Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Messenger (1874), 8 Jul 1874, p. 3

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do do Statiéns and Commercial Lines m the Do million. Send for Circular. Address, Adopted by the Surgeon General U. S. A., for the U. S. Army and Navy. Very light, yet strongand durable; perfectinaction. With 27 years” practical and careful axperiemze, devoted exclusn'ely to this special branch of Mechanical Surgery, fopowed by the Great Prize Medal at the World's Exposition, London, 1851, and now using“; admitted by all Surgeons as 11m 111th o‘Artificial Leg known. Manufac- imy,1320 Chestnut Stray- Philadelphia, ML, J. A HARTE, Dmggist, Agent,Montreal, P. Q., where models can be seen. Sznd for Illustrated Catalogue. , ‘ 4w25 n CLEMENT’S PATENT IMPRBVED so To the MESSENGER GARDENé, and get some of the 20,000 CABBAGE PLANTS, that have been raised in the open air, and are now in good order for planting. Cabbau 6 Plants, A country boy having heard of sai- lors heaving up anchors, wanted :0 know if it was sea-sickness that made them do it. St. Paul, Minn. June 30.-â€"A letter from Emerson, Manitoba, to the Daily .Dnspatc/a, o! the 24th ult, says that. during a tremendous storm of thunder and lightning the three hundred horses ofthe Canadian Mounted Police, which recently passed through St. Paul from Canada, staqrpeded, running over tents, men and officers, and against and over waggons or any obstacles in the way of their wild flight. Many men were injured and many of the horses ‘ lost. or disabled. The wounded were? immediateiy cared for by the. surgeon, ‘ whose tent was held in 118 place by six strong men. I A transcendental preacher took for his text : “ Feed my lambs.” As he came out 01 the church a plain old farmer said to him : “ That Was a very good text ; but you placed the hay so high in the rack that the lambs could~ Who n it Rains, An Iowa editor recently noticed that a certain patron of his was “thieving as usual.” lIe declares he wrote It thrivmg.” On S tturday, a meeting of the Puli- lic echool Teachers of this county; was he‘d in the Central School here; Mr. Colman was appointed chairman and M . Kirkpatrick, Sec’y. It was then moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Glass,â€"‘ ‘ That Mr. P. N. Davey, Head-Master, Millbrook. Pub; lic fichaols, be appointed a delegate to attend the convention, to be held in 'fl-‘oronto, on 17th July, for the purpose lot nominating a cadidate to represent WSchoat Teachers in the Council ‘mT'Ptfinic Instruction.” Carried unnn- ‘ imousty. Mr Davey asked for which 1 candidate he was to vote. On motion; fit was decided by a vote of 19 to 1 that. he support-Dr. Sangster. In conse- quence of so'r'ne letter which had ap- peared anonimously in several papers, animadverting se‘l'erely on the conduct of InSpector Tilley‘, Mr. Goggin after a few remarks, moved the following re- solution which was carried unanimous- ly :-â€"“ That our Inspector, J. J . Tilley, has not, so far as knoWn to us, at- tempted to coerce any we, or to abuse his position, by endeavoring to‘exert .any unproper influence over teachers at) ordrer to induce them to vote to": Dr :fiangster; and we have no Sympathy with those who seek to injure the re- fputation of our worthy inspector, whose nntire zeal in the cause of edu- cation and disinterested kindness in as- :sisting teachers, are so well and wide. ty 'known, and that a copy of this reso- lutionvhe furnished Mr. Tilley and the Heading journals.