Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Jul 1959, p. 4

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PAGE W.I. CANCEL MEETINGS FOR JULY AND AUGUST The uguieu monthly meet- ing of the \\ omen 5 Institute was Held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Harkness. Mrs. Allie Valli“ opened the meeting WiTh ‘llIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _. I Good Reading for the Whole Family - News The Christian Science Monitor Ono Norway St, Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year $18 I] 6 mm $9 D0 3 months $4.50 D - Facts - Family Features Lequire Plumbing Heating Phone Bailieboro 30 Phone Mfllbrook 871‘2 Plumbing and Heating PROBLEMS $â€"â€": $â€"â€"-â€"-â€"l$â€"â€"â€": If you have steady employment and would like to budget your lenbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. We now have a. plan that shall take are of your Attention Home Builders The latest word in farming "INTE- GRATION” also applies to Massey-Ferguson operations. For this Canadian based company inte- grates its activities to. include in tractors, combines and implements the outstanding features developed in its world-wide engineering organization. The Canadian made combine you buy may include features engineered in Canada, Australia, United King- dom, United States, France or Integration â€" means more value for Massey-Ferguson customers Masseyâ€"Ferguson Limlted RUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD. Monuments and Family Menoriala 73 Ontario St” Port Hope, Ont. Phone Turner 5-5216 him the principles; 0‘3- good,”°y“ L‘Uuu’ ”mm“ "m“ citizenship. Education of to~3 Grade 1 to Grade 2 day is important in older to: Kennefh Patton. 1.1;“? a goocl’ grounglulg .for: (Mrs.) I. Ferguson, ‘ after school days; 1t IS }m'i teache porant especially if he is gomg‘l __ to be free from hatred and in‘i tolerance and to act according CEDAR VALLEY SCHOOL to the principles ‘of justice andi PROMOTION RESULTS» It was 1191111911 that we order SandvaS 9“an Shirley Anne coma spoons (ommemorating V , an Dam,E Earl Tlodd, Terry tln Visit of Queen Elizabeth and Hlen Everett Patton Prince Philip 10 Canada in 1959. 3 Grade 5 “to Grade 6 The meetings for July and Paul Wood, Wavne Morton,i Augllst haw been ca11c.,elled Betty Lou Seward. 1 but there 11 111 be a social get- Grade 4 to Grade 5 i I mac l1o1 at the home of Mrs. ; Helen Todd, leen Mort-0n; 1 , 1 Allie Pallis‘ \\ ith the date to be Jacob Van Dam, Earl Patton. .' >1 -1 121191. 1 ’1‘ he prog1a1nme“Cit.izenship’ Grade 3 St to Grade 4‘ and Education” was in charsrm Mary Jane Seward, GordOn of Mrs. Harry Armstrong. The. V an Dam, Mary Patton, \011111 of thdaV' is the man of Grade 3 Jr to 3 Senior ommrowâ€"so we should teach , him the principles 0:3 mood 'Jovce Trodd, Jud1tl1 Wood. citizenship. Education of to~i Grade 1 to Grade 2 day is important in order to. Kennefh Patton. . haxe a good grounding for5 (Mrs ) I Ferguson 1 . 1. . , . 