mm 3 Pace apap- :I n gs. nap- i103 ° 31n- ITINGI; its all aeping II a th -St. bl In. eighth gngual show was held in the :gcod attendance, and from the way .merent competitors seem satisï¬ed “y good judging was the rule. The Wing 15 the list of prize winners : thze use. nonsxs. gluon. Jno. Minty; gen. purpose. D. ï¬ll, J. O. Tindall ; heavy draught, Joe. bnnell. S. Kettle; single sen-legs, mam, W. Tlndan;marew1thtoal, White, Joe. Alsop; colt, 2 yrs. H. ,F. Rayby ;-c31:,'1‘_y;:, J39. Timiall; _ A 1.;- n 13:} 331?: 35;†Wï¬iï¬'e,’ J as. Alsop i [2 horse, Chas. Way. \ cn-rm. Khan: with pedigree. bull, S. Kettle ; be: bull, 2 31's.. J38. White; bull, 1 yr., 9, Tindall, W. Hadley; milch cow, s.Way,FJzzoJl‘indzlll ; better, 3 m, W. M3 heifer, 2 m. A. Graham, F. n" heifer. 1 r., F. Rsby. A. Graham ; flan, Wm. ey, A. Graham ; calf, [it Wm. Hadley, C. Way; working i Kettle, J no. Mipty'g steers, 3 .255. ELMORGAN FALL SHO‘W. ï¬gï¬m hall on Thursday, at but $1,116. was very enjoyable both as to m: and the way it passed oï¬â€˜. . There MAL, 4:1. UAMUIH . JvV-v, â€". ._,_-‘. , atria; mitts, J. O. Tindall; ladies’ .A. Graham, TA Hambly ; gloves, A. m, Jae. McConnell; stocsziryg'a, .2335. MANUFAl‘TC‘RI-ZS. served trait, wild, A. Gmham; pre- iC. fruit, A. Graham; pickled ou- zrs A. Graham; mixaa pickiss, A. 3; - mama sugar, Jos. Alsop; maple J McCanaeli. Jaw. Alacp ; mapie aw. H. Tindali. J09. BIL-Canned; home G. wheat, . O. Tindan ;Jos. 1:213: bread, purchssed ï¬anr. A. m, J05. McConnell; tub butter, A. m‘ Jog. McConnell ; but‘gerLroil,‘J. m, u an. “vvvâ€-.. , _-- _,,, pail. ArzGraham; yarn, Jés'. Mc- d. A Graham ; moccasfgs, 317113. mahirewith pedigree. ram, S. Kettle; W0 um, yrs. ., Graham; ram, 3 any , ram! lamb Raby. Joe, ï¬onnen' zewes. Jno. Min ,.H yBaby; I! RSI-b? Jno.1nty; zewe Er? Emby, J as. McConnell. SWINE. misprints 80W, Chas. Way. J03. hat, A 'mm g cotton, J03. Blbs of butter, given by C. Hutch- , A. Graham; best '2. lbs 0! roll liven by J. W. Gould, J. 0. Tin- : ccllecfian of vegetables. given Watson, 1 A. G:s.ham. 2 S. Kettle; Jon :0 I-mependent tar 1895 for of oats Joe. Alsop. f7); Killer. gï¬, FRIDAY, OCTOBER S. Kettle; caulifl mars, T. 4. Kettle; tomatoes, W. H. Tin- ~pkins, J no. Tiadsfl, A. Graham; me, A. Graham; watermelons, my, Jcs Alsop; citrons, T. Ham- cs. Alscp; corn. J. 0. Tindall; standard, J. O. Tindnll; crab A. tham. J. 0. Tindall; white {33. Mchnen, A. Gnhzm; hops, pounmr. use. he. Hunter, T. Eambly; tur- caaaWay; leghorns, S. Kettle, J as. meuzgame, A. Graham, Jos. Mc- flmny variety, T. H. Tindall, Jas. ""l ’ " VVVV ) "â€"r: i- H -. snubs, sharihcrc, S. Kettle, H. carrots. long red, S. Kettle, A. : carrots, white, A. Graham, S. par-n‘p=. S Ketsle, A. Graham; :ed, A. Grshsm, Thcs. Eambly; .vtize, A. Graham. S. Kettle ; top Thos. Hambly; onions, escha!or., 1m, S. Kettle; cabbage, white, W. 315. A. Graham; csbpqae, red, A. mined quilt, cotton, â€"â€"â€", w m. :13“;- Lr. atcï¬', A. Graham, J39. Alsop ; :quilted, Jos. McConnell, Wm. :xdy, pzzchwcrk, J as. White, A. ; fancy knits-lug in wool, A. J31. Whites; fancy knitting in {9.5. White. A, Graham; chair 5. Kama, J 35. White; carpet, S. plum-a slips, T. Hambly; pillow Wm. Hadley, Jos. McConnell; wool, A. bluham. S. Kettle; Lt. A. Graham, Jos. Mcanngn; 'Qrzcg from 3 Severe Attack 'zx‘a camâ€"wow: Have Given "as Etc-nah: Abaut. Dams ADAMS TELLS 'PPY RESULT THAT FOLLOWED. H Enuaaiau Emit ..-~-: , -__.-, ; bangs, 113123, T: Hriz‘nyy, _§ SPECIAL PRIZES. (at cow. :2: Secure mumâ€"Bow a. Friend’s Advice. SHEEP. rier. f *1“ Graham; Wm. McConnell, J as. impuz Some idea of the wonderful develop- ment of Canndas cheese industry will be afforded by the following comparison with United States shipment since 1860:â€" __.â€"-a i570 ......... n. ... 