Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Dec 1897, p. 7

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Conn. Soothemn' said there wogzld probably have to baa. special meetmg called, and in the meantime the report should bokreterrod $0 the board of works for canaidention.‘ . 10 p10 a o ”â€"qu ano one}; new boar 1" I 11 fl vuuv. ~_â€"- Reeve Touchburn contended that the report should be read for information of council and ratepayers, as it was the last paging. ~ ..... A_‘, lulvw‘ us From Mrs. Binghum. applying for re- xnission of taxeaul’inance committee. From McSweyn . Anderson, relative to taxes due on the Thorndike property Finance committee. The Early Closing fly-law. (loun. Soothernn presented two pe- titions, one. signed by t}. W. lien.“ and forty-four other business mun. protest- ing against ihl! repeal of tho by-lnw rrquiring the early closing of jewelry and fanr'y goods stores, the second be- ing signed by it. 5. Porter and seven other merchants interested. Council- lor Sqmtheran remarked that in the face of the petitions the council could not possibly repeal tla- lxy-iaw. on the. petition aaking for rvpeal contained only thirteen nanwa; aolnt‘. ware not qualified to sign. and othera had vhangmt thulr mimla and had aignml i'lt' .ipponition petition. Conn. Sooth- urun thrn movml, mmmdml hy Conn. l'wllar, that tht. pntitiunu rend lm "- u-viwd and tyled with By-law No. 722. and that tho by-iaw he. not. repealed. Conn. Burrows. who had introdunml tho petition to rwml. said ho could at!” no objection to tho motion. and it accordingly passed. A Batch of Accounts. Tho following were read by Clark Knowlson. and represent nearly all of the accounts outstanding against the corporation: J. 6. Edwards. $16.18: D. C. ’l‘rew. 82.75; P. O. Neill. $1.25; Goo. Kent. $1.87: Light, Hoot vk Power Co.. 86035â€"110!"er to proper committees. ‘ Black Knot Inspector. Mr. D. C. Trew. black knot. inspector. presented a brief report showing the number of gardens inspected during the year. and the number of fruit trees found in!ectcd.-.-Fylod. Street Overseer's Report. The clerk announced that he had rec ceiveda long report from street over- seer Walker specising the work per- formed in the diflc‘rent wards during the your, andthotost theva The total expenditure at thoboard of works up to data had been. $3,591.81, exclusive of snow-scleaning tracts and several othercharges.»»__‘ ‘ Communications and Reports -The Be- peal of the Early closing By-law Defeatedâ€"The Copeland Caseâ€"Reeve Touchburn Objects to Paying for Work Done Without Authonty. and. 1. Read a Lessonâ€"Mayor Smyth Con- gmtulated Upon His Good. Record. "ii’uis" was inscribed Wednesday on the concluding page of Lindsay's municipal history for 1897, and it now remains for the ratepayers to revise and criticize what is written therein to the credit; or disadvantage of their representatives. REEVE TOUGHBURN IN TROUBLE The members present were Mayor Smyth, Reeve Touchburn, Dep-reeve Robson, and Councillors Graham, Horn, Sootheran, M41101}, Pedlur, Baldwin, Bryans and Dr. Burrows ; absent, Dep.- reeve Gillogley and Coun. Killaby. Bu~ siness was taken up at. 7.40; it being an adjourned meeting, Lhe minutes were not read. A SURPLUS 01’ $1,500 LEFT IN THE TOWN TREASURY. A Short Session, But Some Interesting Discussions. Communications. From James Duncan, Midland City, asking that the water rate charged against his Lindsay street property be thrown oftâ€"Laid on table. From Mrs. Mary McGuinn, furnish- ing affidavit with reference to dog tamâ€"Tax remitted. From Robert. Chambers, with refer- ence to water rate chaiged against his Cambridge stroet proporty.â€"â€"b‘in;mce committee. wlvvv‘o From J. L. Allen, with reference to water rate wrongfully chargexl.â€"Re- mitted. ' ‘ Last Regular Meeting of the 1897 Council. From Margaret. Adam, asking for re- fund of taxes on vacant. store, and a. rebate of $2.60 waier rate charged up against the propertyâ€"Finance com- mittee. _ THE [INDSAY PLAN!“ MILL GEO. INGLE Prop , Cambridge‘at. nununs HIB THE IIIHYflB. 