all on him and leave their {i‘ 01" L‘ry ten askf Land gets R Eddy's Matche+ lperiénce tells >8 George I. WALLIS, rt» a ï¬rst-class horse a rrn-out of guy deacï¬p wall a this stable. Ix! young team of black .nyono but. no super: as Continent. All 1L. Potorboro‘. Ground t flair! to climb. 'iamomz’s. 1V aft/us â€732/53 /_ Wéwr HGBAPHS '. W. LARMER. rou are the \th and are open r:onviction. try; meztrfsexlzed uncut nu nu "1.0:. QUE. A cute mu. bog o! wane» Tooth Pom (un- L> win he an: by ma g... 9i of 15 cents, up" I???†3â€"! like pea-ls Zionism! School of Cutting, inflation. We Defy City BROOK, Toronto. Mald'r :‘ï¬' 4.: . .. x -Mil: ’ Nf;;:-w.-. 3% Grubs-free. C I mmiOm Sum-.LOM ;“ '93?“ Md} st Artistic "It. A‘epairixg in ’5 LNERY 1 B. EDDY’S MATCHES. on Tapper street. WALLIS, iHNEIDER, 'ySuit Book Store. from :ho mills. Portniu In Oil Jory. Indi. Ink. YPOOL, Jll Ivor/é guar- [MBEB 75.31%" W“ ' "Hume Chflsty Knives for s: %W Oven-coatings. BEST "756†in ONTARIO M" mgivod’ and interest allowed at high“! current. rites. BANKERS, mun-rook. - ‘ OFFICE-North side of King-st. a “stanceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. ARMERS‘ ASD OTflER GOOD NOTES discounted. .Dmtta named on all points in Canada and the Lniwd States at. lowest, rates. The Collection 0! Sale and other notes aspcc' - ty. 1.91m: quadoon Real Estate. .No com o- Wood Kells: UCTIONEER. Sales of all kn attended to. Satisfaction Terms and dates arranged at. ch oflloe or on applwation to myself. . OXEY to Man at. 5 per cent. on gm edge A security and at 55 and 51 per cent. on lesser pecurity. ‘ ‘erms to suit. borrowers. RANNEY 85 INNES, Pmnnono'. - - ONTARIO. CW1 ITIL ENGIN FERS. ONTARIO LAND SUR- VEYORS. 406m RADL'ATE OF THE OXTARIO VETER- College. lï¬seascs o: Domesticated Animals treated_ on scientific principles. Equine Dentistry agpeciglty. Registered in accordance with the V mortuary" Act. pï¬ico â€" opposite Dominion llotel. Residence king-st. PONTXPOOL. Room-u: ofï¬ce- CHISHOLM «S: CHISHOLM ALL DOMESTIC-‘31:?!) ANIMALS TREAT- ecl accordmg to latest, scientiï¬c methods Purticular attonuon glv en w Equine Den mm. Charges moccrste. Calls by telegragh prompt.- ly attended to. .InlbI-oolï¬. PERRYTOW N. - - ONTARIO. AUCTIOXEER FOEâ€"Till}: COUSTY 01“ Durhgm. Sales of allkmds promptly at- tended. Dag: and terms art-mugged at. the roI‘l' non. _â€"â€".â€"._â€"â€".__ T. H. HASSARD, VS» ICES I' PLEASANT. - 05118"! “’1â€. visit Cavmvme Monday. Wednesday sud Friday of gap): week 1mm 1 to 3pm Uflico at Mr. C. M33111 3. ALL DOMESTICA’I‘ED ~.\.\'l.\IALS TP. EAT- ed according mingto latest scientiï¬c methods. Particular-0d attenuon given to Eqmno Dentistry. Charges moderate. esidencc nnd doflico King 5L, opposite c;d \V estem Bank. 'B'Jc'xiiiny‘ftie‘ 2nd a month. Omemee 12' day of each month. cmmvms. - ONTARIO. QUEEN'S Universitï¬. Kingston. Member of the College or P “Slclanu and Surgeons. J 1531131. apvcuu uucuuvu n... V_ preservation of the natnmf Teeth. .‘u- trona Oxide Gas for the painless extinction of Will be at. teeth. Good work mmntccd. Bethany the 2nd an 4th Mundayi og each month. Qmemeq 13!. Monday and 3rd \\ educa- E6501; BARRISTER. 30113:}: Notary Public. etc. Funds tot can at Privsto and Compan Vood Kcua' block. moloweat. rates. Otï¬ce in At Bgtmy on 2nd and 4th Mondays of every rum ecu-uh nun-nun. .. w---- _ h, , , OGce in Ontario Block. Walton street. PORT HOPE. '1 Kiev-College 0! Ontario. "31“ m". - __._. TRINITY ‘L’XIVERSITY. MEMBER the College of Physicians and Surge ’nORO-VI'O and Victoria Universities. pi -:e cenuaui‘ Royal 0011 a Surgeon; Edm- burgh. Member College' hysicians and Snr goons. Oumrio._ 0mm: at. A. Leuch's drug store N. C. MeKlNNON, M.D-, C‘ "‘ ORDER or ODDFBLLOWS, VIEETS EVERY TUESDAY EVENISQ [X :L their hallover the new Post Otflcc. Vlsn- mg Brethxen welcome. \V. D, LEACH. \V. S. GIVES, Nka. OYAL CAVAX LODGEâ€"CANADIAN 0R- DER 0F ODDl-‘ELLOWS. meets toe third Tuesday evening or each month In the Home Circle room-~ Kin -sr... Miubrook- houyofmoeting.80‘clock. 1‘ about“: of this Socxoty are worthy the consideration of every ‘__ ..... L._I_L-) __ -nnllnnï¬nn, uw-vw; wuv "Viv-Ii uuv vv- .u‘v.......-. - Del-ton. Intormauon furnished on application W. ARCHER. N. G. GEO. DUNCAX. Sec- 'Meetl third Monday in each mu- -mh in their room over Leach‘ a drug: store Strangrfl W01- COME. s w cum; .Cciidence Annie Street. Méétg'tl'; second Moniay in every month in Home Circle Rooms. Wood . Hells block. at 8 o'clock sharp. W. ARCHER. G. W. H. ANDERSON. London Secretary. J. R. YOUXG. Firm-Sec. MIMROOK CANADLXA HOME CIRCLE A“ .\ o._6. E‘OURT IVANHOE. N0. 327. I. 0. F‘ ‘ESTIST. Special Agitation A _.-.n.. RCHIBALD “'OUD. ISSCER OF MAR RIAGE LICENSES. Miubrook. 0m B. COLLINS CO. BANKERS. owned by Mr. In Nam-us. ; hereby ao- llcit a share of \ our patronage. 1!: return for which 1 will guaranteo to 8113?]! you With the choicest mean: a: the lowest ll ng prices. I 118'.qu ‘he sen-icea of Mr. \V. Scott who-o Onion doliv 3118 meat is well known in Mlllbrook. HAVING purchased the Butchox business hwy promptly to any put of town. V0 1. XXXVIIL .RRIS’I‘ER. Attorney In Law. solicitor. em. Money to lend on the security 01 mam. Towp and Eta-1'93 Vhoperty tox- sale. , - 4.--. Lgmï¬eneml Banking business, in ecting and discounting Far- ’I Now for my time during twelve months. iAP'E‘BA, M.D.C.M. {stem-£303 1'0 DR. PHILLIPS.) (scccxsson 10 DR. xmmum W. CLARK, L-D-S- SEAGER. MD» 0- MARRIAGE LICENSES. H. GARDINER. 