Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 5 Apr 1894, p. 2

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I-vv » -â€" . . In t canied the country by Sahi‘fziwhemng nmjorizy (a. W'aterloo it has since been termed by many writerS) and the muse m ehe wonder- ful turnover Was the prounse of protec. tion to our own mnufactpizers, con- gamers and producers. It is seams-1y jet squatter of history, the stringent, ,V '4 dating the seventies, when our , settled‘ and budding young thingy" by the overplus . and our ‘ was ,v - -,._.-... In the put the total assessments has been fixed at. $3,000,000, of which each county Paid an equal Went of SI 500,000. The “'3‘ move to secure a fair assessment was :0 do away county boundaries, and a. motion. moved by Mr. Macoun, seconded by Mr. McCaihgm, " that all municipalities shall I"! the" PWMionate share of the county rate “'3 egualized by :ho equalization com- onttee, withouuoferen'ée taconnlv boundary knee,” was cal-rm. " AR” ”Midt’ghble discussion a. motion; was ““5“ *0 Wm) the present rates paid by all the mind municipalities with the exception of Mung», ghgsc assessment was decreased $40,300 ; u it. w enemlly felt. that, Manverslu‘ng mt, heingifaixley crest. ed. Port, Hope": 'wpafixcd up 5‘ has since been termed by many trim) and the cause of the Wonder- in! tux-mover was the promise of protec- tion to our own mnnfactmtertx, con- metssndprgd'nfm It is scarcely "any; alum; Adlacc'lonald and Sir Charles Tuppef carded the country by an overwhehmpg nmjorizy (a Waterloo enheless our pieasme to place be- our readers a few observations o ‘ f vhi ‘ seem“) as worthy of considera- tion" d vouralhle comment. It is now more may fiftgen years since the “'th it is nut, our intentimx to go fin'u) any Length} defence of the tariff “Wham down by “he finance minister 11 Tuesday of last week, the text. of hich most ofiourpeople havonlready 'aded‘ tlfrough in the city papers, it. is test seem not to bear out that cw! clusion. it will he remembereth that the Ontario government tool: the matter up and appointed a commiss- ion to investimte the question and this committee havinrr gone into the matter very thoroughly, examing stockmen, (ii-overs, 1eterinary surgeons, etc., and reported not unfavorable to the oper- {011. But a case near home which is gys more to the point has been rought under our notice by Mr. Isaac rdson, one of our leading buyers, w 1215‘ may be 1erified by enquiry seems to‘\demonstrate to our entire satisfaction the fnlacy ot the creulty of the operatiOn.‘ )Ir.H.11. Sharpey of Ida, dehorned eighteen head last January and from .115 persmml obser- vation not one animal 11' as the 110136 for the operation. He is quite certain that his young cattle improxed a1;er‘ the dehorning, ililil¢)l"il running 1111‘ large around the sun.“ stuck and upon the same feed. llis 111111-11 cows here also treated tn the loss of their :unlels and by a text which vnnnot hilt be satisfactory. he found that there was no decrease in 1'l11-1L111umt' milk .113} no :11);er t falling 3.11.1} in the genera“ $111011. of the co11'.' This being the! taking! into consideration the damage that 1.1 ol‘ "”11: mm f-om mg and .tearin" auc houling by animals while in the lield or yard, but morei Wily while in shipping transit, Wmdi better' 13 it that the process 98' ugbe resorted to. It mav ‘ pain the animal at the time, but not so much as a severe hook, not a) much, neither more last-gin than the. pulling of a tooth, but the general opinion in firm of these tests is 23that if the dehomingis done properly no pain 'is -the result and much ad1antage deri1ed. Let am one who wishes more information on the matter enquire of Mr. Isaqc Richardson or Mr. Sharpe. The #V'OTIKQ‘ to shi ppe‘rs and 31501 F,» mnfort of cattle seems to be‘ may enhanced by the pmcess of Uthon’gh it has been ought )y many of the mute timid alas; that. she operation ‘- ~ of severe cruelty, the facts upon a i? Prompt Attention a}; flieaniiqess Personal Interest % Fresh Stock Quick Delivery. 5% Good Variety Because Answer Question Is inem «thins'iiie' howewoxg. any which I had not done for six yam- 1"an 1 manhood any am cured of erysipelau. and person so amictcd to mm I Ivv- ‘- â€"â€"-v._'- Four bottles has done more for me than $200 worth 0! other medicine. I think it the best as. H. D. War, blood purine: known." _ Chm-ch street. Cornwallis. a. s. PRICES AT THE BOTTBM. brews-u. ' * , "my.” months. I hue someumes no. 5m... imp» use In umbs (or two months an 1111m-E V . margins ,- sesmflgwwm. mm; 3?: Of Other Medicines Failed m: 4 Bottles of Hood's Sanaprillc (7:378 . “I: j, with plwm that I tell 0!; the float ed ltom Hood's Sanavlfluflo benefit. I deriv For a years ”We been badly amicted With ,4 p_.