Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Oct 1897, p. 9

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d Scald ad at than D dish cr do me bottle 01 rpsrtizle a 5nd undo. | {out you: iisessa in of 1m. others t over, for met. :titOf, can CXPCIT confi- imited ’ell; ’ONIG 2" Of the L b be The shin had rounds-red during a tre- mendous gaYe cfl‘ the Santh Coast in the winter of 1879. and the body of this Failcr. my the irony oi fate) had been cast ashore within hm a mile 0: his own cottage < w" an incident is dramatic; ls appeals \ J-.. to the imagination and excites pity. But are there not thousandsâ€"i What's the as? of any more preambieâ€" ? Read this : "In the spring of 1884" â€"30 runs a woman's Ietterâ€" ” my health began to tail me. a: a dream does when one awakes. The first sign of what was happening was a feeliz‘g cf iangucr and fatigue that i could no; account for. My mind was full of mm worries', and things that I com- monly took _no_ qgtiee or assumed an L 'L‘__ â€"_A-r-‘- " H'hy, that's Tom, my husband!” cried the poor woman ; I was expaoiimz his ship so come in almost aux day. He’d been gone a year on a voyage to Scuth America, and now here he lies dead on the sand. Ob, Had I what shall we do, what shall we doi' DROWNEO NEAR HIS OWN DOOR has: cHAMBERs mom; [.503 no uuuuo vs wuâ€"muâ€" .V__ 11 patience wh'ch did not, I knew, properly belong to them. “My appetite was bad. and whet little late gave me an intense pain at the chest which seemed to go through to the shoul- der blades. Nat inmqnently the pain in my stcnncb was so keen, and held out so long. as :0 double my body an as one folds a napkin. Following this there would come a sense of sinking as it the very ground was falling beneath me. “Being unable to digest nourishing food my srrengzh vanished day by day until I bed bei'ely power to walk teebly about. A11 emit inlet: to work was gone from me. With the least zxertion I would lose my breath. and my heart would tin-ob 9nd mlpit‘zte so that I was alarmed lest some one or the attacks might be fatal. Often ”said 515 for an hour at atime, powerless to move Ens-1d or foot. , , LI‘J ///â€"’â€"â€"-’:â€":â€"â€"â€" i,“ nwmwm‘ IN luv"? .‘Lv-u a... aven- “During all this time I was troubled with other distressinl symptoms, which I Will only allude ta in a few words. There was a aelchinz of wind or gas from the stomach. foul and disgusting, which sick- ened me dreadfully; an aching head, sallcw ‘kic, a. feeling of ohilliness even on Slight exgcaure, sleepleseness mental anxiety and increasing exhaustion. ' I Was maxed bya doctor. and used many midiclnes suggested by others-all to n: cuypise. The disease seemed to be seated beyond the power of human skill 50 Home; 2r. I speak now of a time four yeah aim I was first attacked. While in mi: wrztched and apparently hopelessly gandliieo, I mad or what Met-her Seigels Luratiw Syrup had done in like oases. Dmcursd ibis med due from Mr. Gee. the chemist .i: Whizehaven. Cumberland. After taking it for aweek I felt marked relief. and when I had used three bottles I mil ear any kind of food; my strength mrlualiv returned, and in a short time I '33 will and stream as ever. This may seem_ e‘mos: incredible to some. but it is m" sPVT-Die truth." Tm; move letter in from a lady residing M D'.s'!"2'O-‘. near Whitehaven, Cumber- d- l-‘L-rp-rsonal reasons she rtqaeeta “9 up: to pn r-lish her name at present, yet Per Illneis and cure. as stated. are known no all the neighborhood. We append a hate w? ich explains itself:â€" 1 ca; vouch for the accuracy_of_the (:11: alanmlizm x‘mn‘iuf'finimv. oc'r vu ~ nun-u nu-Vva- . u’ ' “v . I Ch vouch for the accuracy of the 33““: S'N‘cment. I have known as lady f" ”=8 0h! five years. (Signed)Cbarles E9335 Postmaster. Distington. October c Fir 9x25 mcment naw let us cmslder two J" “9 imam-taut Lets. This lsdy antler- .‘0? four years. R231 her letter main :5“ i1“ ”bar this fact means. Painless affh‘ * "."f fi!‘._ed that dreary period. Yet H r: - \117 cured in as many weeks 5. 'f ,f " ' Wn of Seigal‘s Syrup and used 3'. ' ‘ aha would have been cured th- ~; .\ I a day, not an hour. of all Sig; . w -. ., but the ”up would have p r." ‘7," ‘ 5“: r ad to hefltb, had she used - to nme cu: her disease-Indigestion fidi’avepsla. sun, arhg‘ agfiaedngtid p MQT‘éUMENT SCULPTOB. Al .y‘ ‘W‘fi MM“ 18 rh- Advertzsemen ta. $7.00 DOMESTIC GRMITES. MARBLES, Etc. In Olive Mix, Brown, wn, Claret and Ox- d Gray; 51 to 54 :hes long, with 6 inch Ear, 5 pockezs and Out tab, with “wont- ne-ofl” buttons, can be ught retail in every am and Village for E'E‘nn'iéii; {15:31: 3633: elbow. kmw it ngt. any cf as are ' s so as $31,831:; {ms drowned at his ECT lMPOBTER AND DEALER m ced. [Estimates furnished promm. Works north 0! Nuke: Square MARRIAGES. :;:;'§L'"i’{£1$t.} by tho Ru. dun \Vhaleytolhl laud Boll. .UTEE UNRI‘JALLE D. .. . .nsand Pwkctsonly ‘2'3 E??S 20.. Ltd. t' ’1 n 53, Landon. ’5 cm thug .. "Iv-u“ v- .â€" _-.-~'* u Dr. E. A Hon-Inn. ‘0 3’; matted. \' .