1. ï¬le. LESLIE. Venn-an B‘Ilrsfflll- DR. â€ARK, 7D. DEYELL, V- r..- v- v JOSEPH ciéAIG. 79mm rzsswx AL. .R R. Siva of all kinds promptly to. Satisgncgiopk guaranteed. ‘. BIRCH, . A. WARD, mmbmok Lodge N0- ’ INDEPENDENT A. SMITH, W . S. PXCKUE. ONTARIO MEMBER OE and Surgeons. ONTARIO. 031ABIO ,ven rto {1:19 0811310. ONTARIO. ONTARIO. 0.\'I'.\ Bl". 051.43") 051A BIO Onmrlo. BEHIW All} sons 0! Ills LEADERS t 0K. "The Dixon Steel Cook." (the beat on the market. eve Itov ran IN WOOD CO teed to be rfect baker). “ The Souvenir Cook," “The gt. Jameensggoku' “The Ori ml Cook.†“The Maple Cook." “ The Oxford Cook." NGES. “The Souvenir Rance." (the best Coal Rangeln the coun , “The IN COAL M Stewart Coal Rxmge.’ “ The Oxford Coal Range.†, try) L BASE BURNERS. "The Stewart Art Sultana," “The Oxford Art 0 teas, IN GOA both powerful double heaters ans! perfect bakersâ€"mm AND A mm, um: 01“ Housnrumxsvglivgg IN TABLE CUTLERY AND «mean: Rest Bramls'of AMERICAN and CANA {)LLV COAL OIL by the Gallon or Barre], . pg 4-07 George Street, Peterbomugh. ,, .\ ,- Coal and Wood Cook Stoves ALSO COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES The Jeweller, y REMEMBERâ€"we are bound to clear out our present stock and if you thing in our line you have .s cawce to get a. bargain now. AWAY ' And I; you want anything in the Watch, Clock or J “7011er line you will strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large and we must. make room for afresh and new stock, which will con DOWN . gist )f the handsomest», nobbieat and meat. unique designs for Wedding presents ever brought into M illbrook. When you are in town give us a call, we will be pleased to ahow you our stock ant} we are certain our present low prices will surprise you. In spectacles we are in a. posttion to sun. you. Loans granted on policies at low interest. No extra charge for insuring lives of women and children. CHARLES HUNTER. W. s. GIVEN, ACCUMULATED FUNDS - $39,000,000 INVESTMENTS IN CANADA $10,000,000 ISSUES FREE POLICIES. \ Immediate payment on receipt of proof of death. R. J. DQAK, Everything Marked Down “ STANDARD †ASSETS OVER $14,000,000. The CANADA LIFE Assuvame Go. HENRY ARGUE, Agent, Millerok. Assurance 4 SEE 0UB WATTHASS, ELGIN AND ROCKFORD WATCHES. A Good Shingle X for $1.00 Per M. â€" A Good Shingle XX $1.50 per M. Clear Shlqgle XXX for $2.50 per M. Please call and inspect and be convinced for yourselves. WGREY LIME KEPT 1N STOCK. Authrm-ico CUM. all sizen and ut the stt quality; Blosslmrg Coal No. 1. Sash and Doors and Out~idu Blind~. Hard and Smt \V- | (1 Cheap. KEEP ABREAST WITH THE TIMES ! 3. Because it has a larger surplus above all liabilities than all the other Canadian Companies together. 4. Because the not Proï¬ts paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not equalled by any other Company in America. 1. Because it is the oldest, largest, most. popular and economical and gives the. best resultsfor the [east money. 2.- Because in 1893 it increased its asseté by Sl,236,513-â€"a slim exceeding the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and more than double of any one company. » From the Gun)!“ TRADE szww. “ There is no invidiouwess involved in the assertion that no other Canadian company in existence can point to such a record of rapid, substantial and unin- terrupted progress and prosperity as that exhi' ited in the successful annual reports of the Sun Life....)los' assuredly are its directors, sharehohlem and policy holders to be congratulated upon the very flourishing condition of ihe Company. and especially upon the result of the business of a your which was marked by the prevalence of esnditionsâ€"the influenza epidemic, for instanceâ€"which proved dis- astrous for so many life companies. And with no less certainly can it be said that the very great progress made by the institution has been mainly due to the able and energetic etl'orts, guided by the sugaeity and prudence which practical ex. perisnce alone can bring. of the President and Managing-Director, who has been "efficiently assisted by the Secretary. From the contemplution of so successful a ptr't the nnux-igeinent may reasonably draw most sanguine anticipations, as to the prosperity of the funne. Income...................... .......$1,240.483,12 Reserve.............................$3,533,264,67 liet Assets...........................$4,001,776.90 Life Assurance Force.............. ....$27.799.756.5l LEADS ALL GANADIAN GOMPANIES. Millln'ook, June 11, L394. 1895- Chief Agent, Ontario. Life Assurance Co. Agent; Millbpooh. GEO. A. and ELW. CO}, HAS NOW ON HAN D HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF SUN LIFE ADAM H-ALL OPINIONS OF THE PRESS â€"ON Th! 13.. J;STEELE, ‘W. H. HILL, Agent, Millbrook. ESTABLISHED 1825. seam†WHY IT LEADS 2 W. H. MCCARTNEY, Manager for Central Ontario, FALL AND WINTER ESTABLISHED 1847. THE GREAT Sï¬ingle Emporium IS AT MILLBROOK! _ 0052 41m: Dâ€"ur flow OC>ZJJ45 0C)?- _d.< >20 mumâ€"Om. J. J. HANRATTY, Managers Ea'stem Ontario, Toronto '. M. RAM__SAY, W. TH EXTON. Agent, Bethany DISTRICT mspacro'n, PETERBORO J. L. IRWIN, King-st., Millbpook, .$1,240.483,12 .$3,533.264,67 $4,001,776.90 $27,799,756,5l Manager Port Hope. Peterbopo. 1895 AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. § § ziï¬/fll' MILLBROOK. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1895. The great lung healer is found in that excellent xm dicine sold as Bickle‘s Anti’ Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages, and is a. sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when suppused to be far advanced in consump- tiuu. When the common earth worm is cut in two, to the tail there grows a. head and to the head there grows a. tail, and two animals are formed. As the wound heals a small white button is formed, which afterward develop into rings and a ’perfect extremity. Agilufalulu lu tnu wul‘lu ul homwpathi‘ medicine has boon Its very soul 0: prog- ‘us, as in politics and tuflglOthhe 41m- eultics of opinion and the ludiVldflflllblu: ul men have been parent to the disagree .nenta by which the Standard or them bodies have been elevated. 50 with most of our famous preparations~toremost in illustration of which truth stands thn. wwld-Imnous remedy to general debility and langour “ Quiniuo the,"and which, when obtainable in its genuine strength, m a miraculous creator o1 appetite, Vital- my and stimulant, to the general tertility a: the system. Quiuino W inc, and it: mpromâ€"m: nt, has,1x-om the ï¬x-stdiecovery J1 the great Virtues or Quinine as a. medi- cal agent, been one at the most thorough» discussmi remedies ever onered. to th. public. It is one of the great tonics and natural life-giving stimulants which the medical proiossiOn have been compelled to recognize and prescribe. Messrs. Northrop Gt Lyman of Toronto, have given to the preparation of their pure Quinine Wino the great care due to their im- portance, and the standard excellence of the article which they otter to the pub- tic comes intpthe market purged of ah the do facts which shilful observation anu scientiï¬c opinion has pomted out in th\ less pertect preparations of the past. A1. druggists sell it. The Privy CouLcn Deczdeu in Favor of the Catholics. The decision of the Privy Council in the .mniwba. school q .eation was an- new cod ’1‘..esday mornmg anoning the uypeal 01 thu Manitoba. Catholics, wiuhout. cunts A young couple u. 51;. Louis have elap- ad w SwV‘u the mum) um: 01 u publlc » adding. 11“.»: unmlcs‘ at. lease, m bu- u'uthcd p ms do not. shrink we... we pub- ucltq,‘ U; .hu capeusv, ul grand “adding carcinoma; man to hue. Luu eu ,nouuqu yal'euts w the girl pub up the: Job. One of Napoleon a veterans has died in New Jersey as the age 01 we. besides ï¬ghting An the Mme ,w campaign and an uuwrluu, he teok pars in the beminolc, Memean and qu wars 01 the embed. states. 'lhux. explums ms luuguvmy. he probably \ma‘ on me peuswu 1011. If the Japanese advance their lines as rapidly as some Binary authonties mink may will, Liu lxuu 11, the Chinese cum- mander, “ill cam-y out has boast. that. he 15 gumg no the wont by simp) y romummg The Bell ’lelephonu Company insists that, is mil tight the berhum' patent. case whxle them 15 a. cnuuco hm. ‘1 he people u: the county): are sm-uugty 01 the upuuuu. Lint it is man :or the b'uU octopus to "ring on. “ Au eighteen-foo: anaconda. escaped re- ueutly m .\uw 1‘ wk and. became muud up with a. live decade was. l‘he was 15 still alive and a szde show is without one of ms chic; attracnuns. Some of the female reformers in Boston know so much more about being nice than they do about anthmetic that they obj act to the chxldxen oi the ‘Hub ' studying vulgar n actions 'lhe busluca momma in Toronto is unchanged. ’lhere is». moderate mow- .mun in staple goods, butm most lines chore 16 no lucl- use as 001111221.le wnJ: January 0: Ln. year. ’lhe leelmg pre- Vans pr my gcuerally, however, then u burn lor the newer 13 at. hand. Merch- chants, both \«holesule and retail, have 101‘ a year or 50 past, been restricting their purchases, and the result) is thou stocks ol geneml merchandise are pro- b..bly smalls: than 101‘ several yuan past. 'l'his ol iuell is a lavorable lemurs. and with a. return of the conï¬dence ex- pected. the trade will be in a good position to take advantage ol the leveraole cir- cumstances. A. ouLtbr market. 101‘ sugal'b is reported, the demand being stimulated oy luguer prlues at, haw York. 'l'ees are also more ouLch. lhe mowment or wheat ulll‘ooguour. the province ls llmlwd. l'rlcee ol OUUJSI: are low, aim hold oub no induce- mom. to sell. Hwy, huWchr, are com- parativuly higher In Unturio than else- wnerv, and tuis met glvas rise to a. belie: that domestic stocks are not any too large for home consumption. Red 1| quoted west, at. 56â€., and wmte at. 07c. White is about ole. at Unlcago, and. 53c. at, 'l‘oledo. The earley market. is ï¬rmer. with choice grades higher. The Mason shoemaker who is trading work Xur dead sparrmvs has a. keen eye to business. l oungsters chasing the market;- able game Will knock the lite out 0: shoes. History is busily repeating itsqlf. San Francisco talks 0: having un‘uthoryigi‘l- nucu committee and. the oldest mhabnauts we! the ï¬ns 0: them youth mkmdlo‘ More trouble in the Sorosis Society: . It shoal}! have known that. a rule limmng the tlme ol speech could not be enlorceu. There were 69 failures in the Dominion use: ween, as against. 6J the previous week end 05 101' the curry-spuudh‘g Week of last year. Uutanu leedu mm 29,un1y unope- mg rand as high as {56,WU, the rest bemg small and 01 lmle imporunoo. Quebec bud 18, being 4 more than those 01 the yruviuus WcuK. Une was rated at 82.0 U. L under :51.UUU. and the balance had our Luwm credit ur maul; mung. how. 500 on bad. 1., Aew Brunswxck 6 and Butieh eulam mu. .5. None were weaned in tuner: dawn-u 1:1 .ud uuu .uqmwba. A :5pr dispatch to the Daily B Benin, mam Vancowcr, guys : lhu lulluwing [emulation \VaS pJSBCd by Lhu Vaucouve: bond 01 ’lrude : "111.