-:â€"A|nn Hood’s Sarsaparilla VANCE PLEASES ALL. 1 FOSTERS’ lil'DGET. 3200 Worth Feififiévnflg ~ â€"â€"'WHV ?â€"â€"â€"â€" p In. H. D- o! Comwalfls- 3" up.” . /' Erysipelas out with mnnlng sores PILLS .lk Two Miles §.g;4!.b. “’A‘ VEanca 9'4", «wmmwgg a...<â€" ‘.‘ Who is your E ’II F: Is my Grocem 00¢ 34 Misc-you.â€" 7 pommenced nsmgit; {in two bottles more: took met. was able to do my can u": ills. com am. sick who. R W FOWlds, Retro of Hastings village, presxded. The task before ch? committee W“ ‘ {wavy one. as there was bound :9 be 3°"? dmliflfmion as a. result of any action Whichponld he thken. A syeciul meeting of thc‘Reevcs of (in: minor munifipulitins comprising the united counties of Nurmunglmrland and Durham was convened for Tuesday am! Wednesday of this week, when every municipuihy was represented. The object of the meeting was to revise the equalization of the county Late-3;; Ike chairman of the committee. Mr. taxes. No gender the doctrines of Henry ‘veorge are finding many worshippers in Canada, no wopde.‘ is it that our rate is kept high, when it. takes one o: taro mills to pay the rebates. Dispense charity as ugh; but makq the property pay its share of 6m cor- porations ogteay. X91}: 8. list of npnid taxes amounting to 3‘50 was big he are the council, represent- ing what was suppwa}. to be culled extreme cases of stringent want, but in many ; instances, inpositions upon cruiluluus con; i cillon. Only think of the name of John 1 Boyd of Cum, your honor, having his name on such a list asking a. rebate upon at tux hill ‘ of 34, because a ramshackle {:5 a. house was lifted up in‘sxnoke. We would no: insult the cx~coun£illors ideas of full'll‘v'ns by him- ing that he could heye appeared knowingly in any such a light. Why put a premium nu’ vacant lots by reducing the tuna. The principle is wrong. make such prawn-tics y as much to the treasury us if they were uilt upon and then the izuluwment to hold back building will be dispelled. It may be proper to meet part of the way u :scx'inus h 2s: l» fire, by making is rehab: for that year on.y, but when the whole hill is nuly 3% or even .36 the thing is ridiculous in the extreme, except in very extreme cases lint perhaps some of the council might say, these were cases of Reserving recognition. They may wimfio‘, have MW 53,5" lull the coun- cil know except train genuml iuwrmutiqn Let every applicant for a rebate 001110 PC!- sonaliy before the council hounl and state his or her 05-36 er if that is~unppssilfe let their physician or somecge acqwxnted With the facts and their will he less a; 12:}: genteel i begging. Again ima vineâ€"hut its no finawu- 1 ation tor its; nnectua. fuctâ€"-the pi operty of ‘ an individual wim'i: so well prondet‘l )vith this worlds goods, mm. in: has houses "0 rent and lives, Soto speak, with g. silver} spoon in his mouth, but a. tenant of uncertuiuI circumstances occupies one of said dwellings. This corporation is asked to pay the taxes upon this landlords property because he 13 shrewd enough to malte thetennnt pay the a St} The regular meeting of the village council was held in the council chamber, on Monday evening. All the members tiled into their plates at 8 o'clock sharp. After the reading 0? the minutes and their adoption, the usual number of accounts were read and passed. The only item of expense that seemed to That. our country has prospeIed under the new armhgement no one will denV. The trade and mu 151mm) retuins, the l great public works that have been en- tered into and C0.'1.p.‘,eted the sound- nos; of our timinci :1l institutions when ‘ the glin of inn-Ll times has wrought dis:- Easter in almost ev'ezj' (-1.1 ntrV‘, potently :V attest the sure footing our Can: do. has attained. But the an Fgement of duties determined upon 11.. that time 1121.; been \elnodeled from him to time h the circumstances warranted and in this last budgetd deliver} \Vc 11.1w 1119.111; fxeductions in the line of Cllt’npelllilL' necesssities and allowing tllOSV: indus tries that have reached the .“l-JlL‘SCx‘llt period, if not the age of majority. to tight the b. 1.19 of outside competition with 11. mil or two off the fence This last ch1m1én1av be I‘i"l1ll'.'cnll-'(l the i {11.1 1111:1' and consumers inninys and while manv lines him: been placed o1: the 1erluced list other: haui- lll‘i 11 Ll'J '11â€" gatwl to tlu‘ fro- \1 ln (l1"-~ ("omm I :3th and the cheap and medium :11'1ules lof woolen 111a1111fucturc VV ill l.» V'Hih‘it'r crahlV reduced in price, VVl11h \ ~l\'-c teens. and the more 9th 1151.11 1'.ll.l=‘1t‘ inf Vicalths inclinations pm l1if"l1‘.'l 1o i‘c'znnpensc the 10% on tho (-Vo'r“:d-‘.