Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Oct 1897, p. 1

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rks BCSt; W33 : Economical ck. Chalk 3 ister. 'oods. : 35 mm '53 and 93‘2ng A -Am'w u :E’UE'CLIFFE SUNS. alfiTER IS GOMiNG The most attractive and newest 1â€"63 Styles in Millinery are here. European and American CAPES--- varied to please the tastes of the many. Prices are most modest Our Mantles we import direct from the German and American manufacturers. They are Stylish and inexpensive. ariies’ Manties, made of Imported Serge, Curl, Seams all taped, newest Styles. - - -‘ - only $2.75 adies B ack, Brown or Green Beaver Cloth Mantles, Eatest styles, - - - - - - ~ $5 00 :utelifie 81 Suns, 1V6 no Biankets, Goods ancl 9051'er 35, awaYM‘LLOâ€" teed and every pat I'( serves 1'51 kimls of FOOTWEAR, mi 1:: next. tvEPorter’s BM English, Scotch. difficulty -( nu. and XIV. WHOLE NO. 1989 e the Largest Stock of 1‘ but ,#,_,w in the 0993’s y, consisting 9f J. Sutclsze 8: Sons. his crastomers $185 pr. Grey Biankets, $125 pr. CATHRO 3? -99: servm: Y GS,- ” Handsengu 39321231913391 erv custom; ,S‘Et. FORMERLY WARNER CO.S 'm: yuu well. We extend greetings t be glad to do business with them FWEAR, TRUNKS AND VALISES. rter's Buokstnre, 60 Kent-3h, Lindsay. DRESS 60008. 1350:: A: 0’ to 5: KENT-ST" opp- The New Fall Range is Complete with the Newest \Veaves Added this week a Complete Range of All Wool French Cash- n are, in all the colors, 42m wide, mar/{ed 300 actual value, 400. ers best best serves himself” md as our $100k is all Irish and Canadian TweeAds Overcoatingg and prices it and finish guaran- if/ away iwell pleasgd; # of Merchagg glaring Spratt 8r. Kille L's Stcre. late of Toronto to our formed A 1 again. You will I'Mâ€"E: WHITNEY SPEAKS. .IFM. FOO .>(n_wm20m>> ZO >JJ<¢ m>_.r<>mmw200 NIP l \ :\ L l The Opposition Leader Given a Heart! Welcome and an Attentive Hearing â€"I.a.wyer St. John Tells the Result of his Personal Investigation of the Famous Piggery. The Academy of Music was fairly well filled on the evening of Oct. l3:h by citizens anxious to hear Mr. J. P. Whitney. leader of the opposition in the local legislature. members cf the reform party and ladies comprising probably one-third of the gathering. Among those on the platform were Mr. R. Bryans, president of the con servative association. Mr. S. J. Fur. the candidate, Col. Sam Hughes. J. D. Flavclie. J. Bsxaii. Stephen Dundas. Time. New- man, J. Jackson, Johnston Ellis, Thcs. Grimson. Wm. Channoa. W. A. Weese. and a number of ladies. Brief remarks were made by Messrs. Bryane, Hughes. Fallls and Fox, the latter being followed by Mr. Whitney. The opposition leader received a warm welcome on coming forward. and spoke for about an hour and a half, charging the re- formers with having frittered away the resources of the province. creating an army of cfilclais. and maintaining an imperfect school system. He was succeed- ed by Mr. 5:. John. who charged the government with nearly every political crime on the calendar. and whose virtuous indignation was at times painful to witness. He devoted consider- able tirne to a description of the surround- ings of the solitary hog at the Mimico piggery, and wound up by accusing the government of disloyalty in allowing Canadian logs to be out in Michigan. OPENING SPEECHES. The meeting was opened shortly after 8 o'clock with a brief address from the chairman, who first introduced Lieut-Col. Sam Hughes. M.P. Col. Hughes. who was received with cheers. said that it was not known at what time the election would he brought on, but it was a good rule