Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Messenger (1874), 17 Mar 1875, p. 2

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CU'lllunvv- v--'V.__: which the statemeiits are made.- Wt! oé-mking the'tronbl'e to ex- amiue‘fgfig macs. for yourself,- you peeln m mly on the tact-that the men that - signed ”mac adocumemsfi are -on tin.- groans! ' 21.13] L‘musf, W have: ' known. the‘: minus the statement" of the Chrirc‘li Association with regard to the teachizg pf Trinity CoIIege, ‘ are en- tirely “511L111f.llltlladi0n.’. And still in tge face of the Provost‘s explicit dental. in the absence of my prcwf‘am] in the facts, th'at two (if the excellent cnmtes employed by the Dean of Tux, mtwhfih decidedly low ‘ churchmen or theyjnmld not be where they are, m trained at Trinity College, and that the Provost’s denial ltad been .ugwggdhy mnnmber of the ex.s'tu-. dents; now cletgymen of our church ; notwithstanding‘all this an intelligent pubiie is asked~to believe the state- ments of the Church Association by continued circulation of. the. raperin which. the statements are made. wa what are the mots of'the" case. 1 sl'npiy. that lhis’nok has not ficcn SD arcul‘ded m any Sunday seized, laden "- wugtojhe 0th of Engkmd’ in the m; at In] am; Ultra/man. There =-'n£_" Mr. Goldsmith and a few *other Taiwan in Toronto (it is to their doâ€" .mgs' that we are indebted for" our I have no intention of answering. the Church Association Papers in de- tail, which has been done ahly already huthers, and may be examined on the files of the Globe and Mail, I will ”line myself ttr two'cas'és. ' I. That of the circulation of an ohâ€" jecriom :Ihlc book called “ The Path to HolliIIc-ss” in the church of England- Sunday schwls of this Diocese. From e. title Papers oFtlIc Church Association, Iiuwhich this case is laid before the you are left to infer that I am simulating that. bunk; that your cler- gyman is circa ating that book; In fact, “Zhat all the clergymen‘ efihggfipcese, eicept the few‘ that Bielou'g to the Church Association, are- doing the The Brovmt, the. accused, read a; para, he that tiécasion, before the 093.1169, in which he explicitiy’depied or?! charge. The document is pub.” fished in the Mail and Globe. together with the Rewhutions passed, by the Conia’cil,.in which they say, ttmtf‘ 3m .ycxsationl had wi'h you 3Le other why on the subject of Rfidalism, when "I gave you Some explanation that. ‘ aggmed to yutl satisfitctpry, you asked fine why [Jul hot say sq .rlin'ough the , i ‘ The reason is, beanie theSuh- ' pet has lxgen exhaustedjn the Toronto . .I’apersflmiugjha past three month. €' ' As, however, 1i parcel of‘the' Church gueialxon Papers have lately been ”'"h‘écch-d in my parish,sent here fin: "We purpose of infirencing the coming Easter ElvcxionsJ take‘yonr hint. On the third day of February 1951, the Cguucil of the Coliege met fortylhte )mrgfisqglenqmring into the :1ruth :6? those charges. Notice of the meeting was served ou'the leading members 01 the Church Association, requesting thea-to*appear and maintain their charges. 'lihe only one that took any notice of the invitation was the Dean: of Mano, the chairman by whom the docnrnentxwas first signed. He simpfiy ‘ stated in answer to the invitation [hag he did”: withdraw the charges but declined to attend to makelhem good. (See Malta] Me) None of the ne-i euse‘rsxamiegrcd or any one iii-their u (3'17! , b- h». "3‘3- -' 'on the great bcdy of the dew-Iv cf me Church of England m the Mesa, for! think it is well to jtitow the trumpet ohlarm early. \V hat 1:? complain of ts, that. they keep blu v ' ing aflet the alum; has been I find. to Ive: a this». one. \\ hy continue to Ci:- ' 1213",“? this paper aflcr the f-xcts of the case have become known, :11! 311‘: book I’I‘plldlzfled by the clergy! 2. The teaiching of Trinity College. The Church- Association lately . pub- lished a pamphlet in which the state- ment was made that, “ the few young men in our midst at present ofi'ering for the ministry, are being trained up in Rituulistic or High Church views. and “ixh a strong Anti Reformation and “Anti Protestant views,” .and in anothc-r paper- issued by the same as- sociation, it: was stated that the mem- bers 0'! the- Church of England ‘ feel it impossible fin them to assist in maintaining a studenls’ fund for the support of young men who are careful- lemined to lo ~k with aversion on our third: as a' church of Reformation, and to abhor the name of Protestant. floInchs. as they can and dc) snap their fiugemnr the anhop) who have form- _ 'ed themselves into an association or guild. They o“ n a private chapel and .hotd high ritua' istIc services in. it. It ' was by them Ih- It this hook un‘s cir- l‘éIflated. The Bishop and clexgy of '. this Dioctse are no more responsible . for the vctionsut those men than they an: tor these «If Archbishop Lynch and the clergy of St. Michael’ . .Asfur as I am concerned I never saw the : bookhut if it he anything like what. ibis represented l IItteIfly condemn. it. l 3-»: try to put the case into such a shape as will bring it home to yourself The Canadian Post, we shallsay, pub Fishes a haragmph, in which its stated Aha! thnra is a grave deficiency in the Books of .