Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Dec 1896, p. 5

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longh. :terboro. 1810 M t0 t8- .35 OF the result. or the: 00111me- uzA: clecuun : “Toronto. Dec. 19. . ll. Mclfinnan, Cornwall, Ont. : I'mumt and Cornwall by their em- ‘Juice to-day ha‘w- pronounced. '; Hon. Mr. Foster and that wins - Conservatix'c put} led by him, t, for the sake or attaining office. , ‘4 it necessary, dgstroy our coun- ! .y an'anning the people,- against ' other in a. racial and religious The verdict_ .will serve as a. ,__g_ A «Manda J-MU ‘V. “V ‘ng to an pol our people 0 nent of sems owes a. di noble riding ft ping out t _ politicians V 13 interest 5 _ n contendint ize that 93-! casions defer da. A3 a. n which recos to administer e interests of t efforts to p3 enduring b8 9 the great x s toâ€"day p13: der the insD to which we .â€"â€"-u KA TUBE WA A? .â€" luovernment rr and Grow!“ his muju not be huu'. avis' opponei being LiberaF: tiun 'e ivyo-elec :Z'rr to ti. :1 ... Lv~~i:l;:tv an and Mr. Greenwuv’l C.- didaflo mm M 0". Dec. 20.â€"To-day's l ‘ Vlcwry for the Lil: irflxfiiluzlzlzl. ".1“, Mr. Snutr‘iuger. The 1 .2» day nf the issuing of the 3:1 a. Very bitter one. No D ; ,er has been spared by 1 " ll) make their candidal n, r. lioth organizaticms were 1 mi almost every vote aval? .wlred and cast. From theon .W-ruls were confident of a. V -HL took no chances. The? t -l night in their efforts to County of Stormont, v iv. :1 true to the Conserv :m for 18 years. and now to-1 )lm'fl: thv satisfaction 01' kno ’;E “:r t-l'l'or'ls haw.- been succe: L"! result of the polling toâ€"d l. “any-Nature majority of 42 -~r::in in June is turned int< for Mr. Snetsinger, which used 75 or 100 \\ hen the I“! -â€" mxhdivis‘mns are heard fr m. . majorities are: mull town: Snctslngor's m : Cornwall township. 2 2; ( ‘ ‘ “‘ , 1' â€"‘-I\I'l\ fm \wayv ~- gelslnger's DI xjorl I 5 Lllulock Sun“ 3 Wu nannies“. M .‘A-ntis werc comment in. u- .-- nut took no chances. They toiled -i night in their efforts to con- County of Stormont, which i: ~:n true to tin,- Conservative '; .‘Ii for is years. and now to-night ’IM‘H: Zhv satisfaction of knowing x- t-i'l'or'ts mm.- been successful. L. result of the polling toâ€"day is F; I‘ulxir:l-x~\':i.tiVe majority of 425 for frittin in June is turnmi into one fur Mr. Snetsinger, which will used 7?» or 100 \\ hen the two re- m: subdivisions an; heard from. majorities are: Enwuii town: Smrtsingor's major- : Cornwall township, 202; Osna- mwnship, 61 ; :nxboro township. iz:-'h township. 10? ; tuttil. 467 ma.â€" :~:- Snetsinger. Lodz and Bonne- rxzzi to hear from, will in- - the majority to owr 500 a. owes a. debt of grautuae to noble riding for its patriotic work ping out the race of wretched _I politicians who think that the car's interest shoum be a fiootbe.“ _ n contending parties and fail to ‘lze that party politics must on casions defer to the best interests da. As a. member of a. Govern- which recognizes our supreme to administer the country’s affair e interests of the whole people and efforts to place our institutions enduring basis. I gratefully re- 9 the great part which your rid- ; toâ€"day playtfl in nation-build- flier the inspiration or the great -u.’ e” kn. 313A 0T1 0N khl «oven-amen! Candidate Won In the Fun- and Greenwaplte In the law-r. imam-g, Dec. 20.â€"â€"(Spccia.I.)â€"Twen- 12‘: 1- "5 1:1 Suskutvhewan gave LII. Ls a. majority 1:9. Thirteen polls 5 to be heard from. and will likely me his. rzmjmixy. However. they not be hull"! (mm for a. week. Duvis’ oppoxgwt was Mr. MCP m-ing Libera‘s. 5‘ hycâ€"electinn in North Brandon on ;I_- {nth-u): -12' FI'INNIPEG. p. RYLEY. :3, San, Doors, Blinds, kings, Trimmings, Etc. ammo-r. Farah-:13 of Yoronto, aur- ms “in: 1:“ 'fi He and Take- 3 Dow ol‘ I'm-boll: Add. finnipig, Dec. 16.-(Special.)