lakwood P our b];n Manufactun kc kit to the If NEW rst Big/es, :tion of ved t hers nk it over .‘lOSt exper- : you ? Of ivcs conï¬- 0D buys McLENNAN 50.! :1 -- cf Mill Sax! -o. .9; Rummmgmflma “GE ‘_ @5133! Re: m iï¬ii McLennan M10. SCRANTON GOAL during September was last yea‘. given cf the thoroughness done at the Institution. If you desire a. Business Education "its as for particulars. PRINGLE a: McCREA. Pemborough,0nt. SEBHBE THIS FAST Through Take†at lowest rate: to “a points on the Grand Trunk "Idem and conneam “no: In Steqmship Tickets to all Win“ 111 Europe bf MW“ 8. S. “369! Lanterns, llcrse Brushes, Curry Combs Scoop Shovels, Apple Parers, Scales, Meat Cutters, Cow Chains. in new Steal Chaimlight and strong Fine English Table and Pocket Cutlery, Guns and Ammunition, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Plain and FancyWindow Glass Portland Cement No. A. M. PATON N 0. Fiveâ€"- American Cretomze lure Twz’l/s, - Tzacnm. warmâ€"i ï¬ction 30 VMF (V 0. 0726-“ . - 25 ï¬z’eces beautiful Dress Tweea’s, sold everywhere at 186. and 206., our frz'ce, - - N0. Six,»- Heaviest PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE imv Fpmomber was double what VMcLennan Q 00. “I! ."be reached By m mum 1933mm MW“ No: Sewn,â€"-â€" Coz‘z‘on Gm per dozen, The Old Reliable Route. kxes M. W. Kennedy 00., 64¢}th United states. P713326 :2 M cc: a_a_ Agent for ’03 SALE 0.3 ‘livered at lowest Prices The Attendance special Grey Cottonnl/ze best ever produced for the money, Sflecz'al Dress Tweak-your choice of sixteen new designs, worth 356 our price, â€" - T/zree--â€" A 11- W 00! Grey Flannel, 2 5 in. wide [50 m gun. an}, F'j I91 PM! . shed In «he an , , "fie. Yeam'est Canadian F/amze/elte, ‘2 inc/265 wide, for the present, DRY GOODS, South Side of Kent-st. the Celebrated H. w. lensing; Co. Grain Bags, extra value, at the 4%: Union a mi twang that can be of tne work and the pri but. it c091 for 6,100 Saw Logs. more or less. (en bloc) there are 4,)0J Hemlock Logs end 2,000 Pine princi- ; pony 16 ft long The Logs ere aituuled on Lot 85. Con 8, Glamorgan, and Ire well skidded and first-class roads cut. to each skid": end ere 9.11 ; within hell 1 mile of suitable water to run down Burnt River. Also separately will receive Tenders {or all the Uncut. Timber of every deacriplion on snid lot. Also separately will receive Tenders for ell the Timber or ever] description on Lot 12. Con. 6. Glamor gun, Two years will be allowed to remove Timber. 1 Tue Tunis or PArxssrs ere ten percent. to be i paid within ten days of due of notice. The bahnce . to be paid within 15 days theredter and belore any Timber shall be cut or :emovei. f The highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted , thirties can engigo Mr. F. Baby, near Gooderhun, i to show them the logs. Central Busmsss gquega New term now open. Bette} amendmce tmn ever belorei and Typcwr tins: Departments. my tune. TELEGRAPHY guaranteed in every Depamn “aimflm First Day of December Next, Wm Is HIGHER The DASHES HERE AND THERE. Farmersrgttentlon 1 Special bargains in Tab at: the Oak Front Grocery for the nexb month.- 83w tt. â€"Mc. Wm. Bun-«ll: ï¬lo popular conduc- tor of the Toronto mixed train. has been unwell for some days, and was compelled â€"93â€"5W. Geo. White. â€"The I. B. 0. R R. train arrive! III Klnmonnt junction at 4 p. m.. and units the arrival at the expteu iron: Linda! :1: ' ,;.___-_. at â€annual TOWN AND COUNTY. me mums ut Univ “fl..