cm, loudly. t5. La two 0cm“ n- aminstmga" “.‘I or 101' m“ WW (1 V1052... |, Our. requite« mutation anything wens are out rack, Lox pro- 16 and it r. Fully Pot 5116“, n I :11 extra nth mica. cooking Italogueo {93‘1â€} In: ember; .01‘18 m: 1565! .5 1 '1'}..- 0) [0N anta- mm ,3 10999“ â€Siuhiyjon's Cold Cure prevents pneumosm and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Pric3. 25:. Mueyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and spas?- ily heals the lungs. Price, 25c. Muayon'a Kidney Care speedily cures mflna in the back. loins or; groitgï¬nd all Many-en's Kidney Care speeuuy quuo pains in the back, loins or facing, and all ï¬rms of kidney disease. Pzice, 290. )Ianyon'a Headache Cure stops heed- acbe in three minutes. Prlce, 203. Mnayon‘ 4 Pile Ointment paslsively cares all forms of pi‘xe=. Price, 253. Munyon’s Bleed Care eradicates all im. purities of the bleed. Price, 25‘. Mflnyon’s Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon’s Asthma. Remedies relieve in 3 mir utee 21:38. sure p; rg‘mnently. Price, $1 0 A 19-- _-_-.. JAE} n“! uhuu uuu yunv yr-..-__-____,, Munyon’s Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Cstarrh Cureâ€"price, 25?.â€"eradleates the disease from the system, and the Ca- mrh Tabletsâ€"price, Ziaâ€"cleanse and heal the pgrtgz n,A- l- A â€"-_Jn-'nl John Kirkland, 82 Wyeth evenne, Toronto, “ya :-â€""For 19 months I snfl'ered mm dyspeps‘lti and liver com ' t it so â€mg 3 nature as to be eons! ered ioonr- pie by no: in general and special physicians. â€do! ya was given up so hopeless. Am: a ahort treatment by Munyon'e Bgmedieé i found myself entirely free from pain. Md vomiting, and am able to well, will the exaeption of a little .veaknese. i feel as well as before my gou'sles began, and can conï¬dently and with are»: pleasure r. commend Munyon's Remedies to all who are elm‘hrly emoted.†)1'1-13 sn’s Rneumatism Cure seldom tails ngiieve in one to three hours, and cures msfew days. Prize, 25c. Junyon’s Dyzpepaia. Cure positively cures all forms or indigestion and stomach unable. Pricc.252. )iunyon‘s Cold Cure prevents pneumonia m. new“ no a. cold in a few hours. new Luv you. “n Munyon’s Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price, 25c. Mungon’s Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Price, 51. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggiats. mostly 25:. a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 and 13 Albert-30., Toronto. answered with free med ical advice for any disease. One on the Bishop. A good cricket story is told of the late bistp of Rmhester. He was batting in a heal cricket match, when the bowler sent shall very wide of the wicker. “Keep the ball in the parish I†cried the irasclble bishop. The nex's ball knocked his lord- ship‘s middle stamp out. The yokel shouted : "I thihk‘that's somewhere about A Granu. arm; a»... -_-__-e With Heart Disease and Wlns a. Glorious Victory With the Aid of Dr. Agnew 3 Cure for the Heart. “Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart can not be over estimated,†says H. M. Musel man, a well-known G.A.R. man. of Weiss- porr, Pa., and he continues: “My ailments wet: pxlpicaticn and fluttering ot the heart. I used two bottles of your valuable cure and feel like a new man. I have taken bottles and bottles of ether medi- cines without help. I introduce it to my _______ n.1,. To. DOCTO R ngou Are Sick Ask Your Druggist for Munyon’s Guide to Healthâ€"Buy 25-Cent Munyon Remedy and Cure Yourself. (anus vv neu- ;â€"v _ Fr friends at. every oep2rtunity possible. It is a great medicine. Icslde of 30 minutes after the ï¬rst dose I had relief." Sald by A. Higinbotham. ’Talk orthe Queen "Inning Ireland Next h-ar In Connection With Celebrations. Lundnn, Dec. 4,â€"According to a Dub- 13:. wn-wszmndom of The Daily News. thz-z‘c is talk of Que-en Victoria. visiting Ir :und in 1897 in connection with the cmmrutinvs over her reign having 2-» emu-d the longest period of any Engâ€" Improved Hoincnopathic Rem- edies Combine the Best in All Systems. 