a nobby set of p. Off that hand- D‘- yours when 00k on the by. leave your kept in a ï¬rst-class I hand and at. the low- ,did 'iew in the am! J. Turner Tent. -rboro. n31 was-ca» 3TB Of getting whip, the very rices to suit ’1' $10 and 3 ing real nobby ‘ going a little LEACB. EDS 'atterns its are '51:: S3: 5‘. rr Spring Looking iTï¬â€™O ramids of am _ . TAKE of the lSllI'e. N300. Leave of over av-tiOn,“ haeek underwent an ope:- 132‘s a cancerous growth re- anging has been discontinu- limit." ' “Y8, but we expect to 3 9111‘: pea] again shortly. obj.t -_ ~Upward of 100 cnoxce farms from acres up to 300 acres, for sale at. New and upon terms tqsuffiflxe times. 8:0- 3007;121:333 Mimic. 44 ~Mr. L. S. Clarry has been doing Nfancy lettering and frosting on the ht windows of the I. 0! 0. F. lodge "81°, which is only a sample of the “tie work that. he can turn out. It 903 the Oddfellows’ premises a! ““Vm‘y becoming manner. ' Nth A. Fee has placed a ï¬rstclass h the station route to bring the $93 public t9 his house. \Ve "an public to his house. \Ve :Wthe share of public patronage Lidbe is sure to secure may be well P5 with the accommodation re- flmd fee} sure that will be Lou’s â€"Mr. Robt. Ruddy has removed his law ofï¬ce to the new block, where he may be found cosily situated any? the post. oflice. ready for his old anï¬ new friends. ‘ 7 _ .-.-, m, baking pow:der 2 Sold by J. A. vAgca, for 15¢. per lb. in cans. 1-.- PHax-ry Dunsford’s new, wagon ‘bo is springing up like .3 APnI .zox --: and at the â€"W. Thexton is selling #19879?“ very cheap. He also has a 0' 9"“? horse for sale. M4 3 â€"-â€"uw um. annual Millbrook Mechanics _ Mr. “'31:“. Henry of Tittenhnm, vided by‘statute, will who has been visiting at hit uncle’s, tow,n ha]. on {Monday Mr. M. Henry, for the last fef‘r weeks, 3 OCIOFk for the pl" returned home last ‘Vednesda? accom- new tilted?†and pin panied by Miss Mat-git: Henrï¬ 0f the affairs of the U . . ‘ "II a the subscribers. All â€"Somc great bargains in ‘1 “Be areinteresned in the properties ‘33“ and see “5'5 "E sine. Institute should atten GEO. SOOTHERAS. " will be highly interest â€"We beg to thank counï¬eg Clerk aging. The retiring h Macnaughton for a. copy of the pro- met on Mondnyevemn ceedings of the January session Pf the “P their work. Counties’ Council. 7 sum-test notice. " 12-311). W4 slim-test noti VI ._ â€".. nulua (‘ Uur uh but: -L- ‘30“ “ms: 60- per bag. Dme at â€"Hm‘e ynu tried “ Dairy L: _____ «Iaâ€"~- ,i -..v “Fault“ \».- u...†ILLLIVU‘.‘ uus , V- _ :Lgues of Gavan Sogth and Millbrook week one an- Of ï¬res ‘ey 1mm 315? one took place in the Meghodist - - car of £708}! Whité" "M'- 19'2 Tuesday nighz~. The chair was occupied â€"Mr. “1 T. W'ood and )1ng Burton by Rev. Mr. Brown of C {wan South. attended the bachelors’ ball at Cobourg The RCVS- Rae and Y on the 18th ult. hnrn “Ln nJJ...u'.--J .v . uu v C! uUl', has been anooingcd rector of St. _ "k“ , ""7†church, Toronto Junction. 01 the mulbtook Reporte . ers will remember him as the 1 and logical reverend gentlemn. THURSDAY MAY .3. 1395' assisted our St. Thomas church men in holding a mission here ‘ WNW the spring of last year, and his TOWN TALK friends here will wish him much a: WWW _ . â€"A union meeting of the ED -‘V. Thexton has received tlnx r - -' _ -..,,....uu. uenung wilh the problem that V. ~~~~~ - - _ H- U“ ' 9'39“; b. D» confronts the American young man and his has been appomtcd rector of St. J ol M in’s father. The pictures by Clinedinsl. arc of , church, Toronto Junction. Our rend- “WSW-ICING the mulbtook Reporte I‘D CSS. _- - , . Will \Vinlcr, whose poems are seldom ‘ ers “ll†remember hnln as the earnest seen in the mazgnincs, has a weird poem, \Wm am? 02103! reverent gentleman who “Into the Durk,"n conversation between THURSDAY. MAY 2. 