Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Messenger (1874), 30 Aug 1876, p. 1

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w, woman-av awn. a ‘5 mm, ' Sabattndedin'l‘madcm. Imm- diatomtnmmde. 363%? 7350 iIJoAN. v, CUI- VI m “UV!“- Jonqomcikgn 19.11., ”$7.: . “fling" Oath Thur. finderhka kc. , hind. Hearsefzifinished. -... on cry, Ghuwu'e, etc. 8. (I. 'm. dedu- in Groceries, Crockery, Wins and Liquors, etc. Job Read, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, BootsudShoea,etc.,atthe Stqfiiu'xi.‘ I Jana Bream, Boot and Shoe Mikel: All kinds of Roots and shoes for sale. Agent for tho Wanner A. Hereby Machine. The Geo. Fair Manufacturing 00.. Manufac- ture: The " Young Champon” W'ood Sam- ‘1 Machinetfiorsepower, Johnston? Self- ” eBeapcr . “food's Self- ‘nkeRapr SpragneMow- envithtflt~ in'motion, Sunni! Chap orse Powar, to 've Straw Cm“.a§dd_lkiml_s of Agricultural p. G. m, Boot and she? mar. first- cbl workafien. and work flan-nted. m t Wflgar. Carpentet'r, Builden and Ctmtnctda. Turning a spepmlity. .. A. F", dealer m Groceries, Cfvykery, Wm and Liquors. etc” See Advertisement. Han-y W, Wagon Maker 3‘ the Station. Jonah-h H. EMW in Grooefies. Crock; enhveflnirwckhmv‘fllthem. _. buMmlhdmm. 9110 MW” l. E. New“ House Painkéy, Grajner, Paper- ”If. mw‘ wan. rim Surgeon, Accoch (1‘45; Bathing. Diceâ€"at the DruiStore. Residencewat M1 Halley a. (J Jpn" tab, Merchant Tamar. Cloths Hr": Jmcf‘ m1; allkindsofShelfand Bury OflngLImmSteeLetc. Barrister, Attvrney, .Solz'cz'tw, C'ouveymwer, Notary Public; 23:: Qfine m A. Leadt’s Drug Store: w the founding Corporations :â€" Solicihrâ€"The Maison! Bank. Millbrook. Aptâ€"law Low and Investment Co. Um Mutual Life Insurance Co. Sudan's Immnoe 00. MW’ and Merchants Fire balance Co. 3â€"7;:amfmc “’ and'caut Work-shop. inthe .Shed. .. _ 6113 is 801110. 53mm}; AND spmmm'nm'r. Plum, Meta. Billy ‘of qu‘antitxds, etc; E mmonablewl'lns. App??? it Mid- ' 08cc, Port Hope. 30 ISSUER 0F MARRIAGELICEN’SES, MILLBR'OOK', c. W. 1-.‘am.utcr am “’80“ W W â€""" Thomas W. Cabinet-Mahatma Undertak- b. V; 34% magom Câ€"olhâ€"na’ store, If... Saul, Butcher, mph Mm,.a1mys on hand; _ Cid [mid {will kinda of Cattle. L. S. Ma“ ' M er, Signfind Orna- mtnlhnw; ov ‘_ Carriagél‘r'orks. air. Kirchhafler will be a: Millbrook every My, aftet arrival of txain from Port P01» wwkminmbrmsmt VWJ-BW, Brie yenand bounc- ton. Chit-acts ttken tho-country. v.11. Grea" Photograxéflin. All the latest ta; 6: MIL mm o‘i General Ms." my :31! the Law'- Stump Machine. 3': M Butcher. MMatdwsys oh “Ogipddforlfmk. DEALERIN Fancy Goods, Toys, Fruit, J0 AhrgestockofFuEgy Goods-ad Toys al- ouha-d. All Kinds of Fancy Wools, madTextCaa-dgchmp. ‘ ,uA Dr. BURROWS, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE UMofOnhfioCoflcgcofPhysicians 0500 “than”, Moulfi “Surgeons. Flt-an“. Conn. OnQ-io. . )4) ‘6 Missalâ€"“Luis" '3' " ‘ m 5" Wt?” matpeflim. £32? “b- bytled. J. IESBXTT KIRQHHDFFEB; amen: u u stabortfi’atice. Majomefly occupied by D? Be” William St. Lindsay w-v â€"â€"_v ‘71" .vvv..wVfiVi:, Mam January. m .“9 Dr. .1631: x. maul-son. p RADUATE of Trinity, Coll Toronto, 1' make-ofOnhrio College 0 Physicians ”â€"2 __m.._;t.s_m_m,m, ' . Satin 111* fig § and Oil. 3 ICE CREAM, "Emmwmotmmwome. MW 1876. ‘33 Port Hope. Ans}; Archibald Woéfl .L-‘aq (jam meg N'owy Public. etc. HIE-u ht tonix'jzaion Cq'lii't Otfice, Mill- brook: bai'cermrs, from whim (Sui-33351.9». Hm) fizvm‘fi’ffifiw “wryfl’r‘m‘ nio. Ofice, Ferguson“ mum M" (finances-fully W _.,:3. a. m Secufitydfwl‘lstate. Oli 4‘: FALLIS a: semi. 5503! HOPE. inn. Sewing Machines, repaired. Flâ€"“"_ _ ____ ,3, PM Wooh PM '.AT:_I;Aw, Soliéijol: i}; Chan- P : HI 3 distan- "'cé 1876. tobeflaa Sash 85 Door FACTORY! White" éz'Mitybee‘ Custom Pliming, done at short