â€"0n Tuadsy. Oct 12:11 at .. Chlago. mldemo Dr, ». brother 0! the bride. Elk-MP. 18th in» . I! the. gust. 1897 lathe- The Year’s Progress Satisfactoryâ€"Elec- tian 0! Officers and Report-I- The mane! meeting of the Lindsey Eonng Men’s Christian Asebciation was held in their rooms Tuesday of last week. Through the kindness of the Ladiee' Auxiliary tea. wee provided. at which about 50 persons were present, and many more came in atterwude, so that the meeting was the largest of its kind in the history of the association. THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING TUESDAY EVENING. After tea the meeting was called to order and the president. Mr. Allin, took the chair. A report was then read by the secretary, Mr. Rase. covering the work of the nest year. This report showed satiso factory progress along the various lines 0! work taken up by the association, and was aicpted on motion of Dr. Totten and Mr. Porter. In the abse: c: at t: e treasurer, Mr. Etlis. his report was read by Mr. Allin. This report showed that the financial standing of the association is better now than it has bzon for years, and that the year will close With only a email deficit. This report was adopted on motion of Mr. Horn and Dr. OUR Y-M-C.A. ASSOCIATION. Discussion then followed on the reports. Megan. Bsxal}, Web.ter, Wilson, Hart and Rsv. Mr. Macmillan taking p.1't. The r'; c' in of : ifixra “v.3 a 3: proceed- ed w’r'r. MnAliio was re-clected presi- dent. by acciamation ; .the balloting for directors resulted in the election cf the following gentlemen: Rove. J. W. Ma:- millsn and H. R O'Maflley, and Messrs. A. Hzrn, E A. Hardy, H. S. Porter. M. Sisson, R, Campbell. F. A. Rablnson, Dr. Hart and J. N. Campbell. Thisâ€"128653 closed with prayer by Mr. Macmillan at 9 p.m. To the Members and Subscribers of the Lindsay Young Men‘s Christian Association: Ar. thin, the close of the yet! 1896 97, it is our duty to lay bcwre you the work that. has been done the put. year and give no account. 01 our stewaduhip. Whi:e we ue conscious o! manv misukes Ind lost. opportunities, yet we are thankful tint nut hzavenly Father has given us the privilege of doing somc1hing in this important breach of His workâ€"that of trying to save and help young men There have been many difliculms in the wnv. so: we Are thankful am. we have flonnd His gnce to be sumeient {or us. We look forward t9 beta: wnrk 1.0: the Minster, Ind A A“ .- ”-1... n“. "c luv. nun... --._ 7 twat that by the uurfited [Harris of 3]! coming year a. telling one for Chrir: um men of Lindsxy. , _ -1 -“_... men 0! Annual}. As you are auto, 3 change of secretu'lcs hss 'aken place Mr. Jackson acted as secretary until Feb. 13:. sud your present secretary took charge 0! the work on the 4th. Your heard has met 15 tin: es since last October. five or there being speck] meetings. They ham xt all times tried fathm‘Jy to plan In: the wellare o! the atassociation and to do mu which would be most help‘ ul to it. Social Work. This is an imporznnt nnncn or our work. and no such has received careful attention dur- ing the year. A reception committee :3 on duty every night to welco ' e strangers end greet those who nttend the rooms. Six receptions were held during the past year. These had a. total 0! 804 and u: wer- age 0113; During some months lat winter checker and chess contests were started and created h great deal of interest. Two new gnmea, viz: Buntelle ltd parlor curling. were added to our nlbnry an - reading room. Sevenl new books have been added to our library during the past veer, but we feel lhAt may more abould be procured 1t once. The lihnry end rending room here b.th been used very freely by the members. behmp c-Jntew Iuauxgmu. v, .... ,_-,,,, 7 in bringing in 149 new members. We now have : memberahnp of 215, 81 of these being active mem- bers. Educalional Work â€"Three classes have been mught mis past. year. A cl: 8 in English by Mr. E. A. Hardy, one in bookkeeping by Mr. J T. Harring- ton, and one in shorthand by Mr. Jns. Peel. These classes had a very good avenge attendance and were e great. help to more who usended. In addition to ”use a literary society was held {or some time and debate: etc, were given. yummy; _ Physical Work â€"We are unnbh: to state much in regard to this branch of our work. A hockey club was organized during the winter and practiced twice awcek. A number of matches were phyed with out. ido teams During the summer a football team momsnized all played a series 01 mutches with other telms. Entertainments â€"-'l'here have been five enterteim menu given in she rooms the pest seer. One of these was under the auspices of the junior department and one under the ladles‘ auxiliurv. In adduion to these an "A: home" was held at the residence 0! Dr. Clerke, and a. lecture given under the nssocintion’s auspices by Rev B. Jehuston, of London. The success 0! these entertainments is la gelv due to the entertain- ment. committeemitn M r A. Williamson as chairman. On June 22nd the YALC A took charge of a celebra- tion on Jubilee day. which was in every way 3 great :nccess. We received very valuable aid from the town and from outside sources. a; d to these we give our sincere 1h nks Fiimnces.