A 10 091W . p ‘ veryone In doing their utmost 311311883 6942;6â€" ‘ w 1531-, a good supply for the bagel-a. ‘ her excellent m 5 536. good é'pecial Excursion Fares To all Points in Canada. flat class we and one-third to teachers sad menu on mandating Sinatra tom of school W Tickets tobo issued Dec. 11th to 24th. 1898. WWW to return not late J nan-.1397 Portal! p-rticulan uppiy to agents o! and Trunk Ruth-y System. Taxman 31. 189'! Row Year's 1am Single Mobs-tanning Beast». 1896 and Jan. 1‘, 189}. returning not. later thsn Jan. 2nd. 1807. “ch-Maud one third going Dec. 30th __ m... an mun mm. returning not later KIRK Fl 8L1). [Camdemo d m room! to mu Manamaâ€"We no he the! Mr. John Bit-hm. w edhleleg don"t.hg. '1'. vi. 3. amniotic: e the unto! meme?! oynr. J. Ron. ......Mr David Soon. on pum- sullen “at. who we. laid up at a coupled m. in then!- to mum-1mm men were nonmetal: D . J. “an sum, A. Moral-m. Wm. Hm- nlla end Wm. Cameron. Alive!) election mud. an: wannam mm In Humming whinesâ€"J C 03'8- Compowt Help (MU-m“ ‘ 1(ch warm-In Romney. anh’ Wbum a Phone Bron. To a. Mow-JD mm. Wâ€"I ".m°flh. mambo-Goo. 05nd.“- because itisuptodatolnvery partial". Its moat successful term in point of attendance and in securing situations tor students has jnss close. ‘ - ‘- 1'. _--.‘- B 9111.0 â€my -v- 881', w c , Sgsslon which begins Monday, J an. 4m next. 0 W. H. SHAW, Principal. Wï¬Ã©mpo'ap "cation is neces- garyï¬o secure‘ as for Winter . .4. -4-.. umuhur Jan- Adnrtisem an ts TORONTO. - Onto-1'1“ HIGH STILL NEWS-LETTERS 631.4381} m. PATON. 031% R- 58‘- HILL. w] This Week. 1896, returning md one- inclusive, We can to an a 50W Hurr‘ _- In hat, excellent r031 sleighing at present. Mom SUNDERLAND. {madame of m Poem NEW Ym‘s Partâ€"The Church of England peoge are repairing sporty on New Year's .sy. e have no doubt but that it will be satisfactoryâ€".wheteyer they do they Always do it well. Youngsters, come and see our Church of England ladies and judge for yourselves. himâ€"Many of our villagers intend taking the beneï¬ts of the cheap railway fares to visit friends in Toronto end 021;; P the misfortune to have two dogs last week ...... Mr. J the waipzth after delinquent taxpayers. Vu g..-- - 7 [Correspondence 0! Tim Post] Cowmanâ€"We hear reports or great times around Cameron this coming week. The baseball bvys urpve holding a grand concert here on sw Year's eve. A ï¬rst- elass program is being prepared by the young people, and a mosï¬evjoyable even- ing is promised. PERSONALâ€"The teachers are beginning to fleck home again; they say aperson can't have too much of a good time ...... Mr. M. Cundal has returned from Mus- koka. and his friend, Mr. J aekson, is visit- ing him. Nous â€"-There has been 3 terrible slaughter of fowl lately, and no doubt many a bone will be picked dry durin the next week ...... Threshing has woun up, Mr. H. Eyers having put his iron hcrse M.-- luuf. week ...... Weather is 9°“??? inf. 11- â€1““ away last. week a. little more 5 sleuthing- ona U: 11- â€"â€"â€" -7v evening with the [0110 result : H. w ., Thee. one)" totem, . 11mm; re- corder. W. C'amlsh; receiver, R. Smith; ï¬nance, R. Robertson; oveneer, Geo. Pronse ' gn Meek menu; [nude : mi; 0. W., Alfred ‘ Welleoe; representative to greed lodge, I 307.1â€. 8.8mm; duel-leer, £1.me E [Conant-deuce e! 1‘- Pen] f WILLâ€"Mr. and Ira. Elliott. 0! § Hnmflton, ere spending their houdnye et 1 the home of their parents here, Hr. end ‘Mrs. James Eleven. They eve dweye welcome to this town ...... lite Ethost hee successful ear of (From an ccusionul correspondent ) Pnosrnous.