V'QL ,‘s XXVII': . N; C. McKinnon,M.D. ,C. M. MILL BROOK . ARRYSI‘ER. SOLICITOR. NOT RY PUB‘ Ric. E'c. Money to Luau. Ofï¬ces over new Pout man, W ' on: mu}: noun: omens W 6 - ‘ second loud: in every month in n‘gï¬cw Rooms. Wm a: Kenn block as v ugh“: .5311)- R Men um): R. E. STANTON, adet. Secretary. L33. R. YOUNG. rim-Bee. COURT IVANHOE. No. 321. I. O. l'. Meets third Monday in each month in their room over Leach a drug store. Smngers'vel- IS DEPEIS DENT ORDER 03‘ ODDFELLOWS E1578 1-“ ER" TUESD‘T EVEVIVG ‘3 â€up 1' ball ovur the new Post nice V isit- In: Brethren welcome. L. LAPP, B.A., M.D., (1M. (scccxsson T0 DR. l‘HlLLH‘S). PONTYPOOL. - - ONTARIO. V RINITY UX.V'ERSITY. MEMBER 05' the Collece of Px-yaicians amx aux-gems. LOV \ L C -\ VAX LODGEâ€"L‘- i MAD] \N OR- DER 0F UUDFELLO a S. meeï¬- the third bnesday “mine of mh month in the Home Circle moms King-St" mun ook- hour 0! mcedmt. R o'elo- k. Tue beneï¬ts of this Soci- ety are worthy the consideration of eVery per- orn. Information furnished on applicsuon. J03. THURSDYE, NJ}. 6. DUNCAN. n A -_,..___. 7 RO.\' re and Victoria Universities. L1- venflato End Cullere Surge‘ns. Edin- bmh. Member Cmicge Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario. once at A Lema’s drug store. BARRXSTER, Anumey at Law. Solicitor. ezv. Mvuey h lend on we security of real estate. Town and Farm Prnr arty for Me; omcesi I Ontarzu Block. w anon sn-eet. I). F .LLZS C R. W. W. GILLOTT. RS. “I D. LEACH. the Colle:e a Phyedcians and surgeons. Oniaflo. PORT BOP)". mLLBBODK. month. JAS. SEAGER, M.D ,C.M. ARRISTEK Sol‘citor. Notary Public. etc k‘nvate and (bmxanv Funds to Izzm at the lowest rams mm- in “‘u- a Kens' block. \: Benn. y on 2nd and m: Moudnsof every 33.1513 Speci; guengion‘ hen to t‘tw Innervation or mi,“ "'3 . ï¬fth ‘ l: trons wine Gas ior the Wï¬m‘lm 0’ teeth. Gaga work gyamtggd. _ \WE Wï¬'ï¬iz 31a 1131 3th 31.5.0337}! each month. Umemae. ls: Monday and 3rd Wednes- day of eaeu month. nlLLssooK. - â€" ux umo. ALLDOllESTEC \TED AND! Ls TRE T- or: months to latest. scie: mi“ methods Puucuhu' attcutluu wan to Equine Deans: r1. Chats“ moderate idcnce auu Utflce Ki. 1?; 8L. opposite olc \Vestcrn Bwk. m 14.33001}: “v - osramo. IVsâ€"iz‘éhhea tJ. Veterinary Surgeon BE’I'BAXY. â€" - ONTARIO. ALL DOMESI'IC \TED ANIMALS TREAT- ea morning to latest scientiï¬c memo-.3 Mm)“ attention 'Vcn to Equu.e Dennstry. Charguimygcrate. ms by tdetmph prompt CEN I‘R AVILLv‘. - ON I‘ABIO. QC EEVS Culver: ly, Kim stun Mcu ber of the College of P: ysnclans and Sat euns. T. H. HASSARD, V.S., XILLBROOK. - - ON I‘ABIO. lRADUAIE‘O? TEE OXTéRAO VETEE' ....,...>.n.n $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ‘nflUUl‘AD vu Auu v-v-.--._7 ,, inny Canon. Dieeuu ‘ t Domesncated Animus: Heated onSmemiï¬c prucxples E nine Dentistry a spacidty. 38818“!de in acco wee with me V otxriwy Act Ofliceâ€"opposite Dominion Hotel. Residence King St, 145 CHISHOLM CHISHOLM, P03 P HOPE. OXEY to low at 5 per cent. on gilt edge security sud at 5; and 5} pr cent on leaflet sewn ty. Terms to suit borrow era. PETER BOBO' T. B. COLLENS CO. P283111)“ N. - . ONTARIO UCrIHNEER FOR THE COUXTX 05‘ Durham SaieA ox all kinds prompt-1!