Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 14 May 1959, p. 4

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xannu cm "X’ testat Gibson Auto Bady, Mlllbrook put? Weddings, the sick room, funerals. PHONE M 55700 111 be e» ening at 8 o ’_;clock in Bethany Hall, Concert pro-i duced by Janet MOntgomery :. a 1:1- Troupe from Otz‘uhawa,l fullow ed bv dancing from 10.15 ”p.111.t:0 1.00 a. m with music â€"Well here it is again, the‘ Annual Victoria Day Celebra-. tion. This “-111 he held Mon! day, May 18th, starting mth a big parade at 1. 00 p. m. led by Be‘ ham Commumty Band with 111ajorettes,dec01ated cat's, hie} eles, floats, etc. There will be plenty of sports events too, girls softball game, men ’5 hard- ball game, races, and prizes fer (h11d1 e11 at the ball park. Concert and Dance I ALWAYS A GOOD TIME AT BE'RHANY .VICTGRIA DAY- PAGE . Opposite the Ca'pitol Theatre, Port Hope O Ends clumping 0 Bags dipping: ‘ N0 “dining 0 Trims dose Ebram5 flower Shop 39ng 13’ lower Ebep ., .u _. A2; L .L mum w; _._ agar " my firavgd Best Ask abnut the “X” test at 1 _ v $99.95 Wind- Tunnel Whir/wmd out mows them all! 21 Queen Street - . MA 3' 1:25" .. m “lug, um auuuuucelnellt i At Centreville PresbyterianzpresidentA, C. Ashforth stated Church on Sunday, May 17 th‘; The Bank is prepared to make at 3 30 in the afternoOn, a'loans to 1nd1v1duals of sans- . , ~ éf‘actory credit standing for al- Students,” ChOII' fxng Kiofjmost' any worthwhile purpo'se. College, torontoMan, lreswfyh He defined thls no Include the teman College,H ontIEas “(in acquisition of householdappli- than bleader 1133310 angvana’mnces, new home furmshings m e on .ie at b'l. i speak for Christ and Hrs ”d “ mo 1 95 l - - 3 “That list i“ b no Inea a Church. Tth band conmsts of b y 11>. {com Iete” he added “Loans’ 18 young men and are well- p ’ r . rth our time t hear I can be secured for the payment! W0 Y to . . . . b ; of accumulated medical ex-i Everyone 18 muted to e pro] pense, payment of taxes, to sen ‘. “' ‘ by Montgbmery 3 Band. l wnLcom: NEWS To moss See posters for full partilz IN NEED OF LOANS culars, out now Rememberâ€"l There’s always a good, time vat| E Bethany! ntry ‘lnto the consumer fin: ! 1 l YOUNG LEN T0 SPEAK AND SING, CENTREVIILE “Who's. due“ 0“ Ian; nun-Id." " fies? " ‘ a ' , 1v . - I. (A. G. STASGROOH, new Prom-ietor) In referring to the new plan as an expansion of The Bank’s~ , personal loan activity, Mr‘ ) .‘~\shf01th made it clear that "tn The Bank has alwas made per * sonal loanis “Now, howe'» er1 ‘ gage and insurance on the life" Entered.Into Rest . of the ‘bbrrower during The; Logan; 011"? Nancyâ€"011‘ period of the loan. The totafiSwturday,’May 9- 19593 at Peterâ€"I STAN CLAN 'ost t h. b 0 ill {box-OUgh Civic, Hos ital, ()1" ‘ ’ ( o t e orr wer W be p nel Lumber Rough or Dressed, considerably lower than oné‘} Nancy N’OflhCOtt- ‘Of‘RR NO- U I Usually finds in the consumeféP ont3'P0012 Wife 0f DOUgl‘dS‘ also‘Hagrd and 80ft Wand Slabs â€" man an.“ W022! MM __ “-‘m -â€"“â€". finance filed :7 LL‘OSaH, 'm-O‘:her Of RIPS. Jfohn; PHONE 70-W In referring to the new plaggStark “(TDonothy-L qutonvillefl‘ MILLBROOK’ ONTARIO n -n _--..-____- -n my 1" ‘ «fill..- .u .uulflJL'L'd! ; “Many people have the idea] rompe‘e wi: that- The Bank will only make products is Jpersonal loans on the. security portation of of bonds and stocks, Most Steleo said iloans under the new plan will“ be realistic be ‘ZOUUI'Pd by a chattel mort-‘C-anada coul gage or lien on the item being entirelywi‘h: finaneml. Where the borrower and acknowl l is well known to The Bank and prlodnets muc 'llhR ability {:0 repay undoubted off-shore. the loan may be unsecured? However, 1 [Only in exceptional cases will tinned, “The an endorser be required. " .’ in Canada 3‘ “The cost of a Torontoâ€"D03 be. circulate “mining.“ personal. loan «wilLJP grhandr. keepin relatively» low. Mn Ashforgi‘, industry turn stated, and will consist. of simplig: each of us to interest at the. rate of six per,r cbntinu‘ing dc cent on the outstanding balsidian product: ance, plus a service charge, continuing in which will cover the cost tojtinuing contrc The Bank of Operating an in-‘ ces and future stalment loan plan. obtaining ' and» registering a chattel morbj... ' â€"â€"_ be confined to direct loans to iindividuals. Trade paper of ;appliance and automobile deal- ers will not be purchased. 