always flflflï¬lfll 8 Illanutactuflnu H]!I§BI.®€~° FAERWEATHER GO. H is} :11 11¢ a specialty of their busi- "ass :11 know all its wants from actual man-:1W'11n" experience. They em- .10 r 101‘? but skilled labor and their “pegs 719 11 the unmistakeable stamp of 'f 1.. owutput of Artist Furriers. 3:; 1:11:19 tne “Burg 3,311 Sweep†of 34911 Cupis and you will ï¬nd that ticmhle Furs mean something: "Wis and Finish.†Don’t buy old- {skinned or poorly ï¬nished Furs when - ~ a": get the vexy latest styles, cor- :zmde and excellently ï¬nished at "Ilixt'rxxcrrasns’ PRICES,†thereby Win" the “so called slight advance’ .703 would have to pay some of the “old relifllles.†Examine our Fine Furs and be convinced. of Lindsay and Peterboro are Mm; :swama Fuxmns Fair weather Coy Lead†Hm.) LINDSAY and PETERBORO. Men’s Ham and sun IIIITS ‘ Always m Stock. 9M " Y t lo: mun ‘ “PM the aunt-Agra ‘ ll wn an Ohm-Btu. 00.. a ‘3‘2Lt:°§°v..:a whom. on. an and» ‘ * BUï¬xg‘RIBn FORW .\I‘-- _-__ ___A__ __ - I J u um 7. Jul Manufacturing Furriers and VoLUME XXXIII. WHOLE NO. 1890, ESTABLISHED 185 5. LA TEST STYLES IN Ne w Ad â€Minna". WARNER’S Fug; 2-wea ther a: 00. The Finest Made: A Heavy Tweed Suit, all wool, single or double breasted made to order) suit, all sizes, original price $10.50, now $7.50. Best goods in Lindsay at the price. A good, strong Suit, pure wool, for $4. 50. Some houses get $7.50 for same line. In Men’s Single Pantsâ€"Hundreds of Patterns at 50c , 85c., $1, $1.10 and $1.25. On the ï¬ner goods one-third saved on every pair. A “can’t-be-beaten†Heavy Quilted Lining, DB. Velvet Collar Overcoat, orig- inal price $8.50, for just 35. A Stout Frieze, tweed lining, Storm Collar Ulster, original price $9, for $5.50. Boys’ and Youths’ Suitsâ€"An immense assortment of patterns and styles commencingas low as 95c. per suit. For Suits. Overcoats or Ulsters come to Warm- er’s Great sacriï¬ce Sale of Ready-made Clothing. China Hall old stand, one door east of Morgan’s Drug Store. We Have Everything Except High Prices READY-MADE CLOTHING WMNER GD. P591119 are Thrnwmg $01137 Away BYNOT TAKING ADVANTAGE 01" @Eï¬iï¬i‘iï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬}: LINDSAY AND VVOUDVILLE, ONT. ' Earn 51' 6: Co. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Cap. 110, the creditors of DANIEL WRIGHT. late of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, Minister 0! the Gospel. deceased. who died on or shout the Twenty-second day of July. 1895, ere on or before the TWENTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER next, 1895, to send by poet repaid to ROBERT KENNEDY. of the Town or Lin y. Lumber Merchant, the administra- tor o! the eetete of the said Daniel Wright. their ehristien and surnames. addresses and descriptions. the full particulere of their claims. and the nature of the security. it an). held by them. The said naminis- tutor shell. After the acid Twentieth day 01 December next. be at liberty to dietributfl the assets or the enid decensed. or my pert thereof. among the es entitled thereto. having mud only to the c me e! which he hes then notice, we shell not be linhle for the usete. or my part thereof, so distributedm my person of whose chin: such ndministrstor not notice at the time of the «Retribution thereof. McINTYRE e STEWART. - Selleitonrfog Admluutr‘lto's. gilvgx: for mange- u. v BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR Plans and Estima2es Fumisned on Application. 