“; thus board depre- muses in min: bra-august. arms Lhu grossly uxaggoxmcd repor sum abrua‘ comm;- m5 mu 01“:ch the mean» hngh tide in the UUJA 01 uengia. and loner Eraser aver, Such l‘cpurts bung calculated to m dice u. sex-mus may to ans :ectwn m the yX‘OVinGU.†Depression rules in the “heat marketa- Supplies are enormous, and thu demand tram the other side 11mmd. At Chicago nhr cash pl'lve got down to about 01c. and the May opdou to Mic. ï¬xd and whï¬k whems all. hrld at. 509m: 570. at \\ esw‘n dunno point-.3. The large engagements of told for ex- port at .\ew 1013311143 5. bu en‘ect on prices 0: securities. b‘ome 0: these sold on \\ all street. at the lowest. prices on record. Dun‘ng the your 1894 England imported tron} Canada 218,711 tons 01 hay. MANI'I'OuA SUBUOLS 0.3819}. Week’s Commercial Summary. Here and There. (I The Port Colborne Fort Erie Railway Company has been provisionally orvaniz- ed. The interim directors are: essrs. William M. German. \\ e11and;R. G. Cox, St. Cathariues, Ont; Eugene Costa. A. I. Holloway, Buï¬'nlo; 1). MuGillivray, L. Mo‘ilashan and Thomas F. White, Port Colborne. As soon as the Ontario Legislature grants a charter active opera.- tions will begin. ' A petition from the City * Council and the Boar: of ’J‘rade nl Brunbford has bean sent to \\ ashington, D. C. asking fox (he Chicago capitalists are in Winnipeg en- dsavoring to purchase the entire lumber out of Rat Portage district mills for this year, provided the y can make satisfactory terms. They say that the pine forests of Minnesota. are rapid] being depleted, which sends the Uni States dealers and lumbermen into the Northwestern On- tario woods for their supply. A writ. has’been issued on behalf of Li- cense inspector Thomas A. Reynolds, 01 Onkvide, Una, against Dr. Urquhart. re- cently a. mayoralty candidate there, cunning 8‘2,Uw tor alleged slander. The language com luined ox is said to have been used by t e delendant in the course of the late municipal campaign. Richard Ardagh, chief of the Toronto ï¬re department, died suddenly at his home, 319 Sherbume street, Toronto, Sunday morning at 10.15 o’clock. The cause was heart failure, superinduced by internal Injuries sustained by jumping from the Brough Com pany's building dur- ing the progress 01' the ï¬rst Melinda street Mrs. Cushin, 106 years of age, living nine miles Iron: Arthur, was a 311 at, an the Queen’s hotel there the other dny-, hav- ing come to attend mass. The “army of unemployed†agitation in Montreal was squelched on Saturday. The city engineer wanmd 1,500 men to shovel snow, and could only secure 5w alter thoroughly canvassing the city. The ï¬rst. boiler ever built. in the M.C.R. shops at. at. '1homus, and believed to be the lag? in W estern Ontario. has re~ candy n completed. The Imperial Privy Council has elucid- ed in law: of the defendants in the case at Alexander Maison v. Mulson a Bank. creme UVur last year 01 $165,5UU. b. McClure, o! Elders Mills, had a. sow die last. week alter her third liswr in 189-1. the gave birth to ï¬fty-three pigs in all. ’lhu butane Maleable iron Company, of Oshawa, whose works mare recently burned, have deemed to rebuxlu. ’llw tonal unswsmnuts ul humilwn tor ulna; ca 1110qu to 625,105N2u, an in- crease uVur Last your 01 5465 3w. A Iarmcr 1n Dundaa County received Iron: a. onceae Lacwry wr 1min 01 ms 110]- atem cows @14sz lust summer. Brudstruut. pluCGa‘ the total number 01 milures in Canada during 1584 at. 1,861. in 1895 the number Was 1,766. Dan Ryan, a clerk at, Eganvine, lost his clothe: and 611v in bills 111 a. ï¬n: stun- ed by a. munh in his pocket. Air. A. Lucas, tax-Mayor of Calgary, is alter Untarzo capital to irrigate LW.-.Ub acres or land out there. \\ innipcg fresbyt'cry has ugam named Dr. RchlTaaun 107 the .uoderuwrsmp 01 the next Ueuerul Assembly. By a majority of sixteen, “liken-ton electors have decided that cows may run at. large in that town. A London young woman, about, to be married, dcchncd Lakmg the young mum and hu warned. 11.x 5155a. 'l‘hoznbmy has a. couple of 1911mm who are venturing men necks w akaug on rupus stretched uuuss the street. Menu-Col. D‘Arcy Boulbon has retired from the Canauian militia utter ï¬xty- seven years' syxvxce. Lieut. -Col. Lazier, of Bellev ille, retains his rank on raw mg 1': om the command of the 15th Battalion. At Halifax recently a young lad was ï¬ned 81 or three houxs in Jail for smoking on the streets. The $10,000 by-law to extend the elect- ric light and “uterworks system, carried at Lollingwuod. Mr. Edwad J. Kennedy, a well known reddent of Huntley, recently died, aged tiny-six years. _A Shoshone Indian baby born on Smoke Rwer Reservatiun. in September, has four perfect. ears. v On acwunt ol customs duties \s'ellanu County zarmora cannot sell milk to Buf- falo people. Anumber of former Gananoque citi- zens [Oat heavily in the late ï¬re at. 1192‘; rickville. \\ ellaud County Council has resolved tomemoralize l‘mliament fox an alien labor hm. A drunken youth in Hamilton tried to take his horse into a barber shop {or 3. Shaw. Maple leaves grew near Puslinch Lake last summer 10¢ inches long‘ 9 inches wide. The Women's Guild has presented St John’s church, Couhsville, thn an organ A Sandwich farmer recently hauled 12?; bushels of corn to ‘»\'ulkcrv111e in one load. Albert Baiu, formerly of Tilbury, was «irowmd at Ashton, R.l., a few days ago. Saturday's snow storm extended all over the country from Halifax to Winni- East Garqxraxa. carried local option by forty maJorny. ngim,.