1 “Loans are to be repaid by imont'hly instalments and the period of repayment will vary, depending ion the purpose of; the loan and the ability of the!‘ borrower to replay, the maxi-i mum period being 30 months. i “Life insurance protection; lt‘or the borrower. for the amountil iot‘ the unpaid balance of the ,7 imam will be provided in every ‘naon ’, case (938133 "muunui naws 1‘0 THOSE: we propose to broaden our field IN NEED OF LOANS g of service and to make loans for _ l purposes foywhich ye did not Entry into the consumer finX prevmusly entertain applica- . $ - . 5' tions for loans. Furthermore, ance field uhrough expansmn - . , ,in considering loans under the of its personal instalment loan. new plans the main emphasis. activity has been announced by‘ will be ion the character of the The Toronto-Dominion Bank. {borrower and his or her ability In making the announcement,? to repay, rather than the 58011?- President A. C. Ashforfh stated: ity foffered. ” 3)! “5’43 ‘ m: m momenta. moon, ammo ks, Most Stelco said that it would not. plan will“ be realistic. to believe that ttel morf-‘Canada could live and trade tom being ontirelywi‘hin her own borders borrower and acknowledged that. some Bank and pfioducts must be bought froml __-,J,.._L¢_ ,, ~__._- â€"/-~ I I‘mRent-Jieated 4-room Apt. 1‘ Self contained, private en“ tince; King. StreetAWest. I.i -w... - herly, fihone 71-w , rook; ;Larmer, l L. â€"-On Friday. Kay 8th, 1959, at Peterbormwh ivic' Hospital, J. L. Larmgr. LFIIIbrook bellm ed husband 9f e arwaret Jane McCuttheon ‘9 ear father of James and J. Itobert harmer, both of Mill- ibook. The late Martha Helen _nd the late Loftus Charles Harmer. The fune1 a1 took place Ifom the J. W. Haw Funeral Iome Ring Street East, Mill 1 I00k. mn Monday afternoon,§ Iay 11th at 2 o’clock, Thel Dr. H. B. Neal and The; v. Edgar M. Palfrey officiâ€" ing. Interment was in St. 111’ s Cemetery, CaV an. ..: However, the message conâ€" 11 tinned, “The dollar we spend {in Canada s‘ays in Canada to )3 be circulated from hand. to gghalgdr keeping the wheels of -. L land!) _ -mvu-AJ ,r. AV\'\\ lUU \’lll(‘,l' uuuuavvvn, V ‘ i‘ers. Wesley Gilband (J oy<-o),f :Ballyduf‘f, Murray Logan. Man-I tVers’,‘ and John Logan at h‘omo‘ I I The funeral was held on Mon-l: .3 day; afternoon, May 11th. at ,1: Dead 51200!“ 3.30 o’clock. Interment was}. - : CASH for dead or cnppl- : ed Horses and Cows. I I {iii Fallis‘ Cemetery, (Arrange- Top price for oldhorses. , *p;â€"_ I I I I I I ,- I ; I talents by the J. W. Haw Fu: 3 heral Home, Millbrook). f 2 l The potaflo, grown in Canada >m coast to coast, ranks fifth long the D-ominion’s field )ps in gross farmvalue.’ '3 indiutry turning and enabling »I each of us to look forward to a cbntinu‘ing demand for (ana- t,‘ dian produc s and .scm 1H5 a .continuing income and a (011â€" tinning control over the resourâ€"i , ces and future of our country. ” 3 'L‘armer, J’ H1“ _-w.u.v“ V-L suuuD RU compa‘e with Canadiammade products is virtually the im- portation of unemplovments ! “To buy foreign-made manu. 3 factured articles When a Cana- $dilan equivalent is available is 1 to endanger the Whole structure , of Canada ’3 manufacturing in? td‘ustries,” The Steel Company: lof Canada, Limited, told itsj zsharelfiold-ers today in a mess": gage. incorporated in quarterly“ gdlwdend notices. ! The Stelco message pointed! out that Canada ’8 maimfactur-tE ing industries now provide the; greatest amount of employment in Canada and make the lax-g! est contributions to government;1 revenues. This being the case” the impbrtation of goods to COMPETIN G IMPORTS "‘There is little quesfion that our economy is no longer based on what people need so much as on what they want. Ins al- ment financing is an accepted part of our way of life and we feel that in providing the ser j vice +0 pelople of good credit standing we are only meeting! our responsibility to the Cana-, dian public.” [ FOR RENT Entered Into Si Phone Bailifiboro 30 liillllllllllllllllllll _â€" â€"*va III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE" SOhC‘fiOI‘S for the 'g 3 on Rear; 1 on each Corner. I ing barns 9; Front Shocks Sprayed et '1 Extra Leaf in Front Springfi. , ours 0f 3-0 Approximately 150 Hlorse Pow-1 0f stippele‘ ’ er, 6 Cylinder Mofor, A-' ings. A“ V‘ , proximately 260 ('11.