To“ ofig’eterboraohtbconvey fiayou a popy o the following resolutions passed. hy the, Conference, afliér'bliie delibuatibn 1n the matter of the mappy difl‘erence Ilnfimnnk “m--- - 1 n “ Mfihbdl stOonferexice etexbolo, Q11t., . « ~~r “in; mfi 1H m My , V_ VAA\.|L\¢A47 auu this case, hearing evidencw until o’clock next moming, with only intermission for tea. The folio“ diet was rendered} a- “-VQV es, preferred by hie, against the Rev. Riqharcclrgggrkg, (K e _. Théj‘ffcm'f ' be; he“ Man, in ‘ June, 1875, ordered a? new tum], appoint- ingthe Rev. Dr. N files, M. A., Princip- al of Victoria College ; Rev.- Dr. J efl‘ers, no , President of the Conference ; Rev. E. E Harper, M. A. ; Rev. R. M. Wil- looughaby, M. A.; andthe Rev. R. Jones; a committee, to sit on the case with, the Rat: Dr;'Woo§L who was then President afithe Cohfemnce, Chairnmnt ,. ( n the 16th February 1878,, at 2 o’clock P. M., the above committee met in the MiHhrook Church, and todk up this case, hearing evidencz: until about 3 ’ 1‘ .J;.-'L _ sum charg m. ,- 193’ bit: Enmsws; CLARKE: A - -vulrvn vuulv omissions.” I returned the above men- tioned :copy of evidence, with the afore- said (leclzu'ations, and afliddvitsattaéhed, memorializing the Conference, and play- ing that they would investigate the afore- ‘ aid charges, Dreferrer] 1m nu) ”mm“ A. ovum-wise, “ That it was not correct: ” “ " hat it contained statements not made by them, or that there it‘exe important Omicqannn ” T h“. mylicense, as a Local Pmacher, Without v‘. one‘word of'objection. (Itis Imt due to the"‘Pmsidcnt to 3 my, be left Millbk-ook before the abcve verdict was rendered ; and‘I am not awm- ed it). My protes e that he ever elidm-s- 1; being entertained, I applied to the President for a. certified copy of the evidence, as recorded by the ‘ Rev. Secretary, w kick I put (before the witnesses, whose evidence it Was said to be. Every one of them refused to be bound by it, declaring, under oath, or otherwise, “ That it was not correct ;” “ 2‘11“}? ‘H‘. nnnfi.‘:“,..1 -4. ,AL . .'â€"~-\JVIU.IJI .Against the above verdict I entered a . protest, claiming that it was in opposition to the evidence ; as the specifications were fully proved, he ofiel‘mg no opposing evi- dence, and thut it appeared, by this form of retraction, that it Was a greater sin to ‘ Violate thetlaws of a Church Court than to wrongful 1y seek to destroy the charact- er of a member thereof; and that Mr. Clarke had, in Quarterly Official Meeting, just betote attending the abbvc offensive Words, PIISSSLI my character and renewed mylicense, as a Local Preacher, Without 1‘ one word ofohinnfinn In L. 1 “L 1 - f‘FINDINGS or COMMITTEE be .next Quarterly Oiiicial Meeting of L QWROOIKKW, ' ‘ to mbeéheld~wlthe Manthpf May,«187 5, and than; Mr. Clarke .shall he required to appear befgre the ‘aforesai'd Quarteflj' Official Meeting, 83d. ‘ shall, then and there, retract and Withg draw the aforesaid personal and offensive I expressions. txfict Be respectfulâ€"I"); the next Gum-hurl" simflzii' Church Colin: to that in they were utter_ed. .W'e there! 'M’ .. _ , __ . . a myzepon «comm m animouslyacquit Mr. Crate Owe chgayge ‘ ,, ‘ . ' kept, in a-fiirming‘, Mth- .pomted to exam the b , line be- of Slander; .Yet, we urmbimOfisly aé’l‘ee 0.111: 00, that he believ‘ed Bro. Eyie's t‘ween Cartwaght Ind Manmvm, and m thmt’fihe wordsfised HyflMI Clarke,§be~‘ tel?» ; ; 119109 Passed by 88H 00de widi- refer. ingfpeltflékoml and offensive to Mr. Efles, . . , «alarke’s €113.th once thetem; fr? :1 hiémbér of-the Qumerlyf am} Meet. . ing, Mbeingézéontmy td the Laws, rules I, . and ‘fjages 01.5111 