-Ernie Ear. a. pymin n: and popular young Likeâ€"4:1; has suicidcd. He wasa. knew 0'; Mr. Hammond of Osler mom. finanL-ial firm, Toronto, and r :‘u. _\ year or so ago he hung Iingldshwoman, Mrs. Gil- ' . who was than seeking a (11' {in buxom. \‘hen she obtained (More: Buzzer married her, and a Weeks ago a child was born to '3 021-: day las: week the young he h:‘. their first quarrel, and x: 13' affix-Led the young husband. “em to his office, arranged care- all his affairs. and then procur- 3- d052 of carbclic acid. Engaging liar-12:: at at a. city hotel. he there ' the d adiy dose. He died in great Y earl: Lhis morning. To-mm'row My win be taken to Toronto for a '. FRISSY. DEC. 25. EEGR‘I‘EEN YEARS OF ERROR Windsor, N. S. Dec. 153-3: “a"â€" km, near Windsor. this mm“? Merick Cochrane's house “’33 de- myed by fire and his two children- In two and four years, Wet-e burn- to death. Cochrame had gone '0‘ all! and Mrs. Cochrnne was outswe e in: a. cow when e are Occurred. NW cause being the “9’“. “Nammm “41-h .VLLL)‘ \\ cu UL " “""r“" mzunges, last night attempted to a his way imo the residence 0‘ Wife. [rum whom he had ‘been mtt‘d for :1 year. The we £11 a dipper full of boiling lye and .3“ it in Maxwell's face. If he wars he win likely be 5131199519 and ‘certainly be terribly dwred' h are well known in the 813- Max- 1says he visited his wife on Nation. _, -.. - rkidsm' \T S Dec. 16-‘A1 Weyt: MULOCK IS EXULTAN'P. Mulock, Postmaster-Gen- nlly night Sent the following ”nary message from Toronto >. 15. McLennan. Cornwall. in une from that. gentlgmtn 3%. __._-.n Lilli-Siaxwen of Winnipeg. NDSAY- Eauaaiau gust. Mr. Snutsiuger. The ngm. ay n! the Issuing of the writ . very bitter one. No pains rk has been spared by eith- *) make thrir candidate a. uth organizatiuns were com- almost every vote available -d and cast. From the outset Lls wen- confident of a. Vic- ..nl( nn ('hImCC'S. They toiled and Storm Right Line quopbono m 5 Prices and Ir.“â€" oefore you buy. .' GUARANTEED. Stormont In the “n. 1' ~- _. 7, iebt of gratitude to for its patriotic work the race of mtched who think that the shomd be a football \‘JON ALL in Xorth Brandon on !.e \;u .my in the HF»: taxman! by Mr. :1 .1L‘ (1 in the , (11.x : :ov emment ser, ox L-z t 13 Patron. by 130 mugority. fly over filmâ€"loll Warm Greetlnz A x» BRANDON. .1, SO bmud to b1 Wm. Mulock.” ght teacher fiIE EARTH QUAKED. lenses Troubled. Beds loved no- then m nd Doors Flew Opel-Ol- Wonu st Hereford In hallâ€" Wed I. Deni-.3. London. Dec. 17.-'rwo strong shocks of earthquake were telt throughout Wales. the Midlands and the South or En‘lnnd early this morning. The first shock co curred st 3 o‘clock and the second st 5.80 in the afternoon. Houses were shnken; beds moved from their places, doors tore- ed open and furniture overturned. Tele- grams from all quarters concur in the statement that the first shock was 0: 30 setconds duration, and was tollovu-d by s loud rumbling sound and minor in trembl- ing: of the earth. The second shock was shorter, but more severe. Many people in Windsor, Chetltenham and other places rushed out or their houses, ut no one was hurt. The Cathedral at Hereford wu TWO DISTINCT SHOCKS WERE FELT Southern England and Wales Shaken Up. the Midlands and early this morning. curred a: 3 o’clock 1n the afternoon. beds moved from t. damaged somewhat. but no other serious damage in reported. At Hereford the rumbling sound was to]- ‘ lowed by two crashes. Men and women rushed from their houses into the street and one woman died from fright. A: Ruthven the shocks were accompanied by thunder and lightning and for 15 se- conds there was a distinct movement of the earth. At Liverpool the shocks were followed by thunder, lightning, and mu,‘ and there were similar manifestations at Bridgenorth, where the streets at first seemed to be on fire for several seconds. After this there was a violent report, fol- lowed by a heavy shock. Only a slight (making sensation was felt at Manchester, Birmingham and in the northwestern par! of London. The damage was not serious anywhere. The area of the seismic disturbances was unusually wide, extending hundreds of miles from London north to Lincoln, 1 thence west to Lancashlre, south through Wales to Taunton, and southeast to South- ampton, over 200 towns and villages being affected. There were, however, no fatali- ties except in the ease of the woman who died from fright at Hereford. The tele- graph lines were not affected. The at- taches of the Greenwich Observatory say that the galvanometer showed a very slight disturbance at the time of the shocks. The authorities at the Stoneyhurst Observatory say that their galvanometers showed no indication whatever of a seismic distur- bance. LAW-Iv.