‘ garment. T.11 mots tools and univhin Cry also have paid tribute to tho huftJ‘ diet of protection long enough to stand the harder crusts of competition. and are placed 11on at such 11. Into that the husbandman’s outlay for c1111'Vinu on his work will be' materiallV cheapened. Without being accused of fluunting the old flag as our c’1'efor1n friends are VV out to contend, we hesitate not to $11.)", and think we are within the opinion of the reading portion of the countrv, that the plan adopted and continued l)" the Conservative gm ernment at Ottawa. is more to the welfare of our Dominion, the material and intellectual up build- ing of our people than that of lookin" to Washington, which pastures are so green in the eyes of Cartwright, Charl ton and others. While ever willing to meet our southern neighbors half way, aye, more than half wax, in an inter- change of products mutually adv anta- geous. the Macdonald goverhmeut and later that of Sir Johnb Thompson, do not purpose to sacrifice our birthriflht for any mess; of pottage ofl‘ered In the Wily vankee. We have shown anle Sam that we are pendv to treat VVith them 111 an honorable VV'aV', zilVVziV's 1'e- serving to ourselVes the riflht of 111.111- hood hand selfâ€" -re~1pect eV er mindful of our motherland which has protected us and whose' Ime- eminence :19 are un- willing to sacrifice or (lenV'. [maize control of our own markets. I l r t0 fl‘mf. \vnfizhword thefcmfioir- nit)’ was gwen the great chiet‘taih to m‘ m mend or end the eevm‘e stag- nari5n- T he National Pmicy was bmugh‘ duWn. giVing uur infant inclns trieaun mhfinmge over outside Immu- fmurex's and ou.r prod ucex'snndcunsum- 1'!!! (Lil. [ZING‘CO HST 3' It. I TEN. TUE I'ILLJG if I'l!r‘ll..l.\’T.\'. “Rd-b)“ $20,000; and Throu roufim a}; exe_r: Mn, iced off berm ted at the June deal of dist. Rm"; W. 'A.‘ vaeomzm, Thnmustun: Ma'megrzgufi'eriug from Indigestion when fin‘Nom Scoti; a. year ago; a package of K. n ‘ as giyqn me. 1 cheerful] ' acknow- the clfcctofthe rem y in cur- m° WM “Med and mm 7 'A r6902; 9f the year’s work firopnred by the secretary, to hop-mt} at the vesll'yxmleet. The following rcsoluhon was moved by Mrs. Collins, seconded by Mrs. Necdler, resolved that, The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thomas’ Church havmg in the dispensation of providence been called upon the loss of on; .05 our members, Mrs. Robert Deyell, would tziiue this opportunity. of expressing our sincere sorrow Tor we (12:1?! of an earnest. co-worker. and would bég td'olier out Buhr 1 est sympathy to her bereaved husband and‘ ' | sorrowmg sxst_crs. ,‘ k _ The following officers were elected fcr the coming your: Mrs. Archibald Wood, presi» dent - Mrs. Wm. Cartwright. Allen, lst vice- presiéatmt; Mrg. 'l‘hos. Collins, 211d vice- president; Miss Turner. fiscording secre- tary; Miss Vance, corespomling secl'iztnx-y; Miss Needler, treasurer. Delegates to the annual meetingr of the Toronto Diocesan Brand},- Mgg. Wm. Cartwright Allen, Miss Turner. . The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer shdw a. deuided increase in attendance at the fortnightly sewing meetings, and in contri. butions of money apd clot-hing. Third Minna! Meeting~ Election of 0mm" Vâ€"Wordu of (fondolvucc. The 64:21 annual mectipg of this branch was held 0'? Monday the sum of March, at the residence of DP. Turixcr run} was we]! attended. 7 7 A 7 Dr. ‘(illimns Pink I‘illx am: a pu-fm-l hiuod builder and Hvrn: rcslm‘cx', curing such thsumc's y: rhwmnu-iam, nt-umlyiu, partial paralysis, [0. molar :L'ULXiSL, Si. Vitms' dance, ncr\'ou.. hmulazuhc, nun-Imus, - profirn‘iun mn’: (hi: Liml tcclia‘zg {hcrchozm I the uflc" cfl'cctsof lzcgnppt , disu: - sdepcnd- Hug-on humors in the blood, such we sgrm’ulu, chronic erysipclus, ctc. Pink J’ills give u healthy glow to pale and shulinw conwlux- ions and are a. specific for the Lruuhlcs pecul- ia‘.‘ i5. 341;.- r'umalc system, and in the case uf men they 'efiiwb u 1pc}. r I z i .:'-.l cure in all causes ‘arising from méutal Quay, Q'x’y'ns'ork, or ‘ excesses of any nature. Bear in mmd Dr. Willis.m§ i’in!‘ l’iils are ucxcrsnld in bulk, or by the dozen n1 hundm." 111141 any deuicr «11111 ofl'em hubsti- Lutesin 1115101111.: tryin" to deft-1111:] you and should be avoidcil. A141; "our 119.1111 for Dr. \\ iliinms‘ Pink 1 ’ills {:1 r 1’111e People an" refuse an infitatinns and "substitutes. and Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box' or six boxer; for ”2.50. The price at. w'hibxl these pills am sold makes a. course of treat. ment comparatively inexpensive us compar- ed with other remedies or medical treat. ment . .Tliltfilp’ ['l'.l.