3W7 wauadiau gust. STORM WINDOWS COLD, IS IT? ,xmuwe LXNDSAY, FRIDAY DEC. SEND Poop): who have their house win- dow: protected with amEJJEmséa -by droughts I will fit an ordinary sized house (or a comma- tlvoly smsll sum, and use seasoned lumber. Call an find it easy and economical to keep the lnteflors warm and cosy. and children an snared niany colds and throat Wantedâ€"The address 0t every snfi‘ererlln America During seventy years N Yâ€"AS-SAIS has never failed in any case. 24, 1397. sidenoe." Deeu sunny UL tun wâ€"- Conn. Mellon, and I fail to see why he should be made the only scapegoat." Conn. Sootherun furnished several examples 0! Been Touchbum’s blame- while the able actions, and said that estimate for a walk lending to his re- sidence specified old plank, three feet wide, at a. cost of $35, Reeve Touch- burn had built it of new plank, four feet wide, at a cost of 875. Reeve Touchburn explained that the overseer had not sufficient old plan]: for the purpose, and as tor the tile, while the estimate was for three inch, eight inch was what was needed. Coun. Burrowsâ€"“ Reeve Touchburn is not sebum: shu’sed as he makes out â€"heha.‘sa.‘fin'e sidewalks plants." anumlighkepostofflcoboxendfire alarm box, and everything the town ' ' ‘ _ inchtflewas “01“!” F flv‘lvl-I Coun. Baldwinâ€""If the estimates had not been exceeded no objection would have been raised. Conn. Mul- lon proved that the grader was of some use." . Conn. Hornâ€"" We can‘t make fish of one and flesh of another. Others have been g_u_il_ty of the inane conduct as ‘,!I A- A.-- mfi' uucu, ullu uvru y- . --~...- U“--- chairman of the 1314 board at \{Iork-I. hnd sinned in like manner. Den-roan Robson approved of pa:- lng the men while not upholding Bonn. Mullon's notion, ____ _. . . no attempt to settle the Copeland case, although he was aware that; the com- plainant had no case owing to notice not having been served wiLth the pro- per time. Coun. Sootheram said Coun. Burrows was mistaken. as the Copeland case arose in 1896, 'und he was not. then in the council. lie (Sootherzm) had heard of no offer to settle the case for $60. Much of the $150 costs was made up of disbursements, and the finance committee hml decided that the amount was very reasonable. ;LA “A. The report of the board of hultb wu rudmd mmrldered, but as time was Immed, your committee ask for [unnerfiigc Lo {gpqr} 1.1135109: _,._ l_ -1 - L_I.I’ The oommunimuon of J. Sutclifle Sons wn considered, Ind aim-r baring the explanation 0! Ir. Sutclifie, your committee dccided to recommend the council to terms than: $2 on account or their penoml -..- r"~- Lcsm-w v .v. I nu nun-w. -._~ â€". --r-_. w" The report of the medical healthy mice: in d 0 held over to: lawn consideration2 . ,, -L__.._‘ -n n uo v»... AVwVV.-.__-- Coun. Burrows maintained that the Copeland case had been considered by the present council, and it had been well understood that. the case could have been settled. uvue Ava nuuu-v -y__.« The resolution cumin. the reporters the mm of ten dollars ouch, “I?! considered. Your commlttee recommend that they be paid the sum mentzoned and that. the same be charged to the account 0! speck! gran". Conn. Burrows Look exception to the division of Solicitor Hopkins report in order to make it look small, and said that if the council had seen lit to pass his motion inviting citizens to give notice of defeclive roads and Willis the town would have been spared consid~ erable expense; the solicltor had made The aommuniuflan 0! LS, McCarthy. ofldring to son the building now occupied a a. Home tor the Aged, was held over {or turlhor eonshknuon. The communication 01H. 11. Lang, of Oman, 1. “so held over. sud u. wu found (.11 looking into the matter um Ir. was too law to be presented to the legsts' tun for the resent. session. --- ~ p Qu’nl".l A. anI .m. Alfred Robinson......................O JohnBogtn........ Junee Kent.......................... Willluni-ZulottW. ...... .. As these ncconnte were unauthorizai by either the council or the board 01' worn. your committee one 0! the opinion tho. the poi-eon who ordaml the work t) be done. without first chaining the consent 01 the council, should be made pny tor some. The nccount 0! 8L?!» incurred in the Watchmui onion in in n aim. zlnr condition; no your committee ere nimble to find any nmhority iron: this counci: nuthorizing the lie.