Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 25 Jul 1895, p. 2

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,.--‘,..- -u ”y those who rcspcvt fzunilv lics‘ brotherly instincts. that 'ch0 inh (ants of our own umiun, uur own I and kin, shnnld haw the mix- . untagl our preternnms m (rude matters, return for curwsfmuding privil ,- n accorded to 115. Many of us may ' Willing t'vadmit that in theory trade has :he better side of the a a . J's ment. ‘VPI'P thv \vhnlt- gluhv difipflsm ‘ throw (1mm their harbedwirv fr: but this conditi‘m is as yl-Y farthc than Britains mmm t-n protect , from the indipatiun upon the polit ,f i , Wand we have mface a mudi - Ty}. ‘ in practice that forbids the nccep J'i’f-j :05 all those nice thenrivs that are ‘ ' , 1 :often forced upon us. That the c ferenoe will have, if nuthing more, A @596 of acquainting our far aw Was with the ~bcauties and on : on}: Canadian colqny. .t m he 'ndpced ‘lto stu ~â€"yct it can lmrllly vsrnpv flxo- npmum Ufilnyvll“ Tlmr 'ln: ln-x‘! ut'v'I‘Mllla will hr the uutamw. \Vitlmur :I. prwe-tlrm for calling «,1le :I mnforv-zm' wunlwx the coluninl matting in lnnduu n fmr years ago lM- rnllvd such â€"A\\‘itlmur rim aid of British warunvn M prodde- over and din-N tlw pruw-Hlinrp'. with out Lln- assistanw mi and prmtigu- nf deleglu-s frnln Llw mn'ln-rlmul i‘\('(‘})' the mm- which filu- mu"; nan, mouth shut, prcscnm' Which Yln' l‘Iurl Uf-lHI' r'vxq Item tn vlu- pr'n‘ri:1llllj.f‘~‘ «uno- uf thw' must. nutulflt' :mtl partivulurly salisfatc V tux-y cunfcnrxmgs 1lm' muld hm:- wishell fur. m far .1»: in! rmluing Cnnzu :0 mar Australian rum-5m i< “lbllt'l'l’nv has conwuml paw-d :uml gumn Tl day may lw far in !l::- «lisszum- \rhr the wlmlt- mighty vmpirv will lzo- :- a’:luscd within j'. “all 7 "\"'I: \-«~ 4f protectml inU‘r lrml" and 0f natural null mmul'uvtm-«l prmluc but, the .tppmmjh wf Ilrn <lr'ryil'nl Pcl'iuG when thr‘ ixlnmlw nt' 'lxn- Smut together will: 'ln- ‘3th will he joins zugéther in nu" "uni'mle'rnLinn. :u our Dulninia-n :uul lIL‘ v l‘V l!)\\' M rlmu Ill" who-l:- vlf-pt'mlt' vies of the Prawn in Asia. Afric." :1 America lmw- pn-t‘vvv-n'ial Yr; amongst Llu-uN-lv-~<, is «mu-1v will tho reasonablr‘ imagination Hf maxi us. \Vitlmuv prvxuminf.r In rlisruxs question of Frm- Trntlv '.':~ l’rntm'l we think it will lm v'uncctlml ln.‘ _‘ ‘ _ . . ; 'l'reasurcl‘ wcrt- then sngnvdl hv [I The: late guthvnna‘ “I ‘lvlvgn'fi It“!!! 5"“ H. Stem“ cedar and wax-k the depenvinnviw Hf “rim”: m ’hI-F "MW-TL 101 M, (3011- 7. Southern Sons, tn dim-u» with um“ f Wm. Mclmloo. cellar fur culv V . V _ , . .3 ‘ lots 5 and H, Con. I .. . . (,amuhan .‘4'-"“”““"“' ”I" 'l“"*‘“"“ M i H. \\'. Sissnn. cedar fur vulvcrt I more cxtvusivv (rado- wilh vhv mluuin-x. j H and I5, Con, 13‘ . _ , .. . . H has finish-d i! Iainnu’x :qu many hum-Q .\. Hivcn. printmg on account or! ‘ 3}". hmuvs. h WHuH "n. 9 yummy-(3.... ........ _ ..... depart ‘ I" I A. (-Iven, prmung aspa- blll‘ , . haps. h: 14:4» mgu-h‘mr tin-v v'nost "n Julm McDowell. stumping ma thusnwuc (mlnumi Fo-dvmuumxv {no}. In“; 4 and ,3, (10m 10. ~ .. peer. that the muthc-r cnnmry wnuM J B. \\'illimnsnn,39 loads grim - - : x . _ with a". \vhul . m ‘ J. éhqcklcton, overseer . . . . tall mr 3' fluff.) l . _ .d . I 1' ‘J. B. “llllamsou, 65 loads gram gramme htnmu mu um, upon .u j \Vallnce Bruce. rw'erscer. _ ._ that, notablemetering~~fx~rhap:~ it Wuyld I A. Rylcy, clerk on am": 0; salm be rmssunamo' m summsc that It poruun Cm. Porter, ditchiqg. lot. l, (.‘on. uf it, will mm-t with unqnnfificd slisxvm !‘ - “- Pfil'tel. “"1ng Image, lot -yet it can hardlv ram-an» elm ..n.'..;...‘ I (Ton. ; ....... WW‘V‘J‘AMNW THURSDAY. JI'LY 24;. Mm. WWW-I“ AN‘A“ A man may huvan honest but”. Though ponrtithc: hourly sum- Emu : A man may wk 3 neehor'a purl. Yet. hm: nae cash {0 swm- him. 77/5 017:: In: m-v1=.emexvrz; the {Dillbrooh Reporter. At VANGE’S. Grossries, Fresh, Clean, Cheap, Hood's Pills cure consupauon by match In; the peristaltic action or the alimentary can]. N. B. 1: you deculé to take Hood’s Samm- rilh do not be induced to buy any other. not bear the slightest much. When I had taken one home 0! this medicine, the soreness had gone. and below I had finished the secondtho bunches had entirely disappeared." BLANCHB Arwoon, Sangen-me. Maine. “Gentlemenz-I feel that I cannot say enough in favor o! Hood's Sarsaparmn. For on years I have been troubled with scrotum in my neck and throat. Several kinds of medicine: which I tried did not do me any good. and when I com- menced to take H ood's Qarsaparula there were large bunches on my nocmore that I could “ 0.