31in- ‘ï¬ï¬‚ï¬iaiau East. l're~!dcnt of “bu-la Dead IAxruuï¬l, Dec. 4.â€"Ad\'ices received 111 n. to- -day from Liberia announce that the President of that Republ? c, 3 >1 ph (‘hoosemam (lied on .\0V.11. Vice-P1251111 111 Coleman \\ as 'mau- gurated as President on Nov. 13. Kinda!) students .trrmml. London r-11.4.-.1 dwpatch from .\ln~u>'..' to The Stand 1d says that. the autinriu- s ‘111-19 frustrated an at- tomhul 512111 1115 demnnstration in 111.1111. rv m the tcz‘ribl- Hodinskv ‘ Tater last vow, “hen hundl'EdS \ en killed in the stam- '1. LINDSAY, FRIDAY. DEC. 11, 3° T12- Szandard reports that an En:- fh \Vnman named Annie Ilett has 3991: sentenced to a. year’s imprison- “! With hard labor, for tax-gang clâ€(mes in November, 1895. on a. letter “Credit and a cheque book, which was Men from a. Mrs. Parsons on a. ‘70:?- m from New York to Gibraltar, by a 513211 traveling with the Ilett woman. ' 9 pair afterwards traveled on the can’tment, uttering forged cheques. he man has. disap . Grand_ArqwmÂ¥ï¬-°:2§.-°’°%w§.‘i§°;ds mu wag Pammv ?~______ [8 Most Obstinate Gases Where All Other Remedies Fail. J'. 13:; distribution of th: sou- :111‘25 nr Ihc Czu's automation. ‘ --:‘... I ï¬xation was prevented by A. a hundred of tho ringleaders Nursing of the cemetery where . thus were buried by troops. \‘u Hope for Dreyfus 3: Dec. 4.â€"The Committee of Pe- has rejected the petition of T'ri-yfus for a. fresh trial of her ml. Captain Alfred Dreyqu. who .z-ummed out of the French army nviction as a. spy. and who was on 1.39 Du Diable, of! the coast GENERAL CA BLE NE as. Menthol Plaster. 0L0 WAR HORSE. “w“..wwmmnwl .00.â€...OO: Davis (rim 06-. Ltd. Sole Propdcton, Mom YOURSELF. iNEWSFRoM 0mm Inland Revenue Department on Adulteration. J “118 AND JELLIBS THE WORST 01 the Whole mdupeople have gee- I-‘nlrly flauntâ€"Maple syrup Found to be Mixed With Clawâ€"no Muddy Blankets Sand“â€" Penonal and other Notes. Ottawa. Dec. 7.â€"(Specla.l)â€"-'1‘he ann- ual report of the Inland Revenue De- partment regarding the adulteratlon of food has been published and was dls- tributed toâ€"day. Out of 1265 samples analyzed only 105, gr barely 9 per cent. 0! the whole have been found to b: adulterated. J ms and Jellles were the worst. adultersted or all the samples ,‘_l_..l 96 were adulterated. Mn BENJ Scorr. Van Horn. Ont , says: “My heart caused me great uneasiness, my appetite failed and [became very weak and discouraged. Mlller’s Compound lron Pllls made me all right; I feel well and strong.†Great Britain has 85,030 teachers. More Cure-ave Power Is contained in a bottle or Hood’s Salesp- arilla than In any other similar prepara- tion. It costs the proprietor and the mazufacmrer more. Ih costs the j)bber more and it is worth more to the custom- er. It has a record of cures unknown to any other [reparation It 1-) the bvst to buy bzcause it Is the One True Blo:d Puriï¬er. A Member of the Ontarla. Board or Health says: “ I have preserlbed Scout’s Emulsion in Caneumption, and even when the digestive p0 were were week It has been followed by good resales. ’ H P. YEOMAxs, A. B., ruse: mi Itching Plan. SYMPromsâ€"MJisture; intense itching and stinging, most at night; worse by scratching. I: {showed to continue tumors farm. which cfzen bleed and ulcentr, becommg very sore. swnnm's 0m- mm'r stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration. and In most cases removes the tumcrs At druggiets, or by mail. for 50 cent-s. Dz Swa ne Son, Phflnddphb. Lyman, Soac 0., Montreal, Wholeaxlz gents. emigrants on the vaia. a. few months ago. He has never received a letter. and is very anxious as to their position. ‘ The city bakers have decided $50 charge more for their bread, and to- day four-pou::d haves went up one cent, making ordinary bread 11 cents and white 12 cents pec- loaf. The commissioner a;p.inted to in- vest'gate the conduct u: John Crowe, IndLm agent on the Sai‘g en Reserve, Bruce County. Ontario, has made his report to the Government. Mr. Crowe is shown by evidence 1:4 hav. been a. very actiVe politixaï¬ agent, and to have relieved the Indians from paying timber dues in retum f . this suLpomt 1n the elecgï¬on.