.ï¬; d“? CMnrod wouldnll too much W. so we shall only mention the more Inaccu- m 8803!. Mt. W. Wfllon'u m m “37 Wall to «Dem clam ï¬ne deer. whno thy Mann» and Gen-ow party m 8m accompnlod by two at on 10911 bur-boom, brought out um um. am." The Rsv. mm “mm; am, 48! .I madly than «no killing m, m an experience at mn- north, mamunmum'y'u €_l‘o mention 311 maximum.“ .vâ€"o-BU wave-Iv. a. fluppufl bun taken team the lumber woods to the "txperlence meetings†Huntsville hospital with Brights’ disease in “the church or to-da: and :s in a. very dangerous condition. Tm: proposedPort Pe Amorg the heme sick are Miss Mary electric railway is like Greer, ï¬rs. Thea. Bell. Mrs. Edward Bell. most of the towns asks and also Mr. Isaac Sprung, all of whom we have already raised the hope willbeiullyreooveted in atew days. fl‘ .T'--- A.‘ --â€" SICK Lam-Wearasorryto state that a 15.21 1-0!an pmmlsingyoung men has G. S. H uston recently departed for Win- nipeg and other western points in the interss- cf the W. J. Gage 00., of Toronto. P 15 mum. -Msny valuabXe dogs have been ,7 )fsoned here of late. The guilty party whonld be caught and made an exam; 4 or, as they appear to be making a bgsint as of it Inte'y. REMOY Laxâ€"Mr. Geo. Bell has moved his laud, to our village suburb east of the town ...... Mrs. Pearson has removed 0 Liadsay, where she will spend the wlnzer wish her sou, Mr. J. J. Pearson . . .. P; i Reading has moved to Norland from C . u: cmk. He was formerly a resident of the queen city and In at present employed there In one of Toronto's schools. Pnasosts.â€"Mr. Henry Teel and John Gastlin have returned from the lumber ‘ camps to spe ed a few days here ...... Miss Lula Cetl has returned home from Luster- worsh, where she Ins been teaching school. Her t r as explred on Friday last ..... Mr. Tn Emma-Au Immovmmmâ€"MrJehn Russell and eons are cutting wood and clearing land on their flnelake view term on Perklne‘ point, Mud Turtle sze. Th ey are hustlers end will have one or the ï¬nest summer resorts in the province when they complete their work ..... Mr. John Bailey’s ï¬ne arm of Head Luke is undergoing exten- lve Improvements. Mr. Alt. O'Brien and son have contracted for the removal cf all the stump“. They will doubtless make a. g‘aslj be! it, as they have in the past. . . . .. Mr. Thee. Bell has almost completed Li 4 new blacksmith shop on the site where 3'3 old one was burned recently. He will of course do a rushing business as before. gCorrespondonce o! Tun Post 1 Commuc rs.â€"â€"()ut local c. mantel-s are at resent. buts. M -. W. Wilson has cc:- traoted fur and has 513) completed the woodwork 01 Mr. G. H. Goslla’s new stone residence at Head Lake......Mr. Ernest Adah- is alsO'amplayed building a “hen coop" tcr Mr. Thos. J. Stephens, at Beach Dec, 5': 1).»: forcLocn,and In Miss Garden‘s room 3;. (ha Emu-corn zf the same day. Paten's and all who are interested in the schools are invited to attend these public examinatloz s. befare, so 1 e had to return and go into the dry dock here in winter quarters. Tuwxsen'mG.â€"Thanksgiving services w re held in the different churches here 5:. Tmreday (Thanksgiving 63} ). PUBLIC Ex Aaxxqu-st.â€"Tce public ex- amltations win he held in the schools as f Slows: In Miss McClelland‘s room on Wednesday. the 1m: 0! December, in the hrenoon, and In Mr. Hickson’s room in the sturgeon (f the same day; and in Miss Fagic‘s room on Friday. the 20.11 cf Tax: Esmmomâ€"The Esturion tooped h;r whistle and steamed 03‘ for Lindsay as usual on Thursday morning, (213:) but when Capt. Lane got to the river he found Jack Frost. had been too busy the night attenmd. The surviving membars ofâ€"thâ€"e rxmily have the sympathy of the entire village in their sad bereavement. Sm DR wm::a.