getting 1c very to sun: can ï¬t and if nobby ï¬nt‘chs: .t the low set of hand- when ’ncr Tent kl ’llapo king for socome the your (‘avan ‘ to I). .them-e Tues» Cam tor the educa- Hotel, 11 pro- littfc :e, for; y w: y s, {x l.' where I aim L3. fcr wran- coca ï¬ght. In. to light. a h?s unt I days. The TURNER DRUG 80‘ â€"â€"Civic Holiday «Excursion to Niagara today. â€"â€".\Iiss Burton has been holidaying in Midland and other western cities. -â€"-Mr. Armstrong Dean of Toronto was in town this week. â€"- Mr. Robb. Ruddy was on a. pro- fessional trip to Midland on Monday. -â€".\Ir. Cal-less got a good snap shot View of the procession on Friday. Try â€"Mis¢4 Hetherington, of the post oï¬ice stafl', is off for a. fortnight’s holi- And School of Shopthand, VUblhOl'nâ€"I -:v u‘ - - --_-~_~â€"; ‘77 v . , , hand. Anthmatm. \\ flung. and Type. writing. 1‘ ' a three months“ course this Fa) or Winter. or terms write @etepbom’ Buéiryeg§ @ollege COURSES IX BOOK KH-ZPIVG sIIORT hand. Arithmetic. \\ ritin and .Txpe _. u, n -â€"Mr. Fred Armstrong of the Cana- dian General Electric 00., Toronto, was in t0wn yesterday. ._)Iessrs. Chas. Richards and Ed. Kerr of the Mirror, ()memee, came out to the Orange celebration on the 12th. â€")Irs. (Dr) H. A. Turner returned from Ottawa. my. week, her mother, Mrs. Scott, qgcgrnpnnying her. FGB ï¬'e noticed Mess“. J. Kelley, R. McGrath and Dr. Lake of Bethany in town on the; l‘lth. _}Iix Vance left on Tuesday. to spend a few weeks with gyer sitar, Mrs. A. T. Elliot: of Benverton. â€"â€")lessrx. R. J. Dunk and Rum. Ruddy are Mtc-nding the Masonic (Emmi Lodge at, Turonto this week. . â€"â€".\Ir. H. .‘lcChrtlwy is not recm'or- ing an rapidly as his friends and family could wish, but. we hope the worst. is past. - Alisa lathe! borznsnn an] lwr sister nt‘lcf‘s of Raw Ferg'lhrul. 10ft. List, week to spend their Lulidayws m Flesh- 9"!!!"- ’â€"-Mr. Kelley of the Warden Lind- ;aypne of the lending Orangemen of that, town, was among the boys who attended the celebration here on Fri- dzw. SHILOH‘S CURE is sold or. a guarantee. It cures Incipient. Consumptiun. IL is the best. (‘mxgh Cure. Only one cent a close : '25 cm. 50 «:(s. and $100 per bottle. Sold by A LEM?" â€"â€".‘Irs. \Vatwn “runner, we are Surrv tn hm:- hm been under the doc- wt 3 care for a. few days. \V 0 hope to hear of hm- cm‘ly rvcovyry. Captain Sweadv U. S. A†San Diego 031., says: “Shiloh's Catarth Remedy is the ï¬rst medicine I have ever found that would dome any good.†Price 50 cents. Sold bv A. Luau. â€"‘.\lr.¢. John Steele, Miss Carveth and the Misses Ainley took in the ex- cursiOn to Kingston and the Thousand Islands to-day. â€"â€".\Ir, Martin Parker 0‘ Bailieboro, yx'ganudr £0;- tbe C. 0. 111.; was in town veéwrday.‘ He reports the order pro- gressing all over the province. â€"~)Iiss \Vinnie and Mira. Brereton, daughtrrs of Dr. C. H. Brerecon, Beth grgy, have bgep spenqing s. tew gays (.6 My; Jamiesonfs at the Bushland. -=â€"Mr. Han-3 Hall and “"m. Budd went back to Coboconk on Saturday inst. having been called away to the bedside of Mr. Hall’s father, who is 'seriously ill. the millbrook Reporter. â€"-Messrs W. Buchannan of the Re- view and W'. F St .tt of the Advertis er. Peterboro’, attended the celebration here on Friday and made the B.EP0R'T 5K 8 can. ; â€"â€"Mrs. Walsh and family and Mrs )Izt'chell and daughter, of .Vinnipeg, sistï¬rs of )_l_z-s T B. Collins, arnveï¬ _x. last week to speed a. g‘zh friends here. «Mr. Cofï¬n, who has been in the jhm'naking business here for four 0? are yams left on T-ueSday for Exeter with :he intention of bettering his position. Daniel mu, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamberg, Ont“ Independent. says : “ I m suï¬ering from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I took 3 few bottles of Shiloh's Vitalizetmdncnred me. I m heartily recommend it. †Sold bv A. Luca. -â€"George Scott of Aitkiu, Minn, an old Millbrook boy, is back calling on old friends. We are pleased to hear of his snccws across the border, yet 360:3: thinks this the better country to live m. THUR? DAY. J U LY 18. 