Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Dec 1897, p. 8

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lumblna“ star. 1 fl' :3"? E‘ d m mm; I {01' new 3 Live 3 TD 1:38? RYLE {38 nanny on b: Best,W mum1.8nth81uo!bnt.¢ 3227:“ McLENNAN c0. 3*va of the to! ct. 81 rum .1110 0°: ants felp x. fixmt'ao- senâ€"”Akron com. McLennan Co. 0 mm: Inns. 21m unnlsnnns HOLIDAY SALE or Dress Goods mmmmmm Axes and Cross Cut Saws, Lanterns, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs Scoop Shovels, Apple Parers, Scales, Meat Cutters, Cow Chains, -- - ._ ___1-L__n Iv VII“.-- now Steel chum» and strong Fine English Table and Pocket Cutlery, Guns and Ammunition, Paints, Oils, Vamishes, Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Plain and FancyVVindow Glass Delivered atlowest Prices. H0164 Portland Realizing on the Stock tage to us. - - ~ - Buying it now means money made for you. If you do not actually need the stuff now it will pay you to buy for Spring, as the Goods are all suitable and stylish for next season, and moreover, are marked at prices that will save you at least from ...... Immense Agent for the Celebrated M. W. Kennedy 81 00., _ ornowls. lmdsay’s Leading Jeweller:- ome While the Opportunity is here. 31-1 tton BIOS. Store open every evening until I0 o’clock- And you have still a few gifts to selecthRITTON BROS. have what wxll please you. . A small idea. of noveltles: Silver Shnvlng Cape, Sup Bone, Silver Bella, Stamp Boxes, imp Watson. otter 01303023. )Iucllage Bottles, Mugs, Tnys. ii“ Wash” u P2311511: and 9.0111 JowelBaxes, Junction Panels. J apnea Swords, Jam Dam and an immense quantity of beautiful novelties. complete range of BOUCLEs’ TWEEDS, SILK MIXTURES and NOVELTIES thrown on the market at cost Price and in many cases under, aense Opportunities of~ purchasing the Newest, Best and Most Stylish Pro- ductions in Dress Stuffs at a very Low Figure. . . . .' . TWen’cy-fiye to Fort}! Per 8333 main thought being to efi’ect a clearance C (mint §§§ ‘ut Saws, 18 Judge of Perth County A despatch from Ottaw ain Mondays Globe states that Mr. John A. Barron, Q.- C., of this town, has been appoint- ed county judgc of Perth, to replace Judge Wood, retired. Mr. Barron's ap- pointment will date from \Vednesday, and we understand he will reside in Stratford. His many friends in town and country will be pleased to learn of his good fortune. Taken to Wu. \Vm. .Lossee, the itinerant pedlar, who was sentenced here on Dec. 2nd by Judge Armour for rape committed on the person of a young girl in Snow- den township, Haliburton county, will spend Christmas in Kingston peniten- tiary. He was taken to that. institu- tion Tuesday morning by Sheriff Mc- Lennan, who handed him over safely to the prison authorities to undergo a. three years' term Try our breads. â€"‘-’ Sad Bereavement. The Post joins with its many readers and the citizens generaily in express- ing heartfelt sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hopkins in the death of their youngest son, Carlton Holmes, a bright and engaging lad of 8 years, who succumbed on Sunday at 1 a. m. to an attack of appendicitis. The trou- ble only manifested itself on Thursday last, and on Saturday evening Dr. Ross, an eminent Toronto surgeon, per- formed .an operation, but it was too late. The funeral was private. ____._...._â€"â€"â€" Ontario County Judgeohlp. â€"Mr. D. J. McIntyrveas sworn in as deputy county judge at Whitby on Thursday last, and took ‘his seat as presiding judge at the county court and general sessions, which had been opened by Judge Moore Benson, of Cobourg, on the day previous. Crown Attorney Farewell, on behalf of the county bar, congratulated Judge McIn- tyre upon tHe high honor conferred up- on him. and assured him of the fullest support of the bar in the performance ,. L2- Ann“ Judas McIntvre in re- auvw-v v- vâ€"v â€"-~ _ of his duties. Judge McIntyre in re- ply said he wished to return his thanks to the gentlemen of the bar of Ontario county for the kind words and assur- ances tendered in such expressions of welcome. He felt greatly embarrassed in undertaking the important duties, and quite une1ual to the task of fill- ing Judge Dartnell's place. However, with the indulgence of all and the as- sistance of the bar he hoped to get along,a.nd would endeavor‘to meet the bar and suitors with like courtesy. No person could regret more than he the cause of his appointmwt, and he trust- ed to we Judge Dartnell again able to discharge his duties in a few days. now means advan- DASHES HERE ANDETHERE. News and 3188- y our home-made ds.