\ \..W '1‘., is to have permanent. exhibitio ¢ buildings. Bell‘s brewery an Portage 1:. Prairie has been destroyed by ï¬re. W entworbh County has a. treasury sur- plus of $26;U64.61. The Freemasons of Winnipeg haw de- cided to erect a handsome temple. A ladies" read nz club has been organ- ized in Forest. A Board of Trade has been formed at. Elmira, Unt. Last year a Tilsonburg firm shipped 30pm: hugs. Cooper 3 Falls will revive its agricult» ural gummy. \\ ambashene will so u be ele_c_u10ity:_o lighted by Mayurvb‘isher, of Paris, banquetted the old council. Another outings factory is being built in \ incisor Windsor‘s now pest-house is ready {or business. Norwich wants better school accommo- dation. l’arry S‘und has 8. Mock Government Club. ‘.\ indsor has b;~.eba.ll matches in its drillshed. ' Ottawa carnival closed on Saturday night. Arranged and Condensed For Our Buoy Renders. Each Province Fund-hing In Quota of Interesting Items. LATEST CANADIAN NEWS. Collingwoor! wants a. soap factory. Marybuw, Ont“, h .5 a girl preacher. Kings ille has a. new broom factory. Guelph is troubled with cat thieves. Lqrge flouku 01' ducks are flying :.orth- DOINGS OF THE WEEK. Among recent patents is one issuod for a. burglar alarm particularly adapted for use in connection with a safe, which is inclosed in a. movabla case provided will electrical contacts, the electric current including an alarm and :7. connection with an electricilly operated mechan am 1' :- op ning a. ï¬â€˜tid-cun'aining case, In emby the room in which the sale is located wi l be ï¬lled with noxiius vap.~rs, in which a person cannot live. Schliemann found at Troi th-ee silver vases. each six inches big and beauti- fulLy engrave}. When you, are threatened with consump- tion of lung troubles and get the wrong kind oi Lmulsion. There is only one perleot, pleasancana eli‘ective preparation 01 that: ï¬le- lung substance, and it. is Miller's Emu non. Theta )3 o bad taste to thls preparation. It is compounded. on an entirely new principle, by whxoh the vi 211 energy of the .ive. o: the Aorwogiau cod ï¬sh is wmhmd and moorporatcd with the hypu/phcsphites 01 lime and soda,‘ making the most. potent. blood-maker‘ k..own to science. It. has and thouslms or young lives, and is revolutionizing the old metuods 01 consumption treatment. Miller's Emulsion 13 the great nerve atrengthener and blood-maker. and cure: coughs, colds, bronchitis, scrotula and all lung afl'ections. 111 big bottles, one. and $1, at all drug stores. Differences of opinion mgurding the gapular internal and external remedy. r. Thomas‘ Ecleot-ric Oi! do not, so fa) as known, exist. The testimony is pesi- tive and. concurrent that the amide rc' lieves physical pain, cures lameness. checks a cough, is an excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaint, and it has no nauseating 0: other unpieasam eï¬ect, when taken internaliy. Sleeplersness is due so nervous excite- ment. The ueliouwly cunstxtumd. tin ï¬nancier, the budncss man and those whose occuputiun necessitates great men- tal strain or worry, all sufler 185? 1-: more Lrom in. Sleep is the great resturer of a worried brain, and to get sleep cleanse the stumach from all impurities with a. few doses of 1 armelce's Vegetable Pilld, gelatine coated, containing no mercury, and “re guaranteed to gqu satisfaction or money win he resunded. snappmg lashes. .Bchind’ uszcruwhed me r001 u: we dmsunce, p1 ea :0 111511 M 1:11 boxes and bales that, 1 marwllud we (in: not caysize. As I saw box box plied upon the deck 02 Lh: Coach 1 uondercu now our seven little horses LLUJQ (1mg “long an m».- le\'el,° let aluue chmb ugh mountains ; but. these hersea d d the .m- pusszme. L. naerueam m deck-Jud 01 116151“ was the hummus pun-mun prupcr, where a. duaen pr mum Aruba nuauxw u- gentler unu wemeu very an mxurmule umu. there was x; smut. th, “hue Rh; luuuuy mm mm: mm :wx «1 Up; au‘ chLc we dwr uung a huge Lguh lcum aux, “hulk auyuu m 5m. urupa. lune: up (he whoh m wd aluug. 1L Was a verg pwuureaqw ugh», tha‘ lube conglomera um; 01 lxexgu and passwgem sun $51.11;, up mrvugn mo uenl s ox m Anaâ€"9.; .. as!) 1L Was Lu lidnugbon and me. 111;: aweu lame nurse: W re 11‘ ggea 1mm amt/um Lu at-tmn. [my Wuc 11‘ g- gvd up 1111.1 and uuwu. '1he uwmh du- Vcl‘ mgscu m) Lv: Mats as mechun quy u: the Icab 01 Ins kmsmuu mum upunu. dun- key wmh mew mew. \\ hen J. called hi: uLDcuMJu LU 1h: raw-spots, 1w sud, "1'65; hey “~111ch Lough r U)-uud~0y "â€"Fum "rwuuu rAguwra 1.. Alrwu,†by too. T. . ey btgbyu, m harpar s méuzme 1o: . comm-J . Abvve “mi be. hmd the mezzanm peach was 3. Lu 0d hwdmg tour abuasn bemndu lyng‘ aprun. here we sat looking out ova a, paqcxyu 01 ‘ sgrggghug hun‘gcs and Early in the morning we bade farewell to our hospzta hie host 01 the cahara gar- riaou, sum took our seats on top UK the d11- igence w come to Atlas. 