}. Hood 6.: Co.. Lowell. Mm: ‘flqufswfcuréé Octofula In the Neckâ€"Bunches AI Cone Now. Hood’s Cured x; After Others Failed mufumued prmh h Hf that 'lrm‘r; islzuuk Inf th Sm - YA NCH. u vantagl mat Lox-sf privil “N nlav ’\'\. \‘WNN i 01mm )1) l Moved hy Mr. Stanton. srl'unlletl hy M11 . Bax-menu. that this council supplr-nmm the {grant of $10 nuule hy the council ut' Upi m ‘zmpmve thr- north boundary line of rnml fvew tn 1), Fisher's, mul that ("mnu-illnr ! l'mtnr he «:oxxnxnxsioner tn Mpmui the Sum“ . With the emmnissinner Of Ops. Warm-d 5 Mm'cd by Mr. Stanton. seennaiml by Mr. l Vance. Hzal “herons ewmplaints having lwrll 3 made that mlhng stones have been leli a-n 't.lu- rmul huls nn several rwul Jix'mnn», _ Rewlved. that the l'lr‘rk he anal is hen-hr my I hllllclcll to nutify Messrs. Johnstun Mnrtnn. {Robert Fallis, G. \V Sisson. and Richard 5 lush, nvcrseers, tnhuv: all rolling stem-s removed from olhhe road hetls in their re- speetive road divisions. Carried. . The Reeve stated than he had received cummunieuionn from Christnpher A ran» and John J. "lurk, applying for the oll‘ice of ; (Ynllr-etor uf rates aml taxes fur the current . l war, nml laid them before the council. On nmtion said applications Were nnt ox- "unincd untxl the amount of salary to he ' paid was determined. ' A liy-luw appointing John V. Clank, ml- : l::«:t0r0f rules nml taxes for IIH- present year 3 Was then introduced. read first, second and ‘ {hinl times, signed and sealed. : 0n motion the fullnwing v-rdcrs m1 lllo- l'reasurel‘ were then signed hv the Rome :â€" 'im El. Stem“ cedar and wax-k «m ‘ mlvert. lot US, Con. 7, ....... S! If» no 5 Wm. McInlloo. cellar for culvert 3 ‘ lotsfiand #3, Can. I ,. . . .. -l 32" l I 9 5. \V. Sissm). cedar fur vuh'crt 10:5 Hand I5. (Jon. 8. Iivcn. printing on account nf contract . . ., .......... .,.. L (.‘n'en. printing as per bill. , . Uhn McDuwell. slumping road, Ints 4 and .3, (Inn. 10. i i . BY “'illimnson, 39 loads gravel. J. Shackleton, ova-seer ...... . B. Williamson, 65 loads. gravel Wallace Bruce. "vertical: . . . i . Rylcy, clerk on au-x-‘t of salary co, Purlel', ditching. lot 1, (,‘on. N ‘l 1‘ \.‘ Moved by Mr. Slunton. secondmi by Mr. Barnicntt, that, the application of Mr. Davey for extra; compensation fur maul jnb he not i enlartaiued. (Brried unanimously. 01) motion the application of Mia Ami]. } Staples was not entertained. 5 Moved by Mr. Stanton. seconded by Mr. i Porter. that the Clerk notify Mr. '1‘. Brown to have his rmui job (you. plelml at onv-n or this m pellet! tn (MW 3 riod. Ki l4» mm- uncil “‘i” in- vom- pr'wcoriingsagainst him. (1::- i h Rusk. half pav {and job, \V ‘. .V... “unnuw, aecnnueu 0' Mr Stanton, that the clerk he and is here )y m struutcd nnL tnehm‘ge the arrears nf Laxe: against nurth part lot. 21, (Jun. H, (5 acres the same having been erroneously charged. Carried. Moved by Mr. Burnicut'. beenmled by Mr. Stanton. that the road job Contracted for h\' Mr. Alex. Davey he accepted, that the mem- orandum of agreement he destruyetl and that the Reeve sign an order on the Treasurer in ‘ favor of Mr. Alex. Davey fox the sum uf eighty-seven dollars. being the buimn-e Jua- fnr the same. Curried unanimmNy, Verbal applications from Mr. Davey for extra c-nmpensalion for madjnh. lots-u s, 5)“ and 1”. (Ton. l2.un<1 by Arehihzthl Staples to have a ditch :lng In earl"; the surplus “ater off his land. i» 0w 99:25 8. Mmfiiiié The (‘lcrk stated that there were at of taxes u-hargec! against north east pa: 2], (‘mL H. Manvers, 5 acres, which h linvw‘l In be an error in emsessment. Afton vxamination into the matter it mow-d by Mr. Bnrqicutt, seconded by c..\».,, - tlm' Dcputy-rccw- Barr he instructs-«l H) attend rim]. Thv petition of \Y. S, ”odd and 30 dan hnuscholdcrs in the village nf I" pool. praying the council to muse a. co: stru-t or lam.