‘u’ r. Grace, clerk bl the Crown and Pleas. T his matter is investigated,‘ afid‘iouhil- to be without a shadow of foundation. But still the Canadian Past harps publish ng the Engraph, +24: nfiouweek, for more t nu fear. 'on can eas: ly understand tlnt such a tse' pursued towards yourself would his: B ith morally and legilly wrong- But when a simil 1r pr :ceedm" 15 mir- rzgd on against the clergy (and the cases are exactly paralell) it do 3 not ‘afibear so glaring, as tliev are only clgtgy. and must swig-L in silence. Tm'm; Grace; 29, hwy , Mr DEA-R M3. Gunniâ€" r _ Nuw’l do not so much compmiu of the Church Association, in their zeal, and bring perhaps ignorant of the true .mof the cafe, for having thrown 3mm. During the con- As thiscase will come offal an early hour next Court day, we would sug- gest to his Honour the advisability of holding his Court on that occasion, in the Town Hall. Should he do, we will promise a “ large and attentive audience.” ej- A high .lot of Vocal and Instruvl mental Shea Musk}, just received and f- t 33-10: at 4:3 {FM twinge; Oifice. [ The case of the day, did not come -,‘np and was thus laid over, with a number ofothers. '1 be case we allude to, and the one that drew so many ‘there, and that kept them there all dav, vas that of “ T. Eyres as Burna- 1-bns Etcher,” The plaintiff'suing for a long standing account, and the5 De- fendant putting in an account Ezght feet four makes in length. As public sympathy is generally on the side of me oppressed, the present case was not an exception. ‘Barncy’s ’ set ofl was principally for carting for several years luck, and he hail the Raf-~luay Company’ s Books, (a pile about four feet high) ‘here, to prove his having reci ipted them for the goods deliwred: -..~. [heir s’atemems to have been facts before they would have signed them. A very natural conclusion to arrive at, but you must know that all bogus con- cerns are bolstered u; x with an array of good names. sW hat are the fac’s- in this case ? When the inatter'acamenp‘ at the visitafion oi the clergy held in Toronto on the 30th January last, the Rev. Wm. Checkley, curate of Saint ‘l’anl’s ,Yorkville, a member of thé E Church Association, who appeared as i one of the signers ofthe document imo ' pngning, the teachin'r of .I‘ rinity Col.- lege, st0od up bef Ore the assembled Bishop and clergy and declared that he hatl‘nevcr signed‘ the document, that his name had been used without h 3 knowledge or consent, and that he l entirely repudiated it. .â€".â€".â€"-~., \- I l I F r r Some of the cases occupied a good deal of the time. One case in parti- l ticular, \Vesthck vs. Hooey. This was about the price of a Seed-Sewer and rCultivator. A good â€"many witnesses were examined, which took up a great portion of time; then'again, R. H. Holland, Esq., of Port. Hope, who ape peered for the Plaintiff, and R. Los- combe, Esqt of Bowmanville, who was present on behalf of the Defendant, had to have frequent arguments, thus extending the 'case. After very pa- tienthenring, judgment was rendered for Defendant; At the-close :of . this‘ case, we were obliged to leave, return- ing a few moments before the close of the Court, when we found the ever- lasting “ Peter” had the floor. At 6,} the‘Judge adjourned the Court, as he has obliged to return by the 6.20 train. - l Fenelon Falls, March 8th, 1875. 3' We take the above from last week’s‘FeneIan Falls Gazette, and as the Rev'. Mr.'Logan is well- known, in this District, we are sure the letter Bwill He read with attention,especially as It touches upon a subject that has :50 recently been brought before the Imembess of the Church, in this place VVe'Jnesday, the 17111 being Saint Patrick’s Day', was also Court Day in Millbmuk. Judge Clark, presided. An unusual interest appeared to be taken in this Court, the Court room being crowded to excess, from the time ofopening to six in the evening, when the Judge had to leave. or one thing l'am quite sure, that if you could havae seen that you were assisting to entail a groundless suspio cion on me, your friend of nearly a quarter of a century’s standing. and On many equally innocent, you