notice and all kinds of Moulding made to order. Stoves Ti1i%vare’s HE undersigned respectfuny informs thé . Public that they have entered into Part- nership, folfjhelquose of cag'ryigg on the TIN: , Are pram to lhake all buds of Sash, Doors, Window Blinds and Frames, Ornamental Brackets, éfany kinds ofwork usually made m such establishqients. Coin-acts takén for binding, and all mater- ml furnished, when reqiilf-ed. nership. for the cot carrymg on and STOVE ifs-$31188 in thg V Bethany, in the stud latelv occupied by Rey - nolde yW' bite, w Ere they will at ally times kee on hand a first-class assortment of Stoves, kinda, Tin and Jnyaqned W are, which so]! at the 5.5 mum. ting rthey are detaafi :d nut. tab.“ nclpr sold by any one inthe trad For sale in large or small qfi: .ntitieo, either with or without can. 6' Cash for Hides sud Sheepskmm \VHITE MAYBEE. W. Wm S. MAYBE}; Bethanv. August. 1576. 18 HE nndersign ed beg to return their sin- cere th‘tfiksgn to the public for their tron- age, since cuthm'encing business in M b,rook and would infdrxn them that they have sold out their business to m. J63 0599:: 11. Sutton. To the Public. wha ivm continhe :‘the same. IN THE 01 STAND, and .We hdpe our old customers w alwéys give him th'gn' support. J. B. J. C. RICHARDSON. Militiook, July 14, 1876. Wohld infb‘i'fi-thlé PuB'lic that he intends to kécp a. good assortment of (Summons 'ro REYNOLDS \Vnm) BE of the best qualities, and will sell them at the _ '___.L:_ _ 13.3.-- ' v~â€" _,, Issuer qf ifarriage Becomes, Bethany: I? Notary Pr blic, Commoner in Queéfi Bench, Conveyenoer, kc: BATESUN ’WILGAR. (82411 \Iachme vfork tum'gd out of this nablishmenfv,‘ at ryPéterboro’ or Port Hope Auw. CASE i‘OR DfiY tannins; Millbrook, August. 1376: None but fin£~class§s 33%: men employed. Money to Luau, 0n the mm isvorayble term, aid. alny sun?) ml: to give perfect afisfnction. quantity of v‘vheat. onkmfifimm ‘ " whmmmnmmnfléffiifl' an deLMinm "rm 11.11, Millbrook. ' . "'anorkmntedeohept thebes‘e kind; Bethany, August, 1876. GROCEfitEs, CROCKERY, mmmok, July 14, ‘1876. Grain, and Prod'zgpm,‘ Bé Having ConVey‘$§°m€' a The yighwt price IN CASE, for any J oéeph H. 3330!, Turning a speciality. MILLBROOK STEAM MILLBROOK.’ LLL manner of Hoiie‘ Building- dofié oi mmwf mum]: We'd; -.v â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .7».- TO\YNSHfi5 CLERK; vat-hm: Xvin. Conn-actor . Builder, GLASSWAE RE; ETC; COAL OIL Dealers In allâ€" kiâ€"nds_ of '. GLASSFORD, Special atteizl'n‘bi‘: paid to v ,...|.." In all its branches. $11111th ed into Paértr r Cree" i 18 on the TIN n: 6 Vin eof ‘. . _ HE Rooms 81 xpxed by g able, and m L at all times odations for Co lent 0f Stoves, ial attentior “are, which re’b 59 i”fl“:°.‘fi§‘i‘. . #153“ fiééfporatedB§A¢tong£fimen t, A.D., 18:533 “v... _â€"___... ,, .3 11 en. -. ‘\.-' e ‘ J Hon': .L M-crflm‘miMM”;ph F. \Volferstan THEM Cashier: M. Beacon, inspec" tor: .g Dari“: on New YofK.(Goid 0.!" Cnfighc§)i . ‘ ind sold, at cum-pint rates»; Draft: is- .41 mints ifi Canada. where either the ii ”‘1‘hd161d, at‘cunffin't ntesQi, Draft an all points iii Canada, wheye eithe mu Noam TM,Molaoul 551mg: 3 amoiéfiy T0 LOAN ON REAL ESTATE: Manager; Millbrook Branch. q Oficé-Hours, frdir’i 10 to 3. Saturdays, from 10 to l; 23 ., . .Toxmxhip Clerk. , , Notify Public, Comrfiissioner for takit‘xlg‘ . Attida'vits. , CONVEYANCER, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT; Savings Bank Departfiiem. IRtemt mowed on De its. in shins Dollars an upwards; IrbII Steel, Coal, Coal Oil, Lamps ,’ Chimneys: and}, all kinds of Paints and Oils. fifavourable terms to Contradtors.“ Minbmk, Aug, 1876. 