â€"25d-6â€"198-1. COUNTY. r. 24, 1897. â€"'Ihree 01â€"13 0. 'pst dog‘s-co! stock, und six of stain, si'nved from north country points last Friday. 17â€"31;. 'p. 11 15am: shim threecarloads of about Friday-onto! lamb: and two 0! cattle. â€"Mr. H. C. Thompson, tie inspector for Messrs. McCormick * McLeod. Braeebridge,was in town last Friday on his way home born the north country, where he made a large number of con- tracts. â€"Friday County Police Magistrate Deacon held court at Little Britain, end convicted four young men of hav- 1118 disturbing a religious service at Zion church. They were fined 85 each â€"Meesrs. McKenzie 5 Campbell, gen- eral merchants, Kirkfield, have as- signed with liabilities of 39.4.8382. and 33050613 of 84,523,231, 3 dCflCIt of 84,- â€"mlu uvvv «any wâ€"v-vâ€" be seen anxiously surveying. the chim- ney of the house and meditatxng wheth- er the opening is large enough for the descent of Santa. â€"Mr. James Sloan. one of the olderst settlers of Hariposa townshnp, passed any last Week at his residence south . x2- -..â€"Iw dawn "Wm u- â€"â€" ._-_, of 1:11;?le Britain. In his any days deceased lived in Ops. He was highly esteemed by‘a large circle of friends. â€"Mr. Robt. Menzies. river foreman for the Rathbun 00., for the past five years, has opened a camp in ‘Manvers township, near Chipmunk Corners, and has twelve men at work taking out cedar and pine timber. -â€"The late Wm. Merry, brother-in- law of Mr. Wm. McKenzie. president of the Toronto Street Railway, had only been married three weeks, his bride being a Miss Varcoe, of Toronto, formerly of Cobooonk. The widow ac- companied the body home. _ _-. n 7._ â€"The many friends of Miss Reazin, of the public library, will regret to learn that she is at; present confined to her room in consequence of a. se- vere fall on Dec. 16th. Her sister. Miss Etta, is at present in charge of the library and reading room. «Dr. Breiten, of New York, has dis- covered that hand shaking is a. den- gerous practice, and that filth collect- ed from the surface of the hand usual- ly contains a number of microbes, some being of a. deadly character. That set- tles itâ€"our readers should beware of the glad hand of the aspirant for muni- cipal honors. _- . , â€"0verseer \Talker is suffering from the effects of a mishap met with last week. \Vishing to visit the sand pits, he! ran to catch a farmer’s rig pass- ing the market, and in climbing in he struck his chest with great force against a rojecting board. 'While not Very pain ul at the time, he now feels the effects of the blow very severly when employed at any hard work. â€"The Christmas War Cry came to hand last week, and is indeed a most creditable sheet. Its pages are full of most interesting matter,‘ and excel- lent illustrations. The Christmas War Cry should be in the hands of all who ‘ ’ ' ‘ - ALA â€".--â€"1â€" A: Hm Q. A, LII)" DUUUIu ua u.- v-ov _.__7, are interested in the work of the S. A. The local soldiers will no doubt meet with a. generous support in the sale of their fine Christmas number. â€"0wing to the resignation of Mr. 0. l . Morse, organist of the Cambridge st. Methodist church, which takes ef- fect July next, Mr. J. Parnell Mor- ris, so well-known in town, and a former organist in St. Andrew's Pres- byterian church, is the unanimous choice of the board. \Ve congratulate the church on securing the services of such a gifted young man. LL _ mAâ€"nnGn â€"The entertainment by the lemma Varsity Glee Club and Banjo, Mando- lin, and Guitar Club, under the auspic- es or rm ruuuc ll‘Ulâ€"dl‘y 01: Lindsay, which took place last evening. was a. grand success in every particular. The music was good, the attendance large and every person present was evidently well pleased. A full account of the at- fair wiil appear in Monday evening's Post. â€" _- LA- â€"The funeral of W. J. Merry, bro- ther-in-law of Mr. Wm. McKenzie,pre- sident of the Toronto Street Railway, and brother of Mrs. Meagher, of this town, took «place last week at Kirk- field, and was attended by Mr. McKen- zie and other members of the family. Mr. Merry, us our readers probably re- member, was suffocated in a. Rosslnnd mine while endeavoring to save the live of a companion. â€"Iaterest in north.country mining properties is being well maintained. A local syndicate are negotiating for the sale of a mine for the handsome sum of $40,000, and Mr. S. Austen, of Bali- button has a good thing in View. Last Saturday be shipped a sack of gold ore to Montreal parties, and on Friday ov- er a. ton of mica was consigned to To- ronto exgergs £59m Wilberforce, on the A. ~.