â€" Port Hope Times. “71ml work is always pronofinced wrong even by the best. scholars? “Wong. A lot of Cauliflower Plants, 10 cts. a (I: pglgev qnfozlhuafe man .ENVL_tha§ he wag “ city yestgrday. . 4. Mr Henry Giemiell, the 'old head of the firm of (kennel), Menhnm 8.: Co., and who fined out the expedition in seats]! of‘Sjr John Franklin, died at. _ his residence in this city yesterday at 1 oh- -fl .1 n: '_4 . _:}_DIES AND_GENTLEMEN to le"m ,. The progress of the investigation by ‘ the Coroner‘s juryoou McCormack’s case throws a. new light upon the iii;- diofihobia question. According to the report inlthe Tribune, Di'. Hammond has discoVered the long~sought lesioti iii h‘yd'roph'obia which he locates iii the mé'dlilla oblonga’ta. He also discovefâ€" ed, from miscruscopic examination of the origin in the case of McCormack, that hydrophobia is ho! a blood poison 3 V‘bufi a disease ofthe greal‘. nei've peril tres, and can be comumniczi't‘e'd by a bite of a dog whether the dog lids hy- drophobia or not. It has also been dis- » covered that the dog which bit. Mchi’; 9 mick is still alive,and has no sympL I kidw that he was eirer hiiten of smtched,’ or injured :11 any way by a ARTIFICMI. LEG; dug. A ‘man naxhegl Ame: died in East Orange ofhydtcphofiia. The familiy 'toms ofhydrp'phobia, although he 13 ii .ticions. brim! 1e bun terriers and is giv: en to biting strangers. ' _ ~ Tweivermad dogs were kxlled in this New York, July T.â€"-Rodtzrick '1‘. En- tivisle, printer, bitten by a mad dog two weeks ago, died at the hospital ibis morniuw. all?! WANTED, qnfozthuatb mun say they do 110â€": COLEMAN s; BAKER, Tommo, 0m. .s. a (107.. 313’ A splendid lot of OIL CHROMUS, rich- ly Framed m Gilt and. Rosewood frames, for sale cheap, at. he Messathr Offi as. A Spccm" Sy going to be madc' :11 this line}; CU Where he is prepared to attend to all orders for- Double or Single Carriage Harness, Farm Harness, CoH-ars, Saddles,'Bridles, Martingales, Halters, Whips, or any thing in the line. Sign of the BIG COLLAR. Call before ordering elsewhere. Millbruok. May. 1874. yl IN MILLBEOOK. Respectfully informs the Public that he has commenced the above business in his New Shop, ls carmd on, as usual, in all its b1 Inches. good Sibck BR EAD, CQYI EC‘TIONERY nnn~6- 4L -.._ l Is carried on, as usual, in all its branches GROCERIES, CROCKERY: CHINA,- «32%; mamas . Wlmm awn Lm #fiRS!‘ no will keep b'n hand an assortxfic‘nipf c.3t1inI.-§GES, 13m SINGLE and DOUBLE CUTTERS, 310., bf 11.xe_ laws”: and patterns, all made of 1118' my best m'aterialtand warranted. 