-This work Ins nquired much t'me, prayer 3nd work on the put. 01 the board. Owing to the genenl finsnc'ea? depression a. difficulty wars (aunt! in accurinr monev. Fu'. we are thankful r. - say 11m. our debt. has been grea'ly rrduced and mu we hope to dose the 39m- “3- h 5-. uwucn smslter defic’t. than was at one time thought possihlv. Religimm Worlc.-â€"The number of religious meet 'mgs nf All kinds has hcvl: 31?, div-dad‘s: fo‘xlOWs: 44 men's Su. dzv p m. we ‘Xist mm a. to“! 012,462 and an average 0 56; four. Mn u xnn’ meetings with 3n . ”u. ._-:..:..n n‘--a Religious Work-The number of religious meet inge at all kinds hustle-~11 11?, divided“: follows: 44 men's Su. div p m. we iipus mil! e. total of .1462 and an average 0 56; bur Mu "mi-1' meetings with In av. r‘: - 4-! [R z i‘ u s-cwlu a of a bible training class, mung» thw- : 2 maerings of boys‘ B 0.. average 4:) “if. < memrgs av rage o! 28. The men’s Vm‘u iv: Sunday afternoons has been eddreuued by local and v siting ministers and by members of our own a-scciation. Thev have been (mind very helpful and cmnct help bur extend our MA-‘t‘k’a‘ cause sud mimulatc mnro err-nest work in our Father's vineyard. We wish to thank Mr ll. Humpb'oyfl as leader 0! the arches ra for his usinmnco. and Mr. H. Porter for his worl. as: organist. Special meetings have been held for the Collegiate students. wh‘ch were praducdve ‘0! much good. Bible study hm not received the atten- lion thin. it. deserved, but we hope lhat this year that. feature of our work will r ive due prominence. Persona} Work has been done At. $116 close a! the men’s meeting or whenever en opportunity presented itself. We have endeavored in seesan md on: of season to get young men to take: stand for Christ. The rooms have been used by commim ea 23 times and by other ”minim-ions 48 times. The membership has in- creased very rapidly during the pant. year. A mem- bership conte~t instigated by Mr. Jackson succeeded ‘ - - ‘m M‘... Hunk-» Wo nnw have a “\{ Junior Work. â€"This branch of our work is under a committee with Mr. A Horn as president. It has grown to be a very important department of our work. We now have a membership of 61. They have aroom to themselves and have the use of it three times a week. On Thursday evenings a gospel meet- ing is held. Thishmshad an average attendnce of 28. 0.1 Sunday mornings I. boya’ bible class has been held which had an avenge attendmce of five. A sleigh rideand also a reception wss given the boys in February. Oue concert was held under their aus- pices. In July they went cum. ing at Pleasant Point. and a meat enjoyable and helpful twa weeks' t min; was event. A junior football club was orguiized end Seturday tramps to ma woods indulged in by may 01 the boys We feel thut this port 0! our work should receive all due one and support, as from the junior depart: ent we shou d receive into our senior dc partment those who ere tnined in mocinion work . ,u‘. “A ..:.u u‘ r-u ...-_.- .“V and thoroughlyrimbuea with its spirit. The Ladies’ Auxiliary. â€"This department,under the presidency of Mrs McLennan,hu done very feith- ‘ iul Work in keeping. the room bright end ettnctive, and h) misting et receptions and entertninments. We thank them very heartily end Msure them thet we appreciate to e very greet extent their help end the sympathy extended to m in the work. We elso wmh to thunk the pastor: and vulous speaker: who have enlisted us it our Sundey diemoou meeting. also those who have donated hooks. flowers, lcturu or in any way contributed to the work. 0 desire especially to thunk the press for the nimble space given us am the interest they hsve manifested in our work We ere tzuly gretetul t3 all who have in my my helped in the work. and we trust that the Young Men's Chrietlen Areocletlou of Lindsey my become more worthy 0! their support by the zeel the members show to win young men tor Chrlnt. end t: It by the united . {forts of ell we my th-ow around you. 3 men such influence: u will find to make them AM keep them pure end Chrlet-llke. But Four Boxes of DOdd'n Kidney Pm- Put her on her Feet. HAMILTON. Oat. 15.-Bubuo mums» centers on the startlingly wonderful recov- EE'BIMm. A. Weddell, 17s Queen-st. N. She was a cripple tor four years. Today. three 3!: the agency ct Dadd’s Kidney Plus. she I: sound and. well. Her story I: short) but convlnclng. “ For four years." she says, “I was the victim of kidney disease and lame back. I could hstdly move about wnhcuc the aid of. n chalr on which to lean. Hearing at the great done by DJdfl’S thney Pills, I tried em. I used (our bone end can now get dong Wuhan: any p. I am cored. end you may publlah tha for the bend) at othtr anaerern.’ J. C Rosa, nee.- SHE WAS A ORIPPLE. met 15 tin: es since last October. five minl meetings. They have 3% ml fly to plan {or the wellare o! the do mm which wouid I): most help~ This is an Emporium branch of our .. ,,.;__ J..