3’46 THE ansufis BANK, fiealer iH Slyla‘fwand‘ Heavj; informs the public that he has cdigmenced the Waggon-making Businesg, Near the Station, Millbrook, WAGGUNS and SLEIGHS, W'here he will be an of which win be made in the most improv. éd manner, and of the; very best material. F int-class workniefi employed, and satisfac- ti'on guaranteed. .. ; . . 4 aggmis kept on hand, or made to ofiiéf, at Ehort notice. . . E Special attention paid to Iteup‘girixxglx __ _- _--_-.. dapiaal, séwaood: Rest $525300? Dominion Hotel ‘- MILLIJ‘ROOK. , H: Crocker,flProprietor. " J ais. Cosgrove; _ v, sâ€". ISM Gringo Asébciation. DISTRICT 01" 0A VAN‘ Days of meeting, of the undermentiofled L’Sdgel ._79,_ i“. Lodge Room} “Millbrook; on' the" first LARMER’ The subscriber offers his farm for sale, being ‘ the west half of Lot No. 15 in the 5th conceb~ ‘ .sion of Gavan, containing 100 acres of land, aboutSOofwhinhu-e cleared and in" agp'od state of cultivation, well watered and With good fences. _ A good fi‘ame’dw‘elfinghqhse, barn, and eta-2 1:163, and all conVeniences nee‘eaury for good: aging- __, ._ A e . _ . This‘far‘zlifibhne'ofrthe'best mama a'n‘dir‘ withixi $5 "{1}? of flbmokgét ib‘a' first-c133: spflfi‘ _ 'datsarm; 'isv"'¢6fiv‘enien " sdhoofié ahfl’chdréhééi‘ _ .. . . ‘ Possessifih‘given 913-136 full: Tifik‘indisputi able. 'Idffurtherpf'trficulgrsa l'cothe pro-; pribtoi‘ dit‘the premmés, or by ‘ addressed‘ to .M' ‘ .., . . .. ‘ . WM. memmm.’ Cum, June 2"}; 1:576: Farm for Sale IN CAN AN 8 pareful Hostler in attendance. Millbi-ook, August, 1876. Millbrodk; August, 1876': Lu: mubv -wv-uy E‘fidéy 111 each montlf.’ cafe}; in the Tom} Hall, Millbrook. be J. W.‘ SOOTHERAN, John Mokon, â€"Esâ€"q.',’ President. Thomas \Vorkmah',’ Vice-Presidént. LLUABLE : eased to receive orders for kinds of Le at in Quins of Four mint-66k; Ont, Macaw, Auguéé 3'6; misi- comfoi't- new“ :wn '1‘.“ v By Mrs. Pal-f; Afif‘hor of ‘ Dorothy Fox}I linckmouth was a fishing village, Mal- lett was a thrivIo '0 town, and sent two members to Pat Iamen‘t.‘ It needed a considerable ain'cl t of faith to credit this assertion, of imammtion to pic- ture the quiet, . , shion‘ed place asoth- e1 than it 110“ s 331 Ihtiaiht, iii- bifilt»i cmster of houses Itching from the wat- er’s edge by 11. st st'reet to the high road above, and terniinating in a straggl- ; ing colony of p cottages, villas; and ‘ pleasant detaclie house: These last ‘ were the resideric of in'iIli and naval men, with large families an small means, ‘ and retiied ofiicers, maiden ladies and widows, who forlhed the principal. entry of. Mallett. The noses of the whilett folk were not at all ofi'eiided by the od- our of fish, seaweed, and old rope, which pIrevIaded every 1100}: w‘ Ioorne1 of their primitiv e village When strangena' point- ing to the refuse heapsro rotting here and there, declared that even the delicious ‘ breezes from the adjacent coIminon cdiild ‘ not counteract shch banefIile poison as this, the Mallett folk only smiled; They treated as new fazigled notions Itlii talk ‘ of the Duckfiioiithyople ab'oiit the 111111- age being so' had that Ivisitoi‘s‘ co'ul iiot stand it. A1id when a suspicion dawn- ed upon their imtutored nimds that som slur was thus intended to be cast 11po1e‘1 their beloved home, they would turn and- denly, as was their wont, qdick and fierce; and ask, ‘ WhIo wanted strangers? Not they. Fdlks as couldn’t .abide a From Good Words. ‘ THE PRESCOMS 0F PHAMPHILLON. ‘5 place wiigre me hadiceased. .we talk'ddsof my tOI‘Inemliving Jun. land.th the yeamincm-ed.