â€"'~Trs. All», who lived in Rokeby, came across the bridges to the south side of the came! to visit her daughter, Mrs. George H unilton, on Sun- day evening. the 17:11 inst , and remained :iliabout nine o'clock, when she started for her home, and as it was vex y dark she cauciuzled to keep the centre cf the road. In doing so she went astray and walkâ€" ed into the camel at the foot of Sherwood street, it is supposed, and was drowned. er': rimming between nine and ten o’clzck Mr. Blewett, the :ockmaster, went to measure the water and to his astonizt- meat feed her body floating just at the entrance to the grist mili flame. As she lived aioae no rereon had missed hér till she veg f and. The funeral tcok place on the foiicwing Tuesday and was hugely LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS 6! fl 2.9 @anadiuu LINDSAY. FRIDAY. NOV. 29. 1895. Ayar’fj‘s om, Sarsaparé" sa duer’s Piflsj'sr live:- cnd bowels. “No other blood medicine :1th I have ever used. and I have tried th~-m all. is so thorough in its action. and exerts so many germane"! cures as Ayer's Szzrsapariiiu.â€-â€" . H. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Statement of a. “’eIl Known Doctor AYERS}? No Other fledicme’ Admitted at the World’s Fair. “10112106813130!“th thqwfldragionsofthe Dr. H. F. Merrill. {Correspondence at In: POST. NORLAND. Ayers Remedies. SO THOROUGH AS 5050.4 Y GE UN. young men has 131: erwoods to the “s Brighte’ disease in me condition. '. are Miss Mary 91: 38. Edward Bell, m: . ï¬ll of. whom we ha‘ :1 in a few days. 11 't. decided merit: In colds of ovary tum. All the people pain it. In our experience It In autumn The chfldron like Is, Ind In their cases we have hand 1?an unall- ent In cramp, as wall as old: and cough." RI. D h B““" ' _ I parilla Lscomcs.â€"The lake was trczen over once this fall ..... Boys,'did you have a good time at Uxbridge on Sunday night recently. What’s the matter with Black- stock? Get run out when you go over there? ...... The Chronicle correspondent is so pleased over his “experience meet- ing" that he had to go and completely spoil it last week. The editor should im- press you with the fact that you must grow yet before you are allowed to do .things alone. I suppose that’s one cf the “:xperlence meetings†such as they have in “the church of to-day.†Tm: proposed Port Perry and Kinoardine electric railway is likely to be built. as most of the towns asked to give a bonus ‘__‘_, ,- also. Tue old huntérs know-305m do It: ...... A large number or dunks are being shot these dsys. Sponws.â€"-Two of our old sportsmen, Messrs. G. M. Real and J. W. Davis, each over eighty, secured a deer this tall. Bays who have good sight, what's the matter you can’a see straight enough to get one CHURCH varcns.â€"The special services recently held in the Methodist church here were very successful. ENTERTAINMENT.â€"-A grand tee and con- cert was given in the Presbyterian church here on Tuesday evening or last week. The speakers of the evening were Hon. John Dryden, minister of agriculture; Wm. Smith, MP. ; Revs, Messrs. Cameron, 1 Wick: McLeod. Sanye; McLean. Brookiin: Pheien, Cartwright; Hmneh, Uxbridge; and the resident ministers. The Uxbridae Presbyterian choir supplied the music for the occasion. ‘ [Correspondence of Tm: Pour ] PERSONAL.