- or work {or the Master, Ind (Hons of all to make the (or Chrir: among the young 18.-Publlo Interest J. L. Anus, pros. What His Improved Homoepa- thic System Has Done For the Peop‘e of Canada; Troops of Rescued lnvalids and Sufi ferers Tell Their Glad Stories. SIDK MABEWELL Mrs. James Grsnt, No. 233 Monroe-m, Toronto, ()nurio, ssys :â€"“.\Iy dsughter‘ wss so had with dyspepsis tbs: for seversl weeks st. s time she could est no food snd was obliged to subsist on liquids. She hsd a. sour stomsch sad the food could not be retained. After using two bottles of Mun- yon’s Dyspepsis Cure she has completely recovered and can now est. snything. We consider her cure: wonderful. We have she used M unyon’s Rheumstism Core with the best results. No person need snfl’er from disease when they on obtszn Munyon’s Remedies.” WHAT HE P: OPLE ABE SAYIRC- MUNYON’S VIBTORIES Munyon's Rheumatic Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours, end cures in a few days. Price 25c. M unyon’s Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and staunch uou- blee. Price 25c, - Munimn's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up n cold in a few hours. Price Me Munyon’s Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats. alleys soreness, and speedily heals the lungs Price 25c. Munyon’s Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the beck. loins or groins, and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. Munyon’s Nerve Cure stops nervousness and buiRls upilhe system. Price '25:. 1,,Ls ucvuup uuuu u. u..- read 10.11 verse, 147m psalm. “ He delight- eth not in the strength of the horse; he tsketh not pleasure in the legs of a man." Young men will read newspapers and glance first upon the sporting column and other startling items of the dsy. instead of reading notices pertaining to their spiritual welfare. He rtfsrred to the J Mn and the great intellsc usl race cf the Greeks, and said all the wisdom 0: man does not count with Gad unless true religion is established; scarinces. stit- denisl, contributions to the church and other good works do not please God unless we have faith. It is not the physical blessing God is pleased with. but the spiritual. Jesus Christ, God's beloved son. had true love. perfect filth, and was obedient, end we Chrlztleus should be the 881118. Muuyon’e fieedeche Cure ebope headache in three minutes. Price 256. Munyon’e Pile Ointmenr. positively cures all forms of piles. Price 25c. Munyon’e Blood Cure endicetee all im- purities of the blood. Price 250. Munyon'a Female Remedies ore a boon to all women. Munyon’a Camrrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cuteâ€"price 25e.â€"eredicates the disease from the system, um the Cat,- arrh Tabletsâ€"price 25c.â€"cleanse and heal the parts. . . .. “,‘_-J:-- _-l:-..- :n The Greatest Ride in History. A territory of 271,000 square miles. oom‘ prislrg Washington, Idaho and Oregon as they are today. was saved to the Union by one man. He had the courage and heroism to ride on muiebaek for three thousand miles. The ride was ihriliing. the trials and hardships marvellous. the result a nlorions one. Toe whole story, beautifully iiinstrsied, will be given in the Nn'ernber issue cl! The Lxr‘nies’ Home Journal, under the title, "When Dr. Whitman Added Three Stars to 0.xr Flag." the clock-g and most in- tensely interesting article in the Journal's successful series of "Great Personal Events." The first women to :ross the Rackies figure in the fiery, which owns beyond a doubt that they preceded Fre mont. the " Pathfinder," by six years. â€"At 5“. Paul's church last Sunday the Rev. B. B. O‘Mailey preached to a large congregation. The rev. gentleman took his text from 53rd chap‘er Isaiah, the last part of the 10m verse. “ The pleasure cf the Lord shall proper in his hand." He stated that all. h fare taking action in any matter, should ask the question as a christian, “is it right or wrong?" A natural man, with all his consciousness as a christian, should say, “ I; it pleasing to God, or not?" Men under their own control address this question always to Him who gave his only son for us. We shouli follow the standard system, "Please God always. not men.” That was the standard. 5'. Paul, St. Peter and others adopted. The moment you say, “I will adopt. what will please God I will do," your conscience and your heart Will go out and joy will come to you. That is the christian standard, and under it men will develop_b3th in )3ng and mind. He then AT-I__. n a- J-Ilnhh, Lllvv V" Many on 's Vitalizer. a great tonic and re- atorer of vital strength to Weak people. $1. A separate cure for each disease. At all drgggiata, mostly 25 cents a. vial. n__: \A......-.. 