'lhxs uxhgenee was to me as strange a. thing as u ruli- ; man vesmbule hunted Wuuld be to an Arab. ’l'here were :even horses, ‘hree as. wheelers and luur as leeuex‘s. Uue lung whzï¬ietree Sel'Ved the lour leaders. lhe vehxele was made up ox many sections. lhere was a specie: of coupe on the ï¬rst floor from. where the occupbnts looked out over the homes Umks. Then higher upâ€"sUmexhiug like a. mezzanine fluorâ€" eat a :§Vdg0 .uour, wnh flowing burnoo=e and endless wth, who handled .he rib- bons \vxth u dexterity delighuul be. study. By his .ide eat an equulq eavage mate, who ha; a shorter whxp. ' mate, when not. asleep, jumped down 1mm hl: mezzamne perch, new about the edge: 01} the twentye ght hoot}, flogging up and down unml he was gum: exhausted, when he resumed hi: top seat and dreemed o, a. heaven where homes haVe thinner ska: than on the 1 cosy-reads: UVcX‘ ‘he Atlas. The plan of sending home a batch 01 men for a fortnight, taking them back at the end «,5 that. time, and ï¬nding another butch for a similu- period, put. imp opera- tion 1:: the Canadian Paciï¬c hallway worksh p5 at Montreal, is lei: to be more oqx‘lituble than the purmanem. disyu;nsu1 ox _ _ _____ *_ r--.___.,_......~.-uo VA 9. lags n,.mber ox men in the depth 01 winter who have wives‘ and iamilies de- pending on than, althuugh the earning puwm'ul twmy-eign: hours 0. lab-arm the week is may small indeed. An im- movexmâ€"m ;: luukeq 101' with the epring. 1n» It. is said that a company has been .orm- ed 01 Brannom. \X oodstoco, eimcoe and born Dover parties to build and opemte a summer hotel a: tort Dover, which is ex- pected i0 became :i toxin oi commemule proponiom. under the influence oi the re- cently-esmbiished line o1 railway merry boat; between the J. on. and Lunneeut, U. h. is expected tun. ev u'ythiug will be ready by J Ltly 156, and on than date the i-uileuy ien y boots will begin to mu be- twuou mesa two points. As the water Lu the harbor does not xieeze, we system wiil be in opel'utiou the hole year. run Dover is the terminus oi two branches oz the Grand ’l'runk, the ULorgian Bay A; Lake Erie and the Hamilton 6:. Keith- western. With the spring-tide Come the flowers. but before them 601:.8 the illustrmed seed. and flower catalogues, in its way almost as attractive as the 30 were themselves. We have just received the catalogue 01 the Steele, Briggs, Maroon Seed (10., of To- ronto, full or instructive details of great value to all interested in plant and flower life-and who is not? The reputation 01 this house stands high, and no reader 01 this jo umal can do better than consult their ~ atalogue or write them personally. J udging by the character oi the notices given 111 the Ontario Gazette. this Pro- ‘ Vince is appzoaching a. period of .634; de. ‘velopment of electric railways. 1'0 begin with, the City of Hamilton. is seekzug power to equip and operate 111m to con- nect it. with surroundiizg towns and vil- lages. Among the pnvate entwprises foreshado“ ed are we hing-ton 6L Hanan- oque Elecrric hanway ; the Grand Valley Steam v‘r Eiecm-ic Runway from Berlin to Bra nti'ord ; the 5:. Thomas Radian.†Electric Railway Company. Here are {our cities, Kingston, Hamilton, London and St. Thomm, making eti‘orts to gin better, quicker and cheaper service to the surrounding country. appointment of a. United States consul for that city and district. The export, trade of the city is steadily increasing, amounting to $444,418 in 1884, and manu~ factururs and other oxwrturs who have to go to Paris for the necessary export papers are axioms ts be relicwd. i'on’t Make Auv Mistake An African Diligence. % /////// Under It: Sunny Temperature in Pom Perpetual Summer. “ “We cannot afford to go to California for our health, as the doctor recommends," said a. matmn to her friend, “so we are going to bring California to us. We have made the house as warm and cozy as if it were summer. We have plants growing in the living room, and a. ï¬sh pond incur bay window, and we read aloud those cold evenings warm stories of tr. pical life. Oh, it’s ï¬ne ; I w'mh the plan had Occurred to me earlier." _.3 n. , ‘ Better late than nex er "mmarked the friend and the m- 0 want (11 their way leaving those who ox «ham (1 the little idyl Postmaster-General Biseel has leocived from the postmaster ox Ukolona, Miss., a letter which inclosed another letterre- ceived ea the Ukolona. pcutoï¬ice November 26. Ihe incltscd letter was postmarked at MubAle, ALL, June 29, 1863. It was carried by a 10 cent Confederate postage stamp, winch had been canceled by the .uobile postmaster. The letter was writ» ten bye capzain in the Confederate i1.- mntry, and related to some surgeons†hospital. ‘ ‘ Kentucky has been rounding up her {at children and has discovered some notable youngsters. Carroll cuuntyhas a nine- year-old boy who wdghs 131 pounds. Little Horace Lane. 01 Wycliï¬'e, is the last prodigy heard 01. flu is seven years, weighs 1*: pounds. measures 39 inchet round the waist, 41 round the chest, lb round the biceps, and is 4 feet 5* inche: -4“ Editor McDowell. of the Mississippi Po ulist, at J acksw, has disappeared an the paper is suspended. He .1ch the iouowing note to his employs: “I leaw two lamps, a bucket and a dipper, a coal scuttle, a shovel, a broom: a. wash pan. 3 coal oil can, and about 7UU pu ands 01 coal. L-ivide the same among you." ‘»\ llfOl‘J Woodruï¬, president vi the Mormm Chm'ch. has Io- years cultivates 9. iarm 01' 1.31“. ' acres Nth no other labox than that 01 ha own hands and those 01 his mu; lanldy. Hie wize and daughter: raise chicken! preserve fruit and run a dairy, while is :ons raise hogs and do general farm work. , Michael roman, oihimira, has ï¬nisheo Lhu snub eunsecuuve year 0: In: sleep. 