1895‘ PETER BOROUGH. ONTA RIO. PURE DBUES, TO‘VN TALK Insect ,Pgwder, Paris Green, Hellebore, A. BLANCHAR D, C. A, Principal ‘oxson, - 1,, t1“. prnliminury trial of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Whoworc hmught from Florida {ï¬x-gaming the death of the late Mr. gmdliv, I’otvorbom’, they were both cmmnim-d to stand their trial next Svpmnlwr. “Rm Mr. Bloodsworth, of Thames- ford, px-L-nchwl in New St. Paul’s church on Sunday evening, exchang- ing plan-m with the Reckonâ€"U'omL stock Tim»: ‘ _L'pwur(‘| of 100 cnoiée fflr’TRS from 50 acrpg “Ix-(1)300 negés, f ’ sale at, Price’s . mi up u\ tvrms t t the times. CEO. Son‘rmtuw. )Iillbrook. 44 -xvvoxp-cu‘dto have the results of the Prmxmtlun oxmninatiuns this week, but Mr. Hampton informs us that gzm- “ill not be ready before next “-‘ka'Rviwu (2'10 entrance and jun- ior louvmg “ill also be given. â€"-I. 17.. Nendhum is prepared to take charge of :un-tinn $1198 of 8.11 kinds a! shortest native and lowest. terms, 5:591? factim; g1::u‘:mlr't‘(1. He is now ' a, better pnsili‘m than ever to suppï¬ou with a. pimxu or organ. ~31: Houpm‘uf Port Hope, father of J. R. Hmycr. who is serving a term in prism) fur attempting to 1:111 his wife. was in mwn un Friday cu'cuiat ing :1 pr'titinn for the release of his son. Hv accurod :1 number of signa- tures. TrflroiN. VS: ~Thc 1;;01‘4‘55" match, rem “L Millbrunk~Ҡour grounds y day, "Rum“; in victory for Mill! um m mu.- The visitors came e: ing a walk m‘er. LuL Went home if not suddur. _$IOU.000-00 of private fury loan at 5 l.“- crab. GEO. l Millbmok‘ TrflrotN S, w rims " 1'. 15 mm pleatsuu I 1est1ï¬ to (he gin-M. merits (u k. I) C whwn is 11min“. mullv warmly uf Lhn name †The King nit for (“121‘ 3 your and heart hum llu'm pwkagos state [haul 11m troubles. A maile‘rl to any :I New ULwnnv, Boston, Mass: Hagyard‘s 1’e< Colds. Asthma. Chest, and all '1 Summer cuuglxs Winter coughs. â€"\8'e ("up the ï¬n Port I’z-rry ()-;;.\‘<"I'(‘: their Past-w. Thu L Methmiis: church in attractive sci-1w on Tuesday, July 2m} friends threw npun 1 ed within it in the n ner their \s‘ux‘thy :u ~â€"â€"Snmn 'gm‘t groper-bios ca.“ (1510. 8001'†mm?" â€"-â€"\'§ 0 Eng» 'viu‘ fuliuwing from Um Part I’vx'ry ()«;r.\'-'I‘I‘I’F : â€"-“ \Vclcuming their Pastor. Tho k-umrv‘ mung H; Um Muhudia: church how proud n. mm! an active «re-no nu 11m oveuing of 'l‘uL-sdny, J‘uiy ï¬nd. The Mothmlist friends throw npnn UH: fuk! :Lml X‘fétfrei'f- ed within it in the moss cox-din! mm» ner [lu-ir \vm‘flxy and nstimahle m-w pmtor, 110v. Mr. McC'mmx. T130. pasr tor and M: mniub'ic huly wore both present and muld nut. Eli! in lying, de lig‘ltt’ké with me whrmth of‘the ' recep- Liun. liot'2'x-s:'x-.xncx1ts \\ are supplied by the ladies and appropriate addresses of weicome were lh-lh‘ersd by never ‘1 members ï¬f‘ the church. The pastor‘s reply \vm: in good taste. The chair was ablv ï¬lled by Mr. \V. Ross. Rev. Br-njamin Hills, Pngwash, X. 3., writes: " In a. wonl I may say that K. I). C. has helped me more than anything else I have M'cr llbqu. I had been biiicus from cl‘ilr‘thm-ï¬ ; ï¬ot‘sé'kuzrai years had rarely pass- ed a'wcck withbm a wyere attack of bilicus colic, with intense pain mt the back of the head. These attacks usual'n'y followed my Sunday work. Since ll began to 1150‘ she K. 1).". i have scarcely had any return ot bilioumess and the a€tacks' naxe been very lig lll. I have had gleaned freedom from sutfcring since I began the use of K D C. than fur years pal!" I believe that the occasional use of a bottle of K. D. C . will keep me comparzstnely free from the old Irmlblc I thank )riu for cailli nr' my nttcn tisn to K D. dud l :nud 1.. long ago it miunt lime sived me v'ears of sufferin". I am c.glad to recommend it. to fellow sufferers.