-Onrlltcle village is 37 very prosperous and peaceful place, Mr. Ealmr, and few_hamlets of Its siza and populatlon _. __‘ “mun. Inflnnfrlnns can produce a more thritty, rnuusmuus and contended closs or people. It is well ‘ equipped commercially, having four stores or the ï¬rst order, and all apparently doing a paying business. We sport a drug store â€"s. late ncq ulsltlon to the village-presided over by on able chemist. Two blacksmith- shops send torth the sound of the envll and hammer; three harness-makers are needed to supply the wants of the forming com. munity; while our latest boomâ€"the pleu- lng factory and grist mlllâ€"m busy the live-long dey. Besides these, Mr. Editor, we possess a foundry, teller shop, shoe shop, tlnemlth store, meet mnrket, barber shop. furniture store and deer knows whet else. Two churches adorn the scene, the province. end In the best port at the tovmehlp. Inches Little Brlteln the pride end 99!! ,QLEEhtï¬i‘fls °°"‘°"° “’ cool-loo. Bu. F. on. limb; from Lake : 14. and B“. A. B. Dun It Mano l but. 9: on Mod III ppm- TM 8". Ir. ann mm. sol-non In use 03mm church in 'oho morning. NI Yum-tho and Now You"- on w wlll ho hold on may. Jun. lnr. 1M. Plouorm mum n 2 m§ In. Addams I oodvllle out! 3. by Row. J. R. N. o Gmtrlx. ohulrmou o! Connlualoo amt-loo. Ta and tron «so to 7.3). Thor. uto- tlon of Llulo Brluln lodloo In tho oul or, m wlll be hula Iuomnod. In tho ozonlo Row. J. W. roving ow y ...... Mr. rem are vlsltlnc friend. at Uxhrldgo. . . . Mr. Baht. Broad. ot Trlnlty Modlotl Gol- logo. Toronoo. ls homo for Chasm holl~ Ilsa Gertie Garbo“. o! 80. do]: ...... Calhulno'u Lulloa' College. I: allo homo Cancunâ€"Don't: target the pond con- cert on Frld: , 25m. under tho anoplooo of thoELot E. of this vlllnge. Hojor GABON. of Kingston 3 most entertain- ‘ â€"--h mnl h LITTLE BflITAIJfl; GA MER_O_N- luv ya... ..___ IHam thrif hy,_ lï¬fgstrlou‘g «All Geode Reduced in Prices. m ts,SRuï¬' for No Wkwa Me’sn FurCoats, Robes Etc. â€" Collars Umbrellas Under clothing: thia section ...... Mr. E Boxers and men L. Prior haviuiunited their destinies. are spending their cne moon in the ween. Cannon Narn- r. A. Delve gave a. clever discourse here on Sabbath evening to; good house, Subject. "Birth of C 31-33:." A ‘--n nnmhl‘ Of vounz mo- spenamg wean.-. ...--__, Cannon Nornâ€" r. A. Delve gave a. clever discourse 'here on Sabbath evening to a good house, Subject. “Birth of C :rtst." SOCIALâ€"A large number of oung peo- ple paid a visit. at Mrs. H. endemon’s one night las‘. week. The E. L. of Q. E. 13--....nn- A I’M“ INT.â€" one lll‘uv luv- .. v-7. ENTERTAINMENT.â€"The E. L. or U. a. has a grand treat in store for the people on Christmas night. [Correspondence 0! Tu Poet.) Esms'rmmmm.â€"On Tuesday evening next. D30. 2951:, the Dunstard Presbyterian Sunday school purpose holding an enter- tainment in the Methodist hell. Mr. Stevens, science master L.C.I., is to be present with his lime lights 'to exhibit 7‘ “u «one at the World's fair cannot be too highly recommended to the public. Mr. Wm. Agnew, of Lindsay. is also to be present to aid in the onset-teln- menb. and a very pleasant end on)“ oyable evening is anticipated. ELDON. [Special to m P081] A CARD T0 me Eutcroes or Expos.â€" Ladies and Gentlemen,â€"I take this oppor- tunity to intimate to the free and inde- pendent eh ctors o! the township of Eldon that at the solicitation of a. large number of the electors of E'don I have consented to be a candidate for deputy reeve for the year 1897. If elected I will endeavor to serve the bzst interests of the townahip. I ear-needy ask the true and loyal elec ore of Eldon l0 ex‘end me the same hearty support that they have extended to me on altoccasicns during the past ï¬ve ears. Wishing them one and all a Merry brist- mas and a Happy New Yeu' â€"Yonrs re sp.c1£nlly, COLIN N. MCDONALDâ€"46W 1. girls name to Mr. an home to be £931 39d clothed. Who's next? J.-. ---:-1 sum in M0. home to De Ieo. auu “use... -. _- , SOCIAL â€"'1‘ha basket social held in Me Indoo’a school was largely attendcd and a good time spent. Proceeds about $23. BUILDING.â€"l[r. R. Cowie has Just com- pleted a ï¬ne new np-to-date hennery. We rish Mr. C. good luck in making the hens ay. Psnsoxn. â€"Miss Kate McLean, who has been residing in Lindsay tor the past few months, is home st present beinz. laid IKPROVIKINTnâ€" essrs. Richard and James Heard In preparing to out a founda- tion under their barn next summer. along, b0!!- OPS. 1 [Smiol to Tu Pom-.1 e Amman Ann Pmmnxou.