- - _ 7, name is not known, has been arrested have. charged with burglary in having plundered the villa. of Count and Countess Rothe at Neuilly-sui-‘Sehie. ’ â€" “--x~ ... Inf . An American Adventuress and lie: Pun. mour In the Tolls at Paris. Paris, Dec. 17.â€"A woman who calls herself Countess Rossi, but. whose real buuuucaa ‘th-Any w- -V a mile and a. half from Paris, while the owners were sojomming at Monte Car- Lo. The self-styled Countess was born In Detroit. Mich, of French parents. She asserts that. she was married to who is now dead. She has long been known in Paris and elsewhere as an Adventuress. Her parmmur, named Gama-d, who professes to be her uncle and secretary. was arrested at the me time, the po- lice having evidence that both were implicated in the robbery. ll". Coleman Dnyton Wed: 1 Rich Whisky View-nan: In London. .«lSTOR'S DA. UGIJTERJ GAINJIARBIED New York. Dec. 17.â€"A despatch from London says Mrs Coleman Dray'ton. daughter of Mrs. W'illiam Astor, who some time. ago obtained a. divorce from lwr husband on the ground or deser- tion and non-support. was married this afternoon by special license at St. Columbia‘s Church, to George 1-1an of lhe firm oi: Haig 8:. Huig, whiskey mer- i-iiai:ts of this city. The Rev. Donald McLeod. D. D., pastor of St. Colum- bia, officiated. The register was sign- ed by Consul-General Collins as wit- ness. At the request or the bride. the or- gan played Mendelssohn's Wedding March as the party left the church and entered carriages to be driven to the bride's residence on Hartford- s-treet. Mayfair. where a. wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Haig left London for Dover at 4.30 p.m.. en route for where they will arrive to-morrow mornin". Later they will go to Nice. Lighthouse Keeper Bowed In From Thunder Cape-Suwblll )llne Con- tinues to Show man-less. Port Arthur. Dec. 15.â€"(Specia.l.)â€"-Port Arthur as an open barbs: was never better exemplified than to-day, when Captain \Villiam Craig. lighthouse- kucper at Thunder Cape, crossed in a rowboat from the Cape to the town, 1( miles. He claims he had a. most en- JU) awn: u IV. News from the Sawbill mine to-day is to the died that the vein in the bot- tom of No. 1 shaft is 7 1-2 he: wide. and continues rich. The drifts are in 50 feet, and no difference in the rich quality of the ore. A large number that‘ the roads are good. to Sawbm. Lnkn Hamid sad Hawk Ba-v. joy:a.ble {rip- "embers Throttled Each Other and There 1 Were Some Knock-Downs. ‘ :ome, Dec. IS.â€"A disgraceful row oe- curred in the Chamber of" Deputies to-day. upon the occasion of the discussion of the allowance to be voted for the use of the Prince of Naples, Crown Prince of Italy. In the course oi! the debate. Signor Costa. Socialist. denounced the proposal to grant an allowance to the Crown. Continuing his speech. he declared that the monarchy was not only a useless but a dangerous institu- tion, whereupon the President of the Chamber interrupted him and forbade him to speak further. A frightful uproar en- sued. Deputies jumping over benches. fly- ing at one another's throats. while other: exchanged knock-down.blows. The tumult lasted some time. and when order was rea- tored it was found that several Deputies had been very severely handled. ‘ When the Chamber became comparatively 1 ouiet. the Marquis dl Rudlni, Ifrime Minis- fer. attempted to reply to Signor Costa. but his voice was drowned by the shout: and jeers oil the Socialists. l-inai a but ' granting!!! annual allowance of .000,000 I (mm was carried amid great co manure? 11.4 LIAN 'LEGISLATORS- menu: Thelr Cue Went Bottom of the Shut Umy, Wu. ”F“. . i, Virgmius mine near here yesterday by which five men were almost instantly killed. The accident occurred in of the mine, where the men were at work repairing the timber-ins. trom the cage in; They were working handed in the shaft, having it raised __-._M-.,; with their “CO UNTESS” R0851 ARRESTED. They were won e lowered as the: work 273° cage ‘A‘.A‘ iowered as we: rnva- â€"â€"-- work. The cage ten with n ginning rapid- shaf . which Is PORT ART]! UR IS OPEN. FELL 1400 F331: Dln of the Shah in a Colorado Mill'- Bowed In From other serionl An accident oc- {with A Central Massacre In Phlllppm' Mm“ LEEESE CABLE NEWS SOLDIERS no latte: 1: Turn It“ "I In" minutelyâ€"hunch Papa's can“. the United new in m to spell and one-French sue-or In“ With All undoâ€"”pen News Madrid. Dec. 15.