\l'.'l HOVAN‘S ll lLI. 11:1. 41,: Blssctt has lgccn it woman uf grew. ucti‘. Mity and 35,-«ltgst! v, .Lml is 1m» ul of an unusually lnignt «in: : h. ”‘43 iniml : she: r' a. great rcmlcr and um :- i. m. all ll“.- all, mu- in" intent-st of one of the all mm- izmlllcls . G In Israel. In her In: 5; :L;iulcucc of L. boats in NJ ronntv film has :"L n many clnuwos mul lulu:rw.ii.'1;, ‘ toil and limiting labors maybu aLlribulcql mu-t}. .3.” glue [)l'lmp(ril_\ :nul llcuuly which lJ \lmruuu-ri‘sléu uf' lllc old 11mm: lmml Dr. Mink-.mc’ Ping Pills may be had of all “magm’s m- dire}: bv mail {:0in Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Col, Brochiile, Ont, zulvisml to try Dr. \\'illi:u|is' l'iuli i‘il|<, and though of Lulu->0 l lizul no A. Hill) in .‘unylliing, I lNlilg! :1. ‘mnc :tL \\'il\'un's Gill," :4th and Devan LlNEH the, anl \":.l ch lwl tulzcn 1v. 0 lmxcsl fclt they “cm thl} m" int-.1 (un- tinuctl £111 In «lune u. w illiL‘, i :mnii-L gnu]- ualxv until now I am as \on svcmc, ulthuu gin I lune in‘t taken them fux u cmzxuc of months. I can now :4) uxmuul alum- .unl alilwlwli I ail\\a_vs keep my sti; k “i'll ms to guard against an acciilclit m :l. liiiti 511‘ I can safely say 1 :un Wanulmfullv im} l‘nH-il from the use of Pink Pills, I um nu lungx-I a helpless burden and can- on m\' cl: ildicn that I mm, and Pink Pills dill it. i For upwards of three years the Star has been republishing articles from various pa p- ers in Canada. and the United Qtates re- counting miracles in healing, wrought often in a forlorn cases, by the use of the prepara- tion known as Dr. Williams] I'ink l’ills for l’ule People A more or less intimate ue- quuintance with the publishers of several of the newspapers warranted us in believing that the eases-reported by them were not overdrawu or ex gerated advertisements, but were publisher its truthful statements of remarkable cures from human ills worthy of the widest publicity. that other sutlerers might be benefitted also. For some time past we have heard the name of Mrs. Robert Bissett, of Colborne township, mentioned as one who had experienced much benetit from the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills afterl years of painful suffering. Curious to know the particulars, a. representative of the Sim- called upon her son at his flour and feed store on Hamilton retreat and asked how far the story was tr 9. Without hesitation or reserve Mr, Biss tt launched into praise of Pink Pils, wh' h he said hzui u must l woiferful ell‘ect in releiving his mother fro the suffering of a bedridden invalid. crippled with ienmutism, and restoring.r her the enjo ment of a fair degree of lheiltn’an acti ‘ity for a person of serentv of age. “ 'eefiier yourself," he said, " I am sure she w ll freely tell you all about her case, and yet can judge how much she owes to Pink l’ill I am sure that it is owing, to them the. 91 is alive to-dsg'. Acting ( 1 t is cordial invitation, the to the well known Bis.- sett hon Mrs, Bissutt was found enjoying ' . , n‘s visit at the resid- ence of a neighbor, Mrs. liolaertsou. She luughingly greeted \the reporter with the , assure: 'e that? she kn w what he had mine ‘ for as, er scn had toh her the day she was in town what was wanted, and although she had no with to figure in the newspnpexs slit- was quite willing to tell the facts in her 1 case. “It is about nine years," she said, since I was first taken down with rheumat- ism aud for seven months I lay helpless in bed unable to raise or turn myself. I _ duetorcd with local physicians um: lsup mse ' the treatment I received must hare helped me fur I was able to go around again fur quitt- a. long while, until another uttucl; E run}: on. and for two years 1 was again laid up, never being able to put a foot under me, or help myself in any way. I tried every- thing Hess you-<llut‘ltll'5, baths, liniineutu and Vincdiuiues. and (if euur buttered n grout dead, lll‘lll‘Lf troubled also with (L‘illllllil. But ulthm. ;h i finally yet on my feet again l\'.'.'..5110t ,‘de to do anything, and muldi get acres," tit; room only with the help of: Sourmne nnd leaning :n: n. (hair which tiny would push before inc 5 and l-v I was. advised to try Hr, “'illiums' l'ink i‘ills, and though of L'rllh-C l hud no faith in anything, ‘ i lmutgni ""filt.‘ :tt Wilson‘s drug store and lJCflilllvllH’l use, 4.:er when] haul tulzeu tun ; ”TDEAR Sm,â€"-I had the plfmsnrc of attend. ing the excellent. concur! given by ”I? yuung men of Millbrnok on Thursday evenmg 11151 d was wry much surprised to see near!) ‘ the mull-111cc. umcmg whom Wen.