†Eggs and butter takcn in exchange... Repairs for Peter Hamilton Machinery and all kinds of Flaw Points. China Hall Use K- D. G- for all stomach troubles. . MCCARTNEY NEW: DINNER SETS, TEA bln'l‘a, "401 L'E'I‘ SETS AND FANCY UHODS. 'y ()-‘;.\~"z'¢‘wr : â€"“ \Vclcux .n‘. Thu let-[urn mun; n church hm'c manual 1). Hti‘nt‘ nn 1qu ovenin July L’ml. The MN!) MW npun the fuld and re DEYE'L L’S OLD STAND. CROOKS. CREAM (:Rm'JKR, 3mm; (snows, â€"\'0C \\'ILL FIN Dâ€" .grmtu rector“! Il‘uglsam cures Coughs, m, Bronchitis, Tightness of the 1! Thumb and Lung Troubles. .1115 an: murc dangerous than l} RUG MRI ES, SMOKED MHA'I'S, NEW CHEESE, “NS" match, Peterboro’ 'm; our grounds yester- gu victury for Millbrook, The visitors came expect. â€"â€"A,T TH E. â€"- l\'. I: nymph rm! 1 t. bargains in and see list A int went home wiser I). â€I l’. I). (' L‘u m-l l2. . \‘IaLc his with pleasuré nut Illlmc \fzez‘ using I um happy free frmn ll I‘l! man, 44 | these sample 44 to Call and see tcstimoniols from a large number of the best far- mers in this section. Do not order until you have seen me as I can do better for you than any other agent on the road. “RIVA: IST. - Pullmmno. }()0D QUALITY. (‘nremlnms and Right l‘nccsurc our \Iottoes. 389 Gcowc- sub 3 All Right In a. on.) or Two. But the Ila, Nev er Came. Now is your time to order your Pea. Harvester, A‘sikc Table, Binders, Mowers, Horse Rakes and Plouglxs. “All right in a day or two“ is the thought that consoles every one who is suffering from any indisposition that does not pros- trate him. in the case of a person bed- ridden for months with disease of the Kid- neys being asked, “ Did you not have any warning of this condition you are now in? ’ “ Yes, I was bothered at ï¬rst with back- ache, with occasional headaches, but did not censider myself sick or the nCCessity of medicine further than a plaster on my back or rubbing with my favorite liniment. It was months before I began to realize that it was useless to further force myself to ignore my condition. The backache had become a pain in the back and sides. .weak and tired feeling, high-colored urine with obstructions and stoppage, ain in the bladder, palpitation of the cart, poor a petite, indigestion, and a dull, languid eeling, with entire lack of energy." Had the hrst signal of distress from the Kidneysâ€"Back-acheâ€"received the assistance of Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills, the after state of misery and suffer- ing would have been avoided. A few doses dispel ï¬rst sym toms ; delay re- sults in liver, heart an stomach becom- ing affected. It is useless to ex ect to overcome this complication wit out 31 persistent and regular use of Chase's is. and L. Pills. Price 25c.. sold by all dealers. Edmanson, Bates Co.,Toronto. DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS I DUSTERS ! DUSTERS I DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! Don} forch me if you require a nice vnnsc m any land. I have them cheaper than anywhere clx‘u m L0\\'“. Imn proyo In vou that I am doing: better work and at price: 35 nor ccut.‘ below any other shop In thcdxstr'xcl. if? I will not be undcrsom in any branch of the tummy and my workmanship is gunmnn- Iced Gn‘c me a call W. STRAIN, Auction Sale; 0f Valuable Farm in the Township of Gavan. {VIEW} and by urmc of the Powers of Sale unnminoul in n eel-min nxorlgugc which will is» m-mlucml a: mu time of sale. them will be will hy public {HICHOH at 11m Morgan Housv, in Ihu 'lV wn 0f Pererbornugh. on Saturday. lln‘ZTXh day of July. 1x95. an the hmn‘ of two n'clm’k in the urn-moon the following property. viz :w'l‘hu l-Znst hulfnr' Lot, No. 6. in the Second (‘anm l . .on of the 'l‘owndllp uf Cuwm. in tho (‘mmty cf Durham. containing one han ;d uuru'x‘. more or lc~~< ' . ' [he Ska-n. I; '13:!me nhqut Lhrcu-aHd-u-hmt Jim-s umm ‘ic Village of Mlllbx‘nlm. on :1 good maul. Then- wxll be :; reserved bid. "x‘cnywr (Tn). 