wan same with â€of: Hair Vigor. FARMERS I_N SESSION. (Continued from page 3121:). Mr. Dnfl said he had been told the price i of a good dairy cow was about 350. and that $30 was 3 good revenue from the ani- mol 5 product. (Mr. Feeâ€"“Yon won't get that much."). Let us assume that one men starts with a cow, and another man with $50 worth of pnliote, say 125 towle. Now, what dcee it cost to feed a hen for a year? (Mr. Feeâ€"About 31). In reply Mr. Daft said hie own experiments placed the cost at 75c, and one very soceeszfni raiser placed the cost per head at 57:. In his [plan no hen was wcrth keegéng nnleee e laid 150 eggs per year, or dczens. Any fewer can cnliivate a superior price m a snperlor article. end it the eggs were marketed fresh and clean they could get a good price for them. He had recently paying for perfectly fresh, well flavored s, and was told it wee utterly impos- eibe to get them at any priceâ€"one ï¬rm had only received four cases of such eggs in a year, for which they had paid an average or 1915c per ozen. For ease of comparison, zoo. and the revenue tram arch hen is “50; deduct 7 3. for feed, and the net profit is 81.75. The express company will leydown 12:} dozens of eggs in Toronto for 16c , inlaid "Nearly My years an. IM come weeks of sickness. my hair turned flay. I began using Ayet’! mm Vigor. and was so wet! amo- flefl Mt}! the mum WM; I have never tried any other kind a! «1m:- ing. â€mammal; an meantime! app“: emblem at AYEB’S ~ " 661nm m tame“ dandruff. ta heal ltd mare. and prevent the Mir ham falling out. 1 never basic tam to recommend A yer'a medicines to my Manda" 'â€"Mra. H. 1!. Hanna. EWS’E; @ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ 37"" 'iW mwn-J-O- mm “MVMkhW BReZief for .Lung .Troubles DELIéACY 0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORIT Y in QUALITY. GRATEFUL and COMFORTING to the NERVOUS or DYSPEPTIG. NUTRITNE QUALITEES UNRIVALLED. In Quartzr-Pcund’ï¬nsand Packets only. Prepared by JA MES EPPS 8: (20.. Ltd... Homecopathic Chemists, London, England. V â€would «m “D. a: I." Emulsion. I hues“ .rfldnmcm which humbled no or. our 3 year. nnd have imaged in .weight. lukedtthn-u more!!! wind. than the ammo uonndtotflnlt. A ’1'. LL mam 0.3")!“qu . ENGUSH BREAKFASI COCOA w In commmox and nu “mo 0 Dumas. sumac. or moon. 0 . camel. moss or nun-n. . DIM. no bc-oflu of m- - article are most Ila-flou- . ' 50c. and 8! per Bottle 0 was LAWRENCE 00., m, u $62 50 8881133“ gov nu. vnv v- ... There Is considerable difference of opin- ion as to the best. breeds of towls. .He he t Plymouth Racks and morons,nnd I them in the morning clover hay, cut Into inch orb If inch lengths; thune put in a tab to soak in bultcg water tor a time, other which he added ground barley wen. Hmshonld “yum“. enswfllpayhetter when there Is no afoul-dab)“, and there are genenlly my! the letter. Few tumors seem to understand the am between ter- He can. or that It. In impou- Possesses the 'following Distinctive Merits: I >, FRIDAY. DEG. 18- !â€" _-â€"- #â€" EMULSION; ... mummi- handover! n’ï¬n ‘ - .70 w m ‘ ' II I an has. new gonna“ h II n a- nod that 1. ml or dam Isa â€he“ an“ nu arming; at II“ 05ml»): “chm!“ Eon-mu very tamer one low! [1035‘ g: k, that than" H I? an 1. r. , .03 . mg 2: 3‘. :11“... n “'1? m3“ nu e a a y! BI! but“ 5'! “In?“ q 0* .ï¬l “'5 e “I butâ€: ie w to Me WW 0 up! to Mr. Don‘s?