}? Ielld d- Date and ï¬rm arrangad at me 33) DRYER nfflcc millbrook, WIXG t9 rg'qucflt from a jarge number of citi- lens or M IBUI'OOK 00mm enter in the Butch- " hlhim'i“. “'6 have purchased the husim-sa of [he 02:! stand and “:c are now in a butter imsitinn mun cWI' ‘0 “spun our old reputation. Give us a. mu :uu} heconunced that wcum supply vou Wi‘h {ht chmcoll cuts to be had in town, 'flANCASHIRE SCOTT ‘FABMERS AND (‘rr-oER GOOD NOTES disc u_.ten Drmxsissucd on NI points in a :m- the (hr-ted Smtes at hmstrates. Caller! Lu (-f Sui.» am: umer notes a. Special- u Ly‘ans [nude «In Real Estate. Nu «om n18- (succsssox T0 1m. xmmux). mumnoox. - ~ 051‘. RCHIRALD \"OOD. iSSUER 05‘ MAR- - RIAGE LICENSES. M!"br«-ok,0nl. Mmbrook, - - Ontario. ll" 1. E}. ‘IXEERS ()STARIO LA‘J) €143- ' VEYURS 4mm ‘ERCH \x'r {‘ULOR ISWRER 0? MAR- MARRIAGE LICENSES. I, "nun Iv. VIA-\v - Ieuce Annie Street. W001) KELLS H '3 .V' [‘88 S l‘. PE I‘EBBOROCGH. name Licenses. ROBERT RUDDY, mam-t a team! Ranking busimse, in aunt‘s collecting am; discountmg Far- an"! 5'0"! f0? my mac during twelve month. THE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. GARDINER, PROFESSIONAL. | med and collections made at all on most {movable terms- 0.“ Hours from 9 un. :04 pm. .. D. DEYALL, V.S. A. A. SMITH, received and Interest showed at highest current rates. SOCIETIES. BANKERS. 'gNonh side of Klng St. -Cmadian Bank of Cammerce‘ â€brook Lodge No. 308. Barristers, BANKS. D H AMP!().\'. NJ." ONTARIO. 0N I‘ARIO. ONTARIO. 0N TAB“). Ontario. ON'I‘ 3810 Schickâ€! Assets Over $14,000,000. ‘______: LEADS ALL Canadian Companies THE GAMMA UFE ASSURANEE Gfl. This 19 not an auction sale not yet a. prim! CLEARING OUT SALE in (tier t4 4nd of the building publia. I quote a few nh’ngs are going. I ofl'er a. good . . . . without doubt, also Grey Grey Land Plaster, the best on the market, I am and White Lime. Please call and inspect bsfore placing your (rims. bound to sell. Dimension stuff out to order, price away down. Mkterial deliver- ed anywhere in town or country when reqUil‘edv X Shingle, a good Shingle XX Shingle. Cedar “ Coarse Pine Lumber - At the 69th Annual General Meeting of THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. held at Edinburgh. on Tuesday the 51h March, 1805. the following results for the year ended 15th November. 1894. was reported :â€" 4029 Policies of Life Assurance were issued, assuring - 38,7;3,836 'l‘lm 'l‘nml Existing Assurances in force at 15th Novumi ,, M. L. 00>? L. r. .32.; PWNJH. 7\__r_lwmoox. .UO-umlfl Ion†REMOVED 19. Having removal to the above commodiou-x stand at d 1111: in a. fresh stock I am now bntter prepared than ever to accomogato my old. custnmcrs, and all new 0- es. who will favor mo with a. call. Spccml value in Shem-Wind Watches from $2 99 up. Cmplew zine uf Siiv. rwam as hard tune prices. BELOW' ARE SOME OI" HIS LEADERS . . . in Wood Cook “The D.xon Steel Cnok,†(the best on the market, every stow guaranteed to be pal-feet bask r). “ Tbr Souv: nir Cook,†“ The St. Jun» 0 wk " " The Original 0 u k,†“ The Mapls 0 0k," “ Thu Oafu‘l‘d 0 wk." In I oal Riv-208 ‘ The sOuw-nir Range," (the bust cual ran ge in thv country). “ Th». Stewart 0 a.- Range,†" The Ovard Cnal Range.†Jn coal Base Burners “ The Stewart. A t Sultana.†“ Th? Oxford A't C :unteï¬s.†bnth p werful - mu Ie hs-aters and perv. c: aaxers, and a. Full Line of Housemrnishinzs in Table Cutlery and Granite Ware. Boot Brands of {mark-an and (Jana-Han Coal on by the Gallnn or Barrel. ADAM HALL ALF. KIN GSGOTE . . . WATERPROOF HORSE AND WAGGON COVERS, FLAGS, BU‘NTING, ETC. Mike and Yard at Rnilw ny Station. Millbrook, March 23, 1895. “Standard †Life ï¬ssurance E 'erything “li‘AIRING PRO I'TLY AT I'EN DED 'I‘0 1895 The Total Existing _.’.ssurances her 18!