- some ut t a so- 'allex "first" people of the village, man- out during the singing of the mu imml anthem, paying no altemxun to it \I'lmtm'e-r, (This was before the smoke ummgmm-c), 8110]] conduct is a disgrace to the 105.1! “M toWnship of Cm’an and is new-:- 5:00”, m my knowledge, "l any of ”“1' “file cmlllli‘v entertainments, though We arc Hut 3“”me (by HWY") to know nearly as much as tlw urislocxuts of Millbx‘nolL The abovc has been held over fm' three Week for want. of space, but the less important. [ELL REvamx: SI::,«â€"I have read the report of the Gavan council or the thh of March, and Mr. Thorntiyke’s x-cporv. about the wood Mr. Houtun said he delivered to Mr. Melirien and wife indigent; Mr. Hootan said at a meeting of ’he council in December, that he deliveied 5 cords of No. 1 hard “mud, split and remiyfnr the stove to Mr, and Mrs. \h-ih’ien. Afterward the council paid him 513.33; fur it. Mr. One was: uppohnml tn gm and .mine the wood. Mr. Cue rvmn'tmi ”u \u "(I a ,, 7.. . 0.qu cxmxhxc the mmd. Mr. ICot: ropm‘tul at z‘ I: nL-XL meeting uf counvil that he found a. number of lugs, if cut and split, inn) Wow] might make 301‘ 3.'_. cords of \voml. Nuw Mr. i-Idi‘or what I wuuhl like in kxmw i}; when: Mr. 'J‘hnrndykc and Mr. Cm: 23mm! the balance of the 5 cords, for thvm [u rc- pm-L to the council that they gut full value fur tlueir rum: 1:. Mr. ‘Il’ooum ncvm‘lmt in a stick uf woud after Mr. (Inc's first report. Em: l’l.‘\\.'. .“I's. Robert lusrwll. who Wax l'ripplrd with leumntlsm for Mm- l'oars. DN- pltc Advancing Yours. has found B?Il(‘l‘~~ she Ike-lute» Ier Expt‘rlI-m-e llml 0"le Slay Pro!" by it. From the ('lodcrich Star \‘S'e do not. hold ourselves rmponaiblo for the Opinions min-«saw! hy our correspondents. WWWML“ Elitor of the.RnPonw:n. To the Editor of1‘xm REPORTER .§.\' 0].!) LJI) )"S 8T0]: l' OI" DIN-11' LY TERI-INT Tl) OTIII'Ilf.'~‘_ A HURON CDUNTY MIRACLE. ('(L‘WHI'S’TC. 1 TIDNS. TuL'xTI-n: (: 1m two or is none The :or‘riml parcel is situated about. 11 miles from Minbmok cm! ion. The soil is a. good clay 1mm 2 about” dcfe~ are Lhugrdynd‘ in n "0' d maze of cultivm-ion and the pm m L: Inn. with Maple, Beach~and 0M- £1115 is a I? , - class farm. TERMS AND CONDITION Hm Dvmhxygc money {.0 be ‘ “Award t-ondm us . L ‘r. at 5:116 02 L.‘ »' Cl) u to ‘ ' :â€"Onc-!m11h of down. Furthvr sale will V ‘ The fir 4‘. wheel as very conveniently situated, being within this minutes walk of the business park; of the Villa/'4: of Mlllbruok and the land' is a good clay loam and Is yvatcrm by a creek. ‘lzo nomad parcel is Bltflatcd about 11 miles The second xhercoi lmlgw; come-4051 0" “‘0 South Half ottvhe West half of Lgr he. ‘13. in the ltpCunmcusinn of the Township of («m‘am «53:11:18 ubqgt. fijgy acres. A. ,t. A 1 The first. theme? being composed of nan-L of the North Half climbs. 1!. in the 41h Con- cession of the ’i‘ownr‘hip of Cumin. now in the Village of Millbrook. eonminsnbont. 8 acres. Which may be known as follows: Commencing in the roar of the said concession at the North East angle of tho said lot, thence South 16 do- green Fnutllchoinsmnl 3-: links thence South 74 do roe-1 “'esatu chains and 66 links, ‘lhenee Nor! l 16 degrees \Vest 9 chain»; mul 3.! links more or less to the allowance for road in the rear of raid concession, thence North 71 degrees has! 3 chains and 16 links. thence Smith 16 de- gree” Eng}, 6 chains (ll-links. thence north 74 de- grecs East, 1 (main and 50 links. thence North ‘ lédegrees ‘y'v'esttlehainafi? linl:-: more or less to the allowance for road in rear oi (in: mid coneesnion. thence North 71 degree: East 5 Chums more or less to the place of lwginning. except what. may have been heretofore sold thereout. _ _ A . J A. 7 at. Lwn o‘clock i 1 112:: 111‘: frggholll proper ' ' Tuesday, tag/24th day of M51334 [*NDER \IOR’I‘L‘ GE WHICH \\ [LL Bl} M300! {1410. them “ill be ofl'crcd for sale 1:} Pnhli ucLion .‘fart‘vn; DOMINIOV HU'i‘ Fl‘inthn \ JLAUI‘IUFMtMJmOOKzon or Luzxrzy M [$1.1in Port Hope. '26”: March. ISM 0P VALUABLB PROPERTIES IN THE VILLAGE OF MILLBROOK AND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GAVAN, IN THE COUNTY .91“ DURHAM. Any pelt-mu (lvsiring ln purclmfiu at fll'hl'L‘lith‘S small I‘amn would do m-ll to am: this property lwl’urc In: ‘ >in;r vlsnu'lxcl‘u. 'l‘l‘llt‘Mb . . l: (turuu’l‘lmzs: J‘m: “mill 0! lhc purclma‘u monuy m be )m‘ul down. szzwcl' pariiculz. mud cumlilimm will be made kimwn alt lime 01' ml.- or may be :Lsccrtulucd on appli- culiun to ['NXHCI: MUH'I‘HAUIC \\'HH‘H \\'l|.l. H112 pl'n-lllm'll :xt mlv. there will he uni-red for sale ln‘ I'll5)55!