Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Feb 1894, p. 4

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Mr. Preston. Is that- the onIv way the chairman can get a certificate of character, by representing himself a Presbytezmian " (Laughter ) Mr. Fowlds. If'Mr. Allen wants to speak for the P1esbytexians,he ought to get a certificate of chm actet himself. (Laughtex ') Mr. McCallzIm. The point of order is well taker}: - (Lagg!x§er.) ,, , Mr. Allen rosehto 9. point of order. He did 110% approve of religion being slandered by the chairman saying he had a Presbyter- ian face. (Lgpghtcm ' Mr. Doyle and Mr. Fowlds moved an‘ im- portant resolution which_ will have thS ef- feet of cutting down expenditure on com- mittee work. The resolution stated that whereas a large outlay in committee work was necessary in recent years owing to t he building of bridges, and whereas it was likely that little of such work would be ne- cessary in future, resolved that the treasurer shall pay for no committee work until the £657 list- are presented to and passed by the ‘napce committee, and approved of in com- mifi; e’of the whole. fSpme objection was taken to the members thus“ being put to personal expense and hav- Mr. Underwood presented report of the Cbunty Property Committee, which recom- mended: accept-ed of R. May's tender for wood at- 33.90 per cord ; the placing of an- other telephone in the sheriff’s office: and that necessary repairs to the council cham- her be made. The chairman said it “as not- the inten- tion of the committee to spend $500 or $600, but to make only necessary repairs. He thought his long Presbyterian face would 1383 guarantee against, extravagance. Seveia} members objected to making any extensive Iepairs, other than what. were ne cesszuy to seat the Poit Hope representa- tives. in"; to wit §everaf months before being re- cg led, but‘the motion carried almost un- anirzwtzfly; ‘ On motion of Mr. Ferguson the counties’ solicitor, Mr. Holla'fid, was retained in the matter of the Seymour arbiJration re bridg- es _o_ver 100 feet long. Mr. Carlaw' presented report of the Road and Bridge Committee, which Stated the total cost of the Narrows’ bridge to be $15,604, of which Seymour had paid $4,680, and the counties had a, claim against the Dominion Government for $11,834. Mr. Allen saiti‘ t1: e7 igs-séééingfii in Bow- Qamdlle was too high. A property assess- ed there at $60000 had sold for $3900. Mr. MEKee presepted report on the treas- urgr’s bon_d, which w_as. approved. Mr. Preston‘said at- the special meeting of the reeves for this very purpose last sum- mer every proposition to alter the system of payment of county rate was voted down. In Manve‘rs the people suffer a great in- justice, and if something was not :done at once they would set the legal machinery in motion to get their rights. Manvers was assessed for $900,000, yet was equalized at $1,180,00. The township was egimlked' 5'; more than the land would 33311 101'. Mr. Mil: hell said that Hamilton was not equally assessed, and was paying too much into the county funds. The county assess- mént was $42 per acre, which was c~12 mozzg than the assessment. should be r," Mr. McCallum pointed out the inequali- tic of the equalization of the various muni- cipalities, claiming that while many town- ships in Durham paid county rates on the full value of their assessment, the townships of N orthumberland paid rates on much less than their assessment. He quoted figures to bear out his statement, and said the villages of N orthumberland were specially favored as against those of Durham. There were three ways of remedying the evil ; ap- pealing to theCounty Judge ; an award of three arbitrators ; and a settlement by the whole council. He favored the last men- tioned mode. Mr. McCallum and Mr. Preston moved that steps be taken towards a. more equita- ble equalization of the rolls of the munici- palities of the counties. General anmcss. The Warden took the chair at 7.30, on Thursday evening. ingqu-r/ buildings this year give us a call, as we guarantee to give you better terms than you can get elsewhere. -. “I S. GIVEN Are you aware of the fact that this is the proper time to leaye your order for SAP BUCKETS and all other requirements in the :I‘inware 1i T] It you contemplag gavetrough- SAY ! After some further'discussion thé motion the millbrook Reporter. W. S. PICKUP. m . GIVEN - - - EDITOR THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1334. CO UNTIES’ C 0 UNC I L. On motion Mr. Robert Lackey was heard before the council, and_ requested that he receive a. rebate on Ins tax bill, on the Councillor Rich‘ardsou was appointed to take charge of the lamp lighting for this month. Councirlnr Bateson gave notice that he would at next meeting of council brin in a by-Iay to amend by-lguv to license giivery stables and also a by-law to define amount of tavern and shop licenses for this year: On motion the collector‘s time for return. ing his roll was extended to the lst Monday in .