EDITORIAL 0*F sums The Canadian Bible Society, Auxiliary of The British and Foreign Bible Society, has announced that the 16 districts from coast to coast in Canada have made it. possible to allot thefnsum of $465,000.00 fer the world wide distribution of the Scriptures. This is an increase of $15,000.00 over 1959. This extra sum will help to meet part of the increased cost of the “Million Gospels for Africa†(in about 60 languages) campaign. The success of this effort made by the Bible Society, through tJhe churches of Africa, revealed a great need for the Scriptures. 'llhe last report states that well over 3,000,000 Gospels will :be needed in over 90 languages. The printing of these Gospels has been done both in England and in Africa. A number of rhhese Gospels are «the first Scriptures printed in some of _the tribal languages. PAGE TWO '\ v.‘ R stage for mekeUp and props erre Srharon Cannon, Noreen Da- polished actors of the sophisticated “’Ole In The Roadâ€. The “Day After Tomorrow†had dram-a diiï¬ficult for even more ex pertienced players. The cast: Shirley Elgar, Banbara Aiken, Shirley VanDam, Ted Nadiress, Barbara Reid. Glen Richards almost all 95 students. Eric Cucrtis and Glen Richards were the Hogg, Ed Bobee, Roger Gillis, ‘Bon'nde Blenoow-e, Karen Peter- son, ‘Sh‘eilvragh Wanna-cs, Ashton MoMasxter. Comm-endable it is that the pupils presented the plays with very little help. Back- directed “One Happy Family†‘The cast: Sharon Ball, Wayne Fair lent stage furniture. Mrs. Ki‘rborn led .the choirs. Bernard vidscm, Judy Reid, Donna Tod-:1 and Jo The boys sang remarkably Wteu.‘ Sixty Ingharm played flowing accom; 35 .in the girls’ chorus, 25 in he be: Kilborn, Director of Music, Miss W. Hobbs, who directed two of the plays, and and Ashton McMaster on behalf of all participants. Millbnook High School Drama Night included the talents of T‘ c C. .r: 'Ist~ an 50ch Monitor C -~ :"-rwoy Street, Boston 15, Constructiv on Worid I indeed a crecï¬t to the school. At the close of Friday .Send in this coupon for your svmple copy. ON TUESDAY, MARC. AT THE EXHIB 15 MALES ALL BULLS THAT A ARE ELIGIBLE F0 ' ALL FEMAL CATALOGU Victcria Emmi? The M111ka Repel-tar, Mmbrook, Ontario, Canada Grattan Moore, President 55 55 555555555 Sale §horthom A55 received gifts T's-1E MILLBROOK RE'I3n ~~I .1: .. 11E can Wood. The Country W'h 8 11 Both evening-s were §$0€Iï¬ï¬i0n mm Te [1 in mixed shuo-ru's, the girls sang. Natt-resg Mrs. W W." n‘r‘a'n‘ufl " " a" “q“n'u'a‘a'u'nï¬â€˜u‘n'h ‘â€" ‘__- ‘____ _-_.._._‘_ COACHES FOR CHARTER 3 I. G. Stock, Peter borough, RI 59752 i G. A. (Jerry) Stock, Bailieboro, (collect) 1011 or 9r5 anï¬'h 'u‘:“a“"n‘=‘u‘-“u‘u'-WMSWW fu‘u'u‘a'u“ STOCK WINTERIZE // _\ yam“ Emma 5mm: . . . Lequire Plumbing Heating OIL BURNERS FURNACES We now have office staff available 8 AM. Residence: Bailieboro 30 Fleece line Rock Wool in- solution â€" another fine Bisco Product â€" will bring new com- fort into your home. Fleece line will pony for itself in iust a few years with fuel savings of up to 35%. SEE YOUR BlSCO DEALER TODAY! Bu? yau can "beat old man winter to file draw“ wiih a few minor repairsâ€" if you make i‘hem right away! Bisco Cauiking Com- pounds, roof coatings and sid- ings are the ideal materials for quick, eï¬ecï¬ve home repairs. AND INSflifâ€"Eï¬mé EMWRSAW Those worn spots on the roof and walls of your home can cause real trouble when snow and ice as to work on them. ANN INSda MN Ni; for all phone calls and information I IV) 5 PM. Office: Mill‘brook 87W ’QEPE smwms Lg, MATERIAL HOSPITAL u COMMiShiON TORONTO 7, ONTARIO ANOTHER PUMPS Banister: Solicitor: Notary .PI-IONE 9‘ MILLBROOK.. RUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD. Monuments and Family Memorials Phone Turner 5-5216 2.30 Mahtins Evensong PARISH OF MANVERS . Rev. Walter J. Evans TRINITY CHURCH, MARSH Holy Communion 11:15 AM. AN‘GLI'CAN CHURCH OF CANADA PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey Rector CHRIST CHURCH ST. PAUL’S, BETHANY Evensong 3:00 PM. Preacher The Rev. Ian Scatt-Buc‘cleugh Pastor, St. Barnabas, Peterb3ro ALL WELCOME PENTECGSTA ASSEMBL'ES OF CANADA ZION CHURCH Pastor and Mrs. D. McEwen Sunday School 10:00 AM. Worship Service 11:00 AM. Evangelistic Service 7:30 PM. (Every Second Week) OMEMEE ASSEMBLY Legion Hall ‘ ' OAVAN Worship Service . 9:45 AM. A Warm Welcome to All . Bible Study 10:30 AM. Evangelistic Service 7:30 PM. ( Every Second Week) Worship Sunday School Informal Service Worship Sunday School Rev. S. E. Snowden, B.A., B.D. MILLEROOK Sunday School 10 AM. Divine Worship ‘ 11:15 AM. THE SALVATION ARMY Capt. and Mrs. J. B. Reid Sunday School 3 PM. JAMES IRVINE MA “I’m 74. Had no pep. But Qstrex made me feel 20 years younger than I dld. I have plenty of pep now.â€â€"R. H. Brantley, Oklahoma City. Ostrcx Tonic Tablets contain tonic, hemic stimulant approved by leading doctors. Put vigor, vitality in body weak, old because lack- ing iron; make you feel years youn er. For men, women. Start new pep A'l ON E. T!) Ostrex to get newcgep, vxgor and feel Kean younger this very y. Introductory a: get.- acquainted†srze may 60¢. At all druggzsu. NOW FEELS YEARS YOUNGER Man “99d afï¬er. 40†Rev. Gerald E. Graham, BA. .MILLBROOK (Legion Hall) A Welcome Awaits You ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Evensong ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA 9:45 AM. School 11:00 AM. Service 7:30 PM. CENTREVILLE 7:30 P. M. 11:15 AM. 10:00 AM. 11 [6t 1111 showy how 638 is to 11611 tn1) wa with 31 821111 11 .Z\CCULLE pepple mak< different ‘ Whichever Way 3. it’ a saViHE-{S Accc d0wnright good by In fact, deming (:5 withyournearestTa Dominion Bank is ; good business. J11 visit to ‘The Ban soon convince you t! gram ‘ inter< throng deoosit you (:21