‘ Much: Iflfpgdhpyotoatnawer fig alone wifll'tl‘lr)’ Fomlfl'llso ~- -The nesti‘gn xtput to me,‘ And to ace th'é mwer and Throug hodt fineternityfi The ghosgto of £0 tten actxgnl Came flmtinfifore my. tight, And thin thh thought were deed. Were ve with a terrible ht. And the vision afar-ll my past Was a terriblé filing to face,e Alone with My conscIence sitting In tnat sol silent place. And I thought of a, many warning- Ofa somy In aland that fi-ufiftheljm future. But now is hth‘epwsent tyne. J k , And I thou uhgt tof 1an former thinking Ofthe juafmep‘t‘» ay to 119...." Bu}. sitting pne with my commence goo'd \l'vholesonle' stirik ‘6’ fish hadllest stay ziway. \Vlto wag they, they wo'fid- ered, fdr whorli Mallett must Be alteréd? ’Twas‘ good é'ridtigh for the Qap’eri (lild MisiHero ; a’rigl ifmiy n'lati or Wonigih at Duekmputh, di' sit my. ether fidrt, fiduld say that they cam my fingerb’ii‘ their betters‘, why fi’mps they’d stand 3ht.é1ld stiy it.’ A [id 151118 challenge beirlg given Hy ifierl, who; rigged.” Wrestlers}, are: strong arid sttinly bf limb, “it, was repel? taken up; and :1 burly silence, ari'miilx- lemg'ible _. 1, was speep'ted ‘ ‘ the Mallett c @mpiopg dd 51'! inlaid. ledg- Seemedw juclgln'ent enough for me. And I woané’red if there was a. future To this land beyond the grave , But no one geyé. me an mWer, And no one came to save. Then I felt that the future was present, And that the resent would never go by; For it was but ethought of my part life Grown into etc:e rmty. Then I woke ft‘ornxm my timely dreaming And the vii? lopp eased away, And I knew the fapr- -awa.y warning Was a wet-din of yesterday And I pray that my not forget it In this land before the grave. That I may ndt cry in the future, And no one come to Save. And so I have learnt a lesson Which I ought to haye known before, And which, thongh I learnt it dreaming merit that the Ca'p’ ,the King 0’ Mal- lett, '83 many 3'5, dined him, ranked secon'd to node: The Ca.pt8.iri would fiiost 83§ttredly have sided with liis friends'. It wa'3 his boast that rid orie co'iild téll the time *hen there h53xi’t been Caii'thews ifi Mal- Rift. From his" father he iiiheritgéd Shar- I hope to fdifiét: no n'i're. So I sit alone_$i€livrv\1ygonscience In the place Where the years increase; And I try to remmnbei- the future In the Ian “(1)559, time will cease. And I know the future 'udgment How dreadful soc’er. it , That to sit alone with! my conscience \Vill be judgment enough for me. LV‘ ‘4- irafi‘vs, aha ufiprewag; grumbling sort of reéidehce; iris‘ib‘le frohi tho High £6311, \fliilé th'e groundsâ€"3f 8'th the. tarig'le of flovi'érs’ and s‘h'rh‘bg, boifld_ be desigfifitéd â€"â€"-ra".n‘ do'yhi to‘ jgfib sandy .b'ea’oh‘ below; Captaifi Cat-thew hid m‘airried ls‘oniewliét 1910:; iii life';_o'ri and" ntâ€"i-SQ' he‘ saidâ€"of Hié hafifig be'éfl lit‘ é 6d stré, and not ha " b'eén' a ' Hand at keeping up 13‘. rd " “a fife in â€"the shape of epistol- my Wading. When at length he had made his Opportunity, he did not long enjoy domestic felicity. His wife diéd - . .o ,1! 1, H, AM“). ALI!) soon after the birth of her first child. named Herb 1:! honor of the dashing frié gate which the captain then c‘onnnanded: 1- 1‘ _ -~..J--_u. .1}... A LITTLE comm-ramps. 1 Among the ifihabltants a. tmdxtion ex: 'ed that wher the great naval port of ‘t. Since that mgguWEâ€"gdeht stiflin- tion‘ of the fair 2:3me with (ievotééfiâ€" my 3' fluttering nope among the spins- {ser' Wndf MM society; but one by One these illu’sidfi fell on the grand. It' gradually wme' to! be understoogi am such; flattering games were only’ part Of the (daptain’s chjygous manners; that they went mthhfg 1i! particular to‘ihiy- body, afid that it was more than imer able that the dead mistress of £5th *otfld e‘w‘er have a successor. miscimon EHAPTER I. “”912! - cram-~myp - "I Twenty yéars had ' ' silica fins. Carthew's d‘path, du gw hich tixii‘e' flie Captain ha'd' Been plaé't‘d .pou n the I‘étil‘s ed list, the figvyhadfine thedogg', and edlist, thefiiavyhad e thedoga', and His 113. eter had 'from the Cap- 'en’ali maid: who’ shouted Wiles lightasherrough devo10 