- in said \‘illuun- m In: close and dir=poscd nf according to law. A] {Ix-rtxtixunc frum the lhgisrrur uf East ham, vcrliiying tlm' u plan of that pm; of sax-1 vxllngu has bun-n duly deposited i unicc. Was thvu presented and read. Moved by Mr. “twin-1m. secondm' My: Nahum. Um! the: potiziuu hf \V Doudnml “them be rmmivcd and that. ulwk 130;:in th ncccssary notices to 1 said sum-t. or Ian» closed up and dispose according H» law. (hurried. A cmmmmicaliun from the t'. I‘. R‘y re vrnssing. In! :10, mu. 4. Mum-oral. thcn presented and read. .M'un‘zl by Mr. Stanton. seconded by Yum-r. than tlu- ummmmication from 0.} (1).,11‘ :ailrumd crossingn h.- rnaux‘u'n-l in the Village nf Bethany on Saturday, L'Ist. Members all present. the Reeve i alum. The minutes Hi the last meeting then read, approved and nu Illnfinn si hy Lhu Reeve. Tlu- itlmvc c in the Village ' the help of a. Pacific cable and a f: ‘ Atlantic ship service thv «ti-mm travel that is like-1y to divert from Suez route to the Canadian high“ must he of inculculuhln gmd to 1 Domini-m. T ln‘ friendship shuwn L vn'innnt (ltelegziu-s by their shm't Stay. their all L'lilsst‘s‘, ilux'ix must lu‘ the mums ( carrying hmm- with them t‘l happiest rucullvctinns uf hospitality :uu brutherly fQ-t-linu. and thii' H-Lui'n to tlu-ir rcsimctivogm’crnnxénts may be lcmked forward tn with (he must sung uint' c-xpt-ctutinns vi :1 chm-r drawing mgvther :unungst thonm-lvm and a. lllUl'C vxlcmlL-(l intern-st in within the (:mpirv, [hm-(- ne‘wssury it-vlings ut friendship and family pm furmict'. that gm xu far tn illiiiii up grunt nation and people. prumutmg untxncal adjourned until. \ugnsl. m-xr :1! file hour“ ‘ .1...) , nus (‘OI'NI’IL ubovc council met :1! the}: I)_\' Mr. . tmmm, seconded by I ha: tlu- urmnmmicution from UP uilrnml crqssing, be received a 1!le l'lflth‘ "OI 1m 1m) lilglsn‘ur nf East 1) ng llm' u plan hi that pnl'tl ' huh ln'x'n Illziy «ll'pusilml in] m: [um-Muted .uul read. My. Hum-um, mumdctl l , Hm! 111v yvlitiuu 4tf \V. . l‘l‘a‘ in: u-uwn'ml and that H ”w necessary nuliccs to have lum- closed um um} disposed of 'l‘ n:nuxnu~u.tion from (LP. R. "ossing, be receivcdiaud Barnicutt and the Clerk to the same. ('ar north CQ§0.p$£t-j6; 1nd diflposcdof A l'omprc-homh'v lit-flew or (In- l-Inliro uranml~The (123' Paper and Its “'orkvv (‘. l’. R‘y C0., The Supph'moulry Work of [In- Joni-nah Mmu'crs, was of Sumner Towns. As everyone. knows, it is the business of a newspaper to collch and distribute "curs. lthis statement covered the case there would he no occasion for the existance of any but. the city paper, which, by reason of the supporting power of the thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of people . were alrears . . . . . . wnluu the raxwe of Its Influenceâ€"wlnch ts h east partlot “A A. L, A. .5 . .. . Joudcd by Mr. on from (AP. R. r received and and the Clerk w same. (‘ar- L, which. he He: S7 ”0 M) 00 «l H or not the people whom reach read it, upon the nu whether theyread it with interest or not, and upon the methods in which the adver- tisements are displayed. Given the invar. able side of the conditions mentioned and there cannot be any other means of bringina a business to the favorable attentionbf th: of the public equal to the newspaper, for the money which it costs. The day when every one knew every one else, and people knew more about each other’s business than ‘ , Icy did about their own is gone, and the business man i compelled either to adver- tise through the newspaper, or take some ore expensive means of keeping his busi- es in thapublic eye. The value of news- per advertising depends more upon the iedium used and the method in which the lvertisement is handled than upon its actual cost ; for money may be thrown away ,in advertising” easily as in anything else.- ‘ 'E’dmonttm Balaton. it is desired to mber of readers, S 50 ‘J 00 IS ”0 3G 9 99 mumumx sucn as would he nczessary for the dry goods merchant : and just so one line of business will not get as good a. return from extensive advertising as another: or an amount of advertising that would be good business for one firm would be extravagant on the part of another. It must beevident, however, that if it is an assistance to husi- nese to hang out a. sign. to have suitable premises, or to occupy a. good position, it >cennot be less an assistance to keep the bus piness prominently before the eyes of present or prospective customers by means of an advertisement in the newspaper. Of course the value of the newspaper as an advertil ing medium depends reatly upon whether or not the people w om it is desired to reach read it, upon the number 0f renders, whnthor Hun» vnnA 1e “.3” . . 