1 i‘. ' ‘ r -' after $111001” daVs; it is im 1 teacher. ”Meeting closed with “God Save Th-‘e Queen”. Lunch was served by hostess and committee. The meetings for July and August have been cancelled, but there will be a stocial get:- toge he: at the home of Mrs. Allie Fallis‘ with the date to be sat later. ; vAttend the Church of your Choir‘e on Sunday. trufh. The Institute Ode, Mary Stew- art Chllect and The Lord’s Prayer. Eig’h’t members answer- ed the roll call. It was decided that we order :01an spoons commemorating the visit of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip fto Canada in 1959. Germany. Inventive genius is uni- versal and in Massey-Ferguson pro- ducts you get the benefit of the top- flight engineering of a world-wide company. Integration by Massey-Ferguson means more value in the products you buy to help you farm more easily, more efficiently, and more profitably. Ask your local dealer about the latest Massey-Ferguson tractors and combinw. An Auction Sale of. Farm Implements including Combine, Household Furniture and Anti- ques, will be held on Saturday, July 4th, at Lot 12, Con. 9, Manvers, Highway 35, one mile North of junction 7A Highway, at 1 p.m. The property of Offa and Tom Staples. Terms Cash. No Reserve. R. J. Payne, Pontypool, Auctioneer. (H. Hdnors) (R . Recommended) 'Do Grade 6-â€"Anne Ayotte (H), Donald Ayotte, James Fall‘s, Margaret Ireland, Linda MacCrimmon (R), Plfiyllis Pe- terson. . To Grade Sâ€"Janms Lunn, James Pack. To (Watch 4â€".) udy Pack, Rose- mary Richards. To Grade 2â€"A10tha Kimball, Cathy Lunn, Terry Peterson. (Miss) S. Reid, Teacher. To Grade 3â€"Alber? Chle, Elaine ,_ Ireland, Ronald Paek, Bruce Kimball (H). ' ‘ JUNE SCHOOL REPORT 3.8. No. 18, CAVAN Renew your subscription! SALE REGISTER rm: MIRROR-REPORTER DELI-BROOK, ONTARIO Grade 7 to Grade 8 .s. No. 12, Gavan 1. At a special meeting of the i Cavan Council held recently in ' the Council Chamber, at which {time all members of Council , were present, including M1. A. 1R. VVillmott, Township Solici- !,tor at whirh time Mr. Will- imott informed the Council re {his recent appointment to the 3Bench as County District Judge for Ontario, and that it would be impossible for him to act. on their behalfi re Township of Gavan-Carmen Wesley Seymour _ Arbitration Hearing. Judge’s Award Saves (avan Twp. $2,900.00 Thle mee. ing was called to ””1 deal with the former o‘l'fer madei‘o t“ to Mr. Carman Seymox of $400.! ‘9 for land plus an underpass for' Hu‘ his cat le to get to the land mm which was being severed‘ for a b the deVelopment road, also the H03 umber on land being purchased 103‘ A.- Marg Armstrong’s}? Home Run Wins 5‘ For Millbrook in. Mm. Willmott s‘ated an offer of settlement had been made by Mr, Russell Honey acting as Council for Mr. Seymour. A’Ster Mr.Wi11mo t and Coun- cil had thoroughly discussed the ixsue, the following resolm tion was (1111) passed unani- mously ' ‘ . Re Seymour and Township of This would mean a saving to 1he Township of Gavan of $2,- 900. from previous offer. L. A. Hooton. Reeve. Zella M, Bentley, Clerk. Millbrook girls defeated ()r- ono 8 10 5 at 0rono last Friday night for their 9th win in ten games. ' Orouo scofed 3 runs in 1119 first. inning and 2 in the fourth while holding Millhrook to 1 run. in the first and 1 in the sixth. Gavan Arbitration 1 U vru gwuu u w. .w . 1 That the award of the arb‘.‘ tlnrd out. C‘ 0110 was held . . 1 ~. - ' . » , , d t.ra.tlon Judge M. A. M1ller scoreless 1n the seventh to en made after The conclusion of an; the game 8 to 5 for Mlllbrook. adjourned hearing of nearly? ~'â€"-â€"~â€" three days in, all, fixed on com: Engagement sent of the Council at th'e s‘um Mr and Mrs. Oscar Reid of Four Thousand Dollars and announce the engagement of l Five Hundred Dollars costs be thleir onlv daughter Doris eceix ed by Coumil wi h in- Ev elm m Kenneth George son structions to make application of Mr and Mrs Lutherb Olan. 101‘ the usual Fift‘ per “em