Saéred‘Churbh Courts. u Ul/UL bu ‘V e Duemlore re~ Wmmmawmnm with only a. shmt The following ver- By' the rpquested to attend enter, Shaw, That the ver 5 owing M ugill be received, - ender- "and Conn. Magi]! superintend the erection ‘ of a bridge on the 7 th Com, Opposftb L9} Ont‘ No. 6,}Mmyéraâ€"Cawiedr , .9"; f “ . < " Mogg‘é by'Mr. Bamicufit, seconfiéd b} :76? Mr. Magi“, That'thig couu'cil do grant. Hm mm. he an: nn . V w“, c“. u‘uuwul‘tg, secondcd‘vfi d Mr. Shaw, that this council do‘ pay John t; ‘T_haq;psgg $2.3,instepd of 8319‘ for agend- e job dbne‘cq Gabe}, opposite low; Minna. ',' JCdI-ricd. " v '1 Applications warp ‘ . Mrccgivegifi .trom rthe _ ,;ru§tees affine follovt’ir'lg' sc ""1 Seé‘tfins, - fan Ievfiqg mdcoliqoting local whoa} was a £0: the curren ycqt-â€"Nos. J’.’2.‘3.’4 5 , .-,. 9‘ 1A' 10 -“ ' ) that in which 'e therefore re~ , , -- - «\ulvvll, uuu UUIUFS, as 131d 1e over since last meeting. were again brought I forward; 2mg th "Qetition of Wm [’93ng n ‘ pmfiug for a a f money to improve I;- the mm on the r ad ooposwe Lot‘ No; 18 ‘ )- in 5th Com, we recewed and read. ' ‘ , After discussion, the petition of John ‘ ” Rchill, and others, was, on motion, again ,: laid over for further consideration. _ ‘ The Committee appointed to examine : the road allowance, sought L0 be opened by E H. Preston, made their report. Moved by Mr. Magi“ secOudcd by Mr. , Show, and resolved. that the report. yf'the f Committee appointed to examine the South inn-.6 .9 A1,.â€" ‘ AL.L_:A J me road allowance, sought to be opened by H. Preston, made their report. Moved by Mr. Magi“ secOuded by Mr. Show, and resolved. that the report. yf‘the Committee appointed to examine the South part of the original allowance for road, where now opened, between Lots Nos. ifl and'll in 8th Con. Manvers, recommend that the East side of said read, 44 fees in width, be given to Robert Touchburn, Jr., and the West side, :22 feet in width, be given no Heber Preston, be adopted, and that the Clerk do give the necessary no- tices.â€"â€"C'arricd. Moved by Mr. Barnicut seconded by; BIT: Show nnr} rnnn'.~..J ‘1 . .1 . . - v- un- avu .HDU 1 forward; and t.) mejugr 1hr i g: the .xi!l «m the 1 in 5th 001)., we »r ....n uuvul The petition ofJolm Rehill and of Heber l‘foston, and 0t) over since last meeting. were a: Bethany, Manvers, Aug‘ 2], 1876‘ The Council met'this day, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present; the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and, on motion, confirmed. m. . A readers, and ask, who is salt-3, if such con; duct is toluatetl l «I deeply regret the necessity that has impelled me to lay this article before your readers; still Mr. Clarke, having made his Wicked attack, left me no alternative, but, to hurl his foul slungler back to the place whence it came. And the Confer- ence, baring failed to compel him to‘reâ€" ‘ tracglcould not do otherwise, :is I re- quire no compromise with regard to my chamcter, in the department 130 which Mr. Clarke ljeferred,,and: will not apcept bf any. ' Apologlzing for the length of this ar- ticle, which, after all, is only a condens- ed report. first suspicious circumstance, poi: wards my guilt, while all this tim SeLl the case and stood at his (I Now, I appeal to the good sense readers, and ask, who is safe, if 51 duct is toluated ! 0... v u v cu. wu- mittin'r he had no evidence, ' and that for two years, while this cause W3. as pending wramst him, he failed to find ewn the Au,» n. ..â€" .