â€"A deepatch mm from Singapore says that the natlva o! Mindanao Island. which. after Lu- zoa is the largest of the Philippine II- iands, have revolted and that many 01 the natiVe troops are deoerting to the insur‘entS- It is further Itated w the situation at Manila is full at anx- ; iety. Bands of insurgents frequently approach that town, which in the 6891' tal or the Philippine Islands. and link ated on the Island of Luzon. and at night time fire volleys into the place- A despatch to The Impatcial from Singapore admits that there has been I lgeneral massacre at Cavile, the tort!- fied seaport town on the Island of Lu- zon. It adds that 150 prisoners revolt- ed, killed six soldiers, seized arms and tried to raise the native inhabit-nu against the garrison. The advice: :8! that the rewrolt tailed, that the rebels were shot down in the streets and. that a general massacre rolloWed durln‘ 0“ night. Scores of corpses were picked up, and many of the prisoners who were recaptured Were shot the {0110'- ing morning. A despatch to The Imparcial from Manila, the capital of the Philippine Islands. says the rebellion in those i.- J 'â€"--A- .4 m- Islands, says the rebellion in those 1.- lands is spreading, and bands of In- surgents infest the outskirts of the city of Manila. Advices from the -.__. _____ nun-"Ia mv cuy UL mwam -.-â€" . -v __ Caroline and Mariannes Islands my risings are imminent there. The Cabl- net Council, which was held yesterday. decided to purchase the English trans- port steamer Prince of Wales in order to expedite the transportation of troom to Manila~ and it was also decided to purcha_se a. complete equipment at new Hides for the London Papers (Ia-non the Ynnkea II Regard to Spain and Cuba. London, Dec. 15.â€"The Times, oom- menting on the Cuban situation. ex- presses the hope that the Spaniard! - .L - _l‘..m LAACALunab v.- -â€" presses the hope that the Spaniard! will “continue to disregard the vituper atlon of the J ingo Senators and alum from imitating them,” adding: ‘The American Government maintain;I a. cor- rect and neutral attitude, and as 1098 as it does so Spain can afford to smile at Senator Chandler‘s air-hand reocc- nltion or the Cuban Republic." . The Globe says: “When these Wild men rave at England. British feelint regards them as amusing lunatioa. whose grotesque antics do not can? much danger to either country. But the Spanish are more easily in- flamed in danger. There are many indications that this passive submis- sion to insult will nOt last much ions- er. It would be well. therefore. for the W'ashington Government to place restraint on Senator Chandler and colleagues. If Spain is goaded to up- hold her honor by arms. a naval war might have results not at all meet-bl. to the American Chauvinists.” London, Dec. 15.â€"â€"'1"he French cons:- ing steamer Marie Fanny has been lat of! the Island of Alderney 1n the Bri- tish Channel. and her crew of four- teen men were drowned. The Marlo Fanny was a. steel screw steamer of 574 gross tonnage. She was built in Sunderland in 1878 and owned by D'Or- bit-my Faust of LnRochelle. GENERAL CA 8L1! NI". _, col-um: su-nmor “on! ’0'- III the English (Illa-cl. I‘I'QIICII Death of the Earl 01 Darnley. Who In In the louse as Lord Clifton. Dublin, Dec. 15.â€"John Stuart Bligh. sixth Earl of Darnley, died suddenly to-daytaggg 69. He sat in the house The Royal Family VIII“ the Tomb 0! Albert the Good at h'oxlnore- London. Dec. 15.â€"The Queen, the Prime. and Princess of Wales. the Duke and Duch- ess of York, Prince and Princess Christian. the Marquis of Lorne and Princess Louise. Princess Beatrice ot Battenberg end be: children, and the entire court attended a more yesterday. In commemoration of the Prince Consort, who died Dec. 14. Paris, Dec. 15.