In this Department we oï¬'er you General _Grooeries that for freshness and variety are not excelled in this village. In TEAS and COFFEES we have superim values to ofl'er. Try our Blue Ribbon T08, it is ' N7 , ; excellent Our stock of Sugars, Raisins, Currants Lemon Peel, Spleen, Graham’ 3 Baking Powder, Honey, Biscuits, Canned Goods, latches, etc , is Inge and the quality ï¬rst-olIuâ€"thnt 1s Thanking you for your favor: in the put, and hoping continuance of your patmge,â€"Respectfully, w We earnestly solicit an early all. We are bound to dispose of this large stock as noon on possible. Come now while the stock is Inge, as you will have lots to choose from. Long evening: on on now and you wont to keep your toes worm. Our Stoves no modem and ottnctive in Man, Hmdsomely Crumb ed, Powerful Double Heston, Large and QuickWorking Ovens. Our Leaderâ€" What about a Stove? Bur tin and My) Groceries, Fine Teas and Onions Some of our lines: .Toys, Dolls, Picture Books, Dressing Cases, lanieure Setts in Celluloid, loath Organs, China Cups and. $941.99â€: u M) “I With en elegant a-ortment of the â€â€˜2 Newest, Prettiest end Bent Selection of ' Christmas Goods end Novelties. no. We are Body for the CHRISTHAS mun/t i9 We hove spa-ed no effort to meke our stock one of the most eta-active we have ever shown, and now that the goods ere here, end open for inspec- tion, we are more than pleeeed with the results. Before you buy it will be epleuuretonetoehowthenriougoodstoyou: Dry Goods, Millinery, Bhristmas Novelties, Gre- eeries, Breakery, Glassware, Patent Medicines, Hardware, Stores and Tinware. A visit to this store will convince you that our stock incomplete We offer a magniï¬cent range of New Goods for Fall and Winter. Our Christmas Stockï¬s extra large. True Merit in every article. Qualitquirst-elass everywhere. Prices are Reasonable. H. T. GRAHAM 80. leCLARY’S IODEL H.T. GRAHAM 8180., -â€"is a dandy. Our lammoth Stores are piled high with stocks of KINMOUNT, - (INT. KINMOUNT, EAVETROUGHING and TINSHITH WORK promptly attended to. Our Nickle-Plated m Ketfleé, Imperial Granitewm in Pots, Tea Pots. Coffee Pots, Sauoepans. Pudding Dishes, etc, are of the ï¬nest quality. replay. Guns and Ammunition always on hanct Our IILUNBRYâ€"You will be tickled when you see such a large stock of Ribbons, Lace and Mill- m__ay. The ‘7er latest styles to choose from. Our if“ I. Graham is in charge of this Department and will be pleascd to show you the goods. Coll 5'33 before going elsewhere, and we feel quite conï¬dent that we can satisfy you in any style you may wish to choose. __ In DRY GOODS we have a large assortment of Men’s and Ladies’ Underwear, Dxess Shirts, Neckties, Hosiery, Gloves, Flannela. Flannel Shirt. ings, Yarns, etc. We have some of the ï¬nest qualities and but values it has evbr been our pleasure to oï¬'er. stock of HARDWARE and TINWARE is Guha. co. plea You will ï¬nd in this Deput- ment something nice and suitsbls for Christmas Presents. WARE we we ofering some excellent lines. such as Lamp Goods, Hug. ins Lamps. Chamber Seize, Ect- Tlme Glassware, such as Water Pitchers, Celery Glasses, Cake Plates, Square and Bound Nap In CROCKBRY and GLASS- ONT. receive 3 There has been considerable diffi- culty in this part of the Dominion in ‘ getting at the true condition of afluirs in the West. experienced travellers and men whose facilities of observation and ability to Judge make their (pinion worthy of every coneideration, ditlerâ€" inc widely in their estimate of the ï¬nal outcome of the harvest. One has declared that the nine 01 the [net few weeks have ruined fully titty per cent. 9,1 the crqae, while “ï¬ber annex-ts that the built of the crq'swre housed be- fore the rain came and that the damage is no inmterial, that this year's crops will exceed that of any previous sea.