11 Church Notes. â€"In the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. W. Macmillan, who preached in George- town Sunday. the pulplb of St. Andrew's was occupied by the Rev. Mr. McKay, of N ovar. who gave two earnest and thought- ful addresses. The sermon in the evening was taken from It Timothy, 75h anda part. of the 8 h verses, “I have fought a good flghu. I have finished my course, I have kep‘: the faith! Henooforth there Is laid up for me a crown of right- :ousnens" ...... Mr. McKay also addressed the Sabbath school In the afternoon. Eéét, the " vuv 1‘ u. m Munyon’s Asthma Remedies relieve in three minutes and cure permanently. Price $1. . -â€" .. A. .A7_j _‘_ uAu "191.9, u.'_v_', _- V-,,, Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 Albert. street, Toronto, Ont.., answered with free medical advice for my disease. â€"The pastor occupied the pulpit oi the Cambridge-st. Methodist church Sunday. The morning text was taken from 2 Sam. 18: 31 33, the remarks being particularly directed to parents and their responsibility for bringing their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Even as Dnid said unto Cushi, “Is the young man Absalom safe," so do we want to say to ourselves, are the young men and women of our family safe. The time hr asking this q1estinn is not when the b we and girls have grown up, and cher-cter and habits are tormed, but it is far beak in your life. Youthful minds are suscep- tible of impressions. and it right impree. alone are not formed you never have the opportunity to reprieve thut lost chunn... if parents are not lollowers of Christ and ,,.._|_ -_. e---lâ€"- eh- hang- u. value-Iv: my -v. ....v a V_, ,, are called away without leaving the bone- diotion of :1 right life. I great opportunity has bzen lost. It is the duty of parents to sc: a proper example in the home. and neglect not the duties of family prayer. Dr. Paton eayr, “To thh day I have not ‘ desired more than to be just like my father" ...... The evenln text was taken from Heb, 2.3: 4, the ad of thou ht being chiiflv in the words “How e all we eecene. If we neglect so great salva- tion." Salvation 1. no myth. lt is an ex- perience. a. life, a resurrection. no neglects salvation who does not put forth a neces- ssry eflort toget inâ€"zeeklng with all the heart. Dropping habit. done not mean salvation. it is faith in Jeane Christ and true repentance toward God. You must put your conviction into notlon. Then who is responsible for our own salvation ‘ when we bring it down to unsaltmiyue OUR FIB-ST MISTAKE IN PACKING. lure. was on ham] to receive it. and 93' she cuurtesy ot the Bristol and the-nul- way (um-ins secured speedy trans“. to 1., "Ion. where the day after arrival at BI. 1:1 the cargo was disposed of by amazon at Cn'rnt Garden at “121' prices. The condition of this cargo was nul such as had been expected. however. the fruit being a little over ripe. Mr. Crandali, who is wonderfully in earnest, set to work to discover what there was lacking in the Canadian methods of packmg and shipping whid: made thxp undesirable result ssible. when C h- fomiu fruit, which ad traveled by ml seven days before the ocean voyage had been delivered at Covent Garden in ex- cellent shape. - - . u .u QiiA _I_ A; WK FRmIN BRITAIN {he umm- Ann: Increase The Duke 1 Cambridge Snyporu lie Propcualâ€"hrd Sally-hm, “All .Vot lnlgl-atr I51- “2:: .u:o:d‘- )Iarriagc -- Sieve. yuuwue “up It was found that in the first place the Canadian packages. while hand- some and attractive, lacked anfluent ventilation In addition they were goo heavy, which induced careless handle-03 on account or the weight, thus minus the fruit, and were also unnecessarily expensive In pack' in the refrigera- ItOd: compartments 5' were 5%?! m polzdly and each compartment to its utmost capacity, in some cases even butter, etc., hemg put into the name compartment as the fruit‘ when there was not enough fruit to fill it. Then again by the records kept it was found that the temperature of the reuigerator compartments had not been kept at an even degree during the Voyage. and in some cases not nearly low euough._l.he original temperature having been raised considerably by the heat in the packages of fruit as they were packed on board The Local Apple Trade. From er quirize made we learn .lha‘. the apple yield :0! this dletriot has bten not more than one quarter that. of last year. and prices have oonerqnent’y taken a big jump. as there is a firm demand for Canadian fruit in England. Part P‘rry and J anetviile districts some weeks ago and bought up all the orchards they could get, u wing from $1 25 to 82 par bsrrel on the trees, and we understand tba‘: Mr. W. R. Swain seem-3d 81 90 per barrel far all an EA _-_ hm‘ “hon shjp. nu Ly. It was found that. in packing the California fruits at New York. between the cmtes of. fruit and the walls cleats were placed to give free air space all around, and that between the crate: al- so on all sides these cleats were placed, thus giving free circulation around each crate. The compartments were not till- ed to their utmost capacity either, and so upon arrival the California fruit was in the best or condition. although na- turally it has not the keeping qualities of the Canadian fruit. After thorough investigations. Mr. Crandnll rted the result of his dis- coveries to rot. Robertson in Canada. and no doubt changes will be made at once in the methods or packing, both in the crates themselves and in the sys- tem on which the refrigerator comgan- ments are filled. _ It_is naturally lax}! rhe C 2‘. DVD"! lctu£tu vA-vv ,-_ 77w-_-, vsrle‘lev, (qual to $250 per barrel when ths_hnyer paid attendant expenses. Mr. n ‘1... A.