éewnng 'ér in their brawfiya. Vainmab'right, earless girl, whose presence was greeted #1ch de- light by every hiliabitamt of M31161}? It took outsiders Some time to eomprfilféii‘d, or in' the least degree to iiiderstdfid, the bond of faith aha trust whieh exhieé be- tween the. agent of Sharfows $11‘d. their humble frien It was fiatent t'q all thai: ;a. man wiéh‘fi o1hing 116191111}??th gm; .._._v_ --[ 'lis, are.poii{ting od‘ 7. But therg’s‘no getting ‘Sir Stephen fihthere, and‘un- til he knows (is, he’ll fiefer care 5:115,qu u_s: Xh'iviifi'é'fifii‘i’sifii Wags: to 3613 the old filace going£6 hack and films, , ,1 A; 35.-” (VIA-Jib: 112.1 r-"w 5'"- -- WW . ~ ,. ‘ The pléze i'eferred to .t‘las CBmBefMal- iéttâ€"an efitfite which wpuld hive fo‘iind little favomf in the eyés‘ 6f most laiiddwjn- EYE; The .lioué'e was ‘ihoderatte'ly large, éfid oldâ€"fishidhed eno'hgh 1901661: pictiir- ésq'ue ;nbut the. land attached «:5 it had, from fieglect, ne‘eo'me ah_but peeléés; thje "'rk, by which it was“ mautigled, lo‘okl ed a virilderneéé 6f unedhvertib‘le timbef;t S ‘ ’ ted Vin-lees "Shwodd; fdrmixig erellent gover‘ for ie game; fi’hicli, on wbpuut id; bi:- , ph‘en’s desire to‘ let Qb'ihbe, 5.3 it w déually célled; Mr; Truscott, the agent, kept stri'ctly pre- §erved. . . . _ ' . .. “i Sir Stephen inhthéd Cdmbe thlj‘o'izgh Ii}?! dnio'ther having firefight it 33' her W1, ding portion to his‘g’mndfathexj, ‘Sir J oli'ri Prescott. Sir Johri had at two sonfi. In the eljlér (who s'ucceé: 6d him) “'6 had little pri é, simply Because h’é fivas his Heir, amid a fieculiarlx‘épcentrié'yeung Illa “611;, will a UV$§Lw--J‘ vvv---" _. .1 Y ____D nimi, 357110 preferred liié fiébbieszhfld the tlie two 61‘ three friendé it'hovoould Ehare iii theni, to the 'eourity s'deiety 01'. His '6wn fatyiily. Such thihgs were, of dei‘me‘, loeked or‘i by them as dnifivot‘thy 6f ul‘nim bell-n to Belmasté‘t: 6f the: mitiphillio‘ti "és- _; ,1- ._ n__,_._ tetes, and as sixcli‘, :5. leader timo‘ng Gras- sl‘lire maghates. .~ ; . . . ‘The tongues of ri‘cliand "1566:; fdi‘ iiiiles aided, echoed the feelings which mnkled in old Sir J ohn’s Breast ; loudly declaring it {966 had, that ii'hile 3‘ curflisli Hook- worm likid honoui‘s thrust up‘ozi, him, Which li'e neither valued nor glued, the only figospect for Stephexi (the eécond s'on), i‘vlio was, jovial and fr‘é‘éfhandéd cnâ€" 0'1;in 15 Be a duke“ was ltd Wait t6 step ixito the shoes which his éldephrotli'er, in spite of his lanterii gawfi; might fill for many a lotig year“. . lhatvsooner or later Mr. Stephen Prescott would succeed, no one ddiilitéd‘. Sir. Befilérdv it was felt, Would xiéV'ér merry, all ecc‘dhnt of the oil- 1y wonieri lie had evél‘ 2liee‘ii seed to 166k * git, or‘ speak to willingly, heving prefer- red his firemen. JPeople Mid; if they did riot kan the rightlof it, noB'o'dy could tell th'é'xii; had said that it was an acbount Of Mrs. Stephen Prescott that , _' . Barn} 3 and kept liivayâ€"lliving nobody. ew 110% gr whet fiend wgs a. greater filiranger «3 his faL‘ui' 511mm they liked their neighf hours to in; We. .Certaiil itwaS, that mm the time at his brothérfs mfinge until some twelve 1th Wt " far ther’é ,deatli (wheil he had lieoonlé ihast- ‘ér 6f Bamfihillon) he h , nevé‘r' set foot iii hisfiatii'e place ; {did i‘fen h'e Onlyre- tiirned beéh'use the Brilther, who had b‘een his rival ill i:ill lie get store by, lay hi the fa'niiljr veiilt, with a newlyâ€"cut inâ€" sci'ilitiolil oniihe church wall, telling. how lie hwdxiiet His death by an untimely fall froni his horse, leaving a widow and onl sofiit'o deglore their loss. ‘ ‘ 9 ”-114- .. iy: av... Viv “'1' -vâ€" - v..-__ ___ When Mrs. Prescott spoke of retiring with her boy to Combe, which had been left to her husband by Sir John, fier- nard begged her to remain near he should need her assistance Mid help, if he lived _at Phamphillo’n‘ among his ten- 4i"1_â€"‘.