1931133an and General Vanuatu. SHOP AND RESIDENCE 5 Packs of CARDS FREE! One Pack May I. C. U. Home: One Pack. Escort : Hold to One Pack, flirtation '; One Pack. the Light ; One Pack. Our Sofa justs holds Two; Ono sample book full of Novelties, Send 5c. §Aann CONCERT Cambrédge. 8t. Methodist Church, To ho gun by “a. crack. FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 29th, Inst. HIE-£0. In 3 lumba- 0! â€WI. boon open a 1 p.111. Contact a 8_o’olook. Adult-Ion 15 0am. mad 4 mud-w an. 2623 a} at November, A, n. New AdvertIssmen ts. RAN D OTICE TO CREDITORS. CAMBRIDGE STREET W A. W111 to. 'kaNEY L.C.P., Yarmouth. N.s. PART II. J. G. EDWARDS 60.. Our Goods are the Best and Prices the Lowest. 03088-0111? SAW - - or an AXE a MAPLE LEAF or a. MICHIGAN will satisfy you every time. w ...... , _ , J dence lately owned by R. P. Butler. with ell the conveniences necessaryâ€"wood houee. herd end loft weter. stable and coach house {or three horeee' 1 good garden with fruit trees ; about four ecree of {end ed- joining. convenient for cow or horse The property is on the mein street or Oekwood, eat of the Metho- dist church, and aflorde 040 of the bolt View: in the township. A most deeinble piece for I retired family or a legal men, I! all townrhip business in tnnucted hero Ponseeulon given the let 0! December. Apply to JAMES THORNDYKE. Oukwood - 90 3. T. 01 Mount, - - AGENT. at. Ono O‘clock p.m. Shtrp. MOBSOM BOYD a: 00. will Son by Public Auovlou. Inflow without Eaton". 50 had of Cuttlo and Sheep, I: follow: Pure-bra! Bum. com and Hutton-â€" Pollcd Angus and Horotord. Croe- lmzd and Gmdc Cows and Heifersâ€"Pulled Angus, Hereford and Highland Grade Cow: und Hellâ€:â€" Pollcd Angps ape! ‘Gollloways. Common Com tnd n‘.‘....,a.a -..A chunk- CANADIAN. ER GLISH and AMERICAN rouuu nllflun uuu van-vuâ€"J... vvvvvvvv v , Haiku. Pure-bred Shocpâ€"Couwold and South- down Common Sheep. TERMS -Twolvo montha’ credit. on approved joint. notes. 01-8 per cont. discount {or cub. Smlo will be under cover It wonth or is stormy. Notice is hereby given that a By (AW. No. 458‘ known on the McArthur Drainage By-an. wss ï¬nally paged by the Municipxl Council of the Township of Marinosa, on the 25th day of November, A. D. 1895. providing tor the issue of Debentures to the amount of $3.000 for the purpose of draining certain lands in the 14th and 15:11 Concessions of said Township. Ind that such By~Low was registered in the Registry Ofï¬ce of the County 0! Victoria, on tho 27th doy of Novem- ber, A.D 1895. Any motion to quash or set u'de the some or my mm. thereof must be mode not later than tendoys WA, ‘n.u - .. Any motion to quash or set u'de the nine or my thereof must be mode not later than ten dnys utter the ï¬nal naming thereof. br serving a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other head oflicer And the Clerk 0! the Municipality of his intention to nuke application hr that purpoee to the High Court at Toronto during the six weeks next ensuing After the ï¬nal passing of the By-st, in accordnnce with See. 21, Chap. 56, Vic :37, o! the Statutes of Ontuio. JOHN F. CUNNINGS, Townshin Clerk. _ -‘A- wé‘ï¬ï¬nsmv, Dec. 11th, 1895, fowxsalp 0F MARIPOSA. McArthur Drainage 3;!