-__ cut-n monk-a m .â€"'-_‘ , ins nuyer yam uuw..â€"..-- - , A. Primesn. of this town. who packed 800 ad to content batreis last season. has b himself with about 2m this year, n quanti- ty barely sumziant for his on customers. Would be No Inducement to the Safer; er 1! it Stood Between Him and Per tact Health. H. E. Little. Cempbelllord. writes : “About one year ago I had a severe attack of typhoid fever and It lets my system in s very weak and nervous con- dition. in tact. so bed! that I despslred of recoverv. I was In need to try South American N :rvlne. In a remarkably short: time my health Improved. end when I Ind taken s few bottles I was ooleetely cured and have better health since 3 en for yesrs before." Sold by A. Elglnbo‘ bun. ”CHLE BIG “‘1‘.“- .-- -v _.--.._â€"__ to arrive at exactly the proper methods of. handling this new and much hoped for trade, but with the thoroughness and perseverance the Canadian ofiicials are showing the shippers may be cer- tain that their trade here will very soon be established firmly, with a pleasinx Tortured and matlsm am Wonder. Mrs John‘Fisner, Woodstock. N.B.. wri-‘ee: “I had been sniffing for over three years from muacuiar rheumatism, and on one cccasicn I had a very acute attack at sciatica For Feverel week: I was unable to walk or attend to my household duties. Tried several remedies. and physicians failed to give me relief. I saw Sauth Amnicau Rheumatic Cure a!- vertieed and bought a bat'ie. It did me a wonder-hi lottt good. Four bottles efl'eet ed a_pe_ri_ect_and permanent cute." Sold by ml “‘ .ginbothsm. tendencv mum-9‘3 ”n.- ml‘I-niililiguln': nay. At a meeting of the Cabinet to-dayyit was decided to appoint the 25111 of ho- vanber a. day or general thanksgiving throughout the Dominion. A Young Lad Kicked by a Horse and His Cheek Ripped Open. For some time to come Wallace. the nine year old [on of Mr. W. J. Williamson. bu oher. wul have a whoieeome dread of b camirg tami‘iar W'vth hos-see. On hi (1 Ly last he amused himself by chasing 211 t nh>r‘e sorrel driver abouhhe yard. and finally the anim .1 made A ion. for the a able and cure-ed the wrong stall Y mrg Wallace iollowed to drive him out, when zhe bout, tendered irritable by the has: and flu. made a vicious kick at the boy. the oppzr caulk of the shoe enterirg as in ie, the you: shack and a painful. wound. but is recover- Ins nicely. Londpn. Oct. axzudmu Inn: on‘Ynnomknowyon . hum. pmunsusan m'ucLEoOdSCow I s W - Iowan. Mus. ammumflm Rectum THE KLONDYKE’S WEALTH DEATH WAS NEAR HIM- ult‘II:‘ oi Ianao‘ian‘ Shipmen‘ a Little Over Ripe. :1 and Tormented with Rheu- sm and Sciaticaâ€"South Amer: Rheumatic Cure Works the A PAIN GRIPPLE asy to Tako asy to Open” HOOd'i a. .‘2 r. 3' 18.-â€"'1‘hc shipments of ONTARIO, ocmgggpz, 1897. by ten "min: "urator so” fair shape. far in that be desirej, Surfing Children. Tnousands ct well-led children an inning, simply beanse their food is act at the right kind. They m min. pule and delicate. 5:0IL‘5 Emulsion will obuge 3)! this. It given via: and visa, tie-h and [OM When Ne;vâ€"ll_ir;54ner}e pain hulaâ€"ll appllod. It nutter: not of how long stud- lng. its pawn-sung and pain subdulng 9°th 13 such that relief i1 slmoab lacun- uuoous. Nervillnels a nerve pun cure. Tats atstemenc (xpresaes 311. Try It and be convinced. Strength has Returned. “My whole system was run down. 1 was so weak I could scarcely get around to do my work. I finally begin to tote Hood’s Snooper-ma end alter using five bottlee I fonvd that my etrenzth had returned and my appetite was better. now feel on strong as ex r." Mas. KELLEY, - _-_e‘ n -§_-l- AW. 5-. vâ€"vâ€"°â€"- . SWQUIngwn avenue, Toi'bnbo. Ontario. 1% 0: them. â€"HOODS PILLS cure nausea. sick headache, Indigestion, blllonaneae. All drums“. 25°. [Spednl to run Pout.) Scnoox. Bevanâ€"Following u the r:- porh o! a. e. N). l, Mel-19m. for August and Septembtr. IV. elmâ€"Ids D.wn¢r. En Badman. John Lanney. Ade Wine. Annie Hall. Jr. lV.â€"Lorne leeor, Zslle Gueon, Wnneoe Devleon. 11!. class â€"Elethe Western. John McDonald Connie Ferguson. Lewellyn Eel). Seeon else:- Ernest Wooldrldge. Km, Ferguson. Cue! McDonnld. Stefle£Gfleon. Mabel S‘uver. Pm: ILâ€"Vlnnle annoy. Annie Wllkln- eon. Jes. Slum. Archie sum-e. Kettle Brown. Part Lâ€"Vlolet Devleor. Maggie Wllklneon. Bernie Hell. Lily GHIOII. Ans tin Dawner. \‘lole MoDoneld. Bow-rd Hal. George Varooe. Ounld Varese. Csrlton stieon, Bert Brown. A Guam: and ti: Went on and Picked Up That Number {to- |Ie “tee-ls o! the Newer Teflon. Havana, Oct. 18.