â€"“‘A AA ants, as she said i was his duiy to do. At first the widow 'hésitatedâ€"recollec-, tion‘s made He'r irresolute, and she would only wnsent to defer her~dgci$ion fqr a , J “L; L“: «HR time 3‘ bu't she quickly found she had It'd hidden motive to dread in accepting Sir Bernard’s ixivitation; The ofi'ers he had made (it ‘theit‘ first mee'tmg, to Be a. father to her child am ai b‘éojéh‘er to herself, he fulfilled to tlie‘ letter,- we nothifig more. New: did he made, w any W fee): ing eve!" having existed betw‘eéli them; Mrs. P " .tt‘ smiled it little sarcastically When she thought hdyi‘ much unnecessary pity she had wasted npon a nkm who jeould so readily. for ' ' a disapfidihtment, Lwhich he had told_ e‘rhe should carry to his grave‘ Mt it was far 176‘? tel-334m Nohéthbréb‘dlfl'bbmue thoufi'igful no? father mb'fia M‘Eflgedl Healing dammefifleu asi‘fh‘e been! hisoi’il'sbh. serveonherpat't wastfe'htthrfiwné’ sideadzideahé. us “may 0111va km h unwnt y eto SirBemaljdéfHEsneph wasfhbir Trfeboy Wasfiéhrcely Phwfifihfinhand his flour; Were Medto'Sir Bernard's bedside from: x "ttheywere' mkmg inme speed; fidfimzle Mimi?“ Stephefihissnewssbr Wrto l '{vh;.t‘i Toa ‘mmépnd ‘ "' j more: mm win " 'fie’du‘yfi-uin- "63' 55775716 8pccahitions'of aman',‘ who ha'd beg: ante of tfle most splendid tools a: set of shat'pers (fiver lighted updd. It seemed as if yeoplé would never life of ahki‘il‘g‘ each dthet {what phasible fictive 69'in have indd " the man (v‘rhdm £11 h‘is‘ neighbouisj . mgtirded 3'8 b‘o‘ok- wo'thx and 3. Misc?) to exiter intd spééhla- tidn‘s arid mhexfles which would hive §staggered the n!’ st desperate gamble}: NO {tine being at e to solve the enigx'iia, they Settled the, matter bj Sppcurfing that he Was mad,‘ that he dWays had Béen mad; and oii ‘ht never to' Have bee'h allowed the han' fig of a. fixie prop‘e'rty', yvhieli Had b’een hi the family for genera- tions'. I‘oor Mrs‘. Prescott, bent or! liv- iiig 011 Bread and wate to ti? and keep it for 1151' son, lived in terror that She would not be able to lick} out #311 Sir Stepheti Was o’fé. age, but would Have to take the lawy e'ré advice and sell it But, imp'o's ble as it‘ had seenied, Hold out she (1i ' arid at twenty-ode Sir Stephen Preseott fo‘hnd himselfcalled np'o'ii to m‘a- nagé a. Idxge estate, which Was Banip‘ered by liabilities of .'e\ cry defienxifidu, and which kep’t him 111 a oontiiiual stiiiit by forcing him to bantract new loans to pay ‘ofl‘ old scores. . This it w',as that while the sinipie' Mallett folk regarding hill! is 9. us, Who lived a life of tligoughtlws p ensure, mid could turri their poor village iu‘bo an earthly p; wadiSe, without Being obliged to deny himééif a Single iiixiiry , he0 re frai'nedy froxii “skiing his agent one word about them, dreading to hear (if distress- es *ln'ch he could not rEhiedy, or suggest- ed iiiiprov emeiits which he had ndt (”the mo'dey ‘to carry out. __ _ nl-_ .5 . .20; c The 'agent Mr. T111366tt; lived at Dock- 1110111311; and fpr the last five‘ 61- six years, on 9560unt 6f Sir Stephen having been aboérd, had 11:1,, med suppme over Mallett wo‘iild' be atxia great distance and would probably rml (18% to Malleit for a felt dfiyS- ._ ._ Whatwastd be done? Here» was he {(5 Bé received 2 When would he ooxiie '3 Th'éSe, and a dozen other qflestions t‘vere Stiééulated upon, Without diiy conclusion being arrived at, except thait something nilist be done; but it was agreed that What this something might to need hot Fe decided upon until SirStéphen vtzifote' figain, which nldst assuredly he would do Before he came. , ‘ One thing I am glad of.’ said Hero Carthew, who was seeing her father as far as Ferry Bridge, on his road to Dock- mouth; ‘ I iini glad Sir Stephen has chosen this season to pay his visit to Combé'.