in time of peace to prepare for war. In accordance with this rule. Mr. S. J. Fox had been up and down the riding and Mr. Whitney had been through the province. He said that those who were present. whether conservative or liberal. would go away after the meeting with the conviction that Mr. Whitney was a credit to his country. Col. Hughes said that those questions which should be placed before the pctple would be discuss- ed by the proviacsl leader and his lieuten- ants. Among those Iquestlcns were the financial. agriculturli, mining and eduoa~ tional interests of the province. In concluding. Col. Hughes requested that the speakers make their remarks brief, so as to give Mr. Whitney the time he. should have. Mr. Samuel J. Fox. the conservative candidate in West Victoria, was called on. He asked for the support of the eopie. and thanked the conservatives for the honor done him in choosing him as their standard bearer. Mr. W. A. Failia. representative for East Durham in the local house, expressed his pleasure at being classed as a follower of a leader like Mr. Whitney. who, he believed. would be premier after next election. $ 5 fl $ the Americans won (1 be willing to give that sum to Mr. Hardy. but whether the govrrnment would accept or had accepted it he could not say, as his knowledge did not extend this far. No CONNECTION wrm 'rUPPEB. Continuing, he said that i! the govern- ment had the suvpfus it was claimed it had, why did it net pay 011’ its debts? Mr. Whitney referred to the charges made by his cpponents that he was in alliance with Sir Charles Tapper. He said that the barges were made by public men who u t0 , - ._.- Anâ€"Inla 9n ha ashamed of THE CONSERVATIVE LEADER. Mr. J. P. Whitney was then introduced and was received with cordial warmth. He expressed his gratification at being in Lindsey and at meeting so many of the people. He was especially pleased at the urea: number oi ladies who were in attendance. The first question be dealt with was the finances oi the province. This great- question hes not been given due attention in the past by the people. because heretofore they had not been taxed to support the government of the country. He made churges of extrava-‘ gance against the present government, ‘ saying that it had continued from the date 1 1 they took office until the present. Every year they had existed as a governmen they had spent more money than they received. In this way they had pursued that down-hill track which had landed them were they were to-day. The first step Was the multiplication of omcials, all of whom, ot course. had to be paid. Then they began to sell the timber of the country, which constituted their capital stock; they had thus exhausted the they were in debt to the extent of $3000,- 000. He said he oculd. did time limit, show how this extravagance existed In every branch of the administration. One reason [or this was that there was no proper audit of the moneys expended by the prov- ince. Mr Whitney then cited some instances of expenditures in connection with colonization road). which he claimed were extravagances. He contended that the surplus which had been boasted of so long had no existence. He charged that ‘there had been deficits during the past three years. and to the liberal mind the best proof that these deficits did exist was that they were admitted by the government. At this point an old gentleman in the audience asked Mr. Whitne whether it man true that Mr. Hardy ad received I , A4 a. __-An auvu.