0.51),†muwlmxu money a‘.n‘.'n M gm mxmutnzuuuml the balance thou-of at. Hun expiration of kwcmy days thereafter wiLh- our infert-SL. DIEM“! ('HARIA‘ ï¬r: Lawn give us a call and be convinced that w; can swirl you both in style and price. Hun 311st \ccnived a large uonsigmuem of Rugiisn and \merican l'ur and \V 001 Hat! for this Sprin s trade, in all the lemlixw sules and en cm Our stock is complete and ack. nov. led; :ecl L0 be the largest and best assorted m the 5town of Peterboro’. Whm flesi‘ge Siresk, Fur ï¬rmer cnnxliaions rm '1 pnrticulnrs of Halo \pp'zy to . Hats 2 FARMERS The Brantford Windmill is now Galvanized. The above cm represents the best Wind. mill in the market. If you want to, see one at Work 0411 on John Failis, Richard Fallis, ('ieonée ()amphen, Hoomn Bros., 13 (303., (13.455, .1122. Hunter, MILLS BROS. CALL AND SEE MY mew IDEAL FORCE AND LIFT PUMP. I ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK 0F SPRAY PUMPS, Gus Pig-c and. Pipe Fittings always in stack." 0:111 an, or writ: c. WALTER cam, Pumps. DANGEROUS CONSOLATION. A BOON TO THE CASH PAID FOR WOOL. MILLS BROS. PETERBQRQ’ » V 'i’u‘téx’hm‘ough‘ S'l‘.\l’l.l'}’l'0.\'. Auvliwurcr: i: JDHNSTON’. Vx-ndor "0561] ON J. mUGENT. MILLBROOK. Tl‘. ‘ Ms nh- SH 1%: IN REPAIRING BRANTFORD A. PAYNE. This istlwsmson for Dustvrs. and l have them in abundance in lhclntcs‘l {ushinn and the nice-<1 goods tlml (um be procured. I have also a. nice stock of Rubber ling» all olfwlxiuln aruguing lust at, my greatly reduced prices. Don’t force! that although lcmlxcr has gone away up in mice was I can still mrnish you with har‘ ms-x of any kind at, my usually low prices. murungh, Peterboro. Is now receiving his Spring Stock and his customers will have an opportun- ity of selecsing the many articles re quired for spring from a. carefully sel- ected and nobby stock of goods. He has, without doubt, the ï¬nest stock ever shown in Ccntrcville and as his motto is “Quick Sales, Good Value and Small Proï¬ts," you are sure to re- ceive satisfaction. There is no medicine before the people equal to Hoods S‘Msnpurillu. It is the standard spring medxcinc and blood purifier and pos- scssvs peculiar merit. which others try in vain to reach. I! really makes the weak strong. Do not neglect to purify your bfood this spring. Take Hood's Sal‘supurillu now. Jas. T. G. Lang Items of interest lorwm‘dod by THE REPORT Icu‘s own Correspondents. ‘Mrs. Walsh and her sister. Mrs. Mitchell. of Winnipeg, are visiting at the home of thgif brother, Mr. R: A.»Arn]stron_g. General Merchant, HOOd's Pills become the fm'or_1tc cathartic with every one who tries them. ‘25s. per box. Misé Dcllu Fanning of Lindsay was visit- ing with the Misses Brown last wecx. We regret. to mate the illness of Mr. Chas. Moore, bug hqpc that. he will soon recover. “0 notice ten: the Proslwterians have mmlcnmuch needed improvement in con- ucclion “iLh their church in the Way of some new gates. Our coloch population has not been seen amuml here sin :0 last F riday: \Vc regret, to note the dedlh of Mrs. Mon- crief, rclict of the late John Moncricf, aged 77 years. The funeral took place on Wed- nesday to Hm Ucntreville cemetery. Schools hm‘v closed for the past term and consequently we have lusL (mo of our prom- inent. young ladies. “'o'notiéé t-ho Misses FN‘ and Jumicsou nf Newcastle and Mr. Ned. Jmnicson of Millbmok spent Sunday at home. Mr. Charles Holman was out. disphying his new cart by driving the l’ontypool girls around. What keeps John Thomas so closeâ€" ly conï¬ned to the house? (Ionic, J. 