1895. â€3‘8““ 0‘" s“- Thomas church clergy l is dying. men in holding a mission here durin WNW 3 noon the spring of last year, and his many _ T“ m“ "Mk“ TO W N TALK frionrlq llnrn ...:n ....'.sl. 1 - . - lovers. one of when And Sch. †“At the. 1 ry our Cough 8\ mp hr El- liotts Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs 311d COIdS. Pl/RE DRUGS PATgf,‘ 7‘ 1/1 DICINES, TOIle'I lef/CLES. Elr. You can get {9 ‘ , t. f the 2m f M â€" BQ510€§§ ., â€#1339?“ 3 x o a) ' g 'r promises 'o B'é'fï¬â€˜E‘Bb‘s’b‘W'Efl' O H ,.._ ra. efforts are ' \"1 beinrr put forth and already they have 0 age a prggmm assured that will make the [a $.31.on ».f Shopthand, day in MiHbrook the .best in the dis. -â€"- ~ A“ , - trict. For the evening concert Jas. A-ATERBOROIV 1:. OSTARIO. Fax is again secured and everybody 28133 IN BOOK-KEEPING. SHORT- k - Writing and 1. we now: J im’S a. whole house in himself. :d'Téï¬ttiiii-‘ggli‘ï¬onzhs' coin-so this i‘ali Don’t forget the 24th in Miiibtook her. or terms “Tin: ‘ and invite your friends to come. A. BLANOHARD, 9.1L, DRUG CU’S STUHES. 'ry our Frostilene for the hands. TURNER Agency C. P. R. Telegraph Co. .‘Iï¬i‘s, Pipes, Etc. Repairs for Peter Hamil: and all kinds of Pb“, Points, on Eggs and butter til-ken in exchange. Best bmndé in szhgéd. Higgins" Eureka. Salt. Q? Best Dnirv Salt Our 250. J91)?" T01 for 200. Groceries. H. MCCARTNEY You can THE RIGHT PL ACE TO BUY TOILET SETS, TEA SETS, DIVNER SETS, LEJON SE T,S ICE CREAM SETS, BEI’PY SETS GLASS AND CIIIN:\ TABLE SETS Vs“, Principal. I _ fRev. bl l7 mg process has become monotonous. There are plenty anxious to jump unto you without, us, only the fun isn’t. Worth more than the exertion. yalucs upon whom it has been urged at half price. 0, no, Mr; Times, and we generally manage to navigate home without being carried even it be a milk and water business we are in; but say, we have heard it. whispered; , n - ‘ " ‘ olvmt ‘6 n...» R. DEYElL’S OLD STAND. the Capt. SWISS FOOD. 5 k0 Porridge or puddin with' (f O *airy Salt in the market. bu; Goods. Machinery 'ernet, B, D. Ina ms many The 5000 Best Books. | much Success, 7"]? yzllizygiman sends her subscript ome Journal special prh the Epworth seem {0 g0 thh it, besides gglling ho md .MiUhrook moneys worth 111 the maguzmc. bin , take the fullest. advantage of a perfect. ,st church on _ cational plan by which she can cduczm was occupled daughters or sons at, the heat colleges i zwan South. country free of charge, and now [he JO‘ lg of Peter- ll}?§lal‘rznnged 1t. so that she can hm' _,V__... -v nus-urn l0 "nun. ,~ leyiml Ki :lin P will shortly return to to “Mid India where h; will prepare. for The Cox- mopola'mn, twelve articles to appear in the came to American aml English editions of that, magn- ’ zinc. India. is one of the most interesting of as. been countries, and Mr. Kipling is able to write Sister’s, of it as no one else. His work will be look- zet, ever ed'for‘wnrd to with world-wide exnnmnï¬nn ESï¬IRtomh“ sweeteï¬ed by the use of HE undersigned desires to Inform the Citi- zens of Minbrook that he is reputed to do Scavenger work of all kinds. C osets clean- cd and night-son] removed on shalt notice and at tho lowust. rates. Reserve your orders for me and I guarantee satisfaction. WILLIAM BRUCE. Millbrook. c. WALTER GREEN, We make thirteen different kinds, and handle every known style of Iron Pumps. Onr Eureka for stock is unsurpassed. The above cut rcprt-sents the host \de. mill in the market. If you want, to see one at work can on John Fullis, Richard Fallis. George Campbell, Hoomn Erma, I3 (3011., Czu'an. Alex Hunter. Call on, or write -.