1113 “he, “ho watcucd over him all Um umu, diud mecutJy, Bud, alnhuugh during hu two days that Mrs. b'eruan’e body 13) m share all pouible msans to atoms: he: hue'mnd were employed, it was without avail. Miss Grace French, a Sunday school teacher and >ocizal Xavoriw in Brooklyn. who married a ChmcSG laundryman tvn, years ago, against the wishes of her par ents, has returned no the latter, and he: huuband, Mr. Lee, adwrtiseu that he will not be rcsponsxblc for her debt:. etc. Dover, N .H., one 01 the prettiest of tin :xuadcr cities 01 .\cw Engtuna, ls repurtca o be One 01 the lax-gent. conmmum o. mun among ah the clues 01 the country. Lho populumou is somethmg hke laww, and last year more thug ï¬Vc tons of chi» ‘orxn ox whacco was used there. Six inmates of the city jail in Puts- burg. ham. escaped on New Year’s Eve, and spent the night in drinking at Linch- ï¬eld. '1 he next. day ï¬ve 0: them hired a carriage and drove back to the jail and demanded admittance. so that they might serve out their sentence. A minister in \Villiamsburg, .\'.Y., Lound in his mail the other day a check tor $1M. it was to pay him tor a :unemi sermon preached my 31 'nTS ago over theâ€" .u’t‘e 01 the man “ho Sum it. in the let- wr in which n: uame tue mam wrote that u never Mb :00 late to do good. Katharine Drexal. of khiladelphia, took the ï¬nal vows 01 separation Item the world in the convent of the Blessed Sac- rament, near CL'on-esdale. she is using hvr large nrtuue fur the maintenance w achods xur negro and ludian children. Daniel Haley, sentenced for life for killing his Wile. has been released f. om the Clinton, N .31; prison. after serving thirty-four years. his sentence having been commuted by Governor Flower. He is ninety years old. 'lhe mail ci Burrough valley, 8. remove neighborhood about tiny mxles uorzh 01 Fresno, 08.1., is carried by Minerva Evel- 3011. a seventeen-yearvcl-l Italian girl. It turns out that wholesale robbery was perpetrated a: the Hotel Vendome fire in New York. Beerbohm Tree and othezs oi the theatrical profession surf red Beavily. The Bicaragua (anal bill which pro- \idesior an issu of ~10†Ou 1 no r in bends. <10 'JUU mm of “bid: are guaranteed by the I: .S. Government. has passed the ten- are at \\ ashingmn. Work has been commenced on the new East River bridge, and tho engineer promises that it mu be complcved 1n the summer 01' 1897. James A. Bailey, Nat. A. Salisbury and W. F. COady have lax-med a panner- ship to consolidate the Wild West, and Forepaugh shows nan season. with a cap- ital of $1,’100.000. Three men serving their sentence in Riverside Peniu-ntiary, Pennsylvania, for murder committed :n labor troubles c: 1891. are likely to L0 released as inno- cent, the raal murderer bemg a man hith- erto unsuspected. The death of Mrs. Osmer, widow of the paymaster of Erebus. a . the age of eight y- six years. removes the last of the women widowed by the less of Sir John Frank lin’s Arctic expedition. J exierson Carrigan. of IndianaPOIiS. a grave robber, has willed his body to the Indiana Medical College oz' tha: city and has 8.5de that his skeleton be mounted in the dissecting room. with one foot. on ¢ spade. A crusade against vice and corruption is to be inaugurated at 5:22 Francisco. It will be similar to the Lexow ï¬nveetigaï¬on in New York. Mrs. Mary J. Ward, who was 'the ï¬rst woman to walk across the Niagara sus- pension bridge, has just died in Lhicago. It is thought “chit W. ‘V. Taylor, the defaulting treasurer cf South Dakota. has been locawd near Crawfordsville, IL d The Senate icy a. very close _Vum 1 adopted President Cleveland‘s policy non-intervention regarding Hawaii. The Lined State; Government bu un- dertaken to prevent war, if possible, be- tween Mexico and Guatemala. Some dozens of families are now com- fox-tab y establishad in the ships lying idle about the port of New 3 ork. When: continues weak. May wheat 11: Chicago 5 1d do“ . w 53 3-8 cents. but aleâ€"sod someu hat higher. John Georke, member of Tonawanda. RX. ï¬re department, has been amassed as an incendiary. The Chicago Board of Trade ï¬rm of William Young Co. has failed. A Buffalo despatch says that barley there is strong: Canadian having the pref- erence. 0! General Intel-cut To Canadian Road UNCLE SAM’S TERRITORY A CLIMATE OF THE HEART. era. Nearly Every State Add. 115 Noteworthy Item. FURNISHES SOME ITEMS 1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE Me has Coï¬gh s 'or Emmy-Em o! rebound ’1 for Uong’lfugaldlmw. Tumg-I' Wild Sm": barn to:- Dlu-rhcu. Dysenwry. hm. Turns-3' ?u1n1no and Iron Tonic for General muggy and rug-sired Nun-Mon- For CM B. and u , muleâ€. For the Teeth u t Toot. Powder. TflE TURNER DDUG CO. Cod Liver Oil."notonlyil the objectionabletasteen- 1:1:er removed. but the preparation is tally pla- ableâ€"relished alike by old and young. It is th. ideal "builder." end will ~ Stature heath end color where the system is We: down.†To ‘11! one desiring ta makeh‘ialnfthe we win send Sample frat. w Card to The Meltine Manufacturing Com pany. 36 Woman» St. East. Tm Mns. Hwy Pam-5m. Haw trey. “Time: “For about. three months 1 was troubled with fainting spoils and dizziness. which were growing Worse, and would attack me three or mu: times a day. At luv my husband purchased a bottle of Kort!» top 8: Lyman’s X's-gamble Disoovsry. Irum winch 1 derivui considerable bene- ï¬t. 1 then pmcured another. and before I: we» used my afliicniun was completely gpnc, uni 1 ham; not had an attack 01 I!