Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 18 Apr 1895, p. 3

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Mei- “'15 413 Mid ly kept. will he suit the MKS. king u: these 1895. 300. >r1ng mo. 3! mold LRRH £0063. .ve ‘ 11E}: " {reparedtotake A 3183 of auct ' f all kinds at. shortest noti lowest terms, satis- faction guaranteed. He 18 now in a. better position than ever to supply you with a piano or organ. I â€"Mr. J. L. Patterson left yesterday for the Toronto horse show with Ram- part I]. and we hope he may come back with honors. Ira Nattrass put his span of poniw- in the car to see what he can do wi ‘Mhem 1n the city. â€"Mrs. J. C. Kells and Mrs. H. Mc- Cartney returned last Thursday from Elizabeth, New Jersey, where they spent six weeks with Mrs. S. L. Moore, Mrs. Kells’ mother. â€"Upward of 100 cno'xqé farms/from 50 acres up to 300 acres/Kr sale at prices and upon terms to suit the times. GEO. Soo'mmux. Millbrook. 44 â€"-Don’t fail to see Wm. Rcmm’s new stock of Footwear/f6? spring. The goods are up toilette and at prices to suit. the times. 13- _â€"W. C. McIntosh of Montreal, made a special visit. to town on Good Friday to call on his old friend Mr. Samuel Emkins. â€"$lO0,000.00 of private funds to loan at 5 per cent. ‘Ggo/SOOTHERAX, Millbréok. V 44 â€"Tne Rev. Mr. Pilkey, Baptist minister at Bailieboro, who resigned there some time ago, has accepted a charge at Brighton. â€"We have a card from a friend in Omemee, stating that the entertain- ment given by the Misses \Veblings is firstclass and that he intends coming foo Millbrook to hear them again. T1115 18 the enthusiastic opinion of everyone :th has heard them. Town hall, on â€"Mr. A. F. Johnston, wife and fagilepafased _Gpod Friday in town â€" Mias Maggie Leach, Bertie Thcx- ton and Flossie Thexton are spending their Easter holidays in Lindsay. 3.1). O. 'smark mpt and lasting amassed ed’ 1’" family passed Good 1‘: «Kym. Jas. Johnston. â€"Mr. ’1‘. B. Collins took a trip to Toronto and other western points this week. ' â€"Chopping of all kinds done at the Octagon mills, 60. pet/bug. Done at shortest notice. ' 12-3m. â€"Rev. Mr. Johnston being some what indisposed did not. hold the usual evening service on Sunday last. â€"Mr. R. G. Baird of the W'estcrn Bank, Port Perry, spent. Easter Sunday and Monday with ye Editor. â€"Some great bargains in village properties call and see list. of same. G20. Soornzms. 44 "â€"Miss E. Hooey of Toi-oum, has been visiting friends in this village during the holiday -â€"Have you tried “Dairy Creamf oaking powder. 7’ Soy/Ky J. A. V AME, for 15¢. per lb. incans. ‘ 12- â€".\liss Vance returned last week after a ten weeks visit with her brother in Shelbourne. â€"Farmer’s/Lacgand Buckle Plow Boots onlygsw. and $1.00 at W. Ancnsk's. ‘ 13- â€"-Chas. Scott of Kinmout is visiting with Mr. “’m. Scott, of Lancashire Scott: â€"Mrs. Luke Berry of \Varkworth, is \isiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. '-Arm strong. 'fiday evening. â€"Mrs. Lefroy of Port. Hope, is visit. ing at her father’s Mr. A. \Vood’s. â€"Thos. Lang of Midland :3 Visiting with his brother, Mr. Wm. Lang. -â€"Mr. J. C. Kells and daugE-ter, Anna. spent last. Thursday in Toronto. â€"T}xc Misses ‘Vood and O’Brien are home for Easter holidays. â€"â€"Don’t fail to enjoy the treat, they are the best entertainers on the road. â€"Mrs. Whyte spent Easter with friends in Co}bourne. â€"M r. J. Pritchard of Toronto, spent. Easter with his aunt, Miss “fright. -â€"The \Veblings â€"In the town hall, Friday night. -â€"Under the auspices of St. Thomas’ church. And School of Shorthand, PET ERRQROUGH. ONTARIO. OKTI:SES I.\' BOOK-KEEPING. SHORT: hand. Arithmetic. “’riring. and T ’ 0. writing. Tr; ll three months' course this i‘fdl or “'imcr. ‘or terms write @etegbom (the millbrook Reporter. Try our Cough Syrup or E]- liott's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs and Colds. PURE ,0]: “USS ” :ITF Vf‘l/L‘D/CIAYES, kit/.1.” ! «(i/C153 £16 You can get Try our Frostilene for the hands. DRUG Ufl’S STORES THURSDAY. APRIL 18. 