00.1 1.0 v.,_v_, 7. 1530. . . u ....... 4",‘3‘33 678 11:7 55:: W7 13593. . . ....... . {H ‘25-), 57 95 376.058 1593...... legumes; b1350923 Ninety-nine per cent of this tremendous exportiwent to Great Britain, which coun- try a: 1892 took $12,135,642 worth of Canadian cheese out of a total imported value of $26,361,682. The cheese indus ry has with the butter trade made nearly one nineth of the total volume of exports of the year 1893 The butter trade has evi- dently suffered by the competition of the cheese factories In 1872 Canada exported 19,068,448 pounds of butter, valued at $3,612,679. In 1893 she sent abroad only 7,036,013 pounds. valued at $1,296,814, com- 107 pounds. valued at pared with 8920, ted by the United States. $1,672 690, expor 'I here is reason to expect however, with that is being paid to cream ery work and the improvement of the quality or the article, that better results Will be noted in the near future The British market, which takesonr cheese. ‘ takes 244 497.000 pounds of butter aye-r, and of $110.1 oceanic countries competing for its supp†none has such edvmtages in Canada. the way or trauma as 1360 1368 so Ion views. Mr. Gladstone has created consternation in the liberal camp by writing a letter to the press in opposition to the local option plank in the Newcastle platform. He says that local option, in so far as it pretends to be a remedy for the evils of drinking, is little better than an imposture, and favors the Gothen burp: system. whereby the municipality becomes the vendor. In view of the fact that local option has been part and parcel of the liberal platform for a number of years people naturally express wonder why the grand old man has waited so long before expressing his adverse pcualwsvo u. Ugly; disgorging the swag. What is the use of coddiing these industries if they are to sneak 011‘ to some other country the mo ment the bottle is taken from their lips ? Dundas {Tanner :â€"Sir John Thompson should pass an act of parliament by which protected industries like the Massey-Har- ris agricultural implement combination, which had been fed on the bottle for six- teen years at the expense of the farmers of Canada. would be liable to pains and penalties ifnthey quit the countrv without ,____.. m1.-. :u â€an “an of Over 15.000 peep}; gathered in Queen's park, Toronto, on Saturday last, to wit- ness the unveiling of tne statue of the late Sir John Macdonald. "he proceedings were very impressive. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are manufac- tured by the Dr. William’ Medicine Company y, Brockville, Out, and Schenec- tady, N. Y., and sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape), at 50c.a box, of six boxes for $2.,50 and maybe had of all druggists. or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company at either address It is estimated that capital and labor would lose $3, 000, 000 a day were all railroads in this country blockaded by a strike or boycott. The Southern railway has set aside a certain fund for the promotion of small industries along the several lines em- braced in the new system. It is reported that the lodges of train- men’s brotherhoods in the Reading have disbanded as a result of that company’s opposition to organized labor. The highest point reached by a. rail- road in the western hemisphere is the tunnel on the C. and O. railroad, Peru â€"â€"15,645 feet above the Paciï¬c. The Boston and Maine is building the largest and most convenient coaling station in the country near Boston, to have a storage capacity of 45,000 tons. The coal is to be distributed along the tracks on which the engines stand by a cable road system, A train carrying the mails has the right of way over any number of lines of hose laid across its tracks by a