'l‘ , don‘t beufruid 0sz chaise, if yuh did let your arm go to waist. Mr. Jumicson is improving very slowly. Quite u number of our young people at- tended the picnic at Kendal on Saturday last. We \\ ere wondering why George was not, out t; uhumn nu Sundav afternoon, but our anxiety “u. soon satisï¬ed when we noticed it \‘rchirlc from 0mm) pass down. [The abovo should Yum-c appeared in our last, issue,-â€"]~ll- ] Mr. D. Petty of Muskegon, Mich., is over on} visit 39 his papexlts. Camnville baseball team played a game here last Saturday and won by one guy. The play was excep‘ionully mod for ame- tcurs and the game was appreciated by the large 311mb“ present: ginh'l‘ï¬mnpston made a visit to the Queen mg; in glm‘early part: of the quck. Mrs.S .Uusey has returned home after a sham visit under the parental xoof near (:nrdcn Hill. Rumour says that me popular landlord of the Seeney House is about [0 retire and that nogotiulium are at present in progress with a. View to a change. CouxL I’limmse, \o.:_ ’50, C O F , at nun Inst rugulm‘ mccwxg held m Juncolcrwd the follrmin" uizlnum ‘~â€"U i'.. â€"-Jus. Sisson ; R. L]. 1:5. "quuhlmrn: V. C. R. â€"â€"\\m. l‘indiex : Rec. Nee ~C. R (‘0urmcv: I'in- SOL. MH. J. McLean; Tram: -â€"\\'.m Shields: S. \V. ~Wm. {Juninghxun : J. \\'-â€"-H. Bland; H. “2â€"H. Frfllinbt : I. B.â€"R. L. Vance; W Chap.â€"â€"R. Hootnn, The (allowing: purnw'whs hum bgcn been held u\'cr from [mt ignllL‘v Mr. W. Stacey, our public Svhnnl teacher, left on Thursday 11st for his father‘s home :11 Lilfnrd. May his joys be many and his can-s few for six or seven Weeks. ; The sidekas hwe been repaired and present a rospcuta fly mndam appearance. .-- .atidsmb cmngmmea can do no business in our town. Hay is a. short. cropâ€"4:11 are striving to save as much as possible, but tlzu possibility fades to nothing with some. Example :-A citizï¬m mowed mm;- of lus custom meadows intending to house i:, but another citizen thinking he had a better claim drew the hm; away before No 1 could countcmmnd the action. Var lmuveen these panics was immimcnt, bus if was u. case of the weak {Against the strnugand No. 2 citizen kept. the hay. The hay, it, seems. had been a gift by the owner of it to both of the fore. mentione] towmmun. Beautiful [{nuds FOR SPRING. M r. Foster Eaglcszonc has frame of a. new barn. Mr. and Mrs. George Ewing and their two children are the guests of his father. the Rev. John Ewing. George looks well and appears to enjoy life in the metropolis; of Ontario. M 1‘. John Rest of Folet'bMO', spent a. few days i.. (Inf \‘Hlngu 1qu week. I‘vliss Bertha “can of Garden Hill, is the guest, of her sister. .‘. I, \«r,, paul Dr. Miiirr ysumrassor tn the kite-Dr. Mark) has purmmscd a ï¬ne driver and has a very becoming outfit for driving purposes. His pruviiue is extending and we all wish for him the great-est of success. The Forester’s picnic matured on the day set and a pleasant. afternoon’s outing Was provided. The meat W.“ in‘Mr. J03. Fee’s grow and tné (ices were well contested und'of an amusing chawctera a Mr rand M rs. Jackson McLean of Toronto, with their two c‘inldran spent Dominion Duv at, :he hnmn of James McLean! Esq. A football gavme was played between !<‘.henczar and the Bmxndary teams. the wrmc: winumg by a score of (me goal to 110116. ()momer hascmll team were to have played our bull tosscrs bun after an hour or two waiting an interrogation over the mrc, elicited the fact that Omemae tmm was not coming. Courtesy, surely would demand a more gentkamanly method of ball etiquette. ..v u - n Mai-flu Percy McLean has created an. ï¬ne large flag pole on which the L‘niun Jack will float on state holidays and society occasions. Even some of our uumexically small Grits are loyal. One of the most noted physicians of mor- cru times says :â€"-“ thn the system is an - charged with bile and the liver needs a power- ful stimulus to excite it to (iutv, than it is that we use powerful cathartics to obtain the necessary relief, otten attend, however. with prostrating effects,†and he might also add, “ often causing by their re-action worse constipation and bilionsness than before.