- Law. Under. and by virtue of the power of sale coahined in a certain mortgage made by Ellen Cuddnhee. which willbe produced at. the time of sale. there will be oï¬ered for sale in Public Auction, It the Benson noun, 1:: the Town ox binaley, on 1895, at 2 o'clock in the titer-noon, the following desirable property situate in the Town of Lindsay. in the County nt Victorin: The North Pm of Park Lot N1 in the South Ward 0! the said Town 0! Lindsay. and being thet portion of the aid Lot not sold {or taxes belore the sixth day of December, A. D. 1873, save and except the portion of said north put herein- after sold to the Whitby, Port Perry end Lindsey Railways. This pucal of land conning about three acres and nineteen perches. within twenty minutes' walk of the Town of Lindsay. The property in well fenced end dnmod. Txus. Ten percent. es the time of the sale. sad the halsuce in one month thereener wnhont. interest. For further particulate concerning the property, and iniorunuon concerning the condition: 0! ale. :pply to At tho lnn for tho two In Toronto. London. Klugoton. unllton. Ilnlco. Brookvlllo ond Onlllo: 'l‘ho Coon-Al Prbon ond lot-cor Mamba. Tomato; tho Mona-tor: lot Bo PW ; tho lu- otltutlono for tho Don! Dumb. lo. ond tho Bllnd ot Bmuord. Two outlclont ountloo wlll ho ulrod to: tho duo mm °' mam 2...: mm “m r on tho But-Ion of tho roopootlv: lnotltu N. m-Tondoro no not multod for tho apply 0! moot to tho luau In llama. London Kw Honllton out! loo. nor to tho Consul I’m on! Honor Mommy. Tomato. Tholowootor onytondornotnooo-ully ooooptod. R. 03318 ’1‘. I. OH“ om. Jun NOION. Ila-noctu- o! Pam and Public m Porllouont Bulldlnao, momma. HOV. 8th. 135. To. understand will not!" tendon fotnppuu up to noon on TENDERS FOR 8UP?LIBS,1_.896 may m pm xor mu. M y...- “ ooni’ood. m. tor the 15331" Mutton during tho yur 1396. via :- ‘ At the Aging for 9;! I‘ll-agrrtgk'l‘gontohbondon, â€" - _ _ A-AIII- - Valuable Town Property m- LINDSAY. Sam-relay, December 21 , COW TIES 12.05 FRIDA Y NOON. and will sell at Reduced Pricel this season. ' Clerk’s Oflice, Oakwood. 27th Novembsr, Wholesale and Retail Heavy. Shelf and Fancy Hardware. WEEKLY TOURIST max T° THE PACIFIC COAST may; 9 Lindsay um 2cm: day o‘t’Novomber. A. New Advertisements. LITTLE BOB STABLES, BOBCAYOEON. on RE AT CREDIT SALE ulnaâ€"Olfâ€" LIVE STOCK â€"A'|'_ UCTION SALE EARLIER IORDLY. ovum 9. 1.05. J. G. Edward: d5 00. LINDSAY. Eï¬ï¬, â€"â€"Th_e beautiful Brick Resi- â€" n “J..- _.1L_IIAL_ LEAVES TOBOR TO WORD AB OUT IF YOU WANT A 1' TY 15 MINUTES) OFFICE, 52 KENT STREET, _.op_ McIN‘l'YRE STEWART. Vendor-5' Senator}. FRIDAY NOVEMBER '29. 1895.â€"TWELVE PAGES. 