would neither have given your own money to assist in the cireulation of those 'Pa- pers, nor haVe asked the assistance of others to promote such a cause. '1 hose who manage the Church Association affairs seem to have forgotten the golden ru'e in our Saviour's sermon on the mount, for they entirely disregard- ed it:â€"- “ whatsoever ye “fluid that men should do to you, do you even so toiliem , for this is the law of the prophets.” lam, my dear Mr. Grace, Yours very sincerely. W M. LOGAN. At the meeting of the Clergy Trust Committee held in Toronto, on T hurs-‘ «lay the' 11th ult., Chancellor Blake; who’was generally supposed to have been the writer ofthe Paper in quies- tiun and‘ whose name was attaeheJ as one ofthe signers thereof, made the following minute and solemn declun-, tion before the committee of. which he isa member, and of which 1 am- a member, and was then present, name- ly, that he never either wrote 6: sag-- gestcd a Word of that lcttrr, that he knew nothing whaliever of it until, he sawit in print, and' that he was as much grieved at its publication as any member of the committee could pus- srbly be. For this statement he was, spontaneously thanked by the indi- vidual members of the committee.â€" Aud still this document is circulated. And Why 2 Because it is supposed that it will have an cflect on the coming Easter Elections, on those who like yourself have lett others to think for them on thisimportunt question. The object desired to be attained, by the circulation oi these Papers, 18 to hr; ng about such h state of~things as that- a small but zealous minoritby may rule the Bishop and Synod. I fuliy agree with you that the discussion of this question will result in good, as it will, and is now leading many to look into the subject, who before never gave it a moment’s thought. Mwslp FOR SALE. Mihbrcok Division Court. 3W H Shani Archibald Wifsoa M Si-.son Robe-r1 Philp Wm Evans A Graham, Jr Robert Gilbauk E S Corbett Samuel Giandy Samuel Cochrane Rev W ‘C Wmdell William Gmy John Magi”, Jr - Robert Magid ' John Ferguson William Finney Hugh Magil-l Wm Magill,.Con10 Joseph Byers, Jr C Chittick James Hanna George Bratlbum John Finney David Magi” Richard Jackson lohn Jennings John Porter, Can 9 Andrew Benson' , John Jones ‘ 1 John Brown ‘, Robert Morrow. James Holmes ‘4 Wm Lethangue ' ' Wm Benson . John Mahatfy‘ ' ‘ John Nicholson Edward Sing 2 Charles Potter GeorgeSisso‘ifi- - Samuel Wrighg . -. John Sutton , “i' Francis Porter GeorgeWilson Archibald Wilson Wm Ward, Wm Byers (tenth) John Farrorr John Todd, , Kelson Wilson Henry Fee. John Baird J John” Kennedy Robert Porteus P Preston H Sisson Wm Hannah G Johnston Gvorge Ca'r John Bradley Joseph Best Wil‘.iam Forsytlxe George Wen-y I Preston, Sr , ' James Kellett James Staples Wm Patter Allen Thompson F WarJ . Johnston Morton John Lee. Sr ' Christopher Bray W A Fallis John Thompson '1 :hn McRorj R’d Fallis Josh McGill, Sr Josh McGill, Jr Wm Syer John Coulter Josh Hutchinson Henry Hutchinson John Vance Thomas McGrath‘ Thomas Ball ~»-Jolm- Hart“ Jacob Hart. Richard Arnott Robert Irwin R'chard Taylor Rol‘ett Asmstrong James Bushell. John Reliill George Mulligan Thoma: Pant S Stinson ‘Thomaswsfleaslip . Thomas Howe ‘ -H Murphy Joseph Staples William Skucé Moved by Mr. Shaw srconded by Mr. Rehill, and resolved, that this Council stands avljoumed to the first Wednesday in May, to meet at the International Hutcl, Bethany, at the hour of 12 o’clock noon.â€"C'ar.ricd. ‘ M}. John Hale was then examined, respecting damage to his sheep, by dog; and proved, and two thirds or- derfed to be paid. On motion, the fallowing orders were signed by the Reeve: John Hale, two thirds‘ damage to sheep by dogs $17.33, G. Huwden, part. salary, 1875, 10.00. Moved by Mr. Rehill seconded by Mr. Shuw,nnd resolved, that the Clerk notify Mr. Rob ~rt Brooks, overseer, to move or cause to be removed, all fences or other obstructions, from ofl the Manvcrs portion of the road allow- ance on the Boundary line, between lerkemnd Montrcrs.â€"C'ar/ fed. “:1.- Tab... 11-!“ .. n... 0‘_-_ -__4_ !__- I Moved by Mr. Shaw seconded by Mr. Rehill, that the Reeve sign an order in favor of Geo. llowden, {or the sum of $10, being part of his salary for the preset}; year.-â€" me‘ccl. Moved by Mr, Rehill secofi'd'ed' by Mr. Shaw,:: that the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Conucillur Shaw, shall be appbinted a Special Committee. to enquine into the validity ofthe Trea- urcr’s securities, (m accordance with Sec. 195 of the Municnpal Act,) and report at the next meeting of Council. - Can-22.1- er Hill; lg’ Petitiié ’Irom the foi'l'owfng persons ‘for Tavern and Sh0p License, togeth- 'er with'the Inspector’s Report thereon, were then presented, read, and grani- ‘ed'. 