1895. ChOiCc (”garfis'j‘f’xpes, Etc, TURN ER? ,1 TO‘VN TALK Agency C. P. R. Telegraph Co. A. BLANOHARD, .94.; 3u§irpe§§ @ollege 'Prinéipal. service of praise, in which the brgan solos by Mrs. \V. C. Allen were most highly appreciated as well as the ren dition by the choir with faultless reality and beauty, extracts from Mozart's Twelfth Mass. The anthems both morning and evening were also new and suitable. ‘ â€"The services in St. Thomas’ church on Sunday last were of a character suitable to Easter day and calculated both from their impresiveness and the peculiarly attractive decorations of the church to be remembered with satisfaction by every one who attend- ed. In the morning the Ven Arch- deacon Allen preached a most excellent sermon, which was listened to with the deepest interest. In the evengg the. Rev. “7. C. Allen also gave an appropriate and thoughful discourse, Mr. Fenning assisting in both services. The most enjoyable part of the service in the evening however, to at least the musically inclined, was. the special â€"-The glad home coming for the Easter holidays and the glad f tees to 'welcome them wasagain fullyentered in- to by the absent ones this season. Miss Wood and Miss O’Brian are home from college at Toronto, Miss Eyres and N agent from Whitby Ladies’ College, Miss Kate Carveth and Charles Heth: erington from Peterborough Collegiate, Mr. Geo. Dean, teacher, from Ad!» court, “falter Wood from Bank of Toronto, St. Catharines, Mr. Fenning from Trinity, Toronto, Miss Laura Vance, teacher, Elden. -â€"â€"Miss Mamie Cochrune and Miss Lottie have both been suffering from very severe illness for some days and although Lottie, whose trouble was Quinsy, is very much recovered, we are sorry to report very little improve- ment in Mnmie’s condition, the desense being Inflamatory Rheumatism. Miss Mamie has been attending Port Hope High school and studying very hard so that her' constitution was not so proof against the encroachments of that insidious and lingering desease, but we hope she will soon be able to resume her study. â€"â€"‘\Ir. Harry Bray at the East end of village has been very ill for some days with an attack of pleurisy, and although his condition is somewhat more favorable than last week, there is yet only a very slender thread upon which to hang the hope of his recovery. “'0 join with many of our readers in offering sincerest sympathy to the family and express also the anxious desire of all that a complete recovery may be assured. â€"-The concert gix en by the Cosgrme Company under the patronage of the Citizen’ < band on Wednesday last was very poorly attended, but those who turned out were well pleased with the evenings entertainment, Mr. Pay in hm humorous and character songs being very amusing and entertaining. It IS unfortunate cthat our people did not make greater efi'ort to countenance the entertainment. â€"The local house concluded the active business of the session on Thurs- day last, although the formal ceremony of closing was not reached until Tues- day. Mr. \V. A. Fallis, our active rep. came home for Easter but went back for the final scene again this week. \Ve are indeed pleased to see \V. A. taking such an interest in the doings of the house and beg to congratulate him upon his ready and rapid adapta~ tion to the ways of the popular mem- ber. â€"A special song serxicc was given in the Methmlist church Sundav even- ing consisting of a number of shortad dresses by the pastor, which were illustrated by solos and anthems. The pulpit. was beautifully decorated with Easter lilies and everything was in harmony with the occasion. A large number were present. Collections of the day in aid of the choir. â€"-\Ve beg to congratulate Mr. B. Van Homrigh upon his complete re- covery from his late illness, as his absence under cover for :1 fortnight was not only noticeable but regretted by manyit town. \Ve kept all the rare and choice stamps laid aside ready for your call Van, showing that though absent you were not forgotten. â€"Mr. D. Chambers went up to Toronto, last week to meet his son, Tom, who has been at the Grand with the Francis \V ilson Co. of New York. This is, if‘not the best, at least one of- the best companies on the continent and that Tom hm; a. position with than speaks well for his singing abilities. ‘ )1r.Chzunbers returned on \Ionday. l â€"The Dominion House of Commons opens today and the season being now late it will not be devoted to much new legislation, the Manitoba. School question, the Newfoundland question, and the passing of the accounts, being perhaps the chief business, then a, clearing of the decks for the general election. - I. D _0. brings prompt relief to sufferers our senior city father? will put up a good job. No need to keep an eye on 1him friend McKnight for he’ll do faithful work. â€"The members of Millbrook Lodge No. 305, I.0.0.F. expect to commem crate the seventy-sixth anniversary of the order, and the first anniversary of their own lodge by amending Divine service at the Methodist church on Sunday evening, April 28th, when the Rev. Bro. Rue of Peterborough, will preach the thanksgiving sermon. â€"C0uncillor Clark and John jr. are in the country these days building a. house for J no M‘clxjnight, and we know