‘Jal‘ch, inclusive. On motion the Reeve and treasurer were authorized to borrow $1000.00 to pay the- teachet's’ salary now past due. Moved by Councillor Bsteson, seconded by Councillor Richardsan, t} at in view of the manner that express parcels are handled by the company here, resolved that the clerk be authorized to communicate with the company and request them to take into their imam-able consideration the prayer of the petition of the business men of the village Carried. A tench from Mr. Reid Lowery, offering to supply cord wood for town hall at $3.50 per cord, and one from Mr. R. Fallis at $3.85, were received, read and on motion laid on the table. .. A communication from Mr. John Arm- strong was received, offering to light; the lamps at So. each per night. On motion Mr. Armstrong’s tender was accepted on the understanding that nothing but the best American oil be used and the contract. hold good during the pleasure of the council. MILLBROOK COUNCIL. Council met. at 7.30 p.m. in the Town Hall, on February 5th, 1394, pursuant to a call from the Reeve. Members present, the Reeve and councillors Clarke, Richard- son and Pickup. Minutes were read and on motion confirmed. A by-law appointing Mr. W. T. Wood, treasurer, at a salary of $30.00 per year wit-bout, extras was passed and also a by- law appointing fence viewers. Mr: John Gillott. was heard before the council and requested that the charge for the town hall for the late temperance lec- tures be made as reasonable as possible. 'On motion the charge was reduced to $3.00 for the two nights. Mr. Stuarfi and Mr. Fowlds moved that a. house of refuge be erected by the counties. Motion lost, 24 to 16. The Port Hope and Hamilton towdship representatives voted nay; the Hope and Haldimand representa- tives yea. The council adjourned at 12 o’clock noon. The co mmittee decided to take no action as to redmtion of ofliciuls’ fees, ° to petition in favor of the reduction of the number of count 5 councillor-s , to petition to have rail- wav fares xeduced, ° and to petition the aims». (Inna-1min! to grant power to count y councils to appoint ali 031‘, “£31 paid bv the county. The latter recommenda- tion was adopted una.ni_mous_ly. ' ML.\1itchell said Ithe recommendation that county officials should be appointed by those who pay them, should be reported upon. The council went into committee of the Whole on the communications laid before the Legislative Committee, the chairman in the chair. Mr. Preston said there were seventeen new members this year who had a right to express their opinion as well as those who did so last year.} fiHe wanted the report presented. anGunyo explained that all the ubjects discussed in committee had been reported upon, and recommendations forwarded to the Ontario. Governme It, at, a previous ses- sion. Hence he did not Jonsider it was ne- cessary to present a report. He would do so, however, if the members of the commit- tee wished. APPOINTMEXI‘ OF COUNTY OFFICERS. Mr. Mitchell said he was surprised that no report was to be submitted faom the Legislative Committee on the subject dis- cussed before that committee, Many rc- commendations in the interest of the county were made, and yet, no report was forth- coming. A motion to limi‘ earned. Completely Cured by Hood’s Sarsapariua. - Mrs. Mary E. O’Fallon, a very intelligent lady of Piqua, Ohio, was poisoned while as- sisting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ago, and soon terrible ulcers broke out on her head, arms, tongue and throat. Her hair all came out. She weighed but 78 lbs., and saw no prospect of help. At last she began to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and at once im- proved; could soon get out of bed and walk. She says: “ I became perfectly cured by and am now a. well woman. I weigh 1281bs., eat wen and do the work for a. large family. My gase seems a wonderful recovery and physrcians look at me in astonishment, as almost like one raised from the dead.” Raised from the Dead Long and Terrible Illness from Blood Poisoning Hooo's PILLS should be in every family medicine chest. Once used, alwayl preferred. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Mrs. Mary E. O’Fallo'n. of Piqua, 0., says the Phy- sicians are Astonished. and look at her like one Continued next. week. t the expense to $20 was The bargains the balance of this 'month COME AND SEE. W_. J.GARD| NER.