- why. your committee recommend thnt it be not The communicntion of Goo Lytle was considered, end it was moved by Coun Pedlar. seconded by Dep. reeve Gillogly, thnt the crmmittoe recommend the council t: nuke ngnut oi titty dollars townrds deo lnfing the expenses of the E szem Duii'unen'n Arso- clnilou at their in cting to be h ld in the month 0! Jnuuary. with the unnent-ndinx thnt ii there should be on I. vex-plus thnt the aei : overpl.suhn i be return- ed to the town, and thnt the order ehnll be issued by ‘ the treasurer in the name of J H Soother”. ihe locnl treuurer of the mentionâ€"Carried, The communication or B. Dingle wulconsldered nlxo one of a similar nnture tromA C.Newson:e, suiting for remission of dog tsx Your committee in nll ensue. where a remission of taxes ll naked, require 3 ntstutory declaration no to the nets telure ihey cu: den! with nutter: 01 this kind. now“ 8838 Tugfiérdmmunicnion of John Marshal'. 3.31.11); to hue his personal tax xcm‘med, wax considered, 3nd your committeo decided that. Mr. W! must furnish L statutory declamtion sutung forth the has. a nu‘uw, .v- -._._ -_ __ no mazmgmtIfL..Il.'............ 19 RSPortor ...... ...... G 3 Hopkins, town solicitor. ace :......_.. 117 do cocainOopolAnd «5...... - 160 00 Treasurer! acct. unya’u mm. for Nov" .. 9 [:5 -Cmied. The followingueounu were 31 0 com d] John Boyholds'..'.......... ...... Thoma O‘Neill... ‘ RB-ysnIaC)............ .......... do ..... CdVVflBIO' ..... .. “no-unnnnuuun Blame light account to: Nov" lea lights out (3:66 60].” ”Manic: 1 km 01.. Johnw;rdrobo.... .............. Wucbmxn acct.$$25. let-8|.“ not-...... 3 Hughes.toybo-rdofhosluau .. ,..__ --‘s ...u-ooc..u ...... --.. 365'!) pnov_._..... ....... Your commute. not in the don't once at on Dec. 14m. The following ucounu were and nth-tin: mmMum‘o ...;....0 'l‘aunrox'uposugvaceount for 1897 quvhfilkely, (rot-marl! G mm,~........ . ........ . ......n" "i 5!: i 388338888 3 BGEcBumey........ -........ .......... WAWhlte............ -........ ... batman”... ..... .................. Egongl‘ggr................ ......... gnuw$fin D‘A‘nvgnlendment was moved that the report be read In: it failed to carry. and the document will go to the board of works. Report of Finance Committee. Conn. Sootheran. chairman, present- ed the report, which made the follow- ing recommendations: Conn. Soothernnâ€"“ '1' the new, of course ; the old board is etunct.” Reeve Touchburn-“ In that case the new board will know nothing about many of the items. and for that mson the report should be read and consider- ed here." . .. . LL innhuuaummwn' muyummmhrmn. I], (lot-mu]! 0 mm) »llottflol - mun“.-nn" ......-... n... u 111...”... 3....- «nfiugwmw*mnfin 93383388388388 £333 ? E58: E H :- =3 9. E 15985 "we. vole-v u ..... .- to do but acquiesce in the kind inten- tion: expressed. which he did most heartily. ‘ Reeve Touchburn said it pleased him to be able to any that the town hed poaeeeled a live Mayor for the put two years; Mayor Smyth had fulfill- ed hie duties in :l preieeworthy way. and had displayed greet tor-henna. good jud ment and a. well bounced temper. ' is only hope was that the next Mayor would conduct hinuelg us well as Mayor Smyth. whom he wnh- ed a pleasant Chnetlnu and a. happy New Year, . Conn. Baldwin paid a brief tnhnte to the Mayor's good qualities, and and he thoroughly approved of the resolu- tion. ,_ __ .. . -__ _. Dep.-reeve Robson laid the pronoun speakers had covered the ground to well that nothing yn9_ lo_tt_ tor him n :_‘.__ tmlution duced. Raolv d, um the trout oonihl think. 0! thi- couucil no due mad as hereby W to his worship Mnyo- Smy h (or the manor in which he hu difchugod his ’rnptmlbo dude- " cxocnun had 0! thin amoral n wring the you not dnw Ing>to_s_clou. A. . ,n, , n , l ,,,,, ,ILJ,‘ nu uuv “IIU-HI‘: â€" ..... Cuun. Horn raid that Minor Smyth hm] puma through u trying your. and very tow would care to occup the poâ€" uitlon It thoy realized that t er were likoly to hvwe the name trouh e. No mutter what the revocation. Muyor Smyth hud alwa’s opt his tampon-ad he (Copn. florp) ynu_ 3!“! that tho _ .. 3â€"L-A, We (any recognize ltn do one: ha ha mum-ted in council sad committee on new: of an bent. inur at: of the turn. god plwly who-lodge the cow- eny wh‘ch inur 3‘va obnctetlzod N. portend minions with «ch member or the com cl]. Coun. Mallon remarked that he had nothing to my against the Mayor's recordâ€"ho had known that oath-man long before he had become 3 ayor. and had always respected him an a con- sclentioun man and was bound to com- mend him for his courteous conduct. The tima was approaching when the feeling animating all should be “Peace on earth. good will to men." and he could nay that while he had taken a ntrong lot-mi on recent occasion he had never left. the Council Chamber in an uncharltablo rxnoo‘d. _ _- n ,.,,L|. Cour]. Southernn pointed out that such action rested wdh the town pro- peyrt oommittpo, and he hated tht the resolution. as worded, would con- flict with the by-law regulating the regting o_f the hall._'_ Conn. Burrowsâ€"“I will support the motion whether it interferes with the bylaw 0: not.'