33s ALL KINDS OF mfNTINc: DONE, R'Iillbmuk, May, 187-1 Tité SitbsCriber i‘esp‘e'wtquy irifdrrris 1h? pubfic 'thn’t h'q liu‘s' (Somm‘gn‘éed the making business, 2n Mrs.Jotinsfdn’s'mock, where he will be happy to rot orders, fnr anything in his line.» NOVOHY Carriage WOI‘kS, Millh‘ook a. can" Ioads SflL T Just leceived, and VVill be said cheap. 0220 [)002‘ I’Vcst of the I’oét Oflica Having a Iaf'ge‘ Stock of Grocéi'l‘es, Ctockery; Glaé§Wfiare,‘WihE§ and quuors, before the extra duty, win sell G‘oods at old pnces. Mil.brook, May, 1874 AT DEYE‘LL BRSEHE R‘s, 9' JAOHA C. ELL] 0 T T, A complate Stock of NEW GROCERIES, just wag-find, aii-J «m be 5511! cinedp. Ca“ Early; On ac'c‘o‘nnt of extra duty p It on by the Govm'nmcut, THE BAKERY. 3( MENâ€"RY ATKYN3 3, l PROPR IE TOR, -, constantly on hand. > $0 4"? 5: Lb ' 3333‘“??? SW '3 (:23“ Wk ~J as) $9 9“ DEALERS IV ‘ Particular attention paid to" Commercia-Ymen FUNERALS A TTENDED. Millbrook, ‘May, 187.4; Horses, Buggzgs‘, :m'fl Carriages, {q be 1 . WWI-$0133, BUG'G‘IES", PONY PI-UETONS, offlgef latest {mil moat approved al'yles and RI a... MILLBROO K Livery Stable !' b‘nifnr r 2,; actor, uuu ”JP ’68, u] at all hours. c lilms commenced the Cnrfiago lbe happy to receive 1hei" 2,; RRO’S. Millbrb‘ok. “HOW-Iv A'S USUALJ go’od S‘i'b‘g-Ig 6f; Iimmf'c’b’f: ,fiiajfi, {871' L. S. CLARY. Melina)", Hugh Will-ace}, ,( McDonald, Jag: Wi ns)ow,] 3; WiiLLIAM V ANC w.- .4. ‘ Bayonne fune 30. -'I he Carlists that 8005: risorxer’ fell i'nld their durinrr the retreat of Republican th‘c butll'c of Mum EMAINING in the Millbrook Post Office, May 31,1874, and not prev iously advertised. Archer, Geo. Armst ong, Jas Armstrong: Eliz. Allen, A. D. Baxter, Nc- lly Burton, Hattie Blown, R Biglow, “' Brmlly, Thus Cummings, Jas (‘ urry, Joseph Campbell. Alex Carson, Wm Gray, Francis Gazdincr, Jacob Gemmel, J G Hunter, Margret Hunter, Letitia Hunter, Jane Hooper, J Hunter, Lizzie J Husk, Ch as Hunter, Joseph McConnell, Try phena Mills, Wm ‘2 McKee, Mrs Mead, Tlios MoGall, Mrs. Susan Mill, Wm McComb, Alex MolTatI. P I Mills, lohn Miller, G McMahon, M A NichollS, Richard Rutherfoid. Wm , Riddell, Robe” Richards .1 R‘cd 8: Co. R}',on Dmicl Rusk, Mrs ' Story; Joim ' Shieltie, Edw’d Steel, Robt Seney, Mrs C K) . Scott, Alex Johnston,Jas. M. D. Trew, williamr Lonh, Alex Man rrv. . ”n ah Taggart, Samuel Wallmem (Em ' . ”1" Cabbage, Cauliflower nnd'“ omato Plants for sale at the Messenger Gardens. A large stockof out- door raised Plantaicoming along nit-5hr nicely. Railway Time Tab1e~June, 174. V TRAINS MOVING NORTH Orillia Mail. leaves Port Hope 9 45 a m; Millbrook 10 50; Bethany ll 10 Omemee 1143; Lindsa) 12. 15; Beaverton 135;:11“ rive at Orilli:21 30 pm. Lakcfield \lail, leaves Port Hope 10 30; Mill- ' brook ll 45; Petcrboro 12 45; arrive at Lakeficld 1 20 p m. 0; illia Mixed, leaves Port Hope 3 4'1; Mill- bmok 5 05; Bethany 5 30 aomemue 6 15; Lindsay 7 00- airirc at Grillin 9 45 p m. Lt‘mficld mixed, leave Port Hope 5 05; Mill- brook G 30; Peter’boro '125;9.n‘ivc at Lakcficld 8 00 p m. TRAINS MOVIVG SOUTH. Orilliablail, leaves 011111112 45p 11: ;Linn say 5 cc; Omemcc5 .135; Bethan) 0 0:1; Nil llbrookc 30: anivc cat Port Hope 7 30 I i l D