-†.._-_ ___, _ 4 no. The amusement. it continued. will be very unsatisfactory to parties along the line, and many threaten to drive to Gelert snd Hsubnrton rather then submit to I slnglo trim service eeeh day. Tiey Like the West. It. Wm. H. Webster and eon AIM returned on Friday lest mm Cullen. Ham, and alone then have been kept busy wavering the enquiries at their many friends ream-din bueooentry. Ir. Webster went west the mug end Dutch-sod two 0010th qua-0e! mum. or an ems, site-ted Ibo“ no games from Winnipeg. One of the terms, hevlng 101 agree made! not. I email Idle. old meshingâ€. wee «end a : ll ‘ “u“ lb ve Uu‘I-fl amz’ Furni- mug aIii-downer I"Mm aloe use: «menu a! n weal. 19 at! m W“ .9 my $03 IA" 3.5%? mm: rum-:3“. Win- SH SALE BY TENDER. J undersigned will receive Tenders up CLOTHING. SHAW, Principal. price of All general produce is improving, costs no more than usual to spend a term at the a “an... N. ._-_ , I: W , ELEéï¬IAPflY added. Good results every Department. Send postal (or puticulars. . . nv,‘_A or 'ronou'rof Manama £05; )pen. Rafter facilities withlarger ever bclore in Business. Shorthand Demrtmcnts. Membarg “pitted-gt Runway Notes. A MILLER. Seamg $7.75 25c 75c AND THERE. 700 Gerard and Yonge sts. Toronto. lo the Hon. Slang; Fisher 31; my Collegiate Elï¬nâ€"791711. â€"Itz is expectegli that the lecture at the minister of agriculture will be attended by a large audience of yery deeply interest- edpeggle. To hes: so great. I. question tree by an expert is not an event of everyday ozcurtence. This opening lec- tune or the Covegiu'e Institute lecture course will re given in the Assembly Hall on Friday, Nov. 12th. Local Brenden. -â€"Wedding Cake Boxes kept in stock sad for sale at Tm: Post. â€"Vlotorls county council will the court house here on Tuesday. “2mm. ...7.,_ â€"â€"Mr. P B. Mcmhargay shipped two cars of stock from Coboconk and Fenelon Falls last Friday. â€"Se;erai larg'e droves of cattle are being gathered In the north country for the various lumber camps. â€"-’1‘he Sim“, Bind†s: Flavelle Co. saw mill closed down on Saturday evening after a. heavy temn’s work, â€"Mr. H. Austin, of Fenelon Falls. was in town Saturday with a caricad of cattle tor the Montreal marker. â€"Whlt.c Pine Balsam is can to take and is a certain can for coughs and colds. A. Higinbctham.â€"88w4. - - - - , _L1_ â€"DJveyv§i-e$ are making large ship ments ct shinglesjnst new to Springï¬eld and Boston. Mean, dealers. â€"Mr. J. Cuew. ot the Lindsey Lumber Mills, made a large shipment of stock to Toronto psrties on Wednesday. â€"'1'he Rsthbnn Compsny has secured the oontreet for the tem ootts work on the new Sun Lite building, Ottawa. â€"A word to the wise should be snmcient. Use Whlte Pine lem for any kind 0! e cough or cold. Atiï¬lginbothemw88w4. ‘. ,I___I_ \Ivâ€" â€" .â€" .v-.. =1 Sundemid lad} mm Dr. Neand- that he made her a successful flu utter having eight sets at teeth made In Toronto and elsewhere.â€"37w. â€"The poor men’s triend is whet e greet many people can White Pine Balsam be- cause it saves dootore‘ hilie. A. High- bothem.-â€"88w4. â€"Mr. J. H. Lennon placed a handsome mirror in the Brooks house lunch room on Saturday. It: is British plate end mee- enres 72x96 inches. â€"Mr. A. P. Morgen, a well-known reel- dent: of Peterboz-o, Ind a foot amputated yesterdeyjesh above the ankle, in conse- quence of gangrene setting in. “nun-w v- n__=_-, , 12.30, and we understand there is reason for suspecting that the line was out. â€"Many friends in Lindsay and Emily township rm learn with dean regret of the ds-. .. -- l‘..v. Father M. E Connolly. of Hastings, formerly parish priest of Downeyville, aged 49 years. â€"-The deer hunting season