‘ It lievei' looks so lovely as in the sp'ting.’_ “ uldlnu‘ Ad‘s; might be, ‘ th‘an knuckle down to that Truficott, who had swept But Gljtiti’s‘ of- flicés', for all. h'é rode on horseback, switch- ing his whifi a§ flouris'hifi’ as if he was his master} lI’i‘sfing the paSt yeaf, how- ever, hope 1' greatly revived. Sir Stephen he. not o’fli . returned to England, but had announoeifthat he should niost probably 'pay Mai létt a. visitâ€"mi an- xid’tincemént which at few weeks Before, ha‘md been confirmed by Mrs. Tucker} lthe hetisekeepcr at Cdfiibe. receiving a. letter 116m Sii Stephen himself, sayifig that she was to geta coti'ple of rooms in order, as. in the codrsé of a week or so he rulmg with ‘ y'E-tric’e- «- _ that péc'glé rather let thi ago on, Vievey Bad Eh WU Dill-“l8. I" .I . ‘ I Wonder Whéfl £116 fellow means pd make his apfiedfinoe 1’ said the Captaifl. ‘ The$:é_you rs want such a. s' ht of bmkjng‘and ling. Why, in my yâ€";' ޤofij§3€é€aÂ¥ old til: , it’s S'odr day ndw,' interrupted Hero; ‘ and Sir She? 'en never positivelysaid hdw 50011 15 '6. mbended coming} “A .4 u.- ‘ Oh I pf course, you’ll take his part repleid the Captain. ‘ You Women are all alike, ready to w :- any mortal thirig against the likelih of a. full-blown ba- i ronet doing wrong:’ ‘ Hero laughed. ‘Ihopehe willitim outbobeasrlice as we want him to be,’ she said. ‘ It would be a little trial to give up going in and out of Combe; as I suppose we should have to do, if S‘li‘ Step hen come to live there. Find out 1f you can, papa, wheth~ 61‘ Mr. Trusoott knows when he is 00111- ing, and how long he intends to stay} ‘And what do youmean to do with yolk-self while I an! gone 1’ asked her fa- ishe‘r. vuul - ‘1: Oh, I shango w the JoslyoS';‘ a’hd see Alice. You uncertain not to? be back finfil five or six ~"clock. Be s‘dre and bring me the from Home' and the wool fi-om Miߤ Gregory’s, 1.13 dan’t forget my brooch and Betsoys‘ or- dém, whatever you do.’ fAll nght,’ said tflé old gentleman, yhidtling his daughtér good-by e. . . ‘Take (mot yodisélf, andd‘cfii't: 'g'é’c ifit'o xiiiSchiéf, ’ she ycmo'd' hiifi; and Eben, With. sdndxz fidds, ' «vs-back. afld sboifi'ét; W the two'parted; 1 captain Cii‘tinew tobkehis place in Ned Wallis’s boat for Dockmonth, and Hero is strike across Passmore' Fields, irhicll iouldbringher, hyaahatcunclese to the coastâ€"gum sbfiiaof which 311'.me 1311 held Eommand. . Summer. .Anmmhmmu M mm iota-de‘ «he-Inf .Out; “Mafimhsm N Mandrihgfingcommunity ___ E: Item CW fefl very grim-t of s_ MW Mp8 foil Ind Ever? caught dgh’tofherhe'e'; Mimlikéhernn- Mmywlfiabhyawifliflenty of chalrfieter, and showing very openly itshhe‘fi'md dislikéi lament! its Ewan lxavelhorcmghly uni-m,- edtheflervesdmflyam-hed belle alscanfiohave wowedfléio’shack to on. She walked and ran, clinfla‘etl mmujumpedglee glee-.siflging merâ€" my, mi whistling famllmrly to all the m1: Who chancé’d to lie 11: her road. P’efl'eci Healty, leniper, and spifils, what njdte' Wae‘ Wanted to make her, What she déelaréki herselftt') he, as hhfipy asthe (la'ys‘ w e'ré' long ' It alwa‘ys gavelieraddition‘al plenwre {a spend ti day with the Josly‘n‘s; Alice Wa‘S‘ her greatest fne'nd, the three boys Were all in love with her, and Mr. Joe- Iyxl was her father s oldest finpmste Ho‘Wev er long she ha‘d to stay at Winkle, thehourforretnm cameall zoom; so that. in this case none of them ~~would credit Mr. Joslyn’ s assertidn amt it was diready foiir oclock, ind high time to get ihto the boat, or the tide would not save for landing Hero aLt Combe Point, and thus five her a three miles’ w- alk. It did not take them long to reach Cape Farewell; as they had b‘t‘idded fie