â€" -, -Pett:rboro Review: An interesting pugilistic event is to be pulled off in this district at a near daLe. Yester- day articles of agreement were sign- ed for a sparring contest to a. deci- sion between “ Buffalo" Costello, who is in training in town. and Dan Cane, of Troy. N.Y. The fight is to be for a. purse of $300 and $50 a side. The sum of $25 was deposited when the articles were signed. The date of the meeting has not been fixed. â€"It is matter for wonder how utterly inconsiderate of the comfort of others some people can be. To a. lover of good music nothing is more annoying than to have his ears assailed during every song by the silly chatter of a. couple of empty-headed idiots. Some little excuse might be made for certain sin- ners last Friday on the score of their youth, but this would be more than offset by the fact of their pretensions to be considered as belonging to the “haut ton”. of local society. â€"A large number of our readers are young men and young women, and many of them, We believe, are anxious to improve their education. To such ‘ AL. n_L»_I..._- w mu.-.‘ ._-__ _,, we would recommend the Peterboro Business College. This institutionmn- der Messrs. Pringle a.- McCrea, has al- ready made its mark on accaunt of the thoroughness o£.il.s work, ample proof of which can be had from its success- fulAgraduates, .few, wemhelieve, being â€" â€": nn:l\n In lut ssauuuepu: -v.., ..- e-, , , without a. position. The principals yearly improved their course of in- struction and this year witnesses the greatest impxovcinent yet madeâ€"tint of combining practice with theory. from the start. A course at such an I institution is of inestimable value to any young man or woman. ‘ â€"Window dressing is the all-import- ant consideration at this season 0! the year, and in the stores may be seen the creations of many artistic minds for the purpose of attracting the seek- 1 ers for holiday presents. But then the ‘ window displays form but asmull por- tion of the good things going. Read the advertisements in The Evening Post, and make a. note of the many bargains now being offered. -â€"-David Walsh, an Ottawa hotelkeep- er, who was convicted of giving liquor to a triend- in a private part of his hotel on a. Sunday in last Much, has lost his appeal to division court. He was convicted by the police magistrate at Ottawa under a section _ . quot license not which prohibits the “sale or other disposal” of liquor durâ€" ing certain hours. The court holds that the words “ .r danced? include such a gift ¢3_th18 1:1de and confirm the police magistn 's ( conviction. .. . . And now the caution; juygnilelgan Kent-st. Lindsayâ€"14. . J. Mgrrx. bro- â€"Mr. G. W. Smith. at was in town last week. â€"-Ir. Neil Brown, of Kirkfieldans in town-lat Fridsy on business. â€"Mr. D. J. Battle, of Mimics, was intown on Thursday last â€"Mr. J. H. Brandon. of Feudal! Falls, was in town Monday. â€"Mr. R. Dallas, of town. is attend- ing Kingston Business College. â€"Mrs. 'J. C. Noyce, of man. was in town last Saturday. - -Mr. Wm. Richmond. 0! Blythe, was in town Friday on business. â€"Mr. and Mrs. {amen Austin. of .- .â€" p‘A_ â€"M’r. and Mrs. James Ansnn, ox Cambny, gave the Post a. call Friday. â€"Mr. “Rube" Morgan, 01 the Tomato School of Pharmacy, in home tor Christmas. I - The Rev. D. D. McDonald, of Manna Grove, Eldon, was in town on businm' on Tuesday. â€"Mr. Wm. Aldous. proprietor of the Mansion House, Penelon Falls, was in town Saturday. â€"Mr. wfi Yerex. of Little Brit- ain, ms in town last Friday on busi- â€"Mr. Glyde Gregory, of the Toronto School of Scicnce, is home for the Christmas vacation. â€"Mr. W. T. Junkin, collector of government tolls at Fenelon Falls, was in town Monday. We"have"b’éen authorised to state thntMr.F.C.Taylorwillnotbos candidate for the position at mayor Minion was only a- tul considention. and is irrevocable. â€"Mr. A. Niven, P. L. 5., of Halibut- ton. was in town Monday on his way to Toronto. Mr. andilfrs. L: and Miss Bertha King, of Seagrave, paid The Post a. pleasant visit last Tuesday. -â€"Mr. Fl‘Ed Shaver, the well-known Mzzriposa county councillor, was in town last Tuesday on business. â€"Mr. S. J. Hall, of Bowmanville, cat- tle buyer,was in town Friday looking up a carload of stock. . “A ~!