m. Lakefitld Mail Iom‘es Lakefield": 1511111515:- te1boro 4 15'; \lillbrook 5 05 , arrive at Port'liope 6 15. Orlllia Mixed, leaves OrillinG 50 am; Lindsay 9 45; Bethany 2 10 , Millbrook 11 4-;1 arriv‘e at Port "one 1 09p 11:. . Lukefield \lixcd, .eaves Lakcl'eld 4 30 a m , Pcterboro 5 25; Millbrook 6 20 ;a.r1'l1e at Port 11006 7 35 o. m. ‘ WISHOPLOHC' door Easf of fhé Ali's- scngé‘r OHM-c: ”03*- Wozx done at Experienced hands. ,, TnmmIngmsupp‘hed to pnrucs furmshmg their own Cloths, If requixml. Météliani Tailor“, Minmaok. Billiard Room, attached, with a néw BH~ liard Table therein. CaFcfu! Hostler in attendunéé. Mil!brook, May, 1874. ’ 31 The Bar‘is stocked with ”1:3 b§§f lifikmls of Liquors The Table Is supplied \xith all the de’liczi‘cies of the season. Free Omnibus to and from all passenr¢ér trains. - "4E Ronmsare all cummmlio‘ds, Cam'- 71 fdrt’abic, and via“ furiished. Ample accommodauons fa": Commer'v'tl Travel- lers, to “hum esp‘é‘cld 121 :1 Eel: iion i3 paid. DOMINION HOTEL MEL _1, 31:00 K, ,KIMBALL’S ORGAN iréLUNmfis " For Pipe or Reed Organ. I j .1.” HOMES E. Kmmu“ ‘ nm This collection'iaf beautiful musiu arran- ged from the best composers. will be found superior to any Wuc'lf-sqfflhe kiud heretofore publishem h contzunslust such music as .«is needqd for church or parlour use, of rho- _derate difficulty, and should be in the hands of evenjyi‘orgnuistu ‘ P797.» $9.00. Maz’ted post-pa m One of the best books for schools; semi- naries, classes or the hom’e circle eve? 'Lrb- thed. It contains‘ song-3,; duets, rios' quartets, hymn tunes, etc., and .a complete, course of elemfihmrir i'nnruclio'xi'rj',‘ with V w . suitable exercisesfo‘r pz‘aclice. It is uaéd in a number of (h? largest publicaud firi- vale schools inlllkfil‘ wahtrf, and. (gives uni-5 ersal salisfa‘tilim'z. b J AS; WEB‘BER, A collecii'o‘d of new? ‘zmd poptflar- piano" music, éonsisgug «haw-1.9.3, Polka-.5, Schol- tisches‘;.Ma:fmka_8, G‘flbPSyFumasias, Dau- cen, fodx‘ Iifin‘d piece§2c..1he “v"liole fa?"- ming a complete musmal lip‘rary f0r Parlor‘l » mu m...” nf‘ ”In...“ M... _-__ LIST OF LETTERS 'J .vl IIIIU hag ». 2-24 pages of choice piariq musxc. ‘ boards, $2 50,; in clam PM" M’gfl full g ~31! $4. 00. ; Bi JAMES R. MURRAY; $1fi"“r‘ 7‘”A 4“ The King of Sunday School Musicbcoks; Alfhough issued my a few mam, 015m: M'o hundred thwasan‘d copies h‘a’ée beeri éold, and {lye ifc‘rfland is,fi(eadily inc'reasing.‘ No Sunday 861160! shotfig be wilhout it.â€" Sp’ecimfig copy, in pnp'eg‘ cov:rs, ‘25 cems. Pnce 35' cents; $3.60 per dozen; 830 H , per 100. ' . v 1 Midland .Rtiilwé'iir.’ PURE DIAMONDS THEGELDFN ('JI’RJCLE v~ -.'_â€", .Croc-liér Proprietor, [â€"‘r‘fcé; 50 ceiiléL. 