- aomc Probably both views are some- what exaggerated. There some to be ‘ little doubt that henna the rains came the prospects Were phedaiehal end u: some district: at least the hervestm had, has been harvested in Manitoba and the North-West. but. its movement has been kept back by the several weeks of wet. weather they have had. The reports of damage. however. have been greatly exact-rated. and it. is not likely that the quantity to be sent out will be materially affected." t Sir William Van Horne, president of the. C. P. R., has just returned to Montreal after his annual tour of in- spection over the system going west by the main line, and returning by the Crow's Nest Pass. Few men are in a better position to give reliable opinions upon the outlook, and it is therefore very satisfactory to hear the harvest prospects spoken of so optimistically.- He is reported to have declared that “the 'country everywhere presents in- dications of prosperity. and an enor- mous crop, the biggest we have over was repeated has now igminiously failed, to the great gratiï¬catim of Mr. Dryden'a many personal friends and admirers in this part of the province. $1.14 in (not all over Ontario“ It would have been a. decided Iona to the farmer! of Ontario '11 Mr. Dryden'a practicil public career had been closed. He has rendered most valuable services to the agricultural interests of this province, andwill,wetrust. beabletokeepin harneea for many more years. The victory in more important to the ad- ministration than the ‘gain of a vote or two on a division. It will have moral force and weight all over the province. We are pleased to‘ ace Honest John Dryden once more elected for the old riding and heartily ccngratulaw The election of Mr. Dryden in South Ontario is a decided personal triumph for that hon. gentleman. as well as an important political victory for the Hardy administration. The electian court revealed to‘ sane extent the ex- tensive corruption and bribery resorted to in the general campaign to encom- pass Mr. Dryden's defeat; and in the contest brought to a close Tuesday most desperate eftorts were put forth to secure a similar result. The cam- paign of personal detractio‘n that was successful in the first content and that Amid the anxiety and suspense with which the nations are watching the diplomatic struggle between England and France. much interest attaches. at but is the eyes at the British. tn the attitude of the bederp of the imperial Mtion.’ Lord Ito-ebony. the late premier, and Mr. Henry Asquith, the home sacvetary of his government, and others scarcely less pruninent. have gone out of their way to publicly de- clare their entire support and unquali- ,fled approval of the policy of the gov- ‘ermneut. against whom under ordinary conditions they would b3 so bitterly oppï¬cd. It is a. magnificent instsnce of the high standard to which Imperial politicians have attained. and should he an object lessdn to pertymen of all nhudes on this side of the Atlantic, when they are tempted. as unfortuns :3ny is too often the case. to throwi aside all patriotic considerations. either in home matters or in the pres- ence of‘acommo‘n opponent, i1 thereby they can seize amomentary advantage for their party. . . i - V THE NORTH-WEST HARVEST. LINDSA Y; FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4 fl *PURTER’S Order by mail. We will send you something in these Books that you have never had before. 