__._, _.., m... ma) uumcs ; Ine Voice ; I Modem Lace-Making ; Venetian Iron Work; ‘The Home; Seasonable Cookery; Ex eri- ences of a. Tminin School; Life No. II. ; The Social Code 0. III. ; How to be Well ; Burnt Work Part III. ; Government, Clerk- ship; Kindergarden Papers No. IX. ; Pre- servation and Renovation No. II. ; The Dressmaker and Millmer; Answers to Cor- I respondents. The Dellnentor for May Contains Dance of the Nymphs; Equestrian: Cos~ tunes: Artistic House Furnishing; Com mencemcnt Costumes : Fashionable Skirt Decorations; Fashionable Millinery ; Stylish Lingerie ; Ladies’ F ashions; Misses’ and Girls’ Fashions : Boys’ Fashions; Illustrated Miscellany; Fashion Stitches and Embroi- ‘ deries ; Fashionable Dress Goods ; Novelties in Wash Fabrics; Fashionable Garnitures; Stylish Millinery ; Tntting Illustrated , Crochetin Illustrated ; The Art of Knitting Illustrate ; Around the Ten. Table; Crepe and Tissue Papers ; Oberlin (College Series) ; Mayer‘s and May Games ; The Voice ; Modem Lsce-Making_;_Ver_ietian Iron \Vork: ’l‘L- 1r PUBLIC NOTIE ,, ., ..... mum-wine expectation. Perhaps the most beautiful series of pie- tures ever presented of the Rocky mountains will he found in a collection of fourteen original painting. executed by Thomas Moran for th May Commpoï¬tan. of preservation. This number contains ï¬fty-two original drawings, by Thomas Moran, Oliver Herford, Dun Beard. H. M. Eaton, F. (l. Attwood, F. 0. Small, F. Lix, J. H. Dolph, and Rosina Emmett Sherwood, besides six reproductions 01 famous recent works of art, and forty other interesting illustrationsâ€"nine!y-eight in all. Though The Cusmopolifan sells for but fifteen cents probably no magazine in the world will pre- sent for May so great a number of illustra- ‘tions specially designed for its pages by famous illustrations specially designed for its illustrators. The ï¬ction in this number is by F. Hopkinsmi Smith, Gustav Kobbe, W. Clark Russell, Edgar W. Nye and T. C. Crnwlord. LIITIIDS. MILLBROOK. .vuwul‘ul v . - ---“ Ia lvtlsvl novels that there sociolt; ion] or philosophical discussion. the airman side of the tale moving rapidly and with great dramatic intensity to its clos- ing scenes. President Andrcws’s “ Quarter-Century in the United States†reaches in this instalment “ The Downfall of he Carpet-bag Regime â€â€"one of the most disgraceful episodes in the history of recon- struction. as well as the most dramatic. This account is absolutely non-partisan and will revive the memory of a most curious period in the development of our political iistory. The illustrations are from a great collection of unpublished material and are as interesting in their ï¬eld as the text. he most pressing question in the problem z icker of of_transportation to-day is " Will the Elec- . With trio Motor Supersede the Steam Locomo- †tn'e?