- _ -._‘.v-.u. m “Allin- ister of the Gospel. . _ ‘ .v"Feeling, Mn Editor, that it is an' out- rage committed against sooiety, as well as against myself, that a man holding a high and honorable positionshould be in any way toluntcd in the utterance ofsuch managing smtements, ‘without attemnt- V..." mw um news OI the Dodtrine of: Restitution. I also ask, has the day arrived when it is safe to dis- pense with “ christian candomg, in aMin- iu‘fnr A? +1”. [1 AMA 1 n”... v \Ausuu umx‘e 0011.801 than thatérendered by_ the “higlyfihtefli- géa'ft and 1eumed committee; who sat on This case On the 16th Feb. last ; who, aft- , or hearing both sides and car 91tu con- sidering the case for about fourteen hours, arrived at the foregoing conclusion? From some .one answerixig, “ Yes !" I would like to have adefinition of the word “Slander,” and also Ins View; of the Dod'brine of Padang“... 1- ,1 . ODD U\l Binstepd ofsaé f'o:a mad- 111.4, opposlte 10:6; Mums. l: : wk 5 were recei ujedi from .the 631 Seéti6ns, I? saga; V - “a, \VM. Emacs, ' . ‘ Segfy’ of Conferencgfl ‘ Now,.Mr. Editor, ’I would, Wk: is it £11“th mVel‘estS‘fif'juéfice’ that "siccused, being a, ”5%“?! 8.11 ,,gMoved byMr. Wilson 38033353 Ht. Shaw, I:md waqllveds 2h 711.9%]?an ould be p‘exmitted to tromt e counp: of 0.1m, stating that appeal and plead Ins Came before the Km they had .3133?de Richard 8% Jl'w :al-C‘Jmmh Court '- ' ' ’ ' "Esq , an‘ arbltmtor to arbxtr‘ate m-thcmat- ‘ ‘ nterJ'» v-thu-pfqpmpeneadon to beghidfiriigh of 'erdict more correct way foya new road. through m» 4' I-A to prbve their tmltth- SecondwTh: Nolm Rehill, and others, { nston, and others, as laid ‘ rating. were again brought I petition of Wm 1,"??le ’ it?“ money to improve . id opposite Lot‘ No; 18 ‘ received and read. ' ‘ n, the petition ot'Johu ‘ I, was, on motion, again ‘ [er consideration. 1 .vers Council. yours respectfully’ \VM. EYRES. stance, minting to- all this time I pres- } at his defiance? wtbout attempt- .â€"n:xy even ad- v __',_, _ ,7 â€"rv~uwuwne;nufiight of mme conect ‘way for a new road, thrang 111315' mtelh- 25, con.8 Manvers,bc1'ece ,_ _ 1 of your '. ‘ fiOm the Macs, . , ” his sem - erence . were rece 5k, is it Moved mused, 81mm, an itted to trom the he Fin- they had r, beiw'j "Esq ,_ an'i On motidn ' the deputy-mere left due chair; which Was again taken by the mere. Moved by Mr. Bamicutt, ‘secpnded by3 Mr'JShaw, and resolved, that this council do adjourn until Thursday 28th Septem- ber next, acthe hour of lzo-Hoek, noon, to meet. at Steel’s Hotel, Ballydufib ' - r-'~.uwuo The-dei’uty-geeve then signed an ode? Im the treasurer in' favour of the reeve for scrviccs.eaua}inim mart-fin an 4'â€" A" W, o ..... Wu WNIW!) by dogs John Furgnaon, do do Robt. I’orteus, do do John Lee, r. crossing, 10:20, can: 1‘? Christophergé my, building bridge, 10!: :24, con. 4 J. Wilson, equalizing N; F. Sad-inns ll la J: Wilson, aluulizing If; F. Sections 5 20 on mofionr‘fhe reei~e left the chi? ~and the flcputy-reevc pnesided. donn Thom John H- nvrfiid'hloimâ€"' 41 Wivridafiagetoggby ...“ “VIM, xuu sud mm 5' ' A. 3?. Ram, prinfing ha per hill Clerk of Peaee, copy of conviction. John Thompson. road ink, 1M: 1: M- con. said casé o‘n beiiaJFZf {giaugnzriggali m “11.3, Mc‘rved by Mr; Bamicutt, 8600121103.!) Mr. Shaw, and racked, that the comma): V. 1" 111-0 "gnu I“... 51.4 ,-__ -_ -.. .uv van on uu: reeve erviccs, equalizing certain N.’ S. Secti: 500 [ B yâ€"lnws to Icv:yw<'>ertam" rat‘s for the cur- ‘ rent year. and levy locai school rates for 1875 were introduced, went through their several stages, and finally passed. On motion the following orders on the treasurer were signed by the recve : G. C. \Vard, Beg.- deed and certificate 8 " 33 World Office, advg. road notice, lots 14 ._.,,g 12......