5m *“ ¢THE* ¢DARK Pelt Booty, Heavy Rubbers, hr- rigans, etc., at Very Low Prices, 3 flmu‘pnés To Host the audition»- I nun 3:04qu the Price or the l'ollowlnx Stud. 0! Tobacco; 3nd 0135": JOHNSTON 8: SISSUN We are selling a ï¬ne gnde Over- ehoe and Rubber for Ladies and Gen- tlemen Cheaper than ever Sold in Lindsey. Boys' Lined Waterproof Overzhoes, l to 5, for 75¢. Children’s Lined Overshoea, 8 to 10, 50 cents. ' Youtha’ Lined Over-shoes, 11 to 13, 65 cents. Rubbers and Overshoes ARE YOUJ Leaning 3300 8:010. Is free {1-351 Injurlous coloring. The more you use of it the better you like It. Know What You Chew 990. E. Ticket: 5: Son. STONEWALL JACKSON.... ....6 (or 850. HIGHLAND LASSIE.. .... .. ....7 " SIPVERTIP....................7 " BOBBIE BURNS†.... ........7 CHANCELLOB.... .... ........8 " TROLLY.............._-.......7 " PEG TOP.............. ........6 PHEASANTS.... ...... ....7 COUPON.............. ....7 “ CABINETS...... ...... .... ....6 “ CABLE........ s - IOcont 1-11 PADRE!0r.. ............5oenu 10 can: LAPADEXA for...†5 cent. 10 cent WILLIAM PITT 10L. . . .. â€5 cent- vâ€"â€" 7 Baum†.. .. ... .............. s centn Plug McDONALD' S 10 cent Plug Chewing for 84:. 2 Sunll McDomld Plugs (or .... .9 cont: LILY SMOKING. ......... ...-â€.8001!“ Plug T.B. Plug.v .......... ..Ssconu SOMETHING 6000.. ...... .. .9 cents: Plug DERBY ........ .. .Boents :Plug LAUREY. . .......... ...“...SOconuuPlug PERIQUE PLUG ... "nun-9°08" PATRIARCH. ....... ........ icons-thug CROWN....... Wm.“ cont- perlb. '1‘ 8:8. CUT SMOKING. .- 9conua Pm. OLD CHUM CUT SMOKING†9 c I Puknco New AdLegtmemenig; you are under no obli- ggtion to buy glasses. for examination and Come to uuâ€"we hove the belt appliances for testing and examining your eyes, and we understand how to do it properly. We make no charge 1'"! 0‘0 Johnston 6: 3153011. SMOKERS ! TOBACCQ as to what ails your‘ eyes? Why will you hsve them tem- pered with by irresponsible or incompetent people. You can- not buy new eyes. but proper care and attention my pre- serve your old ones and, perhaps, increase the efï¬ciency beyond your expectations. BRITTON BROS. IF SO, TRY ’- BIG-GS 1 CIGARS: 0.0.0.! -o A J03 .RI (Sat x. ‘. You"? O son: 60-. I.†Uta-luau. Orv. ht door cut 0! any Bonn. FEET‘ 00l D? ..'I .7 nan-c.- 7 .....6 ....-.......7 cu. .000... 7 ...7 Kent-o: . bulbs \Y. é 533323333 ‘9 cont- spunk-go 6 '0’ £50. --The Canadian Almsnec for 1896 he been placed in the hands of the public. The '96 Almanac is s very useful book. full of such informstlon as is required by every buslress men hundreds or times during the year. Ask your bookseller tor it. â€"The complete novel in the December issue of Lipplncott’s is the “Old Silver 1* desls Trail," by Mary E. S:ickney. .. with Colorsdo mining life, with strikes. plots. and various underground proceed- ings, as well as with scenery end mountain breezes. The hero loves his enemy's daughter. and his ï¬ne! and meullness triumph over many 0 moles. Ly\ " rapld headway. Th. momma dwelling raved to ba the home of Mr. Woolay ones. um. and althoughntha hoao wagon an ï¬remen were on d withln aohort tune attor lending to the the dlstanc: of the house tram tho near- egu hydrant rogdored 1t lmpoayh'lo to ï¬ght ‘L_ ‘ "and. g LOCI! munc- â€"A!r. R. J. Matohott. o! the cxpreu omen. has pmbuod s naw ham for the express wagon, . . L; A_._|_--- -â€" nvtv, , â€";-gmnd shooting much for turkeys wm be held on Dec. 55h, on the tum at Mr. Jacob Sole, Ops. â€"Mlsa Mercer. of Paberboro. who In: uuv nvâ€"uu.