Blame)" farm, last week, 127 ereeks old: â€"â€"Mr. Harry Dunsford. who for which Weighed 353 lbs. This is a fair Overayear has been Minted With sample of the stoek that is raised by the bntcher business Of H Nattraes these gentlemen. has wdhdmwnifrom the firm. It Is ., Harrys Intention we understand to â€"Mr. Ira Nattmss returned from build and carry on a carriage shop in P0” Perry 133‘ \Yeek “21th 1" very tbwn, a. trade in which he is acknow- pf'etty span'of {mules .wh}°h he 1W] lodged to be second to none both as pxcked up m Ins .wa. MrlngSr They to workmanship and beauty of get. up. make a nobby hulk“ .eam and no we wish him every success. doubt Ira. will make some one’s heart glad by becoming the happy purchaser. :Afin 91d Gun Recovered. '9‘“ â€"Mr. T. Grundy purchased a. Dur- ham chlf from Patteson Bros. of Castle Blarney farm, last week, 12 weeks old, which weighed 353 lbs. This is a fair sample of the stook that is raised by these gentlemen. -â€"Mr. Kingscote of Peterborough, \wus here again last week placing up awning for Mr. John Steele and Mr. Green. Mr. K. is doing an immense business this season, and no wonder. for his prices and goods are right. â€"v. w v. vuy Juvp Edward Kai-1 of South Monughah on Saturday last, the deceased- having béen an intimate friend of their father; the late Rev. Mr. Clmke. ::::| Baking Is admitted to‘be the best in the market. a For sale only by Ocean Wave , KINSMAN.-In the Townshi of Cnvan. on Thursday. April 11. 1895, Jo n Kinsman, an. aged 79 years. KERR.â€"In South Mona ban, on Thursday. April 11, 1895, Edward err, aged 72 years. HUSTER-â€"In the Townshi of Hope. on Thurs- day. April 11, 1895. John 1 untor, aged 93 years. \V’Enst.â€"In Millbrook. on Tuesday. April 16th,1895. Abraham Webster, aged 75 years. Easter eggs axe supposed to be laid by no common ens, butby Easter hens. The goddess, 0stam, was especially favorable to hens, which are usually to be seen with many yeggs in her pictures Easter eggs should be rec‘, because red was the favorite color of the thunder god and the first thunder- storm of spring was sacred to Ostara. POWdcr cfié 03mm is represented in mythological art as a. dazzling maiden. simply but. beautifully clad. She is surrounded by winged babies, birds, flowers, rabbits and other things emblemuicul of Easter and spring-time. The sun it- is reported, used to take three jumps for joy at. the appearance of 03mm, on Easter Dov. ' New clothes, however, are not appropriate for women alone at. Easter time. Man also at this season begins to notice that his win- ter garments are shabby, and, if he can afford it, replaces then} in how; _of Oetam. The German rustics feasting at Easter» time according to a German mythologist, represents the ancient sacrifice to the god- dess. T but sacrifice is offered by the urban Canadian in the form of fine raiment and a bonnet, which his wife wears. When he has ‘0 pay the bill for these things, he may console himself by rememberin that he is helping to perpetuate an o 'ervance of primevuliautiqujty. Apart from the religious service, however, those Observances with which the heathen Teutons honored Ostara still linger in their primitive form in many parts of Germany and possibly of England. In Canada. and other centres of Anglo-Saxon civililation they have assumed a more complex char-i acter. \ This Heathen goddess has given her name to one of the greatest events of the year. The name is a form of the modern German “Ostern” and of the English “Easter.” The church found it wise to adapt to Christian purposes many institutions and customs of a pagan nature which had be- come establishcd in the affections of the people. So the Observances which in heathen tin'ies honored the advent of Ostnra, the goddess of spring, survive to a certain extent. in the Christian celebration of the resurrection. Ostam, the goddess of Easter and of spring, is one of our most attractive pet- sonages in German mythology, which is also the mythology of what, we are in the habit, of calling th_e Anglpfiaxon race. â€"An unusual kind of church. The Presbyterians of \Vindsor are just now considering the rebuilding of their church. It is likely a much larger church than the old one will be erected and the frontier city expects to be able to boast of having the finest church in \Vestern Ontario. The idea is to have a gymnasium, billiard and pool room, drill hall and several other things which are not usually found in connection with a Presbyterian church. lThe idea is Rev. Mr. Tolmie‘s. He does not believe in giving all the good things to the devil. He thinks a man can be a Christain, even if he does dance and play billiards