“ amouï¬ting to - - - - - - 3 The Claims by Death or Mntured Endowments which arose during the Year amounted, including Bonus Additions, to - - - - - - - - - The Accumulated Funds at same date amounbe‘ Being an increase during the Year of The J. Investments in Canada : 407 GEORGE STREET, - PETERBORO’ go Because it. is the oldest, largest, most popular and economwm uuu gives the Mt results for the least. money. B3cause in 1893 it increased its assets by 81,236,513 ~a. sum exceed- ing the increase of any other two Canadian Con panics, and In re than double of any one company. ‘ Because it has a larger surplus, abuve all habihties, than all th- other Canadian Companies together. Bacausa tb» net Proï¬ts paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not equalled by any other Company in America. Great Reduction in B. Laurance Spectacles. Best Quality. >2Z_20m. 4m24mu m>_rm. 02,3320. QOOUm. Agent, Land Salt $5.7 5 per Ton. 344 WATER STREET, PETERBORO’, ONT. IT Government and Municipal Bonds Mortgage. over Real Estate. lst lien Peal (â€state - ~ - - - Sundries - - ~ - ~ GGAL AND W003 000K STOVES MILLBROOK. Annual Revenue amounted at 15th November, 1894, GEO- A. 8: E. W. at. the sum rati‘) of proï¬t). I have COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES W. M RAMSEY, Manager. J. J. HANRATTY. MANAGERS EASTERN “STARKO. 'I‘URUN'I‘U GEd Eo$t Office Building - - - MANUFACTURER 0F - ~ - ESTABLISHED 1547. FALL AN 0 ‘VINTER Established 1825 - gTEEL not yet a. sherriï¬â€˜s sale, but, a. general low in (tier 'to meet the demands of the t mes, nm a. few prices, that vou may know how . â€" â€" â€" J - ’ $5,138,161 date amounted to - - 839,353,823 2 the Year of 2841065. ..ALL~‘0.. few prices, most popmar and economical and . THEXTON. HAS N0“’ 0N BAND HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK 0F . . . Yours truly, District Inspector, 36.820000 $555,000 ~18 ,500 for 551-00 MY “ 1.25 ‘ 0!.“ POST OFFICE S I“ N D. PETERBORO. $113,274,3o30 AN D EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. $11,165,500 7 73 $2,944, 1895 MILLBROOK. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. MAY 80, 1895 Dairy products are discouragingly low the able quotes very low prices and u depreswd market in England, and from; 6.5 to 7 cents Seems to be the outside limit that can be realized on the grudei of new cheese now (flaring; butter is also very slow of movement, and buyout! a. moder- The annual statement of the Bank of Montreal. issued a. {cw days ago, is not as satismcmn'y an- nhu two previous years. The net earnings tor the your Were nnly $1.2m,.1;s0. urn, trifle over 10 per c9115., and 10235.1?) law‘s than the previous year. The balance at; credit; 01' proï¬t and \uss account. ix $815, [-15 us against. $804,715) on April :50. 18311. There is little or no change in the business situation at Toronto. Thuvisiblc supply of wheat in the United States und Canada. is decreasing rapidly. ’l 110 stocks are now 50,000,000 bushels as compared with (33,400,000 8. year ago, and 72,000,000 bushels two years {130’ Taken as a. whole, the tmde situation at Montreal may said to be improved ; nutcworthy failures have been few 01' law, and more hbuml remimancc are being re- ported 1mm :1. gltod many sectionsmhuugh requests lor renewals are still mm‘u freâ€" quent than is dcaimblc. The Dominion Cotton Company has declared its quarterly dividend of 1.5 per cent. The raw cotton umrkct continues to show much strength, and the Mon- treal Cotton Company has issued a trade circular, stating that they cannot underâ€" take to book onmrs for future delivery at. present. prices. '1 he earnings 0f the (hand Trunk Rail- way for the week ending May :th welo 33: 51 513, an incrume of §1.135. There is no check to the upward move- ment in hides, and it. has been reported that tanucrs have been askud 10 cents for No 1 hides. ate local consumptive deliumd for new made creamcry at about. 