4 3‘.‘ a“, .u. uuuuu ' LU keepunotice of their business in the bcol. umns of the paper. The value of an adver- tisement varies with circumstances. But it may be taken as a general principal that a lbusiness announcement is of like value to the putting up of a. prominent Sign, the erection of attractive premises or the oc ‘ cuprtion of a good stand. It would not, pay a. peanut. dealer to occupy premises or a, situation such as would he nczessary for the dry goods merchant : and just so one line of Lunin...” ...3n 9 v) by Mr. Drcby m. of taxes (fine-res) charged, .‘u I a cor rlused ;\ 151. So much us :0 the value of it newspaper to the community at large. Its value to sub- scrilwrs need not hcdwelt upon, us that is to a. great extent self evident. Every per- son wants to hear the news. It is to his interest that he should know what, is going on around him. To find this out men gath- er in shops, stores and hotels, or travel miles and miles to each other‘s houses and spend hours in discussing a tenth part of the inter- esting items they would find in each issue of a. well conducted local paper : which would not occupy ten minutes to read. The N- â€" .ul 7 -Ww m... have not seen the place will judge it. by aml will form their impressions of it. from. If it. is bright, ncwsy and vigorous it will create a favorable impression and outsiders may size up the town and ccnntry as better than they look and will have confidence in them accordingly.» tnere could. But that is not what the city paper is published for. It is expected to pay chief attention to the interests of the city, and if it deals with outlying places at all it is expected by its chief patrons to do so only from the interests of the city of its publication. If the people of any locality \t‘1mttlu'it'intexests to he pushed through the press ir must he by papers slivotcd solc- ‘ ly to their interests»-or in other words by ‘ papers which they support. The value of the country paper to its suhscrihcrs is not to l be reckoned bye. cmupztrison of cost, with city papers, but, by considering whether it fulfills its mission of gathering local news and advocating local interests satisfactorily. ".1” w.“ . ‘- Tu But just as the news of one city and its surroundings is not what chiefly interests another city of like size with its sourround- ingsâ€"which therefore supports a. paper or set of papersâ€"so the news that is furnished by the city paper is not the news that then rcsnlents of u. erountry town chiefly wishe to hour. It is of greater and more imme-l- inte importance to him to know even thel minor events that are occurring in his own neighborhood than to know those that occur ; in the far off city, or other country place. . This news he can not get in the city paper, the necessity for its supply is the muse of the existence of the «:ountrv newspaper. ,1 .1” I ‘. .. .. ’l‘n sun: 1‘â€" rl... .... «u..- vvuvncouu: mum: ux couccuns: news 0!‘ the labor sawing appliances which allow the the reproduction of that news at the lowost pogible cost. , _.‘ .nuy 'V‘IIILII ‘3 not only the city in which IL is published but the towns and country districts tran- sacting business with it and therefore inter- ested in its affairs, as the city is interested in the affairs of those with whom it deals- is enabled to give incomparably more news for less money than the paper which, not having so large a. field, and therefore a smaller support, cannot avail itself of the $1“ch wholesale means of collectingr news or «I... 1-1“- », .. . . . ,, in L] be by papers slivutcd solu- ts»â€"or in other words by 5- support. The value of to its sulmcribers is not tn -_ .vuu vat 3, interest or _,not H. Le'BRUNfgé mg GEORGE snag ,7 J a_ -uuuun unle during the sweltering days of summer. Elbys get. a. good Lacrosse Stick and Ball free with every Suit. l See our favorite ()ambric and (.‘nlor‘d shirts, Fancy Flannel Shirts, Oxforh, Ee- gatm and Neglige Shirts. See our many lines of Summer See our Hosiery in all the pupu and colours. Come and let us make you comforunle during the sweltering dam n5 mum“... N eel: Wen r. lar muk es Fabrics. Superior Clothing at, Bargain Price Men, YOIILlls and Boys, to suit the hot: The stock is the cleanest, in the market 1’ ‘ ‘ ' Q ...... fIAIY‘ ...