occasionally, and that if the church took these matters up, and made them subser- vient to religion, they could be made a blessing instead of a curse. H. MCCARTNEY â€"The last enemy seems to have taken a special delight. lately in draw- ing his sword upon the old men, and calling them from this sphere of exist- ance. Last week we were called upon to announce the death of Mr. J no. Hunter of Hope, aged ninety-three years, Mr. J no. Kinsman of Cavanfl aged seventy-nine years and Mr. Ed- ward Kerr cf South Monaghan, aged ‘seventy-two. This week we sorrow to be called upon again to record the death of Mr. Abraham Webster, who died on Tuesday, aged seventy-five. Mr. Webster although somewhat feeble was going around as usual until Sat- usday last, when he was taken ill and in three days all was over. He was one of the old residents of the district and an upright and kind man. To- day the remains Will be laid to rest in Gardiner’s burying ground. GUARANTEED some people are very dilatory about calling for repairs is amply illustrated by the following zâ€"Nearly thirty-five years, Mr. Wm. Newby, now of Queen street. kept a repair shop on the Mar- ket Square. While there a young man brought a. gun barrel to have some trifling repair made. It. is safe 1to say the repair was made in a few‘ days, but days rolled into weeks and weeks into months and months into years, and nobody called for the work. A couple of of weeks ago, some thirty- tive years after the article was left, an old man walked in his repair shop and asked for his property.â€"Guelph Jim'- wry. â€"Sam. Cracker, wine clerk and omnibus conductor for the Dominion hotel, sqys that if the City Engineer don’t attend to the pitch-holes in the new street there will like' iv be 1m uciton for damages. He aays that Charley Richardson can testify to the great danger that exists. ' L ,. _Chufoymofirdwn, son of Mrf'Jumcs Richardson, made». flying visit to see his parents on Thursday lost. Mrs. Stanthorpc of Newtonvillc, and Mrs. J. A. Riclmrdsod of Toronto, who have also been visiting at. Mr. James Richardson‘s, returned to their respective homes inst Week. BEST. R. DEYELL’S OLD STAND. THE ORIGIN OF EASTER. TO BE THE THE TOJIB. 200. 100 15c. Resolved that we the members of L. 0 L. No. 64, take this opportunity of expressing our views on the now notorious Manitoba School Case. 1. Whereas the Legislature of Manitoba. passed the school law of 1890 which has been upheld by the highest court of appeal in the realm, we censure the Government. at Ottawa for attempting to overide 'this law at the behest of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. We call upon our representative in the House of Commons, upon every Ornngeman there, upon every Protestant worthy of that name there, upon Roman Catholic [nemhers who hmve the At. the regular meeting of L. 0. L, o 64, on Thursday evening the 4th inst; 15115: following resolution was passed by an unanimous standmg vote, and ordered to be seat to the_ press :â€" Quite an improvement to N. J. since be blocked out his side-jams. When will the bachelors club meet again andnhow many applicatior‘as have they got. Arc you all tired out, do you have that, tired feeling or sick heudnqbc? You can be religyed (Si all those by taking Hood’s Sausa- best interests of Canada at heart, to do everyzhing in their power to prevent. this iniquitous interterence m purly Provincial nfi'alrs by the F _edeml Qovegnment. 2. we extend to our brethren in Manitoba. our sympathy in their struggle against the sworn enemy of democratic institutions. We ask them to stand firmly to their noble principles and not to recede one iota. from the grand stand they have taken. We assure them that the rank and file of our beloved order in Ontario are true to its noble principles although a. few miscalled We would iikc to sée pmyér meeting started qg_u.ip_ ant} ahszood attendapcg. _ We were well pleased with sermon on Sunday. Our pastor is the right man in the rigbtylace. _ ‘v. .I 0'" H 7[Pleasc wriie 61; cm) side of papc} only.â€" Ed.) Mr. Marshman has moved into the resi- dence lately occupied by Mr. Dean. The wood bees are about all over now. Miss McMahon of Port Hope, is visiting IA Mr. M. Hemy’s. Misses Lizzie and Alberto. Brock, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. E, Jones, have rctumed_hom§. Mr: Hunter, an old resident; of these parts bagpassed gtvax'at the age of 95 years. We wi§h the choir success with their new master. Mr. and Mrs. Black and. Mr. John Dean huv cleft. these {nuts to seek their fortune in other lands. 