‘ -- -â€"’-v-, V can u: , V _ the ï¬re until the horses had made a second trip tor additional hose. and even then there was not sumolent to admit of treedom oi movement. it soon became evident that the house was doomed. and the ï¬remen directed their eii'orts to protect- ing the homes 0! Meters. Walton and . close by. in which they were success- iul. Mr. Jones was alone in the house that night. and the are spread so rapidly that he was unable to save even his own clothing. The house and contents were lneurao. but we have been unable to learn for what amount. Into round! om. It you would must phonmonlo. branch!- tlo. typhoid tom. nod pennant cough- ond colds. Those Bl: stuck the weak and ton-down system. They cm and no toot- hold when the blood I: kept pore. rich and run of vitality, the o auto good and tion vigorous, with ood’o Snaps:- dines lilo, the only true blood partner. v uvv- w __< â€"Misa Merger. of Peterboro. who he: been visiting iriends in town. returned home on Wednesday evening. â€"-B cekemen Henley of this town. met with an ecsident iestéstnrdey night while running between Peterboro and Port Hope. He is progressing favorebiy. â€"There we: as fair market on Wednesday. but as usual buyers were not numerous. Luge quantities of pork and best were altered. but the demend were not brisk even at the low prices preveiiing. - AL- A tumult Speaker. On need-y. Dec. 3rd. Rev. 8. ’1‘. Bart- lett II to give cc sddreu lcthePreeby- hedcn church under the ullplctl c! the Young Men'e Christian Auocletlcn. It being the cnnlmury ctherlcg. Dacht. lea .11 who on will huge this opponnnuy ct honing one cf the meet promlalng specter! of this province. -Mr. J. Wardrobe. proprietor of the Benson house, has purchased one of B Kylle'e Gladstone sleighs, end N: (e indeed u beenâ€. '1_‘he slgl’gh’wea bung. by Mr; F. -A- --â€"b A -nI- la 'â€" â€""-_- . â€"Mr. Thee. Celleghen. ol' Cempbeiiiomd. “walling hoes†tor the Rechbnn Go. in this distric‘. received e handsome gilt lest week in the eheps of one of the lax-gen deer ever killed in Hastings 00. The eni uni weighed 35 lbs. dreeeed. end when ellve it. ie «tinned would here upped the been at 3251M. we. had nu leg {rehab elooue bond blown ofl' thebu'n. In nu township mlles of fencing were levelled end eeverel buns badly wneked. â€"Mr. "Cheek†Mean, the eelebnted hell-beet cf the Klonten bobbin been. weed ween theotherdeytmthe L-_- e.- I._4I L..- “Mg-Ina a 03 - .Luu on»..- "... -___- ,, Basal: en good udzee any the work 15 equal to any turn out in Caneda. â€"Mr. D. Sonny. of Emlly. ehlpped a mixed load of cattle and lambs to the Toronto market on Thmdey. The rice: of cattle are very low. end Mr. any advises farmers to hold and tstten. es the market In almost eertelnfo Improve. â€"We lest-n that Tneedey morning‘s wind atom ceued answerable (lemme In the country. e number o! well bulld- lnge hevlng been blown down end sever hernennrgqfegl. gun}. Renders. o! Mm- L- A I--.- LA‘ ~Tha 0011:3530“ of .Smiih'e Fells. ech- m on mean clan c: . looelguds'» in order to tore ell ectlona It" 4““39: (mm broken eldewelh. have 3 “3°01â€? ndverblement In the 10011 psperl no 3% all putts ï¬nding broken planks to at once report the not to the street Icepeotor. um I. def. higher been“ an mus-u mod on â€thaw tho 3km“ tho an: Latch. :3.