-__--i, At this poln: an old audience asked Mr. V was true that Mr. E *200000 tram the Au ‘ his opponents one“. an m... .. .......n. l Sir Coarles Tupper. He said that the .ohsruee were made by public men who ! ought after his denials to be ashamed of themselves. He denied this again, stating I that neither Sir Charles Topper nor anyone else of the Dominion party was taking a port in this contest. \ A voiceâ€"Tell us what you are going to do. Mr. Whitneyâ€"I'll tell you w at we are goin to do, what our friends won't doâ€" our uty. I won or it thnt is not an On- 1 tario government (ffloial; it not. be is very i likely an applicant for some Dominion post i which is now held by a conservative. - (Laughter and applause.) ‘ ms rn'rm POLICY. ‘v Mr. Whitney then took up the subject E of education and outlined his plan for im- Iproving the public school curriculum in . the interest 9 the 95': per cent. ot the child- s..a_ min-melon in LINDSAY. ONT. Premier Hardy to: his Iddma two the maple election (1 0! Owen Smnd dark: the Mr. Pact-son. He ptolaud to find in Mr. - L_xk- AHA-.3 tn thfl DBO‘ Mr. ratcrson. BU yer-w"â€" .. , Hardy's words a bribe oflered to the pen. 1 p!e of that riding for liberal eupporf, and , he said that this war a prostitution bye Attorney-General Hardy o! hie position as 5 nerdian or the pnbiic morale, which was ' calculated to lower and debaueh public honor in this country. He also candemn- - ed him to: his action in regard to the ; junior judges act. In can ading, Mb! belly and by letter. that we were on the , eve of an upheaval which would overwhelm ‘ the rreeent liberal govemment and bzing 1 the conservatives into power. 1 HR. 81‘. JOHN. Mr. J. W. St. John, who was the next speaker. eaid that the twenty-five years of the Murat-Hardy government had been characterized by oenolts. omcluliem and autocracy. and the the; government had reached the zenith of .u unpopulariry and the nadir of Its usefulness He argued that the legislators (t the province must be absolutely independent o! the legislat- nr-I nf the nginion. and that they roay 3e 80 bncru uuuunu uvv " a- . -_ some stripe at O:tawa and Toronto. He quoted an opinion to this eflect expree I by Sir Oliver Mowet. Mr. St. John said that in all their going up and down the ‘ province the members of the Ontario cub 1 inst did not refer to this expression of Sir , Oliver. nor did the Globe although It had . done him (Mr. St. John the fairness to report his speech containing the quotation from St Oliver's speech. He said that he would not tc-aight speak of the impropri- ety of Sir Oliver coming to Ontario as ‘ Li:ut.-gcverncr. the premier of which he so recently was, but he would say that if he did come he would, with his utterance regardic-g the necessity ct independence on the part of the provincial government staring him in the tact. be a standing pro- test against the existence or the Hardy government. Mr St. John had a number of charges. he said, to make against the government. Amen them were the vicious alliance with t e Dominion govern- ment. the creation 0" a monopoly for political iriends. viz.. the Eogiedue deal. the Canmee outrage, the somersanlt in connection with the junior ind eehlps. mortgaging the homestead. tron uleutiv boasting ot a surplus, assuming proprietor- ship instead of trustesehip. tificialism and machinery which was so isg the lite blood of the province. r. St. John charged that certain oi the government oificiais dictated to the cabinet. and to prove this he said that about two years ago Mr. Hugh Miller. of Toronto. in his capa- city as a magistrate. had issued a warrant for the arrest of a son of a high govern ment ci’iiclai. For this act of duty by Mr. Miller the oificiai said he would ruin him and that he would never send any more drug supplies to the government institu- . .. . , he an. nncm- Marni: md .11 in M1 Mr. nugn muxu. w. “an”.