â€" Miss M. Donaldson has returned to her position at N iegars Fails. ...... Miss Lottie Csde, or leieviiie, is ‘ the guest of Mrs. Dr. Mellow ...... Miss Dora McGiil has gone to Petersbnrg, Vir- ginia, to spend the winter with her uncle and family. She will be greatly missed as organist by the Presbyterian choir here. . . . . . .Miss L. McConnell has been engaged as teacher of No. 2 division of our public school. Miss E. Kennedy intends going 'for a. higher certiï¬cate. OFF TO Tux Wobns.â€"Q mite a number of « ur young men leave for the lumber woods at Dex-set to-morxow, Tuesday. A. Low FIGUREâ€"Mr. John Mllburn, one of out enterprising farmers, sold a ï¬ne big horse last; week for $35, vshich shows how the prices of horses have gone down during the past few years. ILLâ€"Mr. Wm. Hughes has been very eluk for the past week, but; at time of writing is reported some better. Am WORK.-~Mr. Andrews, of Lindsay, is now delivering all the pictures he took orders for atew weeks ago through this section. HORSE Kamaâ€"On Thursday morning last, as train No. 32 was running around a. long curve oppaslte Mr. J no. Sedgwick'e farm, the struck and killed one at his ï¬nes; young horses. The Railway Co. will likely pay for the animal, as their fence was oniy about; three feet high where the horse jumped over. - weak ...... Mr. Wilson Hex-ran, 0â€"2 Dorset. paid his Gelert friends a visit on Thursday last. {Correspondence of Tax. Poet] PERSONALâ€"Mr. Ritchie Kidd, fur buyer, at Peterbora, spent Sunday last as the guest of his uncle, Mr. W. F. Ritchie, of this village ...... Mr. D. Ritchie, relieving operetor, has gone to reiieve the operator at Hesting‘e station. . . . . .Mrs. J as. Webb, of Goodcrham, was visiting her brother. Mr. J. Phinney, here a few days of last COMPLETION.-The farmers of this vtcln- Ity are busy completing their ploughing and other fan 'work for the season. A WANT GRATIFIED.â€" At last the worthy f where of our to wn have awakened from their slumbers and have come to see the necessity of having the street: lamps lighted those dark niuht-s. Ravxvu. MEETINGS.-â€"The revival meet- ings conducted by Messrs. Johnson and Bennett will be continued for another week. CHANGE OF TEACHERs.â€"Mtss F. Gunn has secured the pzsltlon of teacher in 8.5. No. 5 Mm’p ma, batter known as "Grant's school." PERSONAL-4111‘. W. Grant has returned to this place, where he has started a. tailor shop......)Ir.=. Gregor Campbell, cf Var- couver, B.C., formerly or Woodville, arrived here on Saturday, 16th Inst. {Correspondence of Tm; Pcsr.‘ WEDDING Bumâ€"It Is rumored that a private wedding was held in the Presby- terian church of this place on Monday, 18th inst, the couple being from Beaver- ton. The Rev. Mr. Duncan was called home from Tcrmbo to perform the care- many. ’ [Conesnondence of Ten Peer.) 1 New Wzsr END STOREâ€"It is guilty- ing to know that; the general public appreciate our enterprise in launching out 5 in business. which has been proven by the jlarge number at old friends as well as many new ones who have visited our stare since the opening day. Our stock, which is composed c f groceries, confection- ery, flour and feed. hardware. etc, is new and fresh, and up to date in every respeef. ‘ Give 1139. trial and see tow far we can make your 3 $ go by dealing wiï¬h us. Highest: prices paid for farm produce.