â€"The gnnbont Maria Christina, which left this port Saturday for the scene at the wreck of the coast- inc steamer Triton. bound from Haunt to Bahia Honda. Pinar del Rio, which sank Sum-day morning betmen Do- minic: and Muriel. has returned. ne- eounplnied by the tug bout Susie, which went with her. The two vessels nrrived hen st 1 o'clock this nrternoon. the gun- bont hnfig on board nineteen nd the o: the members at the uhip'l ot whom thirteen are dvumne Foolish (elf doublet danger. VII: “VI‘I-v . nu -. V- Orv Idi!nr.â€"Picnse Inform your nation the 1 rim-n to conwonuany. I swims“. in 3 min! I: harden! .11 of n “mums. hone-g home c we, 1 A3! a I ma “macaw tutor“! w ham: :1: »- 1r ”Va-runner you! at $33311: fioul‘zcnm. ‘ . w). w . [out I. wca‘ 'nkrn 3mm. [mi-ad «111de b at annual 1 many xmmm In unwind. but I a: '3: c3: I ma now “1-21.va fireman! wk. *0 made this cums: means or cure known mall on: ("n-n. 1 Into nothing to te‘l and want. no mane“. .ewrln Ihennlvcm Write» ‘ Gad menu ul good thins! 1'. Len shows»: a cum. shoes-fled {or cumin. mmymstck.wotmwwm When she became Miss. she clung to Castorh. Whenehommuhopnmmh carded: Kuvuy k the wont. trade. Will ”an m leer-I Ame- nuub- Iaool Que-“OI. ‘ I“ :0 Gone PM". to‘W'e ‘EQF'YBAIfJom-ul in: mmgctml‘isâ€"Cledifid ages “1* a w n O N" ”w“ c ”and“: hen-ecu the Fed- ,owut and tho Province of Maui- Outda- onlu'ifll mt ”a. com more to revenge FORTY-TII'O “Ea-cusp. BRA ULRSâ€"MARIPOSA. ifi CHEAP SUGABS. out; Roma-31' mm, ,A_...--...- 'a Mm Impasiblo a g PARISTIEF. LEO XIII. ms Ame-ens on the i: in our own Mada. wrong! thll In all Sizes, Bottom Prices. W’EEIS'S'TR'IIITJES: . _â€" _â€"-- Redpath’s Graulated Sugar Redpath’s Yellow Sugar to sum: able vulva. Ali's“..- ‘â€"â€"-.__ _ or ty means unknown. The burden of proof rests upon the prooecution to make ‘ out and prove to the satisfaction or the jury he and all reasonable doubt every ( Innate allegation in the indictment,l and unless that has been done the jury ! ghould find the detendunt not guilty. It 1: not incumbent upon the detendant to gigove that Louis; Luetgert is alive or r whereabouts or what became of Slur .utor-ey hence-‘- Speceh Ind a Gm! mm .- lie Prue-er â€" I. W- [tracked at 2 O'clock ru- lot-- fimnhllola concern-g the "rrdtd. Chicago. Oct. 18.â€"The ninth week 91 the famous Luetgert trial opened this morning wnh the greatest cru~l1 yet seen at the Criunual Court Building. It was :. wild mob, and them \\'etc numerous unpleasant collisions between the baalitt's um :lxc turbulent people Stall-s Attorney Deueen promptly be- gan his argument. He opened with a cert-nee of several of the leading wit- Lches (or the prosecution. “After {out or five days 0! oratory on the rt at Judge Vincent and Attorney ’halen. what have we to answer?" asked States Attorney Deneen in quick, emphatic “-3 1‘9.- . . .n n I ,1. .‘l ... s n¢naOA IHE JUDGE’S IMPARTIAL CHARGE ls Stiil Hanging in the Balance at Chicago. Judge 'l‘uthill in‘tu'ucmd the ‘ r u follovn: '~ “Before conviction can be had in this use the State must prove beyond a. reasonable doubt and to a moral cer- tainty. first that Louisa Luctgert is dead- mad. that she came to her death *1 on the tint or May. 1897: third. Lhn Adolph Luetlert. the defendant, wilful- ly. maliciously, telonnously and of malice . utonethought. killed and murdered the; said Louisa Luetgert by some 91 the vulons means charged in .333" indictment l , I.-._)A_ A. a lunar u v...â€" Toward the close of Deueen‘s argu- ment Luetgert was noticeably nervous. He turned uneasily in his chair. and a tremor shgolg _l}_is.ci:‘mt {1311113. m. “If it is possible for you to reconcile the (act: in this case upon any reaaon- abie theory consistent with the innocence of the defendant, it is your duty to do so and find him not guilty. “You are instructed. as a matter 01 law, that it you believe from the evi- dence beyond a reasonable doubt that the . defendant assaulted and killed Louisa Lue rt. as charged. under cir- cumstances owing no considerable pro- vocation. but showing an abandoned and malignant heart on the part 0: the de- fendant and 11 total disregard of human life, then the law pronounces such kill- ing to be murder, and a jury should to find: it matters not that such evidence is circumstantial or made up from facts and circumatancee. provided the Jury - _ 1 Ann-an- qu \ll\uluv.â€"â€"‘-â€"' believe that such {ac and circum- stances. pointing to the defendant's guilt, have been progeq '0 that from 3 con- ”.-- z- .I. - “.- A rte-chor- meo- Bnul of Pro-loo- Guclph. Oct. 18.â€"The Flu Anise Court . here My before Janis Fdeonbrid , who was presented by the Ihcflfl w! 3 pair at white gloves. u ll the custom when no admin] noel are beam the court. The oniy use finished In: a breach of promise use. Min Fianna- McNiven 01' Owen Sound being the plaium and Rev. Mr. Hope. a Disclpie minister of Erin, defendant. The jury awarded Miss McNiveu damages. , Paul Ibo-nu; Levant. Chum. 001.. Oct. 18.â€"'rh I00! while out quail uhnoting. Cnrlide. hotelkee mr or this ci M to kill-:1 bill In dent-11y m. John Tum-e. 24 mu 4 Spratt a Kzllen. {year-01m Iiiâ€"Thu 1ft?!