Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Dec 1897, p. 4

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bVeased lting) id him any oil and other 110935 of his ' rites a mc ow sevent t, cold. wt 9 1:03 gene? arising mm silied by the his mother I had it not 5 “8899‘“ . be reading 324$.le rienc fth. this remedy. :sweats and 1- got back to rty. He 03" . any kind Of ”her Seiggré‘ ’ER rs life. You to make any nent. and ’9‘ 3d Mrs. Char“ . Leigh. «near 3W3 J d V) Lie-.2, Szcre as. th? Win‘ ely dying 0‘ ion which a}: sh guaran- ather recon}- : Mother Sei- >rocured Hills ;on, chemist had taken it 't. him. An?! extinsui‘g” gestive “1‘ i - millions- arebre- 53‘ : as hel? "t ,t Tailoring PEOPLE and prices unlinumg disgu m illuS- SSH‘ILIDS lives xteu fond 0k a?!) 35,000.000 su Hon. Mr. Ehe kind, I friend.” 312‘. Whitm 3% prepared would return W.) He refe] men's that t! hand for path Stitmions w: Similar instit He thought. the cost of li‘ Stats was 111 He denied Eh. Policy He s that Would p which was st meat mu 1 Eovem the p: Hm: LEGISLATURE BUT A DlVlSION WAS NOT TAKEN The Hon mu: IU'd‘LY was whether the Hardy GOV- :mnu-n: was conducting the affairs of the pmvim-- in a careful business-like man- ncr. Hr: mntendcd they were not. This Starrnmnx' was cheered by the Opposition. H: jam-d that Mr. Gal-row had 5901‘” gains: :hw policy of the Government upon ww-ml occasions. This Mr. Gar-row gm;- an unqualified denial and assured : __:‘.L After a Midnight qusion the Budget Debate Closes. â€"- â€" -.. “nu“..- -_ â€"_V the Hume he was in entire accord with the I'?~w‘v:rnment. Mr. Whitney denied am he had mpudiated Tapper, Thom? um and Bowell as his politiabl leaders. He Was willing to admit he had heel-L8 Mr. Whitney continuing, said he was 39,5 {tn-pawl to prove it then, but he would mum to the subject later. (laugh- tem IL: brim-red to Mr. Harcourt’s state- m-mr shut the cost of maintenanceper head for patients in Ontario’s public in- stitutinm was much less than that of similar institutions in the United States. He though; this proved nothing, since Ehe cost of living generally in the Unified 373765 “2;: much greater than in OntarIO. Had-'11:”! that direct taxation was his Mix-r. m- said his policy m anything 3536 Would put a stop to direct taxation, Which Wm Sure to follow if the Govern- ment was permitted much longer to ¥°v~rm rhn province. ’Several of the gen- tlemen nn mu Government sme maesxea it 3h» OpIuHition thought thepeople were taking “Ch-m and their arguments sen- “b‘av. ‘ “my bad the session been called 30 sum: mun. if not because the Govern- men: an, .m the gallop to an election 3311\V3~hvd to keep the Opposition of! the . so that the peeple might not be rm :i'nrnwd as to the issues of the ' flan-r.) He denied he had ever .‘v nu” "nu“. n. __ willing follower of all these men. He Ghen mulled no the surplus and charged- fihas zh'; Premier at one of his political meeting: had recently stated that the ”AWLJW surplus was all in cash. Hm Mr. Hardy: “I said nothing of the kind, I can assure my honorable luv mmget debate has closed and me Ems» gone lnto Committee of. Supply without a vote. The leader of the Opw ainon and his followers tired all their guns and then gave up the fight in dis- gust. aftr!‘ the speech of the Premier, who handled. Mr. Whitney without gloves until hv forced. him to admit that the 5m: funds held at Ottawa were avail- 103‘: levers. belonging to the province. “1‘. Whitney's Charges. if» \mi he cared not whether the Mag- 1:11:25: Government was lavish in them expo-miarurc or not, the matter_of lmgort- _ as CANADIAN POST is published 1‘ cuff FM The ”MM?“ :12‘0‘ ilk! :‘zn- J‘sL‘ES of the province were “imp-:13. intangible and delusive.” H8 sazd the: Opposition agreed with the GOV- It'nmcn', 5-: fut as the assets of the prov- i3750 w.-7~.- Concerned. He contended strongly that ovary year of late the Gov- Stank-:1: Wu; spending more money than 339? Y'Wfi'ivctl and that it was useless for 758m :» ngcr contend they had a sur- FJIus. 