nar- 16V spit bf sand which stretched out new; and, after at very reldetdnt lea“:- taking, 'a'fld maxiy prdflfisos 6f aiflother sdéfl meetiixg Her3 was In“, scram bled up the rugged path, and stoofd ‘wav- ingherhés'nd, vittchingthélittléubtau itl tacked about; until it finally 9‘51:th the wind and sailed swiRIy cit Mafight. Then she tuméd dud began fo look hboiit for a. certaifl old Hindu-M, Which juttéd conveniently out of the' clifl‘: By modfiting d. stone placed ih'é'i‘e {of the' pin-- pose you édtild catchh'old ofa W and swing yourself down into the path below. It was some tim‘e sinoe' Hero had availed herself if this mode of m- gress, and she' had sander'ea ifshé shoifld hit the exact spot: She ddtiedfly exam- iiied the bough td ascertain If it woifid Bear her weight; and, being W on that scorE, with aflneâ€"twoâ€"tfle'eâ€"flm top was gained, and dby mama the bough She eamed with gfihower of Mayonwbose' etdfles,“ add $32 at “the" ma s gedtkfiiflm hat sheksockedomandgmfissmd ufider "cl ICC II. 3 Oh! what havétdoner sfiéexcuap- ed; as she endeavoi‘ed by, beating the cldud to disperse tlié dust in Whibh' she lied enveloped him ; 2I beg yoflrp‘éixdon 41 am ad sorryâ€"I liad no idea that a‘ny 611:) would be here ; why didxi’t you all 011' h T khan odt,’ he mid; ii! a mam in- juréd tone, ‘ really thil; his 831 impugn- bility ; I 01in heal-d i 'filstle; and‘ b'ejfom Ihzideventim’eiolodk fifiydiih‘ailde- cvvuuvsu Then, seeing me Me 6f ifitdtteuble 'éonfhsion ivliich came intd Herd’s face. as her eye's fell (in thé list all Battered dud, spoie‘d; hé Burstecl infio 5i. hearty laughs-1m:â€" her feet. fray; don’t nfind it, ; but ‘you inust pardon a stranger for bemg ig'rio'n'mt fihat the young ladies here have a‘. way of limp- rihig from the clouds.’ ‘ l’u " LIV” Ill-IV Vlvu“ fiero tried to smile; Edi the Hit Weigh- 8d heavily upon her: ‘Can't something «be 861%? fab it? she asked anxiously, flying to ' 113‘ it to shape3‘lfeelsodré'fidfufiy ‘edof myself.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Don't do that,’ jié said. looking ad- mixingly at her pretty omifusion, f it will come right again, quarb’ soy ; afid if not. nave sonié moré 1am coming this e‘iening, so don’t dismiss me by distress- ing‘ yourselfi' , , ‘ Hisluggige! Wiidéould hebez Hero lBBked at liim inquiringly, and‘then 3 Wm suspiciolj amse that this must bé_Sir Stephefi Prescott I ~A-n ”3mm “III-t" ‘i had‘no idea, that flieré was any path dutside the cliff] he said, trying to divert her from the dnlucky accide_nt. “ Nor xs theté,’ Moved poor Hem who felt that. if her lost (:9ij pro“ l veti true, she ought to add :an apology for this unwarrantab'le mode ofmtranee; ‘ I have been to Wihkle station ; anti, as thefiide [new-titted mefrom getting back by the beach, Mr; Joslyn, Ended me at the Point NOW, and I climbed up here to get home thndugh the park. People have always been allotted to come this way ; Sir Stephen W has never 0!!- jectéd to it ;’ mama «in; “mam-yd half-smil , she flaked; shyly; ‘ Are ydh Sif Sufihen PM 2’ ‘ _ _ , "Yes, I an; that title yea mmk aid 3’ . .. . ; ‘ Becausefdronetling', Ididnotknow j'ou, andVe' 9e'ldom have dangers here ; andthenyouiookâ€"etlast youarenot quitethe ' asthe'tieop'le we genenL 13* see}. . '. Sir Shéghen nfléd; ‘ Mtiiy . vetitiiré to task.” he said. ‘vbdfilhavétiielionmtrefamresing 1' ‘My webs Hero Oeflhe'w.’ I am ‘ ’ Catthew’s Widmfiv “ d Combe Point ;’ andsheluntedin the direction where fliehouse lay. ‘ Sham“! I flinkMt'.Tt-usnotthas ‘spokentomeofWitnotthe next place to this? ‘ Yes, we mneighbours. though not very neurones; Papa will he so pleased toseeyou. We heardflntit vaslike- ,' lyyeufofldwmgbntnom ,1; a.-_¢ L-) - (051151313) '03. 3.581? PAGE.

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