36h: @nuaaiuu gm. Entirely new and original. You can depend on getting many good things in any one 0-. them. RECITATION BOOKS. ‘ IMPERIAL PARTY PATROWISM. For School Entertainments. PRICE ï¬llets EAGH, MR. DRYDEN'S VICTORY DIALOGUE We In" Just received uvorfl BOOKSTORE. 11:11:; CHM ...Post Paid... B, 8. Put†NEW-â€" AND dot. Ga 1.16 to 7-; corn. au3;m 651d; pork, hm; lard. 2?“ WW ï¬t: 6d; b'neoo. heavy. 1c., -1: 0d; 11 atgch short cut an; cheat. white, 423: convex-pm who“ am. It CI all for Walls. for No.1 Nor. Bed winter mm quiet It 6. 195a {at Dec. and 5310dfor8hn!!.3821'dtuspot. Futures. 35 10951! Or as! a for Dec. Ind BI M M Hutch. Flour â€I. Campbellford, Ont. Nov. Lâ€"At the Can button! dammmeeunc. held taught. me- wen.- nonmem- marmanrm at 91-16c. Cook 685 at 90. Whitton 390 at 9c. Banned.- told after board, Don-d ud- Journed till second Tuesday In Nu. my» mum. mung Live Nov. 1.4123034“. f Ewart. gag-Inga ; mg winter. go steep; No. 1 undoc. Ont†Nov. 1.â€"Mudoc cheese’ board bu closed for the scum. filing’er’bbll: Ont. Nov. l.-â€"0nly one lotâ€"270 box“ last half September makeâ€"(meted: 81-18c bid. $5.25 to .40: to abate. $5 to 26: common owl-.84‘o’5to“. 8h . olce to extra. “.40 to .60: 800d to ce. 84 to $4.10; mama to fair. $8 to $3.15. Choc-e lathe“. Bellevlllo 01"., Nov. l.-'Den tutor!“ of. feed 096 $0195 white chem here 10-day. an October; 90 was bid for the bond: Idea. 3a) boxea nt,9c. ,, Sheep um Doubtâ€"Tho ofleflnu wen llxht-ubout 18 londo. Including 12 load! hold over um two load: at Gum]: lambs. 'lbp nudes were tux-g active and arm 3: 350.319“!!! W-- _ 01900 am lean?!» " lows ...... ........ SW 325 In: Dildo Cattle Harlot Eat Buflalo, Nov. 1â€"Olttleâ€"‘nxere were three load. of ale cattle. with mud load- lett over. The demnnd was nther slow and prices a shade lower than uncanny on the bulk of the airman. wvu were In light “WU. fun-“dumpdnlld study. 'tmce w mm mm m :1an "so: good to choice $0.30 to 87 red Iteer can-not color. an 84. I50;" av: tag and oi! ._Â¥3 _to gm, ao cums. 1:260 no ex- per ion tor'tlmothyfhidi'ï¬'tér 81 '10: 91W". ‘7- Rh‘zivâ€"Oneloulnold ntflper too. . “lapsed Eonâ€"alum My, st 85.5 tn gag: mum: new; u 00:.- to m 0.6 M. at one to 31¢. 33:. aster; mo bushels 0: blue you sold a “Wirelfldi â€H.938 :0. â€:50 When ï¬rmer; 1250 build: aching u follows: mmwnmmmaoou to 136c- 77g: ‘udy; .100 bushels sold 1: 4834c. ‘ Bum ï¬rmer; 1000 bushels calling a ï¬le 'nne Rina. of Lint-pod ibiwe noted named n an; opening at Guano .hie morning. In: on inter newn not encouraging to 0W5 at n wu none the mar- ket e m. m dny'a news was not Wu or nnv additional strain be- tween and Fence. and there was oonei e uqdantion by W traders Other beam {actors wen Bradstreet’a big increase in die wot-id's vidbie supply. the his Noam receipts. ud selling by ï¬t. We. helium cloud %cto%c per bushel lower then yoke-rare anal ï¬gures. [mills When larketn. Following are the closing price. todny at important eentrgn:_ - _ _ -_ no no“ lurk-u Flush-00d u leor- pool at! Chicagoâ€"flu cutl- lu- tonâ€"Lam: Quotation- MU mu m â€m?†9021' " Q '0 cm when “uncut 1%! per mm. and tu- tureo cloned 1 ounu unm- than All iï¬lrfln. Pub and Aggwergm 41) may Dy. _ â€"Wlll lull fllB POST no. now to Jun. 1». 