“ that «on E? ’i. a :34 33 "g 5' a}: o! ta balloonâ€"v won vouch. hot 75 or 100 trawl- and um 1.: (Jami? Iluuuudmoad (lo I: . all!" not. out o ‘M all out! of i sold line could be thoroughly oxtormlnotod by oloonllnou nod to “On. In dusting tho fowl with Pars on mot ow- der or several other compounds sol tor the purpose. The speaker than in) rod upon his honor. the nooouity 0 giving hens good elm food on egg: loid by hens imal matter led on Pflï¬ï¬‚diffvfrengm food. In VII yuan-v- 'â€" _-,,, an Inn _ were really unï¬t for how toad. proof of hlo statement he an a as thou If hone were fed ad for at me a that taste of that vegeun e could he deteo some hens having woe» to a couple of dead mush-ate. SOCIAL AND mmmm'mn. mm: on ml rum. Mr. ALBnm DAVIDSON, of Max-moss, a well-known contribute: for some yam ms t. read the following paper on the above snbj eot : . Wishing to lend you in a discussion this niternoonJ have selected an n topic ‘ Social end Intellectual Lite on the Fun." I believe this to be en lirgomnt euh I di k to speak ject but A much inflected one. e upon it. as it shows farm life in an unhvoreble light. Now, in describing the conditions under which some tumors and their families live, I do not wish to overdrew the picture, but to direct your attention to this subject, that we my, it possible, ï¬nd a way by wnich these conditions may be improved. Fermeu rovide well and even abundantly. {or the meterinl Solute at their temiiies, but too often they stop there and provide nothing lot the social netnre or intellec‘uel testes. We know thnt often there is no eflort given to make the home attractive. When the day's work is done the young people ere left to do the - 7 ___- n..-..i-.. .. hint. thev one. and pas t, any: worn La uvuv u... 4-...†.- - .r chores or muse themselves as best they cm. and though the chores my be may the amusement: Lllowed are ueunlly very few. Fumers’ children get exercise in abundance, and therefore hsve little desire to spend their saucy leisure in such active genres nbeeehtllmricket, or oven mount. or it they wish to, they live so distant leisure in such active gums â€baseball even croquet. or it they wish to, they liv from etch other tint they cannot tom dubs. Rublic entertainments are sold oxten poorly Itwuueu. a-v. ....... J , __ -7," receiving a much better education than was possible (or him in his youth but on leaving school they long for books or papers whereby vhey may gain a glimpse into the world of science. of literature or of art, and this wish must he gntifled it we are to retain them upon the term. I know that many farmers feel that they cannot aflord. to mtiiy the intellectual tastes of their funnies Now. I do not think that we have many farmers in this county so poor that they cannot set apart something for such a purpose. I! you are,- think over your business-is there not some neglected branch from which at resent yon derive no income 1' It may be a few hives o bees, a small orchard. an un- cultivated plot 0! land. or the poultry. Tell the boys and girls that whatever» they can make irom such a source may be theirs, to apply to the purchase of books, papers. music. etc.. and you will soon see that branch of the business is no longer neglected. and that the revenue therelrom is quite suï¬cient for the purpose. while the time spent upon it might other- wise have been spent in a less desirable manner. This alone will add much to the interest ycur tamily take in the farm, and that interest usually results proï¬tably. while increased knowledge will in- crease the interest, the pleasure, “and call! the proï¬t, for it IS a pleasure to watch the unloidinz o! the leaves or the development ol‘a plant when we comprehend in some-measurethe causes which pro- duced those results. With what interest we note the variations in animals anal plants, and trace out link by link the vendetta! manner by which every living creature is rotted the one to the other. t .It also reconciles them to their work. forever m... m om Wllu u: can. wvn-, â€"â€"--â€" penned Doom 10.1th on I In a.