“ I} is sxid Imam M-r. 77A; Crowe wzu be dismissed. Mr. Inva‘gne, M. P., the Premier’s law partner, will Shortly resign from the Commcns and be appointed to the Supreme Court judge-hip in the Ot- tawa and Pontiac district. now held by Judge Mamiat. who is to be super- an-nuated on account or failing eye- sight. A report is current that all new EP- pointmegms tame civil service are be- _L Lâ€" ‘kï¬ marlu‘m of :‘y r's Pills, bagâ€"gâ€" composed of the essential v’r ues of the best vegetable nperientr, without any of the woody or ï¬brous material wheï¬ever. is the reason _- -_- _ m...u.... and nfltouu [HDDUIMIL "gum“--. .. v_- _--,, why they are so much more effective and valuable than any other czthartics. The beat funny physio. po’munwlw Lv mu: wâ€. flag made subject to the provisions of the Civil Service and Superannuation Amcnding Acts of next session. One of the Ministers. on being asked about the report ‘to-night, While not admin- ting i-ts accuracy, said there was much It com-mend it. Hon. Sydney Fisher was in Cornwall to-d-ay. He will be in Guelph to-mor- row and \\'i1_1_re~madn there three days. Grand Rapids, Mich" Dec. 5.â€"1"rank and George Kingston, brothers, of Ionia, were convicted in the United States Court this afternmn of counterfeiting. A box con- taining 21 complete counterfeiting outï¬t. gress and all. was found in their possession. ut both swore they were entirely ignorant of its contents, and that It was '41 job put n b 6:} thein. Who I“ a Very Interesting I'll-e m to Sneak Acton Into Uncle Sal-‘- Territory. Niagara Falls, Ont. Dec. 6.-(Speclal.)â€" Three young tramps. hallln; from Dr. Bu- nardo’s Home, and placed in the are of o tanner near Bellevllleyhue been bottling unmet the world and the once:- of the low about Nlagan Fell: tortheput two days. Yesterday they succeeded in getting acres: the border. and spezgwthe day look- 2" SEE-1709' 'inilk fastened to me “tr-nu was. of the Dr! ge. When about half way act-cu. mun: waters or the Whlr l Rapids. 210 feet below. the trio lost 911’ nerve, tnd‘nrter .7 untied but natal to There are 600 coilege prolessors in my. The continent of Australin contains 13,29) teachers. Little Switmxand was: 0! 117002503011. THREE BARNARDO BOYS Convicted of Counterfeiting. Out. of 155 VARIBTIES. attention THE ~Rat Portage. on. Dec. 6.â€"-(8pecinL)- General Wilkinson. managing director 0! the Regina Gold Mining Company. White- flsh Bay, Lake of the Woods. arrived in town from the mine this evening. A rich strike was made on his mine on Thursday in the third level. The assay shOWed a value or $92 to the ton. and the indica- tions are that the vein will widen and assay even higher as the work of develop- ment progresses. The main chart has reached a depth of 207 feet. and the vein has widened to six feet. The new cyanide plant for the treatment of concentrates has Just been brought into operation. and the work of. developing the Re is be!“ pushed. The General broug t with him two gold bricks. the result of two week! ‘work. The “hole eirorts of the maneuv- ment or the Regina are being given to development. and the 'out at a gold is merely the result of crus ing the quart! General Wilkinson-Arrives a! In Portage Bulging Two Gold Bricks. the le- tnlt of Two Week.‘ In. Saved From Certain Death. Paine’sflCelery Compound Renews Another Life. Twelve Years’ Work of Medical Men Did Net Effect a Cure. Kidney Disease f urely and Per- manently Beniehed by Paine’e Celery Gompcund. A terrible rtccrd cf snflcn ing and misery! Twelve yearsï¬a. martyr to kidney disease and other serious ailments! Money spent for medical attendance and a vest variety of patent medicines, and no cure! ~ g, -1_.