‘, Audit") m 1150 IHHHXIUN llU’l'l'II. in the VI! yfi‘l’ (“"31“ l BROOK on Tuesday, the th day of £59155, 1894 55555259553135:555551513“ 9.155: 57}:an I 5550“ng in tho 8111 (1011 (' “im1ol‘:uixl"m' ' \w- 1's saw c 111111 1; cum :0 :11'1‘ 5011! :ml (onvm ud 111111 nlmni norm taken lhcruunL by the h‘omi m .111. 'l‘hi. "ugou fiu‘m :H l~ shunted m a. good 101-111;!) ml! contains about 78 acre»: :IH oleux‘cd. “1-H Yum-ml mu! in n [Mir Mule of culti 'ulinn l‘hx- sci! 1‘4 ut'gnmi vi: 'l(\: u and is wulcvcd by \wll. ’J‘lwl’mildingscm ‘Lol‘ a mum: house an atom: fnundnlinn 2mm). J._'..~z1(u'vy,~'high, with kilchcn nlluvlu-Ll 12x15. “mm: Shlhlc :uul driv- ing Imus "3x19. 0F VALUABLEJ FARM PROPERTY IN TEE, TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS IN THE COUNTY OF DURHA . ullhus. M a-mm‘ ing 01' lliie ull}:j ('I‘L‘dllnl" 1|l’-‘l mn-rl ('lzu'mn' will) ”1'! H'u.»lvv. mu! m given Illa! :zl‘lvr 1w 16ml ulvly of [Wales will 1:1‘mwvnl to (lialrilml lllC (lull! nr mummy! llu' wu‘lics - having- rc'gunl unly in the v notlvu shall Hum lmvn 1mm: rm he will nul lu‘,li:ll1h'l'nl‘ :hc :wh purl, tlncrcul‘ m (”rarity-1m: to whose claim lw .~l::zll hm tlxvn in; Palm! lln‘ A llH‘UIilL”; 0| oflh-u of UM; 5; said Vill‘r'v (11' day 01' Ann ch. ':1 the :u'lvnn NGTISE i8 QEEEBETEEES. In the Waiter Stapies, “EXP .Y‘ L] l‘ N I‘ALLIP ~ ALBEX PT .Mllr.‘ HE \‘DE RSON) A. A. SMITH. Solicim: [or Executor. And lukc name that the said cxm‘ulom win on and whoriho mid Fifteenth «lay of May. NH. prom‘cd 10 tiislx‘ihuu- the uswtn‘ n!‘ ”N d (Muir among: Hm mm ics mums-:1 11: ‘10. having regard only to Hint-1.1mm of which they shall then have no! ice. Dated at, Mili‘nrook I this 3rd day of April. 139i. 1 :all mwllmw and 013101 :hl Ilu' (‘slulv 01' I'll-IL i'nwmlxip of (hum. in Hm - *amud. \\‘l.| ::_\'uf Marl-l1 amending nL-N Hm halving (tlninm ng’a Fullls. hm: nl‘ Ilnr (‘mmty of lmrlu n. Yomnuu. dial on or ulmm he 'l‘wcnli ' 18!”. um rcquix‘m tn scml ‘00! prepaid. or H dulivcr to. ;\_ .»\. Smitl ' the village: 01' Mill ln'onk. in Hm will ‘ .ly nl‘ Imrlmm. snllcitm for!heexecutor-Norma will 01‘ the::;|ill«lccv:m-(l on or hvrmc Hm Fll‘luonth day of May. 139:. : shumm-nl 0." illoir mum-s :nul Lihll‘l‘tnit‘s. H11 full particular»: of lei1‘ clnixm uml lho scour itim‘ (if any) held by them. H .. In the Estate of Ric haul Pains Deceased lit-13 Netise is; Gradétm‘s E Ffifié§TfiAfiE SAiE i ARE notice that at the - [ration of twenty days from Hm fir: publication hereof. James Hales 0ft " age of Millbmok in the County of liurhzun. section-1mm. will upplv to the Surrogate Court of the l'nilml (mimics of Northunlhcrhmd and liurhunl to he nppuimml guardian of the pursuns uml (Mutter: nf UBUI‘KU Ht‘nry Hales and Euphmniu Mu)‘ llnlc‘s. llm infant, childrvn of Mai-Hm llulc< hm: of 1h? said Village of Millhmuk. civcuwuq and It) have letters 01’ guardianship fiz‘l‘illllm! to him pursu- ant to the slnlutt- in that behalf. 7 7 Dated m Millbrwk xhis 3m 1591 1H! In the ma ter of the auardim 11111 of the Infant childmn of Maxtha Hales, late of the Village of M111111,mar11ed woman, deceased. , A IN THE SURROGATB COURT OF THE UNITED COUNTIES OI‘ NORTHUI‘I- BERLAND AND DURHAM. ." O'P‘II TURNER’S DRUG STORE. N01 hin‘ Rheumatism Cured American thnm: Hil' (V and \e'umlt'iu m 11“ L11; Its acHt-n mum H: v 5" xml m\ Rh :imr. It I ALSO~ G P B SSNBETI‘N PEEWBERS. P P3 LENEMENT EY zECUTGRS’ TRY DR. ELAN 0’5 uni»; lhon‘ W: A N, Millbwol; CHISHOLM. qudors Suligitorl A. A. SMITH '9- of John Wes! 2y muggi- the “him Shin-do: t‘nr'l‘c! ikimwr :d'in .6 Day‘b‘nnth Cum fun IUu-umulism ‘33; euros in 1 tn 3 days. Sp‘Wm is; rcnmrkuhlu mum-0;; at our" the no i:nn\.mli;~.:|_\' (i'sap- '0 1' E, Ihc‘tollowing A. SM l'l‘ day of BL l’oi'i Hope. «I ”mm-to. 01‘ which and that qm‘ an); n-x‘sml (II (E notice. XCCll'tOI‘S‘ X coma 'l‘r ustc c it ~13 uhy ”11‘ an il‘ :3!) ")3 I’xtm Gmnui LL. 9d Sugar for” -.') "' Brir-liL icimn' Sumr “ l‘.’ “ (l00(l '19: ” 12'} “ (linvrcr Snaps “ 1'." Boxes Mi: ches ' “ 4AM. piime Oil-stuck Raisins “ 3 “' “ Cum-ants “ 4 “ “ l'muc; "‘ Corn Sta .Ich per puckax'c I\ cry (‘ loss S' arch per package (aimed Salmon“ '1ch worth 'Dc. per 11). for q And cvcrvthing' m stock sold at same reduction In nricezs. :13" Remember this IS only for THREE WEEKS Make haw “bile the sun shines and atte .d this sale. Also on the above (I'm: m: stack of Mantk ms comp: is‘Tno 5c cum d l (u -rm:m \lzmufz Lctun' slum 3011 cu: 1\ thing m w and ropul u' fYOOdS. , cleared out on lung: 1 (In); and we do not guarantee them every day in thc \\'(%(:k and mtcd scarcely say they will 1):: cash onlv. Many 01‘th about Iinvs we expect will be 111 jupzmese 'l‘iiiSel l,)r:1pei'y - - - i Colored lilannelette limbroideries, wide width. All-wool l'lzilifirx 'I‘weeds, fine finish - - All-wool Fancy Tweeds. good pnimrns - A niCe quality Union Carpet - - - Bright I’ZILLCI‘HS in Feather 'l‘ickings, â€" Shot Serges. heavy weight 40 inches wide - Navy Blue Dress Serges. heavy cord - Daimlsk Table Line: â€" - - - . 