35:00 a dozen? E spnoQL ANfiHQME ; -9JOJ\ 0 1‘ K J reasonable notice, by n,,,t: 9mm Xleb libl} (J M/‘atch Jlai’wz ‘Fespectfully infmms the Inhabit “us _0( Mil DOAâ€"â€" Will have manly for the Hart-est, 50 Jolms1on’s Self-Rake Reapers, will: malublc sieel- plated guards, got up of best material; 50 Spragge Mowing Machines, ”will: our new improved tilling motion ; a few Ofllle latest improved Thrcizhing Machines, and a. general assortment of Agrilcullural Implements. The NEW SHINGLE MILL will be in operation about the lst ofJune, when any quan- V my of Shingles can be supplied, “at shortest notice. ' Millbrook, May. 1874. FAlR CO, Does your ‘ 530 Ta k0 it to Watch Stop .2 wk, GRIFFITHS The highest market plicc paid for any quantity of and Club Wheat, delivered at the Mill: J‘JHN W. W! All the5 01: Accounts, due tqgr fiayahle’ liy thenla‘le Firm of Russell Wallqccflql' .tb Samuel Russell, must be paid to, or will be settled by; the undersigned. . V 7 1 , tHaviglglpgir’cIi-d'sed the above Mills, is prepared to do all kinds I ‘Gris'tgng, Chpppingbr Bantam . ’ FLOUR ah'd‘ FEEDgiof all kinds, kept cortétautly on hand, and i delivered gt any place _in"and around the Vitlagc. Havingr ~ fitadéfi arraugémenté,‘ tacontinfié for Hire year‘s; With Mr, Hopkins} thp faltjoritc Miller, by gifting him an interest in thigCI’btAfll”, the public m’ay 1*err upon getting the best of satisfaction. The hi‘rhesf Port I f 0110 01" Pete tbo‘fo’ O'f «W001; deliVmed at the Mill. Millbrook; June 1,,1874. _ Thanking my numerou_s customers, and the pubiic' generally, {or the Very hberal and 1ncr*a.:3ng patronage extended in the pasf; I would say I am’ determmed .10: motif a’ bohtinuance- of the same; I have 0n hand and r‘e‘cmving, the largest’ and best Stock of Full Cloths, TWee-kc. Fhmnels. Exam-m; Whmmg» (mug..- ‘ dxo'n‘e' 5t sho‘t‘f né’ticc I havc'bounr (ihme, and as I will have the two r: gettingg wood work, and have their 1 "‘Milim'oolg Wwflen Mills "1 The late Firm of “ Russell 63* Wallace,” having been dis- solved.,, by mutual augment, the Woollen Business will be earned on by the underwgned. 3qu Cloths, Tweekc. FFunneIs, Blankets, Winccys‘; Cbttdns, ‘ Woollen iurn‘s, (5‘52, Eé‘cr offercdaf these Mills. An inspccfion rcsp'é, ctfull‘y Soli'cit'ed. «JOHN W. WALLACE, WWI; WANTED a New 11 RED JRH‘FII‘HS cl; .M’dkcr and Jewellcz Fflm an (10.,- JOHN .W. WALLACE Iioughf a fii‘st-clras's" Cdrgfipg‘ Ma- two ready, parties can depencf 0h heir Rolls home with them; price paid fo'r any quantity Cash paid fm Wheat 'yz‘m‘elIcr '. WALLACE. 3'1 Brick t THE! FNFALLIBILITY' , jpvv This book contains ove'r 100 beautiful songs which would cost, {a sheet‘ form, about $35.00. Every mug is a gem. Price: bound in boards, $2.50 ,- in clam, $3.00 ; full gill, $4.00. A COLLECTIOH 0' \ New and Charming Soggy. THE WEQCGME; w in J. MIKIEFFLR. A nefi' Sunday School music'boo'k by tho author of “ The I’emL” Contains a great. variety of choice new Sunday School songs; hymns and chants by the best mixers in the country Specimen copy, in paper covers, mailed on recejpt of 35 cents. Price : 35 cents ,- $3.601; dozen : $30 a 109. I ‘ A ’ > ' ‘ ». a ' ¢ 3 . P'u't hf) :ai thé Pcicrboro’ Seed Store, and {or sale, In MiHbmoR at the fidloxfi'ng places: "3 Turner, R. Rowan, Fee 'Beat:y. Deyéll 5:. Brother, A. Leach, R. Gaul, Alfred E. Hayler, W, Vance, '1'. B. Coliins, D. Finlay. JamesiFilzgexald and 4%. McBean, Jr , and A! Bethany, by Mark Graham. fl Pv‘erbnrq’. Mar. 2 . 1874. 