0 wish them success. It takes people a. long time getting ting-d sleigh riding. I saw a. man drawing a load of straw the 12th of April, but hope to have seed time as early as ever, as the rain , and the sun have thegpow all gopp. Captain Sweedv U. S. A" Sim Diego 08.1., says: “Shiloh’s Camrrh Remedy is the first. medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. men A'patron meeting was held in the Tem- perance hall; on Friday night a goodly nu_n}be5_ being prgscnt. Mr. F ostef" dud son went. to Millbmok last Sunday, to attend the funeral of the formers uncle, Mr. A. Dean. A very pleasant evening was spent at, the home of Mr. John Cairnes, where all kinds of amusements were indulged in and the Light. fantnsnic toe was tripped till daylight, all having enjoyed themselves dispersed to their different, homes. Thanks to tho hospi- tality of Mr. and M rs. Caii'n‘es. LI 1' F0 It I). A very sad and painful accident happened to Mr. E. Weatherilt Last week. \\ hilo fellin trees in the woods one of the trees lodgec and Ed. got up on the tree, axe in hand. to cut some at the branches when the tree fell sending him up in mid-air and land- ing him down on n shaxp knot that he had cut with the axe. sustaining severe injuries that will confine him to his loom for some time, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. C. H. Brereton he is pnogressing fuvomblv. Free sample mailed to any address. K. 1).. C. Co.. Ltd., New Glasgow, N. S. and 12;; State Sh. Boston Mass. ‘9: Auburndnle, Mum, writes: “I recom- mend K. D. C. ver strongly: in my case it! has proved sincu arly efficient; when I could find nothing else to give relief it was aprompt re'neay. I should be unwilling‘ to be without it.” :i M 1'. D. Deyexl and sis-tor were in Toronto 'lasc week Mr. Thoa. tang of Midland spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. Jghn Lang. Easter holidu. 'a under the parental roof. Mr. Edwar Kerr, aged 72 years, passed away to his eternal rest last Thursday. Cause of death paralysis, which brought, on his end in a few days. The deceased was a. highly respected citizen, a consistant mem- ber and strong supporter of the Methodist church and was often called upon to fill the position of chairman at public meetings. which he filled admirably having consider- able wit. and good humor. Our ‘I’resb-vtcrinn pastor, Rev. James Cut- tnnach, “cut to Toronm on Thursday lust and. rat-{1mg}! on‘ Tuqsdgy. Miss Emma Earl of Cobourg is spending Ea_s_tex lxglidusslmdcr thg quentnl roof. Mr. Curry of Bailicboro ably occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here in the absence of thg regplax: pastqr. The old method of medical treatment aim- ed to excite the organs on which the medi- cine ncled to n. condition which must neces- sarily be followed by reaction. The method of assisting nature is the one followed in the new medicine, Eseljay’s Liver Lozenges, and there 18 no reaction or bad effects from their use. They can be bought at all (lru stores at 25 cents :3 box or 5 boxes for a. do lar. \\ hen will M. cease those night walks that cause his friends to wonder? Still the) ' nc\ er for one moment dream that, he steals up by McKnight’ 3 mill How much are Herb’s béortsr worthy rafter his walk or}_§u_qda.y? Mr. Simp. Shaw is confined to - his house through illness but we hope soon to see him out, again. Mr. Sam]. and Will Blukely have returned than their winner 3 w_ork at. the shanpy. _ Miss M'. Mullen has been renewing old :wgyairlt'nnceélpn the line_for_the past weak. Owing to the‘ bad roads there has been no chprch M the Marsh for two weeks but, the genial face of the good man rc-nppenred on_$_und;xy last,_ Miss C. Syer is spending her Easter voca- tiqx} qnder the pgrcptval rpof. Items of interest forwarded by THE REPORT m‘a own Correspondents. General Merchant, The Centreville Merchant, Is now receiving his Spring Stock and his customers will have an opportun- ity of selecting the many articles re. quired for spring from a. carefully sel- ected and nobby stock of goods. He has, without doubt, the finest stock ever shown in Centrcvflle and _as his motto is “ Quick Sales, Good Value and Small Profits,” you are sure to re- ceive satisfaction. Jas. T. 0. Lang Beautiful Goods FOR SPRING. CORRESPONDENCE. Ill-Z". GEO. M. ADAMS. D. D. JAS. T. c. LANG, JANET VILLE. ASSISTISG NATIYIII'I. CENTRE VILLE. CARJIEL. LONG S "'AM P. SPRING Centreville. his i} ; big 301:!ng pe ple say' t1 ‘5 kne‘ somebo‘, v to.