â€"I‘t ls semi-omdally announced to-d-ay that the statement that Baron de Courcel, the French Am- bassador to the Court of St. James. has retired, ls premature. He is expected to return to his post. Baron James De Hirsch and Emllc Chatrousse, the sculptors. are dead. Colon, Colombia, De; 15,â€"Ti1e port 0! Colon is now free from smallpox. which disease was jarpught here on 123:; -,L-____ An among 600 African laborers on hoax-u the steamer Castle Eden. from Siam Leone. The port authorities are now givinz clear bills of health. VERY BAD WREOE Umtubvuns, v0. wreck occurred or: the Baltimore and” of train No. 3 ran into 8.104: or: cattle and was derailed, with three cars. One postal clerk was kill- ed outright and Conductor Torn Brown was fatally mangled. The fireman and another postal clerk were fatally injurâ€" ed, and a. number of pamngers were reported killed or injured. Frank Shan- non of. Xenia, Ohio. was slightly injur- ed. M. V. King, postal clerk. of Green- field. and George Ewing, fireman. were slightly hurt. pmnger Train m onto, mun-x ll Another I‘m] Saul. Indnnnpoll Dec. Isaâ€"At 8.80 o’clock this morning a wsf-eck occurred 1: the ennui or the Wnpuh‘ and Monon 3311mm”. I ,L-___ Aâ€"- â€" “a “II“- v; Luv â€"-â€"â€" f_ , Delphi. Ind. A wrecking tn!!! m hun- ried out over the latter rond from Mono- and while running at a. high nu or speed. near Guernsey. five miles south .1 Man a flat car at the wrecking train Jun the track, and the entire train went into a ditch. ‘One man was killed end aevenl were injured. The names of the killed and injured nre: Cecil Douglas or Enn- mond. Ind.. who WI. stealing a ride. in- stantly killed: 0. W. Mchmmon. trin- muter. had_ bpth _iep‘ bruised; John Reed; A.._..II..- AMA f4.- master. had both 195:.” ' an “actor. iinjured nally, Otto w" brawn. In and thou: face and he“. not seriously njnnd. . mag. liquor sene’n nu: «m in to But the City on lave-Io; FOURTEEN muya nu. -- 1“"- thereby «($16 the an :1, .000. m policy. the 133:! V diy ’6! revenue auro- states. m y mien-led yutegau. by the Cook :1 Liquor Dede!” 1‘" sodstlon. It was stated tint the (31m Fedenuon um nine- were "In: nmhlhltory 11:11:18th It the ,°° Chillicothe! 336:1 émton. (‘olon Is Free From Smallpox. tor a. 170121) or WARNING. Wolndln‘ 1’ ”unten- Will Not In!“ Sl ILORS DRO ”NED- BY PBISONEBS- the follow- u'clal from Phnlpplno ln those 1.- mds of In- rts of the tram the Islands any The Cabl- l Vesterdayn smltinz from the whisky: Sane cum 1- U93. l board Siam re now . a ml. in Lao. -v--__-V, at the su estlon. md In the mint omc :13. who had donbm bulty of the tent. The conclusion is ruched u: felting 13 being carried on ext several places. Occulonally'n coln is found whlch. on my. be of diluent fineness from 900 fine. or of duet-en: weirr u awn-wine defies the t0“! t! BAIE CHALEURS ROAD 3mm 3an. 11mm Has Not Yet Boon Takon'OVOI' V by the Government beenrunmenelyasasummer route. so that considerable improvement will require to be done to get the line Into shape tor winter traffic. The cost of keeping this road cpen during the win- ter months will add considerably to the expenditure of the Intel-colonial system. on account of the great depth or now which prevails throughout the Co. stated that large consignments the company's flour were being sent rent to the Australasian markets. Since then it has been learned that the‘com- pany he: engaged space tor 500 tons of flour on each or the C.P.R. steamers. leavlnx Vancouver for Hons-Kong (or the three months ending with Max-Ch. The hour W11 be reehlpped at Hon:- Konz for Sydney and Queensland. The steamer Wartimoo took 20 tons 0! flour and 10 tons of hope for Australia on her last clearance from Victoria. Captain Spain, B.N., will leave ’to- morrow for Owen Sound to conduct an investigation: into a. colllslon which volvérs at $4.60 ends." The duty was neatly figured out st $6.30. and append- ed to the statuaent were the simple words. “ Conscience money." â€"-- -- --â€"-â€"--_ am. 1‘. W. Hon. Wilfrid Lam-let. Hon Scott and Mr. C. R. Devlin. M for Cornwall to-day. The speaks at Cornwall to-nla'ht Moose Creek to-morrow. The is said to be so close that b about even. Mr. Devlin is ta place or Sollcltor-General Fl-t who is in gayest. 7â€" -n_-- hI speaks at comma; an.