'r ~ Snrc closing he desired to refer to F5: :nnr‘Con affair. He said Simpson had 1; Man-h. 1592, appeared before the Pub- ;1‘3 Amounts Committee and had 30116 90316 to go: his books. Nothing was 393W. him again until the £0110me April, “"3011 a doctor‘s certificate W” 53;: to 5-1:: he could not rreturn because 9k 13} hmkh. Neither Simpwn orhisbooks 34d best: seen or heard from since. . He “'irhcd again to state that the Dr?“ E?” was practically at the end of its amber I'emurces. This he believed to be me. He denied he had ever said the moi of the good legislation of Ontario bod been placed upon the books by MW din; and himself. If the Man said so, the M511 was wrong, (Hear, hmr.) Hem “10 Government for having allowed Hon. Mr- R055 to remind the Qpposltim at the “am they had taken upon the 561515“ lquation. He thought this some“. ‘mchwas deadandm its grave. should ‘m‘bemlledunmin. Ho mod the r' ’ Many persons cannot take plain cod-liver oil. They cannot digest it. I: upsets the stomach. V Knowing these things, we have digested the oil in Scott’5 Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophosâ€" phitcs; that is, we have broken it up into little glob- ales, or droplets. We use machinery to do the work of the digestive Organs, and you obtain the good effects of the digested 5i] at once. That is why you can take Scott’s Emulsion. A,“ rvv mousse â€"Alfl}3 give both yn' w - new Poacoflha who}: you at untocn 'P a"; the mo 0! the ton uni the 1w. 0 r-cv 53mm in shock! shun follow y an o 1 , “an w'itinz Rubia on.» We cums: mdfla ‘r nume on ourboob unless this is done. Ԥ:118§ are who House Then Wont xlnto Committee of “Apply-Speeches by Opposition Leader Whitney, Patron Leader .Haycock. and an Eflectivo Reply By the 11 00 PER YEAR. Lari-)5! my commence with my mus. “5.2:, should 81'8” b0 nude in the NM _ Pan: 0115:» N Expm lone; Order: in we tad my be not It cur on m: 3 font maen whonyou row: by cash. w). -I: 1831'!!! but to renew two week: ne dste on your wnppor expire. in order u .erruptod m. Pubhshezg’ Notice. n (2:? “120(th typo) Nongniel. 6m .3: cu‘n subs queut insertion. norm.” in Ina! c lam-13 lOcper line first 5: each 3!]th lusottiou m‘xeucd ndvtrhsemon’s such Ii strayed l men vaunted. tam fur isle of six or eight J. {or three or (our inset bus. I! unn- . lind'l m additions! proponionzbe chm-go 3'. leDA\ VDEC. 2;. 1897 : m‘v m m mover-um for business adv-r Me yuar or for A shorter tin... Ra a Ju appllmon ADVERYISIXJ BATES. @auaaiuu or. and $1.90. all drug‘s”. BOWNE. Chemists. Tamara. PAYAILI I! ADVAXCI. WILSON WILSON. Prop-town nst. ”partition of Toronto university from Government control was that theheudsot “institution Wmhndurgedthis oourseuponhlm. Hehadbeantoldupon ood authority that the lads of the university had expressed’these View: themselves to the Minister of Education. Hon. Mr. Ross: “No such represenn- fion'was evermade to 193.” (Clgeers) Mr. Whitney continuing. skid it was noneothisconoerh. daughter.) Hediao claimed any present connection with Sir Charle Tupper, Mme. Montague, Hag- gnrtorCInrkeWnnnce, nndanidtheyhad nothing to do with the coming Conserv- ative campaign. He closed by calling upon the Government to bring down their timber policy as quicklyas pomhle. The Button War. Mr. Hayoock followed, and again com- plgiged of the method of keepingtho Hon. Mr. Hardy aroseto replyateleven o’clock and pointed out how ridiculous it was for Mr. Whitney to say the House had been called together because the Government feared to have the members of the Opposition upon the stump. If Mr. Whitney could hurt the Government byhisspeeches he would haveabetter opportunity of doing so in the House where the press would more freely report himthaninthe country. What hadhe gone all over the country charging, and whathadhechargedin the House? He had talked about poor old sick Simpson; he had charged the Government with having purchased a $12 field glass; and had made a scandal out ofnflOpurchase. This was the class of argument the Gov- ernment had toflght, (cheers) and he did not think such arguments were danger- ous. As to the Simpson scandal, he read from the sworn evidence of Simpson be- fore the Public Accounts Committee, to show