16 cents, there. 15 little doinw. l’rot‘. Robertson, Dominion Dairy Com- missioner, in his recent. report says t Regarding the outlook for cheese in the English Inurket.dcspitc the various strikvs last yea ‘ among the great cheese-consum- ing populatiouoI the old country, who Were in consequence, not in a position to buy much cheese, and various other un- lavumblc circumstances,Cunadian cheese last your touml a. market. for itself. Thirty-seven failures were reported in the Dommmn last week. Three more than the prcvmus week, lThe lute frosts are said tn have serious- ); damaged cum mul \vhcub m the west? em smmsmud hence the «'trength m prices of these grains. The world’s visible supply of wheat last week decreased no it!) a million bushels. Tln 1‘0"“ 8. heavy llccwasc in American, while supplies in Britiuu and afloat. in- creased. The sugar market us very ï¬rm. Granu- lated xs nuw selling at 45 m Toronto. Many plants ale sensitive to other in- ï¬nance) than light. The hstrcl has been known to fly 150 miles an hour. The Chinese have agod for very dis- ease and a. god for ev erv onccident The prisoners of Morocco are the worst 1n the World. T hem is a. \\ ild flower m '1‘ urkcy that is the exact, floral image of a luuumiuw bird. '1‘ he breast: is. green, the w ings are a. deep rose color, thee thloat. yellow, the head and beak almost black. No receptacle has evm‘ been make strong enough to resist. the bursting pow- er 0t freezmg water. Twentyâ€"pound shells have been burst ussunder as though mwlc of pottery. The cocua plant is the most useful tree on earth. The nut furnishes 'utcr, food, milk and wine, and the bulbs a good substitude lur cabbage. The shells, utensils, and the ï¬bre clothing and bexvilu fabrics, its juices ink, and its leaves pens and paper. Over no instances are on rch-l‘d “hero human budics, alter buxial,1emaiued un- corrupted 101' many years. lt, is said to be natural, thJ physio- logical, to rise early and enjoy the beau- ties 01 the sunrise ; if we ask why, we are treated to various transcendental theories. about the vivil'ying influence of the sun. and are told to take example by the birds of the air and the beast of the field, as :50 many of them are not nocturnal in their llilblLS. But, as a. matter of fact, physio- lug ', so far as it has anything to say of the subject at all, is all against the early rising theory. Physiological experimental)- pears to show that a. man does not work best uml luste<t in the early morning hours, hut, on the contrary. about midday. The dew-e to rise early. except in those train- ed irom youth to outdoor pursuits, in Commonly a. sign, not. of strength 01' character and vigor of body, but of ad- vancing age. Thus pater-familias, who goes to bed at 11 p. m, wants to get up at .3 or 6 a. 111., and looks upon his healthy son, who lies till 8, as asluggard. When this foalish interpretation of a. proverb about the health and wealth to be got [rum early risinrv is combined with the still more foolisn adage which says of sleep: "Six hours for a. man, seven for a woman, and