-." __ Moose Creek to-morrow. The content is said to be so close that betting in about even. Mr. Devlin is taking the place or Solicitor-General Fitzpa. who is in the west. Hon. L. H. Davies. since his arrival on the Pacific coast. has been busy examining the signal stations end lighthouses and enquiring into the 11)::- cessity for new structures. Mr. vies left for the east toâ€"day. ’ Their Excellenclea the Governor- General and the Countess of Aber- deen. accompanied by Lady Marjorie Gordon. the Hon. Archie Gordon and Capt. Sinclair. the Governor-Gendar- secretary. are now on their way from the West and are expected to reach 0t- iawa. to-morrow utter-noon. proceedint by a later train the same evening to Montreal for a few hours' stay) there. try"; later train the same eve-nun; to Montreal for a few hours' stay there. and returning to Ottavm on Friday to: the winter. Mme. A-lbani and her company no- a large and fashionable audience. diva was never in better voice. The temporary staff in the Gown-n- ment service will be paid on Dec. 23. Rn order-ln-council has pannittlng this. The Department of the Interior an m a. return showing _ths.t 1400 wvrâ€"V, homestead entries were made. repre- mm 4174 persons. against 1960 en- !“ h 1895. representing 5689 persons. In 1896, 40 entries were made by w turned Canadians tram the United States. against 88 in 1895. Archbishop Wevin passed throw the city to-day on his way to Mont- real to visit Mgr. Fabre, who is dying. The Archbishop spent a. few hours with Archbishop Duhamel at the P81- ace. ace. ‘he Kingfisher. the last of the fish- eriee protection fleet. has gone into winter qugrgeys. having escorted the ,- -_.___ 1...... nnv American No Trouble at All to lute W Silver Col-I Thu Den Detection â€"-A Government Test. blflty 0! Inc lean. The conclusion is reached that counter- feiting is being carried on extenulvmy l3 several nieces. Occasionully‘n counterfe coin is found which. on assay. is found to be of dilerent fineness from the standard. 900 one. or or duet-em: weight. but elnco it otherwise defies the test: the lInference ls plain thet by ranking the coin 900 fine and of just the right weight. my quantité of connt'erfclt silver can be coined an floated with safety from detection. No change of device will afford my pro- LU“ I 0â€". nun v ..._-._ No change of device will ‘ tection. so long u millions ( are outstanding. not has :1 suggested which in reality 0 dlii'iculty for counterfeit": Where the counterfeiting -- ,,__.-__ to thg secret servlce Is a spam“: -.....-_ , so far woven unable to grapple with the situation. umber“! that the thous- When It is ands of Internal ”Venue ofllcers and dep- uty Mall an only In 1 degree choc! the __mnkln¢ of moonshine whiskey. It I: ,,,-_ a... on. immensely pron}- able“ work 0 should b_e r39; It is nu nutter to dispou which «(Mn exports. and there ‘u- M0 mm to be ugly gamed: for the pan: at Chem“; Indians were over- taken hemmed In by the mentor-In mt swept the western put of this But. 9. E: E I1: 0 an we. i 3? 9N: 9% 0 e 3., Nuguketg {opaq- up. ~v.-. ___, fishing fleetwiway from 0‘" luau no Gunill- ‘ e lmxienseli 'g of counterfeiting diver puny developing. strong mpiclon that In: ne of the numerous Sade I' - - in s-..- W lawâ€"v, . 7' mile the immensely 91‘0“" nterfeltlns all": ”m velop‘nt- mlclon that machin- .¢ numerous Independ' which have 0" meat in and closed by the :, has been transport "4 Le mountains In tho “- no rallrpnd' 3"". ““5 ‘u I. wt .. Dec. 16.-â€"A three- than ever over the . the counterfeltlnx 5 been :scertllned mt dlmtutncuon raved dles used to: be dupllcated It I the coin Itself. by firm” crucial: when. 3 1111. M1. 1" 'i that counter cxtennh'cly In n1 counterfeit Ly, I. found to l the nundnrd. '3'". but Chico \ the Inference g coin W m. ‘ my quantlt; Newman. W; I. ma. E. Dickie. the ”mug; on June- Ingl- oon. the solicitor ot W in other upmnnv- wen lean. w.‘ nop- 0 hens. '1‘ K. m». Tomato; W. Nook. Thoma wagon. Wm; B; Enact-on. Ancaster. John Icon-thy. 8t. Commas; \\ Cur.Webhwood; J. 3. bridge. J. anley. mum. )1 Quinn ouawn. John Button. . \ . ( lad- none. chum; u E. 11. human 0 mm on mm." 2.; under. Among the petitioner: were noticed tho following members of the Moon‘s Executive: Heart. H. Line! and '1‘. Crooks. wanton; b‘. Collin. Duncan; John cuter. Bottle; A. G. Smith. 