Simpson had simply been called upon to send his books which he had done. This was one of the great scandals the Government was responsible for. Hon. John Dryden’s bill to prevent gambling provides that no game of chance shall be permitted at any agricul- tural or horticultural fair, or within half a mile of such. Upon conviction for such offense the lowest penalty shall be $20 and costs, the highest $100 and costs. The Holiday Term. Hon. Mr. Hardy, answering Mr. Whit- ney, said he would not be able to say until Monday next when the holidays would begin or end. It was quite possible the House would sit between Christmas day and New Year, but not open either of those days. He could not say at present this would be done, but at latest would inform the House on Tuesday. He an- nounced that the new revised statutes would be distributed. next Monday. Price of Toll Roads. Messrs. Louis Kaufnmn, wardenof 0x~ ford County; Mr. T. Buchanan and T. H. Noxon, of Ingersoll, and E. W. Nes- bitt, Woodstock, waited upon Premier Hardy yesterday and asked that Toll Roads Comissioners should be allowed to fix a. fair price in cases where these roads may be turned over to the counties which prepose to purchase them. The Premier promised to have the subject brought before the Government. ‘ Future Water Powers. The bill introduce/d by the Commis- sioner of Crown Lands, respecting water- powerS, proposes to give power to the Commissioner to meme from 5310 any water power or privilege on Crown lands, and suflicicnt area of land in connection therewith for the erection of buildings and plant, and to make terms and condi- tions upon which such water power and land my be sold or leased and developed. daughter.) Mr. Whitney had stated everywhere that the provincial audit was a farce. He had said the Dominion Au~ ditor could not be dismisseduceptby the House, not by the Government, and gave 518 impression that the rrovmciai Al. ditor was a minion of the Govexnnun‘. This was a falsehood. The Provincial Auditor, who had started hisduties undtr Sandfleld Macdonald‘s Government, was subject to dismissal in exactly the same manner as the Dominion Auditor. (Cheers) He pointed out the course of the Opposition regarding the boundary question, how Mr. Whitney and his friends had stood by Sir John Macdonnld when he had passed a bill in the Domin- ion House handing over to the Manitoba Govemment the land in dispute, and which was afterwards awarded by the Privy Council to Ontario. The people of the province owed the Conservatives a debt in reference to this matter which they had at all elections since tried to pay back, and which they would again try to pay back at the coming elections. (Cheers) What was all the trouble about? It seemed the Opposition made all the row because of the words “assets" and “surplus,” the Opposition contending the “assets" were not “surplus,” although they could not deny there was something there which had to be called either assets or surplus. (Cheers) Then another cry was, “011, the Sandfleld Macdonald surplus is ex- pend ” Who, but an idiot, did not know this fact? In a progressive province such as Ontario what else would be done with this money but expend it in needed im- provements? As a matter of fact, it all went to pay for debts contracted by the Macdonald Government. He then read the Acts passed granting money by Mac- donald’s Government, showing that not one dollar of the Macdonald surplus had gone to the Mowat Government that had up; been led . (C’h rs.) 1'th aldhs 11%; $593?) s‘afi tines m2. lions. ‘t had gone, With millions more, lied b the MOWM: Gave-among, to mhayS, yprisons, asylums, roads, etc. (Cheers) Twenty-five years ago the Con- servatives were crying “blue min," as they were to-day. They said the people could not “stagger” along much longer under the burdens of the Mowat Govern- ment without direct taxation. Yes, the Government was going right along with plenty of money for all legitimate pur- poses and direct taxation was as far oil as it was twenty-five years ago. (Cheers) The Opposition claimed that for the three AAA“ .1 s_- _.._A .