night. for a fool,†than we gave a vioiOus system capable of working heart mischief to. young people of both sexes- The Aitken bible, a. copy of which has just, been said in Boston tor $300, wag the ï¬rst bible in the English language ever In inth in America. The imprint is as [01- lows , "hinted and Sold byK. AitkL-n at Pu pe’s Head three doors abme the coffee In use in Market sueet. \IDCCLKXXII. †A San Flancisco girl disappointed in love years ago. has bbuilt acabin in th\ w00ds on the Upper Solmon river and lives there alone. She IS an expert hunter and has raised a. pair of grizzly bears. which are very affectionate toward her. General Herbert’s residence in Ottawa. is advertised for sale, and his family are repurbed to have engaged passages to England for the ï¬fteenth of J uue. The commander of the Fishery Protec- tion Service has notiï¬ed the Marine De- partment at Ottawa that there are 50 American seiners on the Nova. Scotia coast. The commissioners in FouthEssex have issuei an order that all bar-rooms must be located in the from. of the hotel, and there must be no screens used to obstruct the view. The ï¬rst \Velsh Bible was published in The Earl of Westmeath has arrived m Washington to assume his duties of atâ€" tache to the British Embassy. Week’s Commercial Summary. Don‘t Get up Early. Out of the Ordinary. Here and There. F ifty new buildings are to be erected at once in Berlin. A fatal disease exists amung the hogs of Bruce and Snugeen. Interesting Xteum and Incidents. Im- portunt and Insh‘ucth’e. Gathered from all the Provinces. Galt has 480 dog tags out this year. The London spook is still in business Glencoe Oddfcllows will build anew hall. All bagless _dogs in Walkerville are killed. A bailiff is collecting L31; -11". n;;;§d taxes. Iroquois will have a lacrosse club this season. Mattawu is organizing a. Board of Trade. 7'1‘130 Indian populuton of Canada, is Wild cats abound in the marsh about Emit Luther. The cost of the Colonial Conference last, summer was $9,135. The Union Bank at Iroquois will close its doors. Part of the Goderiuh breakwater has fallen in, Canada’s imposts during April aggre~ gated $8,009,794} and experts $4,369,801, General Herlmrt‘s msidence is adver- tised for sale and his family intend to cave for England In June. Trude, returns fur Apriushow an increase nf $758,000 over April, 18941. The East. Missnnrin Agriculture Soci- et; "5 fair will be held ()(zruderS. 3 At Port Stanley u million Whiteï¬sh have been put imo the lake. St. Mary’s objects to its people buying goodsut Lon ion, -11barâ€"rooms in Nurth Oxford will be closed at, 9. 30 p. m. hereafter. 100500. The Hamilton City Cnuncil dnesn’t want, the beach called "Elsinore park.†Small-pox is reported among the French ï¬shermen on the West coast 01 Ncwfuund- land. A Kingston newsdealer was ï¬ned $430 for handlmg immoral literature. A ï¬sh and (Game Prom-tiou Society has been formed m “storm. B. C. Alvinstnn is considering the advisabilâ€" itxqf holdipg monthly cattle fairs. Md :ill University has been donated $3) 000 watch 01' land for an obsuvutory \'t Boniface, Manitoba. is gixing $35,- 000 In bonuses to industrial enterprises. Glcncoo 115:5 formed an athletic associa- tiun all the 10¢ 11 clubs amalgamating The. wharf. freight sheds and walmg worm: Bxchmond , N.S., Were destroyed by ï¬re on Saturday at a. loss of 51:),UUU. The Dominion ( 1' uve rnmcut has icfuscd the city’s request, for a. grant n1 $231) â€" ULO or any sum whatever. to the