“ nub, unvvcu u] Elf; Mr. Shaw, and n s g" nicnion from the the containing copy 0 of pointed to cxamin 3k, tween Manners an fis_ with copy of res ‘in- council with rcf‘cn end that this cow ut- suggestions made 4 011 grilling that the 8 , a ixcted upon by the 'in Maxed by Mr. ] Messrs. Robt. Portico and John Hannah were ed upon Oath respecting their sheep by dogs; an two-thirds allowed. Moved by Mr. IT-ar‘nicu'txt,~ seconded by Mr. Shaw, and resolved, that the clerk do give John Baird, overSeer, notice to have all fences or other obstructions removed 01f the road allowance in his rm! division. Moved by Mr. ‘Vilson, seconded By Mr. Mugill, and resolved, that Mn Thos. Lee of Bethany be and is hereby appoint- ed to supetjiutcnd the erection of the new Town Hall, at a salary of$100. _ d ,,_- we... wuuuu.â€"uarnod. Moved by Mr. Barnicutt, attended by Mr. Show; and resolved, thatthcrecveaud councillor Wilson be a committee tocxamine the con; line allowance fct‘ road in front of lots 15 and 16, con. 14, Mamet-s, and to have the necessary repairs done to the same; ' Moved by Mr. Bur‘nicutt, seconded by Mr: Wilson, that this council extend an invitation to Mackenzie Bowell, Esq” Gland Master of the Orange Association of Brxtish Amcrica, to. lay the corner scone of the new Township Hall about erecting in Bethanyâ€"Carried. ‘ Moved by Mr. Baruicutt, seconded by Mr. Show, that this council grant thesum of825.00 to be expended on the hill at the north end of the quarter line between lots 15 and 16, con. 7. Manvers, under the superintendcnee cf the deputyaeeveâ€" Curried. ‘ - Moved by Mr. Barnicu’tti seconded by Mr. Shaw, and resolved, that the clerk do 1) f 1 “-1.... 1 A1. .â€" - -m-mu' mcmon from the council of Cartwright, containing copy of' report of commitme ap- pointed to examine the boundary line be- tween Manners and Cartwright, together with copy_ of resolution passed by ,said council with reference thereto. bereeeived, and that this council Rn m...“ --" '- l’ortcons. John Fm'O‘uSOn mm minors, 55 :g; ,_ v -uâ€" a. “-535.30“ severally examin- 0‘ Caviiégbl .l and that. ml: the e ' the date hating“: the Township of Mn meeting, intend to pa and convc so much <1 for Road. on La (D in E. g ’ WT! PM wcmmawi muff! Srrvicn Gar/1!: nl shaft b . iigaping u'ithpfxgbfom! 3:1de Mama's, Augmt 2‘ floating um” i542; theme 1s a. weal. A "amu- man, ma‘ food. in modem ion, b1 muéehtlymr sufi‘ur Ii long train of «its. ‘ m are purely ms at a precious boon to @Only $1.21 from the {Mentj 1878. Send 910 Spring \thii Barley ...... Ffll‘vheat .. a $011. of Mr. “mmâ€"1. {cc .‘Xt .‘finhl‘nok, on v of Mr. David Chang! At Miflbnmk, an 1 of Mr. Alfred Luck At Hillbmk, on ti of Mr. T. S. Mushall At Millbnmk, on ti .-- ;‘ London. 5 w .uargaret- Jane. Cid Fair all of Malinda 3n Margaret VJainc. Rural new .012: At the residence 01 Emuk. on new “WEW‘MZ ; u: back on Alexmtz defeated Chicky-xi )‘en'estovitch has blow on 'ipofya The Senians h; Guxgusomtz ; 1i; 3131 HUM Is :21 Excuxxion to Stu: thy to act-ammo! go to the l‘LI .\‘ 31311 b10011: , a 5:3!” Cum: h‘ mom. it. Will he 0 moms haw boa: Niatmm Fare, Odd our. 0ft? ‘1' Pin} Vlm‘hu I 31 in 021;: place, 1 front. of the “.1, The train did u 011 Satm‘day even train. from the \ lune gjven his with King Alec that n was“ on hand in time *0 ham} got out 1 men Who hon‘ mtofaflock oft Henry Atkins, 'Qgethmewho @mam' devote the sum-.11 an own Bum!) ischmpa mt): an «in edi ur_ long as they I. chssengeror We undenitan h1g3 from Mg Fonda-s, of'r. Permanentim Inordez-tg . on t! o ICCL No M As

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