†J â€a m vhich‘ I: use; v\ “ugh"--. , »n abundmtly. for the mterid mics, but too often thay stop lothimz tor the soc'ml name at We know tint open thge is no L-_ LL- Eimï¬ï¬Ã©â€˜ï¬ ERR} an. and the amusement: ‘* THE OAK. - .Jn“. dim Bios. Mr. D. J. Menu-val eeld m paper wee a very excellent one In many rupee", but was open to very notion! eetlone. He thought the view taken the so called change at feeling was seelmtetle. end not true of the county of [atom nu en rate. The farmer should derive his chief p are {rem studying subjects petxnlnlng to Me “n -‘ ---‘h-I- of other The tumor enema uenvv u. v...â€" ,--_, from studying subjects petxoining to hi5 calling. us was true of members of atlas; A prctoaaions. In his opinion Mr. san'g pupa-j 93 91312113. and he hoped to §3n'a war was awosdy on. um us my-.. _- woul see m: to :1: fly to. Mr. Manu. said 1; "91933" impossi- un \n ï¬n. " iii; Manu. ma it was my; up... ble In a short paper to dwell upan nne shades of difference. What was to was the elevation at farm work rum msre _ . . ,AA“-“-.‘ .f'nl't, Thm was the 0161qu011 on nu... "--_ __ -7 tell otusl effort. There drudgery into in e were narrowing tendencies surrounding lite on the farm, and n mans soul woul speedily warp unless he took some inter- est in what we: going on about him. Be as a farmer felt fully the equnl of any doo- tor or lawyer; each should understand his own business. but be nhle to meet on discuss literature or any other subject in common. - Mr. McIntyre said he agreed entirely with Mr. McN sill. and woe sppy to have provoked his remrhs. Mr. T. Fee approved 0! every mrd 0: Mr. Davidson’s paperâ€"he did not a section in Cmsdo where there is more bad feeling csused by religious differences than the in township Mr. Dnidson osme tram. ‘ ____ A .. “VIII. Cries of “No. no.†son racrs moor rnnrr onowma. Mr. A. McNmn, oi Windsor, was the next speaker, his subject being “Fruit growing as a specialty. or with general farming." He classed trait growing as a difï¬cult occupation, and said that of late years the specialists had lost money; he knew of one man who had made 83,†clear of 75 acres. but that was an excep- tional case indeed. He could readily understand. however, that a man with a few acres in strawberries and rae berries on the borders of a town like indsay might make more money than it he devot- ed the land to any other purpose. Very growing fruii; they should at least grow enough oi the various kindstosupply their own family. He generally e a tour through the country on his bio ole every summer. and was surprised at e number oi farmers who no eoted to raise fruit and vegetables for t e home table. There would be very little trouble in doing so it they would arrange the plots so that they ' - " ' ‘- ‘-â€"‘ I-Aâ€"A uni-AP, “a hnd Rev. Canon Richardson, London, out. Sends a Record of With Peopie Restored to Health by Ryckman’s Kootenay Cure. S. S. Ryckmen Medicine 00.. Hamilton. Ont, Dun Sms.â€"I take much esticteotion in sending you this record concerning per- sons living in London who have used “Kootency Cure," and with whom I have had pzraouel interviews and cm vouch {or their etetemeutey Mr. C. B. Humil ogad 32, a miller. end highly reepeo citizen, was troubled with sciatic: of a. very aggravated type for over twelve yeere. He began tekin your medicine last spring andhespng ged entire freedom from __a_ -.._ annfnml (f than†“U" Kale-cu van-“v _--_-_ p;in and does not suffer any symptoms cf the troublesome disorder. Mrs. Sarah Btu-dick, axed 63. widow, hes been hr seven years c victim at eczema. She was uneh‘e to wear her clothes and Mend- had to wait on her as on 3 child. She begun to tcke ycur medicine last Much an is now without a blemish on her body. Eight hottlee of the medicine cured the disease that was thought to he inenrehie. Amcet astonishin cure is that of Mr. Patrick Ryder. 