†There is a remedy, however. which absolute- ly cures hilious conditions. It is Eseljay’s Live Lozenges and can be got a: any drug store at :5 cents a box or 5 boxes for a, dollar. CORRESPONDENCE. Siam stomachs sweetened by the use of The Centreville Merchant, J AS. T. C. LANG, EAST J'ON’I'YI'OOL To 3mm- Pure Blood .11!) (“'1' I'LI'.‘ .15.] .V T. lL‘NTItl'J I'IIILI’." SPRING SPRING Gentreville. erected the Full Wheat red or white Spring Wheat. ...... garley ................. Oats ...... Buckwheat Rye ...... Potatoes. . ‘ Bu'ter. . . . Eggs ...... Wool ..... M. Napoleon Omani, cured oi Dyspepsia. A Severe case cured by Burdock Blood Bitters after other treatment, had failed. (llcNTLEMEN,â€"After being treated by three doctors for lh'spepsin. I decided to try Bur- dock Blood Bitters. By the time I had taken two bottles of the B. B. B. I was com- pletely cured and have since been strong and well. When I was sufl'ering from dys- pepsia. I was so weak and thin I could hurd- ly walk. but I now weigh over 160 pounds and feel as well as ever I did in my life, NAPOL EON CARA NT. Merchant, Mrs. Marshall has taken her departure for Fall River, where, we understand she will spend the summer. She was accompanied by her ncice, Miss Allie Handley. We wish them a. pleasant sail up the Georgian Bay. RICK HOUSE IN MILLBROOK. Bcim: the premises of the 11th Marin. Johnston. Forpnrticulmmumly to the Excutm‘s. W. W. Reynold and George Reynolds. or to ‘R. RUDDY. Ixccutox‘s’ Solicitor. IMillbrook. Last Thursday'eC'é’g the Epworth League met at eight o’clock. Mr. Chris. Wenhcrilt resigning his position as president, Mr. R. Mngill was elected in his place. We hope to see the president meet as much success as his predgcesscr.__ _ Mr. Fulford. the junior pastor, preached hereon Sabbath for the ï¬rst time. The scnnon was practical and deli lzbed his ad- herents. We think Mr. F. wi 1 do his dutv by brin ing before his people the plain truths o the holy gqspel. __ Palpltatlon or fluttering of the heart. smothcb lug spells at. night, swelling of the feet and ankles. shortness of breath. pain in the left side. fainting spells. mean that. the beam in embossedâ€"circulation 15 out: of order. Note the papers daily clwonlcung the dpmisa of some one by neglcoa of these warnings- result. total heart failure. Scott's 3;le cures heart dlstnrbance by equalizing tho cit~ caution. restoring nerva power. supplyingm blood and relieving the hear: of its burden. Appetlte and Health Restored by Hood’s Sarsaparllla. “C. 1'. Hood 8: 00., Lowell, Mam: That Tired Feeling, Constipatfï¬n and Pain in the Back “ For a number or years I have been troubled with a general tired feeling. shortness of breath, pain in the back, and constipation. I coul‘d got onlyl‘xme rest at night; on account of ma pz'un and had no a petitqwhatevcx. I was that tired in my limbs t mt I gave out before halt the day '99 Nine. '1 tried a great number of medicines Ant. (1 not get any permanent reue! Irom any aource until, upon recommendation 0! a Iricnd. I purchased a. bottle of Hood’s Sarsapari‘na, which made me feel better at once. I have con- tinned its use, having taken three bottles. and ‘ 1 Feel Like a New Man. lhave a good appetite. feel as strong as over I did. and enjoy perfect rest at night. I haw! much pleasure in recommending Hood's Saran» pal-1113..†CHARLES STEELE, Mm 221% Mm sggvmxz 09.. §t,.§a§herme‘s. Ontano. ‘tiléod's’Pills are prompt. and emcient, yet gay in action. Sold by all druggists. m. Gardiner Muiligan Church’s Bug Finish, Paris Green, flood’ssgr‘ï¬ï¬ Cures 1 F0? {3 3 ï¬fe-w! . "i i Scxatnc Broken in Health“ 60% an Anvil “ â€MEN? r101; 30 9Lo PLASTER eart Disturbance [Kl ous APPLICATION Pains Al‘ «unu- "WILL DISPEL THE PAIN LlKE MAGIC, OF THE There is more heart disturbance now than ever. Present. day modes 0! living, hurry. excitement. worry. promow It You needn't. hue heart. trouble, be- cameo you can keep from having it. USE SCOT)“: SKIN SOAP In You an». cott’s _ ’arsapariiia FOR SALE. SIGN OF THE Mlllbrook Market». ELAY IS DANGEROUS 6. Neuui'HéiiE LI FFOR I). Cupliu Riva Que‘ Binder Twine. 