-. -_ _V, _ city as a magistrate. had issued n wax-nut: tor the arrest. of a. non of a high govern menu cfficlal. For this act. of duty by Mr. Mllier the oificlni said he would ruin him and than he would never send any more drug supplies to the government institu- tions. Although Sir Oli‘er Moms: and oil the oghgr mgmbers of £1.12 cabinet promised ‘ 7 â€"â€" - n..- nl-nn mag“ Mr. Miller that he would be given orders as usual the ofllclal had hls way. and Mr Miller had never since been able to sell a bill of anppllea to the government. Mr. S:. John then dealt with the plcgery. He said that Mr. Hardy [was pnrsulng a dlaloyal policy wlth regard to the tlmher of Ontario ; he was ooncluetinge this department or government for the non Amer-jeans. S_)‘ much was thls no that (“510151 puuuy v"... -m... __ a, of Ontario ; he was conducting. this department. or government for the nod: Americans. S) much was thls no that Mr. Hardy ought to be plven an Erastus Wlman medal. The government was loyal to the Americans, who ahnsed and lnsulted no. The meatlog closed with cheats 1... the qnaen and Mr. Whitney. III uuw .- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" edu hare Wadnuday m necessary wax-ant, leaving with his prisoner. Peterboro Would Welcome the Run- bnn Co. 1! they Decide to Leave Lind. ' I say. ‘ Peterbaro Duly Tlmes: It In sold the! ‘ as a result (f the refusal ct Llndeay to grant exemptions to the Rsthbnn Com- pany. there ls aprobablllty thet they will remove their mm to some other “we. The point will probably be Peterboro. The company employs ln Idndsey a canslier- Ado nnml'al' at hmd'. For many sezrs A BOLD THIEF CAPTURED. Ca. no not oontompla.\.lnv noon! from Linda: .5 a result of the mandr- nation In not summing the mill nd punt tron How on-ians LOOK AT IT. NLRB. Pom] I?" no my“ hon uni-I mm ”.15 wwfimr 2 will! duel. the mun-m Mvmnao tho “"W.« from 82500 to $311!) with. nun litâ€"E76 mine Ion gum FRIDAY: OCTOBER 22. 1897 \T IT :thfl Ola "Lu-Bum nu u..â€" .w,, ' \eonld not. however. approve of she oon-| th Ba. duet of the men who hul am warmly ; ° ‘h’ . supporwd the Bothbnn Co. request In the f “V0 Lmd~ ‘ gee-moo of Mr. Bsker end then filled It 1 '-‘ ocnncll. end he ndvlsed Mr. Bleekwell ; 5 sold um to zoom: wtul’tten‘gnxgntce (roam!!! ‘ ' oonne are ya as oy prom ‘ Llndeny t° Reeve Tonehhnrnâ€"“Yee. and you but hbnn 00“" better the n gnmnue the: you‘ll not. lle , It they will and hsve It" mauled down your throat . l 3 . afterwards. _‘ x e The = Mr. Blackwellâ€"“I have been “lung to B cansiier- log this nutter. end no connomcr wlll_ them' build her of lhe “owners and leaned um cmncll. we exemption In any loan wu dletnstefnl to them. end for the: xenon he would } .:3°“%.?§.§f’£ obllsed to 099°“ "1° ”’4"- _ -.,-__.n_uwn.n the “0093!". MESSRS. O S. Ask nut their Pork 1 be Enconnzod 5! 813,â€"8lnco our porch-o of the propeny u use corner of Kant. and Commands. we hove been loom: Into the “viability o! equipping the packing homo on Cambridge ct. In the my at putting In an- duncty And a cold “once plant. for tho coma; ind curing o! boo. provided your man ooou a: to exempt. tho podium house sad It: content: tron Lue- tor 1 period d than your. Youmnflsnntbnlormpo‘myun un- lndum has been (Madly (aka: any tron sour town. to an “nut-zoo! Potomac, om“ sod To- ronto, 5nd to think I! we on now trying to rain 11.. lore penw u uw,___ Youmwellennthetlorthoputtouy-n this