__- v,‘_-_-_-m . ,, years, 1894, 1895 and 1896, there were deficits amounting to one and a quarter millions. Now, the human ingenuity of man could not possibly make this state- ment agree with truth. (Cheers) The Government had nothing to hide. In1894 there was a surplus of receipts over ex- penditures of $30,589. In 1895 there was a. deficit of $111,397, and in 1896 the de- ficit amounted to $152,845, but in all they did not amount to anything like what the Opposition claimed. This was but a sample of the way the Opposition misrepresented the facts and thereby hoped to gain power. Since Mr. Whitney had at last admitted that the four millions of trust funds at Ottawa were available for the purposes of the Provincial Govern- ment he had nothing further to say, and sat down amid storms of applause. The House then went into supply without division. Mr. Matter isagain mxioustomketho reins of leadership and Vi: iS-sald upon good nuthority he has a-fairly strong backing from Conservative members, though if it came to a. vote Mr. Whitney would carry the day. Yetthereis' trouble. Mr. Matter, whenforced to mign'hts leadershln. bit he had not been Rite}! '11:. Premier’s Reply. No More Gambling- Mum POST. LIJHPSAY, ONTARIO. Toronto, Dec. 21.â€"The Government announced its timber policy in the Legislature yesterday afternoon through Hon.Mr. Gibson, Commissioner of Crown Lands, who delivered an able speech covering the whole subject and giving fully the Government‘s reason for the cause adopted. It is 11ch to say the vv..-. - ..._~ speech was listened to by all the memb- ers of the House present with the greatest interest, and it was most: noticeable that; Mr. Whitney and others prominent in the Opposition were anything but pleased to find the Government adopting acourse which would anneal to every fair-minded If you are tired, dull, aching and suf- fering gn'eatly from a. combxmfion of silxnents, you may be sure your kid- neys are clogged and inactive. Cure your Kidneys and the blood will take care of itself. You can be IMPUREBLDBD? is caused by the kidneys “gang to pmperly filter out of it all poisonous matter. Vinaâ€"v .â€".â€". ”-7V , water over the “prison labor” question. He did not want to have any of the pro~ ducts of prison labor placed upon the open market, but when asked what he would do with prisoners he advised such a brutal course of treatment that his own followers frowned him down. Then Mr. St. John cropped up again with his piggery and made his bosom friend Mr. N. Clarke Wallace ridiculous by describ- ing the pig inspector in such terms as to leave the House under the impression that this official was none other than his friend. When the House opened Mr. Whitney boasted he was going to kick up a great row and make himself heard all over the country before the session closed. He was going to talk when he liked and say what he liked. He was not going to allow the Premier to dictate to him in anything. He was a free man and was bound to have his say. He in- timated he would have something import- ant to say, something which would make the Government tremble, and when the time arrived for him to formulate his grave charges they simmered down to a complaint that one of the Governmen inspectors had purchased a 812 marine .r A- AL; .__A_]â€" A. marvvv_., glass and presented it to the captain of one of the lake steamers who had rendered valuable services to the Govern- ment, and who might: have sent in a. bill for a much larger Amount _ wiyh perfect propriety. When the Premier found that the mountain had produced so small a mouse he refused on Friday night to con- tinue the debate and so crushed the Opposition with the few remarks he did make they permitted the Speaker to leave the chair and the first item of the yearly estimates to pass without a kick or even a whimper. The Opposition, so loudly brave and belligerent upon the stump, crawled into their holes at the end of the second week in the House and prayed the Premier to let them have a long Christ- mas holiday. John Groon'z, 16 22nd ave. wast, Du- luth. Minn. Sri'fl‘éu Kldnev Finn. ers, Mr. Whitney