8:. rum: 1. ucrnrlnnd. W; 3. summit. um»; E. Dickie. the ; and June. Inor- Ion. the solicitor at other npmunnuv- wen lien-u \V.’ lion- klnn..l. lioblnoon. amm'r. Bel-o. _ 0. null...- 11 1 [Alt Jm [lumr umbulty of lnuodnclnx would give elect to unendmcnn to (I. 0:- bung regulations as follows: (1)1‘hntcbehonrotcmmm saloons on week nights other than Inn» eminent. (3) Thu holdeu of shop license. be no muted to keep for n10 upon ungu- Laud l l l I ll. â€"- the llxnlted accommodatlon o! thelr hood would not per-ml: or all the new seated. Hon. J. I. Glbeon. Hon. 6. Ross. Hon. luchard Harcourt and no; I. J. Dam wen preeeut at the Council. Mr. Havel-sou a to unit. Bo bean to expluln that the eputatlon repreoehtod the liquor traffic. and was compoued of th. Executlvc Uommlttee and some ot glumlueut memhenn or the W rolectlve Associatlon l tho vlhce. It had been pm be "t ”luv and exam that a tune would cone wnvn .ne Llcenac Act would ncelvo the Cullhldefluou or the Government. no thought lt should do so now. 1:: 9w lug the questlon to the Ilnllter. he dld ao from the ataudpolnt or what the, com olden-ed n lcgltlmato human. but: a ll- ‘ cease smudpolnt. 0n the othc: hand. the dental-lug to have the Dow Govern- lllcllt kill the name by a alnxle blow. But they were not cure that that Gwen-eat would reelaatelndoluoothotm punched the Untax‘lo Government to nae they could not atmle It by a pace- ed mulctlon. 'l'helr avowed object In w provlncm authorltleu was the otthetx-amc.ahdnotthatltahouldhe placed on o leutunate halo and he tall-l) controlled by a llcen. act. The “cone Act lh thelr hands. he laid. would aim the Mlnlaten to consider had m to the hour: of closing. W“): the exceptloh or thntoneromlngtheclooln‘ottheu- loom: at 7 o‘clock on Saturday alghta then was no statutory enactment am the hon: ole-10%“ Thehounot- on week to. More. vulcd tron to 1'.’ o'clock at nlzht. Hon. Mt. Hardy: “What plac- do you 1111881011911. (Sec 11. sub-oec. M.) . (5) That uven license no! In muted to supp uquo: to gusts. tn boarders nnd n dug-In; p houm‘ 718“: fi) _ -A .Inâ€"m O h“ m axes. in quantities of not in. thn one- half pint. no; That the detendnt in on call at Infraction o! the Liquor moon-o coizstiluied o competent but not upd- nl-lc witness. Upon entering the Council cm and amt-fine wu mind with tho cocci-l hnn bake of Panic: mm. who too! or cuslou to pennifE 9349115- ’10:? that luv; 1"... -v- â€"_-- .7,, would feel at. in doing so. so an ~ "In u"... __-_n,, , pchnegl the Onux‘lo Gwen-gnu: to .:E Wm “lunar. cont-Into; mm luv“ the) co duo: annual: 139190.- a“. restriction. 'l'hel avowed ob ea In W “Imam be provlnzul “thou-mien wn tho BABY. W! UNI-'- Hod-y - '41 d. otthelwc.wdmmtltIMIMM . placed on I legitimate bull and b0 tau-l) STRAYED.â€"Iutao the annual: .mnmnm my ; ucen. act. The map. ‘ummofinmgmmu. a”: nut. In Windsor. an I tum mind. an hour was 12 gun. he mm Calm mtthehourolcloqnxbommcm ot wor Unmen. was were I ngylongtr _pnl_d _on W. but In I: .L- m--- .A- of.- It “I'veâ€" .v - way at workingrnen. As wsxee were now_ no longer paid on Scandal. hut in new cases on l-‘rldny. the renson tor the law. he thought, no longer exlsted. Wh . there- fore. he at should the hon: closing he 1 Inn. on turdnyn. when every other busineeemsnmightheephispineeofhu- new open as long as he planed! Tenn; Windsor snd other towns on the border se exungllr. he ssserted that e greet den] or Cnnn n money was bei spent in De- troit and other Amerleen d where here were open inter, rsther then In Windsor. It was not unrensonnble he tho to u! thnt the hour should he exten to nt lenet 9 p.m. Turning to the point of the nemovei m transfer of licensee into the hsnde ot the commissioners. Mr. Enverson ted out thst since the ndoption by the nurse Gov- ernment of the prlnd le of one Inna one vote. with the pro on that the elector should poll that vote in the district In whlch he melded. it singly menu: that in n lute number of pol the remove! and transfer of licensee rest- In rd to the unendnnent proposed to nllow e eele o! liquor to hotel gneeu end boarders prohihlted hours. the in epeshernuumdthnguthehotelwns :12 home of treyeleg n54 handy-.1: __ _-_ _-_._ 'MIm. me. mm. nu lr-wu ‘vw be given w the and: should be deprive. o: m n mum It "I "1 "mm" M the llcenunholdor to amcnlt . 1.- which m vim“! P'- .L.