†Joseph Wetzler answers this nes- crtineut z-hort paper lled acts that indicate the trend of affairs in the electric world. Mr. Wetz- ler’s position as one of the editors of “ The Elertrical Engineer †peculiarly ï¬ts him to History of the Last ,V._ -wv yvlulfllls or leading authors. No book will, perhaps, do so much to extend good reading ‘ as this guide, so carefully gotten up. so beautifully printed, and so enerously offer- ed free of any charge, by he publishers of The Ladiex’ Home Journal. “ " Books †is unquestionably the best and easiest guide to a wise selection of books that has been issued for a. long time. cam ,‘, ...‘uul|l.lcll uumucc or over 250 pages. culled ‘ 5000 Books,†which serves as an easy guide tnjhe best books in any department of reading. This guide is very well done. The best literary experts of New York, Boston and Philadelphia were enmed bv Hm JAM..-) V- -..., .uucau uuvamage of a perfect cdu cational plan by which she can educate her daughters or sons m, the heat. colleges in the country free of charge, and now the Journal has arranged it. so that she can buy her ksâ€"even a sumlc book at, n timeâ€"at prices heretofore obtained only by large bu \‘ers. There comes Lo us from this magn~ zine a. very :utistically-gotteu-up illustrated booklet Of 0V0? 250 mums nulln.) 1 mm" leyn nuuerr. Grant’s series on “The Art of Livirw " is continued with a paper on “ Oc- cupation.†dealing with the problem that confronts the American young man and his father. The pictures by Clinedinsl. are of} unusual vim-am...“ ,V. '~v\na ouu WOK covers are reproduced in.- black and white to illustrate the article. ‘he ï¬ction of the number includes an ex: citing western story, "The Martyrdom of John the Baptist,†by \Volcotb Le Clear Beard, author of “Bisnaga’a Madeline.†There is another girls’ collece story by Miss Goodloe, entitled “A Short Study in Evo- lution," with pictures by Gibson. The Meredith serial. “ The Amazing Marriage,†describes a hit of low life in the Whitechupel' region of London in a. manner that will sur- prise even Meredith’s admirers. Robert Grant’s series on “Tim A... A: ,, . . no mum-mu Engineer†peculiarly ï¬ts him to write on this subject. The craze for artistic posters, which has attracted so much attention in this country recently,’ originated, as every one knows, in France; and there is a graphic descrip- gion of it ori in by Arsene Alexandre, who is acquaintu with most. of the French artists. A mlmber of imuormm, Influx. "nuâ€" :u'd Kipling to Return to India. 1 1" .- ‘ and is a most renlistisc of life among the very ‘ farm laborers. This‘ through the May, J am: has this difference from novels, that. there me a] sociqlogical or philosonl Scribncr’s for May cont; feature in magazine ï¬ctionâ€" of the only serial story that, n \Vnnl Run a ....... ._:| A . ,V “navy-u Acycuh forty other interesting height in all. Though -lIs for but ï¬fteen cents re in the world will pre- 0 .. .0.» Scribner-'5 - .vvn- ‘ide eitpecmtion. The clergy have tested K. D- pounce It the best. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamberg, 01m, Independent says: " was suffering from Dyspepsia. and Liver Trouble, I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s Vitalizer and it éured me. I can heartily recommend it.†Sold bv A. LEACII. N. W. Tnmxrsox, W. Hum", W. H. McCAnrxnr. Mnnvcrs April 23111, 1895. To the Ofï¬cers and Members of Court Beth- any, No. 257. GEN'I‘LEMEN’.