has not open- ed in a manna-likely to please the hunters. as venison lulled any distance from steamer ,,Ag_-‘.r-_ I. nape-In tn as vemruu lulcu an, “hum--- ___ ,, or railroad cammunlcstlon ls oerteln to spoil owing to the warm weather. -â€"Mr. Arch. Campbell, racer. shipped a. csrload of groceries an provisions Wed- mornlng to the lumber camp: at Bi cotte- ing, C. P. R. He was delayed several days by the non-2 rrlval of a. C.P.R. car. â€"The saw mill owned by Mr. Wm. Fader, at Mipie Lake. north of Halibut-ton. was burned last week, the ï¬re originating from a hole in the stone work surrounding ,_ _. .-__ r- -1..-_.. Q, m with .11) Is expected section or the Tre muy campleted in tenders fax-ï¬lm to: has a great, ï¬eld of turnips. the Baboay. neon Independent thinks. They are nor-hers and they are of the Swede variety. Two of them are on view in the window of Dr. Me Camus’ drugstore. one or them Weighing 18 lbs , and the other 20 lbs. n. _I_:-L e.-. 10 AU: , uuu uuv v-_-_ 7 â€"The Fievelle Co. flnor mill which has been shut down about eix weeka for ex. tensive repairs and the introduction of new machinery, started up on Tuesday. Everything worked well, and during the week the capacity of various new machines will he fully demonstrated. ~Seturdeynightwae counted Hallow'een by the boys. A crowd of south word lads. seeing a. well-known grocer’e delivery wag- aon in from: of a house. kindly unhltched the horse. but were caught by the cool: collars and made hitch the bores again. They sneaked away in a very unhappy state of mind. - .. . nus..- _L “‘61-- 5 Run a. _-_.__ â€"The young men of Cambridge st. Meth- odist chu:ch will give a mock trial in the ba ement of then church on Thursday evening. Nov 25th. under the auspices of the S. S Agocd program will be given. the special feature being the presenting of a. mock trial. Programs will be issued shortly. --â€"Parties who have not already provided themselves with storm sash will do well to place their orders st Iogle’s notary so once. Only clear. thorouehly kiln dried lumber is nsrd. therefore there will be no liability to shrinkage. Carefully ï¬tted storm sxsh reduce the coal bill and repay the cost in a. couple of seasons. â€"The Singer threshing machine made by Mr. John E Ball. of Cartwright. has ‘ proved sgrest success. and has exceeded the expectations of its builder. He has nrflnffl for two sinner-machines. 9011121 saith. chum Ta â€"'rhoe. Coopzr. the young men me mad at Cobooonk lent week on e chem of stealing a ‘hloyele tom hie former em- ployer. Mr. W. J. Oouahlln. of Peta-hero. received his Mel on Sunday hetero Meghan-eh Bumble. Be we- commuted for Mel In detail of neyln W one“, the meslemte "mm the It wee not reesonehle to cuppa†0 country could be put to the expense of his drunken (relic. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘-‘ â€"â€"--I-__- Am. will meet a!) day. Nov. 16. an Hunting Noun. ‘ â€"Â¥r. Funk Busboll lo't lat west {or Oxmu, when ho jolnod: hunting m headed by Mr. Frank Binds. Into ot_ uh!- luv, .chwu â€"v~ 7 -. , Eutw‘éod’u party (10:: Blackburn. â€"Mr. Chas. Dsndo. cf Galt, spent stow hours with his friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Goodwin. on Saturday, on his way north to join a hunting pm, at stk A. Goodwin. on 56 north to join a nun lake, east or Minden: a â€"-A well cqnlpped Messrs. R. S. Smellie,] F. Bugsell, '1‘. g. 911?: as. "nose... _ All. Wright.'ail-oi Tatanto. Host Wardrobe'a for a te Saturday. â€" nuuungp pay; vv V.