70. e retired farmer, well and fevmb known. He wee amtcted with iota-mutant Memorial Church Rectum. PERSONAL INTERVIEWS 17 FIRST pmzz MEDALS. Lennon. Sept. 29. maxim-11 a 00- nocaas'rnn. N. Y. Rom! EerWh'" ' ' ' 31}! Gold robnoco. mutt. Plus. The crown lends depuunsne wlu seed sssoenss Nassau-attenuate exemlns into the value end trees of the pine torescs exlsungnorm o! Lune Wm mine. with I View to throwinaepsn the d to miners. The land bu never balm opened to prospectors. but It I: new the: vslnsble miners! deposits sre so be Land In page of this now forest-covered seen. The reason for thla ls thee the man's my ï¬re oleen endangers the p end extensive ares hsve been traced to tbls Oatmh n‘Oll'l (nan pu‘uuuuu nu... -.._-_,_ Co. as an mutation. Mr. Maiaâ€"1117511! they are most makers In tbs main. but u the cape guns gheg null!†every portion of __ .A...‘ ---Innl nin- would 00"!qu a swan wâ€" Mr. Thor. Robertson. of Dunetord. eeid he bed just returned tram ettending the m stock show end other meetings et Guelph, end his heed wee like e boy's pocketâ€"full of miscellaneous things pick~ «1:! while ewey by listening to e number at dresses on verioue subjects. He liked Mr. MoNeili’s remarks beceuse he had edvoceted emp‘oying more lebor. As it is now. e tsrmer hires e men for ï¬ve or six month. end then he hes to go elsewhere: yeers ego thet men could to the shentiee for the winter-now the ebenties ere ton fer ewey. end the result is thet the best at the men go to the Sum. while the others to towns end villegee end work tor their coming beck to the term perhepe ; none the better for whet they bed seen end heerd. To remedy this Mr. Robert- son strongly sdvleed termers to keep the men during the winter; meuy of. them would stey for their Mr. Thor. Bsell esid Mr. McNeili'e ed- dress should heve e good eflec: ; every tsrmer should grow fruit end here e veriety oi the diflerent kinds. There wes but one my to prevent en over-snpoly o! ‘ eeriy fruit, end thet wee to top-grett the ; trees with winter kinds. It wee true that the English market wes lutted, but it we: with epplee thet ebou d never hove been sent there ; there wee e good demend for the right kind, end he knew of men who bed sold thoueende oi berrele et trcm 12 to 163. sterling. end one veriety hed commended 324. Fermers who would not t ~greit should dig up their trees. essrs B. J. Sweyne end Thee. Fee cell ed ettention to the difï¬culty experienced in getting reliable trees tram nursery n te. 1‘. Davidson irquired it the proposed cold storage system would no: baneiit the apple trede. Mr. Basil eeld Mr. McNelll could enswer tbet question bestâ€"it would no doubt teke time to perfect such e system. He could eeLthst he bed heerdegrsud 4-â€" ‘L- n-A-lnlll “k He could so that ne nsu noun-N..- address at gstcn the previous week from Mr. Fisher, Dominion minister of grafting expsrlenae, and said large trees could be topgratted successfully. As to poor stock, the great trouble is that [ar- mers deal with unreliable agents and will not give a fair price. Mr. McNeiil said such ï¬rms should be exposed, and he had sometimes thought the agents should be compelled to pays license. At any rate, he would advise farmers not to buy trait from any agent whohas no stake in the community. Mr. Fee said he had ordered 400 trees from a leading nursery man personally, and still he had been “0am b).z‘.ed'; he had been advised to sue tor $500 damages. In his opinion grated apples were not iirst class. Mr. Basil pointed out that cold storm could not impart improved keeping quali- ‘- ties to apples. Mr. Davidson said it was impossible to get a price for good fruit. owing tothe market being swamped ‘with windfalls. The meeting then adjourned till 73). Mr. Three Rivers. Que.. Dec..12.