ï¬re department. i _1 would have given anything at this time in order to secure relief. My ï¬rst i thought was to cell in a regular practition- i 63'. so I procured one of the best physi- , Clans in the neighborhood, but he did not I seem to get control of the malady. After . treating me for some time he left of his own accord saying he could do nothing for me. About this time a friend of mine persuaded me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Finally, I decided to give them a trial, I soon experienced a decided im- provement and was mending rapidly, the terrible pain left me and I had consider- , able relief and was able toget around with ‘ the use of a crutch. After the further use of Pink Pills I was so far recovered as to be able to resume work and since that time have been free from the com- plaint. I do not now feel any of the soreness and stiffness of the joints, I can i get right up in the morning and go ofl' to 1 work without feeling any uneasiness what- ‘ ever. I have ever conï¬dence in Pink Pills and heartily recommend them. I believe them a good thing to take at any time to get the blood in good condition, and if I felt any illness coming on I would, instead . of calling a doctor, send at once for a box 10f Pink Pills.†' I When strong tributes as these can be had to the wonderful merits of Pink Pills, it is little wonder that their sales reach such enormous proportions, and that they are the favorite remedy with all classes. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills con- tain the elements necessary to give new life nnd richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speciï¬c for locomotor ataxia, partial par- alysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after eï¬'ects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all di- seases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery- sipelas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c. for troubles peculiar to females, such as sup- pressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all troubles arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. being hardly able to move. In: IO had that I could not lie down, had to just let myself fall into bed. When attempting .boriseIhadto turn overnponmy {ace and crawl up, there being only one posi- tion from which it was_ posslble_ to rise. EDI TORI A L NO TBS. RAILROAD TlES. 6 141 57?. 51 W7 21-3 5.527 728 57.296327 40,165 678 157 55:: 907 9+ 26-1 2:7 95 376,053 133.9%6‘365 51 350 923 : of this tremendous Britain, which con- CANADA, llm 320 672 Illa. 15 518 799 51 097 21-3 57,296,327 157 55:: 907 95 376.053 51 350 ms U. STATES ditchy. The meat or the opera house will not like y book the thi g a second time ...... The festive Mmgmt and her company visited Lindsey last week, and met. with a very cool reception. Hun- dreds crowded to her tree lectures here previouq to the provincial elections, but only 110 reone put up their money on the cocoa on of her late appearance. The performance was all that the Bab. 1nd. man points it. pun UM Hul- [an], van-.m- -.._vâ€" “n ,, , a penny dreadful portrayal of porzlons cf her life. The play is the crudest kind of hog-wash; the woman as an actress is what might be expected of a woman with - out talent or training. Her company is admirably chosen so as not to overshadow her 0 wn powers. The performance, intend- ed as a mixture of drama and melo-drama, is accordingly a hideous farce. It was presented on Monday night. and to the (r;dit cf the town the attendance was very small. On this occasion Margaret was not chaired to the opera house With a procession and brass band. At one point n the periormance a prominent citizen was taken by a bad ï¬t of sneezing. As it occurred at a professedly