39 W. J. Lang,‘F.?'Hamilton, John Roper, 'Wm. Steel, Ed Ward Kel- let, G. Shcckelton, James Magill and Edward Bunnon, for Tavern, and Campbell 85 Vance, for Shop License. A Bv-luw, res ecting the issuing of. Certificates for 'lavern and Shop Li- censes,,limiting the number thereof, the appointment of an Officer to en-' force the provisions of the Act, respect-‘ ing the sale of Fermented and S; irit- ous Liquors,.and other matters con- nected therewith, was then introduc- ed and read first time. Moved by Mr. Shaw seconded by Mr. Rehill, that the amount payable to this Municipality, for Tavern and Shop License, for this year, shall be $‘20, including all expenses.-Carrz'e(l. The By-law, with blanks filled. was then read second and third times, and finally p‘aR'sed.‘ ' A‘By-la‘w', to appoint Overseers of Highways, .c.. was introduced, read lst_,_2ud guy] 331 tiples, and passed. ‘ Communications trom the following persons were read and ordered to be filed -. From County Clerk, stating that Thomas Smith, of Manvers, has obtained an Auctioneer's License, for ‘this'hTowns’him from J. J. Ti-Hey, Pub. lip Schoolluspector,‘ aekowledging re- ceipt. of $20, being amount apportion: ed towards procuring "J‘eaohcrs Li;- brary ; also from the some, containing Notice that Lots 1, 2, 3, 4., and the Son‘thhalves of‘lots 5, 6 and 7, in the lst Con. Manvers, were attached to School Section No. 520, Clarke; from MFSV-‘M: 11- Gray. With reference to land=for new road, from Lotus to Bunk- Members present: .Messrs Preston, Rehill and Shaw, The Reeve in the chair. ‘ ' The minutes of the last meeting were r -,ad approved, and on motion, confirmed. - Lifl'urd, Mant'ers, Friday, 26th Feb’y. The Council met this day, pursuant to adjournment. W ’ . ~ FENCE VIEWERS. SOUTH fian’flmnv. NORTH Bovxm av. ce Edward Moore .1; James Miner. ' Robert Brooks WEST BOUNDARY. Manvers Counail. OVERSEERS. Wm McMaaters Josch Hutchinson Jamvs Thompson M Hammond Richard Arnett Wm Syer John Coulter Josh Hutchinson Henry Hutchinson John Vance Thomas McGrath. Thomas Ball F WarJ . . Johnston Morton Jo’u: Lee. Sr ' Chrietopher Bray W A Fallis John Thompson '1 :hn McRorj R’d Fallis Josh McGiH, Sr Josh ZflcGiH, Jr H Sisson Wm Hannah G Johnston Gvorge Ca'r John Bradley Ioseph Best Wil‘.iam Forsylhe George Wen-y I Preston, Sr , James Kellett James Staples Wm Patter Allen T_hompson u I'- Mr. Bengough gave numerous illus- trations of celebrities both local and public, which clearly demonstrates, that he is a master‘hand asa Cartoonâ€" lst, making his picturns, before the audience, in an incredible short space of time; in some cases, with a dash or lWo of his pencil,‘ changing the 5'9‘33 from 0.28 character to the, OPPSSite,' having no regard to which sex they! -b.-long. . ‘ . Mum 1. W. ango:1?'1,the enter- prising publisher of Grip, and celebra - (d as a Cartoonist, gave one of his popular lectures in the TOWN Hail, Millbrook, on Fridav .eveninvg last.â€" Owing to the object for which the Lecturer was brought here, not being properly understood,vthe attendance was not what it should have been, and the receipts did not meet the expend- itufg by_ nearly $13. an we are in a Inzzle ; we have just receiveda visit from our former neighbor and respected friend, the Rev Richard Clarke, late W. M. Minister, stationed at Millbrook, and now of Norwood. The puzzle is'this : we are s’ill behind a couple of days in pub- lishing, (thanks tothe fire" King» and it is new a day ,nfter the Messenger ought to be out, and if we. wish to say, on Thursdav morning, that we have received a visit from our friend, to (lay, and the paper is dated the day prevnous, wepresumefihe best-sway of-gettmg over the puzzle, is to say we rec'ewcd a visit to marrow morning from our form- er neighbor, and was pleased to find him in such good spirits, cousxdenng his late experience. ’ W. to return to Ottawa, to look after his intetests and Mr. R. W. to return to his businesn “’6 had 'the pleasure of their comp my on the cars from Fe terboro’ to Millbrook. We also had the pleasure of meeting his brother, Richard Whi‘e, Esq, of the Montreal Gazette, and Vice-‘l’resi- dent of the Dominion Type Founding Company, another of our esteemed friends, long and favourably known around here, as joint proprietor with. his brother. Thomas While, 3L, ofthe Peterboro’ Review. Both of these gentlemen had been hastily summon- ed to attend what was supposed to be the death bed of their father. How- ever, we ‘were pleased to learn, that the venerable gentleman took a turn for the bitter, thus elabling Mr, T. Business havingtaken us to Peter- boro’, on