__I â€"-Miss 'Agnen Br'ady and Mr. John Gunn were the guests of Mrs. Owen Traynor, on Sunday last. _ _-. .3 ,,LL.. “r - vâ€"â€"â€"'~r 7 â€"Mr. Edward‘Mosgrove, principal of Kirkheld public schools, was in town Saturday calling on friends. â€"Messrs. Flynn Bros, of Downey- ville, were in on Monday with a num- ber of hogs for Mr. McIllhargey. vv- .. -v â€"Mr. W'm. Brown, who is attend- ing Trinity Medical Coilege, Toron- to, is in town for the holidays. â€"Mrs. Koyl has gone to Hamilton on account of. the severe illness of her mother-inâ€"law, Mrs. (Rev.) G. L. Koyl. IDOLBCI‘LH'IGW, .unm ‘-.v.., .H i _ â€"Miss Sadler left town on Tuesday for Spragge, Algoma, when; she wnll spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Lummis. -â€"‘Mrs‘. G. H. M. Baker left. on Monâ€" day to spend the Christmas hohdnys with the Rev. Canon and Mrs. Baker, Guelph. ‘ Ir :‘J â€"Mr. Charles Varcoe, an 01: sayite. arrived in town last to spend Christmas holidays friends. Bobcaygeofi; _}etu;'ned from Toronto, and left- Fenelon Falls. A K‘uv-v-n .- v.--_V -The Rev. J. A. McKenzie. the popular pastor of Cambray and Oak- wood Presbyterian churches was in town last Tuesday. â€"Miss Ethel Flaw-.119, of the To- ronto University, is home spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Flavelle. -â€"Miss Clarke, professional nurse. M ,- he: W way home from Fenelon Falls. where she spent several weeks. D 1,! _L auo at".-- _- . -7 â€"Contractor P. J. Sims, of Kirk- field, was in town on Monday on his way back from Peter-born, where he spent Sunday with his family. â€"Mrs. W. H. Ballard, of Hamilton, who was the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. C. Trew, Russell-st... for a. few days, returned home on Friday morning last. Jr... J' Crnznne and sister. M18. P- â€"Mrs. J. Grozelle and sister, Mrs. P. Grozelle. left for Midland last Friday to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Lahluke, who died the same morning. â€"Dr. Wood, warden _o§.the county. uL-_:tl Pussy-u -v- __-V, 'â€"We received a call last Friday from Coboconk's two leading business men, Messrs. W. L. Shields, general merchant, and R. Callan, manufactur- er of the famous LXI. lime. Mrs. \Vardrobe and Miss Mabel, ac- companied by Master Archie Ward- robe, left last Friday for St. Cath- arines, where they will spend Christ- mas th friends. -â€"Mr. A. F. Barr, resident master at Bishop Ridley College, St. Cathar- ines, is in town for Christmas holidays. and is the guest of his father, Mr. C D. Barr, county registrar. --Councillor W. T. McGuire, of Lif- ford, was in town Tuesday. He has made an excellent representative in the Manvers council, and no doubt he will head the polls in the January elections. McLen: y.‘ \'v-vâ€" â€"â€"The following appeared in last week's Globe: Mr. D. J. McIntyre. of Lindsay, has been appointed by order in Council deputy judge of the County of Ontario on account of the illness of -The many friends of Mr. G. H. M. Baker, local manager for the Rathbun 00., will regret to learn that be has been seriously ill for the past couple of weeks. While at Manitoulin Island he was attacked with inflammtion of the bowels. and was (creed to love M. Boyd _and family, n41... Johnston, representing .umber 00.. Toronto. is in 18 several cat-loads of basswood and ash lumber uck of J. Carew and the d famlly' 0‘ on Saturday for home V19- old. Lind- 1st week vs with ion ex- '2. I. c. A. Rota. â€"On Christmas morning the juniors (with as may of the seniors as will come) purpose visiting the Indian camp at. distillery creek and bringing into camp some Christmas cheer. The Wabash new. With its superb and magnificent train service. is now acknowledged to be the most perfect railway system in America. The great winter tourist route to the south and west. including the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. Old Mexico, (the Egypt of the New World). Texas and California (the land of sunshine and (lowers). PW gomg Via the new wsnasn line reach their destination in advance of other routes. Wabash trains reach more large cities than any other railroad in the world. Detailed information will be gladly furnished by any railroad agent, or J. A. Richerdsou,Cnnsdisn psmnger agent. northeast corner of King and Yongeâ€"sts, Toronto.