- hnotinfl. Martin r Add dyer-la OVS' CD." (I I St. Petersburg. from Baku, on abet-on. on the ‘ yian Sea. a cent ucing rvgiom in that a xn-uolmm mhurb of Baku. The fire spread 4 in me vicinity. was a net of I max-mans and flu l-‘uur «mm and ' lun- been dentin nasal-In- I Ottl't. Oct. mâ€"fielne uengxw, .- nnrse who was injured with ham. Bliss in the runaway accident on That.- day afternoon a: Rocklin‘e, is still at consoioua 1nd little hope is entertained tor hex- recovery. LicuL-GOL Bliss 8 considered out 0! danger and is doipx as well u can be expected. Mrs. BB. is in mum nttendance upon her hat Kr, flrIfl-c'n low-run“. Inndofit. mâ€"(Tekgram Cable.)â€" _ Mayor's banquet to m Fmtereu' Com tomorrow evening Hon. W. 8. Pi ins. Minister of ' incheC-nadhnOnbinet. willbeoneot :1:ng ;_, .‘ “VIA-“7‘1“.” and "Yb hon" mmnll'l ll IULLI-r-m. :" __ present we thirqhave been registered. with capital: rang-mg tram £7000 u £250.000. At the meeting of the stockholder! of the Goldfields Mining Company at British Columbia to-day. Mr. Grant Gonan 'I- that the Legislature at British :nhia was the most menus in the . .M to mining companigs. for it refuse! them nothing. Klondxkc in- vestments. he said. would be good tea rem hence. we Wfl'b. The number of “Klomilk'e” and “Yup hon" companies is incrcrzsmg. To the ‘ ' ‘ Mn mom cred. 7l_â€"_ . u I“: Chang I: III. and II. In Outed M II:- Is About to Per-II- r-Ily lean. Tacom, Wash. Oct. lsâ€"ng latest mail adnces from the east hung the announcement that Li lung Chang? health has failed almost totally. I: 15 reported that he has deqwired or the - - ,,_.____;_, 0mm. and is about “mm-IOWOI “Men Sle lawl- Arnold‘s lite. London. Oct. 18.â€"_Sir Edwin Arnold, the poet and journal: author of “me Light of Asia," and_ of Mr. J. M. Lee-a e in the editorship or The Daily Teleg- ,marriedaJapaneaehdy in Lon n Saturday. The ' n obtainable concerning the marriage on Saturday 0! Sir Edwm Arnoldh the poet and editor, author of “The Light 0! Asia." to a Japanese lad: show that the common took place at St. Mathias’ munch. Eadscourt. this City, in the prance of Sir Edwin’s bro- ther. Sir Arthur Arnold,_chairman of the London County Gonna], the Japtn- ele Ministers and their wives. Sir Ed- win and Lady Arnold will reside at Bul- ton Gardens, this city. The bride was bro ht from Japan and was educntal in nzland. man IDVIL‘CI now u“. “w- _, ,,_ announcement that Li 111mg Chang's health has failed almost totally. I: is reported that he has defiwired of the task of reforming China. and is about to retire permanently (rum public lite. Kapanee. Oct. 18. â€" When Mr. E. Gm I'm-tar. l’onton'l lnwyur. was asked what steps his client would now take to be recompeneed to: the manner In which he had been tregted. )lr; Porter replied um _ 4-1-- ‘- -â€" nan- v\\u -.»_â€"_v_ he had already received instructions to pro- ceed against the bunk (or false arrest and imprisonment And against Detectin- Daugherty Ind Wilkes tor alleged coa- spine]. Benevme. Oct. mâ€"w. n. Ponton, who was warmlg; welcomed In this city. went to Kapmee t I: morn and product! nu OOI'VICOS at the bank. e was dismmedq Humor Balnea. European state} with American inter- Continuing. Prince Bumarck is reput- ed to have muted: “Their peat wealth, due to the soil of America. has led die American [cens- hton overestima- then own right- and an Mute the rights of the 0mm American and European states." London Oct. 18.â€"The United sums Commissioners have receiicd no oflcnl intonation agarding the ac- tion uken by the British Cabinet on Samaria: lust. Private adees, ho“ ever, convince them that the Cabinet has dealt the death blow to_ their mission. It in expmted the communion": will soon he informed that ‘jfler Majesty's Govern- ment mind: being nnnl‘k- to nccexlc lo their proposals, but is willing to lzsten to any othcr plan tin-y may suggest." The United Slates (.‘wunuissiuncm b0- lit-w their failure menus that no turtha-r ”fort in behalf of bimvmllism will be node for many can to com". They nt- trihnte their mi are to the oppmdtion o! the banker-I and of The London rink-S. Until these towe- werc aroused all sin- pointcd to the co-Operation of the British Government. a“ g g mm o! Dancer-m I'm Incl-88 Inuwnkl. In. 0d. laâ€"Nellie Delgire, tho who was injured with Lu-ut. n the runaway accident on Thu!- rternoon a: Rocklific, is still an- nu 1nd little _hppe ii gntermined “I! _._ g. lint-I OII erln In a Blast. Pctersburg, Oct. 18,â€"A dapntdt Baku, on the ponmsuln or Ap- n. on the west coast 0! the Cu- Seu. n cuntrc of the great oibpro- g n-glom in European Russia. an a lmrulvum spring at Roman , a 'l. of Baku, (mush! fire loot 11 fire spread quickly to other mu! m vicinity. until the rink vale; a sea 0! Hum. the lone- ‘ue nouns and the fins IR um bun-mu; sprung: 1nd twenty-three bore hale. been damned. a well a meal fines and hog-en. CHINA 'h‘ I'ICEROY. sorts Armin arm I”. The nu: “our or 151.4 ro-Kon um math. BI-Imllk (‘o-nlnawn. Oct. 18.â€"The United Swim} a Blast.

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