54 inch Tweed Dress Goods â€" - - Heavy Barnsley :Cmsh Roller 'l‘mrelling â€" Heavy Sheeting ‘C’mmn.w-':'-'-~~._ . onl 30 pieces \Weling‘. your Choice â€" - Another Box of 'I‘ips‘ black - - - Another 30x of Flowers - . _ _ “'0 will hive opened out on our counters the folloving 11st, which touches; the bottom both in price and pocket ’2‘ Kid Gloves, all sizes and colors - at 58c. regular $1 goods Heavy Black Ribbed Ladies' Cashmere Hose. at 26C. a par Heavy Black Ribbed Chilclrens’ Cashmere Ilose. at are. :1 pzur 8 Fancy Pocket Handkerchiefs - for 25c., nice goods I2 yards Turkey Red and \Vhite Edging - for 15c. and 20C. 36 yards Star Baird, best quality - - - for 10c. A good Corset, all sizes - - - - only 33c. Heavy French Suteeus, first colors, :11 7}éc., regular 20c. goods Mourning Prints. soft finish. last. (lye. neat pnlzems - at 6c. A large Umbrella. well mzule - - - only 46c. A fine Twill Gloviu Top [umbrella - - â€" rmlv mp Precisely 237 Men’s Suits, ranging from $10 up to $15, , will lie $truck down to $7.50 each. Sacks, Cutnways and ,_, Frock; all styles of fabrics, colours and sizes; linings, g trimmings and Dial-Zing the very best. Every Suit 3, prize. ‘5' Exactly 236 Men’s Medium and Light-“’eight Over 9 coats which tailors are asking $10, $12 and 315, go this week for $7.50. Fine Meltons. Kerseysy Vicu'rias; em; ' royally lined and trimmed, in all shades and colours. The price ($7.50) dosen‘t cover much more than the cost of raw materials. a fie . wanwgsaav OF EACH (i III. (a: Q .tzr‘mm‘KT‘Q I A Swift and fiard Blow 6, Q9 FURNBULL, WEEK THE WONDERFUL CHEAP nan: Reduced Fromm $15. 650. \Vill he dealt M1111 1,: Spring Suits 13.1111 Qvercn'ms for the next few Wet ksâ€"Lhe mast; Sex (in, thev will meet this or 11111' other 811 mon. An) 1111111 w ‘11) cares to make :1 small outlay for the choicest- stvles must not ignore these reduced prices. A dclnv will mean 1111 actual :,loss to every man who 11-91115 this .11l111111sem1111‘n. Not 11. (‘1111111e11t in this Sale will he unworthv 1.l11111?.t11.11ti1111 of the must discrimin- at-i11guf fusl1i01111hl111l1 {‘95801 15 ',,.,GOUG TUE NBULL’S. 51515 PR. AfilEEEYQE 3 gm fig flu -.1«~1.~1\1 ‘ «mmm“L>LLARE :1);(1 gunmntv‘ Ltlstlwmn Luv them nnw go that 111(-\' muv be “Jul ‘1._" “fitfndtfi The Jim-se's Rhnu! Ir-r 12(101 L t-hv 11:: 1d \\ urk begins. R EEYELL George and Simcoe Streets, PETERBOROUGH. And find out what you want for the J” ,, Spring wcpk. no data m: will have opened out our Spring compriflng :11] the. new siyk‘s. I‘lzu'mg Munufncturcr‘s Snmltlcs, m: will be able to MANTLES. ,‘/] ’j “ “ 30.00 Chamber sets worth 3.00 i Ré‘sAl N DAY, Ilt 5le GOODS .- prices H 200. 6‘ sets worth $ 8.00 for “ HUN) “ 13.00 “ 16.00 aaEAEEESS (3. 50 7. O( ) ‘25. 00 t)_ R. DEYELL. per cent. below 6 ‘20 00 F 6 50 S )0 1: up 13 00 20 00 00 00 B} FrancisSmil 1.13. Con. 10- How. author- nzcd agent 10 Y. Y . L. Herrick 85 00.. 'Brigin}pn. trim: I mccivcd 1.5 "gm-or 21;: m them. and with no em 13".:nn IaJromthcm. I ‘ A, , difl’crcntvar ‘ . fifiml ~ . Y 50 worth to try some or all of .hc 1‘ 3:.“ the you dollars to you. Try chem- V be I drop me a card 1941‘!» only W raised 104i; CHOICE SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. 389, George-st, 9mm: AND HT GUARANTEED. Gents’ furnishings. ,, ,. .V . In “a“: UL um visit, will be an aonncud she 15' in this paper. But don‘t keep hack on :u-munl (If his \lsit. see first. wlmL 1 cm: do and if you are not satis- llcd. see him. and it: sat. lied. bu: gratified In- that gentleman mymg .;. .3" J” riglu unit to not be 'bemen by any one. I shall sell good Spectacles from 5001»; a pair. Mr: Lunrancc, :he Celebrated Optician. will visit. Mlllbrook pcriodimlly when all my cuss~ tomcrs have the advantage of his services with- out any extra. charge and he will [or such con- xlmtions be at mv slo‘re‘onlx. fl'luj slate of his in. .U. A Are the Wish to impared Vision. I can fit abeura’cciy and with dispatch and guaraniee every pair to fit correctiy. B. URANCE'S SPESTAL LES Ema/EEEGLASSES I have at present for sale a good lxorsc‘ light Waggon and set of single harness. FOR SALEâ€"I have a numlwr of second hand vehiclesâ€"I)omocmts and Buggies, which I will sell cheap fer cash. Call and see them. Storcmxd show rooms opposite Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. I have a. gowl thin" in \\ mule: 1 Laxe trmwl.