13 (A K For: E Gfles (M asnn’s VEGETABLE 8E ‘EEEWER SEEDS! ' SEEDS! SEEDS"! FRESH and GOOD Dealers in Stock will find .tbi's..-aze ch! and most expeditious route to Emma, A New York, etch . ~ .1 h For further iiif'ofifiatiqn. addfgss, . Ii. cam-toga 7 TIEL maid; izfif‘z‘ogulnrtrips on thin-out: Hajmving (hybuurg every m'ofniqg at. 7 3d and Fprt. Hope :u 9 o’chcka‘r- Robbeswwcom nccfing 11mm with th- Scw York Comm and Exie Ruilxmys, for all mints Ens}; West and South. ‘- : q ‘ . ._ “ REI’ERNING -wm )gavg'Chgxlotté. (Port of Roclaosggr) daily, at 2 .ofslock, PJI .. except-0d Saturdcys, when she will leave at 2 P. M. .12)! Brighton. _ A. s. , Tfibus'fz'tic'fs bitebeen cimnget this remedy from weak, sickly, turcs. to strong, healthy and 11 women, and the afflicted can hesitate to give itn trial. 33‘ This medicine is {or sale 4 fiists thfoughout Canada. ~lf ; your druggist has not got it in lo sendrt‘qr it te‘ .L ~â€" Commencmv on‘ Or about 15! April. THE AEW LAKE bTEAMEi! Prlme. $1 per Bottle. . . , - â€"‘ “'7" . - . Next to Com-1 "nu-:9, yo“. 12...... 031cm, u’enb- ml agents for the Dominica. â€"â€"â€"- Baily Line to reochésiéfi: w, â€"v cen’ea from all sections of the United Slam; .and in this way on a basis oFiXs merits aloneâ€" umaidcd Eff; Kicks of the trade” or upecial efiort5»â€"it has nséz'f So its? fire: ent e'nf'iablopoq’o. tion. Wherever introduced it lies feceiNd. {‘88 ,most flattering preference in the; tredme‘nt of 3:111 xfienfiiatic c plainte. in this “wimp; ‘gmtefu’i 32:3 ‘ 1513;; not alone because~ou§ medicine finds ready sale, and is cegseq‘ngnujr ;profi;a}:1c.tp usdq we say this, but because“ he 301mn43hewfiel‘l in medical science,- end-cure at ofz‘se v? m the best medics! pmcligiqners have for ages found So diflicult even to relieve... We fill a place IXBNIOA re unoccuried. We 33e- lieve thefiufi‘eriiigéwd minister to‘ 0051:] "or,' we restore the lzibdring man to die use, 0‘ his injured liinbs, and save him scows of Wins in cost in doctor’s bills gt iffe’, pairy éqngentiflcn: pad giadness into the borne 6!: life fimrctéd, and con: soqucntly are remembered by millions of guac- fzdfiguls.“ . - a g. ,, ,. . Thous'hn‘ds 125.79 been changed bynthe use (if ibifl firmer!" (it/1).: »._-l- n SON G DIAMON DS : Londbii, ADI-til l, 1874. SUFFERHG nlmAM'rY. ,Hunare-as caréa‘fiauy {$653562 By the" â€" â€" .â€":~ . «arr-W» 94W? cPG“ .37}: deuce-iii ‘Th‘e pols-53559121} the Agent, "1‘ the shape of numerdfis xesiimoniais [rpm pastlsaflézéra Mail the “talks-0T, fife, p'aniL culariy from some of the mast respectable and lxuslwonhy families'in‘Ca'nnda', . anwrolé», fifidér‘; r ms‘ STATEMENT, 13' sussrm. T155367}; £56;ng hasemwh‘ Janna ;.’. DIAMUNB‘ mm? 6% amass Mam saas HORSEMIKM; fidfiffifiap a; [maul- n--â€"._ SEASON 1874. DEVINS noULTkk. soon 51., beBif-fé: " Port Hope". or C RG1LDERSLEEVE, licine is for sale at all the drug} ut Canada. ~lf it happgfl; ‘hF-fi {ms not got it in stock; ask mm Kb: uuan, mun}, Isuuenyg PICA-z healthy and happy men and afflicted cannot. nuptial.” OR '- Large 366195.32. ugly“, Kiizgsw'n .

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