___- -4] vâ€" râ€""â€" , Such disappointments and failures, add ed to} physical and mental agonies, were sufï¬cient to drive many a suflerer to the urge “insanity. Deliverance from sufl'ering and disease was long and earnestly prayed for, and a kind Providence directed a friend of th: suffering ladyto advise her to make trial of Paine’s Celery Compound. It was used. There were no blank disappointments; no vain experiments; no waste of hard earned money. Relief and cure came to cladden the soul. Mrs. George Stone, cf Eganville, Oat., writes about her case as foile‘we : “For more than twelve. years I was af- flicted with kidney. stomach and female troubles, and had been attended by ï¬ve doctors, and tried medicine after medicine, without any good results. “My sufferings a year ago from the kid- neys and stomach were dreadful. I was in such a state that I thought I could not live, and concluded there was no use tr;- ing other medicines. “I was advised, however, to try Paine'e Celery Compound, and ï¬nally decided to give it a fair trial. Before I had ï¬nished the ï¬rst bottle I had improved very much. and after the use of a few more bottles I had not been so well for long years, and am now altogether a difl‘erent person. The use of Paine’s Celery Compcund also banished my nervousness. I can therefore recommend Paine’s Celery Compound to - LA __ -L-_-AL WWII: luv-au- .â€" .â€" any one suffering from kidney, stomach and famalo troublee." Dr. Agnew’s Ointment relieves In one day and cures tetter, salt rhenm, piles, scald head, exzsms, barber' Itch, ulcerf, blotches and all empiions ot the skin. I: Is soothing and quieurg and note llke magic In the cure of all baby human; 35 cents. SJld by A. Elglnbothnm. Thanksgiving Letter. L Brother of the Ex-niulstrr of Flume. Fell Downstairs at 5 "etc! In Moucton and Is Dead. Monoton, N. 3., Dec. 6.â€"A very sad fatality occurred here to-night. the victim being Harry Foster. brother at Hon. G. E. Foster, eat-Minister a! Finance. It appears that Mr. Foster called at the Brunswick Hotel thi: a1- ternoon shortly after 1 o'clock and called at the room or two friends. He remained there an hour or so and. leaving his companions, descended the stairs leading to the ofï¬ce. When about four steps from the bottom he slipped and tell to the floor. He was picked up by the proprietor, carried into the private ofï¬ce and medical aid summoned. It was tound that the skull was fractured. Five hours a:- ter the accident he died in the presence of his family. It is understood that deceased had $5000 insurance on his lite in tavor or his wife. In. Richard India of Shallow mo Killed Ilenelr While Menu“: Unwind. Owen Sound. Dec. 6.-(Speclal.)â€"On Wed- nesday evenin last Mrs. Richard Hawk. of Shallow La e, 10 miles from here, wife of a shingle miller of that village, took a large dose of paris green. from the effects of which she died on Thursday. The un- fortunate woman was in an unsound mental condition when she administered to herself the drug, and had been known to he so for some time back. Drs. Maehell of Owen Sound and Campbell of Hepworth were call- ed in as soon as possible after the fact was known, but were unable to do anything to save her life. She was about >15 years old, and leaves a family. Bombay, Dec. 4.-â€"T'he lubonic plague. ha which has been prevalent among t - natives here, with fatal effect in a ma- jority of cases, has now spread to the Europeans. several of who ‘ ‘ from the disease. IIGHING, BURNING SKIN DISEASES GUNED FOR 35 CENTS. Winner Murdered nu Wife While Nell- lulled let Babies. Richmond. 