â€"AlluW me to tender my sincere [hunks for the very prompt manner in which you gave me the cheque for $I,U()0 being thcinsumncc due on the life of my late husband, not only am I thankful for that sum, but also for the sick and funeral expenses so cheerfully paid in the hour of my distress, and for the kind words and wishes expressed in your letter of condolence tome. Whilcit does not compensate for the loss. it does greatly strengthen the afflicted to know that many hearts are cvcr ready to share their sorrow. Your Order cannot-be spoken of too highly and may it long continue to dispense its blessings to the widows and orphans as it has now done Ymï¬ï¬eszecétun. cou rt. I. and Pm. I am agent for the above Patent. Rail Fenc‘ for Cnvan. North my! South Monnghan. um am pm ared bowl] nghts to f _ armors. or buik fences or them upon them farms. This in tin best fence that was ever Iratcn Lad, won't; mg won‘t loan going down In 13. Takes only om pound of wire to the rod. Satisfaction guar nntccd. 'l‘HOS. HARKNESS. Cm‘uuvillc P.0 Wartmaws Patent Fence i v ~. . . ‘IUIH (1:1 It. Ruddy. Millhmnk, s tors, on up before the Is which date the Mount: tribute Lhc mam or UK ceased among the pal-H in}: regard only to 5m: then have hm] noticv. Dated at Millbrool: th R. RUDDY. Solicitor (or; E: N I’URSUANCE O!“ and amending: Acts 2 that. all purics having 1:! of John Kinsman. In: Gavan in the County ol' died on or, ‘mul Hm required to lih: - .. R. ltuddv. Minnmni. K- D- O. Pills tone and mandate theli V81“ R... IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE J OHN KIN SEAN,- NOTICE t0 GREENE; CO 11â€"1 . "nut 1mm. nlh'l Hzc lflxccuhnrs “m ma‘mcud to dis nuscmmlhc :1!» of Ihc suill an m; the pm-H cnlillul :ht-mm. 'rav- only In such chums as Lhm’ u n,“ A H.†Vuunm; , unsl Hm 195nm- lnsmnn. 1:110 01‘ the 'l‘o\\'n.~:hlp of :(Jounly ol’Jhn‘hmn. Yeoman. who mm the “HI day 01’ April. l'o ' ih: ï¬nch claims a: lhc luv: 01!- lillhrnnk. Sniicilnr for H: E :forc the 1st. (luv of June} he Ex nnlm- ~n . V x0e!!- . nfh'l‘ W. STRAIN, He cangix'c you satisfaction. He is turning theâ€) out. faster and cheaper than ever. He um give you a pair of Short-straw Collars for $1.50. Harness ()ii :11 15c. pur pint. Coach Oil :u. Liv. per pint. Whips of all kinds and at all prices. (ml and see his stock of Club Vniiscs. Ilc cunuivc you n bargain on them. Lnrgc‘ Travelling \‘zlliscs in great varicu‘ AND RIBBED, FROM 10c. UP, FAST BLACK. N , 4., uouuc'lllv. If You Wan t CURTAIN POLES, Cmnpictc 25c. SEE OUR CARPETS, \VA" LL PA PER AN 1) G ENER A L HOUSE FURN IS H 1N G S. The La!e:t Novels and the Newest Fashion Books 8! nu E BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN TAPESTRY COVERINGS FOR CHAIRS AND LAMPS. MEN’S FELT AN 1') STRA w I HATS. Wi-ite or Call at S AILSBURY’S cm. is Iiu- it"1\\'C ed, worth $1.73, sz-Jv 'n'i“ [0 Hats, Stylish and new, trimmed, worth r'v' "4 I!» Hate trimmed in the laws! NHL->1, worth 3’: 15 Huts trimmed in- the latest â€Web. War! in $5 I' 25 Trimmed Hats. and Runnels, 12mm >V\'ir:* if l w Black Lace Huts, trimmed, worth " i m n'i, suit: Hosiery, Glove and Lace D< 1,0001mir 'Lndics’ Block C oshmerc Hosp, \-.-.,_ “e challenge the [ratio to sham ' 1,000 pair Pure Silk Gloves, worth 10c.. 4, . 500 yards Laces. worth 1.1- -- ~ ‘ tilt Moat, always on hand, :LIS'! season. If you want u choice call and I guarantee suiisfnc- . V , 1mg brush and (loan. ()a'- deliycrcd to any part of town. Inr E\cr umm_ VAFAIMLI'S ‘I‘ q GEO. '1‘110[L\’}I'..\tcutoru ,, IAIA“ I! HIU ever )atcntud, won't sug. m: hi Is. Takes only one 0 rod. Satisfaction guar- [hie 23nd (1‘ uuu'n) g'l' umdnvl the 11.x" hjc 01‘ Hm "lmxmzhin .wc Patent. Rail Fence South Monnghan. and Is to farmers. or build cir {tn-m' hie j: the w “an... . HG] mun; in up DI‘OWII this year in lhciim- ‘ng Suits and Overcnais. 