“ to and E “Ea To Ibo an 1'11“", I the Lad- m: pm m dupe-w has has dull! hand but tulle! also flow n4 flu a rat. nigh“: was and ooh. “â€"vv â€" W, â€"The members cf the Victoria Guldlng Sm Indy True Blue Lodge will hold e concert In their room: over Buckwell'e store on Tuesday evenlcg, Dec. and. A ood ammo wlll be prepared and. ipmngogm served: silver oolleotlon; ’88!) swan“. We are sorry to but tint M!“ Casper, while walking on Bond-at. unpprd sud tonal. On the mat Peel and Winn-aux, during the winter months. | punt m1 tur- tle: who gimmick! mu: swan.“ money refunded. when u or mskl'ng to odor tan ct our: anon 1nd 1.: any lulu-8F“. . P. Mumâ€. mpod‘g'ï¬ry 5?; vita!- â€I 0' other mutter no tlon more “90““ to overtnlunwak. â€"Mr. W. C. Richerdson. merchant tenor. spent. Thanksgiving in Toronto. â€"Mr. P. J. Cinnen, of the Sm- hotel. left for the city on Monday morning. ~Miee G. J . Horn viewed friends end reletim int week at Linden Veiiey. â€"Mre. T. McConnell and Mrs. W. Brooks visited Port Perry friends. lest week. â€Lila: Richard-son, of Landon. la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Knowlson. n"" 'v *7 7 â€"-Mr. w; Gormley. o! r. c. Taylor's omoe. viewed the city on TM!“ vulw. kulw use vac; vâ€" .- -Mr Chas. Kirkpatrick at Peta-hora upenb mo Thur-day kpwlu} ISLN firiï¬Ã©r' evidence. the parental r60! at Lornevllle. irvâ€" _. â€" - . uni Ma. [Souls Archtmblnlt cole- bmtcd their that wedding o'n N ov. 2130. â€"Mr. Chas. Ghdmn. o! Bourbon. spans Thunksglvlng with Mr. Goo. lame. â€"Mrs. McIntosh. of Hunflton. In vint- lng her mother. Mu. Wm. Foley. Pool-It. â€"Mr.-. Pygp. of_Poxjt Rap}: 1. the melt - _.A L_l‘_- .‘ m 3 bedroom in Bennett: hotel. Vie- wrie Reed. He was found guilty end received I: sentence of six months in the Central prison ...... A ccmpnnion named named Brooke. chased with hevi at- tempted to rescue Gorhiil from the net- np gee preyione evening. was remanded t at "LEE? Jog-um (m and Philip Got-hm spposred hetero Col. Deacon. county prune mun-ate. aha-god wlth hula: stolen a, 3:313 of 9103108, glued at £20 I L _L“ g- 'â€"Lu.n.‘. flit-â€I, “ .. v._ _- oi Mr. noun. ammnoféniuhmie-m â€"Candnotor Kerry John end wile aim-nod iron: their holiday trip lost Thore- ’. vâ€"Mlee N. CJrneil. oi Band-eh. spent Thanksgiving day with friends in Peter borough. â€"Mre Joe. Bray. oi Feneloni. Fella. formerly of Lindsey. wee in town on Wedneedny. â€"Mr. and Mn. Barium. of Toronto. old residence of Lindzey. spent Theate- glvinc here. -â€"Meeere. Wm. Mamhor end J. C. Ellie oi Fenelon Fells. were in town inst Sounder. _m dRyonWednudnysnd untuthroe o'clock this abet-noon County Police WI- tnoo Dawn wu ohm“ In N7 0"" «(madman than" 122mm. 31mg: wuuhmuym'drwlsn (Iran! 313: annulus! of the chute- A 0mm Bowmwonlumnmtomuth Why. doom... by mine Pam‘- Corn Extractor. Pum'l Paola: Corn Ex- motor bu given animal Mg tultbcm.nhudfunhu cvuyufldootndmem that host at mum sad w. would :33" m thcpuhllotonud gala-o I‘- an- ubsfltum one!“ for the goat Pam's Em. N. C. Pohon 83,00. propflotou. Kimball. ..Kr. M Shannon. of the Pout-hora WMWInanm other GI! oasvulnahutm.Mx-.Ju. Shanon. liquor amt. FM'. my Mend. hum M to loan than. has â€www.muuwmm â€0th“- "lit; 717301.. Soptlmoo J om. of Toronto. woo the {mesh of bio honor Judge Deon wk". 