- -.-......-v .u put umrKeD. See our Light Underclothing, in Nahum? Wool, Fine Merino, Bulbriggun and Cotton Fain-Sn“ whichever you prefer. We stand to our lifelong principles and sell only worthy and reliable stuffs. READY-MADE 0P The season hus set in for “fitting Light- weight Clothing, and the patterns and styles at the City Clothing Store will be found great in variety, perfect in selection and honest in price. The Clothing of this store runs on brains and not brag, and continues to win on the sound lines of honesty and common sense. In respect to price, no clotlncr shall give you value that equals or surpasses our (Ifl'er- ings, and this is true at every. COOL CLOTHING. CITY CLOTl-y *-. STORE ‘ â€". h‘()l“\- A SPELL 0F HOT WEATHER. ' . ,,_ .- â€"-uvlllvl'h ‘ Tracing: the rim- and program at [hi-.7 w llvrl'u ruligions mun-men! which. l'kv the (Hill Stu-um. has giwnamrmth to th‘. W‘ '0 water.- I and w-rdtu- to many lands. und gm mg» im- at countul' '1: Various influences mnl in~tztuiionr~ of Urdu}. 'l‘n which is added "'l‘tn- \‘tory of Mcthmliwn in the Dominion of I‘.n.:ul:l." h,\~ lit-v. Hugh .lttlnwlun. M. A.. D. II. and "The ‘ Slut-y ut' l-Inu'm't h Imagine.“ by Rev .lmuph l“. Harry. I). l). l-Itnhvllishcd with nearly six hun- (lt-ml portraits and \‘l4:\\'H. with cl:\.~~itl0d index ornom-l) mm I'vt‘vt'unccs. Axon" should drop all clst- and secure territory. Such chum-t ('nnn-unly unvv in a lifetime. Exh-xrivv tert- Lurvgiw-n : full protectimi. Go to nurk now, mu you will lll'tlic money. Terrilur) L'uing rapidlynu't now: no (:aptital needed. Write at once for particular:: to gnaw-rs See our Suits of' Men’s 000! clothing. See our Cool Goats. See our Cool Vests. See our Cool Pants. I can fit accurately and with dispatch and guarantee every pair to fit correctly. ‘I Mr. LuIImm-c, lln: (‘olchmlml ()plil'iun, will visit )lillln‘nnk pl-riodicully who“ all my cum [mm-3‘s hxu‘u llw zulvanm 'c of hism-rvicus with- out any vxtru charge an llu will for such con- nulluliunu' be all my store only. 'l‘lm date of his visit will he :mfzuuncud shortly in this paper. llul don‘t kw-p buck on accoum n( his visit. we lqu wlml I can do and if ynu are not. smiR- licd. sm- him. and if satisfied. bu m‘nziflud by that grullcumn saying tlmy an- all right. and to no: lw he‘ltlcn by any ono. Ishull sell good spcclm'ln's”0111500“ a pair. Are the surest aids t vision. 0 imparcd 204 I, Vb SIGN OF ’T‘HEWHORSE ser B. LAURANCE’S SPECTAGLES and EYEGLASSES _ :V , .uw .m we persons men 3 tinned m sections I and t- of the \‘ott-rs‘ List: 1 Act. the copies requirrii by said section: . to be so transmitted or delivered of the list. ' made pursuant to said act. ut'nll personsnppem- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to he (‘lltilh'd tn vote in the said municipality at t‘lm‘liuns for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and that said list was first >0sled up at my office at Millbrouk on the 13th day of July. 1894. and renmins tin-re for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the s‘tid list. and. if any emissions ur um' other errors are found therein. to take illllllcdiillc proceed- ing tn have the said cl't'ol‘> correvted accord: ing to law. Dated at Millbruol: this 13m (luv nl‘ Julv wu- ‘ “THE STORY OF METHODISM WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. Out I! MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GAVAN, COUNTY OF DURHAM, ONE OF THE UNITED COUNTIES OF N ORTHUMBBRLAND AND DUR HAM. NOTICE OF ()'I'I(‘E is hereby givcn 1 injttcd qt" dcliycrcsl In uunnuuu IIIIIL'X ,mm l‘Pfl'l‘L‘llLLr‘. renu should drop and suture territory. Such chum-us ' mum in :1 lifetime. Exh-xrivv terri- |:l‘ull protection. Go to nurk no“ will lll'tkL‘ monov. Tarrilnm A. SMITH 3. nuculnmlyut -. 18!”. at Mauve-rs Mun-mu}. um required -nd by pod promigl. or to «lvlh'ct' I0 lmhcrt ncdy. ii'.. of tho \'l“:l).;‘t' ut' .Hcthuny. black: h. (ltcthauiy l'. 0.) thvudnuuktmtm' of tin- 1c ofthu dcvmm-d or In A. A. Smith 01' \‘ilhlgcof Millhrcok. «)licilur for said m1 istmlor. on or bct’urc tho lst day of SL‘PH-m mu. full purth-ulurs nt' thvir chiinm. tut nor with their christian and surnuuuw um! nuturc of tho .N'L‘l‘lu‘iiy1if:lll)')huhlhymn-"L idfurthm‘tukvunlit-011ml thv said winnin- tor will. on and :ll'll'l‘ the suid tit-:4, (lay of cmbvr. 