'i‘hc Niccsli, b 0.11ththpr pieces for Suitings that be fcund on the imrkct. finish hc guarantees all If you give him a trial or you :ch sure of suiisfm; Fur style, his Work. (ii-r {huh lay of April 1805. g (FHA P. 110‘ uu, :n’cn rpoim Manufacturing Lily I'm-n gnizcd as the \\'u km-p u. full line their goods for Port L1 want it nice muyMHm Every Saturday gs Bargain Dwast THAT ém NOTiON CALL on _ Hall,G1§chnst 81/9 McFEE. Thls Week. lmoungclbj, LIK‘! 1- ..f 11-11 11.1n â€1"" “I My hauc11u11m 11.]. 11:13 the best. “ 21m and u Igcs prim Now is the time to bring in your Mowers and Harvesting Machinery and have the same put in good repair, lmfoxe needed for use. Castings and repairs for all makes of plows, and an assortment of repairs {or far- mers implements always kept. in stock. (â€ICE and of the best nmkcs, sold on easyterms. cinl attention paid tn the repairing. Organs and Sewing Machines. Satisfaction gnarnnlcegl. Sewing; Machines and Organs lll‘ T hose lcq: :ixingr I'amn kind “1“ ï¬nd 1L m the mu lino chmc You are 1' than). 1 u “1‘ Centeville. IAN†‘ Fm \‘primr, 18951.1!)qu 5c. and upwards. 1 of them. Opposite Examiner Oflico, George Street. .' Peberborouxh ('r}' ,tle Block. - R. Armstrong, REPAIRING DONE ()l' ALWAYS READY! Farmers Attention! MESS ï¬ikins That Beiebrated Harrow. 1 can prove to you that, I am doing better work and M prices 35 per cent. below any other shop in the district. 151'“ I will not, be Inulcrsold in nay. branch of the lJIISIIIC§§ and my workmanship m gunmnn- teed. Gu’c me 11 call. I Cam Dl‘Oy'c [A and M pnccs them out faster .md chc: can give you :1 pair of Sin 8! Harness oil at Lie. 3 ' c. per pjnt. Whips of D0 you want a yr “o invited to come and I. A pleasure to show whether you buy or not. MILL] NEHY. BOOTS AN!) SHOE (: HIKIEH I HS. Fl 1 LADIES! A SPLENDU) RANGE OF LADIES AND CJVIILDRENA’S BLACK HOSE IN PLAIN ;, sold on easyterms. Spc n.\:.1 L- .I. , Faun: Inmlcmcms nf any to their advantage In sec bcfmc purchasing. T’ARASULS, Eer n. V LACI‘ CURTAINS, A LADIES’ \ E STS. )cc IN REPAIRING OUR CLO'J‘UINL 5 ’ 13.111993 1n pnco from ARRIVALS op ’S STRA \V HATS ALL AN UP AT GIVE WWII CHNIDREN fl but of Harness 50 call on Beautiesâ€"an repairing of {NS and look at. thmn :Lrn. Value. NS, All Pricns‘ '3, 5 cents. this Spring: It rd 0. We. the undersigned Auditors of the To examined the foregoing accounts and the ma: balance in the Treasurer’s hands on the 313‘u lnrs and ï¬fty-ï¬ve cents. ($14.55). Also have them satisfactory. 1894 18914 159-1 1N8 and 3 [894. 'Cavan. March 7th, 1835. Au: pull†on ? ALWAYS (#001;nyixnjun's Men's Furnishcrs. The W'onderful Chm V, H“. ‘1.va mu .1141, A In“. Lam-st in shape :1 Qualities are gmndily genomus -sc.~u-colv :1 s-u'! Ilm cause we have the biggest H H, Smro within lllllvx 0; Selling Hats alongside of Clothing and Boots my} and makes prices less. That’s Llue plain fact “4’ 1lw rm? AT.\VA\7u nan“ .... «mw Yuu were never made for the N If you like to be abreast with Lln- Linn-s, 2 of our Leaders for 1895. Imugm frum the ion. ()ur Hats are ALL NEW. Lat-vs“ Qualities are gmndily genomus -sc:u‘C(']\' ¢ cause we have the biggest H'LL Smm :lL Vuu “'1.er {tut/11 U113)" IKE/’01:"; 77' 0/" CC! V. ' MÂ¥ Abstract Statement of Receipts and Dishes rsements fa! Doh’t hunt for anything “'1'qu price has nothing to do with Ll“: W7†good :1. mm from GUL'GH’S as $35 a little peculiar. \Ve don't have In any tmdibiunal notions of big pmï¬: we buy direct. from the nmkvrs. Tl Give [11:110ch “ Bad n. u: :us “11) w um: mm}: The Best Hat Tracwie 5:253 {3}“ .3 Orders issued, n 02, paid (say) ............. Debenturc No. S and coupon. R. Soc. Nu J: Cavan‘s share of debenture No. 5, of tin- CC Millbrook, Union S. S. No. II ....... .