Tuesday last, on entering Mr. Romaine’s Stttionery and Print- ing estaLlishment, we were confront- ed l)y an old and much respected friend, no less a. person than the not-rejected of Montreal West. ”VTVe were pleased to see him lot kingso well,and to learn that the proSpec( were“:le fat/oi- of his taking Ins rightn tseat 1n the House of Commons. Ilis seat it is, by right ; as after a careful scrutiny it has been proved that-he has a majority of 14. votes. Make way Mr. McKnezie, for a better man than yourself. (11’? We give place to the above, al- though against ourrules to do so. The writer enclosed it,without giving his name, or any request even to publish it. So much are we in the dark, as to its authorship, that. we know not where it came from, as we could hot decilhn' the postmark. Presumiug that it was written by a member of the Lodge, we mail a c0py of the Mes- senger, to the Secretary of the Lodge, with a request tha; he will read this note in oicn lodge,as a guide to fu- ture conespondens, to enclose their name, not forpublitaubn. \Ve are al- xwys pleased to rezeive correspon- dence, or general interest, but must know from whom it comes. He waslistened to with every at- tention- ,every body was well pleased and g at fied.Vo1es of thanks wee moved to the speakers, and Chairman. l-Aecordiog to previous announcement, at temperance meeting was held on Fridav evening, 12th inst, in the Me- thodist Church. at 7; o’clock ; Brother. Gre'enway, W. C. T, was called . to preside. ,‘Notice of the meeting not having been properly sent round ; not as many as was echcted were out. After the usual exercises Brother Mcâ€" Nau:hton was compelled to say some- thing on the good cause. For over halt an hour he entertained the meet- ing. giving a thrilling history of the License system-and 31.8 6"“ results. After some ox‘cfenm observations, from the chair, Mrf’l‘ho'mas Flynn, of Napanee, Grand: Lodge Lecturer, was introduceJ, who certainly gave one of the best speechfiejye have ever listen- ed to, on the temperance reform, it was telling and as it respects the mix- eries which flow from it. he was thrill- iw. He reviewed the question Scrip- turally, Criminally, Eloquently, ably and en ‘rgetieally,\vitli a pathos which none but an Irishman possesses. Praiseworthy ,i‘ample. Hull’s Corners, ' ‘ chourg. Samuel Cochraue James McGill henry Cope Wm Lethangno {ghn Jennings 33H; M...» .amuel Gillis,‘: Jr For the filmenger. John Sandorsou CharZ'es Gillis Hepry Fee We hope to illusirutc this subject. ANOTH ER PERSONA L. POUND KEEPERS. PERSONAL. â€"-o-- GRIP I John PO‘IOI' ‘Wm Stms‘n E B: 11 non J llamil‘on J nrnes Thompson Thqmas Timmin Thomas Laidley. Jo'm Pane Thom-cs Grundy -.n Three pound packars by mnflitiwost-phlild,‘ $1.80. Price per bushel or barrel as per caut- Io;.e. , . ,- J. M. TIIORNBURN CO. A seedling of the " Early Rose" fertilized with the pollen of the white " Penéh Blow,” ripening with the fofiner. and combining more superior qualities in a higher degree than any other Early Potato now in use. i Tw» nly-righ! fill a. bus/tel .’ Yields over 700 bushe's with ordinary farm cultivation ; cooks whzte as snow. Sent, 1 05l-paid, 50 eyei, $1 ; 150 eyes, $2, ‘ Address Evrs’s Coco.i.--GRATE?UL Axn Coupon’nxa.» Thc agreeable character of this preparation has rendered ita general favourite. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Each packet is labelled JAMES EPPS and Co, Homazopmhic Chemists, '48’" Threqdneedle-street, and l70, , 1o" Errs's COCOA --GIM‘I'EFCL axo COMFORTltm - “ By a. thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and bya careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa. Mr Epps has provided our breakfast 'tublns with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by thcjndicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to re sis: every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak innt. Wt- may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our- selves well fortified with pure blood and a pro- perly nourished lrame.”â€"-Cwi1 Service Gazzttc. Piccadmjv. Works for Dieteii’c"ifi’refiEfatiéhéfi Euston-road and Camden Town, London. $5 TO $2 “TR DAY‘ "\gen1s Want- ed. ' All classes of \\ mkin': p9opie, ofcither sc\, young or old make more money at Wle for us in their spare moments, or a‘l the time, tlun at any thing else. Pani- culars free. Post card to States costs but one cent. Address G. STINSON 8: CO. ,mPonlmd, Maine. 