excepted, thought the speech very povyerful, and several, in con- gratulating Mr. Matter afterwards, re- marked that perhaps they really had. made a. mistake in asking him to resign. Between Mr. Marter’s speech and the ter- rible mess Mr. Whitney has made or it during the week the Conservatives may, as predicted before, goto the country with some other leader than Mr. Whitney yet: imagined when Mr. Whitney innocently and candidly admitted during the course of the debate that these funds were properly considered assets and unknow- ingly knocked the largest plan]: in his party platform from under his own feet. The leader was not the only one upon the Opposition side who seemed anxious to put his foot into it. They all seemed to get rattled after Mr. Whitney’s break and between _ issiqys, vial 3nd mwlse Qataqgngs an harsh {ya so am before in making themselves and the nartw appear most ridicnlqnguli‘ysi‘: I can recommend Hobbs Spuragus Kidney Pills to be a good friend, as I have suffered with my kidneys {or the last four years. The sample ybox I got at Boy «3': drug store relieved me so much that I got another box of them. Your littleLiver Pills are also a. relief, as my bowels were hard to move. for it would be two days before I could get any relief, until I began taking your pills. I will do all I can for them and ndvlse my fnengisto take them; a; yâ€"v ~ â€"_-____ bearing interest, and the collections by Ontario paid over to the Dominion Gov- ernment in 1889 and 1890 on common school fund account should not in any sense he considered as part or the assets of the province. Upon the contrary, by some remarkable method of reasoning, they contended that there were debts which should be charged up against the Provincial Government. What was the consternation in the ranks then may he , A_A‘_ the , ap most 1161mm u’av cam . meson, xynp gpt mtghot suficient"opportunlty ' to display ms ability. He had made no telling speech in the House, but gave it ashisreason he had. not had time to prepare one, what with organization, etc. He determined some months ago to s)‘ 4w his fellow- Conservative members they had made :3. great mistake in removing him and placing Mr. Whitneyinthe post of honor. He spent days. weeks, months, at W paring a speech. That speech he delivered in the Legislature early last week. It took him over three hours to say all he had prepared and it is not going too far to say it w the best speech he ever delivered in or out of the House. Many, in fact most, of the Conservative memb- . AL‘ The Opposition for years have denied strenuously that the four million dollars held as trust; funds by the Dominion Government at Ottawa for the Province of Ontario were to be considered as assets of the province. Year after year for nearly a quarter of a century the flnnn- clal critic of the Opposition in delivering his remarks upon the budget would pro- test that the capital held and debts due by the Dominion Government toOntario, ,1‘A-A:-__ 1.... â€"_ Whether itching. burning, blwding, scaly. crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple. scrofulous, or bendinry, from infancy to agE speedily cured by warm baths with Cmccm SOAP, gentle anointing: with Cmcmu (oint- ment), the great skin care. and mild dose of Cancun Emonvm, greatest of blood purinirg and humor cum (WW-1'3; CURED For ulo by P. Manna. Cu tic are: measure and continued it until 1886. when the duty was increased to 88 per thousand. In 1888 the Dominion Govern- ment was authorized by Parliament to remove all duty on legs. These last: went to prove that the Dominion Gom- ment seemed to charge itself with the duty of dealing with timber and logs. There' had been a measure of reciprocity in the past between Canada and the United States in the matter of timber. The policy 01 the Conservatives had been to remove the export duty on legs when the United States Government re- moved their import duty on lumber. This was the state of aflairs until the pangs of the Dingley bill, which impom a duty of 88 per thousand upon lumber going into the United States. This was a reversal of policy of the