~in.' tee, and fr l Truck to be turned in. 13- Sander i Lowest or any tend-er‘not] MiubrOOE-_ ,‘ necessarlly accepted. F01 ’ Ge F. H . ° 1‘ orge amngmn’ For Saleâ€"M2 ’ i Rnecnll 'k’n. Millbmok, Ontario . Reevo Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if'no answer Peterborough Biz-4330. Barrett Fur Farm If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application toâ€"day. We have customéfgvinxious to'F 01' Sal€~14 A0res Or buy in mm diétrict I A-l Land for buildi 189 c“ S 13 Five minufes walk 1 ”mg“? tree school and post offim BOWMAVILLE, ONT. 133 Milllmook for Phone Ella 3-3644 I 1m, PETER FEDDEMA 1 Real Estate Broker Wantedâ€"General Farms, Pasture Farms, Small Acreages, ' Waste Land. 1 (5 with lugsâ€"2 Without) { Combination Box 12 ft. and . hoist. ' 6 to 7 yd. capacity. 1 Wheel Base approximately 156” ‘5 Signal Lights ?Clearance Lights. 3 on Cab; - Roy Willmott, Q.O. ter and defroster. ‘2 Speed Rear Axle 5 Speed Transmission Heavy Duty Rear Springs Hydro-vac. 91/2 inch long stroke Oil Filter Air Cleaner, 1 qt. capacfly Outside Rear View Mirfiors 825x20â€"12 ply Tube Type Tires the addreés below until noon WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1959 for one {ruck and hoist as per Specifications bebow: Standard Cal) and Chassis, hea- '_â€"â€"vâ€" - '- - [ BY Truck and Hoist {Milbrook Public School smxfn TEITDERS, plainly} Board marke True and Hoist, will be ' {eceivggl by ’tAheA undersigned at The REGIS'DEATLON 0f BE- ! “TXTIT‘I‘h N Eeqigilrg flambing Heating We haw‘haVe a. plan that shall take care of your Tender For Truck and Hoist MILLEROO-K, ONTARIO Attention Home Builders Trno‘nmms' $â€".__g Plumbing and Heating " Barristers, Solicitors, Nata Telephone 9 Millbrook 'Vvhb "5 *c E [III-I'll: (l‘ (D ‘ 23 . De - '8‘ m A such then a: if p» -râ€"i lflqglll . fiSolici } ANY Person having claims {against Louis Henry Winslow th died on the 3rd day of April, 1959, are required to send proof of the same to the undersigned before the 20th ray 'of May, 1959, after which date this estafie will be distri« bubed‘,‘ having regard only to such claims as the under-signed than has. notice. DATED at Millbrook this 23rd day bf April, 195g. '. Phonemsia â€" NOTICE To cannons ‘ AND OTHERS In the Estate of Louis Henry Winslow, la‘e of the Village of Millbrook i_n - the County of Durham, Retired Farmer, de- teased. James '1. LII-vim, ILA. For Saleâ€"â€"Senator F 05 Saleâ€"Maple {Interior and Exterior Decorat- ing barns and metal roofs sprayed etc1 Thirty-six col- ! ours of Boxatone. All types 'I of stippeled and sponged ceil- ! ings. All work under guaran- tee, and free estimates. . C. D. Sanderson, phone 115-w {Free Fill, inlinIiigéd quantity, I? come and get it. K. C. 1301118 I R.R, 2, Millbrook. Phone f M-illbmok 223r--13. 3t {Rota Tillin-g Done 2 brook 226-r-21. _, v _ . «,4, UH" "GINNERS‘ will take place at [the Legion Hallâ€"Mrs. Ouel- ’ lette’s room, on May 29th, from 3.0.0 to 4.30 P.M. Each par- ent must bring birth certificate 3 or christening certificate Show- Hug proof of age. Please be {advised that each child must reach the age of six years, on or before December 3lst, 1959. ‘ __-v v... A-I Land for building lots. Five minutes walk from the school and post office. Phone 133 Millbrook for particu. laws. 3!; Brandy Wine Straivtberry Plants. Apply Fred Ghallic-e, phone 116w Millbnook. 2t - 7.. “ “I ' â€"â€"r'r".' Russell Kennedy, phone 99‘ 3 4.49 -- Millbrook . f IL; Not me 83 FOR SALE '. Kay 14, 1959 NOTICE ”ct , Irvine, 001:, Ontario . Eiecutors . Stvrup. Apply Rhone Mill. 3t Qunmp and more of 3t FREE 0? Immediate 24 1 ASK YOUR 0P1 LOSES TOP OF FINGER ON LE While cutting power mower 1a Merton Thexton, .OMm’ioDepaI-mnz Nick P PETERBO‘ Steve: All 80) 35: e Ba per box. W‘ nials, Sweet ‘ Farm 8 Here you can I IT’S ' ALWAYS BETTER FARM S‘ am

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