__. , EAGe rflotubeB an? ER. Brock- ville. B. van, edge: 0! the Repomr. Athens, and Gnu. Saga“ 1.3mm. passed through town Friday for a imweeka’ hunt: In the vicinity otB B'urk a , â€" - - “’3‘â€" sun-u. â€"'1‘he Slr. Alice-Ethel lent Frldey curled ton: experienced hum to Door B)! creek, below Buckhorn, Iron which point the steamer le towing wcoi. Mes-n. Wm. Needler. W. H. Morton. B. F. Be:- tor, end the letter! com-in. Mr. Burner, from Earthen, made up the party. LL- llvnfl â€"u.â€"â€".._ __,, -Bou an, Golwoy. is ogoln the scene of the exploits of tho Go‘aeen hunt- ing party. of this town. With Andy no G. Jooknon and John Dickson. and they were joined on Mondoy cr Toeodo Deputy-Game Worden Bryon: on J. Kinnear, and possibly by n couple of hunters from Babooygoon vicinity. , 4. LL- Hutu-u n.-.â€" _ v--_, a â€"Mr. W. 11. Benton, late teller ot the Dominion Bonk. Nepsnee. and brother cf Mr. G. H. Ponton, or the local branch, arrived irom Belleville Friday afternoon on the 6 o'clock expreu. with a couple of friends from then city, and went north with Conductor Grieves to Coboeonk, where they joined a hunting party. .- S.__L_ Brenner. Denny nun... -. -. __V , J. Hamil), J u. N. Spain. or degway. Ont" Joe. C. Gouldtng. 0: Fort Ede. and Jacob Wise, of Stony Quarry. Que. They went north to ï¬aliburhnn on the afternoon mun. â€"Tho Slnolnlr-Ellle party have hunted for many years post at Long lake. in Hindon township, east of Mlnden, and they have once mars token no quarters In he old camp. Dongnli left on last Fri- day's train with the supplies. end by Monday the following hooedto be on the ground: Major B H. Hopklnt. Reeve Elna, J33. McLean. Llndsnv ;.M Lamarty. Merchante' Bank. and R. Ellis, Moll etefl'. Toronbo; Henry Sonlthox a. Port Hope. The S'nolnlr-Ellis party ve never yet tolled to kill their full complement. . .,-.. L-__ 1... rlt muuu w nan -â€"-._ __-, -â€"The Str. Greyhound lelt town last} Friday for Tait’e bay, about seven miles below Bobcayaeon. having Mr. W. H Sim son and part on board. A couple of settlers “tot †their eamgiug dunnage to the head of Black Doe lake. about four miles distant, whore tents were pitched. Bound. Long, Cancession. Woit and Tamanc lakes are close at hand. and the country roundabout ls full of runway: for deer. Mr. Simpson's party comprises Messrs. Fremont Crandefl. Lindsay : C. M. Duly, U.S. consul. D R Hudiogand A. B. Curzm, Guelph : B. C. Hangarty. Roches- ter: 0. Nixon. Riyal hotel. Port Hope; and Joe Lytle. the well-known Lindsey ‘ guide. ______â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" in muiudino and 5 Doom and whom. â€")dra. A. Bennett “rived home on Monday night from a mu: with Toronto blends. In Ivanâ€"u -._-- 7 â€"Meuro. Wm. Jordan and Wm. Mo- Arthnr, of Fenalon Fdls, were In town Tau-day on business â€"Mra. Doble Klng, of Msnllls. was one of the visitors In town Wednesday who made Tn: Post a pleasant can. ‘ 34 â€"â€"_LA-_ A. muuu Ann ‘ vu- _ '_.7, â€"Mrs. Geo. H. Adam and daughter. a! Paterboro. who nave been visiting (rhod- In town for several days pa h, "tuned homo last,» Tuesday. â€"Dr. C. Noble. of Sutton West. was In town last week. and was the goat of â€"Dr. Blanchard. The Dr. was on his way north on his annual hunting trip. â€"Mesara. A. Cox and W. G. Morrow, of Pater-bore. arrived in town Wednesday and hired a rig tram Mr. A. Jews» for a three dayt' trip through the north country. 