pro- poséd intcznational exhibition. Representatives of the American Cigzu‘ecw Company of New York are in Monereal negotiating to secure control of the Canadian cigaketw market. The convicts in the pcnctcntiarics of Canada numlx-redï¬walve hundred and twenty-three at the end 0‘ the last ï¬scal year or twenty-nine more than the year. previous. The North American St. G corge 5 Union has decided to hold its annual convention in_KingstUn, Ont, {10m August ‘10 m '.’3 'l he Agricultule and. Colonization Cum- miitec have decided to hear the vieus of the. chm. *se salesmen and exporters in re- gmd to the bill 101' branding cheese on rziday. the 2315!; inst. Mr. Alex. \V. Murdoch, of Toronto.the well-known colonial agent. is in Mout- reul. engaged in promoting trade relation between ('nnada and South Africa. He will cunl'ur with the Dominion Govern- ment, and address the Ottawa. Board of Trade. on the subject next week. The inspectors charged with the exam- ination of cattle leaving Montreal for Eu- ropean pul‘ts have discovered the exist- ence in sumo, a! the tattle of a. conta- gious disease, hitherto unnoticed, which 15 (characterized by ahscesses in the head and jaw, and which is tranSmissible to human beings. At a mccling of the Sir John Macdoxy old memorial committee of Montreal,held Monday ill was decided to invite the (lovemmrâ€"(icncml, or, if his Excellency cannot; attend, the. Premier, Sir Maclx'en- zie Bowull, to unveil the monument on the sixth of June. Mr. George E. Foster. the leader of the Government in the House of Commons will be asked to de- liver the oration. It is proposed to buy the Hellmuth Col- lege property at; London for hospital pur- poses. A (xeorgetmm citizen has been ï¬ned 81 101‘ stealing water from a. neighbour s hydrant. - One hundred thousand fry have been placed in the Oxford ï¬shing club pre- serve. There are some 350 men now on me pay roll at the Massey-Harms works, Brantford. Hmnilton will employ experts to ad- vise in the matter of water-works im- provemcnts. Mr. Hiram} 0, Frank. of Strathroy, celebrabed Ins 71st birthday by turninvr a hand spring, 5 During the lasy season the Inversoll Athletic Aseocmtwn cleared off a. gebt of over $100. A bier lizard and a. four-inch ï¬sh came throuvlll the nozzle of the Windsor ï¬re hose 1; e other day alive. Mr. P. Murphy, of Duï¬erin, lost three brioht little glrls within a. few days. 6 They died of diphtheria, CANADIAN NEWS NOTES. Canadian tobacco manufacture sold last, year 10,692 0-10 clgarettes in the country and exported 10,288,180. "Earnscliff,†the residence of the late Sir John A. Macdozmld, is advertised for sale on behalf of Lady Macdonald. ‘he liquidators have paid another divi- dend 01 10 per cent, to the creditors of the Commercial bank of Manitoba. T he next dairy exhibition of the A gri- culture and Arts Assocmtion for Ontario will be held in Gammoque next fall. A New Yorker is {making arrangements to bore for oil at ngh Falls, on the line of the Kingston and Pembroke railway. The Salem Wire Nail Company and the Findlay Company, Findlay, Ohio, have advanced wages ten per cent. The ad- vance affects six thousand men. THE WEEK’S HAPPENINGS. men now on the FIFTH SESSION -- SEVENTH PABL- lAMENT. tinn of tho Guvurmnun}, to what. )r- liq-mud an abuse suffered by hurdwnrc’ imrorlvm in Toronto and Mammal for some timu push in getting goods purchzwvd in 1110 United States through the Customs. It was complained by the impurbers. he said, that when goods wcrepusscd they received an amended invoice. adding upwards of 30 12c! cunt. (A) the original duty. Similar ) rzuzï¬uus, he said, had prevailed in the de- partment, with regard to other chases of goods. Mr Wallace said that the duty of the Govcrmuent was to prntvct the xcvcnue of the country In accordance '.