pathetic part (1 the holy horror, the ludiorcuaness of the position struck the gods, and there was a general bowl. The louder Thomassneez -d, the louder the gods roared. and one of the performers r. q nested that the sneez- r retire and permit the periormanoe to ï¬ooeed. It might be hinted to the gentle arzaret that grinding the teeth, though -t may be at times effective, is a vu gir an exceedingly; vulgar. mannerismâ€"Shore- _____a. -1 oh- nun-- One of the most marked signs cf our pro- gressive age is the growing demand for Ayer's Snrsaprilla as a spring medicine. It shows not only that peeple are rapidly abandoning their "ynrhs" and hitters but, still better, that they appreciate the diflerâ€" ence between a nine phermacentieal preparation and t e much-vaunted nos- trums cf quackery. Ayer's Smaprilln is not a transient tonic, causing one to “ssel good†for a while, nor merely something to stimulate a. weal: appetite, nor to nif:rd a temporary bracing up; it is a constitutional medicine, producing a redicnl change in the system by renovating every particle of the blood, and so building up from the foundation. After using this remedy, the stomach, liver, bowels, heart, kidneys, and even the brain and the nerves acquire unwanted strength and ctï¬olency, enabling these vital organs to perform ail their functions with wonderful vigor and satis- faction. Therciore, as a spring medicine, Ayer’s Sarsaprilla has no equal in the whole range of pharmacyâ€"the only Sax-se- n, 7 -1 -_.I.u.n.r-_ no. the. wuuza “out“; w. y _____ , -_- , _ arma judged worthy of exhibltion as the Chicago World’s Mr. â€"All of. our readers will no doubt re- membtr the loss of the .Lsdy Elgin. as told in the old third readers. The Lady Eiginwas s palatial passenger steamer mnmng be- tween Milwaukee and Chicago in 156.5 ; on her return trip trozn the latter city, with 375 merry-makers on board. she was ran 1:130 and sunk by a schooner named the August-2, which had no lights displayed. Less than 100 of all on board the steamer were saved. The schooner for the terrible disaster ya; afterwardqre-Schrlstezfxed the 2.. --L _. a..- a ..J -_- , â€"The Patel-bore correspondent of the Bakcsygeon Independent says: “Margaret L. Shepherd, no doubt judging from her past. experience with the town, {ma ning that i; was as green aemss, deci ed to put on her play, called "Tried as by Fire," . .. mmw drpanful nartrayal of Dex-Jens Cf, vice until last week, when she stranded with a cargo of iron ore and was broken up by the wages. ‘ L -1 L‘.‘ v v-~--,. __- .â€" zhosc thanktully miggd by, The following 133 list of contributions received at the home during the quarter endinz Sept. 30th, 1894: Eggs, rhubarb, Mrs. E. Woods; eggs, rhubarb, Mrs. D. Reid; cake, Presbyterian church: Mrs. Cook; tea and lemons. Mrs. Tsy or; basket of sundries, Mrs. Veltch; besns, Mrs. Shields; basket of red carrots, Mrs. W. Worsle ; basket of apples, Smdfard; sh Mr. H. McDonald; basket of apples. Mrs. G. W. Beau; basket of pease. Mrs. Knight; carrots and beans, Mrs. Ferris; basket oi a piss, Mrs. Sand- ford; beans, Mrs. P. Mit ell; leg oflamb, G. T. R. Library; basket of apples. Mrs. G. W. Beau; jar cf W’ Mrs. T. Bean; cabbs eandcmrrots, .Soanes:sundries. Mrs. V. L. Russell; carrots, celery and cabbage. Mrs. Ferris; two loaves of bread. Mrs.J. Sinclair; basket of apples, Mrs. W. Worsley. The aboveQdonations havenbeega .-.. ,_3I__ LL-“ node! 8011101. The model school therary society met Thursday, Oct. 11th, instead 0! Friday, as many oi the students from other towns purposed going- home on that day. The meetin was well attended. The 0011 - iatean Public schools bein repzes t . The programmewassplendl whichshows that the students are determined to make the literary society a success. The ï¬rst was a chorus by the Glee club, andas it was their ï¬rst appearance, we may hoge great achievements. Then a reading Miss In her selection was w rendered. Th was followed by a most interesting _address,_ delivered by Mr. "--â€" â€"-.._-_ -R‘mflnfl lubu’cuuluï¬ â€œu“.wa “v.