95 to $5 97 to 40 to 2 to r-‘râ€" 83388 40 to 45 to 40 to 14 to 17 to 40 4 l5 18 ‘ The AmericanComtimtion, theAmeri- can Idea, the American Spirit. Jsze ï¬rst, last, and all the time, ï¬rever. Daily, by mail, - - - $6 a. year Daily and Sunday by mail - 8 a. year The Weekly, - - - - l a your Is the Greatest Sundu. Newspaper in 'the wor d. GABLESS’ Photo Studio, ATTENTION I THE FIRST 01" AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. Am! get a. dozen of his superb Cabinet l’homs, which for Finish, Likeness and Duraluhby. cannot be excelled. We de- fy competition. Our work is all guar- anteed. Satisfaction our highest. aim. We make views of Residences, live stock, ctc., very reasonable. Call and inspect) our work. No trouble to show our 'oods. We pay speciulutbeution to the 'hotngruphyof babies. Don’t for- get, the placeâ€"opposite the Dominion Hotel. Call and see our window when m town. F. J. Garless (FURMERLY THE nourox novss) COBOURG, - - - ONT; All rcfnmishcd :md overhauled. The nest $1 per day house in Ontario. County Council- lors. J urymcn and others \‘iï¬iting Cobourg will ï¬nd the Balmorul the best house to stop at. Price 50. a Copy. By Mail $2 a Year- Addrcun THE ï¬lm, New York. EYES FRONT, FORWARD, MARCH I Giza-2:2 Em, mmmaozn, VS E PA T E R Y, GHGLERA Mingus, GHOLERA IPéFANTUM Co's. goods are generzsily reengnizcci as the best. in the market. We keep a full line and have control of their guods for Port Hope. If you want a nice JABEZ MILLER WED. PRESENT. BIRTHDAY PRESENT, 5:15., c. give us :1 call. Our prices are right. No trouble to show you our gooas. \V_c beliqvc the Pairpomt Mmmiacturing and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the Bowels. It is Safe and reliable for Children or Adults. wm. TENNEY TEIE SUN. CAVANVILLE BARRIAGE WORKS We have in stock and are stikl manufactur ing a large number of New Buggies, Wag- guns and Road Carts. We have also in stock a number of Second-hand Painting and General Re MT Our PATENT .8 . ..i;L have had a big 1111 but we have her in stock. Live us a call. SILVERWARE WOOD’S PHOSPHODINE: The Great Eng-Si ah Remedy. :- 7, .__‘._z a- : agzw “Sandra 8 on; 2 :5 X3... 3. $2: ~21 Weakness. Emissionsï¬pm- atorrhea. Impotency and all ._ ejects of Abuse or Emma. . . .g)‘ _ "* , Mental Worry. “massive use of Tobacca flyium or Sï¬mw Before and Af 661'. lama. whim soon lead to 11v- flfmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. ‘ Has been prescribed ave: 35 years In momma or cases; is the only Reliablc and Roma; 1‘chth humm- Ankdruggixttor “food's Phouphodlnc: if Moder: Iome worthless medicine In place ot_ tug lncloao price in letter. and we will, scan by mm†mm. Pacerono puma), 81: “six, :5. One wall yuan. «@me Pamphlets tree magnate-I. ‘ ' " The Wood C nmpany, ‘ Windsor. 0Mâ€" Canadi- The Sunday Sun mg BAI‘MORAL HOTEL, PHOTOGRAPHER MILLBROOK, CHAS. A. DA NA.-â€"EIDITOB. Eeweller â€"â€" Port Hope. For Sale by all Dealers. 1’. J. LlG HTBURXE, Proprietor. LOLWILIS Buggies and Democrats. SONS,. cum couc, camps, ’ .4527. vkéaes Guaranteed to mompdy' and permanently cum all terms of bemoan cpairing a Specialtfl iLL HA RRO “'3 have still a. num- ONTARIO. Spot Muslims so much in demand for the warm we A lovely assortment just to hand, at much lower prices goods brought earlier. BELT RIBBONS AND BELT BUCKLES. Our ï¬rst shipment of Notions and Scarce Goods come to hand from Europe, including. SPOT MUSLINS SPOT MUSLI VEILING. VEILING. VEILING. The very latest Fad in Veiling just to hand and shown only by us. All shades of Belt Ribbons now in stock in the 2% ind? width. Also a ï¬ne assortment of Silver Belt Buckles, both fancy and plain, at the lowest cash price. The latest thing in Handkerchiefs shown in the European markets can now be seen here. 50 (107. more of that famous Black Cashmere Stock sold by us for 2 5c. per pair, worth 3 5c. everywhere. A DEAL IN DUCK. The balance of our stock of Tailor-made Duck Suits, Blazer Suits and Full Dresses, were $2.75, to be cleared at JUST TO HAND ‘ The balance of our Shirt \Vaists and Blouses, were $1. 