â€"A suspect» did one of leprosy In In this city. udtho aflonwlththoinmnta. Two doctors visited the â€dent tor the â€condortmmume.nd1mvmtttu ngenuhomeotmtwmm motthedocmlnuttemncebeln‘! manna-Luann: hemdethe - manual-boot. whoantt «nonhuman the laundry nu! mmmqu Bundleuflrbo g2 mwhgdgec irhx mama non woma- 1.323032 11' runs â€nu. fé'ont'inued oi Me ton.) Oom- Relieved ‘n 10 to not 99th my :- â€cumin: outta" w V w m unï¬t-‘3 N rlo mu; % £1.05 1 madman: “tiâ€"mm! II I WU“ quot“ t! ’10 “5" WM mm .“flf‘fi‘â€. 3‘2 DIVulâ€"qu â€"â€"-_ ales n- rted.â€"â€"Stnlxhi' loner: mu at Toronto mums: Branâ€"Trig 1131;: an; prices unchnnged. Bran u gogoed 1: 87.50 west, end short: It 89 to What-There II t we marker. with nther better teelln . and white are quoted at 82c on d . No. 1 Manitoba bud I: quoted at We. Toronto freight. end st 30c. am. For: anun. umâ€"wâ€"___,, Buckwheatâ€"The make: in dull uud nomi- nul ut 2899 to 29¢. Eulaâ€"Trude dull. there being little do- mud. No. 1 is quoted at 81c and So. 2 at 37c outside. and teed burley at 20c to 21¢. Gnuâ€"Market is ulet and prices un- Whlte so outside at 18c. and quoted at 17c went. Peaâ€"Trade quiet and price: unchanged ut 40c. north und west. Byeâ€"The market in steady. with sales It 84c to 85¢ outside west. Cornâ€"Tho market In dull. will: new yel- low outing at me out-Mo und old ut 27o to ï¬e BRITISH MARKETS. Liverpool. Dec. 12â€"81) when. 6: 8 up 6. 9554- red. no utockgmgo. 1 (Jul... 755:?! ; allow. up Li galâ€"CW h x n r '9 W (‘I nu; ulum Inn at 6: 7 for .. Gs 53,41 to: .l:ln.. In 3am tor glam 6- 91! (or nun-ii. ’ h- “-4- “and! 43. ga- um. 20: 80: noon. . 0d- (10.. llxht. 28!“ 'c 645 “now. mood :cieece. W‘ cred. 51!- Ll'e twpâ€"Cl 'hPfl! “m â€293 an ad tor l).t lad 00:53:! mg Male: 8% â€tn M May. Ind at $9 to .50. Wheatâ€"There la a quiet market. with rather better feeling at cloee of day. Bed sold at 80c outside early and at 81c in the afternoon. White is quoted at 82c. No. 1 hianitoha hard is quoted at Tomato freight. and at we. afloat. Fort lllam. Buckwheatâ€"The market is dull and non!- nal at 28c to 29¢. Barleyâ€"Trade dull. there being little de- mand. No. 1 is quoted at 31c and No. 2 at 27c outside. and feed barley at 20c to 21c. Oatsâ€"Market is quiet and prices wonk. White aold outside at 18c. and mixed quot. ed at 17c west. Peanâ€"‘i‘rade quiet and prices unchanged at 40c. north and west. Byeâ€"The market is steady. with sales It 86c outside west. Cornâ€"The market is m with new yel- low oflcring at 28c ou TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. The on‘erlngs were about 40 car loads. including wha was left over from yesterday. The demand tor cattle is only moderate. A few ship cold at 356C to c. while choice is nominal at 4c. '1‘ e entering! o! butchers‘ cattle were chiefly of interior quail . with sales at 1 c to 2%c a: lb. '1‘ best butchers d at lie to per lb. Milch cows sell go? to $40 each and calves at 84 to :9 Sheep and lambs in fair sugply and prices are unchanged. Export s sold at So not lb. and bucks at 25%. mhe are etea . there being nice at 3Kc to 39% net I - Hogs in libel-ll up and prices un- changed. Thehestsod at ctoecsgzr lb..__weighed oi;__ears. thick sts et at: -‘- -A nahâ€"n at QSMG Flourâ€"The _ market 1- dull. with n_-_n_LL _I.A- an. LIV 1. Dee. ILLâ€"Spring wheat, 60 M E: 9‘43: ‘ “22°16°.f".....1: "°' Lï¬a‘a 7’ â€3?. 4| ' co ; ’ ; mr 48. 9d: ind. 0d; bacon. .c.. beam". 29: 0d: (10.. light. 280 0d- 60.. I.c.. heavy, 200 6d' allow. 18. ea; choc-e. white und col- London â€" Openlnx â€" What on so weak and outly 3d lower. Eng“ coun- try mar-ken wank. mm on me nth- er outer. ‘ L! not wheat dull: future. ":0ng t It 8. for Doc" 6: 654.4 for an" 6. for F». and a. 