11x43 WORK I At home, male or female; $35 Folell I per Week. day or e\ eninn‘. No Cfll‘llal- W: send vrluable pmkage of goods b3 'mnilfree. Address will: I (em return stamp, M YuUNG, l73‘."Grec wick- C . h' ‘f A1 LifTurd, on the 5th Mar., Mr. William Dobson, son of Geo. Dobson, Esq” Orono, aged 3] YeJrs. I Cnvqn, on lhe 9111 March, the wife of Mr. Davul Armstrong, of a son. MARRIED. In Millbmok, on the 15th inst at 1119* Methodist Parsonage. by the R.:v. W. R. Barker, Mr. James R. Kidd, of Dummer, to Miss Annie Marie Purcell, of South Mon- :13 mn. - It: Millbrook, on the 7rd March, by the Rev. Wm. Mitchell. Mr. Arch’d Reynolds, son of Wm Reynolds, Esq., J. P., to Miss Mary anlll, all of Cavan. St., N. LIED. In Iindsay on file 10th March, Edith Sarah, infuntdnughter of P. Palmer Bur- rows, Esq , M. D. In Marlbrook, or. llxe 17111 m... at the Methodist l’.-rsonnge the wife of the Rev. “7. R. Pinker, of a daughter. In Nillbronk on the hi March. the wife of M r. Samuel Marshall, of a son. In Mafibmak. on the 1611] Man, the wife of Mr \Vm. Vance of a duuglner. In Millbrook, on the 181]: of March, 1118 wife of Mr. Richard Guy, Wutchmakcr. of a son. of? \Ve are now able to ahnon'nce that this Concert will cnmé" off on Tuesday- evening, March 23rd, in the j Town Hall, Millluook, when the Band 4 will have the valuable assistance of' Mr. D. Carson, Mr. Burns, I‘I'ans I-Iof- l‘enheimer. (in a new ch irac'tér.) the Mulligan Guards and the ORJUAVA Company. Particulars in Bills and Programmes. . Tickets, 525 cents, for sale in the usual places. Doors open at halfâ€"past Seven, Concut to bégiu at Eight o’clock. THE NEW POTATO { Thornburn s Earlv Paragon { We have much pleasure in' an- nouncing that the Millbrook Brass Band intend givihg, what they say will be the best Concert 01 the season, in the course ofaiweekor two. Par- ticulars wi_‘l ’be'niade known, before the close of the‘week. ”We feel sure that the pubiic will turn out well, and give this Concert general support. No pains will be spared to produce a full programme. - 1‘he Victor Potato! Band Concert. BIRTHS. 15 John Street, New Yank A. C. ASHALD, Garrettsvillé, 0. 2669-10 The clauSe in the new Postal Bill, providing,r for the detection of letters cm'nitzing remittances obtained lradu- lently, has been struck out 1: seem- ed rep! g aunt to the £6 teral feeling ol the House that any one should have authority to open ,letters; and say wh thcr the money therein was ob- tained by fraud or not. 11 people are foo ish enmtgh to send money to lot- teries and other swindles, says the Libm‘atf, they may fuirlv he allowed to hear the loss themselves, and not ad; the Government, at the risk cf destroving the confidence in our postâ€" al system, to protect them. VAs_ Sir John A. Macdonald remarked when speaking on this question, nothing shouldmterfere With the sacredness of the mail bag or its contents.‘ Wanted, at the Messenger Office, by the First bf next month, an Army of The village Council of Carleton Place have paésekl a; resolution gran!- ing the sum of $50. to :heJIqrald for publishing their minutes, c., of the currant year. Good for Carlton Place. Reader, if you have any of our $ S S in your pocket, we would like them to come home, for awhile; ' ls hereby given, that. I, the undersigned, GEORGE H.‘ PAYNE. of the Township of Cavan, in the County of Durham, Yeoman. \viil, upon the expiration of twenty days after the publicatioxg of tnis Notice, accorJâ€" ing to the Statute m such case made and provided, apply to the Surrogate Court of [he United Counties of Northum‘ erland and Durham. to be appointed Guardian of the Infant Children of WILLIA M BUR-. TON, deceased. in his life time. of the W'- lane of Mil-brook, in the sand Townshn of (Sivan, Gentleman. ‘ Wc have been requested to inform the’ public, that the only original and justly celebrated Peak Family, Vocal- sir,” you ~say, while your eyes burn with rage. “ Here it. is, sir,” he re- sponds, handing you a pastelmard. You look at the card and are stupcfied to read something like this: " The largest stock of winter clothes can be seen at Nu.â€" street.” Advertising is first. being reduced to a science in Paris, and some of the methods used by tradesmen to divert attention to their wares are worthy the study of Barnum himself. I‘he latest dodge recorded throws rhinoce- ros fights and lion hunts fll' in the s'rade. You are quzetly wulkingalong the Boulevard, pensively meditating on lif: and your mother-in-lmv, when suddenly you are astonished by a kid; from behind. You turn, and meet the impertiuent gaze of a stray g r. If you are a “ man of honor,” and must. Frenchmen are, you at once demand satisfaction. “ Certnitzl ',” says the assaileut, bowing cooly. “ Your card, Our Goo! Templar friends, of Ivy Temple, are preparing to give a first- class Concert. 