_'_ Moved by Cum. Horn, seconded by Conn. Pedlar, that hereafter the lease of the Town Hall be relused for the holding of prize fights and wrestling and boxing exhibitions, as in the opin- ion of this Council such shows are de- trimental to the morals of the com- mnnity. Coun. Horn finally amended his re- solution so as to make it read “that the town property committee forbid,” etc., and it was adopted by Council. Felicitations Galore. On motion Mayor Smith vacated the chair, which was taken by Dr. Burrows. The following resolution of thanks was then moved by Coun. Soothenn and seconded by Conn. J. D. Graham. Coun. Sootheranapeaking to the mo- tion said he was sure that it express- ed the honest opinion of every mem- ber present. 1118 worship had attend- ed to the duties of his office as they should be attended to. and had given to their performance a. great deal more time than he could reasonably be ex- pected to devote. The finanoes o! the town were now in ~very satisfactory shape. and that pleasing condition of affairs might be attributed in great measure to the Mayor. Two years ago the town was laboring under :1. debt of $14,000; they had disposed of the railway lien [or 80,000, and to-dny there was in surplus of at least 81,500. despite the fact thnt the rate had ht‘l‘u reduced. Reve've Touch'burnâ€"“You asked it last year. but the company did not grant it." Conn. Sootheranâ€"“It would seem a hardship to interpret the clause as meaning no trees must be planted less than 30 It. apart." Should Last all Year. Mo md by Conn. Manon, seconded by Coun. Horn, that the Mayor be author- ized to ask the Light, Heat 8: Power Co. to keep the street lights burning till daylight Christmas morning.'free of extra. costâ€"Carried. Coun Manonâ€"“It's the customary thing, M_r_. Mayor." Reeve Touchburnâ€"“Burrows thinks he is clever, it may bc news for him toAlearn that the overseer follows that rule, and does not allow for interven- ing trecst" Coun. Burrows called attention to Mr. Blackwell's long overdue claim for trees planted in accordance with the town byâ€"law. and said that which he was willing the account should be paid it would be well for all to remember that the law distinctly states that there must be 30 ft. between each tree. 1'56 ch'M mum-i upom' "“ for tho mum on ombu- ind Nombormcnnludmlound to cvmespond with tho boot-"um coconut at tho Light, Hound Power 00. for the mouth of Non- gift.“ received and rotated to an nos-coco- t 00. The report was adopted. Board of Works Report. Con. Bryans, chairman, presented re- port. No. 23 of the above committee, which dealt. with a number of accounts and other matters not of general in- terest. The report; “as adopted with- out further discussion. mgr-qua: gqni'ed. You} eoansuuimm. n In tho cum one. on Do_c_.13th mentor- {1|an Doull lornnllnlchtlkhsu an whit-ulna- mom Conn. Oahu. new 5! - ammo Melanoma!“ human have than: light: phood In complicate I'M! Mud. â€"Can'hd. 'rbo mantel Adan: com-u. Room (or two woekg’ :20)!de mad (In: ‘ho council lunhh | sub :1. ween’ holid- I ad that flu council (ml-b 3 sub a. gun for thpt , _ o! timo, us next considered and loved by Don. Bum“. Mil by Con. mm'w blatant» new. tor tendon tan» d on 1M utmonmq um. mu: 0! Roam. Inch m to an. “m o'chchnooamn'rundqymxm. than-ow coho lanai-d In mom mmmnm .â€" Yourmmnon 115. Ind “In the m clerk'n (ales canola. “flaw“! mt plow Smnh, Conan. Edith. Hon. Uni-Ind mmme-uumwdm chum“: In tho m chlk‘u‘ufluniup...“ bomber mu. Pro-M, “bye! Cou- mu, m, unm- ud m In walla: On my“! In. no of tho I:- . roan:- lot 00 wagon,” W “vi-No (q {no this out flammabl- 'II The report was adopted. Police and Lighting Reports, Conn. Pedlar, chairman, read reports Nos. 9 and: 10 as follows: “$913911;an iRohoonfi felm'irmn, intro- duced repqrt No. as. u~t6flows: -AA A rotewls takenand itw decided to pay the gndor account... The re- port was adopted. . Rgport of T031! Propeftg Commtteo. '#A_- mflgbnoflr. 4- D. "P110“?! "tn h b- _____ #-, -AL-, How Ab‘out. Council Squubbles. of thanks had been intro- Robson laid tho prevjoul mu“ mw'vmth'itmtié'm'" il of the County a! Victom should mum tho leadmfimtlaintheoonnty. hue fluted thohoawtor dinthewwnolflndny.