'a d for lurch. nun. hung at 25 9594 for 111.. Feb. and Much and for . Flour 260- 3d. 94 mmâ€" 119:: . 40c for Jan. Flour A Granville County In w zu- madâ€"mun tiara-Oil‘- airman-«Mind», mouTm_ market .1: quiet. n*- AL .‘I'._ 3'5. “when 21: oceâ€" ‘ m m for Jun. 6°C for ‘4 WJLLurs-wu PARKER IN TROUBLE. Wk lllllll. mmm I 0303'†1‘ sun. BRITISH MARKETS. at. when! arm: futum or 0‘68 5, d {M ..l:lu .. (or Munch. atorDec .. “are and M10:- Jun. an -Whett on pan-age 3d mgeq qulot and 1:. m1; - 1pc firm It 21! 75C for Jan: r, now: u't 2%0 ‘I ¢-pv»- -â€" A genuine shay-story ha yet to b-‘ blood ‘ Tu: Cuuouu Post. Mos“ on not no a "napalm†“- - | Gill which has n astonished and wide circa ‘1‘:ng umï¬Ã©:rtg’gg‘t$igg, l lotion. Something that has taken your: to bulk: up' tonic fluent!" in phi-my. It stoodl Alone at the W0! ld'l Fair. 1 6 >2-__ ‘ ï¬-n-Qiflnmflh TR, A Mombuotchommmox 3am: "I: “ I hue mined Scottie Emulsion In Consumption. ad even when the digestive powgnr were weak Icahn been tollovxod '12)] ,,,.-- n n V-nquc HOOD’S PILLS are gm been swer- dlnoor 001: “also (ligation. can head- ooho. 25 mm. mun-umooopuï¬- ! pol-Ion who In deprived of outdoor oh nacho. should coke Miller's Com- pound Iron Pun. They hoop the bowel: [or ond me up the non-vote â€Item. "I! 50 doses. 25 cents. Th2 001:de the-5w â€hool- number 636 «Mont-o The wmmmm In Pacnm'n Painles- Oota Extractor. Rapid. adult“; m action human! to :1! who have tried 11:. me] gottlu rid of plum onus In cmtzoocm Influenti- mu- bun. "Pumun’u dealt. It in no wonder that tab bun. which are not the am mp9 .3 the boot. should I. uncomfombio. "comma. my toemploy skilled puncm makers but the result b l m M. Each ya; H“ d u raw LII I“ a: ;u.' wad-m They Flt the Boot hilt-diod- Ta: “is: swurr Mm. 60.. um. - for 8510 by W. G. WOODS. Lindsay. VARIBTIES ‘3“ glue but gum:- W!†Jamey §m~vt Mfg. 0 .-‘ annua- hum-dam N 0m»: {2% Don’t Draw the Feet ,t to his A Red-Letter Year for 1897 The out!†nmltyot mug of the plun turn!!! was» Pot bounce, the Ierteu aewed h «m u soon by 99:51“ Dglg Gibson." 3 It .7 mm. In a. mu! space m CH A ‘5. a! MW: {awn-I Lu 15.7. . nut. M on n-quv-ot Sum. “â€0300 Iyoar25com (saunas 803.158}? EB‘S SCRIBNER’S MAGAZINE. New Ad vertzsemen t8. Your Money'- Wont A‘lur‘ise [n Tu Canon: Pop. SWEET nut mace W “ uni-ï¬ve tawn- (or 13‘7- Iflm hu M’PNPM- ‘ D. . IF YOU WANT 3w25conu a mention ballad ww' ' 7' ‘1“ “vice for any Wu (Cormpnndenm' < NOTE~.â€"Il 5V Ind d l ucbe m mist! ‘ mes of Bobcayl m the sen leesl H2. 13:!) inst. Mr. .- pleaaing :ddresu l ....R:v. Mr. I the lethcdlst chm-cl on Dnvlo'a sin 10 ...... Thanks to of managers, the .hed is completed a metal piece of workmsl mâ€"The weacbel “nilâ€"no snow and e: ,n.... â€"-n ant-n “u! will: to lnteres’ so _777â€".â€" I’m-l"! l‘vu â€" vv In! J. Mom"). fuel! dugâ€"Olive Crown. 51 newt]. MW- â€"0 Plaidâ€. “0‘.“‘M‘u Turner. Sr. Dt “"5 Buss“ Ponick and ("In“). Halon Crone! gqg‘l), Mosaic 5"!†; would. P» 1-K" L at. . a Blood L -..re ‘ ache blood.B P1 â€d. FemaleR ‘n â€I w. mama); Bel “0:“ euro perm u-nvon' a Climb â€R.“ P913484 NT M u mg. R:rowr.-Tl a“ month at Noveml o! m pupils in th - Fifth classâ€"- . Willem: WM mull Endloott. W Thu-ton. B men S): 4m E :dloott . A: Eamon. Wilfred E4 Minnie Eadloott, Sal Greer L'uh Ruben to». flout Thurston 3A.. Reï¬ned . Mock)! dutcâ€" .me 1%? [Corrupondcn LP-OIAL.â€"Mr. . â€t We have nulls. M to 3!. gun 08f! W’l’ur‘ge. P! H- C Ktoney .m back. loin tune! discuss, m’. Heudnche ; Hen th pox Nous. -- I aw Memo! I.“ Sunday I? excellant‘ Hill! a?! E.“ In the? Al‘ were flanadi Dyw BO YAL_ ’oug BUSEI) DUN: N EVV; ‘nu r. n! FBIDA a “D. to that-e GR El ND!