industry he: been (Madly taken on: from )our town, to the alumna. o! Petorhoro. Ottlwn end To- ronto, end we think I! we ere now trying to revive It, that we no My uk this much support tron your town. u it will not only give extr- empl smut but don! mm in tho :umundlnt country e mrketneu'er honewben thcyeen here the option 0! olerlnx their hop, either live or ore-ad. end mun. your manhunt- will he hadttedlnour dnwlnzpeozvle w your town who my trade with then. We will then! you to bring this nutter baton your council et your next meeting nod (“or us with brainless town would mun we ....,,.-, __ ‘ considerable hbor end the circulation of u ‘ lei-go mount 0! money unoug the busi- ueee meu. While they would not be eble to eturt out on no big e eeuie us the Wm. Duiee Co . the bud would grow. uni eventually they hoped to do a large export trade. At present the busiueee meu ct Lindsey derived uo benedt whenever from the large hog bneinese ot the district. and farmers suffer u loss in the meta: of height, as they woolly puy it to the points where hug! me chipped. With hie heme in onentiou turmere would enjoy the ‘ benefit otkoeu c:t.: titicu. end no mutter .where huge were a ht they would be ml Ilium n â€"._- ___- toetertoutonnebiae eeeieee the Wm. * , Dniee Co. the bud would grow. end} â€"Whlte Pine Beieem in my to we eventually they hoped °° d° ‘ ”3° ”9°" 5 end is e oertein cure (or ooughe end ooide. trede. At preeent the bueineee men c! anm_88.‘_ Lindsey derived no benefit whetover troro 1 the large hog busineee oi the district. end '. â€"It is "W thet the Feeeion Feiie termere euiier e loss in the mettlr tut 03.01051 we.“ contracted for 3,500 irelght. ‘5 "I" really 9” it to the poinie ‘ oorde oi herdwood in the north country where hose ere ehlpped. With hie hetory in onerotion termere would enjoy the ', intely. the price beini! ‘3 93? ”I‘d. benefit olkoen can; den. end no new: i â€"Printed directione heve been emxed to 'hm “8" were ° ht they would h° i the urioue are eierm boxee. end on fifgflgfiufi‘gfi“ ° .13.} autumn” i Wednced 1y 1m. McBnrney distributed tion. end thet eome councillors took the | the keye, whioh will be leit in the boron. arena: '51.: oil ‘egplloente should be mion ee m‘hfééfii «autheefiififhbg 'the hey et Midiend on Seturdey lent. It weighed 110 ibe.. end wee iound to contein Co. claim he wiehed to any thet the pork ‘ 9303103 industry diflered tram all , three ducke, which this modern wheie hed gathers. If, ineteed oi tbanging “away; i swallowed bodily. en enormoue emoun . pee counc e . â€"'1‘h B thb n Go. ere u hi bu ineee 2:533: 3333:3533. 3:333:33 *1 w In his: “mm, .Ea‘hi‘f. .13. J 3 rate of 2 , in the dolier. , number o! men encased piling up loge in ‘ Den-reeveRJbsonâ€"“You eey you intend 1 359%,:ng :35: Cu“ :31“ 3311“”; “Pt in 1 doing on export bu sioeee i" - Mr.Bleckweliâ€""Yee.thetie the mun-i 4n. peopie oi Luanda ere bidding tion. 0! enuree. gentlemen. I muet “Ifl _ blah for the Dickson Co.'e new mill. to be thet the number oi men employed 1' genoted eeriv next eeeeon. They offer ' very. far inetenee. in Toronto we here et i exemption oi texee end promieetoerrenge times 50 end so hands e: work when trade . reilwey eidinm end etreete lending to the , ie baiee. end parhepe two ween inter not s yerda more then 15. 1'th is due to the fluetue- i â€"Mr. Sun Browr. mm wt for w. wannmn Pleno CO . ,hg!