18:”, pm road to (lisit'ihulc- tlu- :lssiflh In said cstatc u‘uum: ”Il‘ mirth-s entitled vtn. hnvim: n ml only In tin.- claim.» of ch 11 - shall thvu have hml motive. u'ti slimlvhtvd lu Ihvstlili («‘1qu ur.- hen:- iotitml that tin-Er iu‘l‘UlHIlh must [)0 gumcd m-c. :iti-d:|t.2\1iilln'00k this lxth dur nr lulu lun- A. LEACH, ‘ulmg. Bargains at the Print Counter. ' Bargains at the Hosiery and Glove Cool Vests. Counter. 300' Pants. Bargains at tge eDress and Parasol E 01’ ounter. MADE TO HBDER Bargains In “W: Mantle and M? lin- ..,.. :uw. mu.- .1“ arm" 1-“ ' L7 L. chums against the ”JR; it)?“ £311”; uul'y. sh. 1m}: of the 'l‘mvnshiu of Mnm' {er ae'Umnly 0| Durham, younmn. dccc tr;- udue‘d cu or about Hue!\\'(~lll)‘~NC\'CIll[1(1quf v. 1591. at Muuvur§ Mun-mid. um X'CI I?) 5)! :ml hyped pron-U51. or [0 (lvlh'cl' I0 n‘m'f-‘l‘: ncdy. nu. of tho vullugv ux' Mcthmw bl: L)" h. (“annuly l'. 0.) Ino:ulmiuim-ulbi- ( I'm] ' 10.0! the duvvnsml or In :\ I\ \' 1) l w- Vllhnzvnf Millhmznk mu“ ’ “‘1" 0’ ,V n.. .ununul HH 1 visions of“. S. 0.. lg‘i'i'ruhup, 1 'ndin ' :u-IS. lhu} all «:rcdiIm-y: um] ing claims against the (astute of ucdy. 51:. law of the 'l‘nu‘nulnin n' .u um.) \W I n n. , unuurslgncd. Lot 11, 06H. Cumn, on or ut May lélh. three yearling stcem and two rung heifers. two of the steers are red and 1‘ other man. Duo-huff!!!- is red and Lhc other n. Inmruuux as to their whm‘cuhout and CUVory will be r dell. ‘ .\\"l.\'SLOW, - ‘ brook, P. 0. Y”? F is ILA-Ir‘cbx'fi ADMINISTRATOR THE ESTATE or nu; ESTATE OF ROBERT KEN- NEDY, SR, LATE 701‘ THE TOWN- SHIP 0F MANVERS, YEOMAN, DECEASED"~ ESTRAY CATTLE: 'I‘RA Y HI) FROM Tilâ€"E PREMI‘EB\' (IF ’I lled‘c-Iffigpyd. Lot ll, Con. 3. u n. fur IDI3. A. B. III‘DI'I'.‘ Illmk, vm «ring 3 history of Methodinm throughout the world. untitled RED] TO RS. Solii-hor for mlmiuistmlon or rmsr po§rmc or vonsns LlSTj1894. _ J um u nu "I." CH" mlvanm 'u of h . M‘rViCCS with ammo am he will for such can ‘ll,\' SLOI‘B ()Hl)’. 'l‘lm dam nf hi. wuwu auuruy In this pupql‘.‘ buck on account of hm \‘1' t w: do and if you are not, sans- (1 if satisfied. be mmiflud by saying they an. all right. and by any one. I shall sell good ‘f-A n nah- '00]: this 1311: any of July. 889k : EO. SOO'I‘HICHA N. Township Clerk Millbmok. Drugzlst. Mlllbx'ook. moaning"?! I. mk [his b‘lh duyofJuly.189~l. ROBERT k l‘2.\‘.\‘ ICDY. JR. Admininlmlm- \UTH‘E FT!) und Ifrices for H of the \‘orcrs‘ Lists '1! by said sections dclivcrted of the list. . ul'nll )u-rsonsuppcm- SNNSHH‘IH R0“ of the milk-d m vole in [lug '1'Iiuns for nlexnbcrs ’1)‘ and :11 Municipal -l Wilh xir‘vtr‘yox‘lcd up_ n.. n... m - u. ur.. ldLb-D‘ DLleS nu uu‘bt‘. gUOUS YOU re _,. quire to see nu; stock. ['HE TOWNSHIP An {-xce‘llent assortment of Ladies [‘Y OP DURHAM, Dresses for Small Children to so TED COUNTIES fit whom you buy ll ’ \V rappers, Blouses and lect from and our goods always 10 proPer sizu LANDANDDUR- Remclnbcr our Stock is alWays well assorted in every de- 1);}x‘tn1<e:1t.‘lr()xn tht: George Strm: entrance round the block to bulllll!Illtll'ligll;fill‘ll::3:: Sxmcoc btrevt. where all thv ' 4 Ladles' Millinery, Blouses and "’l'!”_".°“";*'Vl:i~"5 U nderwmr are kum “)_\ 5:}!th M‘Clmlls ; Enlarging Sale, $69 George Street, _ Petflrbm’eug R. H. KELLS 00’s Nutime now to go into\{e‘tails or quoting of prices. It is a. constant story of reduc- tions. Values Reorganized Daily, which means that, pressure is constantlv“reducing piices. Every day with us now is like a Saturday. People are buying just as fast, nswe can wait upon them. Unheard of Bargainsâ€"that‘s the Programme. Time is short. “'8 have made up our mind to itâ€"â€" to ulindfold our eyes against, everythingâ€" cost, value, selling price, everything. except the only all-imdortant objectâ€"T0 SELL-â€" WHILE WE CAN. . u» "A u‘ :hu’pflm. and e' Béoms. Bargains at the‘xflemqant counter. H Closing Banner Weeks. will convince you that the goods WILL NOT KEEP. We‘re studiously and continuously marking down figuresâ€"not. one day, but every dudâ€"compelled to do so by building exigencies. We’re resolute in our plans to make u. complete clearance. 12 you want to make money don‘t, miss attending our sole during the l will and sea weather them 0: all prices. Nothing more suitable than a black or navy Sergemâ€"some- thing that will look well under the Greatest provocation.