“ town! the mus. annual in nun- ber. mm m and {no homeom- torubly bound.“ 004W! eon- tented with the treatment they noel”. good;'thnt the people of this county. judging by present conditions. hue not ended themeclvee o! the skill and knowledge nceeeesrizto be exercised in t the materiel in- terest: ot the people. their comfort end sell-respect demend the ndoption of 3 system of needs under the control of the county owed], the grand jury ee- 08$ your views as being unanswer- a. . end they, would ‘preq un unli- tied approvei o! thegropoeel whiz. h: _ .n A _ _A_‘A:I wearâ€"swu- â€"- â€"_-_- 1. They deslre to ihsnk your honor for the practice! addre‘ delivered st the openin ot the court on the sub- ject o! goo: reeds. Your views on the subject ere clear. forcible sad inleluo gihle. sad when you slate. as you were pleesed to do. thst the cltisens 0! this County should end my hsve good reeds; thatjhe roads ere in no sense 1 .L!. ____L_ .....,.. 6';in Jury Prueuunent. The grand Juror: 0! our sovereign the queen stumbled It the general nee-ion- of the peace tor the county at Victoru. be to nuke their pre- eentment ne 19 owe;_ _ , h_~_ Hue-rue. " .â€" â€"_- v at. warn“. mu? ‘ii’é’i’uun ebove stated. The evidence wee very lengthy and the cue: occupied altogether over lKuwtuvo The fourth indictment arose out of this case, information having been giv- en to the county crown attorney of cer- tain parties huving approached the wit- nesses with a view to preventing their giving evidence. An indictment was. by direction of the judge. laid against them. The parties were one Rodd and one McFadden. The trial of the in- formation stands over until the next sittings of the general sessions of the peace. Mr. Deviin for the crown. Mr. Anderson for the defendant. The t‘ivil Cases. The two civil uses tried were \V. T. Moore vs. A. J. Smith, and Alexander Carley vs A. J. Smith. These wane ac- tions for false imprisonment. In both of these cases Mr. Steers noted for the. plaintiff and Mr. G. H. Hopkins for the defendant. in the first case the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for $75, and in the last case n verdict for the plaintiff for 81. The circumstanree giving rise to the u:- tions were these : The defendant Smith purchased a mortgage on in stock of goods owned by the wife of the plein- tiff Moore. bince the taking of the mortgage certain other goods hed been brought. into the stock. end then had been purchased in Moore's own name. and were claimed by Moore. In the meantime a seizure of oil the good. had been made under the chattel mort- gage. and the goods had been stored in a shop rented by Moore from Smith. 0n Smith “tempting to remove the good: Moore end his friend Carley en- tered the premises end in-imd upon separating the new goods from the old and nfipon retaining the new goods. and th it . mith should remove the old out of the nhop. Thin Smith dec load to dopnd on the pleintiftl attempting to separate than good- Smlth looked Moore and Ceriey in the shop. where they remained from helfaput five in the morning unril half-pm ton in the morning. 'lhle it. was chimed cannot» ed to blue imprisonment. and action- were commenced onion. Hr. A. J. Smith. who}; the‘dlvleion poo- bailiff __ __ a. ‘ L-.._ throo dpyu. The third criminal case was Queen vs. Joseph Graham. attempting to have carnal knowledge of a girl under four- teen years of age. The jury returned a. verdict of not guilty. Mr. Devlin for the Crown. Mr. Anderson for the de- fendnnt. , A Queen vs. Carley.-Obstructing a di- vision oourt bailitt in the dischuge of his duty. The case did not reach the jury, being withdrawn from their con- sideration on the ewdence of the pro- secutor, Mr. W. H. McLaughlin, the division court bailiff at Oahu-cod. At the time McLaughlin had seized cer- tain goods under a writ of repleviu and had delivered them over into the possession of amen by name of Carly to hold until such time. as McLaughlin could call for them. He then want to Carley to obtain possession of the goods and Carley refused to deliver them over. The judge held there was no evidence of a. crime. The bailiff de- manded possession of the goods under an 321‘ .I‘pfi'lt. nrd nnl. gzndur IL. writ. 0! rep Vlll. Mr. Devlin represented the Crown. Mr. Steers represented the defendant. , “ fl At the county court sittings with jury there were originally three crim- inal and two civil cases entered. The Criminal Cases. Queen v3. Cartmill.