‘ disposed at â€"â€"_Ll“ none 0! the tune. , l .V Conn. Soother": referred to the exlatmfi 1 {utgnmenu manuhotnrere‘ by-law. end Mr. Bleckwe . during the p explained then It would not answer Me | Eat Oskwo ‘ Llnduy. en purpose. nap. reeve‘Rogaonâ€"“Eow may men ‘ cutt mm, W“ “ â€"M’n W. waffle-exude I” Mr. Bleckw â€""Well. I on safely :- fifteen for M: least at: month. but it w eurptlse me I! we do not heve dcuble the: gnaw m. Bleckwell'e “quietâ€"he bed ‘ elweys tevoned the eetebluhmenu o! Indus- lurles. end whenever he psseed S lveetaer l e humans. or. Soothenn lo enemrbo eqneetlon. eeld thou the old pecking houee wu ”erased to: $4,000. and the exemption “$100. Toenqueeu would mount to no ehoold not be looked n in the «mo . ee the latter light I! the Bethbun Mum good- eleewhepe W the town you should vote for it despite s little sdveuo etitielsm. which siwsys exists. Inmemher well thst the exemp- tion of the Sylvester works crested s very wsrm feeling. nevertheless every council- lor who oflend wss u-eieotedf' 1‘0 '1'"! m I’m-150. The following resolution wss then moved by Conn. soother” end seconded by Conn. Pedisr. “the! this council look with lever on the sanction oi Messrs. 0. S. Bisehweil 8: to: “emotion on their pork-techie: establishment for s sen: o! 10 years. end to» this council sppxove ci e by low being introduced so the tint nee oil mention the ssid m the sequin-ed ennu- tioniorigyesrsontheirp.exioz house in Lindsey. Conn. Podiu- ssid he wss heartily In isvoc at creating his. Bleekwoil's rsqsest. c s. BLAOKWELL or THIS TOWN. mung Industry r Exempunx “‘3' Prom Cannonâ€"A flannel! wt non- 717%!» property a “’9 Mat-l”- we hue been 0! cqulpplng the MW o my a! pawn! “1 W n1 specYa‘ finance to on ppm» 1! s moorluabuotwhutlo y bubuhohun grlnd m1 and: It to Lima: 03qu he tends In to heathen. sad the town u n loser." n-.. u.-. R bumâ€""Ill! W19 ”° _ _--L Ln lava; o! DEY;; VB.-bsonâ€"“Inn Wu un- WhoeMptlone.nndl£ ournques mgmlombemleJMeouneu Dep reeve Baboonâ€"“It happened In the Batman one.“ At an. polnt Reeve Touehbnm rose with are In Me eye and red Manx-Sank a lecture for snowing [animation- to be nude egelnlt hlm. Conn. Mellon odd one: on mu. we“... Reeve Touohbm had mode um or Mr. Bmkwell'e rcquelt to detain the Ruthbun olelm. A: to: nun-ell. he would ream his vote all the lay-low we! WMâ€" would not not like the men who had t-wloe vocal In ("or o! exemption for the Rm:- end-the flnmoe wmmltree were author- l12d to Introduce the ly-Xsw at next meeting. Conn. Soother-an. set: rudthe "part ‘ o! wot-h commltzee. vb! mlou mull Hm!“ I. shout $150, and uked angel's: tile expendlture. r~~ 4......“ an! malo'ffie'cxpeedlture. Reeve Tcucbbum oh] acted. cum M the committee should first Mt o ton report: ot “mute. on the council lull bean coiled to deal with the exemption nutter only. they could not mm the money. Goon. 8:39th sold the work should mohey. Conn. Southern aid the work ehould he proceeded with st once while the fine. but Reeve Tonehhurn At next meeting eonnali'e en oration. tor en he he (I on Thun- de evenlng. when board at wcrh menu-I ”I _Mgnd.’ next. 065- 43111 “91'...”de em. P. n. sank-my IIIII'Wl ‘ 1°“ 0! mm to the Toronto mum Int Manny. â€"Llocnu lulpouwr w... w..." -__-, hu lucky “an Tnenduny to: In extremal! mow cusp. from whim would ammo Uy hue boon n mun-using reflu- mnt. 0a Hominy hu upccltyo county cannabis he drove to the vlclnlvy of Glen- u-tn with n wan-not ta- tho man of u “an: Redncr. n yonn: girl who had tnllcn 90' GRWF’EFBE'S £2.31.“ cus’i nu: noun or we: ' 5 KS. “tin: for (7th 1mm ot the new ho a which recommended Poneon. the DJmInlon uwuluc week ncqult lttod $3! 000 from the v. bu been_ dismissed (mm anyhow GONE TO THE YUKON. A FORMER LINDSAYITE ¢ HUNT FOR GOLD. Wago- 815 par Day. but I“! Boll for 81.50 0. 