â€" PerLrP 8: MAY. . j CHURCH Norrisâ€"The revival services hive closed with grand success, over ï¬fty I having taken the all important step. 1 U N00 H00. Bell, whomnnlted in manage on the 6th inst. toMr. Bob: E. Woodcock. one o of Cobooonk’e worthy citizens. The cere- mony was peztormed In Lindsey, from which place they teturaed by way of: Kinmonnt on the night: train cf the 8th. E They were given a warm reception by.’ their many friends who had gathered at 1 the home of the bride’s tether. where a very enjoyable evening was spent. The ; bride was the recipient of many beautiful 1’ presents. Who next ? PORT PERRY. CANNJA GTON. GELERT. W0 01) V1 LL E. required amount. Spun-ton. Rsvmauon Cloud. As anticipated, the cold cusp of Wednes- day week covered the rlver with an Inch ‘ of tough ice. and nevagntlon ls ended for the season. The Esturlon came as for as Pleasant Point on the up trlp next day, but Czpt L we found the entrance to the cut tnzen and the glitter cf new ice as for as he could see nhend. Three commercial men on board were put on shore, and made the Benson house about noon In a knocked up conditlon. declaring that the walking was exeornble. The boat return- 1 ed to Bobcaygeon and 13 now in winter quarters in the dry dock. racord. 'rhoy Met rheu- Waterloo. The Sepmte'schoolgtootbnll club. who have been conquering everything they met got their ï¬rst defeat at. the hands (or feet} of the Y.M.C.A. Jnnlore, on the school grounds Thanksgiving day. Only one goal was secured by the Jnnlors in 20 minutes. The juniors are cultivating e. poppndqur, preteedonel Iona hair. and To mv Lor’i'mes. PINEMALT, umâ€" Newest. most Palat- able and Best remedy for colds, 001: 1:9. la Fflppe’lh oaraeneu and 311 branch 31 and nag all meat 9. V- --â€"v- Anyone ot‘ét'aiading is at liberty to look into the workings ct our business at ;any time. Mention this paper. T8: GIBIAN CHEMICAL co. 77 mourn-oz. Toronto. V -â€" vâ€" -â€"~â€"y \- vv nu. vw ISUMIHGU. ï¬Silâ€"ccessful campgcitm wlll be notiï¬ed Immediately. No charges. But success tul competors to pay freight or exgraes. The names of prize winners will be pub» lislmd tromjime 99 time. ,, WV- .. -v- v- ‘v-m-uv at Tuesday, NOV. 12th, 19 tha ï¬rst flaw of compatltion. Monday, Dec. 23rd, Is the last day or oompaamon. Letters not regelved can-that; dayyul be rammed. Dr Gray’s Germlne Granules is a. perfect medicine. You do not rtquire to take any other medicine with it, nor do you have to take three or four pills at a dose. One pill is a dose. Treatment of Dr. Gray’s (rer- mine Granules and you will not only have no other. but save many dollars. Price 50 cents per box. PLEASE N 01‘! 0". Letters containing a correct answer will not be recognized unless accompanied with ‘ 50mm ts fer a box of _Germinc Pills. To the sender cf the ï¬rst correct answer to the above two questions received and opened in due course or past each morn- ‘ ing, who is not otherwise entitled to a ‘ gifr, will be given one doz. gold aluminum teaspoons. a decided novelty. Value 85. What are Gumbo Graeme. They will rid you of the lite-destroying indigestion and dyspepsia. Cure you of Liver and Kidney complaint, Malaria, Sick Headache, Bilicusness, Constipation, ‘ Neuraleia and Rcenmetic Pains, Bad taste in the Mouth, Female Weaknes9.etc. Remove that haggard look and bring back the fresh complexion and build up the wasted form. Dr. Gray’s will do it. Dr. Gray's Genuine Granules are not only the best spring and all the year round medi- ein e, but they are also the cheapest to buy. To the sender of every 11th correct answer to the above two questbas receiv- ed and opened in due course of post, we will give two boxes or Dr Gray's Germlne Granules. Value $1. To the sender of every 27th correct answer to the above two questions receiv- ed and opened in due course of post, we will gives quadruple silver plated, gold llned cake basket. Value $4. To the sender of every ï¬fty-ï¬rst correct answers to the above two questions twelv- ed and opened in due course of post. will give a handsome quadruple plated sllver fruit: and spoon. Value $700. we will