â€"Obstructing a highway in the township of Snowden. resulted in a verdict for the deleud- ant. Mr. Devlin represented the Crown. Mr. McSweyn represented the defendant. i. imEBLSea'TLBL‘iRI V The very t i rst dose gave me relief, and after taking two bottles all pain had vanished and there has been no return of it. I do cheerfully recommend this great re- medy." Sold by Ll. Higinbotham and P. Morgan. and treated with best. physicians for years,but got no permanent relief. Al- though my confidence in remedies was about exhausted. I was induced to gry South American Rheum‘tic Cure. II‘L- ..-__ 1:“. Hop. an Won-8m Goon-Urn. W. roan. VII. of s wax known Innu- Mtum 0! 6109000. Chou-fully rou- uu story of nor 0mm. “1 was for years a great sufferer from rheumatic affection in my ankles. and at times was so bad that. I could not walk. I tried eyery known reme'dy Acute 8mm from Acct. ”'m" tic mm: nanomr by. 509”! VII. The reenlntion m then . endur- rind b a. umimopu m ' vote. . Dr. in conveying the recolno non 0! thank: lo Eeyor Smith; added a few [aunt word: on his own he- halt. 1‘; might be um cm: the Dunno oil {or 1397 Ind been I psrticuhrly creditable example. but he imagined any trouble might properly be ascribed to our goal on the port 01 when. Meyer M in his reply. “id be hedbeeaeonolodedinemnner nt- inhctory to his col end the tea-payer. genenlly. t we- gone- tel: emu-whet embattled because the resolution was more {lettering then he deeened. It retitled him e ' - 1y to know the yen": hm time: very diflicult (or a prodding o!- lioer to nuke the_right_ decision 3“: cil. I U HID-v â€" â€"-_- _ Mendhewaspleuedtoleern tint be had succeeded fairly well in that my. He had served three term :- Meyer. ad could any thet the 1897 Council m a. good ever-nee one. both for ability. honesty end intelligence. Disputes had occurred n times, it was true. but even Parliament became m1- l'led at times. He could only hope tint his successor, whoever he might be. Ill! lllv I-vo IM- Iâ€"w--..-â€"_ - men st his buck. A: tor himself. he would not be a candid“. for the poti- tion 0! Mayor for 1898: ha believad in gnawing the honor to pose nrouud. and for that reason he would not oppou an; at his colleagues. he Council then adjourned. dooidodinot tooth: min (or the Coun- THE COUNTY COURT CASES. mom mom 1'0 JOY. Out-o Whoa 5. m i s '3' 5:: o mexpnuthe'u'tp- ocean-0mm mbythodficuholtho l. They lave had the pleasure 0! Vin- itlnc the Collegiate Institute. end de- ei no express their cntlfieetion be- e! the exuulenee o! the m ‘ end equi t. the huge nun- etudente I ettendeaee. end the etel! 0! Where employed by the ol edoallon. E3“ 1% mhhldcnnmndontheohm 0! under. thus no mama. two 01 whom m uniting xenon! to the bone of the 3nd. in which institution tho county bu nation-tam to mipuiq prong. and a, The, have vmud end enniM the county gal and found the premises in excellent condition. There ere eev- en personsâ€"ell melee-in the prince. Three prince". no uniting removal under unteooeu imposed oeeonviotioe et the tell element. (or vet-pug crimes; The matron outed tint. when the ne- oe-nry bcdvlin; could be obulnod. nev- us! other persons. (or whom spousa- uou has been made. would be admitted. Tho limit at “communion. no u: u the present prawn-u no concerned.»- mgr-J}: hays “nudging mocha] It will he quit» plain to the many] readers of The Post that the purchase . of much u whine as we hsve ittolyl installed mum u lar a outlay 0! non. ' 9y. Machinery in nmyu ex nuive.‘ but with tymmttinu machina- t in u- i poclnliy no but it wu in line with the policy of 'i‘ho Post. an: it In- slimy-I been since our owning to Unduy. to have on upâ€"lo-uto hunt in both an- chiua-ry and type. '9 cadaver to i give our radar- the hunt nun. both 10ml 3nd toreiun. and wish than to feel that this law: huvy outlay in nude with the dimt purpou 0! pro- , nut to than: their home paper in u elm from day to any. There was an endless variety of other fine and expeneiu nutchincry. all of which is necessary to the production of u typesetting machine. but we men- tion then three as lining eepecinlly wgrthxgtyttengion. _ . Another Int-thine very delicate and nnsitive m that used (or measuring the depth of the character: after being stomped in the brass