1! is cxpectvd to come off in about two wet-ks. Due an- nouncemeut will be made. ists. Harpists and Swiss Bell Ringers, \Vl” shortly put in an appearance in Millbrook, and give one of their nighly interesting entertainments. From the Programme before us, we observe that the company have a long array of talent, more than has ever been pre 1 se'uted on any other previous occasmn. M. Dufmrr’, Ministr‘r of Justice, stntodthut the Govcrmnr-nt had not yet deliberated on the question of dis- solutinn,l -u'. his personal opinion was that lie Asswmhly should dissolve in Angmt. and the elections for the new Chamber uf Dcputics could be order- ed for the Autumn. w Paris, March 16.â€"â€"thn the Asâ€" sembly met 10-day the Duke D'Audif- freI-Prvsquier look the chair. He read an address containing same strongly- worded expressions agaimt the Bonn- partist, which were laudly cheered by the Left. M. Duclorc,a Liberal Republican, was elected one um..- Vice-Pn sidcnts, receiving the sum» 1’: of the Republi- czm manriw. A SINGULAR Cumâ€"Albert Earl, an old resident ofScriba, N. Y., died recently. and owing to the snow block- ade, ten days elapsed before a.‘ coffin could he procured in which to place the body. As the roads to the town cemetery were all lrlnckacled; the re- mains were temporarily intomlred in a snow- drift near the house of 'he de- ceased. l ’ A! the same time that the Division 1 Court was sitting in the Chart Room in the New Hall, on Vt'ednesday, March 17‘, o'ur Methodist friends had an important duty to perform, being no noless than tryng one of their long- serving' Ministers, the Rev. Richard Clarke, for “lying aud_ slandering,” charge brought agmnst him by Mr.. Wm. Eyrcs, Jr. There was a large gltheringl of the Ministers of that Church, and after a careful hearing, and ample time being taken to well anl weigh the etidence, we are pleased to say that the Committee fully 3113 ex- I plicity cleared lhe Rev. gentlemanl iR from every charge made against him, Milli deciaring tu hirriD that he had. if any Int thing, leaned too much to the side of { mercy, considering the various phases Whel of the case. . (lam. PUBLIC NOTICE GEORGE H. PAYNE. Cavam, 10111‘ March, 7875. 4w10 Good Templar-'5 Concert. Swiss Bell ngers. $$$$ LATEST NEWS. Wesleyan Coutt. ‘ I ‘ The seventy-alumes of Harper’s Rama." for the years 1868. ’69, ’70. m, ’72, ’73, ’74, elegariify bound in green morocco (40111: “'“!,be._scnl by express, frenght preâ€" V paid, for 379063.011. Newspapers are not to copy l/cese adter- tisemems without the express ordersaqt HARPER Racing“. 7 ‘. 'llte Buzar comtmnds itself to every member of the householdâ€"40 the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladies by its fashion- plates in endlesz variety. to the pun-idem ma- tron by its patterns for the. children’s clothes, to« patczfamilms by its tas eful designs for embroid- ered slippers and luxurious dressing-gowns. But the relding-ma'taer of the Bazaris uni‘bnnly of great excellence. 'lhe paper has aequxred a wide popularity for the. fireside enjoyment. it af- fords.-â€"N. Y. Etching Post. An extra copy of either the_ -Mlgaziuc. liickly, or Brzzar will be supplied gratis; far away Club of five Subscribels at S 3 'r each, in one’ reminauce ; or. Six Copies NIT $20.00, whhodt extra copy : postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any firm»: A Cozfipiete Set of Harper’s Liagaziue now comptising 4.9 Vommes, in neat cio « biDang, will be sent by express. freight at‘ expensepf purchaser, fox $2.25 per Vol... Single volumes, by mail. postpau‘, $3.00.. Cloth cases,,fl:r binding, 58 cents, by maii‘," pastpaid ' H, ‘ a“. A" .’~'. The Armizi) Volumes of Harper?E Week- IU, is neat ql‘mhsbinding, will be gently! express, freé of-‘expense‘, for $7.00 each; A complete Sé‘t,‘ cémprismg e‘ghteen . Vols. sent on recqip; of cash at the rate of $5.45 per VOL, freight at expense of purchaser. ~ 'l‘L- ,A~, .- v- fi'Notary Pub‘ic, Commissioner in Queen 3 Bench, ConVe3encer, c Smial attention paid to £3°The higfiost przc‘. 1:: CAS 2, for an? quantity of Wheat. Grain, ~and Produce Dealer; Bethany . Noliccs qf the Press. Thchazar is edited with :1 coniributionof tact'. and mix-m xhat we seldom find in any journal ;; and the journal itsefl' is the organ 0! the great. world’of fits!1ion.-Boslovz Tmrcllcr. 0n the mast tavorable term, arr! any sum. "‘ i Repository Qf Fashion, Pleasure, and? , lustrudion C O'NVEYANCING 115 articles are models of high-ton“! discussion, and its pictorial illus:mtions are ofun corrobor- ative argfiments of no small force.-N¢w York Examiner and Chronicle. _ ~ :f 113 paxlvcrs‘ npoqpxistemqv-cflons and its in- immibie cpl-moons help tamould flu aenfimcnh of 1héfc6fintt3'4-Piuspw'gfl Commercial. TOWNSHIP CLERK, {8.338}: of Mia-Triage Licences, Bet_hany_. . The W'ccld'y is the abiest and most pcwe fl; 1‘ illustrated periodical published in this oonntrv. Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, andi carry much weight. Its illustrations of current cvenis are full and fresh, and are pxepared by our best designers. With a circuiat: on t f 150, -â€" 000, the Weekly 15 lead by at least hnifnlniilion persons, and its influence as an organ of opinion is simpb tremendous. The Weekly mail him; a tositivc position, and expresses decided views on political and socml problemsâ€"Louiscille Courier-Iovrnal. . “:1 Cb7:1.p1'e1c Pictorial Hister if the! Ti nwé.”-â€".“ The best, rhva'pvst, and most succesaful Family Paper ‘ m the Union “ W ‘ 11%;"ny the vbrsl'kuslained work' ; (1” 1h: kind in the World.” The chame'er finch this Magazine p« a «- l~a~ fun zuicty, onurpriso, aztisiic we: ',th and litcrv an c: xlturc that haske ptpace will). ifit has not. In] the limes, shou‘ d cause its can'd’uctors to rt~ gard it n ith justifiable c mylwcncy. It also‘ (uli’los them to a gxcnt claim upon the public' gr.- nunde. ’I he Magazine has done good tend not u it all the da,s of 11- life .--'-Brooklyn Eagle. The ever-increasing circulation of this excel- lent monthly proves its continued adoption to popular desires and needs. Indeed. When we‘ think into how many bombs it penttmtos every month, we must consider it as one of the edu- cators as We“ as entertainers of the public mind. for its vast populariw has been won by no ap- peal to stupid plcjudiccs or depraved lasts.â€" Bas‘lcn Globe. None but the best of workmen employed, ana‘the work turned out will ensure him a. fair share of patronage. 0:}- Mending done at. short none; 4;: A” ‘work warranted to give satisfaction M‘Ilbrook, March 10,1875, 5 ‘ 10 ‘â€"__" """J ""“'â€" 'd â€"" f A. $63.11. over the .Deyeu tore. Whele he will be happy to receive lh’eiror- ders, until his new Shop. (nex't door to the Mfssengzr Office,) is ready. RFQPRCTFULLY informs the public Lthat he has commenced business m Millbrook, In the Premises 1;t_e1y_'oocr pig! by It.â€" Address D.‘ G. GREEK, Ilarpt r’s filagazinc. ‘ ILLUSTRATED. Harper's I’Va'laly; ILL LISTRA TED. 1910313? TO 1.03.”, liarpm"s L’azar. ., ILL USTRJTED. A. BYLE Y anices of the Pie”. Notices qf the Tress. In all its branches. HARPER BROTHERS, TERUS : Irwin, Ia}; Janet, Wm Kindred, Miss J King. Miss Marv Keener 8; rWhi‘mmb Gamble, Jun. Hempmn, David Helherington Em Hunter. David Hopkins, Juo Hogan, Edward '2 Hawthom, Miss Ea“. Hawthorn, Rob! Haggai Thus Howson, Bella : Ht", fines Maggie Homes, 83ml Hempmzl. D - Hurdy, Miss Mary Jonnsxon, Wm. Jdmsmnfl‘has {uh-aston, George I Having [Induced anxious that awry '- by a1dalbfgennim send '- good, large . . «aged, raised by my; Goheen, Chas Gibson, Rob! Garlick, J A. 1-" cheat; Mu; Marv Riga, N42159: l Baking. Jno Evans, ‘Maq Jane Faflisi Fink; .Geo I’ve: Adam FosterJ ' Giliispie, Jnc Gray, Miss 51 Gray, Roderick Good-emu, T W rielies. 60 :13 TM! Mingus!) Pm Pinks. Double Holly] Portulaca. and is e: deuce. E111 parka! kihd. and a great dis}: cost. Scat post-paid 9 STAR C< Rest (azly Grape kn than H. Prolflit. C1 Bury on“ it mywnor qualilv. fruit large 1 mmwct. color and {4‘50 D.- VigorOus grower. 1 (fish; $10 pcrdozon p ) EHAIXXNG in u“ 1- Mar. 1, 1873, no: BrownJ D Campbell “'11! Canine”, M.'s. Car'mich e1, MrsJa. Curtis, Wm Cami-ell, Hrnry Chambers, Wm. Calhoun. Miss M Cooke, Jun Qathcan, D Douglas Mex Ememu, Thomas Ems, Miss Ma‘) HOOSJCTHORN " Quality and Prod! Hardy. ' Never mus ! by mail, 50 as. ; 6 pl 9.00. Full his‘orj free m all. Addrvss 9 mm Akin, Jno Dimsdale. Addie Douulex, (ad). Dennis, Ha“ ard Dinner, Jas R Atkins, Jun Ball, Thomas Brown, Juo Brown. 1 con. Basset, MissJ Bn’nes. Alex Bc'sfood, J W NO THOR-XS 9a Flower and 1 Ian-187:; 1 _:.)Vi1h supplement of} ‘ Seed: and other (‘ru is how being sent u and will beg sent to Host valuable pIum- strnds the Curculio. sun- to grow and as on rmking fine saiablc 1: fruit xh thin‘l. 100 mail, {or $3.50, Early ( ha A list of our pcpub ‘mg Plants fu- 1:: m i 1rinution.Msn our} 'thts, Seeds and fr: 1 time, cold or hot, n 2A far SI .00 :, Send far out {131151 and Saderecbqu DESI; I 9 114 3 Roses and The habit is very of “59' ml! leaves. bright-lilac and pm the yur round, beg in the sand-bed. : umipt of the prin doz. . (Sec ,Juricu for full dcsa'ip'ion ‘ o _ DONXELLY Our new bands or 1875 is now new neeipt'of’a letter 5: 146! Tremont S! to Curtis 5'. PLANTS FOR E FLOW' [53 S 30 Varieties of dmi Discount to Gas; !2 Choice Month!) 95 Choice Vnritâ€"ti Cu phca "01 3 Cherry 11in l SEED T13 LIST OF ., 6 Meta; 5 ROSES MINE Arlin (Luz M WILL}

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