previous Admin- istration. The teatime of this legislation which had caused irritation in Ontario, however, was the “automatic attach- ment” to the Dingley bill, namely, that should Canadians impose an export duty upon logs ipso facto the United States import duty should be increased on lumber to 84. The eil'ect of this was that even should Canada impose an export duty on logs, the American lumberman would still have a great advantage dal- ing in lumber as against the Canadian. The Georgian Bay lumbermen were practically cut out of business by the American lumberman who own timber limits in Canada. The Dingley bill shut down the Georgian Bay mills whether they were owned_by Canadians orAmeri- A A,,L,_l- __-_.-A L- ing the American lumbermcn had had with the Government. Deputations were in the habit of waiting upon the Govern- ment upon all subjects daily and the Government had never considered it its duty to inquire whether the press was represented or not. As a matter of fact. the Government had known nothing as to whether the press was represented at that meeting or not, but in order the moeeedines might be used in future as reference a shorthand reporter had been called in who had taken down word for word what had been said. His report would be laid before the House with others mners in connection with the mat- ter. (Cheers) The present holders of licenses had strongly urged that the Government had no right to impose new restrictions after they had purchased and paid for their limits. Before sales of - timber had been made the conditions of the sales were printed and those who purchased could not see the justice of . changing the conditions after the pur- chase. He thought there was a great difference between licenses alreMy issued and those to be issued in future. (Cheers) The Government had granted the right to cut this year and had been paid for that right. He considered it would be an outrage amounting to con- flscation to impose restrictions upon those licenses. (Hear, hear.) Such a course would not be honorable (hear, hear)?it would notbejust. The Georgian Bay lumbermen were the people most injured and yet they themselves did not desire any such course. (Cheers) Had such conditions been imposed no log would have been taken out this year, which would have meant absolute starva- tion to many Canadian ‘settlas and lumbermen laborers who depended upon the winter’s work in the woods for their living. (Cheers) Considering thewhole question, coolly and. _ , the Government had concluded it would have amounted to confiscation to interfere with the present licenses, but as mm the future their course was reasonably clear. There was no doubt as to the sentiment in the country that there should be restrictions in favor of manu- facturing in Canada. The Government should act in sober judgment in such a . Unarios W. mcl'x'asunu, v. "WW, .â€" Consul at Brockville, Ont. . # A Canadian 118 Your. Old. Galveston, Tens. Dee. io.â€"Iieob Beulaa hunch-Canadian, who for” yuhadlivedina tent infiemm- mwmmmmm. diedenlonday. Ho wasiityouoold. andwashornnarlontreaLHolindil mummy“ English Cockrooch lust Go. London, Dec. 90.â€"Mi£s Eleanor Ormerod declares in thepapers today that the English cockroach is in danger of extermination before the hordu at imported German black beetles. DID HE WANT TO MURDER HER! 'A York County Farmer Imprisoned on a Host Serious Chas-go. Toronto, Dec. 17.â€"Yesterday County Constables Robert Burns and W. Boyd bronghttothecellsat the CourtHouse Thomas Hurlburt, farmer, living on lot 81, concession 9, Markham Township. He is charged with having administuod poi- son to his wife, Mary Elinbeth Hurl- burt, last month, for the purpose oi attempting to murder her. The couple are young people, Hurlburt being 39 years of age, and have three children, theeldestotwhomistcn years old. Hurlburt is a iarmlaborer. His wife wasillatthetimeofthealiegedoflence. He was brought before Magistrate Ellis this afternoon and remanded until next week. JURY COULD NOT AGREE. well-known grocer, was tried for having sold his stock-in-ia-ade to J. HeKensiotee 82,300 abut