\ ith the law, he haul sent special trained ufï¬curs to the U nitcd Smtcs to asccrmin the prices of arxiclus. This has been done in the case of bicycles, agricultural implement, and othur goods. Mr. Ulmritou said in was indecent. for tho (jm'urnnumt to select, as judgcnnd jury u. mam who was intorostud in exclud- ingAnwrimm invoiu-smul Inmorlations {mm Canada. It: was nonsense for the hon. gonumnan m mlk about having rc- ducml meduty as hmgz asthoy pursued such u course. Mr. Foster said his I“ 1). friend might quarrel with the syslvm of protection if he yuasml, but so mm: as that system was 11m law of the cuum ry, and so long as the Uonsm’mtivu Government. was in power it, was the duty of the (a‘uvernmenc m have Lhe systcmcarriw‘ m1 in Us entirmy, and not. as a sham. 1... i‘riund the (Jomruuer o.‘ fluiuma had min-n the method that mnnnn-mh-d itself to him, and not an hm). gvnllmnnn hud impugned the vera- city 01' HH- infnrmutiun. As long as no gz'vzm-r charge could he bmughr against; In". Gusmnd UL-purtnn-nbthanletitlivcd up m 1110 law, ln- â€Lunght such a charge Wnum hm‘v no 111nru\\'uightin the country than it had in the Hunsu. Mr. 11 HS ussvrncul that the agents sent to tlu- American nmnufzwturcrs obtained their information under false pmtunccs. Mr.\\':1H:me (-xp‘minual that such was not the (two. 119 had instructed them in each new m an m tlu- manufacturers directs, and smw Hmir husim-ss, zmd ask for the pricvs.su us to (-nuMo 11mm to judge of the 'uiuc nf tho ilnpnrmtions. Mr.1’ri0r said 11x0 (Juntroller of Customs had done nothing wrong, but had admin- istered his dcpnrnnr-m» in the way he was expected to do by the country. His own experience as an impo‘tor enabled. him to slmv that Amoricnn manufacturers had om list of prim»: for the United States and anmlu-r for Uzmudu. Mr, Mr‘Mth-n charged the Controller of Customs with pmsmuting the Customs law in tho interest uf the manufacturers. Hr hm] stun-d Inst ymr that Ihe duty was impusod upun Ann-viva.“ manufactures Coming inm xhis mumx-y ucmrding to the wholusule prirws, hut tho duty was actual- ly based on tho rumil price. 13 E H RING SEA CONFERENCE. Mr.l):wi<-s :wkod win-.xlwr there was any truth in the rvpnrt mm; the Canadian Gm’vrmm-m 11ml hvun asked to send dele- gates L0 1110 pmposvd conference at Wimb- ingmn in ()vmhvr about the Behring Sea ï¬shing mulu‘r. Mr. ls‘usu-râ€"Wc have intimated our willingness, and I think tho negotiations have gum, so far (hut it is pretty well undorsmnd that mm'vn‘nce will be held. bu: a: 101hvvxnct dn‘m 1 cannot say. The conference is to takv in consideration some mwms of arriving: at the amounts that are in h:- [mid. It â€rim-s out of the failure of tlw I'nitud States Congress to carry out therwummondatiun mudu by the Presi- mn: fur the payment of the sum of $425,- THE BI‘DGE'I‘. Mr. Edwards cmpimticztl’ly denied that labourers wcw well off in (his counry, or in any man wwd country. On the con- trary. :lu-ru was no class injurvd by pro~ rotation as much as the labouring class. Two of tho grvutost enemies of labour \vcrv protection and the standing armies of Europe. It was ridiculous to assert that the farmers of the country were