‘ Are You Going Away? Our Crumbling Priees ‘UMKWHERF HE’1‘\\'EEN BAILII'IBORO Av and M'mm'ook on Monday. June the lfllh. u L‘rookvd $mm Mcrâ€"uhuum Pipe. l‘ln- tinder will In- ::uilullly rcwnrdpd by h-zu mg [he simm- :n the Hun-033w»: offlvo.‘ '33 R - 44 ‘14V1/ ;; :1“ FLAGS/30W 7YN(‘ 1“]‘( 344 Water Street, '_ pl [£7175]ka 00f H 0/655 y m mm F. reople are. buying just as fast, wait upon them. Unheard of â€"that‘s the Programmfl. Time is 'e have made up our mind to itâ€"â€" J A, ' olor warranted to stand sun Remember TH E ".I\. U nderwpar are kept this line has always sold at lines in white blouses in new in those goods you reauirr m \\'c have still many choice: patterns left and they are the ‘finvst French makes anll this season's patterns in both Flowers and stripes. This is :1 rare opportunity to get a Fine All \VOOl Dclnnic at less; than they will ever be sold for again. “"9. are showing some New Black \Vatcred Prints for summer wear; also New Black and Navy Estamernr Serges, 54 inches wide. They are the best value m'cr Offitred. \Vc also Show about (m mmmm If I‘ CHEAP DELANIES val-ranted to stand sun weather. “'6: have M ' ,, ,_ _ ...v .m- your nenmul'i spawn Cm with good success for Curbs on two homes an I: la the best. Lintmont 1 have ever used. Yours truly, Luann- anzlucx. l’rloe OI per Battle. For Sula by all Druggms. or adds-es: Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY. fl. C. TUR N I} ant ‘smry of 'reduc: nized baijy, which constanllv“reducing h my now is 'like a Delanies at thee George and Simcoe Streets PETERBOROUGH. Saturdgy; We Prints sensual is admin-Pd, we about 60 patterns of C â€"»5L\N ['FACTI'IH-Il: 0F sale We have placed in stock is. this week a. choice lot of " Tweeds in suit lengths. I Walsh Clarke Them hast Iicetor g 8 D POI: Flannels. Blankets a _' ins. Rag carpets w chgap._ ‘choice line of Black Wor- sted, and Navy Serges. {see them before they are picked over. Also a DAVID CHAMBERS uwxrom, L. 1.. N12. Jan. 15.18% D8 B. J. KENDALL Co. ”$81!"!!le bought a sglendld bay horse some time ntfowith a S nvln. xozhrmmrsso. I used Kendn l'u Spuvln ure. Tim 2‘ \in II gout- now and I have lwen offered $150 or the same hnrso. I only had hlm nine weeks. 30'! got 3130 to:- using .2 worth of Kendall's Spavln Cure. Your- cm! . w. 3. Human mm L’s’ssmlu cunt EELBY. men. Doc. 16, 1893. Dr. B. .I’. mum”. Co. ' Simâ€"I have used your Kendall's Sptvln Car: with good success for Curbs on two home and It In the be". Llnlmnnt 1 ha». ---_ ..__. FOR MAN dine: ‘37. __fi.-‘.___- Certain 11) m eflecu and ac ve'r‘blumrl. Bead proofs below: mmvs spma cums Canadian nvarom, L. 1.. N11. Jan. 15.1894. Dr R l‘ Ununav- n~ I ° ' 11‘ 2C. just arrived three rresh patterns. for the latest styles “I“. uosr succéégsht 2541507 'A- -_ . 41V!) H’slGOA’ COVE/1’5. FOR SPRING. have “OBIUIGN FALLS. VT many special lines to at- ‘EULL’S. (I‘m-Med to clear Yard Yard Peterboro’, Ont THE »-TUDHDS glean W091 “'th lengths. WTENTS M SAILS, BENJ SHORTLY Camping 1“ 1133:. "in: tig 111 “1:111-1'111111111111 11w >:>-11'1 1:11111' Goods “1111.1111111K11s 11:1111 :111111111111 11‘ ’ cushnn \\n all-Ax ‘ MEREDITH I‘ out our good quality. The Peterboro’ Tailor. OVERCOAT OR PANTS. ”REE AND FIT GUARANTEED. Ents’ 'nishings. This is a very safe and sendinv money. Over Cam; 8. and the Sta; orders can be one 15c. for S40. F Removed fru 389 Georgest., } No. 393 G rge-st., second II 0f thexol_d stag , late (2“ Express It Company’s-J )mers will find [e the War]: 32' L0c. will purchofée an order for $20, at. par almos" any“ here in Canada. United States. BABY ACARRIAGES~Lah-5L, AV and most Stylish Designs. Ladios :9 see our many putlcrns, the stt in the Sign of the Horse at the D PETERBORO. ”IN 11w face of :1.” flu" In”: uf haul times and the ct) of munm ire-in: tiUhl \w are u m 115-1111 the 50111] 11-11m- 5 us undo and huh] llw custom. \V are fm'ex xmnplv roiling out special ”1195;421” seasmmhlv «mmk of \\ hlch the followi 1n" are now in dug mand .- “(a gin- ln-i: aOOr LOH’S CATARRH REMEDY. ave you Luann ? This mmndv (a 0..-..- W. STRAIN, has the nohliiest thing out in the shape of Buggy Dustcm. You should see them, they are the latest the market presents and he is in a po ' ‘ n to sell them at prices that at oncomiem within the reach of every pers , If you want 801119.