â€" . “-â€" ’ ,_ Broderick ; his trip to Vancouver afforded the sights which he described in a very entertaining and most educative manner. Lastly a. selection Jay the Glee club, after which the meeting ionrned. it“? mam-w m 0 er s e mus When she can choose the Diamond Dyes ; Her fsded dress she deftly tries To renovate with Diamond Dyes ; Her husband’s costs, vests, pants end ties Are soon renewed with Diamond Dyes ; AtFeirthisyeu-shetookthe For goods d with the Diamond es; By tinting wells with Diamond es ; Sne with the artist often vies. B coloring maps with Diamond Dyes ; S e's economical and wise. This comes through using Diamond Dyes ; Good-nature sin-kiss in her eyes, Because she's elped by Diamond Dyes ; On those grand colors she relies, She knows the best are Diamond Dyes. THE M0011]. WIFE THE CANADIAN POST. Signs or Paxton. Home (or “ad. and MIMI) MES. MRsfSamz, sec. 0; mg _opera Sun11g_11t $083 “funâ€"By flu w3y. who u the pawn glut of tho ï¬sherman 2 Po“. â€"Dunno. h Inn'l» Ammo. In It. Laid up for Breathsâ€"7y a nova-o I’m at :dney Duaneâ€"Tho 813.1910 Cut. to Unaâ€"He" Well Now. Tannroan, Oct. 22 zd.-Some men don't know when they are In luck and some do. Albert Maithers, of this 1:154;er one (I the lucky ones who knows of his good fortune and talk about It. He says he was laid up and could do no war: for months becamae of kidney diseasz. When kidnfzx dgseaï¬e. has syc‘a a hold on n my“: â€A- A_,Â¥Jnrl-.. 1 hwyerâ€"l shad] Inn to charge 50‘ perviees in the cue Client But the {or is only 9. . Lawyerâ€"Well, nuke 1 an :1“); walking to ac» tho hit thing. “now to can an summon-u." Simply apply “SWAYNB'S Oxmnxx'r.†No internal medicine :2un Cute: toner. eczema. nob. n11 eruptions on the face, hands, nose.eta, leaving the skin can, whlcq and healthy. us great teal- !ng and curative powers are mounted hy no other remedy. Ask your august hr Swnxn‘s Oxmxm'. ' nn\--. ---v_v.- as that, ho is inueezious condition. Ma Members recognizad this and used every remedy he could think of. but withoaa netting: any hei until he began using Dadd’s Kidney ills. Threo bases cured him and. he is attending to his affairs once more and is ashearty and he ppy as ever. The 80:: can: memento. Many thousands of unsolicited letters have reached the manufacturers of Scott’s Emulsion from those cured through its u‘ a. ct Camumptlon and Scrotulauo dlseasw! N one can speak so conï¬dently of its main as those who have tested It. I hwyorâ€"l shall hove to charge you 825 for my rervices in the cue Client But. the mount mod fur is only $.20. Lawyerâ€"Well. make“. 830. than! nu.“ - vâ€"w.__ fore the ice and tag are appmsched) one need not travel, in those rec: r1 times. at something less man mo miles m 24 hours. Yours mwmuy, X. H. M. Anna“: but more places of public worship ln pro- pomon to popumxon than my other county. and vâ€"v‘ ' farming. I was parilcnlarly struck with the cattle. which seem to have been much looked after of lace ears. Evidently. there has been an in notion of good breeds, no doubt at a costly movement, but one that is bearln alreadv. the halt in improved flocks an herds. Horses also seem so have been looked up. and although a horse's life is a tolerably ha r1 one on our side of the Atlantic as compared with England, cartlnlnly there are some very , _,A_ -__‘ .