a year ago for the pin-posed den-ending vâ€"v â€"‘.. . umber. Under present conditions the ntire four-fifths of the eostwas expended in Canada, the money going for suppliel and labor. The transfer of Ontario's lumber mill industry to Michigan was most distasteful to Canadians, and the question arose, “In how far were Michigan iumbermen themselves respon- sible for this?” It was well known most of them were opposed to this course and had exerted themselves to their utmost against having a greater duty than $1 per thousand imposed upon lumber going into the United States. They were all opposed to the “automatic” arrange- ment of the Dingle'y bill. This led him to speak of the so-called “secret” meet- L unai __ L-) L-) manncr that in nihfuture time they could defend their action. There were two sides to this, as toall other questions, for instance, while the prwent conditions injured the Georgian Bay lumbcrmen they did not seriously nflect those of Ottawa district, but should an export duty be placed upon our logs the Ameri- cans might prohibit Canadian lumber and ruin the Ottawa lumbermon. The Government was More spin-t ony- $32K The pedple' of Ontario seemed to Igeucyp ghat 1g mg 911- meomnt the loss ,A-_ n__.. dim: soil, and yet it mith not matter so much. It was surprising what a smell amount was expended in pmportlon in reducing the log to lumber. Four-filth: of the total cost was employed in cutting down the timber, hauling it to the wafer and placing it in rafts, and but one-fifth was expended in reducing it to U.S.Conaulatocm u Washington, Dec. 18.â€"The Pmldent to-day appolnoeg Harlan W. Brush, of A RII‘LA_ Aâ€"L- At 4.80 p.m. Mr. O'Leery began nu eddmsstothejuryonbehnlfotthe Crown. He reviewed the evidence u given by the witnwee inevu-y able manner. Mr. O'Ieery closed eiteren eloquent address, lasting en hour end forty-five minutes. with a. simple retract for justice only et the hands at the jury. Colemn Guilty. His Midship‘ adds-eased the jury, and revieWed the evidence with them. His ,Jin‘i A Â¥_._ the firisonex-s. The jury were out about an hour and returned with a verdgct of guilty, with Case to Come Up in Januaryâ€"Crown Ank- ed to Pay the Defence Witnesses. Jollettc, Que. Dec. 18.--Tom Salty.“ Rawdon, was unsigned yestelday morn- ing, and pleaded not guilty to the charge of murdering his three sistersandimother. He was roman go;- trial on the 10th J‘nn‘j’ non-b- 4“ nail-k ‘0'. -Lfl Jury. Rene De Salter-r}. counsel for Nultynnnde u must. faking flat the menbemnde to pay theapensaot the witnemes o! the defence. The petition will be taken into considmtion. Xe Doubt Tint n. n.- Benched rm Selkirk in Salon. Ottawa. Doc. 18.â€"A lethal-was received 1t the Interior Department ymerdny iron Major sth, who aid that he and his party got over White Horse Bapldl day, nndwmsmrtlnstogo m unu- berge, which he expected to do without any trouble. , , . - .. n, _-_“o- -5 find tell Mr. Hamilton not to gonearthe oilee, as he waswatched.andal.so to tell her husband he was in the one. the night Mrs. Stevenson was there; that he saw the order signed andkneII‘ali about it. Mrs. Coleman was called, and swore positively that her husband left {or Shelburne about 12.30 o‘clock on Nov. 83, that he arrived home about 11 p.m., and told her that Hamilton had some queer times inhisomee; that hehada dispute with a lady in his omen about an account and an order. This lady. witness aid, from the description given by her husband, was Mrs. Stevenson. as she knew the woman, having had muons dealings with her. This closed the ease for defence. After lunch Jamel Small waste-called. but nothing new wal elicited tron him. At 53 pan. Mr. Johnston opened his address to the jug, and_went ova-the -CA .__._ its delivery- $5563 1 2:113? “ 3:31;a 12% is: 3521: proceeded with to-mon-ow. Consul at Bmckvme, Ont uvuvâ€"n .qu'o doubt but he Is now ate a For! Selkirk is entertained. A Candis: 118 Your- Old. Galveston. Tens, Dec. 16.â€"nouh s hunch-Canadian, who tau-N A York County Farmer Inprieoned on 3 lost Sea-lone Charge. Toronto, Dec. 17.