‘ \V e take this means of in- forming the people of Millbl 001; (which perhaps, is- genexatfiys known) that we haw f/flways on hand a. choice 101 of meats. If you Wis a. s lcut let us know andW 111 supply you. ALL ORDERS PROJIPTLY DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN. SHELF BUTCHER SHOP ! Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 750. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of F igs’, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Nattrass 8: Dunford. met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowcls without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from evgry obj ect_i_cnab_le Asubstance. Its excellence is due to its presenting “the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and Bring to the surfice every latent pain. A change of even a few degrees marks the difference between comfort and pain to many persons. Happily disease now holds less sway. Science is continually hrin ing forward new remedies which success ully combat diseases. Polson’s Nervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"has proven the most, successful pain relieving remedy known. Its applica- tion is wide, for it is equally efficient in all forms of pain whether internal or external. 25 cents a bottle, at druggists. ' Captain Sweedy U. S. A” San Diego, 03.1., says: “Shi-.oh’s Catarrh Remedy IS the first medicine I have ever found that, would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. LEACH. Ayer’s Hair Vigor keeps the scalp free from dandruff, prevents the hair from be- coming dry and harsh, and makes 1t flexible and glossy. All the elements that nature requires, to make the hair abundant and beautiful, are supplied by this admirable preparation. . I ' ' ' . Brmgs comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, whp live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly \flapting the world’s best products to lie needs of physical being, will attest rhe value to health of the pure liquid axative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. , - VV°-â€". THe followifig cheques‘were signed by the Reeve :â€" Mary Bumham, indigent ........ . ......... $ 6 00 Jas. Hzx‘t‘ldley, one months salary .......... 7 50 work on fire bell $2.25, re- pairs to hose 50 cents .................. 2 7' Jae. Handley, services as constable at elec- tion, .................................... l 00 Ed. McCurry. lighting lamps .............. 1 50 “ reeling hose ................. 2 00 Hart 8; Ridden. poll booms and blanks. . . . 2 50 Rcb‘c. Deyell brooms, lamp glasses for fn‘vn L A Y mm; a: maueu. poll booxs and blanks. . . . 2 50 Rcb‘c. Deyell brooms, lamp glasses for 3 00 town hall.. .. .......................... Smith Preston. solicitors. for advice to reevc and collector, and drawing deecf 14 00 On motion the council adjourned to Fri- day the 23rd inst., at 7.30 p.111. v e__ ._-.. --. Vt] A5.“ Vol/vain QULCUUo Councillor Bateson moved that Mr. Lackey receive a. rebate of $1. 00 The motion not being received, fell through. grounds that part of land afnended to him was taken from him in opegiqg Cg'fanftrget. ____ -311-.. 11 H EAVY HARDWARE THE PEOPLES’ THE RA“) Cl'TTING “'INDS. \E/C‘AND'N/ KNOWLEDGE ON TROLS Department of Indian Afl’airs, Ottawa, January, 189-1. fina, or to;the Indian Office, Winnipeg. The owest or any_tender pot necessarily acce ted. This advertusemgnt IS not to be inserte by any newspgper w1thout the authority of the Queen’s Punter, and no_clalm fer payment by any newspaper not havmg had such authority will be admztted. may be has! By at; ' Bid? $332: ‘Efihé'ziéié‘xfé‘f‘oc’é to the asmstant ig'dlanng‘ommigioger at Re~ ~1‘_ __ A_IJ.‘, , v INDIAN SUPPLIES. EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- si nod and endorsed “Tender for Indian Supp ies,” ,will be received at this ofiice up to noon of MONDAY, 19th March,.1894, for the delivery (t Indian Supplies, ”the fiscal year endi 30th June , at various points in Manitob ' arm-west, Tcrritomes. Forms of tender, containing full‘ pagticulars, “‘n» 1". L3: 1... -......1..-.... 4.