<‘--" A. bio-m mï¬ï¬ wggwI'Kiï¬ plenty of theni. On the whole I repaat. more are signs that the self- cum. t_he Influx; pam- “ -4. L-_- anddeflned;treee are pleated unaid- boundarlee; atoms are cleared out and stacked: tam buildings are. in most eaeee, more euhetantlal. and tarmhoneee a credit to any country, while as to the crepe. they bear evidence cf cultivation and land-dressing, end general care which compares very favorably with crop: in the oldeonntry. 1am speaking. (I course, of your own immediate neixhbwheod. but I can also extend this commendation tea much larger area which hoe happened to come under my notice during a recent visit. From the ehorae of Lake Ontario up to Owen Sound there are the some marks at menueet Improvement, and although the drought o! the past summer mllltated Im!ght,1ndoed.1'°n 88130 A: rm am herethhzklngmm .. n..- “mummy country. I haw re- A beetle an draw ‘wenty times its (urn m a mmmrd phat". 3m of any soap in the arket. Millions of women throughout world can vouch for this, n is they who have proved its The best value for the Consumer vaiue. It brings than less labor, gréter comï¬on A. LUCKY MAN. VARIETIEB. Has proved by its enormous sale that it in ommmpc'rowa 26 1394. weight. S BEFORE. No farmer i w.v.~.~\.W\n-W We have agsin procured the services of Miss E. Windrim as Mantle Maker, and are now prepared for work. \Ve do any war purchases are made here or not. \Vcll known as Miss \Vindrim is, nothing about guarantee of work. See our stock of Full and \Vinter )3 H mamm' .muhbflnmdytccflflmot “salmmmhmd. Iwmmuna mw-mmwmmm wawmndwwmm mamwmwmdam mmmxomdombymmmc morphine. m m M W “W ‘M ulsemammeaum for can dun. Winn Mymmdw gwddlxtupwwahgdm“ Highest Award to\ Ycllaw Mask. \‘v’ilkic Collins. Octotoon. Wu H. E. Baddest. mot Diamonds. Geo. M. Fan- 2 Gym. M11. Hm Wood. bquin: 'sDaugbtc. Author Donna-m Adam» Ann-s Sous REE; Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for menu ,-' and Children. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor . other Narcotic substance. It is a. harmless substitute ' for Puregoric, Drops. Soothing Syrups. and Castor Oil. V It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions ofMothers. Castoria. destroys Worms and alleys feverishness. Castorin prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorin relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Morin assimilates the food. regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas- . toxin is the Children's Panacea-tho Mother's Friend. ’ vu-vâ€" VJ --'â€"vvvâ€"vâ€" __v_ “10?:thwath uneven muummcwwm hn.uagmmum“~u£“o.cwwm.uwmm wflwwwwdmmhnmwnummmm I. a. Surname Mu. tam-3cm «.5. SeverePain in Shoulder 2Years Cum! by‘flxe Dittm‘enthol P1995; .-.. RES"a ‘ 3D MANTLE m Con“ Comp->37. 77 35‘1â€â€œ! Shoot. Powder‘ ." HIGINBOTHAM. Druggigg: i. man. in this county cu afford to do without this wen-know: wder. You can feed it in any kind of weather. Castoria [-‘J DLJ.!'.W M; counmnu 'Pewaas 3 PAN} F03 PRflflUGE OF ALL KlflDS ‘d Everywticre. 25c.each. A. Hizrnbotham. E. Z. Yen; What is Mn Eider. Cu tong; ’ Tutti Fruttxr Ou ggti f/ .4 37 3m ,. 15.9.7 â€a ERR) X Little Brit_ain 3.88.535“ gigoaaaolndaguoarvï¬ 533.14.585.55155353 Bantlgaï¬abaagï¬qflaaa .30 ~88. 95a baa oh 4958? van gaziï¬gezï¬a gupgaï¬oï¬saunhaho: 55529.3 «nonogunu .6 4â€"54.45 ONES. OLD ENGLISH Castoria. 5 New York City. MAKER Windrim as Dre do anv work, v F0} com; 0191“! cud I @911: accurity: mg} All. Kinds of .7..U£~1BER. LUMBER. SEIE LATE. I The “A LL! OFFICE a Waiting Kennedy, D mm [or ext-union» o! Id of the bout "mg, (PM Babylon; The Greatest 78 outs, Mum uckou. 81. aux. mm. between I: “ma. Mum tickets, 50 81m Ticket.- botwoon 1 Point. 40 «nu. return Gel “M11 ï¬ckou Ind anon: am an beA procul .‘I‘ URG 810v Kennedy, Dav W. nunm. x as N r VALLEY . COIPAXY, ammo.) ‘m‘ Bobcaycoon Na wga, 75,1 I.“ ‘ 21KB?†the 3m ESTURWI VIG A'I‘IO! C ,1; 3}"; ur I}; ;~AY. lurc- um- lacy. OD. Point mt 4h!