â€"Oo Too:- doy, Dec. 820d tho school in motion No. 6. ‘ Or, woo closed for tho Christiano hoiidoyp. ‘ '1‘ o Moher. Mr. J. N. Molott. who loan: 3 Ohio notion to oooumo tho priooipoiohip o! oho nacho public oohooio. won tho noip- ion oi o ondoomo ond oomy pmonb. which oonoioM c! o wriiin“ ioiio of tho hon lomoo iooehor. won ii od with who hum otoblooory. Thin mantioomodo hr mu Shoilo Fm woo oooompooiod hy o hooutiiul hcquoo oi onwuontodhy Min Flo Ford. ond tho folio on oddm. Hod h! Min Evo Portia: Door Kr. Kola! Tho ï¬nd 0! Dom. 100, lind- tho auxil- o! No. 6 ODI onioruoioinl o minaiod logâ€"o tooling of phonon Ind ct nor- rowâ€"plooooro hoooooo it in our pruilm to pro-om you with o .11.» boron oi our Ion-ow hooonoo out uoooiouon stomach for {our klnd clam to lam-not no in useful uowlodco. ond o0 tho “no um: to tot-[in who! hn hcoo onion In no on otudonu. Alon to oooo u thin! writing “no u . toll 0:10“ "3:10 in 1:33:32 oo o oo o a mpoo noy’auouch this lito may it "our, momorigg ot‘ the out. We ‘llb you o 7 A_‘ _ n....- “n- m_ [comm Conantâ€"Although the times are dcl‘. we menses to enjoy ourselves somewhst. Last Fridsy the school childmn sod such- er, with some outside tslent,held soonest-b end Christan tree. People from White Lake, Fumsss Falls. Gelert and elsewhere were present. and 3 very enjoysbls time was spent. Prooeeds o! the concert mounted to over eight dolhrs. RIDUCID Fallen! Bursaâ€"As mama-m p10 of an. vicinity «'0 “mud _ . _. LL- “-“..n n, “mm w BIDUCID run-n; â€nu-r. â€"â€" __v ' ple of this vlclnlty an mutated In the effort! of tho ntopayen of 613mm to t n reduction of I: run on the LB. 50.. [drove over _ _ “[3133“ No Abatement Idron ovu- NORTH BROOK. DUNSFQIED.‘ I R 0NDAL_E. ’31 1'- ram and Miss [In no “but, no w v w 7-..“- 8 n- . he WM 30 once dzclmd to he “Haring from diphtherlu. and Isolated, dylnfnwith- In twenty-tour hours of his reach a the ago. He was worklnz In no uumuu camp end for some time wee troubled with sore throat. Eventnelly. t ting no better. he went to ‘ A | A e be trouble get. Ottawa. when M h. nnflerlntz ii: twatâ€"t!" Cnmsnus Tunâ€"Inc mewwuu u...- day school are heving their sound hxisco mas tree entertainment on Wednesday evening. Come and spend a. plenum cveuir g with the chiidren. BUILDING â€"Mr. Dam McLouchun, our leadsng grocer, in msklng prepm Lna to erect a ï¬ne new dwe ling house next. Hun. mar on the corner of John sud Rldont em. v"â€"_ [Occasional correspondence oi The Post. Noumarxoxs.â€"Election of county conn- cil ofï¬cers took bloc: in B boaygeon on Monday. Quite a num? er we t down trocn here. Mr. John Austin. otthispjace. tive, as he has had some experience in municipal affairs The following have also been nominated:Jas. Lithgow Jat. Lama. John Lev-is. sr.. John keuy. Morgan Johns.(‘har!es Fairhairn and John Honie were nominated but withdrew. Last week trere were two represents tives here from dinereo', manufacturcrland reclaimed some of their goods “again after getting p .rt paid. It is too badpeople have to lose what they had paid; we thunk that by giving them a little longer time they would have paid the balance. and farmers in this part or the country hme‘hard enough tim.s aetti: 3 along without distrrss being put upon them. Innovate â€"'l‘rade is picking unin these parts since the slight (ti 0 makes the heart of our merchants more 'oheerful. A GOOD LECTURE -C:n5nctor Snider is biized to lecture-in the Baptist church under the ausptees of tte Union Sunday school, on Jan. 4th. 1897. shcoting match on Friday, 85th. when about 50 turkeys and geese will be altered in prizes. Mama) Accouâ€"mn, ammo. TB kYED.-;-Fr0m lot 15. co: Bulb. on or .00!“ am at an 013.1164'. m u. .7...“ mm, “mania"? mm mm - wwwmmmw , t m :umm mm“. u â€mm “WWWWMMMN NWJBBIUHMM u um. izes. Iinnings“ All: Merry Chrisimas. “IV. Cannon“ And In Mu! mount- MM “may. Ont-lb. New MM EMORIAL CARDS. â€"A V‘ m urn "W" EAGLEBON. BO BOA YGEOIY: WoounLLn, 741.557le- um" um mm“ mm m vulva m_mwm. BSEDPB HB'D'J†m undue} Lindsav. Peterborough, «awn! ll. NURSE CHRISTMAS is not far buying Christmas Gif 's in Fine nishings. Fur Jackets. Caps. Etc. Hourly Magniï¬ed. and Caps, Neokwear, 03, and this Sale and WNW: Go ugh Brothers. new momma. â€5722‘ Toronto aï¬'ords a splendid chance of Shirts , and Men’s Fur- , Storm Collars, ______7, M/ lulu!