1900. to an! al- arm either In Canada or United States. for 3| .0. A crud “or. Subscribe now. â€"'l‘lll "51‘ m- now to Jul. Is: for we. Saba-lbo-now. A very keen content is being carried on in South Ontario. The local op- pmition are resorting to the bittemt Inca-um to defeat m. Dryden. but his election by a W majority u confidently expected; The polling taken place next Tuesday < Theeleothndthe‘flm'l‘.l. Gibson 1 in Eeet'Wcllinctu by the heads-ne'- mejuity d 438 is s W per-la- sl triumph for the men a well as s decided politicsl victory for the gov-l ernment. The echoes of tor! predis- tinns of disastrous detest he†herdLy died away. and the country has been told with wesryim itentidl by the WI Was that the m" time Mr. Gibson presented himself before the people he would be condemned publicly. Er. Gibson is s eemful and able sdmin- ‘istretor, and Centre Wellington has :done itself an hang:- by overlooking ml! local considerations and electing as a representative 3 public man of m. Gibson's ability and experience.‘ In!!! valuable services he has rendered to the country in the post is a. guarantee that the Crown Lands department will continue to have judicious and enter- prising management. .The important arrangement recently made with a wealthy British syndicate for the de- velopment of the pulp industry at Sturgeon Falls is a case in point. This arrangement is generally commended and will in all probability lead to the establishment of other concerns of n lib character. . l ‘ 1 COMMERCIAL NEWS. Toronto it. Lawn-o. luket. sufï¬ciently M ’ to‘ I“! tho m little or nothing, whilo in other actions cunt hum mm ï¬e consensus of Qinion that hll W here either in print. rem to It. Sylvester or in the new“ “m of travellers. i8 um d "10 â€â€™9 optimistic chamber; 3111503011111! '0 to justify the strong hope that the "We of 1898 will at least equl W P50†monal yield of last season- t HON. MR. GIBSON'S VICTORY. Toronto Live Stock. EARLY AND LATER. LINDBAYtONTABIO. NOVEMBER 4. The CARDIGAN ovaksuoe co. '3 STRATFORD. ONT. ForHomen.Hksesdehildm . 09-. on loudâ€. (to), No ad out- .030th- ooohy. on. be may "mad. and . halt yur old. Any 9. to. [hug blot-I- . “L-“v' nun-tn .lnbuo col no] can u: on no wind. [A 7. 000.". no 0â€. lid. nun D Oct. III! with “on ml JOII‘JMLV Little book on stomach troubles mllod (m. Adam- Start '00.. lur- nummotmuueu-old 5:8 Ovmsuoz WARMEST OVERSHOE IN THE MARKET. It in ntel to any tht the In- per- sistent use of" Stmrt’l poi; 'hblcb ct ml time will cure any tom of stance): tumble except cancer c! the THE (ARDICAN Thumbedooebythemcuhrue Alter meek oteIIne ate. pleuent and ottective re tion like Stuart's Diagram which an be found not drug m end whiz oonhln vein-Ne. hemlo- digest' v. emu-nu in e plemnt, convenient mutant for apron dign- ro tho pm unini- numb into! ' Harm ioniiiv -__,-_,un blood. man it thin u: “my, which irritant and m the hurt. The ohe Justin: between heart trouble and pan: digestion in beeeue' of the “at.“ “gym. mum nerves thetie and tie. Innnnther . t heutieetteoted by that form poor digestion which census gnu and (emanation 1m hell dinette food; there in a. tee' at apple-in and heevineee in the caused by pie-m at the distended machmthehenrtandlnminten- to with their nation; hence niece yelpi tion end that breath. Heart tmublu. atloastnmnc Ameri- ans, we curtail: inorusing. and. whale thhmybehmelyduebothemito- mat and worry d America: busine- Mithzzcmdtaqtbirmltotwuk mu, rduuton. Baal martian dines-a in incur- numbutnotoooouoinahnndmd dwï¬mbbjl‘mc. Do Not be Ala-nod. In: Look to: 80"! PAC" REGARDING THE RAPID INCREASE OF HEART TROUBLIB. TMYFDJQQQO wanin- 9! @ho unudny, 15th catcher. 