-_- w‘ w- ---câ€"â€" en be and. e u m n- W councils. Be MM It luau-ll that l distiller could be 1 member at!“ fitment. while u: Wye:- could not :0- prgugntnm know-dunn- In such mudd- ”manna“ um m. .. aunt} ‘9. any “Yum no he by the pre- gzeyem wereecq Meteoogrene And then the M turned hie uten- uon to the Marne uhed for by the Dominion lance eone time ego. "We know eenethlhc ehont the “qua: tutu. they know little or about It. All they went In to have It eho {she-d." wee hie emphatic comment. There wen he went but one-hut the number 0 licensee chat there were 20 you! ego. The Ala-hoe people would We the deelen cloee the here e: 4 9.1:. on Setu- deye. Why mm they eek them to cloee et 1 p.m.. It would hue heeh Jae: u well :- nun: to hue It done et e 9.111.? ' e14, hence helium. he manned. who u-_-_ -AIn-- 5. re.- be hall: 1 men. A: It wu. a m mlzht be con cud now. and t! apt: con- victed 10 em hence. u would be I second oxence. 0 though! the time uncured would be {our yar- n In the English ‘ enthatuhellqnor are not to he shot 0! hecanoo hotela are closed at early hour-a. The: can get thelr llqnor elaewhera." Commenting on the aldeman'a remark- the aollcltor aald that no one would he better plea-ed than the liquor dealer. If the sole were to he prohlblted In the club rooma. They were not lloenoed and lnjured the tnde. The temperance people had aoked for the nbolltlon of the saloon altogether. Mr. lluwroon ventured to remmk that all the uloona were Mllllrlntl at: well and pro- dded no man: tnealn as mast of the hotels. He thought they were. theretone. a necen- ulty. An hotel wee a place where a man rm-e'ved board. lodglug and "splrltual" refreshment. Suppodug a man wan onry wnntlnz retreahment. what hnrm was there In hlo solo; to a place where It was sold? The tearful a wnn'u lcenoe be marked for every (-0"- vlvtlon. that "convlcted'? ahould he wrlt- ten acroao the tace or hla llcenue. As the law requlred a man to expose hls license the speaker contended that 1: was enough for the dealer to he punlshed In a proper manner wlthout reoortlux to the nnclent i proceq ot_ puhllc hrnndlgs. A Diver-wig. h e “â€"4 OImA uhnnld an. no and. w u an: Inna-alt on. mauotthodmutmnmbenm Won aoMnmtunnt-yehu ad :51: mm and would rec-In thdr oed- ou confidential. I: ha boa a! some of m hamper- an: the In. Boll. It. Baton: ind {coveted com unper- nus Inc-Amp _ or_ adoption. This the -â€" - _ nâ€"mhm. canine-Mm for naopuon. '11“- a”; Mercia ncuflledunnlap Re new ‘0! 3999 much. He IN 717! 141738 of the «am of RICHARD WILLIAMS JULIAN. tale of the Whip of Kai-(pm. in a» county of Wear-(a. runner. Applywln. $1.3“: "" ’ 3 VIII.- uw-v- luv. n- “9300‘ .mwâ€" Panamanian-vial mud Omaha‘s). 110.1!” Man at Blob-Id Willis-II Julius [moot a. Mind lumen. In It. oountyol Vicwrh, does-Id. mandonorgmunlnhdny W. dW.A.D.M,monorhdon!M 355;" aaii'b/ ӣ048.17 ”a, mm W umywulomw-cmflâ€"“m- 7â€", , any paw Mthomcnuthdw. h-vin‘mfllulvwlho cldmolwhkzh Iuhu um cotton. and on“ not in lhbkhrunmuotuy put W to disutbuud \o uy mono! not. chm such mm: In- not. none. mundane! the anatomic-ml. lama C «cum. Way! {of mm A Red-Letter Year for 1897 A‘XECUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDI- I 3 rs! €31.31 fiiéfiiiiig -_._____.'â€"~_f MW SCRIBNER’S MAGAZINE. -CH'IT Lingo-r It: bromin- of the u. M13.W‘739' °' .411. Owns“ '8 Influx I”! covzns Iosr.’Looxs 3381. m Lonezsr. 1031 women. fayâ€"sh Thi- u gunnery-aw --â€" "w" . . -. of Pdntthankuoverhom pnpuuflor the mukot, and in more mounted to 1 use, non dunble and bountiful that On other punt tithe! sad! and. o: and. by Ivory you“ 9“" aqua" fedâ€"two ooatS. BUILDING PAPER. Lightning K911! J1}. EIlWllflllmfl. FARM For. SALEâ€"In the township ,1W4m.mm%f ‘“ The Cantata will mu. when: our) Iva-poet in nu. «coon-n L... In Innâ€"Lur- and ‘5. (M m mun- “w, .__ __‘_ , , indodh‘ and: mm them in [imam-Mars. no pro-em. hum-t In W history not-ap- cully and! I amt Novel on!» Mammalian: m Mummlawnlotlmmmw .Dr. 8 Wdrlludl. Tho-gory. 13113313 is waterproon wm not fall to pieces with 88‘0- I. __:IAIâ€".a mmmw. conunuocouuthomm 0000“” ...wlthoutm- Munro 1m. 3%”!- W‘ axe-N or 1'31 Am HAM’B LANTERNQ GEO. INGLE. IN I897. 33me CENTURY I v-u-ovâ€"â€" vvr-

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