- A mail travels at. the rate of a mile in fourteen dayt. No doubt. if it were pussibanhe “hem bowed douu." or the Legr'. pureed with he mum's 2.; EL'I‘X‘L‘V. Wuulu be id: at home, pacaed 1‘54: wish the pm-oushions and other brie-ammo. it would not then carry us ouu czzmate .zth it, if that oh- maw “are one -z dupresugn. cum to think of it. are that: net. some people who have done that 'r ‘l'hey nge no evxdenet o1 havmg a bear. ab..u.t mm, or o: eve: having had one mr ma: matter. Butthey an: oouuter‘ualauwd by these who haves an ova-plus, and who make of their scant trout door paw 1 a veritable garden of Eden. .wt 9 a Eon #4 @3wa 5 :5 â€won an: : 20 95.6% mo ac Ea EEC. 9.59 «at»? :ESn 233 95. .wcm...‘ cE. barren :anu. â€an E .8. a FEE. Swen S St. cs: wars...“ 2 New»? ruEm «cm uEEw ucrut S .7 5:: swam â€we $59.: 9. 9a act “hr... 53 En "Wampum .236 S «52.. puma. an: SBm|h 0:8. gawk... mEnumlr Sn £558 5 893 Fun 1% .. .5. "raw“. 52.3 So 539nm xv: Mb 5a. copra .9 BR Haida much m umrmvscw SB. mg??? (H 9.58:? Emu «be. 5.3.3 as" «c numES. F 5% ï¬rst: mg 2 25.3. a. 1.2L». .m. "SENS. town 1?»? w: 5.8 ma «,8 on "be .flm mangoâ€. can mean F. «.5 SF. on about? «inï¬rm new» How we :55 mpg? n “1.39 ..o chu. 90%;? that are. r95 : KEV. W56 cc wanna». 95% 55 “up“ $5.4 v.56 n HEE beg LE ray.†Errcutvk "kinda : 95 n: 295?: 5.3 555 9:5» 5:05» bcs wary? 330 5.4a :95» .508.» 93" 5.5 8 63:. «Hon? . Many persons to whom Cod Liver C- would be of the very greatest value refusv to tune it under the impression that the taste is so objectionable as to counteract any beneï¬t it E!“ might otherwise be to 1...!) 19 . 3-0.. we. 3:2,... .216! .m at: â€852. w... UIWLrï¬ .21.... trvrtc r. Lnrrrxcn. . 5 Eat ( E 3.54? a .35 S grad». mu gnmhugbwï¬m. «c 95632. . Ham r32. 9% run, to moan S. «can? be «an .L. :93 r. ccuruau 5. .LE g. Snob... S Em Echo. “an 5 9m 84. we? on: :88»: 5 0E. r43. .95 Eu 8 5.3? mute unublgu pa Mm who «run 23 P53 â€.30.." no. ...‘.wnn¢.....u rermlM ab.“ MESS. in h;;su=:. an a 3:31: piercedv ith arm“: axes»: tug: oz sorrow, “ml: the 111121.143 he»: is the emblem 0: (funny. Lougmdow “rate 01 we restless 3w HEnwnr... .6: :5 553.: rap: B6 8.3.3 on .. an n 0 If. maï¬a. #3 sczwn rm 2% 3 95»? 9Q 9:! 752.5543 rn Inertâ€"f: Bum†85m: Pun «rm arnnowa 35.8 an F “a 5. p bu 2 an: :85: 8n :uor BE .mEarnu au. 5.. t EEcEm. brusms nu; , 34-04! us me man often products c. cumuzc which is stormy and ui:¢grea.;ulc. 4.11“: l: , mc Luna ‘0: a change u: team, as $1.2 preachers say, and were is 11;; org“ u: up.- Luann body a: amenable w rcnuu. and which gives us as liLtlc trou'sule x: m: ca ucabc it. pmp- erly. Capable p: lave au ‘42me man the atmosphere 1t engwucrs is a toretasw of heaven, we \“elgh 1': down with petty cares. Generous iu impulse, we belittle a vunh acinsh lean, zuxgemng than we axe makmg a burden amt we ourselves \\ e71, every cm: of those boys is a good 611th today, and I know not how many other vuys were limally saved. tram the attractions u: had company by the atmos- pLGX‘u ox that pleasant, reemu home. not now many invaJid souls rcouwred their health in that climate 01 the heart which emanated item the cheeriul atom 01 one hopegul mother. » angry fact: of a cfuss went, but the cheery ï¬zz-light, and we 122.1th mak ing a dumb snow of mlcpme to we mung prudiggls. what would those innocent. and in menu little people do, who cume to us trail- mg clouds u: glury, if we dw not at one take: them into that cimare where they Luz-5e: me "mammal palace." whence they came, and by dL‘gietB become acclimtod co the athSpm-va of Mg? “l‘h‘ém must-bu company ove- at. Blake’s wnighbâ€"t-hey have quite an 11- lumination." But atwr awhiLe they learned that the ill uminaziun occun'cd every evening; that it lasted until in: into the night; that it was in fact me beacon light. a home tor the Blake boys, who, climbing that. hill, saw througu the bnght \x'mdu“'sfnot x410 “scrum my heart and you mu ï¬ndthe emperor," said. one u; Aapulcon’s wldxers. No more dulmaw or heruic cumplunent cuula L’a'v'c LICL n paid him than nus. 'lhere was a mother once who had some turbulent boys who netted i1 kept indoon a single evenmg. In summer they had garden and ï¬eld for their playground, but on stormy Winter nights there was only the store. or possibly the saloon. They lived on a. bill, and the mother kept the window shades raised. and the bright open ï¬res lighted a. great space in the darkness outside. People would look out of their windows 5.! they closed than fot the night and say: HEDICAL’;DIRECTORY. The ancient wise men had a brief ay- ing, “Know thyself. ' It is paublo to live :11 a. summer climate an the you: round. Let. we point my moral WM: :3 storyâ€"my minnow may and} a_b1g ï¬sh. Clhat set: one to thinking. Ha the heart, then, a climate, and 13 that why people Who seek new place- and a 18095 are bured rather than amused? 'lhey have a homesicknees of the heart, and 1mm that malady theme is no escape. We cannot get away Iron: ourselves. \\ hen a doctor can do nothing tor a. patient, he tells him he needs change of scene, and the sick man some away from the gear familiar faces to dieHunder the won eri us of strangem. e carries his mutt ialady with him, and he can- not get, away from himseltvhe camwt change the climate of the heart. A bright. woman mailing to a friend whose duties prevent her min-sting with the birds says : “1i ow I wish I could gather you up and run away with you from all care, but alas, the heart carn'os its own climate with it: and care or joy are invent-41; no north or south for than.†FEW good re 10 on: should be 529.313"?! ..... 1'3. «1.. incite Tame“: of summer to pondar on its happy-maï¬a- tion. IT COSTS ONE CENT.