utrips forming the type {out {or the Typograph. It was marvellous to note the exnctnue with which the machine registered the high or low degree. There we: also the ponderouu sump- ing presses. I0 carefully adjusted that an egg could be broken without «pill- in the contents of the Ihell. or a blow given that would cruxh to the fineness ongowder the article receiving it. 3 ,AL-_ sor, and there saw a class of machinery used to produce the type-setting ma- chine. the equal of which is not. to be found in Canada. Our attention and admiration were especially drawn to one machineâ€"the Ballou Engraving Machineâ€"used {or cutting the steel punches or characters forming the al- phabet. This mat-him.- is small. weigh- ing not over one hundred pounats. but costing $3.000 laid down in Windsor. yet it in so fine in its adjustments and capabilities. that the workman in charga of it can engrave the Lord's prayer within the space of one quar- ter nquare inch. It has a microscopic attachment. and is scaled to one-quar- ter of one thousandth of an inch. To build a. machine like the Typo- graph means more then the avenge person can conceive. We are. tree to admit that out ideas of machinery were very contracted until recently. when we were shown through the factory of the Ceudien Typograph 00., at Wind- The W3 l8?! TWIN mm. ItDoeetheWorkolFmThreeto Four Men and Presents “The Post”inaNewDre-of1‘ype Each Day. The Typogreph and head type set- ting etude in the ammo podtioo to the printer as does the modern Nader and the old groin cradle or the thruhing rnuchine and the aid bend [hi]. to the firmer. The farmer or printer who expects to be upâ€"to-dete must have! modern machinery. and he thst reteine the old method must inveriebly be a minor number in the race for advanc- ed position in this use of electricity mg leborâ€"eeving mechiogry. A In order to nest the demand: 0! the times and who with the has no- tmpoliun (hills. we Inn been con- pellod to nab Inge ad upon-in «I- diflonl to our plant from time to am. the latest at which in s Tmnph linecutiu machine simila- to than: in mmmyotthe lugerpcponot Cnnuh. The new machine is n mnrvel of hu- m insanity and does work tint n a few yum ago was lookodn afoul: peinc quite implausibleâ€"mt mt.- inc new type {or each edition of the paper and performing the work at a nu nanny times tuber than the old hand mthod. But this in an age of ndnnounent and the apparent impw Iibilities of a. few year. ago have now begqlno_nn evergdny «nuance, THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN PRINT- ING MACHINERY. THE 300“ IYPOGmE 31‘. umJuu' tutu-tho amnion: Balm: System. â€"Thc eighth anal hon “do: tho twin. of tho Bmthorhood of 350' mm‘vmuwdi-thoold opon house on Fridu tuning. Dec. Slut. louod nus. will In official haunt “$3:dequ ' Gov- m at ounce. “For years I have been (realty troubled with nervous debilit sad ef- leethn o! the khlneyn. I lieve I tried every proprietary medicine under the sun. but none eeemed to give me any reflet until 1 bed tried South An- erioen Net-vine. To my surprise the first bottle sue me greet relief. I hue and in akin: it. end an my t [human-oven lot years. I do heartily moo-mend this [mt can” Sold by B. Fishbotham end P. lore-n. The eimpllclty of the machine in one o! m greemt foetal-en. being no sin- Ie in all its movement: end a) reed- ly adjusted thet. eny operator who in competent to cake cure of e typewrit- er. eon take care of it. end the servi- ce. 0! e high-priced machinist in too neoeeeery to its nominal operation. All pen- 0! the machine ere made eb- Iolutely label-chewable. and ell one dulcneted by number. no them should any rt Income broken it can be modify replwed by the operetor at e nominal cost. 7 On Mondey next and during the whole of the week we shall be planned to have our reader: and citizens gener- ally. rome in end see this machine in oration. Our country cousins will I: I0 be welcome et any time. ie in reality a. little laundry as well u n typesetting machine. The cent- lnz and netti so on nimultnneounly. and the little rue metrics tint hove just been um! are most ingeniously distributed into their proper plecu, to_be need 39in. _ J . _ _ Mr. S. B. Bent. travellingre toiive o( the Canadian Typogmp h 00.. net up the machine in this office. end it is now in perfect working order und- egothe churn of an experienced oper- a r. The fur-l used to keep the meal in a molten