3 5, to be cleared at $5.00 Don’t hum for anything wrong in them. There’s nothing there. The price has nothing to do with the quality. The man with $2 can command as good a Hat; from GOUGH’S as $3 can command elsewhere. Our posit-ion i! a little peculiar. W'c don’t have to live off Hats alone. \Ve’re not bound ('0 any txaditional notions of big proï¬ts. Cl‘limliï¬â€˜earcnc-o which makes it no is. we buy direct from the makers. That’s why we guL such a grip on Give that old “ Back Number †a Resting Place and buy one of the “ Latest Spring Styles †from Hall, Gilchrist 6: (30., Yo 011 were never made for the Hat you 1111011311112 12:11.. \1 :15 ma 1 m 'yau. If you like to be abreast with the times, replace that old head block 1:1â€. one 11f our Leaders for 1895 huuwht from the best, factories of 1.111'1111111 1111.21 Amer ica. 0111 Hats are ALL N15a \V Latest, 111 shape and 1-1110111: s1 11'; and £135. Qualities are grandï¬y generous -â€"sc:1rce1y :1 Sort than \‘1111‘11 ï¬nd missingâ€"b cause we have the biggest, Hat Snore within miles 01 '.‘- 11-11111-1111541. 6:; I Seliing Hats alongside of Clothing and Boots and Shoes cuts down ex and makes prices less. That’s the plain fact- of the matter. Can you catch on? ALWAYS GOOD AT GUUG H’S. The Largct Hatters, Clothiers ltd Men’s 1“ urnishers. The \Vondcrful Cheap Men. V Gaze riu‘ut inm YOU \G b’b Confec tionary \V indow and see his Don’t stay outside, but come right in and have a. drink which is at once Cool, Refreshing†Invigorating and Healthy. Fresh Confectionary and Fruits ar- riving every week. “We have in stock Bananas. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Dates and Figs. Have you seen our nice J am and Jelly in 7 1b. Pails, very cheap. 7. -1 Look I BEHOLD ! 4 v. J --_ Our Sodas and Fancy Cakés are al- ways fresh, up to date and the price is right Do you warm. 9. Vioiin, Autoharp, 7 Mouth- organ or Jewsharp '2 Go to YOUNG‘S. Good square Lunch at, any hour 150. Millhmok Zieat Market Frt‘sh and Salt, Meat always on her-(I. 33m 1':';:‘u Fish in season. If you wan' -,:.oice cut give me a call and I guurzm-‘P': -‘-' .sfac- tion. Everything Fresh and Claw. Or- pcrs promptlv delivered to anv part of town THE BEST ILLUMINATING OIL IN THE WORLD, It. gives a. brilliant, soft, steady light. no smell, no smoke and no explosions, This Oil is not. merely a fancy brand gotten up. by a local dealer to boom goods but, is a SPECIAL OIL made by the of New York, and sold by them all over the worlc‘ under this brand and this brand only. It has been acknowledged tor years as the best burning Oil in the world} For sale in Millbrook by W. S. PICKUP . ROBINSON YOUNG. Gough Bros. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT ' Soda Fountain, HARRY NATTRASS: The Best flat‘Tyjadein Pgtevrborouglp Opposite John Gillott Son's Cabinet Warcrooms. Mmbroox. THE BIG STORE CHIFFONS. CHIFFONS. CHIFFONS. All shades of Chiffons, cream and white. just to hand. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. BLOUSES. 130;2 132 AND 134 i.MGflEâ€"ST., PETEBBOBOUGH. PPATT’S ASTRAL. All Sizes. TANDARD' OIL CO. - 1' In 5P1“ I‘ZTOR. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HAT ? BLOUSES. BUR DOCK PILLS act gently yet. ihornvxghly on the Stomach. Liver 18430.01!»- nvspapsm, am BLO0II, censnmmou, mosey! TnousLEs, “mucus, mucusuass. 3.813. uniocks all the seflcï¬ons mam :11 impurities from the s -stcm from gm pimple to the worst sct qfulous sore. Babinetmakewflndertaker' SPOT MUSLINS TuUS. (:ILLOTT, 42' Showrooms King-st. Miubmok. B'E TTEB§ Kce ii on hand a large ‘tock corpnxs. CASKETS. End 31% kindn- of Undqxjmlcm'ï¬oqdu. "'i'sEAr'dox'hTMi-m. Dmiï¬gm" m and all omer kinds of Furniture, ham: axle, at lowcsp prices. All Qualities. C (IRES BLOUSES.