- LL 4 , The satisfaction we gave last spring is n o i ' sufliment guarantegha‘t our Plaster is right, our Ms are right and everything considered you can- not do better than place your order for 1894 with us. After considering-the above kindly take in- to consideration the fact that we keep a sunnly of FLOUR of all grades, FEED 'of all kinds, MEALS manufactured from all the different grains, and in this line we offer you every- thing at a small advance on cost, Another very important department is our stock of TIN WARE, which is well assort- ed and of the very best manufacture, it is made by experienced workmen and from the very best material. If you want anything in this line give us a call and you will save money. We conduct the only market in Mfllbrook in which you can receive the highest price in cash for HIDES, SKINS, TALLOW, SCRAP IRON, ETC. Testimonial. I hereby offer my name to Mr. A. Payne as a guarantee that I have used the White Land Plaster sold by him, and having tried all others, I found it is the best and there is no discount on it. A. PAYNE. Now is the Lime to leave your order. LAND pLASTEK The undersigned/will visit VM‘ifi'brook every Tuesday and Wednesday (mm the present date until the end of Fébgufiryi and nouce is here- byeiven that all persons indebted to the es- tablishment he. represents must seetlc up at once as he is bemg pushed by his employers. The pastiseason has been a very successful one for us. and any one who may want anything in winter dress goods Would do well to give us a call, as after our good season we are; pre- pared to cut the prices to the very lowest notch. Our new Embroideries are now forward and ready for the verdict of the people. See if they are not the prettiest patterns, the finest work and fabrics, the lowest prices, and the largest assortment ever shown in this section. A large assortment of Swiss Muslin Insertion. “ “ “ Lawn Insertion. “ Flouncing Embroidery. “ “ “ Skirting Embroidery. (( 0‘ We are also showing a large assortment of white goods, com- prising White Cotton at 5c. per yard, and upwards, » Lousdale Cam'bric, Jaconet Muslin, Victoria Lawn,~ mak Muslin, Cheched Muslinfiw Soft Mull Muslin, etc., Warranted the best goods at the lowest prices ever shown in Peterboro’. \V e are now showing some of our new importations for the coming Spring trade, bought by our Mr. Gilchrist, who is still in Europe, and we can safely say. we are going to have the largest and best selected high class Dry Goods stock ever placed before the public in Midland Counties. We believe in giving the people the assortment, and buying good in such large quantities thefinice is bonnd to be right. Hall, Gilchrist Co. TENDERS 2-4t HAYTER REED, Deputy of the Superintendent-G oneral of Indmn Aflalre, HALL, GILCHRIST NEW PAY UP. 30, I 32, I 34, Simcoe Street, Peterboro WM. REDMOND, Cavan. J OHN MULLIG AN. :; EMBROIDERY. If you . want a firsteclass horse, a good "rig, or turn-out of any descrip- tion, don’t fail to call at this stable. FOR SALEâ€"A good young matched team of Chestnut drivers -r. w. LARMEII. I have on ttam} a. lar e stock of Pine and Cedar Shiug s, which am ’ofiermg ~for bale at, lowest pric u ' ' guaranteed. Also manufactured lum r. timber and lath. Any- thing not. on hand will be out go order on short. notice. Best No. l Shingles 3 2.45 per thousand Butt 2 inch Plank 9.00 do Best 1x10 inch lumber 10.00 do LAKMEK’S LNERY !‘ SHINGLES z PONTYPOOL, HILLBROOKJ By FrancisSmiLh. Lo: 13, Con. 10 Hone. author- ized agent, for R. L. Herrick 8: Co.. Brighton. N. Y. Last spring l/rcceived 15 lbs. of Seed Potatoes from them, and with no extra care raised 10461bs. from them. I c:1njfieLelex‘en different varieties this sprln viii coy; little to try some or all M) be worth dollars to you. Try .em. If I don't give you a call drop me a card and I will only be too glad to do so. . . ‘ FRANCIS SMITH, 2-3m Campbcilcrof 1. Ont a Do not fail to call and see him, My Gabirge’cmaker qupagg hand a 1 Kee s on hand a I; c ' of COFFINS. CA KETS and ml kinds of Undertakcrs' Goods. _Bedroom. Parlor and ail other. kinds of Furmture. hand-made, at lowest mac-es. Stable and oflice on Tapper street. THOMAS GILLOTT ‘HOICE SEED POTATOES FOR SALE J. W. STAPLES. was spent. â€"â€"Mr. \Valber' K to“ n nearly a year in a store in the tm been home for the 1 â€"â€"The Ven. Arch the members of ‘ enter supper at t1 â€"Nineteen and Monday morning by automatic thermo about it cit-her, for â€"Sleigh 1/3985, in marked do ' aton Fair. â€"â€"Our editorial crowded out this w Counties council p :8 interesting to m -â€"The fireman ha cert until a. later ( week in March. market. -Mr. Herb. Ar: home on a. visit to h With friends in Gan -â€"Kickapoo Indiz fineâ€"be sure to get â€"Miss Edwena. E a visit with relative â€"Johnsbon 8: Fa made axes are'tuner t the genuine T. Elliott’s drug â€"Mr. “I Turner ' â€"Miss Violet K61 for a. few weeks. make a reduct‘ sold. every pair. YOUR .A’ Litti Ayer’s PmepuedbyDnJ. ties of which emj much to her r1 delight. I am su he would testify“ as to the merits 1 distress about recommendatio: For t/ze nan from head to she hail snfiere< in spite of the available. He: I have sold . 10: 40 years, am good said of th« Of a Church cured of a. Ayer’s Sarsa; Bums, the wei McGill st., M< TOW) bf; Ci THE est ca} Shou them

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