cuudiciou. is either (u or gasoline. the cost. of the former being about three and the latter one-auda- hnlt to two cents per hour. No trou- ble is experienced in the heat of the metal, as it (use: st us degrees. and can rise many degrees above this point without affecting the product of the mehine. either by hand or other motive power. A half-hora: power electric motor will run (run six to eight machines but very little lose at speed is sustained by operating with hand power. so that no break in the power can stop the machine or interfere with the getting out of the paper. This is the only mach-inc which can be successfully opâ€" erated without the assistance of stem or at her mvuhamcal power. fieâ€"Tyfiiwh mchiu an be run The Tymmph seems to posses-1 both feelings and brains. All the operator has to do in to touch the letters on the keyboard. end the machine does the rest. In a moment utter aline is {in- inhod by the operator the machine au- tomatically throw: it out into place. fresh and hot from the mould, ready to put in the form for printing from. A moment before the hot line was mol- ten metal. Each machine is equipped with I. pot ot melted type metal and The whine consists or two distinct part... one o! the “lemming and distri- buting mechanism. and eeeond the jue- tityinc end outing mecheninm. The former eonteine the mtrioea or moulds (or 1 complete font. etch character being on n ”pence truck. or way, extending from its lune. m a punt in trout of the eating box. and the touching of nny keys propel- the char- acter to it. palition in the line being unembled for casting. which. when compacted. 9. cast nutounticnlly by the machine and n new line of type de- livered in the gnlley in just two necâ€" ondn. The only power need in ensemb- ling themtrioee ie gravity, us they all slide down an incline plane. and in order to distribute the matrices again, the operator simply raises the top. chewing the line 01 gravity. and they nll instantly return to their original regimen- To give I. W! duct-{paw of the Tm would require the services at it: invasion but here inhow it looks to s lama. . A NIW MAN. THE ‘TYPOGBAPH. ““BLE “Ill-3 I“ u ' -* “V. 1°C! or "making, (0 utmw' ’fl nl- lucid 'F‘ My Old hop our nhow cl ‘ ““- throughout log“: Ind lnrhmn ”‘-M .v ,._ .‘__ .. , II a. 8rd cnncu-qu «1 um, rmllm"; m' ”NI-d“! Ilhl m .: min-W ' hum Gum! [um-O lfl'u {MI I" “lb-116M! Apph h K0" .0 0|! mm mm “u my ILL”: Uni-I"; [i Wanted HGIP' W Moat, Looks Best W ”9835?; Most Economical M d 321;?” 51 m... McLENNAN m_ h "pm tun-cum Apply .1 an ”IEUB‘I'ADDI‘; In 'lthu . u "â€" w of Pat! and Swan m. AW‘.‘ “J" In» .133,” Mm’owu”. 0. A l3».~u\,| tidy you»: gunr‘ mjedâ€" two Cou'o'. "W“. ABM T0 RENT u m M_ cum_u,m "”5 it I higher grade 8nd helm qnlll 0‘ PM tint ha! ever been prepaid 5' Mot und in more economwl! “3.. am durable and beautiful “7 0M [mint either ready amid nude by hand. 08 SALEâ€"A soc W- ".9?" {”337 PAINT. . . Weather and Waternroof Ready'Mixed Will Not ff! Kennedy, Davis s Bobcaygeon Hour constantly oak ”MNRTABLE m H Factory mr Wellingtoncf. B. The season for Storm Sm and we're here to supply the First-class work guaranteed .. more than reasonable, Give order. I'PKCI nd Yum, Em and o! W ton-so. Bridge Lindsay. sromv “SPA mm m Bargains in Lumber1 Shingles, etc; War In mam: max BE8T Hm AID sun ml Farmers, Attention ! New Adveztngyenu delivered to my part of the tom Kennedy. Dana order to make room for we will give '. G. WOODS. wouu) :30:ch .- .54' mm- 1 mu tmplué'm“ Fed!” *NB SALE III- t 81d. Wan.“ 8| “May, Ont. In Stovos. House Furnish mod Puma. Plumb!“ “99”“ 1V. 0. Woods. 3.5%.! “In" when wand. F‘ Check. Chalk or Biister. 1M! 1‘s EVERY u SE T0 um ed and (“Ya In new SCRANTO McLennan , inun'nms . TIIEII cum Axes and Cross ‘ Lanterns, Horse Brushes, Scoop Shovels, Apple PaterS. Scala. Meat Cu Cow ChainS_. _ l’OCKC Guns and Ammu Paints, Oils. V3? Locks, KnobS, H Plain and Fancy“ i V ”swan-in. Fine Englisll T}? Donut-ed a Our complete MIXTURE market a1 our main Immense U; Newest, ductions Realizing on tage to Buying it no If you d Portland Agent {or I! ome W1 Store open a until [0 Button And yox gifts to x; BROS. an” ' l: “I?“ n .I ‘ am 0:30;. Chaultlne Bad Ivory cm Com Count uad Col 811m sumac: Sap Bonn. Silver Boll- Shmp Boxu. sump Wotan m Opone Mm 30m: G mm} m all suit more 53 \‘C RY YOU DRY G ulna L wen

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