protected, except possibly in the, article of pork, and then the protection was more for the pack- ers than the farmers. Ho predicied evil days to come on amount of the policy of the Administration. The Liberal party was not npposod to the manufacturers, but opposed than clams of them that had to be assisted on the (-xpvnsc of the community in gvncml. UUU Mr. Wallace showed that it coast $1.50 to Culloctv awry dollar of revenue from the pulbic suriccs in 1377-8. Rpspmting the ï¬nancial standing nf the country, ho said that 11]] Liberal critics had to admit that the credit of tho muntry 11ml inorwxsod, and that Canada had made an excellent loam the other duann, they qualiï¬ed it by saying \lmt’ thu mlv nf interest ofall other mumrivs had gum duwn also. The (acts did not Show Hunt in hu the cusv. Com- paring January. 1579. with January, 1895. t‘hoy Would ï¬nd Hun Camul'um four per cunts. were worth Ilu-n from 89 to 91 pvr cunt, and were mm: now from 110} to 112 per cent. That was an increase of‘ 21 110mm; M-“ ._.. .. n . Mr. Wellzwe said it had been charged that the Conservatives had increased the expenditure unduly. He asked the House to contrast the inert-mm of expenditure at Ottawa under Conservative rule and the increases of expenditure in the provinms nndvr Liberal rule. The actual Federal increase in flveyezirs had been two per cem., where-is the provincial increases during that period had :iggreimted 3:3 per cent. While the Liberals were in power they increased the public debt by $8,000,- 000 pcrnnnum. The record of the last ï¬ve yours showed that under Conservativ rule the debt had increased by less that. $2,000,000 a year. Contrasting the Canai diam with the British system of raising- revenue, he said hon. gentlemen opposite ‘ wished to create a general impression that Where were no taxes in England. The taxes last year nmo;.nted to $285,000, 000 or $7.38 per head, which was $2 more then the taxes in Canada, and this, not- withstanding thnt many great public works had been constructed in Canada. But hon. gentlemen were hedging now, and wanted a tariff for revenue. What right haul they to say that it was impossi- ihle for them to get lxstter prices for wheat in Canada under the N 13.? He compared the exports of farm products in 1878 with the sumo exports lust yuir, and showed that in a. great many instances not only had the quantities largely incrumed, but the prices werhettet. In conclusion, he said that the Opposition grew more and more violent as they got nearer and nearer to defeat, and concluded amid applause by prophesying that the Conservative party Would return to he House aftert the next gem-ml election with an even larger majoriiy than it had now. SOUTH SHORE RAILWAY. DUMNION I’ARLIAMICN'I‘. MANFACTU REES PRICES. Sir Elighuyl Cartwright. caucd the amen: Mr. Huggert. mphing 10 Mr. B said that the Guvcrmncnt mmn‘d‘ contract relating 10H“: construct the milromlulong the south slum- o! Semis on Fulwuary 28111. 1595. wi South Show Railway Company. ELEC 'l‘O RAL DIVISIONS. Mr. Montnguc‘ in answer to Mr. Quark hm. said that the Queens primer is repairâ€" ing a. book of maps showing the bound- aries of the electoral divisions and. the in: mm will be issued before the and ot the session. Mr. Cockburn, said that the motto “Hope springs eternal in the human 1mm t ion. THE BUDGET. rt, mphsing In Mr. Furbes, Guvcrmncnt vntnrmf into a ting 10H“: ('nnslrlwtiun of long the south slum- of Nova â€an 28th. 1895. with the bro, 'm 1