110.. Dec. 5.411 weeks ago this little place was startled by the discovery of the dead bodies or Mm- Jessle Win- ner and her two little children in their cabin on the outskirts 01W Suspicion attached to the h as the murderer and he was arrested. To-doy Maggie m, a. woman with whom he was intimate. made this con- fession: “021 the night of the murder Winner. Con Lackey end Jim Nelson took a. hm helm to Mr. Hubbdl and held the horse while Winner With wife and Nelson killed the child- ' ’cEYLON TEA. It is the Most Delicious ot allfl'eas B‘UUD NEWS PR8! REGINA- â€OTHER AND CHILDREN KILLER HARRY FOSTER KILLED. TOOK PARIS GREEN. FOB." GENTS ISI'I' Illflll MIEI You HAVE IT, But it will buy a pound of Brown “LU DELLA†ho hum» (button the lulu?! W â€mm-8 Chill-u. . ger aye that the Emperor paid a. visit last evening to the Hanover main: School. where he addressed the younz omcere. His way in the course or his remarks deplored the act of Lieut. Baron Von Bruewitz. who a short time ago avenged an insult by running a. civilian through with his sword in a. cute at (:arleruhe, and cau- tioned the ofï¬cers against doing any- thing to create antagonism between the ofllcer corps and the civilian class. Anyhow, he said. ofï¬cers would better not show any feeling of antagonism t0- werds civilians. The Lokai Anzelger publishes a. Oom- stantinople despatch. reporting that the Emperor and Empress of Germany will visit Jerusalem on Easter Sunday. 1897, to attend to the consecration of the Evangelical Church, built on the site given to the late Emperor Fred- erick by the Sultan. The despazch adds that the Bmpemr and Empress will then proceed to Cairo at the Km:- dive's invitation. lumbar; Strike Extends New to All the Work-ten in the lurker. Hamburg, Dec. 4.â€"The Strike Com- mittee has called out all or the Ham- burg Harbqr workmen. irrespective of the character of their employment. in order to assist the strikers. The men called out include the engineers. barge- men and others employed by the state and city. The action was taken. in re- sponse to an appeal from the strikers. as the result of the meetings held yes- terday. The course or the committee was approved by a. meeting or the workers. held subsequent to the issu~ ance of the order calling the men out. A! Antwerp. Antwerp, Dec. 4.â€"'111e dock laborers at this port are refusing to unload vessels coming from Hamburg and a. general strike or dockmen is imminent. After 30 Years of Rheumatism. Is Cured Completely by Bowmanvlue, Ont.. Dec. 6.â€"Thc annual thank-oflerlng towards the reduction or the debt on the Methodist Church took place here today with rent success. The hand- some sun of $1 11 was placed upon the plates. Rev. E. Roberts 0! Bellevllle. a former stator 01 the Old E.C. Church here. preache two very able sermons. RYOKMAII’S KOOTEIAY CUBE Dun 513,â€"! take log you a statement Rheumatism wlth I for over thirty {eul- 311v anmach mi}! Hammers. Aug. 10, 1896. Mr. S. S. Ryclrman. Hamilton, Ont. Dun Simâ€"I take great leaeure in gi' - log you a statement refusing my we of Rheumatism with wh eh I was afflicted for over thirty The pain had gradu- ally approach my breast and arrested me so much that I could not sleep on my left side. Another trouble I had was a kind of Dyspepsia, known as Gastric In ee- tlon, tum which I suflered eonsldera y. Ihad tobeveryguarded aetowhat late. otherwise I paid the penalty. .At present. sinae taking your valuable remedy, known as “Kootenay Cure," I am able to eat m meals without any bad elect and sleep t without any pain or bad feeling. 1: addition, let me add that my Rheu- matism was so bad at times that I could not move myself. I am nowlike a dimr- ent man and canseieutiousl recommend your medioin “Kootsnay re,†to any one snn’ering m Rheumatism or Stom- aeh Trouble. I am glad to have tonnd the Remedy and willingly furnhh you with this information that it may help others who are similarly eflll Wishing you success, I remain, Yours truly. (Signed) Growl Baum. Pastor at the Evanlrelieal Association. Residence, 146 Market Street. mung lone-en lane to Keep \chler‘s Troops Buy and Ten-In the People of lava-m New York, Dec. 5.