1.. Inï¬iq. iâ€"Mre. Che-funny. ot Melbourne-sh. spent e iew deye with Port. Hope triende ieet week. â€"Miu Annie Ingle visited Mend: in Toronto during Thanksgiving hoiideys and returned on M ondey. â€"Mre. MecDongell. o! Feneion Fella. spans e few days with Mrs. A. W. Perkin end Mrs. O. Bigeiow this week. â€"Mr. W. J. Geiion.repreeent Tooke Brae. Monmei. wee in town on esdey ceiling on old friends end onsoomers. whih '3 : n33? 1:115 Lméflcd’contlmï¬ 0‘11†cu In town on'ruesdny «Lung» the arm‘u Llnduy menu. Menu. undue dad muons Bm.. tron whom he W I Interim trons chamouudby nmmvodsuwdnnqo In u toot- -â€"Mr. Samuel Reynolde, nettle dealer. of Bowmanvme, epenb Sande: In town, e guest of Mr. Joe. Meander, Victoria-eve. â€"Mr. W. Begley. ct Peterboro. steer spending seven! den vlalttng Llndsey triendemetnrned eo Patel-hora lees Monday. In“, a umt a On wdm'hile MrJLMM.“ Ops, was driving down nine: in I 3'3" impala! by his mother. “I. W“ 1:10 hob whoa '30 a“ k M. and m whoa! nod 08. “d h" the hard sound. N0 0 ' W W tumuwrunnflnmy. -M:Z J. E. Blnm, W Mm W. .LSloonl o! Nay quhuafe Mag turned .1330; m M who mm mu- ‘__ _- ___. _ ___-A Mr. D. By spent. Thanksgiving under TERMS; _;s_1_.90_ BEE. lDr. E. swam unturned!“ lBuMN.Y..MMhM [WW-lb. with. The MUG.“ â€"The Christies numbers at the monthly mines are mostly st bend and my be toned in the parlor. â€"The New Yeer's reception is already being looked torwsrd to. end it is expected to be verywsnooeestul. â€"A bible class for young men on Sun- day at 10 e. m. is open {or allyoungmen Interested in bible study. boys. Three new members were added lea: week. â€"A lam congregation ehpnlgl bepreo- â€"Al 0: out at re 31 held In the Preehyaerlon church on day night 3t 8 o'clock. Rev. S. T. B: is u very forcible and Income ape Amflecholrwfllloedthee .: quorum end solo wul duo he a wen. advantages of Ltndnay are hardly surpno ed by tho» of any other town In Canada. and (shot It mainly roots with the taboo!- tnnho of thlo Down and countyâ€"tor the county ll almost cqunlly inboundâ€"to nnlu nnd work oondlnflyt that to hove thou advantage: dovol 7 so soon a lble. In such notion [tics nod risk“! putylunot every klnd oh (1 be excluded. We think that we lovely mluodjho pent ‘gvnguï¬o 5;: having a mmmmmwm m. mm â€mum Echo 'IIâ€" v, m um rub. All A: c Non-Id. and†“equally sought a and won ute to touow. Illa-w wv .lvâ€"v __-__, v , V7 competi roadâ€"the C. VF. Iiiâ€"running through 0 is town and county ; in tact we may say that to save a penny in tax we have lost a nnd in other ways. but aa this cannot helped it will be wisdom on our part to give such moral and, it necessary. such material aid to other projects as will boned: this town and county. It is not at present enexally known that theroisarailway oiled the Ottawa. Amprior and Pan? Sound railo way, which is now neary com leted. Amprior is a town close to the ttawn river and about 100 milee nearer Montreal than the Matte the point to which the railroad from button was to he con- tinued. To have connection with the Parry Sound road would give us conneo