â€"Yeeeerday County Constables Robert Burne and W. Boyd brought to the cells at the Court Home Thomas Eurlburt. farmer, living on lot 81, concession 8, Markham Township. He is charged with having adminiltued poi- son to his wife, Mary Elizabeth Hurl- bnrt, last month, for the purpose of attempting to murder her. The couple are young people, Hnrihurt being 38 years of age, and have three children, theeldestoiwhomiswn years old. Huriburt is a farmlaborer. Hie wifle wasiilatthetimeottheailegedoflenee. He was brought heiore Magistrate Ellis this afternoon and remanded until next Grocer June- Scogt of Woodstock cw With Attempting to Donald. q wen-known grocer, was tried for having sold his sworn-trade to J. McKenzie“: $2,300 abntnyearagofor tho purpooarot , ;-lj “A LL- WWW. swim s s x u A L. H .EALIJ-I a: li. Denim v. o. no: 1c. Bnmpton. PRONOUNCED GUILTY. 'wJ‘to’a certain extent mum WORD FROM WALSH- TOM NULTY’S TRIAL- FREEI Printers. Doc. 8Lâ€"In Hurnwmlmuzmwdk. cunt run- " tumultuous-In mach-I'd: shoal-homes mus-n. hmnl‘nmfludui. Eva-Ema. mutton given by vol,” IolDAV 0 MG SON. an pol hnnpo a, o. ”Jami-v.â€" mu. knovn u u:- m ”nonhuman- Inflon‘ numon M M M a.” mu «any W. m V" nundby . m mun: mum-cum mammolugomhm1 an!!!“ hon-I. nod ou'houon mmem-m‘ I'L. lollLLAN. us 9mi- n“. rm- Boldmmnmbylmm I'OB rmnnm runs. W GOD'S PHOSP HODIN The Gm! null-h lonely. g M ”WW" prompt};._nd petal-um JCSâ€"00:30.35? “1'00 1.03 01H. llama-88:834.!!â€" 28883.11... ‘ 08 ‘4 “a. i 08% i gigatgvn-Esaai .818 168,8...“ 5.383%!58 Uniofizbououéi .1581 xxvlibll III) III I E mâ€""m nmum-W ”mu-Motor“. [was mmnmumumm memfioq’I-W I A,l.l__ IL ummwmmemwmm. Boldbytllm “Jam“ gum had. Lou and Imus-o. W- mwmuswo pore-on ambit-III M W! I or MP?“ ”Em Wonk and Run mmwnh H0O" w W u: an muonâ€" swam-sump"..- “I m vary much m donuh'h‘ ”Mfumaumtb. IUD-I “’11:;th wild M II. ”good. Iwnld Inn omn- Ir!!- 0* Wmmwouu 1.an 1m comm: my lul- WM ”ammumdkumm 1' "'4 j A- ALMA OR I Before and After. (factual Abuuortm www.mUNW qu'obacoo.OPIsnorsuao MMMWwIIv Oakâ€"63'. 9 Bums-It. mutiny. Bauhaus Into Dr. Kenna. Telephone N o. 45. b; humanâ€"'44- u...- MibIDI- Hood’s Sarsaparilla Architect: and 8mm» lYlmlIâ€"Ws Into-o “AI a. nod Dunn’s Bakmg Powder. PILES “Wadmmtom fuzufioKS BEST FRIEND _- _ -u “Ann-‘- )3. G. 8. BYIEEON. 001mm and 4mm: New Adnruumonu. CAVANA WATSON Edam: Sulapvula. as WW Left Prostrate Veteran}; Sargent. R, F. BLANCHARD. Hump Luann. PHYSICIAN 3nd SURGEON. F. BROAD. L. .3111“; u_._ 1)., g. g. SALEâ€"200 99'! 9f MW“ ._ ”A“ Phi-10mm ”CHINE FILES SWINE: » .. DIITIEIT i DR. 1:. DR- F. A. WALTERS. Una» .nggtigxq Artiggial _Teeth. __ .. ___A-I __a Ofloe oppodu than I, Bought-II”. JOHN rams. DONALD I. All)! Mcmummm a nouns.” m. Burl-tut. Solicitors. m. Und- ny and Melon Mn. lmm:WlMM mw. H. 68088, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, mm mummmvm ”a Mandi-lg IOIEY TO I“! AT um Ill! Arrangements have been made by the undersigned to lend on Bead Estate security at rata- ofintenestfrom5to7vel’ 0‘13- very large sums “4! M0!“- the mommnfior-nym not exceeding ten Mala: mom-eat payable 7°91!- yeu-lyor quarterly. onduillnd taunt borrower Panda-la: bereduoedbyin-edment A”! '0 BABEONJM Damn-knu- __.___ A -kh‘ PER BEOWN. x {gm-SL1". Wehns“muÂ¥dethhs FIVE P28 CENT l-n lint nonpa- on m- Id tantrum”. rum-mm .Wa 9“! prepared tomato mum-thâ€" , ,,4,,-- _-_._- ._ |__l_-_ mflfifbfidfim in gun‘s 1 1.25... ale?! ca. :235 {:88 Ill 8833 :85? 88.58:: a. ".53.. ONEYLEITonM rig-go. w mun nu ma gm .- qua-q HONEY TO LOAN 6 1'0 6 PER 0H1. mum at comm runs. to amount Ind security. Scull mum-â€" and b. In“ ”minim mum-um.- 5 per cant. I. V. O'CONNOR. BA. Bank... at. OFFICES over I. J cw- won. Huh. mammalian] MO N EY to LOAN ”WWW”. A U011 0N RIB. 3am WW man I. ADDRESS, DAKWODD P. I. smut-nudge to m m can“. iiymnugwnu! 0mm non. mama! mrmmm M Ind [unkind nou‘ a... Lind-my. Ont-Ho. LIAS 80m- 4 UGTIONBI'B ,EORGI moan, DENTIST, um. 663: a annexes-299.. DENTIST. - Linda". ONEY T0 LOAN. r. pm. mm 003-1: EAGLESON. MIXING“ “Q Bum”: am MONEY ! 3mm. Ito. loner to Loan. dictum: gm. 00an “M! V. O human: a u nun-9.. ,IBSWSYF ‘ m

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