7 ‘ ------ _-h I" Bum Ila" u-'â€"â€"-_‘,, , â€"Mr. S. Flnherty. ndvnnee agent for “Under the Dome' 00.. was In Down Tnudey making men ente for the eompwy'e eppeennce ere on Mondey ~Conn. Kmeby hen returned from Toronto. where he event two ween under the one of Dr. Reeve. the eminent ea Mend! will 'w- â€"_-, , Rmero Patterson “(1 Alex. flex-bore, hue gone to Gald dish townsgip._ yo join Thou. Hu-vwâ€" â€"v~v. , - Szneme, R. (L‘rd) Not-theme. .P. Gslt. G. H. Mont: and all 0! Toronto. nu: up an. Mine obe’a for a taw hours last Icr hï¬ntErS 1"." ‘98†Black Beaver. in Beaver. ' ‘ Blue Our] Cloth- r " {16er meuomry- “’5 me. â€.00 -3 Wu APâ€, .3 n Eusnso Put. AN'IVBUr-‘l' UK a. u. -‘v- ,, , [or the you 1838. u: expedonood Teacher. holding . Second or Third Class 00m A991!“- ttou lazing Jo be M to In. GEORGE E FOSTER. Box u. Button: 1’. 0. on or bdozo Nov 17th 1897 â€"91.2v. OST.â€"A Lady's 5.0; no“ the G. T. R Station. and “mm Avenue. Finder will odby letting am: 3?. the Bus: Poemâ€"9|.ly WANTED. tor the 5:1 CARD 0F THANhS â€"â€" To the London Life Insurance company. Lindsay, Ont. Glmw,-m accept my aunt- It! the ply- noat o! my chin am on the data: at my 1mm Wimun Inrnock: I desire .100 t) expect: my sppnchuon d the klnduul ad conï¬dential: which youhnvuhownuotnthnnfler. adieu: haul}: mommnd the London me u: the panic. In? STAUNTOI. ' |-4I--' Rue. 2nd. 197.41 " 83 ‘3 Misses' Reefer, _____.__â€"â€" TURNER’S IONIC BITTERS huvo‘ ; ban on an mm: tony'yorl sud an demand [or them mull! W n u h m undovud {at am. they no the am Blood Puriï¬er, emu-J: Sucnmmr uni Minor in the mmkct. It in the not: hvixonung nod exhilinunz Tonic ever oflarod no me and!“ public. It has grind Ibo plane). d June sad I- endorsed by the hub“: medial nuthofl flu. Vlcuurlouu our :11. Try It. m be conï¬ned Alto nob wanna "be Naomi: Oold load Unint- mud FRUIT WINE. Bub-ly Inn“. All anon "chuck: nun-IN by my unpaved goods. Price- ouvumnxly low. Write (of plum“! In TURNER 00.. I†York-$.Tounw. unduly, Nov. 2| Ne 99' Ad vertzsonen ta. A In“!!! W“ ““3’ -_ him â€"-For and. 197- s4 50 35 50 $6 50 Idy' a Ssblo Ruï¬', st or ‘ Finder will he lulublv mg!!- a. \he Butane:- $10 Immacc Compani- um chnnhymmd“ And manual than. PUP“. non- n Toronto Call!“ 0: new-tor. cl lute Mo :30. 5 §|d933 We’ve this trade; in order to garment at be lowered. We say that our stock is one of the largest in the County, and the 011‘)! way tor you to know this is to visit our Mantle Department and see for yourself. These garments are made by the best people we know of in the Mantle business, and are good ï¬tting garments Cloths are Frieze, Tweeds, Curls, Cheviots, Beavers and Coverts. They come in colors of Green, Brown, Navy, Fawn, Black and Fancy Mixed Colors. - - - Web†01' Burma's ’He who serves his oustamer This is our mono, and NEW AND ‘ rial Thouunds or. their mod looks to ht: at And mum devices. Be bu Goauemenm Lune" an-. [lull W30. Bap. Wyn-e) anv. Switches. em. 1!. will my you u use sod to name the ma ante of your penonu tpp‘l‘lflct‘. tried on. you will Chou be Ible CBSDAY. NOVEIBEB 18th. Ben-on Home on 1'8 ,_______.. prepared a grand stock for it’s got to be a big one, and do it we have marked every the proper price and cannot Ihursday, November 78th PRICE OF STOV£S CUT um- flW'm n u «val-WW :%:i 3â€â€œ: In Black Freize, $7 00 In Beaver. - - $7 50 W001â€. AW†Flavollo Bros. DID YOU Prof: VDo'renwend’s Method Ste hlm on NI flan. to Lind»! 0‘ rum-01m m... o, a m '--J Wâ€WM' Benson arw 5233011 a: 17°- Meyer Bros: how :ABIWOBN FAcns on be undo to look FRESH, REFINE!) 3nd YOUNGER, I! not try V amerl best best serves himsoif to. and so our Stock in .11 we“. WC at Only Air Tight_ Hgaï¬er Mad for Igvy Curl 610“ r. 4’ . $2 00 r. 6' a 32 m an 8. - $2 00 www.mwn . m w: “W mumâ€. am. In Navy Beaver. .- . - $900 t'ien ‘34â€- ES You will form at