108. z Elia Bum antiwar. hm tad am: 15’: 1‘; at" " m: . mu, Sal. at one o'clak. nadwithont n- nru, u the propriota is aim to Manitoba. 0:: Fridny. the 11th October. 18. by 31h; Bayes. inaction". the fun By BUM Bows. summer. in mm Britnin. unlucky. New: 10th. I“, tub of the valuable hon-chow furniture and attach o! R» W. Bach. $10 to cannenoe st one o'clock; rp. _ . . 8th. to Mr. and Mn. Robiï¬ Hamil- ton, a dnughtor, (“imam-n.) McKEBRALLa-ln tho township of Eldon, our Butler. Futon, locum! oldut daughter of Archie and Janie mull. need 19 you: and 10 month. HAMILTOE-AT Port 1:01:17, o_n Oct. ALLANâ€"In My. on Nov. ht. the wife of B. 3. Allan, manhunt, of n. Nook: pr 0! the 1:“?!an Wallis. on $3 lot 12, implement. aux-1y l" now. “am told at mm. 8319 at no o'clock 5% NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. No Dom... HEA RT DISE A‘SE. Scle Bell-tarn- mum. “015th mum. 1808. aidgphdmughh Mu Jubilee - Hardware - Emporium, \- 57 KENT-ST. Economy Feed Boilers. ‘5 Lamp Goods. - Lamp Goods. CHEAPER THAN EVER. . ENDLESS VARIETY BINGHAM'S E. E. W. McGAFFEY Elm up! mu. m w for m 350.. (a 25c. yd. Union Runnels. 1ch 1.183. Bony Batu-II and m striped Mun. 13in Ind "med. m, for I“. d. In". a in. “50. Ga. 76. Run I. ksble wnxze wool blust- m. WI. reg. $2761c$225;h|cy . $3.25. (MN, for 5:75. Maughammau 75:. pair. ONE!“ AND LAWNS."A gm: in lldt'flhL'idth74.s-4,94.IO4,2ydn!or a 8c. 10c. 12 15¢ LADIES’ UNDER- â€com-nun. dune. bum 1mm, at regc, 15.», 20c, gum 0".“ a 25c with. dnwen :0 fl“. h OM“ Gabi-nio- il 'u'l. libel at! children! n e.- ‘ee our an. mama“, 250, 350 lid 50°. W'Md Mi-OI' mink rah, able mï¬l, “-5 II I mm arc, up. sad in: 1.93.. a, Our rcpum' .00 mm!“ b ad :50 m“ a. w by our m a»: they a}; up :oi lit-U ' 0-! pun-acumen om. autm W, tom can. buck and omhst. New Advartuogqnta. BICYCLBS mg“ mm. 470 Yong-It. SUNDRIES. 1mm. flit um. i mph: ammo“; ........ ; ....... '53." («Unï¬ln jog-d 7 “awhhvoMMMflgmm oil’s-:3 â€II-rm Y MMMS' 50 50 on tour, mu,“50,$5. M56. Why-'bnfled Sui“. Radon and Blunt, u clooe lu'u Envy M hummin- $1.25. for ...... 31.00 175 b Buck and Guy“: .......................... $1.35 So. out can and“, lull doth Pub u ............ $1.60 COOK STOVES, - PARLOR COOKS . . . DOUBLE HEATERS. . . ‘ m 'i‘hi. M 0‘ d1. Men's M Siiu to: £311 and winter,†$50 now $7.00 Ito-'0 Hay, Ila-WW sun, with {bump-brand AUTUMN BUSINETS “hm mum Handsome Hall Lamps, $1.50. A Big Snap in Coal S Gallons Best American Cod Oil, and a 5 Gallon Ga‘n-a Can {or $1.75. W. BINGHAMs Don’t Fail to See Our ,54". Just â€and “0.16.58“ '83. “thin-hpâ€! In. 60de memmodayou man! «lady-(datum. m AND WERY. Boyo' am he", #ply ribbed wool be... 'ifh éwme k... â€a. W'w has. cphced Doc} .1 god colon. u the. ad id 0-. 2domc fauna, big xulue, regululy at flunk.“ aloudâ€"is now 50c. Md. 5.. so. . 35:: pair. Man's dreuod kid ‘7“.uaoa. A vflu “$.25, for 5100 I if; g 3;. M AND BLANKET 8. The Finut Hating Furnace in Cam t... ï¬lo-'0 and double Mount-Onc- a... reg. $8.60 for $6.00. $10.00» 58-â€- )km nlu Hue ad Huh M O‘ 5‘2 «’I ‘ {N $10.50. I. I. W. chaflsy W 811mm Is the best place to buy Lamps. ..... Lamps from 15c. Ugh-Date Jackets throughout ymug, 0*. -“mâ€"Iâ€" lid: and American makers. -_ ___. ___ __,.. _ _, ,V c lg d â€at 1; CI. muninclhr ' "" â€m . O... wd undercut"- In Nth-I‘Mdmwd mm“; d “Liana" halit)‘ m 0.011“ at ; My . u l‘ h D M JUNâ€! mung“; ALUABLI PROPER?! Es “Ll-A h!- ooodltinc d in} P oth'hmn‘ï¬uhLbS- New Advertisemeï¬ té zed an if my (I Who! 3M Faun 1| LII All Icl I'm 10 In