give, at the cpblon or the success- ful competitor, a four piece quadruple silver-plated tea set, with tray ; a quadtw pie silver-plated ï¬lter, or a modern quadruple silver-plated epetgne. Value â€"â€"â€"- TO the 803d" 01 every hundmth 00mm Aaron Sumac. an Eccentric Aged Jew. answer to the above two questions recelv. Mlnclml by Mask"! Men. ed and opened in the due course of p33†Hamilton, A'OV. 24Lâ€"Accordlng t0 the ~A_u_, . L. n . To the senders or the last ooxreot answers received to the above two ques- tions and opened in due course of post, we will give a superb silver, quadruple plated tea. set, consisting of 20 places, value 8150. To the senders of the middle correct answers to the above two questions re- ceived and onened In the due course of post. we will give a superb, silver quadru- ple plated tea set, consisting of twenty pieces. Value $150.00. To the senders of the ï¬rst correct answer to the above two questions received and opened in due course of post, we will give a superb silver, quadrubie plated tee. set, consisting of twenty pieces. Value $150.00. Question No. 2-A bought a pair of shoes tram B for ï¬ve dollars, tendering a twentyâ€"dollar bill in payment. 8 not having any change goes to C and has the twenty-dollar hm changed, comes back ; and glvesA his change and the shoes. I C shortly afoer comes to B and says : “That twenty-dollar bill I changed for you Is a counterfeit. I want my money back.’ B gives C back twenty dollars In good money. How much is B out by the whole transaction ? The Following 1. What We Give Away: 1 _-_‘- --_.... .wu~ unu, .â€" nuu any time to hold up their HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS I mrcécx u Amman. tack ot rheumatism. His condition ex- cites no alarm. Dr. Lapponl. his body physician. is in attendance upon him. His secretaries were engaged at. th. Vutmm unis morning as usual. Rome. Nov. 24.-'1‘he representative or the United Press in this city learn. that tlge _Pope 1g surging from an at- 401mm and flute Who Disgraced the British Nation. London. Nov. 23.â€"The trial oil the ofï¬cers 01' the British vessel Why Not for descrting the ship while on ï¬re. leaving the passengers to their fate. has resulted in the conviction 0! Cap- tain Wilkinson and Mate Wilkinson. The captain was sentenced to six months' imprisonment and the mate to two months' at Guernsey at hard labor. The Judge who presided at the trial in pronouncing sentence declared that the conduct of the oil!- cers and crew of the vessel was a disgrace to the nation. While the vessel was on her way to ‘ the Island of Jersey: in Julne clam a ï¬re was discovered in her hold. \S‘hlle ‘ the sailors were attempting to put out ‘the ï¬re a bucket was accidentally dropped overboard. A boat was lower- ed to recover it, whereupon the cap- tain Jumped overboard and climbed into the boat and was followed by the crew. One of the passengers also Jumped overboard and swam to the boat. into which he was taken. The passengers remaining On board the boat handled it as best they could and managed to beach her at Erquy. where the captain and crew in the boat am succeeded in landing. in the movément. stun |.U U: "Cl“ 81'. Kluge‘va). on Jun? 1 and 2, in celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the Battle of Lime- stone Ridge. in the Fenian Raid of 1866. It is proposed to have the Queen's Gum and Royal Grenadiers of Toronto and the Thirteenth unite for a. two days' parade.during which there will be a sham battle. The Toronto Veterans’ Association will co-opemte Oh Oh; , --.