‘ thing actually nice r your biwgy this sear on you should not ii to see these duster“. l He can sell you a. s of light or hf-m'y In“ ness this spring at, ices that. Wlll hunch other dealers silly, m of the lN':.l iimtor- I is! and firsvcluss worlmm‘mship. Fm: “'lllpa Combs, Brushes, c., give him 11 Call. lios» ton Coach Axle Oil in built or can. RP];air- ing u specialty. roOeq 'erifi 'iqs At Vgrg Low Newest Out ! Have you 93‘ curb '1 This remedyi: to cure you. Primates. lnja For Sale hy A. LEAFH. ‘ Shop next door to Deyell’s granary muse. For am Back 617635 fill}; SHILOH'B BELLADONNA PLASTE 350. Tam (Sm-1‘ Can Can: promptly cam Where an others mu Cough}, Crcup Gore Throat. Housman. Whoogx‘ci Cough and Autumn. For Consumption ‘7 as no rival‘ nu curad thousandt. and will can you If tannin time. 801:! by Drugglsts 2p n‘guar- nnm no- a I". '1)‘-\_ _.- *TRY- w. QTRAglg, . ....»...uvu.1 a nut) Heidi-301". Parlor. Mini: and all onr kinds of Fm lumd-mudc. at lowest pricv ‘6' Showroonw King-s1. Mi Uabinetmakgr$2 Undertaker FOR SPRING Tues. GILLUTT, cops on ha‘ui a large 5:00]: of ('0! HA '8. CASKE'I and .UI kinda: of l' micgm}wh' _(-food.<. Money Order Illl ONE APPLICATION OF THE “0.22:1?” IT WILL DISPEL THE PAIN UKE MAGIC: Large or small portion. . LEACH I V. S 1/ 78.4 / JV , an order for $20, payable u. LA..- H, ‘ of u,“ silks cashed at: Ea}. Largest :;tml;, lwst um. tvrials :md \thlP. in 10““ $1.25 to $35.00. moms SADDLES. HARNESS. convenient wav of Us. or, l)i_nim:room 'ge-st.,_ to new mm rained H“ m-.- . 57.19 'MENTHOL ’ PLA STER rams ‘N Pains 0f [- urmturc es and 5n lg fwm sums in pro Agent, mubpook +1. Millbrook the Door. ‘: qupsl , 3n" the 51:01:35 city equaling ATERIAT .4. Paints and us. SHELF A. PAYN E. Millbrook - speak for thmse-Ivcs. Be sure and call and inspect my am in a position to sell cheaper you better terms than any other the district. The imnlemnnva I am also agent; for the Latest and Most Approved Farm nplements, consisting of the Celebgatetli‘fg ter Steel Binder. un- surpassed or 'g tn “ of Construction. Ease of Great Durability. Sylvester over, Wur- rior Mower, \Vheeler Melick Rake, Binder Truck, Sheaf Carrier, Sylvester Combined and Single Drills. Sylvester Cultivator, Syl vester Spring Tooth Harrow, Sylvester Straw Cutter, Horse and Hand Power, 3 and 2-furrow Gang Plow, Champion No. " Walking Plow, the best in the market. and other implements too numerous to mention. Rn m...“ -u ,3 " in use and Uh demand ordinary care H c Champi will last a farm 1‘ a. lifetir drill in cutter hr. No s} factory to be til' :d new. home. Any per on can a limited number Wil Place your ordcrs signed at Millbrt Manufacture by Lh: Mfg Co., Lindmv, Out. in pse and Uh demand pEA HamsteK The “ Champion ” Mills Bros. leboro, THE NEWEST Colers ’3‘“ Shapes “Lid: tugellu-r “ith 1th purcha 't-d frum M Park sub: wry (heap FRESH GROCERIES. NEW SPRING GOODS STIFF AND SOFT IN MAND’M uf 31-.“ u: [5 run" (aka: and CW“? 0 er) i7 ggircTEos'fl town. ( 'u“ and i‘h‘In‘I L“ J. ROBINSON YOUNG .v-Hnu \auelv. l I [at “as“ ( huicesl .5102, 1: AU"; M“ HATS WHITE FELL GUN": mums WE HAVE. I“; §9ME VEGETABL "T U Have new a full awsoxunem of ERESTGL’S suuga-coaren WHITE FELL (unmask; 01'» and ,VV.-v~v “CI‘I .I‘I’EL 'arm nplemems, consisting of .ed 8y ter Steel Binder. un- r Lightn t, Simplicity tier. ting Mid :ilin ‘ PROME? I’E TEREORO. _V.. “â€"nllal VV All] H 0 Champion Pea Harvester in 1' a. lifetime. No helm to hr. No shipping of Mrs 10 1' rd new. It can be filled at V._v- u .uu tIIU 1; for the Latest and nplemenXs, consist: ter Steel Binde The m-w storbkfleferfl. Inspect by the Sylverstcr Bros. .OnL. Thousands already emand harming. With 1 ‘L - .7 ‘ “ ‘ ‘ SAFE Lu Inspect, my stook‘ I sell cheaper and m0 an my other agent in implements I handle ruse mu ‘I'lndg' Lucroese Goods, lawn Croquet, Indian Hubher Bulls, Skimmig Ropes. Violin and Mouxh Organs, it: went variety. Largest. and (.‘hoicesl. stock ufBimuita, 1‘“ij Cakes and (krnfecrionery m town. Culland inslmct. A wellappoimkd I . Parlor, when- m, “we? (ream Cream. “ ‘ lee H EAVY :t ion invitml and suoss, H‘fs and l in the work. Only ma‘iey so buy early. 2: with the under. zips, Tam (”Shant- ‘lhey F9295. Um»; and Nuts a 3all kU-Ida the stock lately Parker will be 'ools. Ont. '- ! Mutants. "unuu'u I. Lemons,

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