tion also with Pembroke, about 65 east 0!: Mattawa, which we think would he more advantageous to us than connection with _-_ -A ‘n‘ l-‘An‘d h- uvpd Atmï¬hW-MSJQQJ 12.": an old pioneer of thetownshipintheper- son at Sidney Barclay. oi Dale near Port Hope. rather of Mrs. James bryscn, of ,this town. The tolicvflgg sketch of his life is taken from the P Hope Guide at Monday last: Sidne Barclay. who de- parted this lite on day. Nov. 22nd, 15. was born in Geneva. New York state. April 5th 1824. At the age of nine year! be moved. «m: his arents. mcm' set in the townsh p of Mariposa. On the of July, 1849, he was married to Susanna McNali, his now acrrcwicg widow. He was ccnverted to Godwhen ‘he “‘5 20 years of ageisagdtfor cavergï¬ '2 - a cone 1: an as I cehttir WI- ' . member if the oliurcn. .F or â€â€˜13 if: he was a leading ofï¬cial of the..- -. pcsa circuit of the Bible Christiau chars-n, and euoerintendent of theSunday school at the Shiloh appointment. Hm homew- :lmuie.I 331134:th “htedtt; e miniatertothecomflcrtanddgwgfbte ct themeepengersqithewcmdotute. The ,n A-,, A-A -_I_A_AI_ «coo-Tully. nod aim "new ottontlon to dunno: peculia- to women. discus of stomach dun-u. ohndm. blood disco-es. pduto abuses. dloeosoo o! the nervous stem sod d1 discuss of men. Cumulu- t strictly prince and outweighâ€"87. accessed a a christian us on practical. living out daily the princiolu at the New Tammi: scriptures. Eedlli» may searched the â€rim hencqhis nlizion was command not! mania-Iii. He never neglected teenaéz'BElEEE-m lukuuswuu W “D u...â€" -v.__---_-, the letter place, as we! at ï¬rst intended. Now we learn that the people 0! Pen- broke are very anxious to have connection with the Parry Sound read. some miles to the south of that town. and then to £01101! on and connect at Helihnrton. Should? thle be_ eccongpuahed. and the 7 e 1.. A-__ â€"l“ L. flnwwm A 390110th gohabmuea ace tavorahle. Lindsay will no a much better position than It the road were extended to the Mattawa, as at ï¬rst prej ected. The advantages or such a connection would. we think. greatly beneï¬t the trade at this town, and we may , _-.. l_ . ‘â€"‘-- Ian-IA cmom;â€"-1_?l!!-. â€"Many of our Marlpou mania-s will learn with deep meant of char dog“: of Bamlnt In Pump- st Denali PM Factory. W: an offering Churn Pull!- tor :4 :nd upmde, {mammals cont- toot. A m m s. to p“ ’ .1qu†.pLu-d- WW ku WWII-nu.) -â€"-, revi, enee ; other: have been neglecttu). and we hope to heu- from them with more regularity during the winter months. when there is m ,n leisure time. Cor- respondence invited from districts not yet mpresented in our columns; paper 39d â€amped envelopes will betumish- ed on application. . “WW Wewiehtoheertrom ever-7m- pondentononrnuduringthenext tew weeks. having e epeciel object in View. May of our loan! writers here been very telthtel in reporting tar as the he ninga of their district. and their ntereetlng weekly budget- ot news have been tetally received end have done mu ho maintain Tn P03! in the front rank as e family paper. while an the sum time bringing their own ogmmnnity Inga promln; A AA‘_‘ -â€" '_-' PAYABLI II ADV†I! E. NM; “PB- . a- , ï¬MA. 8. Putin. J. Haney . when. thatâ€! WKL “SJ 1. l-â€"