â€"Among me pas- mmzers on the steamship Vigilance. fevoluflog "'71-sz ' 'iiictdent. a m Del. IL edtoloot am and THE BLESSING OF THE AGE. A Prominent ,Gennan Pastor When once used, always used. LEAD PACKETfl ONLY. BLACK OB MIXED FROM ALL GROCERS. INSURGENTD‘ ACT! I'IS. CALLED THEM ALL OFT. Medicine Is Universally Acknowledged to be inux AFFAIRS. They Gave over mm. CEYLON Ludgm IVQIDC. recon-eh. Ont†Dec. c-Tne unaw- mn round deed on the true! one mu. eat :twmhgobeï¬ognï¬beenldegm puen :- n o u’olt. his mother 3le full-mutton at us elothln; 1nd truce. round upon him. Coroner Rename nude- no balmuon 1n handing nudes over to his mother as ter Foreign my, III were presented to Prof. Boon n for m- ray ea. end to the Mom for m. an. French professor, cover-y o! the 1301:6011 ot the fluorine. but a “can. London Dec. Eâ€"Tho 'Brlulh name: In; Dam»- mm 02959112“. “795* Blood Humor: Manley’; And Then Turned the Revolver Upon Himself. TERRIBLE TRAGEDY AT [UNTRPAL You: Howell Rad m lean!!! Wool and the Girl's Pare-u lad the to. perm†Broke- OIâ€"Th.‘ Girl's “canal In '67 tit-nous. But like In! let-over. llontn-al. Dec. 6.â€"-(Spcclul.)â€"John Howell sho: Annie Slum thll morning at her homo. and then ompfled his its-(nllibre revolver Into 11h; own brain. dropping dead Insuntiy. Three or (our years ago Howell. who In about 27 years of age. bécame engaged to 3113: Sims. aged m. onugbter or James Sims. postomce clerk. and living at 234 St. Martin-street. or about three doors from the residence of her lover's father. Two years ago the young man contracted m- lxmal fever In New lexico. end his mind has been I0 considerably weakened since that the young WI anâ€: m ob tug-n. um... .vvâ€"â€"-u ,__v ,, Jected to her mm under the circum- stances. Howell. who was I We: by trade. had been to: some month: In New Haven, Com. m It appeal that In. sunnwrote binnhturnotlonsuoun- neat broken or. u a» lad decided M she could not become his . u .,,- An:â€" â€"Aâ€".-- “A nrflvï¬d h Indy and 1: Erin: [mg his run. _-_AA.I 801:1 by'A. “ma.“ «1 the a: lodged in near Q In 0 er ma. ngmmmllwï¬ed Shere- medlcal “tenants .1 dance for her recove . It ll believed that owe“ cum to Ian!- reIJon urposetokmllluslnc. 8h main muchutoeneduduuun Sunday 001 worker u: the m Bud-t VI» bl†.IIIIUâ€" â€"â€" 'â€"~-_ MY! Iveu uy nu- I‘l‘- v- _--_- _ _____ store ‘13:. him to 1mm. Yesterday nu Grace received the Int rites of the Roma Catholic Church. and taunt than who VIM the cannon, m Mndnne Fabâ€. used 81. who II on! 16 an om: than he! â€I. the W lb than. "‘ “‘ lontml. Dec. tâ€"(Spechl. )â€"AM It mun: hope. the Lulu-how I phyu have given _up a}! Idea or belnx able to“ no; _ L--I.L H...- CANCER OF THE LI YER. duet. ht w anuch rend. autumn 1.3-. Celery-let" u-mdublouwunu drab 1:: cute. but 1 :- hm! W ‘3 you would†cured at." '12. 00. I‘ll 0.3.... 0".†lm“m-tmomn Ol' 3 II the Id“! In- nic. A} “no. Fain Imus and I. Can- .“ Live long. Man Is.) ’5. km n93»!!! fllTCI'IELL'.‘ ORKHNAL KIDNEY PLASTERS The defeat. of Bryan the fr presidency of the United States, Canada, and business will be th1 FREE SILVER 0" THE RUN. of the fact that time flies ï¬ve ‘weeks, and we sha Allow us to Remind you Honda, Doc. 21“. . . . In Lead Packets only . . . Spednfly Selectedâ€"Black or Mixedâ€"Half Pound Packetsâ€"Ar A14. Gnoczxsâ€"zs, 3o, 40, so, and 60 o: TOWN PROPERTY Tut. DAVIDSON HAY. New Advortuomonu. UCTION SALE SPRATT KILLEN, Spam 4‘ Fuss .11 Iron Pounds:- 13 prep-nod to do 311 kinds 0 ’9 Casting and Foundry Work. Remix-lug of Imple mu Ind Inchlncry em. Setting-up Steam Engines 33 Baum. JOHN HAKINS lies as well as moneyâ€"four or 2 shall be preparing for a joyous ms. The thought may not yet have the fact is beyond question. reparing for the Holiday trade for nsekeepers who order their supplies no man best goods and service they K arms Tea. Jaw LTD.. WHOLESALE LINDSAY FOUNDRY. {flu and“ the better for it. fees, Sugars, Spices, Raisins, been carefully selected. No better qualities, and we’re counted reasonable. 6E0. MULLET‘I‘. ' AXE Romanâ€"I vi qua-in. lornsnyudfl" ‘ â€1. Dedwithtbomnkerin “whom-slur. Rpm. JOHN MAKINB. Cor. Peel and William-sts. ’Han i’ound and One Pound so, and 60 cents a pound. Manufacturing Fumer. FAMILY GROCERS ~““‘\v\-\W\ AGENTS. TORONT‘Z [Egg/x . m3 OLD STAND Nona