‘ Collectors salary. postage, ctc ............ Debentures No. 9 and 10, due 18907. 8. SA Coun‘ v late for 1894 General school mle. Orders issued, not, pa Debenture No. S and Cavan 5 share of delw Balance m Troncnrcr‘x hands “ of taxes for 1894. . .. Township share in 1mm haii Township share in Agricuhul Dy ( '18]: Schools Legislative School «rant. 111mm lxmowcd, 1994.. ()u :t «:0th of taxes, X894 u of :nxes for ISM License fund . . . . . ..... Nance frnm has! muii' STA NDA [ u: \fupCE, vorlh $1.25, sale [Wit-0 la Lupcs, wurth W 0" ' l5 Capes, worth #4. 1' 4 J ucket Samples, \vurth $2 5 Jnckcb Samples, worn. s . l5 Capes, l5 Capos, l5 Capes, Mantle Depart ment‘ THIS .wzga’l Dress Goods Deparm 1,000 yards French AH “Wm! Sc 500 yards A]! Woo) Cashlm'rvs. > yards Figured Satin “N'Ns “limb“, 400511le “1an Slim]: Silk. WMâ€: 73'- ! yards (,‘ulm'ed Sarah lek. \m: i h .31 100 in-I‘tls “lack Poi dc Sui Silky w- '(v w A 14>, A UDITOIL’S’ 131': 1’011’7', 7"1’ E Roads and Bridges ..... Salaries, Ailmumco, (-lc Priming, Posing}, (“L2 Indigenls ............. Board of “milk... .V Miscellaneous ........ . Balance on hand ...... town hall pmpm [\ in Agricul! um! prv-pcrl ml] 0! our Capos don't ll!" i, worth $2 5!), sale pricv. ‘, worth $3.3), que prim Butler (inml . .1! Tom! Ravi; DISEURSEMENTS. LIABILITEES. Total Dish: RECEIPTS. Hat, you know mg m them. '1 : quality. '12? in $3 can command 'uwnship of 'oud Liabilit ies‘ n â€amp 0: Law-J), do be?! :1 when deerehm and ï¬nd 1h day of Drcomher, 1894, lnai examined me Treasurpr‘s V v , 7 ‘ uU amUKC cy brand gotu-n up by :2. Ioca , made by the BLED OIL nu "$1.75, sale pri mmml, worth I, stylux, Worth 5 ‘ L Styles, wm‘! h $2. Ls. lain-st sly] , worth .323 ‘1 8- 5. N04 " N’"’~’“-". 4†inches wide, worua . .pc‘ . 51l‘I’H wide, WOTUI 50g..salc --‘£ “001's, world: 651;. rude l'l'lcc . . . \wrlh 7512, Hale price ,,,,,,,,,,, ‘" \meh 5W2. Nth: pticc .......... I nu live "if ““5 ‘1 Thediï¬l-r cat’s why w“ T' ‘1 1 .I‘ U I (I t S .23 l 10 best fac-Lm :- cm yoxazion cf the EExvx's BARGAIN rtment. [HI .5ch Si {ltuummcd 'svmc in c The T Mvn. Jhï¬ mm Nug- U‘t' the ma: no smeil I" (:sling Ham; Stylus " 1 mm v Wort}. $7, sale price Department. “go! K'Mll'iC-s of 30 and m] that, _\‘u:;’ as 0f PM? , mil: priec. 4 . , s;1§<:pricc.... sale price . . . \rhulcsalc prim T V3.5 mm with $2 can a Iain-“intro. Our :Llum‘. \Vc're nu 'uuu- which nuke: go: and: :1 grip on Wax-J6 under tbi‘ :1 st, bx; ming Oii nn [-0 cm, wnrlh $1 1N W031. Cub Prices. over hm. The . sale "rice , sale price £39 Year 1394. refs for t L no smoke ‘I’ by :L 10c; they are Idling like hot cakes U PETEBBSBQM ‘ IN THE WORLD :5, auto price W cuts d 102‘, ,2; :1? was mm I. hand bloc} n" I'Ingland ninur; soft; 1'†[ind m :‘l‘iu â€(High 5 5'1“. villa mg t1 cm price good at 35¢. 3-31) mg oke and no explosiuzs. Joe-:11 dealer to born cmru t. ‘ l’uurueu I 1“ m mic (Home, 'c of “3.7a, 8:110 price WU†['Ticc ies and Huck and bu) law prices in) it in the WOrYd thew. { Conuuum] " Post-lion “'1 “band “-0 r m «\k 35, 81!!! price ‘ the [inst Mm yams. we 1.5m: season. 'Yuu can at- ‘UI’ULARL‘ANH STORE. ‘94“ and set: us. €35 88;" 3‘" 8 1:0 ‘60 34!) 78' LEST. 1 \' one as (I.- . 40 SI 00 3K I" 0 (M m L') 90 ’s 50 50 50