â€"d79â€" w90tf. â€"The Grand Trunk Railmy he come to an agreement with the town of Collingwood, Out. for the erection 0! 1n elevator there. The town will give twenty-live thousand doling. â€"'l‘oronto business men are agrin agitating the construction of a nil- wny iron: that city to Sndhury. end the extension of the Victoria line from Halihurton to the Ottawa river. I. B. A. amour-I to: 198- At the regular meeting of St. Xary'e Branch, No. 8!, E. B. A.. Lindsay. the following officers were duly elected (or the year 1898: Chaplain. Rev. Father Muguire; chancellor, . R. O'Neill; president, Samuel . Trotter; vice- preeident. M. E. Tangney: rec.-eec.. Chas. Podger. (accl.); fin.-sec.. J. J. Burke, (arch); treasurer. Dull Curtin. (aecl.); stewards, John Mechan and Fel- ix Laundry. (noel); mrshall. Frank Campbell. (McL); net. mrshsll. Funk Scott. (aecl.); inside guard. H. mllon; outside gunrd. Putt. Kesmy. (we); delegate to Grand Brunch for 1898. J. R. O'Neill. Pm czm. â€"Mr. A. W. Gusty. of Kirkfield. was in town Wednesday. â€"Miss Annie Martin. at , Fenclon Falls called on Lindsay friends on Wednesday. â€"lfir. Ju. Dickson. of Fenelon Pulls. was In town Tuesday on his way home from Tomato. ‘vnu . __-‘ -â€"Mr. Ernest Neclands.; of the School of Practical Science. Toronto, is home for the Christan: vocation. â€"Mr. J. A. Penchcn. of the Penelon Full; Chemical Works. was in town Tneadty on his my down from the city. -Mr. C. S. Blackwell. of Toronto. arrived in town Tuesdty. and may spend Christan: here. Be is a guest at the Simpson house. â€"Mr. John Vance. a p: farmer of Mnnvera township, town Wednesdu:. â€"!lr. A. Kaolin-lune. who ha been attending the Normal School, 01mm in spending the Christmas holidnys in town. the mo! his ”rents, Rem}. â€"Miee Catharine McCloz y. deugh- tor of Mr. Jae McClory. 0! West Ope.‘ mcned town on Monday‘ evening tron Lsnung. Hick. She will spend hrist- me under the parentel root in Ops. â€"l(rs. C. B. Stewart. of Robes!- geon, arrived in town on Wedneedsy by stage from Bahasgeon. Inning Ind en unpluant trip owing to the now. She lelt next morning for Breec- bridge. where she will nd Christa- ms with her daughter. WQ Galâ€" with. -- an- Christmas Day the Store will be closed. Opened Monday 27th, for the Five Business D WHEN WE WILL OFF} BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Y0< EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND P.S.â€"|f we sell you once you are a sure Customer. $5.00 Overcoats reduced to 7.50 d t. BLANKETS at 75¢ a Gll All over the Store especially in small wares. Opposite t They lust be Sold if prosperous n- was 13 GENERAL WISE THEIR 008101838 AND THE PUBLIC II l to $400 $900 Overcoats rcaucca to $7.30 5.50 10.00 “ “ 8.50 ’old if we Have to Lose Honey on Them pair, extra special at $1.85, $2.50 and $2.95. RJ’ZIENT. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL, r‘ {JDODS AND COMPARE PRICES. So that we may have néthing left over winter’s selling, we will place on sale ti every kind of winter Wraps and Cloaks at dous reduction. Don’t think you can wai‘ before you look at these, tor they won’t and Fawn Jackets, worth from $6 to $7.50. all go in at - Ladies’ Colored Ulstets, in tweed, some double breasted and some with Capes, these go in at half price, $7. 50, garment will cost you Ladies’ Black Curl, Beaver, Covert, and Frieze Cloth Jackets, worth from $8.00 to 810.00, these go in at - - - - Girl’s Tweed and Navy burl u long Capes and Velvet Collars, 20 m at half price, 8500 o rlrl’S IWCCU Wu --â€"-J v" long Capes and Velvet Collars, all . o in at half price, 8500 ones $2 5" 01' " - - . Bundasfilafle Brothers. Kobk 00 'e Business Days left of the WILL OFFER A W701}. Bron. One Price to Everybody. and Ngvy (jug! Clott: Ulsters, with AA HA Arms tIOIIE Overcoats reduced to $7.50 N u 8.50 Blue, green lg left over for next e on sale this week dCloaks at tremen- pu can wait a week they won’t be here. serge CW}, $5.00 $3.50 $7.50 :, Nap

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