‘ mg: Asometuinrv You have been look- ing for : n:- 11. durable and at lcss than half the cost of un how'hin". La“ and see It and you will say it suppliesa long-felt \\ ant. The ph youW’nfnts fox ‘m‘: make 211 plan used 111 111011511111 If \uu “ouhl con- sult your 0“ 11 intcxcsts Wu «111 place vour 1394 (mlcxr. with 1110. {cnmmber I has 0 ewryxhiug vou \mnlâ€"fmm a. c0113. 1‘ button to a. threshux" mac-1.2110 . to must ymn‘ ev'cr_ ‘equiremcn: in the Implement line. live V laborimving article on the mama to- duy can‘bc sgcurcd thraugla mv. At my show zomfls will lzc gumml Implements 'ru- ]u'Cscmifg llwbcst nuumfauiurcr; in the land. It will pay you .0 place your oulcrs with me for more reasons than one. 1 will sell you implyncnm ofthc best :xmku at the smallest margin above cost, les szn‘iu'r‘you the nsu- “liglx conunission chargvd by agents. I wi‘ give you better terms than 3'27; can get lsewlxere. lcnn supply you Will) xe- ' (when needed) on shorter notice lluu) any 0 er man in U ..‘ *ss. 1 can sup- ply you \ ' ' w 1’25an for 4111;: make of flaig its am 3:; Field and haffifi’: Waig Papas! . Vii-.15. GARQmEE BEEEEEEM ESE? 553E; SfiELF Spring/3 I take this; [mils Ems. Coisrs fist“ Shapes STE FF fND SOFT IN T NEWEST Mm Children’s Cups, Tum ( 91‘s and Fancy Fezes A. LEACH, SPRING SUIT. OVERCOAT “IVA "Q ems-mus iSARSAPARILLé 008:3 ALL Taints of the PURIFIER bERTAm' 52?! PANTS. l’lz' YER/9016 O. 7 .erhoro Tailor, 5%»?ANDa‘ WKGI infohr l]. ‘ «I THE Gag“: Drugglst. Millbrook. fi EAVY Pekerboro. ( )’r41x:1nt- ‘lhe Harness his line dunng will surprise you. ”an "Ming in his line it will pay you W at” on bun ”on going elsewlzera. W ‘ ‘Mg‘ m an; having “work under his ow; sup'e‘zl vision he quumywes satisfaction'm 9"; use or money refunded. - Full lines of Impaled and Domestic Sun- inga, Over-coatings and Trousering in stock. A Perfect Fit Qua-raw. ‘3. Shop next door to Deydl’a m Fine Tailoringa Specialty Opposite- J. Giilott’s Cabi rooms, King-st W¢ GO TO THE flentfleville @’ Remember tars for (ETV'SLera. In Fluits “e haerranges, Lemons Appleu. Figs and Dates. Stock of Canned Goods very complete Our Spring FANm have arrived and opened out nicely. Call and inspect. Prices are right. CONFEC ’IOXARY arriving near- ly every x k. FRESH, PURE AND CHEAP. P we aswrtment of FA\ CY CAKES ['1 on: best makers Just nrxiwd: .x fro ~11 (-«:x1.<iwnxnent of CHRI\1 IE 7 \SO DAS. 1:4. 3. McFEE, Afloâ€" YUUNG’S RESTUBANT THIS WEEK ! F1? and satslg/Izm'ouguaranlccd. Mex-chant Tuilur, - South Monagh'an. We havefihis season an extra fine hrge ofChildPen’s Carriages m the newest. and. lateitf designs GE a-é’s [X's-icycles, .; Boys’ Bicycles, V9193 89W; Waggons trad Hinze/ids In 46/2?! from. Baby EES a VALUES AND LOWEST PRECES AT later J. ROBINSON YOUNG. SHORTLY Harness Store, Gen/s F1 (#431’121571! qf Tm‘c‘ds IIIONARY arriving . .k. FRESH, PURE Carriages. ‘ . umzsé mgs. 373 cFEE, Peterboro. headquar- “‘10:: \val: everv pair. â€"-fla\-e your 1 cleuung. Warp A faunas. a ’ â€"0wing to the " millincry opening ‘ ' day and Friday. evening this week cm In being largely an â€"The Canadian 1-: ed the business pl.- euds to hang out parcel: {ago 1:4 t:- Iahc impflwenmm â€"-Tm: Rammrzn‘ ions 0‘ condolence hart-in of Miebom any of their little 11 -A11~Fooll Day t without. the usual j In; and 5.: some to: old hat, into the at the more solid brick â€".\lr. “'. T. “'oq More wwn. Ia frequent journeying Ontario's waters. -_I‘uoeve Morrism an moi]: Ls: Week 6 ing of meva at ( 3mm 3 all. Cig1Epecnlffi'i ii}- _fi.\-ing moved 3;, s, Batman's” pasiuon than 9““ 14 I have taken out I and will be p1 l this line. “i " ‘ to. I will alm‘ ”Rug-091:. of W‘Iim gamut. 1. Emma“ 'L “Didi: ulx’t. when you see: â€"The tables this British ports are l Camdimatfle. ‘ to our {AI-men and ‘ â€"P.I."kers Dvc ‘ Ste-m Laundry: IA Mm mu am of the w in..- much MacWhu‘nell mlruc M The a “a will be invosbig be wonhxd much Itch on human ; cnmd in 30 minut, â€"Isuc Xeedhm: had quarters tn S. where be my be in Lanai. Druggist â€"\\'e publish t}: meat of Gavan tou esu'ng to our Cam feuzumnnd oven 1 guns New 63‘: madeuph‘n mind : immune‘iecm WWI-thin: John L: Slim 1 â€"“'alter Collin on Wednesday to e â€"-Mr. R. Rudd; bow on profession: â€"Mr. W. H. M in the vilhge last ‘ Sande w‘ea- ”We gov make a ryaz'n sold. @231)th ". IBM named : EYES Forâ€"174: 7; miui‘ Ayer’s Pupued by Dr. dues of the study. and I that Ayer's and I 1010‘ who keepit not consid‘ out it.” cheerfully “I have Pm“! in phinw. I Writes P4 Forest Hi TO “7 THE m ’41 sl ii: no \'

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