91m -â€" Gold Mod Away In Bonn: Powdu' Tm Mn. P. Keene. ct this town. hot n oehod the tcllowisg copy of 3W.- by hot nephew. Hubert Macmloy. to on undo living In Tonnnndo. N.Y. Hutu. lot: Seattle for tho 1nd 0! gold about tour months ago: Dm 5m City. N.W.1‘.. July 26, 1897. Dar Friendâ€"Yukon or but. We on here atccr one o! the moat pleasant I ever had. The mother wu and on! very tow mosquitoes. Why I0 tow 1col- not understand. a on: people who were a. tow don shad of no wont neatly and. but God was good to no. What wont o long way on mm on tflp plea-no 'Il way. We and. the White Cenyon and shot tho White Ham In ahlp-shspe style ' but jok- Inz snide. they ere both pretty tinsel-on mm o! Eager. The canyon I: pretty h -___‘-_s ___- aha-uh “ff“ Ibflpl In. "new. -.... .,__, -V , v > narrow and the oumnt runs ebont fifteen muee and hour. The White Horse is wile. wlth a drop of shoot eon feet end combat at leach six feet high. We took to shout 3 barrel at meet-53th“ [steel-place. There were ten; boate here mummmto m , ,,L_ _- LL‘I- -9... anon-Id IWIIU ”WUU"-â€"-mâ€" v- _ 7 After you are through these places your troubles are over. for you strike e ave-mile current the rout of the way and It to lovely tnvemns. Your boats turns mud and swing! from side to side. while the Inter blues ell shout you. We made the trio In fifteen days' not“! travel. . W . ‘.l._ .41... M th- 311L315 n! invutcn won' have to be none to Scuttle am And we on the Scanner Porflmd. Give my love to ov body at home and tell them that I on com on back with a long not -â€"enongh to see the Paris Exposition with. anyway. Your: tm dutch. ‘HUBEBT. rumor (nut the tlme-tnble or the regula- tnln on the branch ls shout to ho - .. ALA_._.J -- _. tn nmfldl for the min leaving Lindui‘lo the morning. instead of Belibnrton. hie would neces- elutecheremouioimerdbniiieeuen the village. and in addition compel nuclei from points along the line to remain over night in Linda's: when on a business trip. A strongly wo ed petition eicn age“ the business men or the place, has forwarded to General Manner Buys prey- ing the: the chnnze he not enacted. Opomuon Shortly. An Industry chub should mun much to this town In t business way. and M will undoubtedly add to the prosperlty of the lumen within a lane radlnsmtll speedily 7 fl.‘-. W- Lu‘uw: vv .-â€"-_ _ V, be In tnll operation In our midst. We refer to the pork pmklng end ourlnc bui- neee about to be estebllebed by the firm at C. S. Blackwell 8.: Co . of thle town. Ace Girl: of e lame trade. A hrlck eddltlon on the eonth elde wlll oontnln the smoke climbs end engine room, end 3 large tour storey eddltlon et the nest end of the old bnlldlng ls belnz fitted no es e cold stat-Age ohm- ber, the upper portion of whloh wlll eon teln over 600 tone of Ice. Operetlone be eondnoted on n lune ecsle. u the Lind- “Clam u-llw .â€" _, -7 , am. her of men will he given mug employment tor the M e year. whlle the competlclon :1 price: should prove 3 good ohm far the tel-mere. RUMOEED G. 'r. R. GHANGE. The township of county of Simooe ; ch the district of Pd]?! cf Nipissinz. sad bin vines to the west tin o! Lakes Superior a! hut of the township Onarip ; 3.1m porch ANOTHER TALL CHIMNEY. ct Addlnzton Including nod lying north d the township 0! Kaladu‘: thnt put of the county of Frontem Including and lying tn the north 0! the townahlp- o! Kenna ylvv w“.-- .. {ham m: xompuona innâ€"3w! l to one 0 Q on the ban fldo petals: In the and insulat- The gum warden farmer noon I v "u“.-. 276.“... It Is not hounded shut mum- ln town. and mu: the-bonemybdmu SETTLERS MAY KILL DEER.

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