The wedding will take place subsidy from the Department ofI ‘Julv 18th Highm ays of Ontario. , This is an award of the Court in lieu of the original offer of Council of Four Hundred D01- lars paid into Court, and an underpass for cattle, and the wood and timber off the Right. of \Yay. The estimated total cost of such underpass for cat- tLe according to Engineering evidence at the hearing was apâ€" proximately $6330.00, the esti- ma‘ed value, of timber cut offi the right of way amounted to $170.00 a total in all of $6,900. unamiously carried. vauluv "In" W vvvvvvvvvvvvv , cement, woodwork, floors, can be 537 Queen St“ W" Toronto, 0mg Est. 1908 ‘ thinned down fior shingles. Col- i ours: white, prime, White, black, AGENTS WANTED-no financial ivory, yeoklow, battleship grey, outlay. Write for colour chart. pearl grey, shutrter green, ap‘paeiGuammee certificate and onder green, Chartreuse, barn red, bright fionms for your area. @nLy one red, turquoise, coral, dutch bl-ue,'ag‘ent allowed 130 a diStrict ...... j brown. 150 hurry - ' ple’te 100 % rei‘und. Shipped immediately oanywhere in Canada Outside paint: Suitable for steel, cement, woodwork, floors, can be thinned down fior shingles. Col- This bankrupt and clearance stock‘ 0f paint is suitable for outside and inside. It is fresh paint and manu- factured by C.I.L., Sherwin-Wil- liams, Lowe Bros, C.V., Gliddens,‘ etc. ( OUR GUARANTEEâ€" try one gal-W Ion, try a hundred. If you are not completely convinced that it is the best, then return the empty can or unused «portion for com-J 50,000 Gallons Paint The 7th inning was Mill- $2 . 99 PER GALLON : broo’k big inning, down 5 to 2 i with one out Dorig Moore adoubled to centrie field and .singles by Lynda Hogg and ‘ Dorothy Gillis loaded the bases, Doris attempted f0 steal home I on an error but was put out at Iflhe plate, a single by Ruby tHudson loaded fhe bases on? more, Mary McDowell received 5 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes sof Omemee wish to announce fthe coming marriage of their only daughter Donna. Marlene, ito Karl (Bud) youngest son of iMr. and Mrs. Oscar Dunford ‘of P‘eterbofiough, formerly of :Springville. The oeremony to ftake place Sa‘urday, August ]st. 1959, in Mount Pleasant (I’nited Church at 4 p.m. DEAD, OLD and GRIPPEID FARM STOCK REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE Immediate 24 Hour Service ASK YOUR OPERATOR F01 ZENITHâ€" 66550 No Toll Gharge Hogg in and leave the bées loaded for Mil‘lbrook’s top hit- ter, Marg Armstrong, Marg- drove the first pitch To deep centre- field for her third home run of the season and Millbrook took the lead for the first time in the game. Lena Marie Haw singled to right field and went I to second on an error, Sherry l . Perry doubled to cen re field I 100’ GarfiRfEEtfr Oflflee 3“ to score Lena Marie and Eileen 'Wantedâ€"One large or 2 M11 Powell grounded out ”or the i rooms for light house keep third out. C! one was held ! ing with use of conveniences, scoreless in the seventh to end i ground floor preferred, on I I Wantedâ€"Live Poultry: “high price paid. M. Flatt, RR. 1, Bethany, phone 7-r-13 col- lect. le 30 Wantedâ€"Three Thousand Dol- lars to develop a community pmject by a. reSponsible resi- dent. Please reply ho Box a base onballs to walk Lnda i 7 Wm the game 8 to 5 for Millbrook. quiet street. Phone 19 Min. ~'â€"--- brook. , 2t Inside paint: Suitable for walls} woodwork, plaster, over wallpap‘ er, etc. Colours: fiat white, glass Iwhite, j‘onquil yellow, mint gmeen.