‘ ' onfideno _ e‘cleverest ‘ surpassing '0 social or c} ”(DD-1537 IN THE MATTER or THR GUARDIAN- SHIP or THE INFANT CHILDREN or RICHARD WALTER PITCH, LATE or THR TOWNSHIP or MANVBRS, TARMRR, DECEASED. AKE NOTICE ’l‘HA'l‘ AT THE EXPIRA- lion of twenty days from the first publi- cation hereof. Agnes Sophia Fitch. widow; William Hannah. Yeoman: and John llohert Sisson. Yeoman. all of the townshin of Munvm in the County of Durham will apply to the Surrogate Court of the United Counties of Northumerland and Durham to be appointed wardianq of the cream ungl axioms of Richard alter Fitch an Arthur Wilkinson Fitch. lhe infant children of Richard Waller Fitch, mic of the mid township of Munvers. farmer. dc- censed ‘nnd_to hmic‘ letters. of guardianship At least inspect my stock and get my price before going elsewhere. , H. B. McFEE, Merchant Tailor, â€" Cen Notice of Guardianship {e is doing it up brown this your in the line of Spring Suits and Ovcrconts. The Niccst, Newest and Cheapest pieces for Suitings that could be L‘nnd on the xmrkvt. Fur style, fit and finish he guarantees all his work. If you give him 0. trial order you are sure of satisfatctmn. WOOD’S PIIOZSPHODINE. The Great English Remedy. . . , Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly; and permanently cum all forms or Nervous Weakmss, Emissions,Spcrm- atorrlwa. Impotencyand all , qfl'ectaqf Abuse or Excuses. 6 Mental Worry. excessive use _ of Tobacco. Opiumor Stimu- Before and Aft“ ' lants, whtch soon lead to Ina may. Insanity. Consumption and an early grave. Hubeen prescribed over 35 years in thousands or cases; is the only Reliable and norms: Medicine Mn. Askdrusgisttor Wood’s Phonphodine: it he otters some worthless medicine in place of this. lncloso price in letter. and we will solid by: retuxlx Before and Aftev. mall. 15m». one package. 81: six. 85. One will please. do will cure. Pamphlets (we to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor. Out. 018an DM 0002 Dm .<OC 0m... > 204402 Obrr OZ ' Our school is progressing "most favorably under the management of Mr. David Sumer- ville. Dave is the right man in the right ._I,, ,A place. H. B. MCFEE, Rumor has it, {hat Mr. Thonms Maguim, one of our enterprising farmers. will be brought out by the reformers of 1'}:st Dur- humin opposition to the Major and Mr. Craig. A better choice from a gut point M View, could not be made as Thomas is :1 clever fellow and well understands the political stage of the country. A sensation was caused in this community when it was made known that our comic singer. James H. Wilson, had left fort punts unknown leaving several mourners and debts and debentures to the amount of about $11,000. The report proved too true however, and on Monday in large concourse of disappointed and enraged creditors as sembléd at his place to dcvidc the sp il Jim had left them. But about all of any account was a. wind-mill, u. stenm threshing machine wecho'vered from their storms by a. lien-to from the manufacturers, the famous stallion Gordon, stood in his stall heavily fettered with a chattel mortgage and was no doubt. like the creditors, was living in hopes that Jim would soon turn up, but he wags now far away leaving behind all the comforts of a. home." Agnrent many were surprised at higgo' ‘ bi.~ several of the “I'to’ld you” sort of pe ple'slinkc their wisedacads and say' tl '_-‘. line“? Jim would ere long learn sorriebo_v to.toke a joke, but still others ‘ onfidence for Mr. Wilson wits one of .e'cleverest of men and possessed abilities surpassing that of the ordinary man, , 0 social or church. gathering was complete unless J ii wus~prescnt to using. his speech at ‘e festai lull required no preparation, in .‘fiaword he was ever ready to sing;r a. song, .malake an address, move an amendment or an 'iournment and last but not least to move westward while his creditors siEpt. wanted _a.nd committed to them pursuant to he statute in that behalf. Dated at Millbrook, thi~ 26th (in) of March A very pleasant time was spefit 'at Robert Benson’s, Ballydufl‘, the occasion being a presentation to his daughter as organist in that church but for further comment we will leave to the Bangidufi‘ scribe. 10-3 Miss Yollopher of Western Ontario has been visiting at her friends, Mr. W. Somer- ville’s also Miss Linic Ward and Miss Maud Thorndykc have returned from visiting Pcterboro friends. ‘ Mr. Joseph Engmm having sold his farm has removed to Bethany where he intends workipg (Lt the carpentcring trade. He take with him the best wishes of his neigh- bors. Joe’s ambition and architectural faculties certainly should soar higher than a more yoemnn and follower of the plow .v u DEAR EDITOR.