-_‘-_ M. D. Nemgan, vlce~presidont. and Chris Kerner. past preéident of the Veterans' Association. have visited Ridgeway. and have made the ï¬rst arrangements for the big demonstra~ tion to be he!d_ at ‘Ridggway on Jun-3 1 _._.I n n_, Proceedings have been started by Louis Morris, a King-street east but~ cher. and his daughter, Miss Nellie Morris, against the latter's uno‘e, Thomas Small. 3. well-krown ho se- man. for assault and trerpass. Thn alleged assault and (xx-spas: is Skid to have taken place some months atro. while Small and his warm wax- ou- drlving, and as both parties ar‘ Well known and highly respected, and com nccted with the First Methodist Church the action has created a great deal of talk. and the trial promnes to be or a. sensational nature. Miss Morris i331: jheiclitiy Hospltat. , ~--‘, .' â€"-â€"- story which Aaron Sayman relates. he had a. very exciting expeticneu with three burglars last Thursday night. when. with a butcher knitc at l: thi'uhi. he was forced to hand over ail his money. a couple or uatches, and several bOld rings; and besides. he says. he was handled so roughly that he was ill for tu'u days. Lem; Ulluble to Milton the rubbexy to “It: pOIiCc tilt batut'day tnornt‘n". Saymun is a Jew, atmut I'J ytars old, 0: eccentric habits and results alone with his ecccnulc son. Lh-ztzat'. at tlu corner or 51033!) and Vine-streets. hut-3e he keeps a ‘ curiosity shop, his young wife having deserted him some t. .;e ago. The man with a. knife ordered Saytnun to tell where his money and anything else at value were. and the Old man told them where they could get $10, and the key to the drawer which contain- ed the watches and rings. With these in thtir possession. the man with the knife told the old man it‘ he said anything about it they would come- back and cut his throat. While all this Was going on Eleazar was hiding under the clothes. he having taken reâ€" fuge as soon as he was awakened by the oaths of the burglars. S I: aim}; t7 Soap Lenten (neu- lnfluence. The buyâ€"lug of cinegf foods as not the vital principle 0! e Patrons; but. he defended the pr nciple of handing igpgether. 9113393 (‘11:)! nnfl Ln..a_- -- COWABDS ’l‘ll Ii" The Pope's Illness. ROBBERY I .‘c' "A â€H.103. GREGUBY’S mi: 8min mm! Some One Said convinced. A hwhoonlnu anon-nun lone. SMITH’S TORONTO OYE WORKS STANDARD PATIEBH GOMPANY.‘ Stamped Fancy Goods, Felt Cloths. Silks on all Kinds. ' -â€"‘A03xr mnâ€" Fancy Goods, Wall Papers.‘ MIL llnery, Stallouery, Wools at all LIIHEEST STORE llilllDSIY A. w. HE'H‘GER. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONIO. ONT“ gives only"TheB:n"ln the line 0! budnou adu- cnuon You nod u do not, every one nood- u. Now In the an. to char. TMI ln-mutï¬on h unquu. nonwh- the leading commercial uchml of tho Do- minion. Nothing «qua m II n in Toronto. on» lone-1m. 87 QIL' C 1mm. PIC-01ml. Gen tn] Business Collgge. '1‘“ GLEPOOI‘ Give us prvvuï¬oublodwnhmoahadudlm "fled “Patna-Tu Soup." In: very mum: thqwmdmppmlkin bee-me month Ind {/JéTi/Mzgyy’ Onlyï¬cBigOIh: W 8:51 Buys Soap 5.0 r..- tcdigtlu sync! A A. bl“ A 0030 BUSINESS 5000‘"!!! "ELâ€! T0 HARE Lâ€! A â€"AGEXT FOBâ€"â€" ’~ Greggâ€. Baimc- Tar $93.0. __~ W.‘ Heats,†We turn our stocks over rapidly-“Small [roï¬ts and q been our business motto, and we're more in love with it th market and buy in large quantities at such close margins that lines of goods from us cheaper than they could from the who! Isn't there a proï¬tabie lesson in this for all housekeepers is your honest opinion .’ Coming down to our own businessâ€"that of a Family ( people will deal where they can get the quality of goods t ï¬gure? Friendship is all-powerful, but it will rarely 511th pound in the family supply of sugar, and properly soâ€"busir reasonably be assumed that one grocer should be able to sel Various conditions make this impossible, however. In tl petition the wholesaler holds out his arms to the large buyc quickly and comes back often. Such a buyer gets the close and his stock is always freshâ€"the small dealer does not {are 2 old on the shelf. G L A D 5 TO N 5 all men are natural Free Tradersâ€"that given their choice they will buy in the cheapest market and sen SA YS THA 7‘ in the dearest, and that while laws may be passed by governments restricting trade between nations under the guise of expediency, the nature of the people remains unchanged'and they still go on demonstrating the truth of the great principle in their every day bargaining and bartering. :It's a deep question in its wider sense, and we don't pretend to be able answer it just nowâ€"some other time, perhaps. Take the cation, and it's easy {or all of usâ€"we all buy in the chca get much credit for sound common-sense if we didn'r to question in it’s local appli- pest market, and we wouidn'r an m Au. MOTHERS WHO Hm»: Usao assortment ot 2 W o PALMOIAR SOAP I Set the fall Km Tut n' ‘ Mace 1 IS THE ' Wéaa‘ [5 Your bpzhzbm .3 (- “Mount. Don’t forget. we move. W“ “"’ . or ant Tm “Mud it will on 'f '01: W myths-code“. my I 3 “M â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- m u [thud Nous ' in .7111 be . your kitchen. 01¢:sz ,1“ your home if ouhm amtoba School Queztion will EEK" Mb. for the :1 ext few months, but “GOOD CH thfl nor 3 m \ moan , ‘ t D ’ on t forget the Stove, the Ma ,4.-.» Tm of ARCH. CAMPBELL, LOOK AT THIS CUT “it Mini M Ball......CcmNmuon but u:- and lot w t r {Momuun " °' “. I a io MW.................... ...... Gurney hum air John WM...................... " " In Box-(hm " " Inn 80“...." .......... ........ " “ I: D 0rde....... .............. “ “ 8 15 ’0'. W. 0 WM: Dun Sigâ€"l have much 3°“ .‘ bOIIIO In the sutumn o â€I. w Wuwftzn "In no duct nn "mm. ---ooo--- 8 Sykesur" .. ' m........ . .. ‘ J 8 Kmhon... ...... " Alt: Boa.................. E Wood..." Wu sum .. Wu Nadia†. . Knovhou Bro... " Dr lchlplae..Ourncy oomblmtlon m. D J legutyu..0nrnoy continua 30M “Mann"... I The County Bul'dtngu.... . . .J The Count; 00-1.. . ..... . ..... Lindon? Penance .............. 1 Cantu-idle.» Methodist Church . 6: mm in C “IA ow MEETS i.'.‘.'.’..'."""= Samuel hum. Gurney John D maneâ€... " §0ngeLG Putin" .~ .. u. JAMS BOXALLJ Kent Street. the following list of Buildi s in whichhe has placed place your order with him fore the usual all rush. home is worth more to you than a am in u Have you a desire to make :11]: Arch. Campbgll. 1e, perhaps. Take the questibn in it’s' - we all buy in the cheapest market, and ~scnsc if we didn't. we wouldn't . WOODS is the “W “'0" we mat £1: rush. A fir-flake m bani“ 'rth more to you than a. zen in a store shop, Gu'neyliu-rh woo‘l {names with our own orimml hot water communion ..................................................Gume,s' ho: waver g . ......Eutirehotwot« . l Passe ho: airlumce and l Pause combmnpon hot air and m J an: gs Hoxall. F AMILY GROCER‘ IA'I‘ a Family Grocerâ€"is it '. G. Woods. Lind 587‘ not true that 1 Buck 1 How.“ §Gurum no. in in†.. .Gurney hold? “01 um 93“- Uurmfl' but" â€Howard M‘ Sleun a!" i. urnm hot 'I" 1:»! imonill. ho a grim While B to the :raï¬ from wind ï¬t. Thcn Ilmoat cw foundstlo ‘ “Bantam: feeling D! In at “I In t few :1 come of tl: mm In the next â€may." The H 9.: avidly cal o'clock in} by; one 0" to In] IOIII , mm. o! 51:01 «man 1 On to ( C But, a! this cil)‘ leave on z to the hot me fur r.’ IN TER Mr PY