‘ bone ivory, sky blue, blossom‘ ‘pink, shadow (grey, fall beige, ltlurqu-oise . iALUMINIUM PAINT. .53 .99 Gal. ROOF CEMENT, blaok liquid, contains f-ibrat-ed- asbestes 99c Gal. Send 59 per cent. money order as deposit. Balance shipped C.O.D. . or you may remit in full and save ‘the charges. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hud- son of Toronto, formerly of antypool, WiS‘h to announce the engagement of“ their young- est daughlter Roberta Elsie Pearl to Mr. Ronald Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron hf Marmora. The wedding to take place on Satudray, August 1st, 1959, in Trini‘y Church, the Marsh. Sherman’s Dept. MAB Nick Peconi PETERBOROUGl-I Farm Service E Reliable man with tractor wants ‘ Work by day, week or month. { Apply at Reporter Ofifiice, ; phone 19. 3t IF or Saleâ€"A good Frigid_aire I Refrigerator vsith new motor installed in 1958; Electric ! Tea Kettle, Toaster and Iron, i algo Kitchen Cabinen white i with Nickel Trimming-s and Mirror. Phone 148-1? Mill.â€" 1 brook. 1t PETER FEDDEMA 1 Real Estate Breker Wantedâ€"General Farms, ii Pasture Farms, Small Acreages. Waste Land. 9‘ We have customers anxious to buy in your district 9 3 1' 189 Scugog Street 2 BGWMAVILLE, ONT. Phone Ella 3-3644 Thursday, July 5, 1959. For Saleâ€"Quantity of Hay, i standing or baled. Apply to i Geo. Marlin, phone 212â€"r-12. ?For Rentâ€"2 Bedroom Apart- Can supply good Pasture for 10 hea of Caftle. Apply to I. W. Larmer, phone 10432, For Saleâ€"Now is the time to order your winter supply of good Slabs. Apply Stan Olan, Phone 70w Millbrook. Eor Saleâ€"Collie Pups. Mot-her excellent cow dog. Phone 217r6 MilLbrook. 2t Wantedâ€"Live Poultry: high price paid. M. Flatt, RR 1, Bethany, phone 7-r-13 col- lect. le 30 For Rentâ€"2 Self-contained 4 room apartmzents'; one heatâ€" ed. Apply Ivan L. H. Gray, Millbrook. 3t For Saleâ€" 1952 Chevrolet De Luxe, also a 1953 Pontiac. Sedan Priced righ’t, Radio ' in both cars. S G. Boyles. RR No. 1, Gavan. 3t man-.59.!- 'u-“W Wantedâ€"Three Thousand Dol- lars to develop a community pmject by a. responsible resi- dent. Please reply ho Box 100, care Reporter Oflfice 3t ment modern, self contained, oil eating, immediate possess- ion. Pone 207r14 Millbrook. For Rentâ€"3-Bedroom Heated Apartment, centrally heated. Apply Don Spicer, phone 259 Millbrdok. 3t For Saleâ€"Mixed Hay. standing CONTACT CLIFF ROSS for haulage for SAND, GRAVEL, FLAGSTONE AND TGPSOII. MILLEROOK 244v Millbro-ok. 0r baled. Ray Stewart phone 213‘1‘3’2 Millbrook. 1t Notice FOR RENT FOR SALE NOTICE 1t Millbrook Public mission, Millbroo] main, and wish 1 the dead line for our old water 1111: 3151;, 1959. Pleas A familiar fl fife and commun Icy, Norman D ram away at h on Saturday, Ju Sid-2v was well 1 district, having 0; and restaurant in village for man} leaves to cherish his widow the for Strong, one son 1‘ tel-borough. and Wordy of Port Hc of Hamilton. all business sect with water from The funeral toc the Ross Funeral Hope, on Manda}1 three O’CIOCk. w in Bewdley (‘eme Seen On During V An unknown ice cream cones hand. He one of them but were too much gave them1 we family for the lic‘kin’. One 0 hearted fellows bear to lick They had not hadn’t tile hear ice cream cone. b postage stamp in BEWDLEY DIES SUDDJ “DON” SIDEY G. A. (Jerry) Goacl Stoc Pick Up GLE NOTI Co Such as Pet Itisa Tri lightl

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