â€"Looking over your valu- able paper and seeing you have no corres- ‘pondeut, from this part, although this is a place of many scribes yet there appears to be no one to represent us in the REPORTER, lmd your humble scribe while we do not wish to indulge in personalities neither do we lean towums melancholy things and in our own weak way and manner we may be able to furnish your paper with notes from this party of the township. The Reeve asked what the Lindsay man expected from the town and was told that he would like to know the number of Arc lamps required, he would give 10 Are lamps of '2000 candle power nominal for $50 each per year or seven for $400, six for $350, five or {$300 for a 1‘2 o'clock service, would give 32 candle power incandescent lights at $12 each by taking say 25 street lamps, or 60 candle power for 9‘20. He stated that no light except the Arc was of any use for: street lighting. He would place six lights on the front street in the following position : 1 station, 1 Methodist church, 1 skating rink, 1 Dominion hotel, I Queen’s hotel, I Octagon mill street. Having heard the gentleman’s proposition), the council decided that two of their members being absent, they would call another meeting ‘at an early date and settle the matter. The gentleman, who is President of the Lindsay Electric Light 00., then addressed the board stating his object only to he tn get permission to erect pol :3 and place :1‘ plant in, and if possible make in. contract for street lighting. 'I'Ie would like the exclusive right of way on the, street for in short time (say two years) to prevent any light or wru- among companies, who might interfere. Mr. Russell who was present was asked if he was making arrangements with a. view to submitting an oll‘er for electric lighting, but stated that he was not yet in a position to know whether he was to be in the field or not. A special meeeing of the council was held on April 15. 1895, with Lhe object. of hear- ingnn electric light man in reference to electric light for the village. Only three members present. the Reeve Messrs. Camp- bell and But-eson. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. 4. The right of minorities and grievianccs of minorities when construed to mean the re-oatnblishmcnt, or continuunces of a dual system of state aided schools, in a province of oui‘ Dominion will not be tolerated if we can prevent it. 3." We are determined regardless of/politi- cal panics henceforth to support. for p triia- ment cmdidutcs who are ledged tn musures before men, principle be are party 0514 no interference with Manitoba. ~ lenderé of the Bowel] type-in our‘ Loflgqi have_ provgd phemselycs J_u‘ CENTREVILLE. h 0- Pills tone and regulate the THAT NGBBY SPRING SUIT. CENTRJ L 1|! ‘ I’IL‘IL VILLAGE C(H'NCIL. A. A. SMITH. VSorliiéibor for Petitioners. Centeville. Sewing Machines and Organs of the best makes, sold on easy terms. Spe- cial attemion paid to the repairing of Organs and Sewing Machines. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Now is the time to bring in your Mowers and Harvesting Machinery and have the same put in good repair, befmc needed for use. Castings and repairs for all makes of plows, and an assert ment, of repairs for far- mers implements always kch in stock. Those requiring Farm Implcmcms klml will find it. to their advantage our line before purvhusing. THE undersigned desires to inform zens of Millbyoqk {@519 lie 15“?“ Vl‘nm ullllUl'hAfiuuu \lvnllvu .v .....-._.. V, , zens of Millbrook that he is rcpurod Do do Scavenger work of all kinds. 0 08cm clean- ed nnd night-soul removed on shelf. notice and an the lay-cut rages. [Egscrvc your orders for .n.. -u-.. Hx'e'h'fid 'I z: You are invited to come and look at them. A pleasure to show Lhmn whether you buy or not. , . ‘ - . . . 1‘01 Sprmg, 1M)», mngxng m pncc from ac. and upwards. Beautiesâ€"21H of them. Farm‘ers’ Implements this spring. It \xould be to the advan- tzwo of inumdin" purclmsm‘s to cal} and inspect thix‘ luu- row before buving, as it, is upsurpussml m tho market for strength, lightness and durability. For reference call and hear what others say, that have used it. Is manufacturing a large quantity of his improved That Celebrated Harrow. Farmers Attention ! I can prove to you that I am doing better work and at prices 35 per cent. below any other 5110;) m thcdistrict. 54:" I will not be underscfld in qnx branch of the busmcp's and my worknmnshm 1s guamml- teed. Gnu: me .1 cu“. Crystal Block. Opposite Examiner Ollico, George Street, I Peterborough He cangivc you satisfaction. He is turning them ouL tuner and cheaper than ever. He "m give you a pair of ShorL-slmw Cohan for s 'u Harness Oil at; 150. cr pint. (‘oarh oil at 15v. pcrpint. Whipso all kinds and a: all {wit-ct Can and see his stock of Club \‘aliws. 10 can 1;ch you n. bargain on them. 1.:u'gc Travelling Valiscs in great variety Do you want a Set of Harness this Spring! If so call on Harness. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, sumanxc, WHITE (:OTTnxs, GREY COTTONS, mT'rommc, SIIIR’I‘INHS, PARASOIS, TRUNKs, VALISES, BOOTS AND SHOES, (ZROCI‘ZRIICS, READY-MADE currmxu 1s MOVING‘NICELY. IF\'()U NEED ANY'I‘HINC IN THIS LINE GIVE Us ACALL. 0m: S’I‘YLES AN!) PRICES ARE RIGHT. Kells, Fowler, ALWAYS READY I STEEL HARROWS . R. Armstrong. NEW PRINTS REPAIRING DONE Wall Paper Eusuc NOTICE Miss Rudkins Now is the time to see about. Carpets and House Fur- nishings. ' Savanville W. TENNEY. Kells Fowler \rnu . "w“. - guarantee 83 a which. .c.‘c.‘1 FIRST ARRIVALS OF LADEES! . STRAHN, L, Tinney Some Beautiful Designs IN REPAIRING CARI’ETS, CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES ( )ILCLOTHS, A RT MUSLINS, ()ur stock will be fuunr] A l. "\"fi'flifiXM BRUCE. Millbrook. C0. Co. the cm- nf any to see We believe the Pairpoint Mumn’mriming Co’s. goods are generaily recognized as the best, in the market. We keep a full line and have control of their goods for Port Hope. If you want a nice WEDDING ggasem, give us a can. Our prices are light. N0 trouble to show you our gawk. JABEZ MILLER, The La'- 9: Nove‘.‘ s and the If You Want and \ on were nex er made for the Hat you knuw. The Raw If )ou like to be abreast; “ith the Limos, n-ylncc Limb uld ho uf our Leaders for 159:" ) lmurrlxt fxom the In \L factories uf I< ic: l. ()ur Hats are ALL NE \V. L west in shape and colon ()uulities are :frandilyb Generous -â€"scarc01_\ :1 surt, that \uu 11 cause we have the biggest Han, Store “iihin milnc “c pm ‘4 George-s};_, Don’L hunt for anything wrong in them. price has nothing to do with the quality. 'J'lzr' man with $22 goud a. Hat from GOUG H’s as $3 can cmnmund clsowhero. a little peculiar. “'0 don’t have bu live ufl‘ Ila: 5 alone. “1 any andibional notions of big profits. Tlm iliili-rence which we buy direct from the makers. That’s \vln' we got mm). -. . T here’s not] Give that old “ Back N Have passed into Stock this week a new and well- assorted stock of Ready Made Clothing, at prices that Will defy Competition. Boys’ Suits from $1. 90 up. Men’s Suits from $4. 50 up Also Window Shades, Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles. SILVERWARE “ There's nothing’ so wood as the best â€"â€"AND INâ€" This is a chance ofa lifetime for everyone: should call or write for samples, teed. ll) Newest Fashion Books It) In m m m In In ll! S AIIJSBUI {Y’S v-fiflv “urinal. LLLIULIU U1 um uuaulcbb for this ebfifiéâ€"Eeason, We have decided to ma_.ke deep cuts in the prices, and if you want a. Styhsh ' Suit or Overcoat Now is Year Time. Gough Bros. The Best Hat Trade in ,Petefb‘b‘ré-ughl Hali, Gilahrist Go’s W riERE BED YOU GET THAT ()verconts to Order Jeweller â€" Port Hope. Black Worsted Coat and Vests Tweed and Serge Suits to order, worth $8.00 fit ‘5 U £6 20.00 ” ‘t .. “ 23.00 (t (I (l «K 25 (N, 1n I it. - » air Men 3 Pants m o der EXT ZiLSI-I Hali, Géichrist Co. “KEV/AN ‘4, >3 91;} ‘ . BOOKSTORE. Write or Call at 139, 132 AND 134 SIMGOE-ST., PETEHBOBOUGH. BIRTHDAY PRESENT. c.. C. i “ Back Numbgr " a Resting Place and buy one of the “ Latest Spring Styles " from HAT ? Peterboro 13 can cmnmund clsmvhero. Uur positi t,” live nfi‘ HMS alone. “'c’re not bout Ifits. Thmlifll-rence which makes H’ 90 That’s why we got such. :1 grip on ‘ Soda Fountain 9 a. ROBINSON‘YdUNé; Fresh Confectionnry and Frui: riving every week. “'0 have in stock Bananas. 0r: Lemons, Apples, Dates and 1" igs. ave you seen our nico Jam Jelly in 7 lb. Pails, very chmp. Our Sodas and Fancy Cakos a ways fresh, up to Jane and the is right. Don’t stay outside, but. coma right in and have :1. drink which is at once Coo], Refreshing, Invigorating and Healthy. DRITGGIS'I‘. Look ! BEHOLD ! iaze ri Do you want, a. Violin. At ‘rgan or J ewaharp ? Go to Good Square, Lunch at am THE COOKS BEST F RIE LARGEST SALE IN GANAD ln‘sL factories of England and Amer- in shape and cnlour; snft and Stiff. h...‘ ‘1 . ‘ Opposite John Gillott erooms. Mili 90” QUALITY ('aretulncss Md‘ Pneesarc our latices. 389 59030;“? 0W. The Hal.- was made for lace that, old bond black witl‘ FDR rwmniiifif iéATIE right into YOUBG’S Lionary \\ indow and sec . ’- There's nothmg there. J. NUGENT. nmuer. Can you catch get Hatters, Clothiers and SALE PRICE Violin. Aufphafpgillouth- Czlsh Buyers «and All work guaran- $22 can command :1 k 3- ms Minn: ”UK Go 10 \w ACNG‘SE “an: 3- J-Ific. :ancy Cakgs are al. Uur position is re non bound in and Fruits ar- and the price I-mmno. '11 Expensm Jam and tor you. with one 313.00 [5.00 20.00 19.00 1.1m 17.00 19.00 12.00 ”.00 17.00

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